Dr. Edward Peters

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International Directory of Academic Works on Canon Law, thru 1959

Directorium internationale operum academicorum de iure canonico

Doctoral dissertations, licentiate theses, master's theses, and similar works rank among the most important academic resources for students and practitioners of modern codified canon law. This page brings together these works and presents them in a uniform manner so as to facilitate their acquisition, citation, and use.




Authors of canon law dissertations, theses, or other academic works, or persons having information about them, are urged to check the entries for below for accuracy and, if errors or omissions are spotted, to contact the Webmaster. Canonical institutions that wish to see their dissertations, theses, or diploma projects listed here are invited to contact the Webmaster for suggestions regarding ways of submitting materials.


Institutions surveyed

The academic works below are set out by degree-granting institution, beginning with pontifical faculties known for producing significant numbers of doctoral dissertations (although academic works are always assessed on their own merits and not on the basis of their institutional progeny). Within institutional lists the works are presented in reverse chronological order and present doctoral dissertations before licentiate or masters' theses.








Pont. Gregorian Univ. (Rome)


Pont. Univ. of St. Thomas 'Angelicum' (Rome)


Pont. Lateran Univ. (Rome)


Catholic Univ. of America (Washington DC)


Pont. Urban Univ. (Rome)




St. Paul Univ. / Univ. Saint-Paul (Ottawa)


Pont. Univ. Antonianum (Rome)


Ludwig-Maximilians Universität (Munich)


Pont. Univ. Santa Croce (Rome)


Pont. Salesian Univ. (Rome)


Pont. Univ. Javeriana (Bogatá)


Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Flanders)


► Institute Catholique de Paris




Université Laval (Québec)


Université de Strasbourg (Strasbourg)


Catholic Univ. of Argentina (Buenos Aires)




Catholic Univ. of East Africa (Nairobi)


Catholic Institute of West Africa (Port Harcourt)


Universidad Pontifícia de México (Mexico City)


St. Patrick's College (Maynooth)




Univ. of Malta / L'Univ. ta' Malta (Msida)


Heythrop College, Univ. of London (London)


► National Univ. of Public Service (Budapest)


► Other dissertations


















Total (approx)


Types of works and format of entries


This Directory presents four basic kinds of academic works, namely: doctoral dissertations, licentiate theses, masters theses, and other projects.


Doctoral (JCD) dissertations. Awarded by pontifically recognized institutions after extended graduate course work in canon law, doctoral dissertations are the highest-ranking academic works in canonistics, designed, among other things, to make a contribution to the field. Doctoral entries here consist of three, sometimes four, parts which, to the extent possible, convey in this order:


(1) Name of author: First and last name only, no middle names or initials except where culturally required or confusion would arise otherwise; no honorifics (such as Fr. or Sr.); nationality (also nation of origin if different); ecclesial status ('priest' means arch/diocesan priest, male 'religious' are priests unless marked otherwise, and religious belonging to large, international orders are so indicated); year of birth and/or death.


(2) Title of work: Always in italics, set off by commas, and as it appears in the original; obvious minor mistakes corrected and a few archaic, obscure, or irregular references standardized; some abbreviations spelled-out for clarity; language of title is the primary language of the work except as noted.


(3) Location of work: Name of institution granting degree, year of publication, and internal identification numbers provided when feasible except that institutional identification numbers are included only if useful in locating the work (and often they are not useful); pagination (as explained below); prices omitted.

and, as circumstances suggest,


(4) Other information: Set off by a square black bullet ( ) and presenting, if available, in this order: LINK to the work in question; CITATION or LINK to an abstract or summary of the work; an indication of a monographic appearance or reprinting in whole or in part (usually in an academic journal); Review(s) of the original work or a reprinting thereof; "Biograph" link (to personal and/or professional information about author, e. g., Wikipedia entry or curriculum vitae); and Notes (e. g., on the place of the author in canonistics).


Licentiate (JCL) theses. Awarded by pontifically recognized institutions after significant graduate course work in canon law, licentiate theses are the second highest-ranking academic works in canonistics and treat at a graduate level a significant topic in the field. Though not intended to, licentiate theses sometimes do make a contribution to canonistics and, at times, treat issues of local interest that might escape the notice of others. Licentiate entries here present the same basic information, in the same order, as do doctoral entries explained above, except that:

  • personal and ecclesial status of author is not given;

  • licentiate titles goes in a plain font, set off by quotation marks;

  • licentiates in the theology are so indicated; and,

  • pagination is usually omitted.

Master's (MA) theses. Awarded by generally accredited institutions after graduate course work in canon law and in related fields such as theology, civil law, and so on, master's theses in canon law are a recent phenomenon in canonistics, one responding to the recognized need for wider advanced canonical instruction, even if short of that offered in pontifically accredited institutions. Master's entries here present the same basic information, in the same order, as do licentiate entries explained above, except that:

  • thesis titles are set off only by commas (omitting quote marks); and

  • theses not in Canon Law itself are so noted.

Other academic projects. Academic works in canon law from non-canonical faculties.

User Notes


As indicated above, the formal citation of a work here ends with a black square ( ) if it followed by any other information.


Entries preceded by a maroon bullet ( ) have been entered in the Codex Vigens: Western Code, the Codex Vigens: Eastern Code, or the Codex Vigens: Supplement. With rare exceptions, dissertations completed before 1980 have not been listed in the Codex Vigens Western or Codex Vigens Eastern, but many are listed in the Codex Vigens Supplement.


Information is given as of the time of completing the work in question, thus, for example, priests who later leave ministry or are promoted to bishop are still listed simply as 'priest'.


Pagination counts are not necessarily exact. Number of pages was determined by looking to the last numbered page if the text was available, or was taken from the number of pages given in a reference to the work. Estimates of pagination here tend to be 5% to 10% lower than those given on-line. The abbreviation "mf" stands for "microfiche frames" or its apparent equivalent.


Primary font used here is plain Arial, 12 point. The degree sign (°), read as "number" by canonists, is a stylistically unhappy device that often disturbs text formatting. All degree signs have been replaced herein with "n".


Finally, two important points:

  • First, much of the information organized here was derived from lists made by others; mistakes therein, unless obvious and therefore already corrected, are going to be present in these entries as well; and,

  • Second, the lack of a piece of information in an entry does not necessarily imply that said information does not exist, rather, only that it was not located. As stated above, those using these resources are urged to alert the Webmaster if errors or omissions are noted. Future users of these pages would be grateful!






Pontificia Universitá Gregoriana (Rome, Italy)

Facultá di Diritto Canonico

Please contact the Webmaster concerning any errors or bad links,

or to supply missing information. Thank you!






































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gregorian, Last updated: 25 February 2018.


Notes: Gregorian doctoral dissertations have been published in several series over many decades using various numbering systems. The dissertation numbers used here seem to be institution-wide master numbers. The forced Latinization of first names common in Roman schools some decades ago plays havoc with modern search engines but, unless a vernacular spelling of a first name could be verified, Latinized names are retained when offered.


Doctoral Dissertations


  Kevin Schembri (Maltese priest, 1981-), The permanence of the matrimonial bond in the tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6572, 2017) 145 pp (part). Monograph, Oikonomia, Divorce and Remarriage in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition (Edizione Orientalia Christiana 2017) 327 pp. Schembri biograph.

Kevin Gillespie (Irish priest, 1973-), Ecclesiastical office and the participation of the lay faithful in the exercise of sacred power: towards a theological and canonical understanding of the mutual orientation in the sign of Christ, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6548, 2017) 489 pp.

Jacinta Auma Opondo (≈ religious, 1973-), Temporary profession and exclusion from subsequent profession (cann. 655; 689): theological-juridical study, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6539, 2017) 445 pp.

Víctor Manuel Álvarez Torres (≈ priest, 1970-), La jurisprudencia rotal y el trastorno narcisista de personalidad, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6534, 2016) 117 pp (part).

Louis Martin Rakotoarilala (≈ priest, 1972-), Engagement des clercs a maintenir la paix et la concorde dans la justice selon le canon 287 § 1 dans la perspective de l'exhortation apostolique Africae munus, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6523, 2016) 417 pp.

Owen Keenan (≈ priest, 1973-), Canons 528 and 529: the formation of the ‘parochus’, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6521, 2016) 479 pp.

José Fernández San Román (≈ religious, 1966-), La admisión al matrimonio de los que notoriamente abandonaron la fe y de los censurados: estudio histórico-canónico del iter redaccional de los cánones 1065 y 1066 en la Codificación de 1917 y de las demás fuentes hasta el Concilio Vaticano II, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6512, 2016) 226 pp (part).

Eric Soviguidi (Benin priest, 1971-), Fondements de la compétence du magistère "in temporalibus" (c. 747 § 2), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6505, 2016) 638 pp.

Stephen Doktorczyk (American priest, 1965-), Persistent disobedience to Church authority: history, analysis and application of canon 1371, 2°, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6503, 2016) 335 pp. Review: E. Peters, Jurist =

Miroslaw Juchno (Polish priest, 1975-), La dispensa dalla doppia sentenza conforme fino alla riforma del 2015: studio storico-giuridico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6498, 2016) 124 pp (part).

David Koudougou (≈, 1972-), Stabilité et limite du temps dans la nomination du curé ad certum tempus (can. 522), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6496, 2016) 254 pp.

Araceli Martínez González (≈, 1969-), Il ‘coniugium spirituale’ tra vescovo e Chiesa nel secondo millennio: lettura comprensiva storico-canonica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6497, 2016) 75 pp (part).

Pedro Pablo González Sias (Mexican priest, 1976-), Valoración de las pruebas en el proceso penal canónico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6490, 2016) 193 pp. González Sias biograph.

Edward Lohse (American priest, 1961-), Restricting the right of the faithful to enter a church for divine worship: law and jurisprudence, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6487, 2016) 438 pp. Lohse biograph.


Roberto Interlandi (Italian priest, 1980-), Potestà sacramentale e potestà di governo nel primo millennio: esercizio di esse e loro distinzione, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6479, 2016) 724 pp. Abstract here.

Regi Mathew (≈ religious, 1969-), Novitiate formation: a theologico-canonical study of Canon 646 in contemporary religious life, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6457, 2016) 120 pp (part).

Matthias Ambros (German priest, 1979-), Die Effizienz von Verwaltungsbeschwerde und der Kirchlichen Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit gemessen an einem Passauer Patronatsstreit, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6429, 2015) 609 pp. Ambros biograph.

Andrea Gaetano Muscarella (≈ priest, 1976-), La rinuncia"sollecitata"all'ufficio episcopale diocesano (can. 401 § 2): il caso storico della rinuncia di monsignor Ignazio Zuccaro (1839-1913) al governo pastorale della diocesi di Caltanissetta, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6426, 2015) 427 pp.

Nicolas de Boccard (≈, 1958-), Charisme & Instituts de vie consacrée: les canons 578 et 587 du Code de droit canonique de 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6402, 2015) 318 pp.

Fausto Sangiani (≈ priest, 1959-), Comunità di famiglie: nuovo orizzonte dell'associazionismo nella Chiesa, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6461, 2016) 430 pp.

Rzeczewska Yolanta (≈ religious, 1962-), Les charismes dans l'Église et leur institutionnalisation canonique, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6458, 2016) 516 pp.

  Miguel M. F. Repetto (≈, 1957-), El orden público en el Código de derecho canónico, en sus presupuestos históricos y a la luz de la eclesiologiá del Vaticano II, con especial aplicación a la ley penal particular, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6389, 2015) 114 pp (part).

Antonio Ciudad Albertos (≈ priest, 1959-), Asociaciones públicas, asociaciones privadas: una distinción controvertida, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6386, 2015 (196 pp (part).

Nilson Leal de Sá (≈, 1974-), La vie fraternelle: étude théologique et juridique du canon 602, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6384, 2015) 159 pp.

Rubén Horacio Schmidt (Argentine priest, ≈), Parroquia, comunidad de fieles: estudio teológico-jurídico del c. 515 § 1 a la luz del Vaticano II y del magisterio pontificio de Pablo VI y Juan Pablo II, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6362, 2014) 159 pp (part).

Fermín Emilio Sosa Rodríguez (≈ priest, ≈), La necesaria libertad para acceder a los Órdenes sagradas a la luz del c. 1026, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6360, 2014) 131 pp (part).

Johannes Fürnkranz (≈ priest, 1975-), Effizienz der Verwaltung und Rechtsschutz im Verfahren: Can. 1739 in der Dynamik der hierarchischen Beschwerde, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6333, 2014) 406 pp.

Annunziata Remossi (≈ religious, 1967-), Il concetto di rappresentatività nell'ordinamento canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6322, 2014) 397 pp.

Leonardo Cárdenas Tellez (Columbia priest, 1967-), La imputabilidad penal a la luz de la doctrina y la jurisprudencia basada en el canon 1095, nn. 2 y 3 del CIC 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6317, 2014) 128 pp (part).

Benjamin Sember (American priest, 1980-), The autonomy of a public association founded to become a religious institute, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6311, 2014) 393 pp. Sember biograph.

Emanuela Albanese (≈ priest, 1978-), Pornographia e consenso matrimoniale. La fruizione di pornographia oggi e il suo influsso sul consenso matrimoniale canonico (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6307, 2014) v-256 pp. Review: L. Robitaille, Jurist 75 (2015) 677-679.

Prudentius Emeka Aroh (Nigerian priest, 1971-), Priestly celibacy: a gift and a commitment (can. 277 § 1): adaptation to Igbo culture, Nigeria, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6306, 2014) 413 pp.

Marcin Wolczko (≈ priest, 1978-), L'impedimento del crimine (can. 1090): studio storico-giuridico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6299, 2014) 81 pp (part).

Guillaume Millot (Swiss priest, 1964-), La négligence dans l’exercise des charges. Approche en droit canonique pénal, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6289, 2014, ISBN 978-88-7839-274-8) 328 pp.

Aaron Nord (American priest, 1993-), 'Sede Vacante' Diocesan Administration, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6288, 2014, ISBN 978-88-7839-273-1) 392 pp.

Fredrik Hansen (Norwegian priest, 1979-), The Unity and Threefold Expression of the 'Potestas Regiminis' of the Diocesan Bishop – Cann. 381 § 1 and 391, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6287, 2014, ISBN 978-88-7839-276-2) 238 pp.

Hélder Miranda Alexandre (Portuguese priest, 1977-), A figura do penitenciário no desenvolvimento histórico-canónico do sacramento da penitência, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6263, 2013, ISBN 978-88-7839-265-6) 324 pp.

Piotr Jarosław Szeląg (≈ priest, 1978-), La sindrome dei figli adulti di alcolisti e la capacità matrimoniale: dottrina e giurisprudenza, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6262, 2013) 68 pp (part).

Paul Saa-Dade Ennin (Ghanan religious, 1971-), Missio ad gentes: authority of the diocesan bishop and the role of missionary societies of apostolic life: analysis of can. 790 in the light of the missionary experience of the Society of African Missions, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6242, 2013) 452 pp.

Damiano Ruben Elmisi Ilari (Italian priest, 1967-), La diplomazia ecclesiastica tra teologia e diritto internazionale: una rilettura teologica della missione diplomatica pontificia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6231, 2013) 214 pp.

Vincenzo Talluto (Sicilian priest, 1970-), La sacramentalità del matrimonio dei non battezzati che si convertono al Cristianesimo: ricerca giuridico-teologica sulla natura sacramentale del matrimonio, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6222, 2013) 101 pp (part).

Justin Wachs (American priest, 1978-), ‘Obsequium’ in the Church: from tradition to Council, code, liturgy, and contemporary application, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6213, 2013) 335 pp.

Rafał Dappa (Polish priest, 1977-), La scienza minima necessaria per contrarre il matrimonio nella dottrina e nella giurisprudenza rotale (can. 1096 CIC), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6208, 2013) 205 pp. Dappa biograph.

Zdenko Ilić (Croatian priest, 1973-), Il ministro dell'unzione degli infermi: analisi storico-giuridica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6204, 2013) 201 pp. Ilić biograph.

Luis Javier Sarralde (≈ Jesuit, 1968-), Aproximación al vicario general en los institutos religiosos clericales de derecho pontificio: su naturaleza, su competencia, su concepto, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6173, 2012) 520 pp.

Ludovic Danto (French priest, 1970-), Le pouvoir des évêques en matière de dispense matrimoniale. Etude historico-canonique du Concile de Trente au Code de Droit Canonique de 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6163, 2012, ISBN 978-88-7839-234-2) 332 pp.

Ciro Mezzogori (Italian priest, 1978-), Vocazione sacerdotale e incardinazione nei movimenti ecclesiali. Una questione aperta, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6156, 2012, ISBN 978-88-7839-232-8) 515 pp.

Giuliano Albertinelli (≈ priest, 1975-), L'alcolismo in relazione alle cause di nullità matrimoniale: aspetti socio-antropologici, medici, dottrinali, giurisprudenziali, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6151, 2012) 84 pp (part).

Diego Martino Zoia (Portuguese layman, 1970-), Origini, osservanza e cessazione della segretezza nel matrimonio segreto, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6139, 2012) 77 pp (part). Zoia biograph.

Michael Souckar (≈ priest, 1962-), Baptized Eastern non-catholics coming into full communion with the Catholic Church and their preservation of rite: a study of the norms of the Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium and their application in the United States of America, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6104, 2012) 321 pp. Review: J. Huels, Studia Canonica 47 (2013) 262-264.

Fabio Franchetto (Italian priest, 1971-), 'Error in persona' (can. 1097 § 1). Il dibattito sul concetto di persona nella trattazione dell'error facti. Analisi della dottrina e della giurisprudenza, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6067, 2011, ISBN 978-88-7839-212-0) 510 pp. Review: E. Giurgi, Jurist 72 (2012) 668-669.

Roberto Sartor (Italian Oblate, 1951-), Le convenzioni tra il Vescovo diocesano e il Superiore di un Istituto missionario a norma del can. 790 § 1, n. 2 del CIC. Prassi della Congregazione dei Missionari Oblati di Maria Immacolata, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6057, 2011, ISBN 978-88-7839-205-2) 377 pp. Review: A. McGrath, Studia Canonica 47 (2013) 259-262.

Tomasz Pocałujko (Polish priest, 1976-), La prevenzione della nullità del matrimonio nella preparazione e nell'ammissione alle nozze con una considerazione del contributo dei tribunali ecclesiastici, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6056, 2011, ISBN 978-88-7839-197-0) 358 pp.

Petar Ivandić (Bosnian-Herzegovinian priest, 1969-), Die verbindlich vorgeschriebenen Konsultationsorgane des Diözesanbischofs im universalen Recht der lateinischen Kirche und deren Verwirklichung in den Partikularnormen der Diözese Eisenstadt. Eine kanonistische Studie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der diözesanen Gesetzgebung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6055, 2011, ISBN 978-88-7839-192-5) 268 pp. Review: M. Nobel, Studia Canonica 47 (2013) 556-557.

Jan Dohnalik (Polish priest, 1977-), Il precetto pasquale: la normativa sulla Comunione e la Confessione annuale (cann. 920 e 989) alla luce della tradizione canonica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6029, 2015) 78 pp (part).

 Paolo Scoponi (Italian priest, 1969-), I divieti matrimoniali in casi singli, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6028, 2011, ISBN 978-88-7839-191-8) 341 pp. Review: L. Robitaille, Studia Canonica 46 (2012) 535-537.

Bolesław Orłowski (≈ priest, 1955), Il diritto alla libertà nella ricerca teologica: (per un chiarimento del canone 218), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6032, 2011) 174 pp (part).

Mary Austin Osuji (≈ religious, 1958-), Conditional consent of marriage (can. 1102): conditional marriage in African culture, with special reference to the Igbos of Nigeria: a comparative-exegetic study, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6007, 2011) 201 pp (part).


Georgică Grigorită (Romanian Orthodox, 1978-), L'autonomie ecclésiastique selon la législation canonique actuelle de l'Eglise orthodoxe et de l'Eglise catholique. Etude canonique comparative, (Gregorian doctoral diss. ≠, 2011, ISBN 978-88-7839-190-1) 608 pp. Review: L. Turcescu, Studia Canonica 47 (2013) 251-254.

Emmanuel Petit (French priest, 1973-), Consentement matrimonial et fiction du droit. Étude sur l'efficacité juridique du consentement après l'introduction de la fiction en droit canonique, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5966, 2010, ISBN 978-88-7839-174-1) 410 pp. Review: L. Robitaille, Jurist 72 (2012) 282-283.

Cornel Damian (≈ priest, 1960-), Il Concordato tra Santa Sede e Romania: studio storico-giuridico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5937, 2010) 161 pp.

Mary Jane Aririguzo (Nigerian religious, 1971-), 'Conformitas sententiarum' in canonical doctrine and jurisprudence (Can. 1641 n.1 CIC 1983; DC Art. 291), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5919, 2003) xvi-144 pp (part).

Donald Planty (≈ priest, 1966-), The law of the Church and the building of Churches: canon 1216 and sacred architecture, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5911, 2010) 75 pp (part)

Francisco Salvador Fonseca Salgado (≈ Jesuit, 1965-), Disciplina canónica sobre el pecado, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5909, 2010) 64 pp (part).

Dermot Ryan (≈ religious, 1953-), Right intention in the Sacrament of orders: a study of the term"Recta intentio"in CIC 1029, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5897, 2010) 287 pp.

Antonio Interguglielmi (≈ priest, 1963), I decreti singolari nell'esercizio della potestà amministrativa della Chiesa particolare, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5882, 2008) 523 pp.

Carlos Cerezuela García (Spanish priest, 1968-), El contenido esencial del bonum prolis. Estudio histórico-jurídico de Doctrina y Jurisprudencia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5876, 2009, ISBN 978-88-7839-147-5) 364 pp. Review: J. Brunetta, Jurist 72 (2012) 281-282.

Philippe Hallein (Belgian priest, 1972-), Le défenseur du lien dans les causes de nullité de mariage. Étude synoptique entre le code et l'Instruction Dignitas connubii, fondée sur les travaux des commissions préparatoires de l'Instruction, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5875, 2009, ISBN 978-88-7839-146-8) 723 pp. Review: L. Robitaille, Jurist 71 (2011) 472-474.

Joseph Paul Iyamah (≈ priest, 1967), Juridical understanding of priests as cooperators of the bishops (Can. 369), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5869, 1989) 102 pp (part).

Patrick Hubert (Luxembourg priest, 1973-), 'De praesumptionibus iurisprudentiae'. Zur Entwicklung ständiger richterlicher Vermutungen in der neueren Rota-Rechtsprechung und deren Anwendung an untergeordneten Gerichten, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5859, 2009, ISBN 978-88-7839-144-4) 320 pp. Review: M. Nobel, Studia Canonica 43 (2009) 271-272.

Ismael Garceranth Ramos (≈ Jesuit, 1964-), Administración y enajenación de bienes temporales de institutos religiosos: desde el punto de vista canónico y del magisterio, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5851, 2009) 156 pp (part).

Peter Kwame Sarpong (Ghanan priest, 1970-), Disparity of cult: a vocation to holiness, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5849, 2009) 80 pp (part).

Sebastiana Kujawę (Polish priest, ≈), La competenza in materia liturgica: analisi storico-giuridica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5837, 2009) 334 pp.

Francisco Román Castro (≈ priest, 1967-), Incidencia del Estado autonómico en las relaciones Iglesia-Estado: los acuerdos de los obispos del sur de España con la junta de Andalucía, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5819, 2009) 137 pp (part).

José Luis Sánchez-Girón Renedo (≈ Jesuit, 1961-), La cuenta de conciencia al superior en el derecho de la Compañía de Jesús, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5697, 2007) 553 pp.

Luciano Caruso (≈, 1956-), L'avvocato ecclesiastico: requisiti, poteri, obblighi e sanzioni, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5794, 2009) 64 pp (part).

Vitaliy Gorbatykh (Ukrainian Pallotine, 1975-), L’impedimento della parentela spirituale nella Chiesa Latina e nelle Chiese Orientali. Studio storico-canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5793, 2008, ISBN 978-88-7839-134-5) 348 pp.

Francis Omara (Ugandan priest, 1964-), Exorcism in Church law: charism, ministry and canonical regulation, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5753, 2008) xviii-183 pp (part).

József Forró (≈, 1978-), Cittadinanza e nazionalità nel diritto canonico e nel diritto concordatario, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5746, 2008) 129 pp (part).

 • Narciso Velázquez Ferreira (≈, 1965-), Capacidad deliberativa del Consejo de asuntos económicos: comunión y corresponsabilidad en el gobierno de la Iglesia particular: opción eclesiológica del Código de derecho canónico de 1983 (cánones 127, 492-494), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5763, 2008) 177 pp (part).

Georges-Henri Ruyssen (≈ Jesuit, 1967-), La 'Communicatio in Sacris' - l'Eucharistie, évolution de la normativité universelle et comparaison avec certaines normes particulières: Canons 844/CIC & 671/CCEO, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5755, 2008) 134 pp (part).

Gregory Smith (Canadian priest, ≈), The Canonical Visitation of Parishes. History, Law and Contemporary Concerns, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5726, 2008, ISBN 978-88-7839-123-9) 361 pp. Review: M. Nobel, Studia Canonica 43 (2009) 267-269.

Marcelo Gidi Thumala (Chilean Jesuit, ≈), El obispo diocesano como moderador de todo el ministerio de la palabra en la Iglesia particular: normativa de la moderación como"lugar teológico"de comunión en la misión: la doctrina conciliar, canónica y sinodal, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5707, 2007) 194 pp (part).

Jorge Hernández Nieto (≈ priest, 1969-), La relevancia invalidante del"metus indirectus"sobre el consentimiento matrimonial (Can. 1103): doctrina y jurisprudencia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5677, 2007) 111 pp (part).

Marcos Fernandes Gonçalves (≈, ≈), A comunhão eclesiástica e o direito matrimonial, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5668, 2007) 316 pp.

Alberto Albertin (≈, ≈), La nozione di scandalo nel codice di diritto canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5660, 2007) 92 pp (part).

Stefano Mazzotti (Italian priest, ≈), La libertà dei fedeli laici nelle realtà temporali (c. 227 C. I. C.), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5653, 2007, ISBN 978-88-7839-101-7) 331 pp.

 Zbigniew Piłat (Polish religious, 1968-), Rilevanza giuridica delle interpellazioni e delle cauzioni nello scioglimento del matrimonio, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5651, 2007, ISBN 978-88-7839-106-2) 298 pp.

Gero Weishaupt (German priest, ≈), Die Parteiaussagen im Ehenichtigkeitsprozess im Spiegel der moralischen Gewissheit: die Natur der"Anderen Elemente"des Can. 1536 § 2 in Verbindung mit Can. 1679, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5650, 2006) 367 pp. Weishaupt biograph.


Juan Miguel Anaya Torres (Spanish religious, 1958-), La expulsión de los religiosos. Un recorrido histórico que muestra el interés pastoral de la Iglesia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5643, 2007, ISBN 978-88-7839-099-7) 545 pp.

Michele Tronchin (≈, ≈), I disturbi del comportamento alimentare e il consenso matrimoniale: le patologie del comportamento alimentare e i loro effetti sul consenso matrimoniale canonico (can. 1095, nn. 2-3): dottrina e giurisprudenza rotale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5631, 2007) 98 pp (part).

Claudiu Cǎtǎlin Carteş (Romanian priest, ≈), Il diritto alla libertà religiosa nel diritto internazionale europeo dal 1989 al 2004, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5617, 2007) 168 pp (part).

Diego Eugenio Pombo Oncins (≈ priest, ≈), Exención y autonomía de los institutos de vida consagrada, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5607, 2006) 286 pp.

Paul Russell (American priest, ≈), The development of the doctrine on the ends of marriage since pope Leo XIII's encyclical letter Arcanum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5603, 2007) 102 pp (part). Russell biograph.

Alessandro Giraudo (Italian priest, 1968-), L'impedimento di età nel matrimonio canonico (can. 1083). Evoluzione storica e analisi delle problematiche attuali della dottrina e della prassi, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5592, 2007, ISBN 978-88-7839-086-7) 466 pp.

Giulio Dellavite (Italian priest, 1971-), 'Munus pascendi': autorità e autorevolezza. Leadership e tutela dei diritti dei fedeli nel procedimento di preparazione di un atto amministrativo, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5590, 2007, ISBN 978-88-7839-091-1) 384 pp.

Andrzej Sosnowski (Polish religious, 1974-), L'impedimento matrimoniale del voto perpetuo di castità (can. 1088 C. I. C.). Evoluzione storica e legislazione vigente, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5587, 2007, ISBN 978-88-7839-088-1) 331 pp.

Sandro Petrizzelli (≈, ≈), L'atto giuridico con speciale riferimento al contratto matrimoniale: (cann. 124 e 1057 CIC), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5547, 2006) 290 pp.

Maria Capozza (v, ≈), L'immaturità di giudizio nella dottrina e nella giurisprudenza rotale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5539, 2006) 86 pp (part).

Ricardo Jorge Alves Ferreira (Portuguese priest, 1970-), Impedimento matrimonial de ordem sacra: estudo historico-jurídico do cânon 1087, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5535, 2006) 308 pp.

