Dr. Edward N. Peters, a
devoted and highly qualified student of Canon Law, has provided,
in his Incrementa in Progressu 1983 Codicis Iuris Canonici,
an invaluable tool for knowing the mind of the Legislator ...Those who are concerned with the right understanding and correct
application of the canons of Church discipline owe a deep debt
of gratitude to Dr. Peters for his latest work of canonical
scholarship. For me, a pastor of the Church, Dr. Peters’
Incrementa will be a standard reference work.
Abp. Raymond Burke
Dr. Peters should
now himself be included among the important contributors in
English to the study of the 1917 Code. It is difficult to envisage his volume ever being
replaced by that of a different author, although it might be
amended in small ways
in a future edition.
Rev. Robert Ombres, op
Researchers honor the memory of
the late indefatigable Xavier Ochoa, who complied concordances
to the conciliar documents and the 1983 Code, as well as the
Leges Ecclesiae. Edward Peters is a benefactor in the same
Fr. George Stuart
Edward Peters has
a penchant for providing incredibly useful tools for the
practice and study of canon law.
Ben Nguyen, Chancellor
I recently heard it
suggested that Edward Peters was "the Roman Catholic
Bray". In many ways this is true. Both have undertaken
momentous tasks which most of us would never wish to undertake
ourselves, but are continuously grateful that someone else has
already done it for us.
Paul Barber, barrister
Thanks for the kind
words, counselor! Say, why can't Gerald Bray be
the Anglican Edward Peters for a while? He he he! enp.
Dr. Peters has published several monographs
on canon law and related topics, with others underway. These include:
A Modern Guide to Indulgences
Excommunication and the Catholic
Church (2006).
Incrementa in progressu 1983 Codicis iuris canonici:
A Legislative History of the 1983 Code of Canon Law (2005).
Annulments and the Catholic Church: Straight Answers to Tough Questions
(2004, a revised edition of 100
Answers to your questions on Annulments, 1997).
The 1917 Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law in English Translation
with Extensive Scholarly Apparatus (2001).
Tabulae congruentiae inter Codicem iuris canonici et versiones
anteriores canonum (2000).
Penal Procedural Law in the 1983
Code of Canon Law (Dissertation, 1990).

Among the Doctors of the Law, Rembrandt 1654
Home Schooling and the New Code of Canon Law
(Booklet, 1988).
Peters, "Guide to the Convention Proceedings of the CLSA", on-line
annotated bibliography,
www.canonlaw.info (2006 September). A work-in-progress, 1969-1986 now
(Ascension Press, 2006). 64 pages, ISBN: 1932645454, Foreword by Bp. Thomas Paprocki, auxiliary bishop of
"In this book, Excommunication and the
Catholic Church, Dr. Edward Peters sets the record straight and answers a
variety of questions about the ecclesiastical sanction known as excommunication.
This type of analysis is very needed and timely." Bp. Thomas Paprocki, in his
"There is a new book entitled Excommunication and the
Catholic Church which I heartily recommend. The book is very readable and
fairly brief at 64 pages...It can be ordered on line or by telephone at
1-800-376-0520." Charles Wilson, Christifidelis (December 2005).
Interview about this book at Ignatius InsightScoop (Nov. 2006).
Favorably reviewed by Michelle Flood in
Studia Canonica 40/2 (2006) 563-564.
OF CANON LAW (with a multi-lingual introduction). Foreword by Abp.
Raymond Burke.
1,646 pages, Introduction in English,
French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, and German. Series Gratianus (Wilson &
Lafleur, Montreal, Canada, 2005) ISBN: 2-89127-663-9.
Available now from:
Wilson &
Lafleur (Montreal) or
Theological Forum (Chicago) or
"In modern legal systems, analysis of the
incremental development of law--its legislative history--sheds important light
on how the text of law came about, what alternatives were considered, and why
some formulations were accepted while others were rejected. In ecclesiastical
law, legislative history is a great aid in applying the fundamental
interpretative principles contained in Canon 17 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law,
especially in coming to understand the mind of the legislator. Collected
and analytically presented here are all of the major legislative texts produced
and examined in the course of drafting the 1983 Code of Canon Law, thus making
practical for the first time the direct study of the legislative history of the
entire revised code."
From Dr. Peters' Introduction to the Incrementa
A sample page
(1983 CIC 401)
Check here for Notices & Reviews (coming)
Check here for Emendations.