Stanislaw Cierkowski (Polish priest, 1970-), L'impedimento di parentela legale. Analisi storico-giuridica del diritto canonico e del diritto statale polacco, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5507, 2006, ISBN 978-88-7839-071-3) 584 pp.

Alberto Vanzi (Italian priest, 1971-), L'incapacità educativa dei coniugi verso la prole come incapacità ad assumere gli oneri essenziali del matrimonio (can. 1095, 3°), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5503, 2006, ISBN 978-88-7839-073-7) 339 pp.

Chime Michael Chukwuma (Nigerian ≈, ≈), Coercive power in the Church: its nature, principles and finality, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5484, 2005) 86 pp (part).

Roberto Aspe Hinojosa (≈ priest, 1965-), La libertad de conciencia: un estudio filosófico-canónico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5472, 2006) 235 pp.

Mário Rui de Oliveira (Portuguese priest, 1973-), O direito a viver do Evangelho. Estudo jurídico-teológico sobre a Sustentação do Clero, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5455, 2006, ISBN 978-88-7839-063-8) 365 pp.

Abílio Soares de Vasconcelos (Basilian priest, ≈), De saecularis clerici sustentatione secundum Can. 1274 § 1: um estudo histórico sistemático e uma nova proposta para o Brasil, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5398, 2005) 130 pp (part).

Hrvoje Škrlec (Croatian priest, 1975-), Il concetto di legge in san Tommaso d'Aquino: un'interpretazione alla luce dell'insegnamento di Giovanni Paolo II, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5376, 2005) 243 pp. Škrlec biograph.


Matthias Heinrich (≈, ≈), Das Autoritätsverständnis der insularen Bussbuchliteratur: eine Untersuchung zur Rechtslegitimation und zum Rechtscharakter der nicht-kontinentalen pönitentialien, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5357, 2005) 150 pp (part).

Ottavio de Bertolis (Italian Jesuit, 1963-), Origine ed esercizio della potestà ecclesiastica di governo in San Tommaso, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5347, 2005, ISBN 978-88-7839-033-1) 210 pp.

Luigi Bianco (Italian priest, 1960-), La Conferenza episcopale italiana: profilo storico e giuridico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5346, 2005) 383 pp.

Juan Roger Rodríguez Ruíz (Peruvian priest, ≈), La relevancia jurídica del acuerdo entre la Santa Sede y el Perú: la personalidad jurídica de la Iglesia en el Perú y sus implicancias en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5343, 2005) 124 pp (part).

Luca Maffione (Italian priest, 1973-), Il perito nell'ordinamento canonico e civile italiano: sviluppo storico-giuridico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5331, 2005) 273 pp.

Wilfred Odo (≈, ≈), The concept of freedom in marriage in the light of canon 1103, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5318, 2005) 97 pp (part).


Michaela Lomb (≈ lay woman, ≈), Kirche und Denkmalschutz: staatliche Gesetzgebung im Hinblick auf Kirchengüter in Deutschland, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5316, 2005) 121 pp (part).


Rainer Justen (≈, ≈), Die rechtliche Stellung des Kurfürst-Erzbischofs von Trier in der Zeit der Aufklärung: eine Studie zum Verhältnis von Kirche und Staat, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5315, 2005) 181 pp (part).

Federica Dotti (Italian religious, 1967-), Diritti della difesa e contraddittorio: garanzia di un giusto processo? Spunti per una riflessione comparata del processo canonico e statale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5307, 2005, ISBN 978-88-7839-021-8) 285 pp.

Federico Mantaras Ruiz-Berdejo (Spanish priest, 1967-), Discernimiento vocacional y derecho a la intimidad en el candidato al presbiterado diocesano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5300, 2005, ISBN 978-88-7839-019-5) 487 pp.

Mykhaylo Tkhorovskyy (Ukrainian priest, 1978-), Procedura per la nomina dei Vescovi. Evoluzione dal Codice del 1917 al Codice del 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5282, 2004, ISBN 978-88-7839-013-3) 272 pp. Review: A. McCormack, Studia Canonica 39 (2005) 384-385.

Francisco Walker Vicuña (Chilean priest, 1967-), La facultad para confesar, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5244, 2004, ISBN 978-88-7652-999-3) 265 pp. Review: J. Huels, Studia Canonica 40 (2006) 253-255.

Fintan Gavin (Irish priest, ), Pastoral Care in Marriage Preparation (Can. 1063). History, Analysis of the Norm and Its Implementation by Some Particular Churches, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5243, 2004, ISBN 978-88-7652-997-9) 235 pp. Review: L. Robitaille, Studia Canonica 39 (2005) 382-384.

Éric Besson (French Canon Regular, 1962-), La dimension juridique des sacrements, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5242, 2004, ISBN 978-88-7652-998-6) 381 pp. Review: J. Huels, Studia Canonica 39 (2005) 384-385.

Juan Antonio Cruz Serrano (≈ priest ≈), La reserva penal a la Sede Apostólica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5238, 2004) 128 pp (part).

Julien Kaboré (≈ priest, ≈), Les prêtres artisans de la communion, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5231, 2004), 83 pp (part).

Steven Raica (American priest, 1952-), Canon 1529: a historical and canonical study, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5225, 1996) xi-138 pp (part). Raica biograph.

Anaclet Mwumvaneza (Ruandan priest, 1956-), L'empêchement de rapt dans le droit canonique et dans la culture matrimoniale rwandaise: evolution historique et implications actuelles, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5207, 2004) 329 pp. Mwumvaneza biograph.

Sergio La Pegna (≈ religious, ≈), La partecipazione al carisma di un istituto religioso da parte di laici ed associazioni, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5197, 2004) 189 pp (part).

Domingos Sequeira (Timor priest, 1967-), Os Presbíteros Diocesanos e o seu Envolvimento na Politica: Proibição e Excepção. Estudio Historico-Canonico-Teologico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5173, 2004, ISBN 978-88-7652-978-8) 378 pp.

Tadeusz Dobrowolski (≈ Jesuit, ≈), Le malattie infettive e la capacità matrimoniale: studio storico-canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5171, 2003) 81 pp (part).

Eleuterio Córdova Valenzuela (Mexican priest, ≈), La discreción de juicio necesaria para el matrimonio en las personas que no están afectadas por alguna patología psicológica grave, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5160, 2003) 100 pp (part).

Giovanna Maria Colombo (Italian layman, 1966-), Sapiens Aequitas. L'equità nella riflessione canonistica tra i due codici, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5146, 2003, ISBN 978-88-7652-970-2) 446 pp.

Mark Gerard Miles (≈ priest, ≈), Canon 603: diocesan hermits in the light of eremitical tradition, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5127, 2003) 385 pp.

André Sampaio de Oliveira (Brazilian priest, 1969-), L'autonomia (Status Sui Iuris) delle Chiese Orientali nella piena comunione con la Sede Apostolica secondo il Codice dei Canoni delle Chiese Orientali, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5118, 2003) 127 pp (part). Sampaio de Oliveira biograph.

Rigoberto Gámez Alfonso (Columbian priest, ≈), La simulación y la exclusión en el derecho matrimonial canonico (can. 1101 § 2): estudio histórico-jurídico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5109, 2003) 133 pp (part).

Andrej Saje (Slovenian priest, 1966-), La Forma Straordinaria e il ministro della celebrazione del matrimonio secondo il Codice latino e orientale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5097, 2003, ISBN 978-88-7652-961-0) 269 pp.

 • Bassiano Uggé (Italian priest, 1968-), La Fase Preliminare/Abbreviata del Processo di Nullità del Matrimonio in Secondo Grado di Giudizio a Norma del can. 1682 § 2, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5064, 2003, ISBN 978-88-7652-953-2) 362 pp. Review: J. Beal, Studia Canonica 38 (2004) 258-260.

Marcelo Cristian Heinzmann (Argentine priest, 1961-), Le leggi irritanti e inabilitanti. Natura e applicazione secondo il CIC 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5045, 2002, ISBN 978-88-7652-953-5) 227 pp. =

Rubén Cabrera López (Mexican priest, 1967-), El derecho de asociación del presbítero diocesano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. ≠, 2002, ISBN 978-88-7652-952-8) 229 pp.

Elena Lucia Bolchi (Italian laywoman, 1967-), La consacrazione nell'Ordo Virginum. Forma di vita e disciplina canonica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5017, 2002, ISBN 978-88-7652-937-5) 446 pp.

Michael Mullaney (Irish priest, ), Incardination and the Universal Dimension of the Priestly Ministry. A Comparison Between CIC 17 and CIC 83, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5016, 2002, ISBN 978-88-7652-938-2) 271 pp.

Francesco Grazian (Italian priest, 1966-), La nozione di amministrazione e di alienazione nel codice di Diritto Canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5008, 2002, ISBN 978-88-7652-929-0) 320 pp.

Tuomo Vimpari (Finnish priest, 1968-), The juridical personality of the Catholic church in Scandinavia canonical problems and prospects, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5104, 2003) 137 pp (part). Vimpari biograph.

Miguel Acevedo (≈, ≈), El derecho penal en la vida de la luz de la iglesia a la luz del canon 1341 del CIC, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5098, 2003) 144 pp (part).

Alessandro Perego (Italian priest, ≈), La buona fama nella vita ecclesiale e la sua protezione nell'ordinamento canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5093, 2003) 373 pp.

Mary Liguori Okure (≈, religious, ≈), Church authority as service with particular attention to consecrated life, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5091, 2003) xiii-212 pp (part).

Jaroslaw Krzewicki (≈ priest, ≈), La celebrazione del matrimonio in Italia e in Polonia: studio comparativo di diritto pubblico ecclesiastico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5082, 2003) 240 pp.

Bassiano Uggé (≈ priest, 1968-), La fase preliminare/abbreviata del processo di nullità del matrimonio in secondo grado di giudizio a norma del can. 1682 § 2, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5064, 2003) 362 pp.

William King (American priest, ≈), Public and private juridic personality: a comparative legal analysis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5061, 2002) 355 pp. King biograph.

Johannes van den Hende (Dutch priest, 1964-), Particular councils and conferences of Bishops from Vatican II up to the 1983 code, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5038, 2002) 154 pp (part). van den Hende biograph.

Alvaro Pinzon Arias (Columbian priest, ≈), El caracter esencial de la donación interpersonal del matrimonio y su incidencia en la interpretación del canon C. I. C. 1095 n. 3, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5037, 2002) 114 pp (part).

Francesco Grazian (≈ priest, 1966-), La nozione di amministrazione e di alienazione nel codice di diritto canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5008, 2002) 320 pp.

Krzysztof Nykiel (Polish priest, 1965-), La natura della potestà della chiesa nella concessione delle indulgenze, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5002, 2002) 200 pp. Nykiel biograph.

Ana María Celis Brunet (Chilean laywoman, 1963-), La relevancia canónica del matrimonio civil a la luz de la teoria general del acto jurídico. Contribución teórica a la experiencia jurídica chilena, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4985, 2002, ISBN 978-88-7652-927-6) 396 pp.

Andrzej Pawlowski (Polish priest, 1970-), Il 'bonum fidei' nella tradizione canonica e la sua esclusione nella recente giurisprudenza rotale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4982, 2002, ISBN 978-88-7652-928-3) 408 pp.

Gabriel Ángel Rodríguez Millán (Spanish priest, v), Origen y naturaleza de la potestad de las conferencias episcopales: magisterio y doctrina desde el Concilio Vaticano II hasta el m. p. Apostolos suos, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4968, 2002) 114 pp (part). Rodríguez Millán biograph.

Fabio Marini (≈ priest, ≈), Lo status vitae negli Istituti secolari: alcuni rilievi a partire dai chierici negli Istituti secolari, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4966, 2002) 105 pp (part).

Adolfo Zambon (Italian priest, 1965-), Il consiglio evangelico della povertà nel ministero e nella vita del presbitero diocesano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4961, 2002, ISBN 978-88-7652-915-3) 396 pp.

Carlo Azzimonti (≈ priest, 1960-), I beni culturali ecclesiali nell'ordinamento canonico e in quello concordatario italiano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4943, 2001) 420 pp.

Davide Salvatori (Italian priest, 1971-), L'oggetto del magistero definitivo della Chiesa alla luce del m. p. Ad Tuendam Fidem: il can. 750 visto attraverso i Concilî vaticani, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4929, 2001, ISBN 978-88-7652-901-6) 461 pp.

María Teresa Fernández Conde (Spanish religious, 1967-), La misión profética de los laicos del Concilio Vaticano II a nuestros días. El laico, "signo profético"en los ámbitos de la Iglesia y del mundo, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4912, 2001, ISBN 978-88-7652-895-8) 349 pp.

Mario Brotini (≈ religious, ≈), Inizio ed evoluzione giuridica della Congregazione dei Missionari del Preziosissimo Sangue, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4890, 2001) 368 pp.

Mitja Leskovar (Slovenian priest, ≈), Che cosa rende cattolica un'università?: studio storico-giuridico della Costituzione Apostolica Ex corde ecclesiae, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4886, 2001) 208 pp (part).

Tomasz Grysa (Polish priest, ≈), Procedure per l'esame delle dottrine emanate dalla Santa Sede negli anni 1897-1997, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4866, 2001) 113 pp (part). Grysa biograph.

Teodoro León Muñoz (≈ priest, ≈), La territorialidad de la diócesis y de la parroquia: significado teológico-canónico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4861, 2000) 285 pp.

Aimé Claude Rakotoarisoa (Madagascar priest, ≈), La nature juridique de la communauté de base, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4761, 2000) 87 pp (part).

Arquimedes Vallejo Morales ( priest, ), El canon 1673 CIC/83, naturaleza y problematica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4760, 2000) 77 pp (part).

Saul Luis Ticona Monje (≈ priest, ≈), El influjo de los disturbios de caracter neurotico en la nulidad del consentimiento matrimonial: presupuestos antropológicos, psiquiátricos, doctrina y de jurisprudencia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4857, 2001) 97 pp (part).

Alfredo Rava (Italian Capuchin, 1965-), Il requisito della rinnovazione del consenso nella convalidazione semplice del matrimonio (can. 1157 § 2). Studio storico giuridico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4849, 2001, ISBN 978-88-7652-881-1) 337 pp.

Giovanni Moscariello (Italian layman, 1974-), 'Error qui versetur circa id quod substantiam actus constituit' (can. 126). Studio storico-giuridico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4845, 2001, ISBN 978-88-7652-880-4) 284 pp.

Ogun Donatus Aihmiosion (Nigerian religious, 1966-), Foundation and canonical erection of an institute of consecrated life, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4833, 2001) xv-277 pp. Aihmiosion biograph.

Daniel Smilanic (American priest, 1947-2024), The publication of the acts of the case: canon 1598 § 1, doctrine and jurisprudence, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4825, 2001) vii-109 pp (part). Smilanic biograph.

Pawel Malecha (Polish priest, 1964-), Edifici di culto nella legislazione canonica e concordataria in Polonia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4818, 2000, ISBN 978-88-7652-874-3) 324 pp.

John Foley (American Paulist, 1948-), Presumption of death and the right to remarry: canon law and american civil law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4808, 2000) 204 pp. Foley biograph.

Anton Stirling (≈, ≈), Die apostolische Administratur Burgenland: eine rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4802, 2000) 198 pp.

Dario Alvarez Botero (Columbian priest, ≈), La exclusión del bien de la prole en la doctrina y en la jurisprudencia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4780, 2000) 102 pp.

Jesús Ignacio Hernández Godoy (≈, ≈), Participación de los no ordenados en el ejercicio de la cura pastoral parroquial: una reflexión jurídico-pastoral sobre la aplicación del canon 517 § 2 en el contexto eclesial latinoamericano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4772, 2000)103 pp (part).

Oliver Mukunta (Zambian priest, ≈), The impediment of disparity of cult and the prohibition of mixed marriage in the context of the church in Zambia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4770, 2000) 145 pp (part).

Egidio Miragoli (Italian priest, 1955-), Il Consiglio pastorale diocesano secondo il Concilio e la sua attuazione nelle diocesi lombarde, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4730, 2000, ISBN 978-88-7652-855-2) 254 pp. Miragoli biograph.

Dagoberto Campos Salas (Mexican priest, ≈), Relaciones Iglesia-Estado en Costa Rica: estudio histórico-jurídico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4767, 2000) xix-251 pp.

Linda Ghisoni (Italian laywoman, 1965-), La rilevanza giuridica del metus nella consumazione del matrimonio, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4817, 2000, ISBN 978-88-7652-875-0) 209 pp.

Gianluca Marchetti (Italian priest, 1967-), La curia come organo di partecipazione alla cura pastorale del Vescovo diocesano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4789, 2000, ISBN 978-88-7652-868-7) 553 pp. Review: J. Renken, Studia Canonica 37 (2003) 223-224.

Maria Teresa Romano (Italian laywoman, 1967-), La rilevanza invalidante del dolo sul consenso matrimoniale (can. 1098 C. I. C.): dottrina e giurisprudenza, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4787, 2000, ISBN 978-88-7652-866-8) 247 pp.

Egidio Miragoli (Italian priest, ), Il Consiglio Pastorale Diocesano secondo il Concilio e la sua attuazione nelle diocesi lombarde, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4730, 2000, ISBN 978-88-7652-855-2) 254 pp.

Janusz Luczak (≈ religious, ≈), Natura giuridica della Società dell'Apostolato Cattolico alla luce del CIC del 1983 e delle Costituzioni del 1981, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4719, 2000) 377 pp.

Gerald Kallenbach (Swiss Benedictine, ), Ein Kirchenamt im Dienst der Verkündigung. Die Rechtsstellung des Religionslehrers, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4717, 2000, ISBN 978-88-7652-853-8) 382 pp.

Myriam Tinti (Italian laywoman, 1952-), Condizione esplicita e consenso implicitamente condizionato nelmatrimonio canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4711, 2000, ISBN 978-88-7652-850-7) 216 pp.

Augustine Obiora Akubeze (Nigerian priest, 1956-), The theological and canonical significance of priests' consultation by the bishop, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4684, 1999) 99 pp (part). Akubeze biograph.

Giuliano Brugnotto (Italian priest, 1963-), L'aequitas canonica'. Studio e analisi del concetto degli scritti di Enrico da Susa (Cardinal Ostiense), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4672, 1999, ISBN 978-88-7652-844-6) 278 pp. Review: A. Thompson, Studia Canonica 34 (2000) 563-565.

Michael Landau (Austrian priest, 1960-), Amtsenthebung und Versetzung von Pfarrern: eine Untersuchung des geltenden Rechts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtsprechung der Zweiten Sektion des Höchsten Gerichts der Apostolischen Signatur, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4671, 1999) 416 pp.

James Oliver (American priest, 1959-), Ecumenical Association. Their Canonical Status with Particular Reference to the United States of America, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4655, 1999, ISBN 978-88-7652-837-8) 332 pp.

Peter Wells (American priest, 1963-), An historical and canonical study of the ordination to the roman catholic priesthood of married non-catholic ministers with particular reference to the"Pastoral provision", in june 1980,

(Gregorian doctoral diss. 4659, 1999) 157 pp (part). Wells biograph.

Robert Geisinger (American Jesuit, 1958-), On the Requirement of Sufficient Maturity for Candidates to the Presbyterate (c. 1031 § 1), with a Consideration of Canonical Maturity and Matrimonial Jurisprudence (1989-1990), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4654, 1999, ISBN 978-88-7652-826-2) 273 pp.

 Renato Coronelli (Italian priest, 1962-), Incorporazione alla Chiesa e Comunione. Aspetti teologici e canonici dell'appartenenza alla Chiesa, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4653, 1999, ISBN 978-88-7652-833-0) 452 pp.

Matteo Visioli (Italian priest, 1966-), Il Diritto della Chiesa e le sue tensioni alla luce di un'Antropologia Teologica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4642, 1999, ISBN 978-88-7652-828-6) 476 pp.

Damián Astigueta (Argentine Jesuit, 1957-), La noción de laico desde el Concilio Vaticano II al CIC 83. El laico: 'sacramento de la Iglesia y del mundo', (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4639, 1999, ISBN 978-88-7652-834-7) 295 pp.

Thierry Blot (French priest, ≈), Le curé de paroisse, pasteur de la communauté locale: étude de l'institution curiale en France du Concile de Trente à la fin du XX siècle, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4636, 1999) 94 pp (part). Blot biograph.

José Bettencourt (Portuguese/Canadian priest, 1962-), The imprimatur: ecclesial tradition, canonical basis and contemporary function, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4635, 1999) 137 pp (part). Bettencourt biograph.

Carlo Polvani (Italian priest, 1965-), Authentic interpretation in canon law. Reflexions on a distinctively canonical institution, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4602, 1999, ISBN 978-88-7652-822-4) 384 pp. Review: L. Wrenn, Jurist 59 (1996) 295-298.

Maloko-Mana Bafuidinsoni (Congolese Jesuit, 1962-), Le munus regendi de l'évêque diocésain comme munus patris et pastoris selon le Concile Vatican II, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4600, 1999, ISBN 978-88-7652-820-0) 276 pp.

Phillip Brown (American priest, ), Canon 17 CIC 1983 and the Hermeneutical Principles of Bernard Lonergan, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4598, 1999, ISBN 978-88-7652-817-0) 435 pp. Review: W. Kowal, Studia Canonica 35 (2001) 223-225.

Piotr Steczkowski (≈ priest, ≈), Il conflitto fra foro interno e foro esterno nel diritto matrimoniale del CIC 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4597,1998) 209 pp.

Stanislaw Kobialka (≈, ≈), Mancanza di fede ed errore circa la sacramentalità del matrimonio: rapporto ed influsso sul consenso matrimoniale, can. 1099, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4589, 1999) 109 pp (part).

David Prescott Talley (American priest, 1950-), The canonical status of the Praepediti, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4559, 1998) vii-117 pp (part). Talley biograph.

Thomas Barnabas Jeyaseelan (≈ Jesuit, ≈), Human rights of dalit christians and the code of canon law: the meaning of canon 747 §2 in the light of the social teaching of the church and its relevance to the dalit christians of Tamil Nadu, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4483, 1998) viii-171 pp (part).

Piotr Sadowski (≈, ≈), Il principio di legalità nel diritto penale canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4582, 1999) 291 pp.

Luis Eduardo Zavala De Alba (Mexican priest, 1965-), La mediación internacional en la prevención y resolución conflictos: una referencia particular a la mediación de la Santa Sede, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4573, 1998) 130 pp (part). Zavala De Alba biograph.

Torbjorn Olsen (Norweigan priest, 1953-), Die Natur des Militärordinariats: eine geschichtlich-juridische Untersuchung mit Blick auf die Apostolische Konstitution Spirituali Militum Curae, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4570, 1997) 560 pp. Olsen biograph.

Gilbert Sanchez (≈, ≈), Nature et mission du diaconat permanent: positions conciliaires et déterminations canoniques, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4560, 1998) 170 pp (part).

Jorge Luis Roque Perez (Mexican priest, ≈), Relaciones iglesia y estado en Mexico: un analisis histórico jurídico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4551, 1997) 272 pp.

John Griffiths (American priest, ≈), Apostolic constitutions of the 20th century regulating election of the supreme pontiff and their historical foundations, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4549, 1998) iii-99 pp (part).


Thomas A. Weitz (≈, ≈), Der Traktat des Antonio Roselli "De conciliis ac synodis generalibus": Historisch-kanonistische Darstellung und Bewertung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4544, 1998) xlvii-105 pp (part).

Robertus Rubiyatmoko (Indonesian priest, 1963-), Competenza della chiesa nello scioglimento del vincolo del matrimonio non sacramentale. Una ricerca sostanziale sullo scioglimento del vincolo matrimoniale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4534, 1998, ISBN 978-88-7652-806-4) 296 pp.


Marek Sygut (Polish Jesuit, 1960-), Natura e origine della potestà dei vescovi nel Concilio di Trento e nella dottrina successiva (1545-1869), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4531, 1998, ISBN 978-88-7652-805-7) 351 pp.

Eugenio Zanetti (Italian priest, 1958-), La nozione di 'laico' nel dibattito preconciliare. Alle radici di una svolta significativa e problematica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4519, 1998, ISBN 978-88-7652-795-1) 404 pp.

Juan José Echeberria (Spanish Jesuit, ), Asunción de los consejos evangélicos en las asociaciones de fieles y movimientos eclesiales. Investigación teológico-canonica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4514, 1998, ISBN 978-88-7652-797-5) 270 pp.

Alexander Cifuentes Castaño (≈ priest, ≈), Uno o dos sujetos de la suprema potestad en la iglesia?: investigación teológico-canónica del código de 1917 al código de 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4510, 1998) 99 pp (part).

John Pardo (English priest, ≈), The application of ecclesiastical legislation to religious and moral education in Gibraltar: an historical-canonical study, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4496, 1998) 165 pp (part).

Rafael Pérez Oreiro (Spanish priest, ≈), El error acerca de las cualidades personales en la jurisprudencia rotal romana (1970-1995), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4495, 1998) 93 pp (part).

Wojciech Cebulski (Polish priest, 1971-), De exclusione boni prolis iuxta recentiorem iurisprudentiam rotalem (1970-1979), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4492, 1998) 148 pp (part).


Romuald Zdanis (Polish priest, ≈), L'unità del patrimonio ecclesiastico e la pluralità di soggetti di dominio dei beni temporali, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4491, 1998) 134 pp (part).

Kevin Michael Quirk (American priest, 1976-), The mandate to teach: its development in history, signification in the Lex Vigens, and application in the United States, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4474, 1998) vi-159 pp (part).

Rode Jorge (≈, ≈), La inseparabilidad entre el contrato matrimonial y el sacramento: evolución histórica del problema, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4472, 1998) 78 pp (part).

Zvonimir Kurecic (≈, ≈), Communio ecclesiastica fondamento della communicatio in sacris tra i cattolici e gli orientali cattolici (CIC, can. 844), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4461, 1997)137 pp (part).


  Udo Breitbach (German priest, 1960-), Die Vollmacht der Kirche Jesu Christi über die Ehen der Getauften. Zur Gesetzesunterworfenheit der Ehen nichtkatholischer Christen, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4460, 1998, ISBN 978-88-7652-786-9) 292 pp. Review: R. Kress, Jurist 59 (1996) 501-503. Breitbach biograph.

Luis Garza Medina (Mexican religious, 1958-), Significado de la expresión Nomine Ecclesiae en el Código de Derecho Canónico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4457, 1998, ISBN 978-88-7652-784-5) 189 pp.

John Fleming (, ), The canonical writings of Gilbert, bishop of Limerick, 1106-1138, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4456, 1998) 119 pp (part).

Stanislav Zvolensky (Slovenian priest, 1958-), 'Error qualitatis dans causam' e 'error qualitatis directe et principaliter intentae'. Studio storico della distinzione, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4445, 1998, ISBN 978-88-7652-782-1) 260 pp.

Alberto Perlasca (Italian priest, 1960-), Il concetto di bene ecclesiastico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4435, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-775-3) 423 pp.

Alan McCormack (Canadian priest, 1946-), The Term 'Privilege'. A Textual Study of its Meaning and Use in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4433, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-773-9) 442 pp; Review: J. Cuneo, Jurist 56 (1996) 299-302. McCormack biograph.

Francesco Viscome (Italian priest, 1967-), Origine ed esercizio della potestà dei vescovi dal Vaticano I al Vaticano II. Contesto teologico-canonico del magistero dei 'recenti Pontefici' (Nota Explicativa Praevia 2), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4419, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-768-5) 274 pp.

Grzegorz Kadzioch (Polish priest, 1962-), Il ministro del sacramento del matrimonio nella tradizione e nel diritto canonico latino e orientale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4418, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-769-2) 272 pp.

Paolo Montini (, ), La difesa dei diritti dei fedeli nella chiesa: il danno e la sua riparazione nella Giustizia Amministrativa Canonica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4410, 1997) 63 pp (part).

Giulio Sembeni (Italian priest, 1961-), Direttorio Ecumenico 1993: sviluppo dottrinale e disciplinare, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4402, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-754-8) 260 pp.

Yuji Sugawara (Japanese Jesuit, 1957-), Religious Poverty: From Vatican Council II to the 1994 Synod of Bishops, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4400, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-698-5) 403 pp.

Juraj Kamas (Slovakian priest, 1958-), The Separation of the Spouses with the Bond Remaining. Historical and Canonical Study with Pastoral Applications, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4388, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-757-9) 357 pp. Review: J. Beal, Jurist 57 (1996) 609-611.


Antonio Atzeni (≈ Capuchin, ≈), Il diritto penale dell'Ordine dei Frati Minori Cappuccini nel XVI secolo: il"Modus procedendi"del 1596, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4378, 1997) vii-291 pp.

Andrea Migliavacca (Italian priest, 1967-), La 'confessione frequente di devozione'. Studio teologico-giuridico sul periodo fra i Codici del 1917 e del 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4373, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-748-7) 333 pp.

David Sereno (American/Mexican priest, 1956-), Whether the Norm Expressed in Canon 1103 is of Natural Law or of Positive Church Law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4371, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-751-7) 289 pp.

Leo Cushley (Scottish priest, 1961-), Eucharistic ‘Communicatio in sacris’: the present legislation in the light of juridical and historical precedents, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4369, 1997) 101 pp (part). Cushley biograph.

Andrea d'Auria (Italian priest, 1964-), L'imputabilità nel diritto penale canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4357, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-745-6) 238 pp.

Barbara Zadra (Italian laywoman, 1959-), I movimenti ecclesiali e i loro statuti, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4355, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-746-X) 198 pp.

Stefan Margelist (Swiss priest, 1962-), Die Beweiskraft der Parteiaussagen in Ehenichtigkeitsverfahren, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4342, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-742-5) 223 pp.

Piermario Burgo (Italian priest, 1955-), Il Consiglio dei Superiori religiosi dal CIC 1917 al CIC 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4341, 1997) xv-219 pp.

Massimo Mingardi (Italian priest, 1964-), L'esclusione della dignità sacramentale dal consenso matrimoniale nella dottrina e nella giurisprudenza recenti, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4339, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-740-1) 318 pp.

Rogath Kimaryo (Tanzanian religious, 1956-), Religious general chapters as agents of renewal: (theologico - canonical study), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4337, 1997) 84 pp (part). Kimaryo biograph.

Janusz Kowal (≈ Jesuit, 1962-), Uscita definitiva dall'Istituto religioso dei professori di voti perpetui: evoluzione storica e disciplina attuale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4336, 1997) xi-314 pp. Reviews: M. O'Reilly, Studia Canonica 31 (1997) 536-538; S. Holland, Jurist 57 (1997) 595-596.

Roberto Serres López de Guereñu (Spanish priest, ), 'Error recidens in condicionem sine qua non' (Can. 126). Estudio histórico-jurídico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4333, 1997, ISBN 978-88-7652-737-1) 232 pp. Review: A. Mendonça, Studia Canonica 33 (1999) 554-557.

Vincent Pereira (Canadian priest, ), The effects of divorce: a North American context, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4327, 1997) 154 pp (part).

Slavko Zec (Croatian priest, 1961-), La tossicodipendenza come radice d'incapacità al matrimonio (Can. 1095). Scienze umane, dottrina canonica e giurisprudenza, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4318, 1996, ISBN 978-88-7652-731-9) 286 pp.

Andrés Pérez Díaz (Spanish priest 1959-), Los vicarios generales y episcopales en el Derecho Canónico actual, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4306, 1996, ISBN 978-88-7652-729-6) 331 pp. Review: E. Kurtyka, Jurist 57 (1997) 585-586.

David Fulton (American priest, 1941-), Administrative removal of diocesan priests from the office of parochus: causes and procedure, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4300, 1996) 80 pp (part). Fulton biograph.

Luca Lorusso (Italian priest, ), Gli strumenti di comunicazione sociale nel diritto ecclesiale. Aspettative, problematiche e realizzazioni alla luce dell'insegnamento magisteriale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4299, 1996, ISBN 978-88-7652-725-8) 269 pp.

Pietro Amenta (Italian priest, 1962-), Partecipazione alla potestà legislativa del Vescovo. Indagine teologico-giuridica su chiesa particolare e sinodo diocesano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4285, 1996, ISBN 978-88-7652-719-2) 272 pp.

Marino Mosconi (≈ priest, 1964-), Magistero autentico non infallibile e protezione penale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4283, 1990) xix-572 pp. Review: J. Boyle, Jurist 59 (1999) 490-494. Mosconi biograph.

Gerald Murray (American priest, 1959-), Incorporation into and defection from the Catholic church according to the Code of Canon Law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4475, 1997) viii-199 pp (part).

Kenneth Robert Kaucheck (American priest, 1946-), The infallible ‘ordinary and universal magisterium’: a canonical investigation into the sources of some key expressions of canons 749-750 of the 1983 code of Canon Law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4274, 1996) 284 pp.

Piotr Kubiak (Polish priest, 1964-), L'assoluzione generale nel Codice di Diritto Canonico (cann. 961-963) alla luce della dottrina del Concilio di Trento sull'integrità della confessione sacramentale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4268, 1996, ISBN 978-88-7652-715-9) 210 pp.


Tomasz Galkowski ( religious, 1967-), Il ‘Quid ius’ nella realtà umana e nella chiesa, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4266, 1996) xxi-370 pp.


Andrzej Kakareko (Polish priest, 1960-), La riforma della vita del clero nella diocesi di Vilna dopo il Concilio di Trento (1564-1796), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4264, 1996, ISBN 978-88-7652-712-8) 243 pp.


Christoph Hegge (≈, 1962), Rezeption und Charisma: der theologische und rechtliche Beitrag Kirchlicher Bewegungen zur Rezeption des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4261, 1996) xxxix-104 pp (part).

Mirjam Kovač (Slovenian laywoman, 1962-), L'orizzonte dell'obbedienza religiosa. Ricerca teologico-canonica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4257, 1996, ISBN 978-88-7652-710-4) 364 pp. Review: C. Bartone, Jurist 58 (1998) 537-540.


Pedro Daniel Dalio (Argentine/Italian priest, ≈), La nueva proposición de la causa en la legislación, en la doctrina y en la jurisprudencia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4247, 1996) 266 pp.

Robert Cielicki (Polish Capuchin, ≈), L'esercizio della potestà religiosa nella riforma cappuccina (1528-1619), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4243, 1996) 159 pp.

Maria Forconi (Italian religious, ), Antropologia cristiana come fondamento dell'unità e dell'indissolubilità del patto matrimoniale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4241, 1996, ISBN 978-88-7652-703-6) 199 pp.

Richard John Barrett (≈, ≈), The capacity to act in court against an administrative act which injures. A group of the christian faithful in its juridical sphere, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4239, 1996) xi-183 pp (part).

Bert van Megen (Dutch priest, 1961-), The concept of perfect society from Pius IX to the Second Vatican Council, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4223, 1996) iv-168 pp. van Megen biograph.

John Vaughan (American priest, ≈), A canonical analysis of the second Synod of the diocese of Owensboro compared to the recent Synods of the dioceses of Helena, La Crosse, New York and St. Louis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4184, 1995) xiv-102 pp (part). Vaughan biograph.

Reginaldo Mananzan (Filipino Jesuit, ≈), The word 'Consortium' of Canon 1055 § 1 - Its meaning in doctrine and jurisprudence when cited in cases under Canon 1095 n. 3, (Gregorian 4173, diss. 1995) 93 pp (part). Mananzan biograph.

Edgar Robinson Peña Parra (Venezuelan priest, 1960-), Los derechos humanos en el sistema interamericano a la luz del Magisterio Pontificig, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4167, 1995) 148 pp. Peña Parra biograph.

Maurizio Bravi (Italian priest, 1962-), Il Sinodo dei Vescovi. Istituzione, fini e natura. Indagine teologico-giuridica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4152, 1995, ISBN 978-88-7652-687-9) 397 pp.

Georg Holkenbrink (German priest, 1979-), Die Rechtlichen Strukturen für eine Migrantenpastoral: eine rechtshistorische und rechtssystematische Untersuchung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4125, 1994) lv-344 pp. Holkenbrink biograph.

Madeleine Ruessmann (American religious, 1953-2017), Exclaustration. Its nature and use according to current law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4123, 1995, ISBN 978-88-7652-682-4) 550 pp. Review: P. Shea, Jurist 56 (1996) 991-992.

Fernando José Moreno Diehl (Argentine priest, 1940-), El derecho a la comunidad de vida, elemento esencial del consentimiento matrimonial, en la doctrina y la jurisprudencia canónicas a partir del C. Vat. II, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4103, 1995) 92 pp (part).


Ciril Stokelj (Slovenian layman, ≈), La Santa Sede e la conferenza sulla sicurezza e la cooperazione in Europa (Belgrado, Madrid, Vienna: 1975-1989), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4097, 1994, 126 pp (part). Stokelj biograph.


Carlos Ignacio Heredia (Argentine ≈, ≈), La naturaleza de los movimientos eclesiales en el derecho de la Iglesia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4076, 1994) 160 pp (part).

Pierantonio Pavanello (Italian priest, 1955-), Il requisito della perpetuità nell'incapacità di assumere le obbligazioni essenziali del matrimonio (Canon 1095 n. 3), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4071, 1994) xviii-194 pp. Reviews: F. Easton, Jurist 55 (1995) 462-463; A. Mendonça, Studia Canonica 29 (1995) 267-269. Pavanello biograph.

Mary Judith O'Brien (American religious, 1953-), Conferences of Major Superiors: nature and purposes, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4069, 1994) ix-258 pp.

Mauro Rivella (≈ priest, 1963-), Autorità dei dottori e magistero gerarchico nella canonistica postridentina (1563-1730), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4064, 1994) 145 pp. Review: R. Trisco, Jurist 58 (1998) 540-541.

John Coughlin (American Franciscan, 1954-), Administrative Justice at the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura and the United States Supreme Court: a comparative study, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4059, 1994) vii-366 pp. Coughlin biograph.

Paul Churchill (Irish priest, ≈), The admission and rejection of the libellus in the canonical tradition and especially according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4033, 1993) vii-249 pp. Churchill biograph.

Adrian Loretan (≈, 1959-), Laien im pastoralen Dienst: ein Amt in der kirchlichen Gesetzgebung: Pastoralassistent/- assistentin, Pastoralreferent/- referentin, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4027, 1994) 405 pp.


Jakob Ibounig (≈ priest, ≈), Sponsus vice Christi: der Bischof als Darsteller des Christus-Bräutigams und die Konsequenzen für seine Rechtsstellung von der apostolischen Zeit bis Gratian, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4025, 1994) ii-245 pp. Ibounig biograph.

Modesto Lewis Pérez (American priest, ≈), The"common good" as fundamental principle of the law according to Suárez, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4007, 1994) xvii-253 pp.

Robert Coleman (American priest, ≈), Canon 369: the definition of a Diocese in the Code of Canon Law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4003, 1994) xii-91 pp. Coleman biograph.

Garrett Roche (, ), The Poor in the Code of Canon Law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3990, 1993), iv-186 pp (part). Review: R. Flinn, Jurist 55 (1995) 469-471.


Vincent de Paul Kwanga Ndjibu (Congolese priest, 1956-), Le ministère des Bakambi et ses implications theologico-juridiques, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3985, 1993) 362 pp. Ndjibu biograph.

Tiziano Vanzetto (Italian priest, ≈), La secolarità consacrata tra norma e vita, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3980, 1993) 135 pp (part).

Miriam Perpetua Egbuna (≈, ≈), The right to acquire, possess, administer and alienate ecclesiastical goods in religious institutes, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3979, 1993) xv-330 pp.

Tadeusz Oblak (Polish Jesuit, 1922-2006), Marriage law in Japan and its relation to natural law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3970, 1993) xii-155 pp (part). Oblak biograph.

Jair Ferreira Pena (Brazilian priest, ≈), O celibato, ‘Peculiare Dei donum’ aos clérigos (c. 277 § 1), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3941, 1993) 392 pp.

Pascal Guezodje (Benin priest, ≈), L'obéissance canonique des clercs diocesains à la lumière de Vatican II et du Code de 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3937, 1993) x-131 pp (part).

Anselmus Fa'Atulö Eligius Fau (≈ Capuchin, ≈), Mixed marriage: the historical evolution of the impediment of disparity of cult and prohibition of mixed religion up to the legislation of the 1983 Code, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3928, 1993) v-143 pp (part).


Vincenzo Mosca (≈ Carmelite, 1956-), Alberto Patriarca di Gerusalemme: pastore dei religiosi, fondatore del Carmelo, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3923, 1992) 255 pp (part).

Josef Ammer (German priest, 1954-), Zum Recht der ‘Katholischen Universität’: Genese und Exegese der Apostolischen Konstitution Ex corde Ecclesiae vom 15 August 1990, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3921, 1993) xix-234 pp (part). Ammer biograph.

Luis Mariano Montemayor (Argentine priest, 1956-), El error sobre la dignidad sacramental del matrimonio: evolución doctrinal (siglos XIII-XVII), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3912, 1993) 155 pp (part). Montemayor biograph.

Gian Giacomo Sarzi Sartori (Italian priest, 1959-), Il ministero dei presbiteri: ricerca sul Vaticano II quale fonte di disciplina ecclesiale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3911, 1993) 134 pp (part). Sartori biograph.

Guglielmo Spadetto (≈, ≈), Sacramenti e culto divino nel 1º Sinodo e nei Concili Provinciali e plenari di Baltimora (1791-1884): studio dai documenti dell'archivio della Sacra Congregazione di Propaganda Fide, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3906, 1993) 76 pp (part).

Heidemarie Böhler (≈, ≈), La dottrina dei consigli evangelici dal Vaticano II ad oggi, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3885, 1992) xi-345 pp.


Michael Mitterhofer (German priest, 1954-), ‘Inkorporierte Pfarreien’ in der Diözese Bozen-Brixien: ein Beitrag zur Ausformung und Veränderung des Benefizialsystems, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3878, 1992) xxvii-278 pp. Mitterhofer biograph.

Manuel Monteiro de Castro (Portuguese priest, 1938-), Hierarquia dos fins na estrutura jurídica do matrimónio desde Sánchez à promulgação do [1917] Código, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3875, 1992) 77 pp (part). Note: Dissertation completed in 1967. Monteiro de Castro biograph.

María del Pilar Fiol Chimelis (Spanish laywoman, ≈), Asociaciones de fieles con finalidad socio-temporal, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3865, 1992) 87 pp (part).

Oscar Sánchez Barba (Mexican priest, ≈), La relevancia jurídica del adulterio en la tradición canónica de la Iglesia y en el Código de 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3860, 1992) 107 pp (part).

Elfriede Glaubitz (German ≈, 1959-), Der christliche Laie vom Konzil zur Bischofssynode 1987: Vergleich und Entwicklung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3862, 1992) 136 pp (part).

Charles Scicluna (Maltese priest, 1959-), The essential definition of marriage according to the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law: an exegetical and comparative study, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3859, 1992) viii-132 pp (part). Review: A. Mendonça, Studia Canonica 30 (1996) 558-561. Scicluna biograph. bis.

Paolo G. Bianchi (≈, 1954-), Incapacitas assumendi obligationes essentiales matrimonii: analisi della giurisprudenza rotale, particolarmente degli anni 1970-1982, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3858, 1992) xi-349 pp. Review: A. Verbrugghe, Jurist 52 (1992) 766-768.

Martin Krebs (German priest, 1956-), Subsidiarität und kirchliches Leben: das Subsidiaritätsprinzip in Anwendun auf die Kirche nach Pius XII, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3852, 1992) xx-91 pp (part). Krebs biograph.

Johanna B. Will (≈, ≈), Die Rechtsverhältnisse zwischen Bischof und Klerus im Dekret des Bischofs Burchard von Worms, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3840, 1992) viii-208 pp.

István Rencsik (Hungarian priest, ≈), Der Unterhalt des Priesters in der Neuen Gesetzgebung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3834, 1992) 154 pp (part).

Adolfo Dacanáy (Filipino Jesuit, ≈), The meaning of 'matrimonium ratum': a study of the concept in the Corpus Juris Canonici, among some decretists and decretalists (1140-1340) and five medieval theologians, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3831, 1988) xi-220 pp.


João Carlos Orsi (Brazilian priest, ≈), O erro de qualidade que redunda em erro de pessoa: contribuição de Tomás Sánchez, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3825, 1992) ii-278 pp.

Alfredo Leite Soares (Portuguese priest, 1944-), A comunhão na consticuição hierárquica da Igreja: investigação teológico-canónica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3821, 1992) 507 pp.

Marco Berti (Italian priest, 1956-), L'esclusione della sacramentalità del matrimonio da parte dei battezzati non-credenti, nella dottrina e nella giurisprudenza attuali, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3812, 1992) xxi-218 pp (part).

Jesús Gaona Moreno (Mexican priest, ≈), El derecho de matrimonio en los menores según las Decretales de Gregorio IX, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3811, 1992) 83 pp (part). Gaona Moreno biograph.


Sebastian Cüppers (German religious, ≈), Das Kölner Provinzialkonzil von 1860: kanonistische Struktur und Kirchenbild einer Provinzialsynode im 19. Jahrhundert, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3809, 1990) 232 pp.


Miguel López Davalos (Mexican ≈, 1941-), Génesis de la"ratio privata"en el beneficio eclesiástico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3804, 1992) 105 pp (part).

Excel Jaén (Filipino priest, ≈), The historical and juridical aspects of the normalization of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the people's Republic of China, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3794, 1992) xv-233 pp (part).

David Mulvihill (American priest, 1946-2014), Those bound to the canonical form of the celebration of marriage: a historical-canonical investigation from the tridentine decrée Tametsi to canon 1117 in the 1983 code of canon law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3785, 1991) vii-95 pp (part). Mulvihill biograph.

Carlo Redaelli (Italian priest, 1956-), Il concetto di diritto della Chiesa nella riflessione canonista tra Concilio e codice, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3774, 1991) 325 pp. Redaelli biograph.

James Conn (American Jesuit, 1948-), Catholic Universities in the United States and Ecclesiastical Authority (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3773, 1991) 346 pp. xiii-346 pp. Review: M. O'Reilly, Studia Canonica 28 (1994) 263-265. Conn biograph.


Michel Amara-Poignet (French priest, 1956-2001), L'oeuvre d'Arezzo, nonce apostolique à Saint-Petersbourg (1802-1806), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3768, 1991) ≈ 39 pp (part).


Marek J. Stępień (Polish priest, ≈), Gli organi del governo ecclesiale nella diocesi di Augustow, ossia di Sejny (1818-1925), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3756, 1991) 146 pp.


Krzysztof Nitkiewicz (Polish priest, 1960-), La pratica della Sacra Congregazione del Concilio circa il cumulo di benefici in Polonia (1564-1752), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3743, 1991) 148 pp. Nitkiewicz biograph.

Bernd-Rolf Wichert (German priest, ≈), Die Epikie bei Platon und Aristoteles, die äquitas im römischen Recht und die christliche Misericordia - zu den grundlagen der ‘Aequitas canonica’ des Decreta Gratiani: eine rechtsphilosophisch-historische Untersuchung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3740, 1991) 137 pp.

Thomas Paprocki (American priest, 1952-), Vindication and defense of the rights of the Christian faithful through administrative recourse in the local church, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3726, 1991) xiii-344 pp. Paprocki biograph.

Michael Hilbert (American Jesuit, ≈), Defect of matrimonial consent due to paranoia: doctrine and recent rotal jurisprudence, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3707, 1990) vi-234 pp (part).

Carmelo Rodríguez Ventura (Spanish priest, ≈), La competencia del príncipe en el matrimonio de los infieles: Estudio monografico-histórico de la controversia del S. XIX, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3690, 1990) 82 pp (part).

Grzegorz Erlebach (Polish priest, 1954-), La nullità della sentenza giudiziale 'Ob ius defensionis denegatum' nella giurisprudenza rotale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3678, 1990) 102 pp (part). Erlebach biograph.

Nicola Girasoli (Italian priest, 1957-), Significato ecclesiale dei beni temporali della Chiesa: Studio dei documenti conciliari e del libro del Codice di Diritto Canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3674, 1990) xci-87 pp (part). Girasoli biograph.


Paulus Iby (≈, ≈), Eherecht im Burgenland (1921-1938), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3666, 1989) xvi-98 pp (part).

David Kay (British Jesuit, ≈), Exemption: origins of exemption and Vatican Council II, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3658, 1990) vii-99 pp (part).

Joseph Schreck (American priest, ≈), The relationship between the capacity to give matrimonial consent and the incapacity to assume the obligations of marriage, according to canon 1095 n. 3 of the Code of Canon Law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3656, 1990) 149 pp (part).

Peter Hilger (German priest, ≈), Das Recht auf christliche Erziehung: Eine Untersuchung der Genese von"Gravissimum Educationis"im Hinblick auf can. 217/CIC 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3647, 1990) 225 pp (part).

Pier Giorgio Micchiardi (Italian priest, 1942-), Le relazioni tra chiesa e società civile nel pensiero e nell'opera del Cardinale Caillo Tarquini, s. j. (1810-1874), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3641, 1990) 90 pp (part). Micchiardi biograph.

Steven Harris (American priest, ≈), The exercise of liturgical functions by the renewed laity, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3640, 1990) 339 pp.

Georges Vuillermoz (≈, ≈), Das luxemburgische Primärschulgesetz: eine rechtsgeschichtliche und kirchenrechtliche Untersuchung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3638, 1990) 113 pp (part).

Lynda Robitaille (American laywoman, ≈), Conditioned consent natural law and positive human law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3635, 1990) vi-177 pp.


Michael Freiherr von Fürstenberg (German ≈, 1942-2012), Loci ordinaria oder Monstr. Westphaliae?: Die kirchliche Rechtsstellung der Äbtissin von Herford, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3628, 1990) lxv-88 pp (part).


Luisa Di Muzio (≈ religious, ≈), Il carisma della Società di Maria Riparatrice dal Plan Abréegé alle costituzioni (1856-1883), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3623, 1989) ix-348 pp.

Zenon Jarzabek (Polish priest, ≈), La relazione vescovo-presbitero nel Concilio Vaticano II fonte del nuovo codice, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3622, 1990) 114 pp (part)

Gabrielle Geeroms (v religious, ≈), La vie fraternelle en commun dans la vie religieuse du Concile au code: approche théologico-canonique, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3611, 1989) viii-212 pp.

Roman Cholij (priest, 1956-), Married clergy and ecclesiastical continence in light of the Council in Trullo (691), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3606, 1989) xi-226 pp. Monograph, id., Clerical Celibacy in East and West (Fowler, 1988) xiv-226. Review: J. Coriden, Jurist 52 (1992) 757-759.

William Millea (American priest, ≈), The doctrinal authority of theologians in late medieval controversy, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3598, 1989) xii-243 pp (part).

Antonius Meijers (Dutch layman, 1955-), Das katholische Vereinsrecht entsprechend dem neuen kirchlichen Gesetzbuch, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3595, 1989) 108 pp (part). Meijers biograph.

Salvatore Cordileone (American priest, 1956-), General absolution: a study of the present norms in their theological and historical context, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3582, 1989) xxiii-216 pp (part). Cordileone biograph.

Paul Anthony Di Girolamo (≈, ≈), An investigation into the development of the procedures for the criminal causes of clerics in the United States of America prior to the 1917 Code of Canon Law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3581, 1989) xi-98 pp (part).

Marian Szczepanski (≈, ≈), I sacramenti dell'iniziazione cristiana nella disciplina sacramentale della chiesa armena in Polonia secondo i sinodi di Leopoli (1689) e di Roma (1911), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3577, 1989) 106 pp (part).

Jozef Musiol (Polish/American religious, 1947-), The juridical status of catechumens: A canonical study of church documents since Vatican II, and of previous documents of African churches, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3572, 1989) 246 pp (part). Musiol biograph.

Joaquín Reyna Corredor (Columbian priest, ≈), La nocion de iglesia en el codigo de derecho canonico: Estudio sobre el concepto Pueblo de Dios en la normativa canonica de la Iglesia Latina, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3567, 1989) x-208 pp (part).

Gabriele Rossi (≈, ≈), I sacerdoti diocesani con voti di madre Speranza Alhama Valera: una proposta giuridicamente innovativa, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3533, 1988) 71 pp (part).

Karl Hennes (, ), Die Einfache Gültigmachung ungültiger Ehen nach Willensmangel, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3530, 1988) 150 pp (part).

Joseph Bajada (Maltese priest, 1950-), Sexual impotence: the contribution of Paolo Zacchia (1584-1659), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3528, 1989) 204 pp. Review: P. Jugis, Jurist 52 (1992) 765-766.

Hans Kothuis (≈, ≈), The response of the Christian faithful to the non-infallible magisteria: A canonical investigation from the times of Pius IX until the revised Code of Canon Law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3513, 1988) xx-420 pp.

Peter Gerard Magee (Scottish priest, ≈), Dispensation from the obligations of priestly celibacy: An interpretation of the case of those who should not have received priestly ordination according to Per Iitteras § 5a, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3512, 1988) xvii-397 pp.

Joseph Robert Punderson (American priest, ≈), Diocesan consultors: development and present legislation, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3509, 1988) xiv-358 pp.


Immacolata Occorsio (Italian religious, ≈), La figure juridique de la Congregation des Soeurs Missionnaires de la Société de Marie, à la lumière de ses origines et de l'évolution de son droit propre de 1857 à 1931, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3505, 1988) v-249 pp.

Wojciech Necel (Polish religious, 1952-), Il carisma della società di Cristo per gli emigrati polacchi, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3502, 1987) xxxiii-219 pp. Necel biograph.

Robert Joseph Fleck (≈, ≈), The contribution of transcendental method to procedural law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3498, 1988) 200 pp. Review: J. McIntyre, Studia Canonica 24 (1990) 487-488.


Tlamelo Patrick Kolisang (Lesotho priest, 1936-2008), Matrimonial consent among Southern Basotho (Southern Africa), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3489, 1988) x-77 pp (part).

Aidan McGrath (Irish Franciscan, 1954-), A controversy concerning male impotence, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3483, 1988) 327 pp. Reviews: J. Gabiola, Jurist 50 (1990) 678-680; O. Bucci, Apollinaris 61 (1988) 421-422.

Joseph Marino (American priest, 1953-), Saint Paul and the law: toward a doctrine of Church law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3477, 1988) xx-411 pp. Marino biograph.

J. W. M. Hendriks (Dutch priest, ≈), De katholieke School: de ontwikkeling van het kerkelijk denken over het katholiek onderwijs van Concilie tot Codex, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3473, 1988) 343 pp. Hendriks biograph.

Robert J. Sarno (American priest, ≈), Diocesan inquiries required by the legislator in the new legislation for the Causes of the Saints, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3459, 1988) xiv-143 pp.


Daniel Olszewski (≈ Conventual, ≈), The historical origins of the Conventual chapter in the Franciscan Order 1209-1260, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3456, 1987) xxiii-193 pp.

Pedro-Miguel Silva y Gutiérrez (≈, ≈), La evolución de la legislación sobre la formación sacerdotal desde el Concilio de Trento hasta el nuevo código, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3455, 1987) xxiv-105 pp (part).

Edward Rogan (Irish priest, ≈), Irish catechesis: a juridico-historical study of the five plenary synods, 1850-1956, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3448, 1987) xx-494 pp.

Nikola Škalabrin (Croatian priest, ≈), De vaginismo et incosummatione matrimonii in decisionibus rotalibus (1945-1975), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3446, 1987) 260 pp.

Mariano Faccani (Pignatelli), (Italian priest, 1956-), Collegio e collegialità episcopali: evoluzione dottrinale dal Sinodo dei vescovi dal 1969 al magistero di Giovanni Paolo II, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3444, 1986) 67 pp (part). Faccani (Pignatelli) biograph.

Mercedes Codorníu (≈ religious, ≈), El reglamento del Capítulo General, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3436, 1987) xx-339 pp.

Robert Sable (American priest, ≈), 'Dolus' and 'error conditionis servitutis': a critical historical analysis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3426, 1987) xvi-403 pp.

Denis Baudot (French priest, ≈), L'inséparabilité entre le contrat et le sacrament de mariage: la discussion après le Concile Vatican II, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3424, 1987) 396 pp. Reviews: D. Le Tourneau, Studia Canonica 22 (1988) 229-230; M. Nolette, Jurist 51 (1991) 255-257.

Günter Assenmacher (German priest, 1952-), Klerus und Allgemeine Wehrpflicht: Studien zur Begründung der Exemtion der Geistlichen von der allgemeinen Wehrpflicht mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtslage und Diskussion in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3418, 1987) 349 pp. Assenmacher biograph.


Hermann Steidl (≈, ≈), Die Theorie vom dolus in spiritualibus: Eine rechts historische Studie, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3415, 1987) 396 pp.

Alphonse Borras (Belgian priest, 1951-), L'excommunication dans le nouveau code de droit canonique: essai de définition, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3403, 1987) 350 pp. Review: D. Le Tourneau, Studia Canonica 22 (1988) 230-231.

Charles Balvo (American priest, 1951-), The administration of temporal goods in the Church and diocesan finance councils, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3400, 1986) v-376 pp. Balvo biograph.


William Varvaro (American priest, 1938-2007), Roman canonical influence on English justice and procedures: the Actio spolii in canon law and the assize of novel disseisin in English law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3395, 1987) 229 pp.

Adriano Celeghin (≈ priest, 1946-), Origine e natura della potestà sacra: posizioni postconciliari, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3393, 1987) 496 pp.

Silvia Recchi (Italian religious, 1952-), Natura ed elementi costitutivi della vita consacrata: dal Concilio al Codice, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3392, 1987) xxix-77 pp (part).


Paolino Rossi (Italian Capuchin, ≈), Il Ministro Generale dal tempo di S. Francesco al Capitolo Narbonense (a. 1221 - a. 1260), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3391, 1987) 72 pp (part).

James Green (American priest, 1950-), Conferences of bishops and the exercise of the Munus docendi of the Church, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3385, 1987) xix-481 pp. Green biograph.