197 pages. Foreword by Abp. John J. Myers. (Ascension Press, 2004). ISBN: 1-932645-00-4.
for people who want to understand the process and for pastoral leaders
who must offer guidance...it reflects a concern for the integrity of
Catholic theology, fidelity to Church law, the demands of justice, and
the place of mercy in the process." Matthew Pinto, Ascension
prove to be a highly valuable resource for those interested in this delicate
area." Abp. John J. Myers, from the Foreword.
"This is the best book on the
subject, bar none...[It explains annulments] in an honest, balanced, and
accurate manner." Jimmy Akin, Director of Apologetics, Catholic
Read Notices and Reviews.
"I honestly don't know of a better resource for
navigating this hornets nest of an issue." Al Kresta, radio personality.
A revised edition of Dr. Peters'
100 Answers to Your Questions on Annulments (1997). If you
already have the
earlier work, you don't need this newer one (pace Amazon).
The 1917 or
Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law in English
Translation with Extensive Scholarly Apparatus,
777 pages. Foreword by Bp. John J. Myers. (Ignatius Press: San Francisco CA,
2001). ISBN: 0-89870-831-1. This is the first-ever comprehensive translation (in
any modern language) of the 1917 Code of Canon Law and its primary supporting
documents. In addition to the translation of the text, there is also 1) a
complete, canon-by-canon correlation between the 1917 Code and the 10 pertinent
volumes of Canon Law Digest, 2) foot-noted references, canon-by-canon, to
nearly 1,000 English language doctoral dissertations in canon law culled from
the world’s leading canonical faculties, 3) internal cross referencing of canons of the 1917 Code, and 4) a
correlation of the 1917 Code with the 1983 Code. Dr. Peters has no copies of
this work available for sale. One may order a copy of The 1917 Pio Benedictine Code of Canon Law
"Since almost no one is left alive
today who remembers the Roman Catholic Church when she was not
governed by a single code of canon law, the monumental significance of
the Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law (promulgated in 1917 and in force
until 1983) and the inestimable contribution made by its chief
architect, Pietro Cardinal Gasparri (1852-1934), regrettably escape all
but a few specialists in the history of ecclesiastical discipline....This
translation seeks to serve two ends: first, obviously, to present in one
place a reliable English translation of the entire text of the Pio-Benedictine
Code, including its famous Preface, its enabling legislation, and
the most important of the supplemental documents originally incorporated
therein; second, insofar as the 1917 Code was a living document
subjected to official interpretations, emendations, and scholarly
reflections, to identify where such pronouncements on and major studies
of the text can be found in English, allowing researchers to determine
the extent to which such additional information might be relevant to
their own studies."
From Dr. Peters' Introduction.
Edward Peters has rendered scholars and students of the law a major
service in this volume. Acknowledging that facility with Latin may be in
short supply among canonists and pastoral personnel today, he provides a
fine translation of the 1917 Code. He facilitates a much broader and
deeper acquaintance with canon law by references to doctoral
dissertations, official interpretations, and associated documents. Those
who wish to teach and work within the long and living canonical
tradition of our Church will find Dr. Peters' work very helpful indeed.
He is to be congratulated for perceiving this need and meeting it with
diligence and expertise."
John J. Myers, Archdiocese of Newark.
Notices and Reviews.
congruentiae inter Codicem iuris canonici et versiones anteriores canonum, Foreword by Msgr. Craig Cox, 198 pages, Series Gratianus, Wilson &
Lafleur, Montreal, Canada (2000). ISBN: 2-89127-500-4. Introduction in English,
French, Spanish, Italian, and German. Equivalent English title: Correlating
Tables for the 1983 Code of Canon Law.
Dr. Peters has no copies of this work available for sale. Copies can be ordered through Midwest Theological Forum, 712 South Loomis
Street, Chicago, IL 60607, e-mail mail@mwtf.org.
Notices and Reviews.
See also Incrementa in Progressu, above.
Penal Procedural Law in the 1983 Code of Canon Law,
Studies in Canon Law No. 537, (Catholic University of America:
Washington DC, 1991) 384 pages. Dr. Peters has no copies of this
work available for sale. To order a copy, contact University
Microfilms International, Dissertation Information Service, 300
North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, 1-800-521-060.
Home Schooling and the New Code of Canon Law,
(Christendom College: Front Royal VA, 1988) 46 pages, ISBN: 0-931888-29-8. Dr.
Peters has no copies of this work available for sale. See
Notices and Reviews.
See also: A
Canon Lawyer Looks at Home Schooling.