Eliane Lannes de Montebello (≈, ≈), Expansion et decentralisation: Structures nouvelles etablies dans les constitutions des instituts religieux feminins, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3381, 1987) xxii-274 pp.

Mary Gerard Anna Nwagwu (Nigerian religious, ≈), Autonomy and dependence of religious institutes of diocesan law on the local ordinary: a comparative analysis of the legislation concerning them in the codes of Canon Law of 1917 and 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3369, 1985) 260 pp.

Robert Deeley (American priest, 1946-), The mandate for those who teach theology in institutes of higher studies: An interpretation of the meaning of canon 812 of the Code of Canon Law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3357, 1986) xxii-215 pp. Deeley biograph.

Matthias Conrad (≈, ≈), Der Pfarrgemeinderat in theologischer und rechtlicher Sicht, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3343, 1986) lviii-128 pp (part).

Michael Moodie (American Jesuit, ≈), The constitution and competence of interdiocesan administrative tribunals according to the 1980 schema of the code of canon law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3339, 1986) viii-145 pp (part).

Philip Maxwell (≈, ≈), A comparison of the rationale underlying unjust damage (torts) and allocation of liability in Church Law and American (USA) Law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3338, 1986) xii-359 pp.

Robert Kealy (≈, ≈), Diocesan financial support: its history and canonical status, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3336, 1986) xix-406 pp. Kealy biograph.

Günther Geis (German priest, 1938-), Die kleinen Seminare von Optatam totius zum Codex Iuris Canonici von 1983, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3334, 1986) 154 pp. Geis biograph.

Raymond Burke (American priest, 1948-), Lack of discretion of judgment because of schizophrenia: doctrine and recent Rotal jurisprudence, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3312, 1986) 254 pp. Reviews: W. Woestman, Studia Canonica 21 (1987) 215-216; T. Harrington, Jurist 47 (1987) 607-608. Burke biograph.

Giordano Caberletti (Italian priest, ≈), L'oggetto essenziale del consenso coniugale nel matrimonio canonico: Studio storico-giuridico sul pensiero di Tomas Sanchez, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3310, 1985) 199 pp. Note: Auditor, Roman Rota, since 1996, here.

John Arnold (English religious, 1953-), The value of the canons of departure and dismissal from consecrated life in the new code, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3306, 1985) vi-362 pp. Arnold biograph.

Edward Koroway (Canadian priest, ≈), The relation between the internal and the external forum in the new canonical penal law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3299, 1985) 137 pp (part).

Michael Fitzgerald (American priest, 1948-), The sacramental seal of confession in relation to selected child abuse statutes in the civil law of the United States, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3279, 1991) vi-330 pp. Fitzgerald biograph.

Thomas Gullickson (American priest, 1950-), The diocesan bishop: moderator and sponsor of the ministry of the word. A comparative study of Tridentine legislation and the 1983 Code of canon law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3269, 1985) 300 pp. Gullickson biograph.

Carlo Crocella (Italian ≈, 1942-), II rinnovamento della Curia diocesana in Italia dal codice di diritto canonico al postconcilio, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3258, 1985) 82 pp (part).

Giovanni Reghezza (≈, ≈), Relazione tra l'ideale ospedaliero e quello militare negli ordini ospedalieri e militari del medio evo, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3170, 1984) 64 pp (part).

Severino Mastrotto (≈, ≈), L'educazione della prole come elemento essenziale dell'oggetto formale del consenso matrimoniale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3168, 1984) 150 pp (part).

Fernande Viens (≈, ≈), Charismes et vie consacrée, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3140, 1983) xxvi-275 pp.

Hans-Eckhard Lauenroth (≈, ≈), Der Ständige Diakonat: Seine ekklesiologische Idee und kanonistische Verwirklichung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3136, 1983) v-200 pp (part).

Arturo Cecchele (Italian priest, ≈), L'atteggiamento attuale della Chiesa italiana verso i divorziati risposati, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3131, 1983) 96 pp (part).

Giovanni Carzaniga (Italian priest, ≈), La discussione sul Concordato in Italia dall'Assemblea Costituente ai nostri giorni attraverso i dibattiti parlamentari, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3124, 1983) xii-164 pp (part).

Timothy Broglio (American priest, 1951-), Communicatio in sacris: As it is treated in canon 797 of the proposed schema of the code of canon law (c. 844 of the new cic) in relation to the ecclesial communities of the West, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3113 1983) 134 pp (part). Broglio biograph.

Salvatore Matano (American priest, 1946-), The relationship between bishop and priests as expressed in personnel policies governing priests of the Diocese of Providence, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3112, 1983) x-380 pp. Matano biograph.


Sigwart J. Neuhaus (≈, ≈), Die christokratische Bruderschaft: Ein rechtstheologischer Versuch über das Kirchenbild Erik Wolfs, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3109, 1981) xiii-245 pp.


Maria Azaredo (≈, ≈), Sacred bonds: a study of the application of 'Renovationis causam', (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3101, 1983) xxxv-354 pp.

Maria J. Schoenmaeckers (≈, ≈), Genèse du chapitre VI De religiosis: de la constitution dogmatique sur l'Eglise Lumen gentium, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3094, 1983) 328 pp.

Gerard McKay (Scottish priest, 1949-), Counsel and consent: The governance of the diocesan Church according to the Commentaria in quinque libros Decretalium of Sinibaldo de' Fieschi (Pope Innocent IV), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3091, 1982) 48 pp (part).


Luigi Mistò (Italian priest, 1952-), Libertas religiosa e Libertas Ecclesiae: il fondamento della relazione Chiesa-comunità politica nel quadro del dibattito postconciliare in Italia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3081, 1982) 222 pp. Mistò biograph.

Rino Passigato (Italian priest, 1944-), Il regime di libertà religiosa e le relazioni tra la comunità politica e la Chiesa cattolica nel Vaticano II, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3079, 1982) xliii-110 pp (part). Passigato biograph.

Anne Passigato (Luxembourgian laywoman, 1955-), L'impuissance organique de la femme d'après la jurisprudence rotale récente (1970-1981), Gregorian diss. 3078, 1982) 94 pp (part). Passigato biograph.

Konrad Zdarsa (German priest, 1944-), Die erforderliche Reife zum Empfang des Firmsakraments nach Disziplin der Kirche im Zwanzigsten Jahrhundert: der Weg von Codex Iuris Canonici zum erneuerten kirchlichen Gesetzbuch (ein rechtshistorischer Überblick), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3077, 1982) ≠ pp. Zdarsa biograph.

Jean-Claude Périsset (Swiss priest, 1939-), Curé et presbytérium paroissial: analyse de Vatican II pour une adaptation des normes canoniques du prêtre en paroisse, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3068, 1982) xxxvii-450 pp. Périsset biograph.

Wolfgang Hubert Berka (≈, ≈), Confraternitas: Gemeinschaft in der Rechtsstruktur der Kirche, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3066, 1982) x-189 pp.


Real Forgues (≈ religious, ≈), Les Frères de Saint-Vincent de Paul: Institut clerical, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3065, 1982) 259 pp.

German T. Pavón Puente (Ecuadoran priest, 1936-), Evolución del factor subjetivo en la relevancia invalidante del miedo en el matrimonio, can. 1057 c. i. c., (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3056, 1982) 76 pp (part).

Christopher Yeo (≈, ≈), The structure and content of monastic profession: a juridical study, with particular regard to the practice of the English Benedictine Congregation since the French Revolution, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3046, 1982) ≈ 57 pp (part).

Ireneusz Pekalski (Polish priest, 1950-), Evoluzione delle competenze delle Congregazioni della Curia Romana, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3044, 1982) 93 pp (part). Pekalski biograph.

Jorge Jaime Vásquez (Columbian Jesuit, ≈), Interpretación patrística del Génesis 2, 18-23: Significado de la expresión"mutuum adiutorium"hasta san Agustín, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3034, 1982) 83 pp (part).

Giampietro Mazzoni (Italian priest, ≈), La collegialità episcopale: posizioni teologiche e giuridico-canoniche, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3026, 1981) 48 pp (part).

Karl Geisslreiter (≈ Capuchin, ≈), Die neue Mischehengesetzgebung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Anwendung in Deutschland, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3024, 1982) 71 pp (part).

Stefan Schnyder (≈, ≈), Das Objekt des Ehewillens, Zur Lehre der Tradition im Mittelalter und zu ihrer Entwicklung bis zur Fragestellung in der neuesten Diskussion, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3023, 1982) xxvi-424 pp.

Ludwig Schick (German priest, 1949-), Das Dreifache Amt Christi und der Kirche, zur Entstehung und Entwicklung der Trilogien, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3016, 1982) 180 pp. Schick biograph.

Samuel Rodrigues (≈, ≈), A polémica sobre o casamento civil em Portugal: Estudo histórico-jurídico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3001, 1981) 67 pp (part).

Giuseppe Versaldi (Italian priest, 1943-), L'oggettività delle prove in campo psichico: una ricerca interdisciplinare sulle sentenze della S. Romana Rota dal 1967 al 1976 in tema di impotentia coëundi per cause psichiche, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3000, 1981) 229 pp. Versaldi biograph.

Thomas Olmsted (American priest, 1947-), The secularity of secular institutes, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2977, 1981) vii-351 pp. Olmsted biograph.

Genevieve Couriaud (French religious, 1938-), Esprit et structure des constitutions primitives des soeurs de la presentation de Marie: un retour aux sources, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2969, 1981) xl-425 pp. Couriaud biograph.

Sharon Holland (American religious, ≈), The concept of consecration in secular institutes, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2961, 1981) 394 pp. Holland biograph.

Norbert Weis (German priest, 1950-), Das prophetische Amt der Laien in der Kirche: eine rechtstheologische Untersuchung anhand dreier Dokumente des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils, (Gregorian doctoral diss. ≈ 1981) 491 pp. Weis biograph.

Roland Minnerath (French priest, 1946-), La doctrine de Vatican II sur la liberté religieuse et son application dans les concordats post-conciliaires, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2956, 1980) 57 pp (part). Minnerath biograph.

Antonio García Cerrada (Mexican priest, ≈-2008), Evolución histórico-jurídica de la simonía confidencial, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2949, 1981) 93 pp (part).

Bernard David (French priest, 1943-), L'impuissance est-elle un empechement de droit naturel ou positif ?: etude historico-critique de la thèse de Ponce de Lèon, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2946, 1981) 201 pp.

Mario Zenari (Italian priest, 1946-), Chiesa e Stato in Innocenzo Liruti 1741-1827, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2943, 1981) 56 pp (part). Zenari biograph.

Fernando Retamal (Chilean ≈, ≈), La igualdad fundamental de los fieles en la Iglesia según la constitución dogmática Lumen gentium: estudio de las fuentes, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2942, 1980) 368 pp.


Joseph Herres (≈, ≈), The activity of Lodovico Taverna, Apostolic Nuncio in Spain (1582-1586), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2936, 1980) ≈ 40 pp (part).

Joseph Feliu (Indian Jesuit, ≈), Congregaciones romanas: genésis y evolución hasta la constitución Sapienti consilio, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2925, 1980) xix-61 pp (part).

Karl-Bruno Fritzen (German priest, ), Der Bischofsvikar im zweiten Vatikanum: Entstehung und sendung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2920, 1980) 122 pp (part).

Manuel Avila Castañeda (Columbian Redemptorist, 1928-2017), La consumación conyugal indisoluble: Según s. Buenaventura, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2912, 1979) 79 pp (part). Castañeda biograph.

Thomas Molloy (American priest, ≈), The document of the national conference of catholic bishops of the United States on due process, in the light of American and Canon Law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2907, 1980) xi-165-20 pp.

Gianfranco Ghirlanda (Italian Jesuit, 1942-), Hierarchica communio: significato della formula nella Lumen gentium, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2898, 1980) xix-653 pp. Ghirlanda biograph.

James Harvey (American priest, 1949-), The jurisdiction of the episcopal college according to Gianvincenzo Bolgeni: An exposition in light of the teaching of Lumen gentium of the Second Vatican Council, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2890, 1980) 75 pp (part). Harvey biograph.

Erich Saurwein (Austrian priest, ), Der Ursprung des Rechtsinstitutes der Päpstlichen Dispens von der nicht vollzogenen Ehe: eine Interpretation der Dekretalen Alexanders III, und Urbans III, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2883, 1980) xx-266 pp.

James Graham (≈, ≈), Transsexualism and the nullity of marriage, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2881, 1979) 196 pp.

Rey Manuel Monsanto (Filipino priest, ≈), Conjugal love and fear in the matrimonial consent: a study of the origin of the invalidating efficacy of fear in the light of conjugal love, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2870, 1979) 66 pp (part).


John McAreavey (Irish priest, 1949-), Emotional immaturity and marriage: A canonical analysis of diocesan pre-marriage policies and ecclesiastical jurisprudence, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2851, 1979) x-216 pp. McAreavey biograph.

Edmund Cybulski (≈, ≈), Essenzialità della volontà nell'atto giuridico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2847, 1979) 70 pp (part).


Otto L. García (Cuban priest, ≈), Sacramentalitas episcopatus: evolution of the Text of Lumen Gentium, n. 21 b, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2846, 1979) 133 pp (part).

Enid Williamson (≈ religious ≈), The nature of the Congregation of Servite Sisters according to its constitutional writings, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2831, 1979) in 2 vols.


Thomas Doran (American priest, 1936-2016), Canon law in the twelfth century: The views of Bernold of Constance, Ivo of Chartres and Alger of Liege, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2830, 1979) 75 pp (part). Doran biograph.


Jeanne de Charry (French religious, ≈), Histoire des constitutions de la Société du Sacré-Coeur: les constitutions définitives et leur approbation par le Saint-Siège, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2828, 1979) in 3 vols. Review: G. Fransen, Revue Théologique de Louvain 20 (1989) 476-479 (of an expanded version).


Bernard Rossi (Canadian priest, ≈), Priests' senates canadian experiences: a study of the constitution and development of Presbyteral Councils in the Anglophone Provinces and Territories of Canada in the 10 years following Ecclesiae Sanctae, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2821, 1979) 397 pp. Review: T. Green, Jurist 44 (1984) 498-500. Rossi biograph.


Matija Berljak (Croatian priest, 1945-), Il diritto naturale e il suo rapporto con la divinità in Ugo Pozio, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2801, 1978) 148 pp. Berljak biograph.


Günter Raab (, ), Rechtsschutz gegenüber der Verwaltung: zur Möglichkeit einer kanonischen Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit nach dem Modell des deutschen Rechts, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2796, 1978) xi-405 pp.


Clarence Gallagher (Scottish Jesuit, 1929-2013), Canon law and the Christian community: the role of law in the Church according to the Summma aurea of cardinal Hostiensis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2795, 1970/1978) 242 pp. Review: G. Lesage, Studia Canonica 13 (1979) 488-489. Gallagher biograph.


Emil Tscherrig (Swiss priest, 1947-), Das Wesen des oekumenischen Konzils: versuch einer Definition nach Texten einiger ausgewählter Autoren vom Tridentinum bis zum Erscheinen des CIC, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2769, 1978) 189 pp. Tscherrig biograph.

Leonardo Sandri (Argentine priest, 1943-), La problemática del"Organo"en la teoría jurí dica civil y canónica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2761, 1978) 136 pp. Sandri biograph.

Attilio Nicora (Italian priest, 1937-2017), Il principio di oralità nel diritto processuale civile italiano e nel diritto processuale canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. ≈ 1977) xxxii-637 pp. Nicora biograph.


Jorge Lozano Zafra (Columbian priest, 1938-), La integridad de la Confesión: precepto positivo divino o norma eclesiástica?, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2742, 1977) 62 pp (part). Lozano Zafra biograph.


Eugênio de Andrade Veiga (Brazilian priest, 1914-≈), Os párocos no Brasil no período colonial (1500- 1822), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2719, [1942] 1977) 191 pp. de Andrade Veigabiograph.


Jacques Masson (French Jesuit, 1937-), Histoire des causes du divorce dans la tradition canonique copte (des origines au XIIIe siècle), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2718, 1976) 214 pp (part).


Michael Higgins (Irish/American priest, 1937-2016), The anointing of the sick: the historical evolution of the discipline of the sacrament, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2687, 1975) viii-193 pp.


Pierre Branchereau (French priest, ≈), Monseigneur Angebault et les congrégations religieuses angevines, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2686, 1976) ii-294 pp.

Josef Huber (≈ priest, ≈), Der Ehekonsens im römischen Recht: studien zu seinem Begriffsgehalt in der Klassaik und zur Frage seines Wandels in der Nachklassik, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2685, 1977) 176 pp. Review: M. Fahey, Jurist 38 (1978) 470-471.


Hugo Reinoso Luna (Ecuadorian priest, ≈), El beneficio parroquial y el substrato formalmente constitutivo de su personalidad, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2678, 1976) 90 pp (part).


José María Soto (≈ Augustinian, ≈), El matrimonio"in fieri"en la doctrina de s. Ambrosio y s. Juan Crisóstomo: estudio comparativo, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2640, 1976) xx-240 pp. Dissertation preview, here.


Eugen Psiuk (Polish priest, 1938-), Die öffentliche Urkunde im kanonischen Recht, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2638, 1976) xl-200 pp. Psiuk biograph.


Piero Antonio Bonnet (Italian layman 1940-2018), L'essenza del matrimonio canonico: contributo allo studio dell'amore coniugale, o il momento costitutivo del matrimonio, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2628, 1976) 87 pp (part). Review: J. Castaño, Angelicum 57 (1980) 296-298. Bonnet biograph.


Alois Hillebrand (Italian Capuchin, ≈), Fratres nihil sibi approprient..: Zur juridischer Struktur der Armut im Kapuzinerorden, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2620, 1976) 72 pp (part).


William Kelly (Irish Jesuit, ), Pope Gregory II on Divorce and Remarriage (Gregorian doctoral diss. ≈, 1976) xxii-333 pp. Review: M. Thériault, Studia Canonica 18 (1984) 505-506.

Kenneth Boccafola (American priest, 1940-), The requirement of perpetuity for the impediment of impotence, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2600, 1975) 156 pp.


Michael Hughes (Irish Oblate, ≈), The act of membership of the Catholic Church and the nature of ecclesial juridicity, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2594, 1974) 100 pp (part).


Gervásio Fernandes de Queiroga (Brazilain priest, 1934-), Comunháo e corresponsabilidade: a conferência nacional dos bispos do Brasil, estruturas e pastoral orgánica, á luz do Concílio Vaticano II, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2578, 1977) 88 pp (part).

James Cuneo (American priest, ≈), Concepts of ecclesiastical power in recent studies edited by the Canon Law Society of America: reflections toward understanding jurisdiction for functioning in the Church, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2576, 1975) 83 pp (part).


José Luis Mollaghan (Argentine priest, 1946-), Es lo justo constitutivo de la ley, según santo Tomás?: estudio crítico a partir de una interpretación formalista contemporanea, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2549, 1975) 67 pp (part). Mollaghan biograph.


Ladislaus Kostrzewa (, ), De Episcoporum potestatis dispensandi in legibus matrimonialibus evolutione a Concilio Tridentino ad Paulum VI: tensio inter tendentiam centralisationis et decentralisationis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2548, 1975) 72 pp (part).


Cyril Baselios Malancharuvil (Indian religious, 1935-2007), The Syro-Malankara Church: its juridical status, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2534, 1974) xii-171 pp. Malancharuvil biograph.


Carlo De Sanctis (, ), La presunzione di morte del coniuge assente nel diritto della chiesa, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2518, 1974) 58 pp (part).


Reinhold Sebott (German Jesuit, 1937-), Das Problem der Religionsfreiheit bei John Courtney Murray, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2508, 1974) xxviii-48 pp (part). Monograph, Religionsfreiheit und Verhältnis von Kirche und Staat (Gregoriana, 1977) xxxi-260 pp. Review: R. Flinn, Jurist 38 (1978) 471-474. Sebott biograph.

Le-Xuan-Thuong (Vietnamese priest, 1943-2015), La double sentence conforme une étude historico-juridique, (Gregorian doctoral diss. , 1975) vii-92 pp (part). Le-Xuan-Thuongbiograph.


Reinhold Schwarz (, ), Die eigenberechtigte Gewalt der Kirche, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2493, 1974) xxxv-141 pp.

Carlo Caffarra (Italian priest, 1938-2017), I fini del matrimonio nel diritto romano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2484, 1974) 64 pp (part). Caffarra biograph.

Carolus Wypler (, ), Consensus legislatoris pro consuetudine in Ecclesia: doctrina medii aevi ac doctoris Fr. Suárez (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2482, 1974) 46 pp (part).


Valentín Ramallo (Spanish Jesuit, ≈), El derecho y el misterio de la Iglesia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2480, 1972) xv-473 pp. Dissertation partially available here.

Gerardo Ty Veloso (Filipino Benedictine, 1937-), Usque ad mortem in Monasterio perseverantes (regula Benedicti, pr. 50): the obligation of monks to persevere and to reside in their monastery, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2471, 1973) xxiv-28 pp.


Mario Paquette (Canadian priest, 1938-), Les conseils presbytéraux au Québec, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2466, 1973) 318 pp. Paquette biograph.


Zenon Grocholewski (Polish priest, 1939-), De exclusione indissolubilitatis ex consensu matrimoniali eiusque probatione: considerationes super recentiores sententias rotales, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2452, 1972) 51 pp (part).


Roberto Gavotto (American Augustinian, ≈), The prior general: the principle of unity in the order on (id est of) saint Augustine, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2442, 1973) 112 pp.


Luigi Bressan (Italian priest, 1940-), bishop Il canone tridentino sul divorzio per adulterio e l'interpretazione degli autori, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2416, 1973) xvii-360 pp. Bressan biograph.


Frans Daneels (Belgian Norbertine, 1941-), De subiecto officii ecclesiastici attenta doctrina Concilii Vaticani II: suntne laici officii ecclesiastici capaces?, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2405, 1973) xxiv-131 pp. Daneels biograph.

Jaine Traserra Cunillera (Spanish priest, 1934-), La tutela de los derechos subjetivos frente a la administración eclesiástica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2397, 1972) 193 pp. Traserra Cunillera biograph.


Mario Marchesi (Italian priest, ≈), Consiglio presbiterale diocesano: sintesi storica e analisi sistematico-critica delle prime esperienze nella regione conciliare lombarda, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2389, 1971) xx-412 pp.


Pierre Fontez (French priest, 1926-2015), Les Diverses étapes de la laïcisation du mariage en France, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2383, 1972) 162 pp.


Francisco Javier Egana (≈ Jesuit, ≈), Orígenes de la Congregación general en la Companía de Jesús: estudio histórico-jurídico de la octava parte de las Constituciones, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2379, 1972) xxiv-385 pp.


Iosé Maria Díaz Moreno (Spanish Jesuit, ≈), La regulación jurídica de la cura de almas en los canonistas hispánicos de los siglos XVI-XVII, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2367, 1972) vii-109 pp. Díaz Morenobiograph.


François Morlot (≈, ≈), La Sécularité de l'Institut Séculier des Prêtres du Coeur de Jésus, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2361, 1972) in 2 vols.


René Séjourné (French priest, 1930-), L'option religieuse des mineurs et l'autorité parentale: droit français et attitude de l'Eglise Catholique, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2360, 1972) xxxvi-340 pp. Séjourné biograph.


Ignacio Salvat (Spanish Jesuit, 1931-2011), Servir en misión: aportación al estudio del carisma de Ignacio de Loyola y de la Compañía de Jesús, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2347, 1972) xv-86 pp. Salvat biograph.


Simon Chin (≈ Jesuit, ≈), Proof by witnesses in canon law: from the beginning to the decree of Gratian; an historical inquiry, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2307, 1971) iii-59 pp (part).


John Alesandro (American priest, ≈), Gratian's notion of marital consummation, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2306, 1971) viii-108 pp (part).


Stanislaus Kos (≈ Jesuit, ≈), De matrimonii aestimatione iuridico-morali in scriptis ecclesiasticis primorum quattuor saeculorum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2300, 1971) 56 pp.


Josef Königsmann (German religious, ≈), Allgemeine Eheheilungen in der Wurzel: eine Untersuchung zur Problematik der verschiedenen Dokumente und zur Entwicklung der Eheheilung in der Wurzel, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2296, 1971) xxiii-182 pp.


Hubert Müller (German priest, 1936-1995), Zum Verhältnis zwischen Episkopat und Presbyterat im Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil: eine rechtstheologische Untersuchung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2292, 1971) 456 pp. Müller biograph.


Sylvio Cesare Bonicelli (Italian priest, 1932-2009), I Concili particolari da Graziano al Concilio di Trento: studio sulla evoluzione del diritto della Chiesa latina, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2285, 1971) 216 pp. Bonicelli biograph.


Donald Brown (≈ Jesuit, ≈), The Origins of the grades in the Society of Jesus, 1540 to 1550, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2276, 1971) 121 pp (part).


Joseph Manjgotic (≈, ≈), Relatio ius inter et libertatem matrimonium contrahendi, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2272, 1971) 50 pp (part).


Jester Ludwig (≈ priest, ≈), Der Ehebegriff der josephinischen Kanonisten, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2266, 1969) xi-44 pp (part).


Joanne Mullenders (≈ religious, ≈), Le Mariage presume, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2263, 1971) xvi-153 pp.

Rafael Figueroa (, ), La ‘Persona standi in iudicio’ en la legislación eclesiástica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2254, 1971) xxii-292 pp.


Michel Dortel-Claudot (French Jesuit, 1927-), Le Genre de vie exterieur de la Compagnie de Jésus, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2249, 1971) 76 pp.


Carlo Gullo (Italian layman, 1942-), Il Metus ingiustamente incusso nel matrimonio in diritto canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2245, 1970) 133 pp. Gullo biograph.


Gerhard Fahrnberger (Austrian priest, 1940-2008), Bischofsamt und Priestertum in den Diskussionen des Konzils von Trient: eine rechtstheologische Untersuchung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2238, 1970) 130 pp. Fahrnberger biograph.

Santos Abril y Castelló (Spanish priest, 1935-), Autores clásicos favorables a la disolubilidad del matrimonio rato y consumado?, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2236, 1970) 32 pp (part). Abril y Castellóbiograph.


Julio Manzanares Marijuan (Spanish priest, 1932-2018), Liturgia y descentralización en el Concilio Vaticano II: las conferencias episcopales eje de la reforma liturgica conciliar, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2225, 1970) xxviii-267 pp. Manzanares Marijuan biograph.


Richard Zenk (American priest, 1927-2016), The office of the deacon in ecclesiastical law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2205, 1969) 67 pp (part).

Piotr Zuk (≈ Carmelite, ≈), De Ecclesiae potestate et legibus in quaestione sociali, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2179, 1969) 156 pp (part).


José Eguía (≈, ≈), Los deficientes mentales y la Eucaristía, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2139, 1969) 197 pp.

Alfred Nothum (French religious, ≈), La rémunération du travail inhérent aux fonctions spirituelles et la simonie de droit divin, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2138, 1969) xx-262 pp.


Antonio da Silva Pereira ( priest, ), Sacramento da Ordem e ofício eclesiástico: problemática hodierna do sacramento e poder na Igreja, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2137, 1969) xvi-260 pp.

John Louis (≈, ≈), The evolution of the juridical concept of the laity between Vatican I and Vatican II, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2133, 1969) 66 pp (part).


Józef Kowalczyk (Polish priest, 1938-), De extraordinario confirmationis ministro: comparatio inter disciplinam ecclesiae latinae et ecclesiarum orientalium, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2123, 1969) 77 pp (part). Kowalczyk biograph.


Antonio Brajko (≈, ≈), De necessitate consilii et consensus aliquarum personarum quoad agendum ex parte superioris in iure canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2113, 1969) 52 pp (part).


Francesco Coccopalmerio (Italian priest, 1938-), La partecipazione degli acattolici al culto della Chiesa cattolica nella pratica e nella dottrina della Santa Sede dall'inizio del Secolo XVII ai nostri giorni: uno studio teologico sull'essenza del diritto di prendere parte al culto cattolico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2106, 1969) 316 pp. Coccopalmerio biograph.


Charles Yezi (, ), La structure du mariage coutumier des Baluba: conditions de validité, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2105, 1963) 92 pp (part).


Jesús Gómez Sobrino (Spanish ≈, ≈), Fundamento y finalidad de la pena eclesiástica según Angel Amor Ruibal, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2098, 1969) 63 pp (part).


Alfred Völler ( religious, ), Einheit der Kirche und Gemeinschaft des Kultes: Untersuchung über Möglichneiten und Grenzen rechtlicher Gestaltung der Teilnahme katholischer Christen am nichtkatholischen christlichen Gottesdienst, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2092, 1969) xxiv-221 pp.


Jesús Hortal Sanchez (Spanish Jesuit, 1927-), De initio potestatis primatialis Romani Pontificis: investigatio histórico-iurídica a tempore Sancti Gregorii Magni usque ad tempus Clementis V, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2053, 1968) xv-163 pp. Hortal Sanchezbiograph.


Alberto Vernaschi (Mexican religious, ), Una istituzione originale: le figlie della carità di s. Vincenzo de' Paoli, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2040, 1968) 160 pp.


Anton Kofler (, ), Uber die Beziehung zwischen Eheunfähigkeit der Personen und dem Ehewellen: entwicklung des Problems von Sánchez bis in die Gegenwart, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2039, 1968) xv-189 pp.


Carlos Aísa Garín (, ), El concepto de ius singulare en derecho romano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2028, 1968) 127 pp (part).

Joseph Delic (, ), De evolutione delegationis a iure sub respectu potestatis Episcoporum a Tridentino usque ad Motu Proprio Pastorale Munus, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2015, 1968) 78 pp (part).


Oskar Stoffel (Swiss religious, ≈), Die Konvention vom 7 November 1879 zwischen dem Bischof von Sitten und dem Staat Wallis: Rechtshistorische Studie über die Restitution der säkularisierten Kirchengüter, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2014, 1967) xv-120 pp.


Viateur Boulanger (, ), La condition juridique du novice, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2005, 1967) xiv-91 pp.


Tomislas Bondulic (≈, ≈), Persona et societas: Aristotelis doctrina in relatione cum s. Thoma ac quibusdam systematibus modernis posita, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1972, 1967) 58 pp (part).


Joseph Greco (French Jesuit, 1916-≈), Le pouvoir du souverain Pontife à l'égard des infidèles: le privilège Petrinum peut-il etre étendu au mariage de non baptisés, spécialement à celui des catéchumènes? Jalons historiques: faits et doctrines, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1967, 1967) xxxi-406 pp.


Battista Dassa (, ), La fondazione di S. Angela Merici come prima forma di vita consacrata a Dio nel mondo, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1960, 1967) 361 pp.


Fortunato de Santiago (≈ Capuchin, ≈), Doctrinas acerca de la regla franciscana en los siglos XVIII-XIX, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1959, 1967) xv-62 pp (part).

Marcel Wijnants (, ), La structure juridique des conseils évangeliques dans les instituts seculière, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1946, 1967) 61 pp (part).


Edward Egan (American priest, 1932-2015), The introduction of a new"chapter of nullity"in matrimonial courts of appeal: a study of legislation in the code of canon law and the instruction Provida mater ecclesia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1944, 1967) xiv-214 pp. Egan biograph.


Andrea Henrisoesanta (Indonesian religious, 1935-2016), De probatione per documenta in processu canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1928, 1966) 89 pp (part).


Marcel Genest ( religious, ), La controverse, au 12e et au 13e siècle, sur les sentences judiciaires contraires à la vérité, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1926, 1967) 72 pp (part).


Giuseppe Mussetto (, ), L'esecutorietà delle sentenze straniere di divorzio da matrimonio canonico trascritto in Italia agli effetti civili, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1923, 1967) 62 pp (part).


Louis Mauthé (≈, ≈), L'acte positif de volonté contre les biens du mariage dans la jurisprudence rotale: étude historico-canonique de la Décision III, coram Many, en 1911, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1919, 1966) ≈ 49 pp (part).


Umberto Domine (Italian religious, ), L'errore semplice intorno alle proprietà essenziali del matrimonio ed il suo influsso sulla validità del medesimo, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1917, 1966) xxi-132 pp.


Juan F. Radrizzani Goñi (≈, ≈), Papa y obispos en la potestad de jurisdicción ségun el pensamiento de Francisco de Vitoria o. p.: estudio hecho en las obras del Maestro publicadas hasta hoy, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1915, 1967) vii-286 pp.

William Bassett (American priest, 1932-), The determination of rite, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1910, 1967) xii-281 pp. Bassett biograph.

Alaphridus de Bonhome ( Jesuit, ), Juridiction des évêques et exemption des réguliers de Sixte IV á l'ouverture du Concile de Trente (1474- 1545), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1906, 1966) 118 pp (part).


Reinhard Lettmann (German priest, 1933-2013), Die Diskussion über die klandestinen Ehen und die Einführung einer zur Gültigkeit verpflichtenden Eheschliessungsform auf dem Konzil von Trient, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1905, 1965) vii-195 pp. Lettmann biograph.


Heinrich Fasching (Austrian priest, 1929-2014), Die Chorherrenstifte von Wiener Neustadt: Eine rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1899, 1966) 252 pp. Fasching biograph.


Anton Tamarut (Croatian priest, 1932-2000), De conceptu cultus publici sanctorum: inquisitio historico-iuridica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1886, 1966), 69 pp (part). Tamarut biograph.

Walter Blattmann (Swiss priest, ), Die Pfarrwahl durch die Gemeinde im Bistum Basel: Eine rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung über die Entstehung der Pfarrwahlgesetze in den Kantonen Aargau Solothurn, Bern und Basel-Land, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1880, 1966) xviii-173 pp.


Velasio De Paolis (Italian religious, 1935-), La natura della potestà del Vicario Generale: analisi storico-critica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1863, 1966) xii-147 pp. de Paolis biograph.


Ladislas Ziólek (, ), Sede vacante nihil innovetur (studium historico-iuridicum ad can. 436 C. I. C.), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1858, 1966) xvi-173 pp.


Stanislas Bushayija (Tutsi priest, ), Le mariage coutumier au Ruanda, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1827, 1966) 208 pp.

Johann Günter Gerhartz (German Jesuit, 1926-2016), ‘Insuper promitto’: die feierlichen Sondergelübde katholischer Orden, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1826, 1966) xxxi-331 pp. Gerhartz biograph.


Yves Labonté ( Jesuit, ), Le mariage selon Yve de Chartres: sa formation, son indissolubilité aux différentes phases de sa genèse, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1821, 1965) 56 pp (part).


Carlo Antonio da Martellago (≈ Capuchin, ≈), La posizione del terz'Ordine secolare Francescano nel diritto della Chiesa, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1801, 1965) 60 pp (part).


Helmut Krätzl (Austrian priest, 1931-), Die kirchliche Aufbauanleihe in Österreich, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1797, 1965) 252 pp. Krätzl biograph.


Leandro Rossi (Italian priest, 1933-2003), I parroci nei Sinodi lodigiani della riforma cattolica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1788, 1965) 61 pp (part). Rossi biograph.

Mateo Sanclimens a Puig-reig, (≈ Capuchin, ≈), Conflictus forum internum inter et externum in materia matrimonialis dispensationis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1782, 1965) xxiv-151 pp.


Marco Tulio Mejia ( religious, ), La confesión a distancia (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1767, 1964) 127 pp.



 Robert Flinn (American religious, 1929-1995), Admission to incorporation into the states of perfection, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1763, 1965) 147 pp (part). MonographAdmission to Vows: recent directives and trends, (Divine Word, 1965) 157 pp. Flinn biograph.



Francisco Xavier Redó Llonart (, ), La figura jurídica del vicario sustituto, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1762, 1965) 276 pp.

Emilio Ghidotti (Italian priest, -2003), La nullità della sentenza giudiziale nel diritto canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1754, 1965) xxi-312 pp.

Thomas Puthiakunnel (Indian priest, 1928-1939), General obligations of the Syro-Malabar clergy: an historico-juridical study in the light of canons 60-87 of the motu proprio Cleri Sanctitati, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1742, 1964) xv-255 pp.

Michel Pourrias (, ), Evêques et réguliers selon la déclaration de l'Assemblée Générale du Clergé de France en 1625, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1737, 1963) xiv-122-39 pp.


William Tobin (American priest, 1938-), Homosexuality and Marriage: a canonical evaluation of the relationship of homosexuality to the validity of marriage in the light of recent Rotal jurisprudence, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1728, 1964) 378 pp.

Angelo Carminati (≈ religious, ≈), I fini dello stato religioso e il servizio della Chiesa: studio storico-giuridico su i rapporti tra il fine generale e il fine speciale dello stato religioso, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1724, 1964) xxiii-167 pp.


Wilhelm Varsányi (, ), De competentia et procedura Sacrae Congregationi Concilii ab origine ad haec usque nostra tempora, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1715, 1964) 124 pp.

Joachim Scheepers ( Capuchin, ), De regimine matrimonii disparis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1707, 1964) xii-185 pp.

Justin Rigali (American priest, 1935-), The law of Tutela: an historical and juridical study, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1695, 1964) vi-60 pp (part). Rigali biograph.


Horacio Bózzoli (Argentine prirst, 1927-1993), El uso de la ciencia adquirida en la confesión: estudio de los documentos de la Iglesia y de la doctrina de los autores desde el siglo XVI hasta la promulgación del CIC, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1680, 1964) 117 pp (part). Bózzoli biograph.


Joseph Berger (≈, ≈), Rejection of the introductory libellus in matrimonial causes, with special reference to the ecclesiastical tribunals of the United States of America, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1669, 1964) 120 pp (part).


Anton Agreiter (Tyrolean priest, 1934-2003), Die Anstellung der Kooperatoren im Bistum Brixen: eine rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung von den Anfängen bis um die Mitte des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1666, 1964) xii-76 pp. Agreiter biograph.


Jean Beyer (Belgian Jesuit, 1914-2002), La consécration à Dieu dans les instituts séculiers, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1664, 1664) ≈ 216 pp (part). Beyer biograph.


Victor de Gabriele (Maltese Jesuit, ), Uniting the juristic effects of crime, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1664, 1964) xii-71 pp (part).

Valentín Trujillo Mena (Peruvian priest, 1957-), La legislación eclesiástica en el virreinato del Perú durante el siglo XVI: con especial aplicación a la jerarquía y a la organización diocesana, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1661, 1963, 130 pp (part).

Georgius Zur ( priest, 1930-), De nullitate matrimonii a Sacra Congregatione de Sacramentis declaranda, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1656, 1963) 82 pp (part). Zur biograph.


João Antonio Gomes da Silva Marques (, ), A boa fé na prescrição"Longissimi temporis": sua necessidade e natureza segundo o doutor Pedro Barbosa (+1606), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1653, 1964) xvii-175 pp.

  John Russell (Irish Jesuit, ≈), The ‘Sanatio in radice’ before the Council of Trent, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1651, 1964) viii-152 pp.

Alfred Bölle (, ), Die Seminarfrage im Bistum Basel für die Zeit vom Anfang des 19: Jahrhunderts bis zur Gegenwart, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1639, 1964) xxi-250 pp.


John Keating (American priest, 1934-1998), The bearing of mental impairment on the validity of marriage: an analysis of Rotal jurisprudence, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1634, 1964) vi-221 pp. Keating biograph.


Ivan Žužek (Slovenian Jesuit, 1924-2004), Kormcaja kniga: Studies on the chief Code of Russian canon law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1633, 1964) xii-328 pp. Žužek biograph.


Heinrich Heitmeyer (Austrian priest, ≈), Sakramentenspendung bei Häretikern und Simonisten nach Huguccio: von den ‘Wirkungen’ besonders der Taufe und Weihe in der ersten Causa seiner Summa super Corpore Decretorum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1628, 1963) v- 173 pp.

André Desrochers (Canadian priest, ≈), L'obbligation d'avoir un servant á la Messe basse: commentaire historico-canonique du canon 813, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1624, 1963, vi-115 pp (part).


Robert Crooker (American Basilian, 1925-2018), The discipline of enclosure in clerical congregations and societies, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1621, 1963) 173 pp. Crooker biograph.


José L. Larrabe (≈, ≈), Hacia Ia creación de nuevas parroquias (doctrina con ciliar de la Iglesia), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1619, 1963) 114 pp.


Richard Hill (American Jesuit, ), Ecclesiastical pensions in the jurisprudence of the Sacred Congregation of the Council, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1611, 1963) 77 pp (part).


Donald Diederich (American priest, 1932-2016), The right of an accused in a criminal trial to refuse to testify against himself according to the norms of canon law and the federal law of the United States, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1607, 1963) 73 pp (part).


Francisco Xavier de Urrutia ( Jesuit, ), El fundamento del valor jurídico de la costumbre según santo Tomás, Suárez y Savigny: estudio de filosofía del derecho, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1597, 1963) ≈ 58 pp (part).

Edward Surges (American priest, ), Defamation and insult in Rotal jurisprudence and canonical doctrine, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1585, 1963) 76 pp (part).


William Genuario (American priest, ≈-2015), The 1990 process: the essential distinction between the exceptional case and the matrimonial cause, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1579, 1963) 88 pp (part). Genuario biograph.


José A. Liaguno ( Jesuit, ), La Personalidad jurídica del indio y el III Concilio Provincial Mexicano (1585): ensayo histórico-jurídico de los documemtos originales, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1578, 1963) xxiii-324 pp.


Angelo da Meana ( Capuchin, ), La condizione giuridica della donna coniugata nel codice di diritto canonico (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1576, 1963 xiv-142 pp.


Carlos M. Corral Salvador (≈ Jesuit, 1929-), La noción metafísica del derecho en el Código de Derecho Canónico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1575, 1962) 64 pp (part).

Jacobus Spreuwers (, ), De juribus et obligationibus quoad sacramentum poenitentiae usque ad Concilium Nicaenum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1568, 1963) 63 pp (part).


Americo do Couto Oliveira (Brazilai/Portugese priest, 1929-1998), Agostinho Barbosa e o indice dos livros proibidos, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1556, 1962) 46 pp (part). do Couto Oliveira biograph.


P. Lozovei (Ukrainian Basilian, ), De metropolitarum kioviensium potestate (988-1596), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1544, 1962) xxii-140 pp.


Eliseu Viegas e Vales (, ), Bishop and presbyter in medieval papal legislation, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1543, 1962) 91 pp.

Pietro Serafini (≈, ≈), Sull'esclusione dei beni essenziali del matrimonio canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1535, 1962) xii-97 pp.


  Rodolfo Quezada Toruño (Guatelamla priest, 1932-2012), La perseverancia del consentimiento matrimonial en la ‘Sanatio in radice’, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1531, 1962) xix-129 pp. Review: J. Schmidt, Jurist 24 (1964) 111-113. Quezada biograph.

Martin Mangan (American priest, 1930-2001), Res judicata: an historico-juridical study, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1514, 1962) 56 pp (part).

Bruno Testacci (Italian religious, 1927-2008), La difesa della libertà matrimoniale della donna nell'impedimento di ratto: (Can. 1074 C. I. C.), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1509, 1962) 162 pp. Testacci biograph.


Francis Kelly ( Jesuit, ), A comparative study of the rights of a person accused of crime in Roman law, canon law, and English law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1503, 1962), 44 pp (part).


Sergio Del Pino (≈ religious, ≈), Privilegia et facultates Ordinis Cisterciensis strictioris observantiae, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1502, 1962) 181 pp.


Helmut Kittel ( priest, ), Die Behinderung des Bischofs und ihre Behebung im Altertum: eine rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1501, 1962) xv-158 pp.


  Ladislas Örsy (Hungarian/American Jesuit, 1921-), The difference between the Order of episcopate and the Order of presbyterate in Gratian's decree, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1493, 1962) viii-61 pp (part). Notes: On the place of Örsy in canonistics see J. Provost, "Ladislas Örsy, sj, Theology and Canon Law", Jurist 56 (1996) 1-24. Örsy biograph.


Jérome Ledoux (American religious, 1930-), Coarctatio jurisdictionis sacramentalis: studium restrictionis jurisdictionis sacramentalis ad normam juris vigentis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1492, 1962) 109 pp (part). Ledoux biograph.


Raimundus a Poelkapelle (Dutch Capuchin, 1928-2006), De potestate legislativa in ordine Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. n. 1490, 1962) x-91 pp (part).


Estanislao Olivares (Spanish Jesuit, 1924-2012), Los votos de los escolares de la Compañía de Jesús: su evolución jurídica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1443, 1961) xix-250 pp. Olivares biograph.


H. van Breugel (, ), La valeur du mariage musulman traditionnel, en Algérie et en Tunisie, d'après les normes du droit naturel selon l'interprétation donnée par les documents des SS. Congrégations Romaines, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1471, 1962) 67 pp (part).


Manuel Cuyás (Spanish Jesuit, ), La buena fe en la prescripción extintiva de deudas desde el Concilio IV de Letrán (1215) hasta Bartolo (+1357): estudio histórico-jurídico-teológico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1467, 1962) xvii-256 pp.

Manuel Useros Carretero (Spanish ≈, ≈), ‘Statuta Ecclesiae’ y ‘Sacramenta Ecclesiae’ en la Ecclesioloia de St. Tomás, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1466, 1962) xxxviii-359 pp.


José Urrutia (Spanish Jesuit, 1923-2004), Régimen de las Ordenes Religiosas a mediados del s. XVI y aportación de san Ignacio, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1464, 1962) 62 pp (part). Urrutia biograph.


Luigi Bongianino (Italian priest, 1919-2003), Le questioni quodlibetali di Gerardo di Abbeville contro i Mendicanti, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1463, 1962) 60 pp (part). Bongianino biograph.


Rafael Martín (Spanish priest, 1932-), Tercera clase de religiosos en la orden de la Escuelas Pías, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1461, 1962) 92 pp. Martín biograph.


Marco Rupesinghe ( Oblate, ), De vita communi religiosorum missionariorum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 155, 1962) 49 pp (part)

Alois Rudolf von Rohr (Swiss priest, 1921-1996), Die Bestellung des Dompropstes und der solothurnischen Domherren am Basler Kathedralkapitel nach geltendem Konkordatsrecht, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1439, 1961) 48 pp (part).


  James Moynihan (American priest, 1932-2017), Papal immunity and liability in the writings of the medieval canonist, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1435, 1961) xii-151 pp. Moynihan biograph.


José Sebastián Laboa [Gallego] (Spanish priest, 1923-2002), Doctrina canónica del Dr. Villanueva: su actuación en el conflicto entre la Santa Sede y el Gobierno de España (1820-1823), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1427, 1957) xiv-247 pp. Laboa [Gallego] biograph.


Daniel von Prad ( Capuchin, ), Das gemeinschaftliche Leben der Ordensleute, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1421, 1961) xii-70 pp (part).


William Keeler (American priest, 1931-2017), Parental supervision in matrimonial law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1399, 1961) xii-80 pp (part). Keeler biograph.


James Coriden (American priest, 1932-), The indissolubility added to Christian marriage by consummation: an historical study of the period from the end of the patristic age to the death of Pope Innocent III, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1398, 1961) xiv-75 pp (part).


Juan de Zabala (, ), Los ejercicios espirituales de los sacerdotes en la legislación canónica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1384, 1959) xvi-188 pp.

Augustino a Matre Dolorosa (, ), The historical development of canonical equity, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1380, 1961) 125 pp.

Constantino García Martín (Spanish , ), El tribunal de la Rota de la Nunciatura de España: su origen, constitución y estructura, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1371, 1961) 165 pp.


William Hogan (, ), The testimonies and testimonials required for the admission of aspirants to the novitiate, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1365, 1961) x-189 pp.

Marianus Pastuszko (, ), De apostasia a statu clericali, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1340, 1960) xi-132 pp.


Gothard Wahner (German Jesuit, 1919-1972), De iure privato in iure canónico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1339, 1960) 65 pp (part). Wahner biograph.


José Martínez de Lahidalga (Spanish priest, 1927-2014), La coacción en la ordenación sagrada: estudio histórico-jurídico del canon 214, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1338, 1960) xxvii-388 pp. Martínez de Lahidalga biograph.


Heinrich Molitor (, ), Der Kompetenzbereich von Generalvikar und Offizial der Erzdiözese Köln während des 17 und 18 Jahrhunderts, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1334, 1960) 46 pp (part).


Hermann Josef Herkenrath (, 1937-2015), Der kölner Kirchenrat von 1601-1615, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1331, 1960) 284 pp.


Seraphinus Teuws (Dutch Carmelite, 1920-1990), De evolutione privilegiorum ordinis fratrum B. Virginis Mariae de Monte Carmelo usque ad Concilium Tridentinum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1329, 1960) 81 pp (part).


Harold Darcy (Irish/American priest, 1929-1997), The concept of prejudice in the procedural law of contentious cases in ecclesiastical courts: an historico juridical study, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1328, 1960), 75 pp (part). Darcy biograph.

Thomas Motta Navarro ( Carmelite, ), Tertii carmelitici saecularis ordinis historico-iuridica evolutio, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1308, 1960) 289 pp.


Francis from Mitchelstown ( Capuchin, ), The capuchin local superior, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1305, 1960) 55 pp (part).


Marianus Zurowski (Polish Jesuit, ≈), Exsistit in codice iuris canonici responsabilitas communitatis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1303, 1960) 67 pp (part).


Iwo Fürer (, ), Die Eigentümer der st. -gallischen Bistumsfonds und der aus Kirchengut hervorgegangenen Fonds des kath. Konfessionsteils des Kantons St. Gallen vom Standpunkt des Kirchenrechtes aus betrachtet, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1300, 1960) 205 pp.


Mario Pavat (Croatian priest, 1924-1996), La riforma tridentina del clero nelle diocesi di Parenzo e Pola nei secoli XVI-XVII, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1294, 1960) 325 pp. Pavat biograph.


Juan Antonio de Montevideo (≈ Capuchin, ≈), Los consejos y los consejeros en el régimen de las religiones con especial referencia a la orden de fraile menores capuchinos, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1286, 1960) xiv-76 pp (part).


Ladislao Rubin (Polish priest, 1917-1990), De cura animarum in legislatione synodali Regni Poloniae: studium historico-canonicum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1296, 1960) 107 pp (part). Rubin biograph.


Renato da Cosio (≈ Capuchin, ≈), De vicaria Ecclesiae potestate, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1285, 1959) xiv-158 pp.

Ampelio Gasparotto (Italian religious, 1913-2005), La questione dell'Oppio in Cina, sotto l'aspetto storico-giuridico ecclesiastico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1278, 1960) 204 pp (part). Gasparotto biograph.


Cyrille Robert Contant (≈, ≈), L'assistance à la Messe paroissiale du dimanche, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1276, 1960) 139 pp.


António Mendes Fernandes (Portuguese priest, 1917-2016), O problema jurídico da educação na constituição e concordata portuguesa, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1251, 1958) 205 pp. Mendes Fernandes biograph.


Gerardo Arella (≈, ≈), ‘Nuntiatio novi operis’ in ecclesiastical legislation, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1243, 1959) 79 pp (part).

Joannes van Driessche ( Jesuit, ), L'empêchement de ‘parenté’, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1240, 1959) xxiv-61 pp (part).


Sergio Sambin (Italian priest, ≈), La revisione e il licenziamento delle bolle pontificie nella Repubblica di Venezia (decreto 7 settembre 1754), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1236, 1959) 38 pp (part).


Urbano Navarrete [Cortés] (Spanish Jesuit, 1920-2010), La buena fe de las personas jurídicas en orden a la prescripción adquisitiva: estudio histórico-canónico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1235, 1959) xix-377 pp. Navarrete biograph.

Luis Vicente Cantín (≈, ≈), La intención in ‘jure fundata’ que tiene el párroco sobre las oblaciones y otras obvenciones dentro de la Parroquia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1224, 1959) 164 pp.


Maurizio da S. Mauro Forte (≈ Capuchin, ≈), La dimissione dei religiosi in relazione all'ordine dei Frati Minori: cause ed effetti giuridici, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1217, 1959) x-87 pp.


Karl Braunstein (≈, ≈), Die Vertreibung im Lichte des Natur- und Kirchen-rechtes, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1215, 1958) xxii-93 pp (part).


Edward Stokes (American Jesuit, 1918-2000), The decree Quicumque regularis of the Council of Trent and the religious profession: an historico-juridical study of the Tridentine Decree Quicumque regularis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1212, 1959) 54 pp. Stokes biograph.

Herman Verhaeghe (≈, ≈), L'irrégularité par défaut de naissance légitime des fils d'infidèles au Ruanda-Urundi, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1211, 1958) xviii-87 pp (part).

Virginio Rovera (Italian priest, 1925-2010), La giurisdizione ecclesiastica sui chierici e sui religiosi nel diritto italiano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1206, 1959) 265 pp. Rovera biograph.

H. G. Olislagers (, ), The meaning of the term 'danger of death' in the Code of Canon Law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1204, 1958) 58 pp (part).


Nicola Masi (, ), Legittima assenza ed esclaustrazione, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1201, 1959) 131 pp.


Francis Mueller (American Jesuit, 1922-2005), The inseparability of the marriage contract and the sacrament according to the 17th century authors: a historical study, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1198, 1958) 63 pp (part).


Stanislaus Rymarz (≈ Capuchin, ≈), De potestate dispensativa superiorum in seraphicae regulae praeceptis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1194, 1958) viii-55 pp.


Giovanni Chierichetti (Italian priest, ≈), Impedimentum criminis: ricerca storico-canonica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1188, 1958) xviii-151 pp.


Linus Hofmann (≈, ≈), Das rechtliche Verhältnis der Häretiker zur Kirche, in der katholischen Kontroverstheologie der Reionszeit, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1183, 1958) 48 pp (part).


Biagio Russo ( Jesuit, ), La concezione giuridico-religiosa in Nicola Spedalieri, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1175, 1958) approx 33 pp (part).

Jonas Thaliath (Syro-Malabar priest, 1919-1981), The Synod of Diamper, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1166, 1958) xix-238 pp. Thaliath biograph.


David Thomas (≈, ≈) The extra-territorial powers of the local ordinary: principles and examples taken from the old law and from the code of canon law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1138, 1958) 74 pp (part).

Canisius Noschitzka (Czech Cistercian, 1916-1997), Die kirchenrechtliche Stellung des Resignierten regularabtes unter Beonderer Berücksichtigung der geschichtlichen Entwicklung im Zisterzienserorden, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1111, 1957) 168 pp. Noschitzka biograph.

Heinrich Straub (German priest, 1917-2003), Die Geistliche Gerichtsbarkeit des Domdekans im alten Bistum Bamberg von den Anfängen bis zum Ende de 16 Jahrhunderts Untersuchung: eine rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1108, 1957) xvi-285 pp. Straub biograph.


Filippo Natale Appendino (Italian priest, ≈), De taxa innocentiana: investigatio iuridico-historica de eius essentia, observantia, evolutione et reione, (Gregorian doctoral diss. ≈, 1957) in 2 vols., 65 pp (part). =


  Donald Zimmermann (American priest, 1926-1990), The crime of collusion in ecclesiastical trials, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1156, 1958) 100 pp (part). Zimmermann biograph.

Augustine Bennett (≈, ≈), The jurisdiction of the archbishop of Canterbury: an historico-juridical study, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1155, 1958, 99 pp (part).


B. J. Welling (, ), Episcopal hierarchy: a study of its erection in mission countries (1946-1956), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1154, 1958) 122 pp.


Ernesto Perinotto (Italian priest, ), Le decime nella Marca Trivigiana: dottrina e giurisprudenza, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1147, 1958) 154 pp.


Peter Gradauer (≈, ≈), Spital am Pyhrn in Oberösterreich: Hospital und Kollegiatstift; dessen innere Verfassung und dessen juridische Beziehungen zum Hochstift Bamberg. Eine rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1139, 1957) xvi-199 pp.

David Thomas (, ), The extra-territorial powers of the local ordinary: principles and examples taken from the old law and from the code of canon law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1138, 1958) 74 pp (part).

Johannes Heimerl (, ), Laienmitwirkung an der Lehraufgabe der Kirche, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1129, 1958) 163 pp.

James Risk (American Jesuit, ), De congregationis Marianae exemptione (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1123, 1957) 72 pp (part).


Vigilio da S. Michele ( Franciscan, ), La confessione delle parti nel processo canonico: storia e dottrina (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1115, 1957) xvii-162 pp.


Silvino da Nadro ( Capuchin, 1927-), De impedimento cognationis legalis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1113, 1957) 128 pp.

Heinrich Straub (, ), Die Geistliche Gerichtsbarkeit des Domdekans im alten Bistum Bamberg von den Anfängen bis zum Ende de 16 Jahrhunderts Untersuchung: eine rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1108, 1957) xvi-285 pp.


Patrick Sheridan ( religious, ), A historical review of the convalidation of marriage and the application of the act of convalidation to non-catholic marriages, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1090, 1957) 82 pp (part).


Rodolfo Nolasco (Argentine priest, -2016), La excomunión y la pertenencia a la Iglesia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1089, 1956) v-53 pp (part). Nolasco biograph.


Benno Löbmann (German priest, 1914-1991), Der kanonische Infamiebegriff in seiner geschichtlichen Entwicklung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Infamielehre des Franz Suarez, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1088, 1956) 141 pp. Löbmann biograph.


James Kondrath (American priest, ≈-2002), The laws of the third plenary council of Baltimore concerning the temporalities of the Church in the United States of America, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1074, 1957) 58 pp (part).


Raymond James Wahl (, ), The use of experts in canon law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1073, 1957) 56 pp (part).


Franciscus Zaorski (≈, ≈), De Episcoporum juris publici in Regno Poloniae potestate (s. X-XVI): studium historico-canonicum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1071, 1957) 96 pp (part).

John Toomey (≈, ≈), The nature of ‘fictio juris’ and its use in canon law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1070, 1957) 58 pp (part).

Gerard Dolan ( Jesuit, ), Legislation for religious in Anglican institutes and the codex of canon law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1066, 1956) 50 pp (part).

Blasio da Savigno ( Capuchin, ), De antiquo processu poenali in Ordine Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum modus procedendi 1596-1901, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1053, 1957) xiv-85 pp.


José Maria Setién (Spanish priest, 1928-), Naturaleza jurídica del estado de perfección en los Institutos Seculares, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1049, 1957) xx-207. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 18 (1958) 109-110. Setién biograph.

Alessandro da Ripabottoni (Italian Capuchin, 1920-2002), I fratelli laici nel primo ordine Francescano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1046, 1956) xx-294 pp. da Ripabottoni biograph.


Carlos Oviedo Cavada (Chilean religious, 1927-1998), Teoria general del recurso extrajudicial, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1044, 1955) xii-102 pp. Oviedo Cavada biograph.


Camillo da Forchia (né Ercole Martone, ≈ Capuchin, 1926-), La cura d'anime come istituto giuridico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1038, 1956) x-151 pp.

Francesco Delpini (Italian priest, ), Divorzio e separazione dei coniugi nel diritto romano e nella dottrina della chiesa fino al secolo V, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1035, 1956) 138 pp.

Eloi Grondin (Canadian religious, 1921-2009), Les causes de nullité du mariage entre infidèles, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1026, 1954) xii-150 pp.

Raphael ab União dos Palmares (≈ Capuchin, 1924-), De processu summario - ex notorio - administrativo in iure canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1023, 1956) xv-134 pp.


José Giménez y Martínez de Carvajal (Spanish priest, 1921-2012), San Raimundo de Penafort y las partidas de Alfonso X el sabio, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1011, 1956) xviii-138 pp (part). Giménez y Martínez de Carvajal biograph.


Otto Ter Reegen (Dutch Sacramentine, ), De sacraments processie: onderzoek naar de bronnen van het processie-ceremonieel in het caeremoniale episcoporum (Liber II, cap. 33), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1010, 1956) v-66 pp.


Nathanaël Carron de la Morinais ( Benedictine, ), Centralisation et décentralisation, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1008, 1956) approx. 44 pp (part).


Roberto Bortolotti (Vatican Jesuit, ≈), La formazione degli effeti civili del matrimonio nel regime concordatario italiano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1003, 1956) vii-191 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 17 (1957) 116-117.

Antonio Bevilacqua (American priest, 1923-2012), Procedure in the ecclesiastical courts of the Church of England with its historical antecedents in Roman and decretal law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 995, 1956) 100 pp (part). Bevilacqua biograph.


Joannes Shea (, ), Jus standi in iudicio, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 991, 1956) 49 pp (part).

Fidelis a Pamplona (Spanish Capuchin, 1924-), Origen de la obligatoriedad de la regla franciscana, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 979, 1956) vii-44 pp (part).

Mesrob Terzian (Armenian priest, 1914-1971), Le Patriarcat de Cilicie et les Armeniens catholique (1740-1812), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 968, 1955) xvi-329 pp. Terzian biograph.

  Gonzalvus a Raamsdonk ( Capuchin, 1924-), De cessatione impedimenti disparitatis cultus in extraordinariis territorii circumstantiis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 962, 1955) viii-106 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 16 1956) 229-230.


John Madigan (≈, ≈), The juridical position of religious dispersed by civil governments: an historico-juridical discussion of the ecclesiastical legislation concerning the dispersed religious (1750-1939), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 955, 1955) iv-59 pp (part).


Auxentius a Rotterdam (≈ Capuchin, 1921-), De obligatione canonica religiosorum tendendi ad perfectionem, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 947, 1955) vii-63 pp (part).


Ignacio Gordon (Spanish Jesuit, 1915-2002), En torno al sujeto de dominio de 105 colegios de la Compañía de Jesús, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 943, 1954) xviii-58 pp (part).


Bonaventura da Gangi ( Capuchin, ), La condizione giuridica dei religiosi in Italia dopo i Patti Lateranensi, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 940, 1955) 68 pp (part).


Vartan Tekeyan (Turkish priest, 1921-1999), Le Patriarcat Armenien Catholique de Cilicie au temps de Gregoire Pierre VI (1812-1840), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 934, 1954) xxv-238 pp. Tekeyan biograph.

Franz Zak (Austrian priest, 1917-2004), Dignitäten und Kapitel in den ehemaligen Kollegiatstif ten der Diözese St. Pölten: eine rechtsgeschichtliche Abhandlung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 923, 1955) approx. 170 pp. Zak biograph.

Mercês de Melo (≈ Jesuit, ≈), The recruitment and formation of the native clergy in India (16th-19th century): an historico-canonical study, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 920, 1955) xxxi-358 pp.


W. P. Beentjes (, ), The canonical requisites in candidates for the indigenous clergy in the mission countries: an historical inquiry, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 916, 1955) 58 pp (part).


John Bettridge (Australian Marist, 1919-2012), The canonical prohibition to frequent non-catholic schools, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 915, 1955) 55 pp (part). Bettridge biograph.


  Marino Verbaarschot ( religious, ), De iuridica natura impedimenti consanguinitatis in theologia et in iure canonico a S. Petro Damiano usque ad Decretales Gregorii IX (ca. 1063-1234), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 913, 1955) 60 pp (part).

C. Breed (, ), The juridical figure of the spiritual director in ecclesiastical seminaries, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 910, 1955) 69 pp (part).


Ludowickj Hiegel ( Jesuit, ), The juridical bond of dismissed religious in the light of the origin and development of the juridical bond itself, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 904, 1954) v-47 pp (part).


Luigi Civisca ( Jesuit, ), Le persone giuridiche religiose nella legislazione giapponese, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 896, 1954) 44 pp (part).


Luís Talassi (, ), A doutrina do padre Feijó e suas relaçoes com a Sede Apostólica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 887, 1954) xiv-225 pp.


Alfons Gommenginger (German Jesuit, ≈), Das Konkordat von 1801 im Elsass, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 877, 1954) 35 pp (part).


Paul Hellbernd (Flemish priest, 1921-2005), Die Erstkommunion der Kinder in Geschichte und Gegenwartmit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechte und Pflichten der Eltern bei der Hinführung der Kinder zum Tische des Herrn, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 874, 1954) xvi-93 pp.


Alfred Mann (≈, ≈), Responsorum Pontificiae Commissionis ad codicis canones authentice interpretandos natura iuridica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 871, 1954) 110 pp.

James Searson (, ), The forum of prorogation, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 869, 1954) 50 pp (part).


Alfred Kostolecky (Austrian priest, 1920-1994), Die Rechtsbeziehungen zwischen den Seelsorgern und dem Kapitel am Wiener Dom: eine rechtsgeschichtiche Untersudung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 862, 1954) xx-28 pp (part). Kostolecky biograph.


Gregorio Magno de Sousa et Antão (Indian priest, 1909-1971), De synodi Diamperitanae natura atque decretis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 858, 1952) v-180 pp.


Ignacio Sicard (≈ Jesuit, ≈), La reforma de los religiosos intentada por Clemente VIII, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 855, 1954) 100 pp (part).


Luigi Secco (≈, ≈), La riforma del clero a Vicenza nella prima metà del secolo XIV in base ad un sinodo inedito del Vescovo Sperendio, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 849, 1954) 90 pp (part).


Louis-Étienne Ghesquières (≈, ≈), La corporation paroissiale aux Etats-Unis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 845, 1953) 126 pp.


Leo Cyrillus van Dijck (≈ Norbertine, ≈), Les origines du pouvoir de l'abbé général de l'ordre de Prémontré (1120-1177), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 839, 1953) xxvii-62 pp (part).


Othmar Rink (Italian priest, 1915-1996), Beitrag zur Geschichte der Interpellation des Paulinischen Privilegs, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 838, 1953) ≈ 55 pp (part).


Franz Huysmans (≈ Redemptorist, ≈), La manifestation de conscience en religion d'après le canon 530, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 835, 1953) xvii-131 pp.


Amilcare Pasini (Italian priest, 1917-1995), Applicazione del Concilio di Trento in diocese di Parma nella visita apostolica di mons. G. B. Castelli, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 827, 1953) 66 pp (part). Pasini biograph.


  Samuel Wiley (American Jesuit, ≈), A comparative study of the validity of marriage in canon law and in the civil code of the Republic of the Philippines, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 808, 1953) 42 pp (part).


  Petrus Huizing (Dutch Jesuit, 1911-1995), Doctrina decretistarum de excommunicatione usque ad glossam ordinariam Joannis Teutonici, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 805, 1952) 61 pp (part). Huizing biograph.


Gérard van den Heuvel ( religious, ), Het Bestaansrecht van de Broeders van het Gemene Levenvóór de Bisschoppelijke Goedkeuring van 1401: De jure existendi fratrum vitae communis ante approbationem episcopalem anno 1401, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 804, 1953) 39 pp (part).

Arduino di Bergamo ( Capuchin, ), Efficacia civile in Italia delle sentenze ecclesiastiche matrimoniali pronunciate all'estero, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 797, 1953) xiv-123 pp.

Miecislaus Szumillo (Polish Jesuit, ), Ius ad rem: investigatio iuridica circa notionem huius instituti, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 795, 1953) vii-125 pp.

Paul Wesemann (German =, =), Rechtsform und Leitungsgewalt der Englischen Fräulein bis zur Konstitution Quamvis iusto (30, 4. 1749), Papst Benedikts XIV, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 793, 1952) xv-35 pp (part).

Mauritius B. Walsh (≈ Jesuit, ≈), Suarez and the decretalists on the dispensation of vows and promissory oaths, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 771, 1952) 47 pp (part).

Umberto d'Arienzo ( Capuchin, ), II divorzio nei libri penitenziali: saggio storico-giuridico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 767, 1952) 30 pp (part).

Oreste Vighetti (≈, ≈), La dottrina giuridica dis. Innocenzo I (401-417) sui sacramenti della Penitenza e dell'Ordine, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 757 (1952) 52 pp (part).

Alois B. Schwarz ( ), Figura hominis diligentis in re culpae iuridicae, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 756, 1952) xviii-232 pp




 Aloisius Mehr (American Holy Cross, 1916-1979), The transition from one Christian marriage to another, (Gregorian, printed version 754, 1952) = pp. Monograph, id., = Catholic Book Agency, 1952, = pp.


Bruno Wüstenberg (German priest, 1912-1984), Die Mischehenfrage im Breve Pius VII Etsi fraternitatis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 753, 1951) 52 pp (part). Wüstenberg biograph.


Porter Joseph White (, ), The evolution of the canonical concept of strict interpretation of law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 743, 1952) 52 pp (part).


Anastasio da Montecastelli ( Capuchin, ), Il diritto di questua negli ordini mendicanti dal suo sorgere fino al codice di diritto canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 738, 1951) xi-105 pp.


Ioannes Pavic (≈, ≈), De communione parvulorum et de initio usus rationis: Studium historico-iuridicum et novissimi iuris interpretatio, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 735, 1952) x-62 pp (part).


Fabiano de Aldeaseca (≈ Capuchin, ≈), De admissione novitiorum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 733, 1951) 143 pp.


Luigi Mena (≈, ≈), De elemento volitivo in lege ecclesiastica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 730, 1952) xii-61 pp (part).


Joseph Schroll ( Jesuit, ), Begriff und Rechtsstellung des Superior maior eines exemten priesterlichen Ordensverbandes: Eine rechtssprachliche und rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung vom Liber Extra Gregors IX, bis zum Codex juris canonici, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 728, 1952) 34 pp (part).


Nikolaus Onstenk (, ), De constitutione s. PII V circa pastoralis (29 maii 1566) super clausura monialium et tertiariarum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 715, 1951) 66 pp (part).


Casimir Toliusis (American priest, 1909-2002), De notario curiae dioecesanae, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 708, 1951) xvii-138 pp.


José Lurs Santos (, ), Fín medicinal de la censura hasta Suárez, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 704, 1951) v-82 pp (part).

Robert Dailey (≈ Jesuit, 1913-1995), The primary effects of the union pleno jure of parishes with religious communities, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 690, 1951) xv-79 pp (part).


Pedro León Gómez (≈, ≈), El régimen eclesiástico: Ensayo filosófico-teológico sobre la Iglesia y su autoridad, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 687, 1951) ix-47 pp (part).


Giuseppe Fazzari ( Jesuit, ), Valutazione etica e consenso matrimoniale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 679, 1951) 84 pp (part).

John Quinn (American priest, 1911-1998), The extraordinary minister of confirmation according to the most recent decrees of the Sacred Congregations, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 678, 1951) xx-137 pp.

Antonio Wang ( Jesuit, ), De dispensatione super impedimento disparitatis cultus maxime in Sinis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 671, 1951) iv-34 pp (part).


Bartolomeo di S. Severino [Enrico Angeloni], (≈ Capuchin, 1915-≈), Altari privilegiati e Messe nel Santuario di Loreto: Studium historicum-juridicum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 655, 1950) xv-209 pp.


Johann L. Moehlmann (≈ religious, ≈), De munere et formatione missionarii ut catechetae: Studium historico-juridicum iuris universalis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 649, 1950) 122 pp.


Victor Pospishil (Ukraininan priest, 1915-2006), Die Rechtsstellung des Patriarchen der Serbischen Kirche inder Kirchenverfassung von 1931-1947, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 648, 1950), 48 pp (part). Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 11 (1951) 567. Pospishil biograph.



  James O'Connor (American Jesuit, 1910-1988), The power to dispense from irregularities to Holy orders, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 644, 1950) 39 pp (part). Monograph, Dispensation from Irregularities to Holy Orders (West Baden College, 1952) 143 pp. Review: anon, Jurist 14 (1954) 374-375.


Benedetto di Alatri (≈ Capuchin, ≈), Aspetti giuridici degli ospedali di Roma secondo le Bolle pontificie, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 639, 1950) 45 pp (part).


Joannes Eguren (Columbian Jesuit, ≈), De condicione iuridica missionarii, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 617, 1950) ≈ 67 pp (part).

John Reed (≈ Jesuit, ≈), Presumptions in theory and matrimonial practice, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 623, 1949) x-58 pp (part).


Goffredo Mariani (≈, ≈), La legislazione ecclesiastica in materia d'arte sacra, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 604, 1949) 67 pp (part).


Vigilius a S. Vito (≈ Capuchin, ≈), De potestate magistri spiritus ad normam canonis 588, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 592, 1949) viii-165 pp.


Meletius Wojnar (≈ Basilian, 1911-1988), De regimine Basilianorum Ruthenorum a metropolita Josepho Velamin Rutskyj instauratorum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 591, 1949) xx-199 pp.


André Frühauff (≈, ≈), L'oeuvre canonique de Léonard Lessius, s.j. (1554-1623), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 590, ≈) xi-43 pp (part).


Francis Korth (American Jesuit, ), The evolution of Manifestation of conscience in religious rules, III-XVI centuries,

(Gregorian doctoral diss. 588, 1949) 106 pp.

Rafael Gómez Hoyos (≈, 1913-1990), Las leyes de Indias y el derecho eclesiástico en la América española e islas Filipinas, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 575, 1945) 255 pp.


Sisido M. da Romallo, (≈ Capuchin, ≈), Il ministero della confessione nei primordi dell'or-dine francescano in relazione ai diritti parrocchiali, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 574, 1949) 194 pp.


Angelo Pedroni (Italian priest, 1914-1992), Il consenso matrimoniale e la teoria della simulazione, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 571, 1949) 45 pp (part). Pedroni biograph.

Edoardo Miranda (≈ PIME, ≈-1979), De titulo missionis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 570, 1948) xxxi-132-64 pp.

Vincenz Hermans (≈ Benedictine, ≈), De novitiatu in Ordine Benedictino-Cisterciensi et in iure communi usque ad annum 1335, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 569, 1948) 110 pp.


Egano Righi-Lambertini (Italian priest, 1906-2000), De vetita cadaverum crematione codicis juris canonici canones: 1203, 1240 § 1 n. 5, 2291 n. 5°, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 566, 1948) 79 pp. Righi-Lambertini biograph.

Francis Callahan (≈ Jesuit, ≈), The centralization of government in Pontifical Institutes of women with simple vows (from their beginnings till the legislation of Leo XIII), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 560, 1948) 112 pp.


Waldemar Puhl (Brazilian ≈, ≈), O matrimônio nos códigos canônico e civil brasileiro: Preliminares, impedimentos e formas de solenização, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 557, 1945) 215 pp.


Clemente Pujol (Spanish Jesuit, 1908-1998), El bautismo de los fetos informes según el canon 747 del Cod. de Der. Canónico: estudio histórico-canónico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 556, 1948) 68 pp. Pujol biograph.

Thomas Ronchetti (English priest, -1997), Of the administrative removal of parish priests, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 555, 1947) viii-78 pp.

Manuel Fernández Conde y García del Rebollar (Spanish priest, 1909-1970), El decreto tridentino sobre seminario y su aplicación en España hasta el año 1723, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 554, 1948) 93 pp. Fernández Conde y García del Rebollar biograph.


Pietro Zic (≈, ≈), L'istituto di fiducia nel diritto canonico: Studio storico - giuridico ed interpretazione del diritto vigente, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 543, 1948) ≠ pp (part).


Methodius (Prichodjko) a Moscovia, ( Capuchin, ), Die Pfarrei in der neueren Gesetzgebung der russischen Kirche, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 537, 1947) xxx-296 pp.


Olís Robleda (≈ Jesuit, 1909-1980), La nulidad del acto jurídico, su teoría en los códigos civiles francés, alemán, italian, español y especialmente en el código de derecho canónico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 536, 1947) xi-190 pp. Robleda biograph.

Joseph Funk ( religious, ), De jure naturali transcendente jus positivum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 535, 1947) 291 pp.

Tomás de Mendijur (Argentine Capuchin, ), La comunión del Sábado Santo, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 522, 1947), xxiii-153 pp.

Joseph Clifford Buckley (≈, ≈), The celebration of Mass in extraordinary places, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 521, 1947) 70 pp (part).

Robert Philippot (French priest, 1906-), De dubio in jure praesertim canonico, seu in cano-nem decimum quintum Codicis Juris Canonici notae historicae, doctrinales et exegeticae, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 514, 1947) xvi-212 pp.

Angelo Gentile ( religious, ), De casibus reservatis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 507, 1947) 108 pp (part).


Bruno Heim (Swiss priest, 1911-2003), Wappenbrauch und Wappenrecht in der katholischen Kirche, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 503, 1947) 64 pp (part). Heim biograph.


Timothy Manning (Irish/American priest, 1909-1989), Clerical education in major seminaries: its nature and applications, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 482, 1946) 61 pp (part). Manning biograph.


Antonio Ariño Alafont (Spanish priest, 1907-1972), Colección canónica hispana: estudio de su formación y contenido, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 469, 1941) 144 pp. Ariño Alafont biograph.


Josef Preseren (, ), De administratoribus laicis (vitricis, syndicis) bonorum ecclesiasticorum in terris Slovenorum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 446, 1945) 54 pp (part).


Manuel GonzáIez Ruiz, Las capellanías en España, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 489, 1946) 46 pp (part).


Luigi Marchi (≈, ≈), La riforma tridentina in diocesi di Adria nel secolo XVI, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 486, 1946) xxx-497 pp.

Nicolaus Sojat (≈, ≈), De privilegio linguae palaeoslavicae in liturgia romana, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 485, 1947) 31 pp (part).


José Abel Salazar de Cristo Rey (≈ Augustinian, ≈), Estudios eclesiásticos superiores en Colombia (1563-1810), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 453, 1945) viii-58 pp (part).




  Joseph O'Brien (American Jesuit, 1898-), The exemption of religious in Church law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 448, 1943) xvii-307 pp. MonographThe Exemption of Religious in Church Law, (Bruce, 1943) 307 pp.



Giacomo Battaglia (, ), Il ministero parrocchiale e S. Carlo Borromeo, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 423, 1945) 123 pp.


Gergely M. Dénes (≈, ≈), I ‘Notabili’ di Paolo Ungaro, canonista bolognese del secolo XIII, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 406, 1944) 66 pp (part).


Constantius ab Aldeaseca ( Capuchin, ), Capuccinorum Ordinis iuridica paupertas ab anno 1528 ad annum 1638, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 399, 1943) 233 pp.


Ljubomir Kučan (Croatian priest, 1906-1978), De communicatione in sacris quaestiones selectae, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 389, 1943) xi 87 pp. Kučan biograph (scroll to p. 543).

Luigi Fini ( priest, ), Evoluzione storico canonica della cura d'anime nelle cattedrali, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 386, 1943) 204 pp.

Francisco García Guerrero (Spanish priest, ), El decreto sobre residencia de los obispos en la tercera asamblea del Concilio Tridentino: especial intervención de 105 prelados espanoles, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 385, 1943) xx-178 pp.

Elia Zivkovivc (, ), De personalitate iuridica ecclesiae ante decretum Gratiani, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 383, 1942) 37 pp (part).

Nicholas of Cork (≈ Capuchin, ≈), Fast and abstinence in franciscan legislation, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 381, 1943) 55 pp.

Crescentio a Cartosio (≈ Capuchin, ≈), De virginibus in primaeva ecclesia latina earumque juridicis obligationibus ad perfectionem (saec. I-IV), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 380, 1943) 54 pp (part).


Victor Piculjan (≈, ≈), De relationibus iuridicis inter ordinarium loci et religiosos in animarum cura iuxta acta RR: Pontificum explicantia et evolventia ius tridentinum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 378, 1943) xi-26 pp.

Paul Berndorff (German priest, 1913-1998), Das Testament des Geistlichen nach kirchlichem und deutschem Recht, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 377, 1943) 42 pp (part).


Antonino da Sant'Elia a Pianisi (Italian Capuchin, 1913-1980), La dispensa dal matrimonio rato e non consumato con particolare riguardo alla legislazione concordataria italiana, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 374, 1943) 262 pp. da Sant'Elia a Pianisi biograph.


Fedele da Terrinca (Italian Capuchin, ≈), La sacramentalità del matrimonio di due infedeli che si convertono, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 371, 1942) 79 pp.


Armand Salamin (≈ Capuchin, ≈), Les empéchements au mariage en droit canonique et en droit civil suisse, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 346, 1942) 178 pp.


Alfonso Romo L. (≈, ≈), La sepultura parroquial en el derecho canónico: Estudio de derecho comparado, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 344, 1942) 130 pp.


Wilhelm Bertrams (German Jesuit, 1907-1995), Der neuzeitliche Staatsgedanke und die Konkordate des ausgehenden Mittelalters, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 343, 1942) xvii-192 pp. Reprinted 1950. Bertrams biograph.

José V. Salazar (≈, ≈), La recepción de las leyes canónicas en la Ordena-ción romano-bizantina, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 341, 1942) 82 pp (part).


Gioachino Sormanti (Italian priest, ), Le fabbricerie in Italia prima e dopo il concordato, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 336, 1942) 47 pp (part).

Agustín Adolfo Herrera (Argentine priest, 1912-2000), La doctrina canónico-legal del contrato esponsali-cio en la legislación y jurisprudencia postridentinas: Contribución a 105 estudios de derecho matrimonial comparado, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 333, 1942) 304 pp. Herrera biograph.

Mario Ghiron (Italian ≈, ≈), Il matrimonio canonico degli italiani all'estero, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 312, 1941) 164 pp.

Antoine Wuyts (≈ Jesuit, ≈), Le patriarcat russe au Concile de Moscou de 1917-1918, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 310, 1941) ≈ 228 pp (part).

Franz Kirchner (, ), Die einfache Ehekonvalidation, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 308, 1941) 42 pp (part).


Carl Holböck (Austrian layman, 1905-1984), Die Bination: Rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 305, 1941) xii-132 pp. Holböck biograph.


Lorenzo Vivaldo (Italian priest, 1915-1990), II diritto degli enti ecclesiastici al possesso e go-dimento di beni temporali con particolare riguardo al diritto concordatario italiano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 302, 1941) xvii-90 pp (part). Vivaldo biograph.


  Peter Puthotu Rayanna (≈ Jesuit, 1898-≈), De constitutione s. Pii Papae V, Romani Pontificis (2 Augusti 1571) (Canonis 1125), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 291, 1938) 191 pp.

Ildefonso Maria de S. Fé (≈ Capuchin, ≈), De Quiescentia iuris in vigenti canonica disciplina, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 289, 1941) 138 pp.

Renato Montanari (≈, ≈), La ‘Collectio canonum’ di S. Anselmo di Lucca e la riforma gregoriana, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 285, 1941) viii-162 pp.


Carlo Fanton (Italian priest, 1910-1999), La riforma tridentina a Vicenza nella seconda metà del secolo XVI°, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 284, 1941) 95 pp (part). Fanton biograph.


Joseph Hahn (, ), Das Forum internum und seine Stellung im gelten-den Recht, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 272, 1940) viii-109 pp. Review: G. Oesterle, Ius Pontificium 20 (1940) 185-186.

Seraphinus Masarei (≈, ≈), De missionum institutione ac de relationibus inter superiores missionum et superiores religiosos, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 267, 1940) xxviii-338 pp.


Cándido Mazón (Spanish Jesuit, ≈), Las reglas de los religiosos: su obligación y naturaleza juridica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 263, 1940) xv-360 pp.


Andrés Elisio de Mañaricua (≈, ≈), El matrimonio de los esclavos: estudio histórico jurídico hasta la fijación de la disciplina en el derecho canónico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 261, 1940) 286 pp.


Stefan László (Slovenian/German priest, 1913-1995), Die Stiftungsmessen: Beitrag zur Frage ihrer Natur und ihres Werdens, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 259, 1940) 58 pp (part). László biograph.


  Ferdinando Gagna ( religious, -1961), De processu canonizationis a primis ecclesiae saeculis usque ad Codicem Iuris Canonici, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 258, 1940) 165 pp.


Humbertus Schimperna (≈ Cistercian, ≈), De regularium iurisdictione ad confessiones saecularium audiendas: inquisitio historico-iuridica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 255, 1940) xii-106 pp.


Amand Reuter (German Oblate, 1911-1992), Sancti Aurelii Augustini doctrina de bonis matrimonii, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 245, 1940) 31 pp (part). Reuter biograph.

James McVann (American Paulist, 1902-1978), The canon law on sermon preaching, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 244, 1940) vii-190 pp. McVann biograph.


Teodoro da Torre del Greco ( Capuchin, ), De applicatione missae pro populo, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 236, 1940) 150 pp.


Charles Duquaire (French priest, ), Etude sur l'obbligation civile de réparer et son fondement juridique en Droit Romain et en Droit Canonique, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 230, 1940) 175 pp.


  Hans Henny (≈, ≈), Der Altar im kanonischen Recht: Ein Beitrag zu Can. 1197-1202, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 229, 1940) 112 pp.


Clementinus von Vlissingen (≈ Capuchin, ≈), De evolutione definitionis iuris gentium: Studium historico-iuridicum de doctrina iuris gentium apud auctores classicos saec. XVI-XVIII, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 227, 1940)187 pp.


  Guglielmo Felici (≈, ≈), La reverenda camera apostolica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 226, 1940) ≈ 62 pp.


Albert Daenhardt (≈, ≈), Klerus und Militaerdienst, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 218, 1940) xiii-55 pp.


Bernardino da Siena ( Capuchin, ), Il cardinale protettore negli istituti religiosi specialmente negli ordini francescani, Bernardinus Senensis, s., 1380-1444, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 214, 1940) 185 pp.


Ignazio Dimino ( Dominican lay, ), De transitu ad aliam religionem secundum jus vigens cc. 632-636, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 209, 1939) 32 pp (part).


Giovanni Caroli (≈, ≈), De munere vicarii generalis, seu de natura et ambitu eiusdem officii et jurisdictionis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 206, 1939) 186 pp.


Culver Alford (American priest, 1902-1977), Jus civile matrimoniale in Statibus Foederatis Americae Septentrionalis cum jure canonico comparatum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 200, 1937) in 2 vols. Alford biograph.

Vincentius Brizgys (Lithuanian priest, 1903-1992), De matrimonio ad normam legum civilium, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 199, 1939) xv-92 pp. Brizgys biograph.


Vincent Nowak (, ), When to say Mass, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 197, 1939) 30 pp (part).


Hugh McNeill (≈, ≈), The Parochial Benefice in England, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 196, 1939) 65 pp (part).


Joseph Furrer (, ), Die Trennung der Ehegatten nach kanonischem Recht im Verhältnis zum schweizerischen Zivilrecht, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 195, 1939) xix-136 pp.


  Francis Reh (American priest, 1911-1994), The rules of law and canon law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 191, 1939) 98 pp. Reh biograph.


  Archibald Stitt (American priest, 1898-1980), De promotore justitiae ejusque munere in curia dioecesana, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 187, 1939) xxviii-213 pp. Monograph, id., De Promotore iustitiae eisuque munere in curia dioecesana, (Editione Scientifica Internazionale, 1939) xxviii-213 pp.


Leo Casey (Canadian Oblate, ), The diocesan administrative council, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 184, 1939) 38 pp (part).


  Alessandro Jachelli (, ), De impedimento matrimoniali ordinis sacri, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 177, 1939) 28 pp (part).


Timothy Champoux (American priest, ), The juridical position of the laity in the church: A canonical study on the status of the laity in the church according to present ecclesiastical legislation, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 172, 1939) ii-104 pp.


Gabriel de Ibarra (≈ Capuchin, ≈), La religión católica en el concordato de Colombia, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 167, 1939) xi-87 pp (part).


  Giulio Antonietti (, ), Le cause di separazione dei coniugi in Italia: studio giuridico concordatario, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 166, 1939) 154 pp.


Gianfilippo Bartolazzi (Italian priest, 1909-), La trascrizione del matrimonio canonico nel regime concordatario in Italia: Questioni di diritto, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 161, 1939) 119 pp.


  Francis Kieda (American priest, 1906-1978), De matrimonii celebratione per procuratorem, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 159, 1939) xi 103 pp.


Vincent Paul Brassell (English Jesuit, 1898-1975), Praeformatio reformationis tridentinae de seminariis clericorum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 156, 1938) 73 pp (part).


Joseph Deroux (French priest, ), La vie commune du clergé séculier et le droit ecclésiastique, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 153, 1937) 311 pp.


Moisés García (, ), Coelibatus clericorum in ecclesia hispanica usque ad saec. XII, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 146, 1938) 48 pp (part).


  Andrew Quinn (, ), Doctrinal interpretation of law according to the canonical tradition and according to Canon 18 of the Code of Canon Law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 145, 1938) 47 pp (part).


Polycarpus Sawicki ( priest, ), De missa conventuali in capitulis et apud religiosos Historice, canonice, liturgice: cui accedit appendix de missa conventuali in Ordine S. Pauli I. er., (Gregorian doctoral diss. 143, 1938) vi-161 pp.


Georg Höhle (, ), Die Stellung der Kirche zur communicatio in sacris cum acatholicis nach der Constitutio Martins V Ad evitanda, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 137, 1938) 46 pp (part).


Rupert Rosenberger (, ), Das Delikt der Eheschlissung vor dem nichtkatholischen Religionsdiener, die kirchlichen Strafbestimmungen zu demselben, rechtsgeschichtlich und rechts dogmatisch dargestellt, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 134, 1938) 85 pp.


Jenaro Fernández ( Augustinian, ), De figura juridica Ordinis Recollectorum S. Augustini, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 131, 1938) xxxi-447 pp.


Gaetano Parasiliti (, ), Il clero secolare e la vita comune (Dal sec. XVI al sec. XIX), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 126, 1938) 69 pp (part).


Pasquale Tunzi (≈, ), Condizione giuridica della parrocchia nel diritto canonico e nel diritto ecclesiastico italiano (Gregorian doctoral diss. 122, 1938) viii-160 pp.


Severin de Jong (≈, ≈), The hierarchical order in Holland at the time of the Reion, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 121, 1938) 54 pp (part).


Liborio Restrepo Uribe ( Jesuit, ), De episcoporum ordinaria dispensandi facultate, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 114, 1938) 40 pp (part).


Gommaire van den Broeck (Belgian Norbertine, 1908-1982), De professione solemni in ordine Praemonstratensi ritus disquisitio historica et canonica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 112, 1938) xvi-119 pp. van den Broeck biograph.

Ramón Gómez (, ), Los privilegios de la América Latina en su parte histórico-cronológica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 111, 1938, xii-93 pp (part).


Bernhard Schwering (≈ religious, ≈), Ius internationale minoritarum praesertim quoad missiones catholicae, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 103, 1938) 40 pp.

Joseph Brosch (≈, ≈), Der Heiligsprechunsprozess per viam cultus, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 102, 1938) xi-131 pp.

Henri Guinand (≈, ≈), Le régime legal des Biens Cultuels en France 1801-1937, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 98, 1937) 503 pp.


Eugenio da Cervia (Italian Caphuchin, ≈), De professione religiosa tractatus iuridico-canonicus, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 94, 1938) xxvii-225 pp.

Marcellino Ricci ( Franciscan, ), La rappresentanza giuridica dei religiosi secondo il Diritto Canonico e la vigente legislazione concordataria italiana, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 91, 1938) 29 pp (part).

Jacobus Melsen (≈ Carmelite, ≈), Guido Terreni, ord. carm (1260? -1342) iurista, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 173, 1939) 41 pp (part).

Martinien de Roulers (≈ Capuchin, ≈), La notion de juridiction dans la doctrine des décrétistes et des premiers décrétalistes de Gratien (1140) à Bernard de Bottone (1250), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 83, 1937, xiii-38 pp (part).


Rafael Sanchez de Lamadrid (Spanish Jesuit, 1898-1945), El concordato español de 1753 según los documentos originales de su negociación, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 82, 1937) 189 pp. Sanchez de Lamadrid biograph.


Vincenzo Poletti (≈, ≈), La natura giuridica dei concordati postbellici nella dottrina canonica e nel diritto pubblico internazionale, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 76, 1937) viii-146 pp.


Juan Rodriguez (≈, ≈), La Iglesia en Nueva Espana a la lux del III Concilio Mexicano, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 75, 1937) xiv-64 pp (part).


Willen Voesten ( religious, ), De origine vicariorum apostolicorum in relatione ad Lusitaniae colonias, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 72, 1937) x-45 pp.


  Sigismundus Bielecki (, ), De munere advocati, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 71, 1937) 38 pp (part).


  Salvatore Vitale (≈, ≈), De iure accusandi matrimonium: Additis quibusdam quaestionibus peculiaribus de iure ex Concordato in Italia vigente, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 70, 1937) viii-110 pp.


Vincenzo Politi (≈, ≈), La giurisdizione ecclesiastica e la sua delegazione, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 68, 1937) 334 pp.


Gerard Rogers (≈, ≈), Reformatio cleri in Conciliis provincialibus Scotiae saec. XVI tentata, ejusque relatio cum legislatione Concilii Tridentini sess. VI-VII, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 65, 1937) 41 pp (part).

Agatangelo da Langasco (Italian Capuchin, 1904-1976), De institutione clericorum in disciplinis inferioribus (Legislatio canonica), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 63, 1936) xiv-291 pp.

Sante Portalupi (Italian priest, 1909-1984), Gli articoli organici annessi al concordato napoleonico del 1801, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 49, 1936) ≈ 45 pp (part). Portalupi biograph.


Edward Burke (, ), De munere et competentia judicis ecclesiastici, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 48, 1936) 45 pp (part).


Heinrich Wester (≈, ≈), Kevelaer: Wallfahrt und Pfarrei. Eine rechtsgeschichtliche Studie, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 45, 1936, 63 pp (part).

  Bernardo da Vasto ( Capuchin, ), De communicatione privilegiorum praesertim inter religiones: Dissertatio historico-canonica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 44, 1936) xiii-94 pp.


Fiorenzo Romita (Italian priest, =-1977), Ius musicae liturgicae: Dissertatio historico-iuridica, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 42 1936) xxvii-316 pp.

Thomas Tobin (American priest, ≈), De officiali Curiae dioecesanae, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 41, 1936) xx-252 pp.


Stanislaus Wierzejski (, ), De praesentia et benedictione sacerdotis in matrimonii celebratione, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 35, 1936) 41 pp (part).


Jan Mucha (, ), De patrimonio ecclesiae in Polonia saec. XVII et XVIII: (Studium historico-canonicum), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 34, 1936) 48 pp (part).


Italo Laracca (Italian religious, 1904-1997), II patrimonio degli ordini religiosi in Italia: Soppressione e incameramento dei loro beni (1848-1873), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 31, 1936) 211 pp. Laracca biograph.


Edoardo Ruffini [Avondo] (Italian layman, 1901-1983), La personalità giuridica internazionale della Chiesa: Esame critico delle dottrine giuridiche, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 25, 1936) 74 pp. Ruffini [Avondo] biograph.


Ericus ab Hoszufalu ( priest, ), De obligatione confitendi et communicandi apud theologos et canonistas inde a Gratiano et Petro Lombardo usque ad Concilium Lateranense IV (1215): Studium iuridico-historicum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 23, 1935) 64 pp.


  Casimirus Grzybowski (, ), De affinitate, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 22, 1936) 130 pp.


Arturo Oyarzun (≈, ≈), La Organización eclesiástica en el Perù y en Chile durante el pontificado de Santo Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo (1581-1606), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 19, 1935) 35 pp (part)


  Franz Bachhiesel (≈, ≈), De natura iuris consuetudinarii deque eiusdem applicatione in praecipuis codicibus,

(Gregorian doctoral diss. 14, 1935) 24 pp (part).


[Bl.] Eduard Grzymala (Polish priest, 1906-1942), Ratio sacra in matrimonio canonico et civili, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 6, 1935) 230 pp. Grzymala biograph.




  Alois Brems (German priest, 1906-1987), De authentica interpretatione codicis [juris canonici] per Pont. Commissionem, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5,= 1937) 48 pp. Brems biograph.


Candido Santini (Brazilian Jesuit, 1899-1977), De regio iure patronatus in Brasilia: Perquisitio historico-juridica in praefati iuris originem et specificam naturam (1514-1890). Accedit historica expositio conflictus Sanctam Sedem inter et gubernium Brasiliense ob iuris patronatus exercitium exorti, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5, 1934) 33 pp (part).

Joannes Pavlinec (, ), De impedimentis matrimonium dirimentibus ecclesiae dissidentis servicae secundum novas regulas matrimoniales, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 4, 1934) 35 pp (part).


Peter Kallen (, ), Bischof und Nuntius: Untersuchung über das Nebeneinander ihrer Gewalten für die nachtridentinische Zeit des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Erzdiózese Köln, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3, 1934) xi-31 pp (part).


Joseph Halsall (≈ priest, ≈), De relationibus inter ordinarios locales et regulares in Anglia secundum const. Romanos Pontifices a Leone XIII datam, 8 Maii 1881, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2, 1934) 48 pp (part).


Ignatius Dziedziak (Polish priest, ), De constitutione Ecclesia apud Andream Frycz Modrzewski, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1, 1934) 27 pp (part).



Corrado D. Leonardi (=, =), Le cause XVI-XX della Summa decretorum di Uguccione da Pisa, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 629?, 1950?) xiii-65 pp.

André Frühauff (=, =), L'oeuvre canonique de Léonard Lessius, s.j. (1554-1623), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 590, ≈) xi-43 pp (part).

Edward Rogan (Irish priest, =), Synods and catechesis in Ireland, c. 445-1962: A juridico-historical study of Irish synodal activity, from the early days of Christianity in Ireland up to the Second Vatican Council, with special reference to catechesis, (Gregorian doctoral diss. =, 1987) xx-159 pp.


Oscar de Oliveira (Braziian priest, 1912-1997), Os dízimos eclesiásticos do Brasil nos periódicos da Colõnia e do Império, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 647, 1940) 167 pp. Text republished in 1964. de Oliveira biograph.


Joseph Michaeler (=, =), Die rechtliche Natur des Hl. Kreuzspitals zu Brixen und des zwölf Apostelspitals zu Klausen: eine rechtshistorische Untersuchung der Beziehung dieser Spitäler zum Brixner Domkapitel, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 153, 1963) 76 pp (part).


José Bozal Jiménez (= Jesuit, =), La función teológico-social de los bienes eclesiásticos, fundamento de su inalienabilidad, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 145, 1961) 53 pp (part).


James Carroll (=, =), Stipendia missarum, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 2716A, 1938) 71 pp.


Karl H. Braun (=, =), Die Fortdauer des Papstamtes: die begriffliche Prägung der Wahrheit vom Weiterbestehen des Papstamtes. Eine rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 187, 1966) 75 pp (part).


Antonio da Ascoli Piceno (= Franciscan, =), De patria potestate, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 139, 1961) xx-48 pp (part).

Josef Prader (= priest, 1915-), Die Gerichtsbarkeit des Brixner Domkapitels, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 732, 1949) ≈ 44 pp (part).


Felix Diomartic (=, =), De potestate discretionali in iure canonico, (Gregorian doctoral diss. =, 1947) vii-28 pp (part).

Philippo Natali Appendino (=, =), De taxa innocentiana: investigatio iuridico-historica de eius essentia, observantia, evolutione et reione (partes I-IV), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 106, 1957) 65 pp (part) in 2 vols. =

Enrico Rossi (= priest, 1871-1950), I fondamenti e le prime formulazioni della dottrina dello stipendium (sec. XII-XV), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 1730, 1964) 61 pp (part).


Thomas Green (American priest, 1938-2018), Principle and practice of lay consultation in the Church: a theologico-canonical study, Gregorian diss. =202, 1968) 92 pp (part). Note: On the place of Green in canonistics, see =


Michael Kettron (American priest, =), The extinguishment of action in criminal causes: a study of the exclusion of criminal action by reason of beneficial time, (Gregorian doctoral diss. =15, 1963) 70 pp (part).


Guarinus Schumacher (=, =), The procedural regulations of the pre-trial special inquiry in criminal cases according to the norms of canon law and United States federal law, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 138=, 1961) xii-94 pp (part).


Antonio Aquino (= Jesuit, =), A formação do direito universitário da Companhia de Jesus, (Gregorian doctoral diss. =126, 1959) 81 pp (part).


Licentiate Theses

Stuart MacDonald, “What are we to do?: The error of the ‘broad interpretation’ (Canons 1044 § 2 n. 2 and 1041 n. 1), (Gregorian licentiate thesis, 2001).

Gerard Murray, “The canonical status of the lay faithful associated with the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the Society of St. Pius X: are they excommunicated as schismatics?”, (Gregorian licentiate thesis, 1995).


Other dissertations

John Ford (American Jesuit, 1902-1989), The Validity of Virginal Marriage, (Gregorian theology diss. 149, 1938) ix-139 pp. Review: S. Alvarez-Menendez, Ius Pontificium 20 (1940) 61. Note: On the place of Ford in moral theology, see Eric Genilo, John Cuthbert Ford, SJ: Moral Theologian at the End of the Manualist Era (Georgetown, 2007) xv-217 pp.



Pontificia Università S. Tommaso D'Aquino

Facultà di Diritto Canonico

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Angelicum, Last updated: 25 February 2018.


Notes: Most modern Angelicum dissertations exist in two forms, a numbered, non-circulating manuscript and a printed, circulating (though sometimes merely excerpted) monograph. If both forms were located, the manuscript form of the dissertation is listed here for sequencing purposes, but paginations are taken from the printed form if possible.

The sequence ordering observed in early Angelicum dissertations is not always clear; in particular several dissertations are listed twice, with the second entry seeming to be a monographic printing of the original. In such cases only the first appearance of a work is listed here.


The forced Latinization of first names common in Roman schools some decades ago plays havoc with modern search engines but, unless a vernacular spelling of a first name could be verified, Latinized names are retained when offered.

Additional notes about very early Angelicum dissertations are given below.


Sources include: Angelo Urru, La Facoltà di Diritto Canonico della Pontificia Università di San Tommaso D'Aquino in Roma: Cento Anni di Storia (Pioda, 1998) 122 pp. Angelicum library catalogue, here.


Doctoral Dissertations

Pius Pietrzyk (American Dominican, =), Priories are people, too: the juridic personality of religious houses and priories of the Order of Preachers of the Province of St. Joseph in canon law and the civil law of the United States of America, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3942, 2017) vii-391 pp.

Darius Romualdo (Spanish/Pilino priest, ≈), The suspension of the ‘litis instantia’: a canonical analysis from the 1917 Code of canon law to 2015 ‘Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus’, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3941, 2017) 343 pp.

Salvatore Dionesalvi (Italian layman, ≈), É legittimo ammettere i mafiosi ai sacramenti?: riflessioni e scelte di alcuni vescovi In Calabria, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3940, 2017) 191 xcc.

Thomas Washington ( priest, ), The immunity of the Roman Pontiff in international law: a potential challenge for canon law, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3939, 2016) 294 xcc.

Dominic Ateeny Ndugwa (Ugandan priest, ), The First Synod of Hoima Diocese in Uganda (1990) as an expression and instrument of ecclesial communion and synodality, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3938, 2016) xi-172 xcc.

• Jerome Uyanguren Rosalinda (, ), The dismissal from the clerical state due to voluntary and illicit abandonment of the ministry according to the third special faculty of 18 april 2009, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3937, 2016) vii-215 xcc.

Romeo Frutuoso Monteiro (Indian priest, ), The parish as a communion of small Christian communities: a study with special reference to the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman (India), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3936, 2016) xi-292 xcc.

Florentino Bolo (Filipino Dominican, ), The priestly fraternities of St. Dominic: juridical status and particular reference to the Philippines, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3935, 2016) iv-323 xcc. Bolo biograph.


Angelicum diss. 3934.

Pasquale Naddeo (Italian , ), La trascrizione del matrimonio canonico in Italia nel periodo attuale e relative problematiche (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3933, 2016) 183 xc.

Daniel Andre ( Redemptorist, ), Mutua relationes: the relationship between diocesan bishops and major superiors of clerical institutes of pontifical right in the United States, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3932, 2016) in 2 vols.


Angelicum diss. 3931.

Angela Codeluppi (, ), Sede impedita: studio in particolare riferimento alla sede romana, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3930, 2015) 289 xcc.

Francesco Spagnesi (Italian priest, 1981-), Il diritto a servizio delle opere di carità. Il motu proprio Intima Ecclesiae natur: aspetti giuridici e pastorali della Misericordia di Prato (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3929, 2016) 404 pp..

Pablo Luis Werner Benjumea (Brazilian priest, 1969-), El hábito religioso como signo de consagración (can. 669), con especial referencia al hábito de la sociedad de vida apostólica Virgo Flos Carmeli, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3928, 2015) 187 xcc.

Thomas Kunz (American priest, 1972-), The priest as an agent of the diocesan bishop in civil law in the United States of America and in canon law, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3927, 2012) v-281 pp.


Daniel Tumiel (≈ priest, ≈), Remigiusz Sobanski (1930-2010): riflessione teologica sulle questioni fondamentali del diritto della Chiesa, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3926, 2015) 398 xcc.

• Maria La Morgia (, ), La dispensa del matrimonio rato e non consumato nella legislazione vigente: attuazione del m. p. ‘Quaerit semper’. (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3925, 2015) 221 pp.

Remigiusz Blaszkowski (, ), The solicitude of the diocesan bishop for his presbyter, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3924, 2015) 250 xcc.

David Salvato (American layman, ), Pontiff and Primate: the authority of the Roman Pontiff and the Archbishop of Canterbury, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3923, 2014) 310 xcc.

Maged Youssef Maroun ( religious, ), Le rapport entre le Saint-Siège et le Liban durant les années de guerre (1975-1990), et leur incidences sur l'Assemblée spéciale pour le Liban du synode des évêques (1995), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3922, 2010) ≈ pp.

Charles Emeka Ukwe (Nigerian Dominican, 1959-), Structures of authority in religious institutes, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3921, 2006) ≈ pp. Ukwe biograph.


 • Assunta Preziosi (, ), La disciplina giuridica degli edifici di culto nella Chiesa particolare: studio storico-giuridico della Chiesa privata di S. Pietro della Diocesi di Avellino, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3920, 2014) 124 xcc.

Marialfonsina Orecchio (, ), L'incidenza del disturbo evitante di personalità nel ‘defectu discretionis iudicii’ alla luce della recente giurisprudenza rotale, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3919, 2014) 252 xcc.

Michele Munno (Italian priest, 1980-), Il dovere - diritto dei fedeli al sacramento della confermazione: orientamenti e prassi delle diocesi in Italia, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3918, 2014) 205 xcc.

David Szatkowski (American religious, 1974-), The jurisdiction of the ordinary in a clerical religious institute of pontifical right to restore justice in particular cases: cann. 695 § 1 and 1395 § 1 and successive normative changes, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3917/1, 2011) ≈ pp. bis.

Anthony-Maryclaret Ifeanyichukwu Uche ( Dominican, ), The major superiors of the clerical religious institutes of Pontifical right: an evaluation of the duties and rights of the prior provincials of the order of Preachers (with particular reference to the identity and apostolates of the Dominican province in Nigeria and Ghana), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3916, 2014) viii-444 xcc.

Marina Marrollo (Italian laywoman, ≈), L'epilessia nella giurisprudenza rotale, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3915, 2013) 156 pp (part).

Guerino Gazzella (Italian layman, ≈), I matrimoni misti con i fratelli ortodossi: diritto e prassi in Italia, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3914, 2013) 76 pp (part). Gazzella biograph.

Lubomír Welnitz (Slovak religious, 1977-), La soppressione e l'unione estintiva di parrocchie (Cf can. 515 § 2 CIC), e la riduzione di una chiesa ad uso profano (Cf can. 1222 CIC): sviluppi recenti, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3913, 2013) 116 pp (part). Welnitz biograph.

Patrizio Tarantino (Italian ≈, ≈), La perizia di parte nel processo canonico di nullità matrimoniale e la prassi del Tribunale Ecclesiastico Regionale Pugliese, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3912, 2013) ≈ pp.

Francesco Ibba (≈ priest, ≈), Il valore probatorio delle annotazioni nelle cause di nullità matrimoniale secondo il prescritto del canone 1568, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3911, 2013) 266 pp (part).

Cesare Decio (Italian Dominican, 1962-2013), L'economo e l'autorità di governo nei più significativi ordini religiosi maschili contemporanei, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3910, 2013) 424 xcc. Decio biograph.

Salvatore Scaglia (Italian layman, ≈), I fini e i caratteri generali dell'ordinamento canonico riflessi nei doveri matrimoniali, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3909, 2013) 208 xcc. Scaglia biograph.

Márta Balog (≈, ≈), Développement de la signification théologico-canonique du canon 605 à l'aide des principes des canons 17 et 19 du CIC 1983, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3908, 2013) 239 pp.

Matteo Carnì (Italian layman, ), Il diritto metropolitico di spoglio sui vescovi suffraganei nel Regno di Napoli in età moderna, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3907, 2013) 178 xcc. Carnì biograph.

Miroslaw Sander (Polish Dominican, ≈), Il delitto di attentata ordinazione sacra di una donna, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3906, 2012) 202 pp. Review: P. Skonieczny, Angelicum 90 (2013) 446-482. Sander biograph.

Paolo Bambini (Italian layman, ), La questione sociale nella diocesi di Orvieto-Todi alla luce del can. 222 § 2 del Codice di diritto canonico latino, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3905, 2012) 124 pp.

Francesco Indelli (Italian layman, ≈), La normativa dei matrimoni misti in Italia: aspetti comparativi e profili civilistici, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3904, 2012) 87 pp.


Pier Berardi (Italian layman, 1970-), Il Capitolo della Chiesa Collegiata di Lugo di Romagna e l'eredità del cardinale Francesco Bertazzoli: un caso di arbitrato, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3903, 2006) 255 pp. Berardi biograph.


Ruggero Zanon (Italian layman, 1971-), Contributo giuridico-pastorale del diritto di associazione dei fedeli alla nuova evangelizzazione: l'esempio dell'Associazione Via Pacis, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3901/3902, 2013 xii-262. Zanon biograph.


Gregorio Uanan (Filipino priest, ), Canonical provisions on social justice: legislation on the social doctrine of the Church, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3901/3902, 2013) vii-339.


José Manuel Jiménez Aleixandre (, ), La tutela dello 'stato di consacrazione' nel CIC '83, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3900, 2013) 329 xcc.


Fabián Edgardo Marcelo Pedacchio Leaniz (Argentine priest, 1964-), El proceso de la Sequela Christi del candidato al sacerdocio. Aportación de la legislación canónica, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3899, 2012) 314 pp. Pedacchio Leaniz biograph.

Zuzana Dufincová (Slovenian laywoman, 1973-), Questione della conformità equivalente delle sentenze pro vinculo, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3898, 2012) 114 pp (part). Dufincová biograph.

Akre Alexandre Kouassi (Ivory Coast priest, ≈), L'engagement socio-politique des fideles laïcs au regard du can. 225 § § 1-2: les cas des fideles laïcs de la Cote d'Ivoire, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3897, 2011) 233 pp (part).

Josephat Ekor (≈, ≈), Participation in the legislative authority of the bishop: an investigation into the diocesan synod as a source of communion in the particular Church, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 3896, 2011) xv-214 pp.


Luke Beckett (= Benedictine, =), The canonical understanding of spiritual leadership in religious life: from the compilation of the 1917 Code to the coming into force of the 1983 Code, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3895, 2011) 408 pp. Review: S. Sheridan, Jurist 74 (2014) 134-135.

Reynaldo Bagang Mission (Filipino =, =), The office of the episcopal vicar: a study of its relevance and pastoral application in the Diocese of Marbel, Philippines, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3894, 2012) 213 pp.


Fabiano Montanaro (=, =), La Regola di S. Francesco e la vita contemplativa fra tradizione giuridica e nuove proposte, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3893, 2011) 236 pp.

Luca Serafino De Simone (Italian layman, =), Il dolo e la colpa nel diritto penale canonico e nel diritto penale italiano: confronto tra le due legislazioni, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 3892, 2011) 84 pp.

Giuseppe Pendinelli (Italian priest, =), La dimensione pastorale del rappresentante pontificio nel magistero del beato Giovanni Paolo II, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3891, 2011) 279 pp.

Jerzy Wiecek (Polish priest, =), La natura della rinuncia all'ufficio ecclesiastico nella normativa canonica vigente, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3890, 2011) x-266 pp.

Valerian Fernandes (= Capuchin, =), Juridical understanding of the vow of poverty today in the proper law of the Capuchins, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3889, 2011) 226 pp.

Athnas Kerketta (= religious, =), Obligations and rights of diocesan bishops and major religious superiors in the cooperation of the exercise of the apostolate: a canonical and pastoral analysis of canon 678 §§ 1-3 (with particular reference to North East India), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3888, 2011) xi-154 pp.

Maria Polverino (Italian =, =), Restitutio in integrum: principi fondanti nell'ordinamento canonico, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3887, 2009) 81 pp (part).

Ignazio Tirrito (=, =), La dispensa dal matrimonio non sacramentale ‘in favorem fidei’ tra ‘ius conditum et ius condendum’ con particolare riferimento alle norme del 2001, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3886, 2010) 139 pp.

Robert Herbst (= Conventual, =), Legal provisions for evangelical poverty in the Order of Friars Minor Conventual (1206-2004), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3885, 2008) 222 pp.

Ersilia Cepparulo (= Italian, =), Il Bonum familiae nella nuova visione del matrimonio canonico, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3884, 2007) 73 pp (part).


Laura Sgrò (=, =), Il Defectus libertatis internae come capo autonomo di nullità nella giurisprudenza della Rota Romana: questione discussa, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3883, 2010) 89 pp (part).

Domeniconi Onorina (Italian laywoman, 1967-), L'avvocato ecclesiale: pro veritate rei et salute animarum, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3882, 2005) ii-296 pp.

Francisco de Juan Jiménez (= religious, =), La naturaleza canónica del movimiento Regnum Christi y su vínculo con la Congregación de los Legionarios de Cristo, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3881, 2009) ≈ pp.


João Scognamiglio Clá Dias (= religious, =), A gênese e o desenvolvimento do movimento dos Arautos do Evangelho e seu reconhecimento canônico, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3880, 2009) ≈ pp.

Jérôme Drolshagen (= religious, =), Sacred power and the pastor: an analysis of canon 519 according to certain principles of ecclesial constitutional law, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3879, 2010) x-170 pp.

Piotr Skonieczny (= Dominican, =), La buona fama: problematiche inerenti alla sua protezione in base al can. 220 del Codice di diritto canonico latino, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3878, 2009) 351 pp.

Loïc-Marie Le Bot, (French Dominican, 1969-), Le statut canonique de l'évêque religieux: évolution et perspectives, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3877, 2007) 383 pp. Le Bot biograph.


Gabriele Pazzelli (=, =), L'educatio prolis: un dovere per i fedeli, un diritto per i cittadini cattolici dell'Unione Europea, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3876, 2009) 112 pp (part).

Francesco Rossetti (Italian layman, 1980-), De separatione coniugum manente vinculo: problemi e prospettive tra diritto canonico e diritto civile italiano (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3875, 2009) 96 pp (part).

Fabio Russo (Italian layman, =), Problemi contemporanei per una definizione giuridico-canonica del fedele laico, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3874, 2007) 173 pp (part).

Paolo Patanè (=, =), Il cardinale Pericle Felici ed il suo contributo alla giurisprudenza rotale e alla redazione del Codex Iuris Canonici del 1983, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3873, 2006) 105 pp (part).

Tommaso Fallica (Italian priest, 1978-), Il ruolo del pastore d'anime nell'obbligo dei fedeli ad onorare la santissima eucaristia: can. 898, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3872, 2007) 366 pp.

Carlo Cacciari (Italian Dominican, 1970-), Odierno sistema giuridico delle Indulgenze e proposte di interpretazione, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3871, 2006) 124 pp (part).


Maciej Radoslaw Gilewski (, ), Il fondamento giuridico della riorganizzazione delle diocesi promossa dal card. August Hlond alla base della 'Specialissimae Facultates' per i territori occidentali e settentrionali assegnati alla Polonia dopo la II Guerra Mondiale, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3870, 2007) 189 pp.

Giuseppe Sarullo (Italian layman, ≈), Pie volontà, fondazioni pie e trusts: analogie, differenze e modalità applicative nell'ordinamento giuridico canonico ed italiano, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3869, 2004) 177 pp. Sarullo biograph.

Assunta Esposito (Italian laywoman, ), Matrimonio e famiglia nel mondo di oggi: quali strumenti per superare l'attuale crisi?, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3868, 2006) 202 pp. Esposito biograph.


Alfredo Fazzini (, ), Il matrimonio canonico nella giurisprudenza della Corte di Cassazione italiana degli anni Novanta, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3867, 2006) 72 pp (part).

Clara De Rosi (Italian laywoman, 1974-), L'obbligo della doppia pronuncia conforme nelle cause di nullità del matrimonio: una regola da mantenere, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3866, 2005) 160 pp. De Rosi biograph.

Roberta Terribile (, ), I poteri del giudice nel processo canonico: in particolare, il potere istruttorio di proposizione delle prove di cui al can. 1452 CIC/83, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3865, 2006) 149 pp.

Karl Rozzo (=, =), Parochial care 'In solidum': the new legislation of canon 517 § 1: its dynamic, purpose and questions that arise, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3864, 2006) 209 pp.


Alberto Quagliotto (Italian layman, 1965-), Il sinodo del beato vescovo Andrea Giacinto Longhin: un codice per la diocesi di Treviso, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3863, 2005) ≈ pp. Quagliotto biograph.

Charles Oloo Ochiel (Kenyan priest, =), Monocratic tribunal as an exemption to the law: in response to the need for judicial adjudication of contentious matters in diocesan tribunals of the Kenya Episcopal Conference (can. 1425 § 4 & can 1424), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3862, 2006) vi-149 pp.


Angelicum diss. 3861.


Marcin Borzadek (= priest, =), L'art. 10 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione Europea nel quadro dei diritti fondamentali e della dottrina cattolica, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3860, 2005) 307 pp.


Zbigniew Cieslak (= priest, =), Il matrimonio nel concordato polacco del 1993 come soluzione giuridica nell'ambito delle ‘Rex mixtae’, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3859, 2004) 284 pp.

Enrico Giarnieri (=, =), I rappresentanti del pontefice nell'esperienza giuridica della comunità internazionale, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3858, 2006) 80 pp (part).


Alois Jehle (Swiss priest, =), Il diritto proprio della Guardia Svizzera Pontificia nella capitolazione del 1825 e nei regolamenti 1858-1959: studio storico-giuridico, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3857, 2005) 92 pp (part).


Angelicum diss. 3856.

Paola Passarelli (Italian laywoman, 1971-), L'evoluzione del diritto amministrativo canonico, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3855, 2005) 143 pp. Passarelli biograph.


Mary Josephine Ihunanyachukwu Nwaogwugwu (= religious, =), Integral education in the Code of canon law, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3854, 2005) xii-296 pp.

Stefania Demichelis (=, =), Il ruolo dell'ordinario nell'applicazione e sospensione della pena, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3853, 2005) ii-198 pp.

Rose Marie Masserano (= Dominican, =), The aspect of participation as it relates to the general chapter of lay religious institutes, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3852, 2000) 254 pp.

Giacomo Stevani (=, =), Il consiglio pastorale parrocchiale; la sua genesi, l'introduzione, i successivi sviluppi nella diocesi di Piacenza-Bobbio e le problematiche attuali, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3851, 2004) 216 pp.

Joseph Hauer (American priest, =), The juridic status of Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3850, 2005) 408 pp.

Alessandro Toffaletti (Italian layman, =), La sospensione condizionale della pena nel Codice di diritto canonico (can 1344) e nel Codice penale italiano (art. 163): due sistemi a confronto, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3849, 2005) xi-372 pp. Toffaletti biograph.

Rosario Wilmer Rivera (=, =), The denial of holy communion because of public scandal, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3848, 2005) 250 pp.

Clara Iwuoha (=, =), The relationship between the supreme moderator and the general bursar in women religious institute of Pontifical right, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3847, 2004) 224 pp.

Arnold Salcedo Semilla (Filipono priest, 1964-), La collaborazione del fedele laico al munus docendi della Chiesa nella predicazione della Parola, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3846, 2004) 186 pp. Semilla biograph.

Alessandra Scambia (=, =), Diritto alla riservatezza e tutela dei dati personali: problemi di coordinamento tra legislazione civile italiana e legislazione della Chiesa cattolica latina, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3845, 2004) 173 pp.


  Melanie Di Pietro, (American religious, ), An examination of the 'Universitas Rerum' and the 'Universitas Personarum' of new public juridic persons succeeding to the healthcare of apostolates of religious institutes in the United States, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3844, 2003) 426 pp. Di Pietro biograph.

Michel Brochu (=, =), The office of the priest in canon 517 § 2: a necessary innovation?, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3843, 2004) 205 pp.

Pietro Maffione (=, =), L'impedimento di ‘disparità di culto’ nel matrimonio tra cattolici e musulmani, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3842, 2003) 205 pp.


  John Bosco Santiago (Indian priest, ≈), The history and development of ‘Societies of Apostolic life’ and ‘Societies of common life according to the manner of religious’ in the. CIC and CCEO: a comparative study, (Angelicum diss. 3841, 2003) xvi-345.

Guido Agosti (=, =), Rilevanza della fase istruttoria nei processi canonici di nullità matrimoniale: la raccolta delle prove ed il munus del giudice istruttore: loro complessità e criteri di acquisizione, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3840, 2002) 192 pp (part).

Allan Roy Espedido Remo (Filipino priest, =), The publication of the sentence: a problem and a possible solution, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3839, 2003) 373 pp.

Mario Grech (Maltese priest, 1957-), The harmonization of the religious and civil dimension of canonical marriages in Malta: an exegetical study of the agreement between the Holy See and the Republic of Malta on the recognition of civil effects to canonical marriages, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3838, 1997) ≈ pp. Grech biograph.

Miroslav Costanzo Adam (=Dominican, =), I sacramenti dell'iniziazione cristiana nei rapporti interecclesiali tra i cattolici latini e orientali in Slovacchia, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3837, 2001) ix-669 pp.

Marcel Smejkal (Czek priest, 1968-), Il ministro dell'omelia dopo l'istruzione Ecclesiae de mysterio su alcune questioni circa la collaborazione dei fedeli laici al ministero dei sacerdoti, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3836, 2003) ≈ pp. Smejkal biograph.

José Francisco Falcão de Barros (Brazilian priest, 1965-), O pároco e o ‘depositum fidei’: juridicidade dos seus direitos e deveres. Can 747 § 1, custodire, perscrutari, annuntiare, exponere, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3835, 2003) 286 pp. Falcão de Barros biograph.


Charles Chaffman (=, =), Pastoral justice: a survey of diocesan judicial ministry and alternate forms of dispute resolution in light of the first and a half centuries of the Christian era, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3834, 2002) xix-315 pp.

Richard Piontkowski (American priest, =), The canonical status of the office of the hospital chaplain, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3833, 2002) 153 pp.


Fabrizio Turriziani Colonna (= priest, 1967-), Sovranità e indipendenza nel Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta: dalla ‘dipendenza’ dalla Santa Sede alla soggettività internazionale, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3832, 2002) 284 pp.


Angelicum diss. 3831.

Gian Luca Perici (= priest, =),
L'istruzione religiosa nelle scuole pubbliche italiane dal Concordato del 1929 e la successiva opera della Conferanza Episcopale Italiana, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3830, 2001) 221 pp.

Brian Welding (American priest, 1964-),
The place and site of Eucharistic reservation in current legislation, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3829, 2002) xviii-282 pp.

Kakarla Francis Chinnappa (= priest, =),
Missionary cooperation and Episcopal Conferences: ‘an application to the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India’, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3828, 2002) ix-210 pp.

Vicente Ruga Uy, (Filipino religious, =), The principle of equity in the Code of canon law: an historical and canonical study, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3827, 2001) 265 pp.

Grzegorz Swist (Polish priest, =),
La discrezionalità del giudice nell'applicazione delle pene nel processo penale canonico, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3826, 2001) 185 pp.


Angelicum diss. 3825.

Cecilio Julian Bruel Rotor (= priest, =),
An analysis of the permanent established Apostolic administrations: (in the light of the 1983 CIC and others documents): a pastoral juridical structure in a politically difficult situation, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3824, 1998) ≈ pp.

Giuseppe Principali (= priest, =), Il matrimonio rato e non consumato: da una visione fisicista ad una personalistico-comunionale dell'atto coniugale, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3823, 1997) vi-217 pp.

Michael Fernandes (= religious, =),
Reinstatement of dispensed priests (c. 293), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3822, 2001) x-297.

Romulo Villadiego Rodríguez (= Dominican, =),
The Diocesan Bishop and Catholic Universities in the light of Ex corde Ecclesiae, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3821, 2001) 136 pp.

Tran Anh Thu (= religious, =)
The continuity and dynamism of religious formation in the consecrated life in relation to Christian initiation, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3820, 2001) xviii-310 pp.


Giovanni Gaspari (=, =), Stato e autorità nella filosofia giuridica del primo Capograssi (1914-1922), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3819, 2001) 337 pp.


Angelicum diss. 3818.

Luís Gonzaga Silva Pepeu (= Capuchin, =), Leigos e leigas, membros do conselho econômico diocesano: uma participação no poder de regime de maior significado no actual Código de direito canônico, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3817, 2001) 80 pp (part).

Gintaras Grusas (
Lithuanian/American priest, 1961), Copyrights as Ecclesiastical Goods: an analysis of the canonization of copyrights laws, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3816, 2001) 232 pp. Grusas biograph.

William Swengros (American priest, =),
Simple convalidation according to the 1983 Code of canon law, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3815, 2001) ix-245 pp.

Arnaldo Catalan (= priest, =),
Understanding the ‘proper meaning’ of canon 750 § 2 of the CIC: a theological and juridical study, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3814, 2001) 317 pp.

Philip John Bené (American priest, =),
The teaching authority of conferences of bishops: juridical considerations in light of the motu proprio Apostolos suos, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3813, 2001) v-254 pp.

Alessandro Berluti (=, =), La gestione dei beni culturali della Chiesa in Italia, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3812, 2001) 247 pp.

Delfina Moral Carvajal (= Dominican, 1969-), ‘La desobediencia pertinaz a los mandatos legítimos de los superiores’ como causa de expulsión de un instituto religioso (can. 696), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3811, 2000) viii-272 pp.

Noël Odulio Sanvicente (≈, ≈), The power of the diocesan bishop to dispense in canon 87 § 1, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3810, 2000) 386 pp.

Joselito Cerna Asis (= priest, =),
Canonical provisions for parish catechetical instruction, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3809, 2000) vii-233 pp.

John McCarthy (= priest, =),
The Diakonia of charity in the permanent diaconate: its application to certain clerical offices as addressed in the Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3808, 2000) v-204 pp.

Jasson Antonio Rodas Ortega (=, =),
De cómo gobernar rectamente la diócesis de acuerdo con el Codex Iuris Canonici de 1983, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3807, 2000) ≈ pp.


Massimo Cremonese (Italian layman, =), Il reale ‘significato’ della contestazione della lite nell'ambito del processo contenzioso ordinario canonico alla luce delle norme, della dottrina e della giurisprudenza della Rota, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3806, 2000) 191 pp.

Daniel Conlin (American priest, =), Canonical and civil legal issues surrounding the alienation of Catholic health care facilities in the United States, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3805, 2000) 254 pp.

Marco Santo Alaia (=, =),
L'efficacia civile delle sentenze ecclesiastiche dichiarative di nullità matrimoniale nell'ordinamento italiano, 3804, 1998) 190 pp.

Nicolina Ferone (=, =), L'istituto della separazione dei coniugi: studio comparato tra il diritto canonico e il diritto civile italiano, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3803, 1998) 175 pp.

Robert Ombres (English Dominican, 1948-),
Infant Baptism: the 1983 Code of canon law and Church of England law, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3802, 1999) 261 pp.

Oriana Catalucci (=, =), La forma legittima per la manifestazione del consenso e il suo riconoscimneto nell'ordinamento giuridico italiano, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3801, 1999) vi-288 pp.

Douglas Mathers (American priest, =), The canonization of civil law concerning the duties of Catholic healthcare trustees in the United States, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3800, 1999) 308 pp.

Angelo Accattino (Italian priest, 1966-),
La legazione pontificia come partecipazione alla dimensione sacramentale della Chiesa, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3799, 1999) 240 pp. Accattino biograph.

Michael Padazinski (American priest, =), Loss of the clerical state: a penalty or rescript?, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3798, 1999) iv-324 pp.

Thomas Victor Arnao (American priest, =),
HIV testing as a requirement for entrance into the Diocesan Major Seminary in the United States of America, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3797, 1999) 219 pp.

Mauro Solbiati (Italian priest, 1966-),
I responsabili del dialogo ecumenico secondo il can. 755: studio storico-giuridico da Pio XI al Codice di diritto canonico del 1983, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3796 1999) 193 pp (part).

Angelicum diss. 3795.

Erasmo Napolitano (Italian priest, =), Le soluzioni matrimoniali ‘in favorem fidei’, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3794, 1998) 182 pp.

Johannes Salzl (Austrian priest, =),
La sovranità territoriale della Santa Sede e la precedenza diplomatica, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3793, 1998) 102 pp (part).

Marco Anfosso (= priest, =),
Il canone 1095, nn. 2-3 C. J. C. nelle sentenze del tribunale ecclesiastico regionale ligure: (1993-1996), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3792, 1998) 197 pp.


Valerio Venturini, (=, =), Principi supremi nella sentenza 2 febbraio 1982 n. 18 della Corte Costituzionale e dopo l'accordo di Roma del 18 febbraio 1984, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3791, 1998) 84 pp (part).

Santiago De Wit Guzmán (= priest, =),
El derecho a la libertad religiosa: estudio jurídico comparado de la declaración conciliar ‘Dignitatis humanae’, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3790, 1998) ≈ pp.

José Mairal Villellas (Spanish priest, 1936-),
El cabildo catedral de la Diocesis de Barbastro desde el año 1571, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3789-2, 1998) ≈ pp.

Andrea Scasso (Italian layman, ), L' ‘aequitas canonica’ nel pensiero di Paolo VI, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3788, 1997) 153 pp.

James Ignatius Attwood (Canadian priest, 1953-2010), Canonical implications in parish closing, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3787, 1997) ≈ pp.

Valeria Lucchetti (, ), Il ‘bonum coniugum’ nel matrimonio canonico: contenuti e classificazione, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3786, 1997) ≈ pp.


Angelicum diss. 3785.

James Checchio (American priest, 1966-),
An examination of general absolution using the criteria of a juridic act, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3784, 1998) 200 pp. Checchio biograph.


Angelicum diss. 3783.

Pietro Vispi (Italian priest, 1951-), Fecondazione artificiale, fecondazione in vitro con embryo transfer e normativa del C. J. C.: aspetti personalistici, matrimoniali e penali, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3782, 1997) 247 pp.


Angelicum diss. 3781.

Vincenzo Alfredo Barbagallo (Italian layman, =), La canonizzazione delle leggi civili con particolare riguardo al risarcimento del danno, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3780, 1997) 177 pp.


Angel María Velandia Mojica (=, =), La apelación en las causas para declarar la nulidad del matrimonio, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3779, 1997) 209 pp.

Alberto Ortega (=, =), El pensamiento de Juan Pablo II sobre la unidad europea (1978-1996), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3778, 1997) xii-399 pp.

Angelo Gagliardi (=, =), Istituzione, natura e finalità del collegio cardinalizio: studio storico-giuridico, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3777, 1997) 97 pp (part).


Christoph Kühn (=, =), Die Rechtsbeziehungen des heiligen Stuhls zum Europarat, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3776, 1997) xov-237 pp.


Angelicum diss. 3775.


Angelicum diss. 3774.


Vittorio Della Rocca (=, =), Grave difetto di libertà interna, causa di nullità matrimoniale (Can. 1095, n. 2), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3763-2=, 1996) 240 pp.


Juan José Gallego Palomero (=, =), De los títulos de exoneración de las obligaciones del ministerio sacerdotal a las exigencias de madurez y formación equilibrada en el candidato al sacramento del orden, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3762, 1996) 430 pp.


Fortunatus Nwachukwu (Nigerian priest, 1960-), Canons 364 and 365, the Holy See and the State of Israel: (an example of the logic of pontifical diplomacy), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3761 1996) 184 pp. Nwachukwu biograph.


Martino Antalóczy (= Dominican, =), Il capitolo generale nell'Ordine dei Frati Predicatori agli inizi ed oggi: comparazione storico-giuridica, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3760, 1996) = pp.


Richard Welch (= Redemptorist, =), The manifestation of conscience in religious life and the canonical effects of the use of psychological instruments: a study of Canon 630, (Angelicum doctoral diss. = 1998) 231 pp.


Jorge Hevia Sierra (=, =), La Santa Sede y la injerencia humanitaria, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3781, 1996) 282 pp.


Francisco Niño Súa (= priest. =), El sínodo diocesano como evento ordinario en la vida de la Iglesia particolar, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3775, =)


Kenneth Schwanger (=, =), Contentious-administrative recourse in the juridical structure of the Church: juridical and theological considerations, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3774,


Salmo Caetano de Souza (=, =), A relevância jurídica do amor conjugal no matrimônio, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3773,

James Pereda (=, =), Official prenotification and Canon 377 § 5: a realistic accommodation of the legitimate interests of the civil government, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3772,


Gregory Wielunski (American priest, =), Participation of a layperson in exercising liturgical functions, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3771, 1996) 247 pp.

Robert Bergman (=, =), Continuing formation of the clergy in the United States of America: historical-canonical critique, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3769,

  Robert Morrissey (=, =), The canonical effects of abortion in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3749, 1995).

Raimundo Gomes Meireles (=, =), O direito de os fiéis leigos constituírem associações privadas: pistas jurídico-pastorais para a compreensão do fenômeno associativo privado na Igreja, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3748, 1995)

Mary Kuenstler (= religious, =), Post-conciliar renewal of the legislative texts for the Order of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3750, 1995)

José Leite Nogueira (=, =), A Igreja católica e Portugal: estudo do ordinariato castrense, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3751, 1995)

Marcelo Colombo (=, =), La protección de la intimidad (Canon 220 CIC) y el examen psicológico en la admisión a la formación sacerdotal, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3753, 1995)

David Cruz Quitugua (=, =), The vicar apostolic in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3752, 1995)

Alejandro Bunge (= priest, =), Precisiones jurídicas sobre las funciones de las Conferencias episcopales: aportes del Magisterio de Juan Pablo II, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3754, 1995)

Bruno Esposito (= Dominican, =), Il riconoscimento civile dei titoli accademici ecclesiastici in Italia: studio per la realizzazione di un pieno pluralismo, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3757, 1995)

Paul Danello (=, =), An analysis of canon 1499 n. 2 of the 1917 Cod e and canon 1256 of the 1983 Code and modern american civil law as to the ownership and modes of tenure of ecclesiastical goods in the United States of America, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3758, 1995)

James Shelton (=, =), The nature of the secular institute, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3759, 1995) 167 pp.

Javier Carnerero Peñalver (= religious, =), Capítulo conventual Orden en la Santísima Trinitad, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3766, 1995) 112 pp.

Romulo Vergara (=, =), The nullity of marriage and neuroses: the applicability of 1095, n. 3. to neuroses, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 2394, 1994) 251 pp.


Jaroslaw Sokolowski (= priest, =), La scuola e l'insegnamento della religione in Polonia negli anni 1918-1939 secondo gli atti giuridici ecclesiastici e statali: (analisi storico-giuridica), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3756, 1994) 207 pp.

Steven Zak (=, =), The author of dispensations according to the 1917 and the 1983 Codices Iuris Canonici: a comparative law study, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3755, 1994) xvi-341 pp.

Brian Sweeney (= religious, =), The patrimony of an institute in the Code of canon law: a study of Canon 578, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3747, 1994) vi-197 pp.

Marcelo Santos das Neves (= Dominican, =), Os princípios teológico-jurídicos de Bartolomé de las Casas: motivações, conteúdo, aplicações, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3746, 1994) x-222 pp.

Joseph Giandurco (=, =), The Holy See as a juridical subject"sui iuris"in international law, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3744, 1994) 203 pp.

Daniel Ewart (=, =), Marsilio de Padua y la ley humana, divina y canónica, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3743, 1994) xiii-73 pp.

Hien Minh Nguyen ( priest, ), Personal parishes in the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the pastoral care of migrants, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3740, 1994) 223 pp.

Pietro Florio (, ), La comunità parrocchiale soggetto unitario dell'azione ecclesiale alla luce del Codice di diritto canonico del 1983, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3831, 1994, OCLC 68910042) 179 pp.

Philip Scarcella ( priest, ), The role of local ordinaries in saints' causes in Benedict XIV's De servorum Dei beatificatione: a canonical-historical commentary on episcopal canonization and tolerated cults, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3736, 1993) vii-213 pp.

Alex Amandy (Filipino priest, ≈), The legislation on general sacramental absolution: its liturgical and pastoral application, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3739, 1993) ≈ pp.

Pablo Nilo Sotelo Peig (, ), The dispensation of matrimonial impediments a confessor in the Code of 1983, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3738, 1993) vii-277 pp.

Daniele Rialti ( priest, ), L'amministrazione straordinaria dei beni ecclesiastici, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3741, 1993) 100 pp (part).

Bruno Lima (Italian priest, ), Il vilipendio della religione: principi costituzionali italiani ed evoluzione storico-dottrinale a tutela del sentimento religioso e della sua libertà di manifestazione, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 2395, 1993) ≈ pp.

Rodolfo Woo Iran (Filipino priest, ), Manic-depressive psychosis and the nullity of marriage: (a canonical study of an incapacity for marriage due to manic-depressive personality), (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3770, 1993) x-189 pp.

Joachim Culotta (American Dominican, 1937-), The influence of ecumenism on the pre-marital promises required in a inter-faith marriage, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3765, 1996) 205 pp. Culotta biograph.

Giuseppe Barbieri (Italian ≈, ≈), Pontifical and state diplomacy: a comparative analysis in relation to the discourses of Pope Paul VI to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3735, 1993) xii-210 pp.

Raffaello Gioioso (Italian layman, 1954-), Il metus nel matrimonio canonico, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3734, 1993) x-189 pp.

Germano Bertin (Italian layman, 1961), Appartenenza al popolo di Dio nel nuovo codice di diritto canonico, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3729, 1993) 302 pp. Bertin biograph.








Henricus Beaumont (Canadian priest, ), Modification introduite dans la Foi de la forme juridique du marriage par le m. p. ‘Decretum ne temere’ du 1er Août 1948, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) 88 pp.

Sanctus Bellia (Italian priest, ), Chiesa e Stato nel pensiero de D. Luigi Sturzo, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) 187 pp.

Joachim De Santis (Italian Passionist, ), De exemptione ecclesiarum congregationis a visitatione ordinarii loci, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) 207 pp.

José Luis Gutierrez (Spanish Opus Dei, ≈), La acciòn rescisoria por dolo en los contratos, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) pp.

Henricus Hoffman (German priest, ) De Benedicti XIV latinisationibus sive maioribus sive minoribus necnon apparentibus earumque aestimatione critica atque historica in papae honorem addita, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) x-92 pp.

  Carlos Espejo Sanchez (Venezuelan priest, ), El patronato en Venezuela, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) 198 pp.

Blasius Garcia de Quesada (Spanish , ≈), La adopción romana y civil, origen del impedimeto canònico de la ‘cognatio legalis’, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

Emmanuel Moreno (Spanish Opus Dei, ≈), El beneplácito apostólico en la administración de bienes eclasiásticos, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

Josephus Pfab (German Redemptorist, 1922-2000), Dauernde Aufhebung der Lebensgemeinschaft in der Christlichen Ehe nach göttlichem kirchlichem und bürgerlichem Recht, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp. Pfab biograph.

Eduardus Rovida (Italian priest, ≈), Evoluzione della pensione ecclesiastica, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

Leontius Lat (Filipino priest, ≈), De subordinatione status catholici ad Ecclesiam, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) 110 pp.

Ignatius Foley (American Vincentian, 1916-2000), Testimonial letters required for admission into religion, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

Josephus Madurga (Spanish Opus Dei, ≈), The negotiations leading to the restoration of the hierarchy in England, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

Gerard Moverly (English priest, 1922-1996), The theater law of the first and fourth provincial councils of Westminster, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp. Moverly biograph.


Alphonsus Par (Spanish Opus Dei, ), Capítulos de damas nobles en la Alemania del medio evo., (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

Salvator Quizon (Filipino priest, 1924-2016), El vicariato Castrense en la República de Filipinas, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp. Quizon biograph.

John Ruef (American Redemptorist, -2002), The development of the principles for the broad and strict interpretation of privileges, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) xiv-115 pp.

Paulus Simms (Australian priest, ), The motivation of the ecclesiastical judicial sentence, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

Raymundus Taboada del Rio (Spanish Opus Dei, ), El privilegio de presentación de obispos según el convenio celebrado en 1941 entre la Santa Sede y España, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

Aloisius Tegerzio (Spanish ≈, ≈), El silencio en el derecho canônico, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

Richard Hochwalt (American Maryknoller, 1924-2003), The concept ‘in communi viventiums sine votis (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) xxv-57 pp. Hochwalt biograph.

Aloisius Sabbadin (Italian Servite, ), Concetto di autoritá nelle costituzioni dell’Ordine dei Servi di Maria, anno 1503-1907, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) 105 pp.

Angelus Acerra (American Benedictine, 1925-1990), The jurisdiction of the pastor, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp. Acerra biograph.

Italus Currado (Italian ≈, ≈), Il diritto degli enti ecclesiastici al posseso o godimento dei beni temporali, con particolare riferimento alla disciplina vigente in Italia, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

Jacobus Drago (Italian priest, ≈), Chiesa e stato in Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

Mauritius Fitzgerald (American Redemptorist, ≈), The doubtfully existing cause for a dispensation, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

Joannes Hamel (Canadian priest, ≈), Les biens de la paroise nouvelle, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

Albertus Pacheco (Mexican ≈, ≈), La convalidaciôn simple del matrimonio, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

Georgius Ruiz Martinez (Mexican priest, ), La figura jurídica de la parroquia en México, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

Franciscus Vives (Spanish ≈, ≈), El fin primario del matrimonio, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

Raphael Bello-Ruiz (Mexican priest, 1926-2008), Tres etapes de la legislación matrimonial en la Nueva España, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp. Bello-Ruizbiograph.

Michael Torrecilla (Spanish priest, ), Derecho docente de la Iglesia y su aplicación práctica ed el nuevo concordato español, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1953-1954) ≈ pp.

  Mannes Calcaterra (Italian Dominican, ≈), De vicario adiutore iuxta can. 475, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1952-1953) 178 pp.

Caecilius Parres (American Vincentian, ≈), The concept of the division of crimes into public, notorious, and occult according to the Code of Canon Law, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1952-1953) x-104 pp.

Antonius Ugalde (Spanish ≈, ≈), La forma matrimoniale en Tertuliano y en la España Romana, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1952-1953) ≈ pp.

Ferdinadus Acaso (Spanish ≈, ≈), Entrada en religion ‘vivente coniuge’, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1952-1953) ≈ pp.

  Andreas Barrera (Spanish ≈, ≈), ‘Vis et metus’ en el consentimiento matrimonial, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1952-1953) ≈ pp.

Xavierus Echevarria (Spanish , ≈), La influencia y la caución fingida en la dispensa del impedimento de disparidad de cultos, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1952-1953) ≈ pp.

Gundislavus Gonzales (Spanish ≈, ≈), Concordato y ley interna, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1952-1953) ≈ pp.

Josephus Martin Hernandez (Spanish ≈, ≈), La acusación del matrimonio después de la muerte de los cónyuges ‘pro reparation famae laesae coniugis defuncti’, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1952-1953) ≈ pp.

Ferdinadus Maycas y A. (Spanish Opus Dei, ≈), El juez delegado y el juez ordinario, comentarios de Vincentius Hispanus, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1952-1953) ≈ pp.

Leo McDougall (Australian religious, ≈), The Young Men Christian’s Association in the light of canon law, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1952-1953) ≈ pp.

Vincentius Pazos (Spanish ≈, ≈), Exposición histórica de la ley del ayuno Eucarístico, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1952-1953) ≈ pp.

Paulus Soullard (French Dominican, ≈), La restriction du libre exercise des droits dans la legislation ecclésiatique, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1952-1953) ≈ pp.

Adolphus Gambardella (Italian ≈, ≈), La prova dell’amentia in quanto causa di nullità matrimoniale, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1952-1953) ≈ pp.

Thomas Gutierrez (Spanish ≈, ≈), El desarrollo monástico y la exenciôn en la España Visigoda, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1952-1953) ≈ pp.

Fortunatus Cazzella (Italian ≈, ≈), La condizione giuridica della donna separata dal marito secondo il diritto canonico ed il diritto civile italiano, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1952-1953) ≈ pp.

Petrus Chow (Chinese/Canadian priest, ≈), De praecipius delictis et paenis antiquis apud Sinenses cum iure canonico comparatist, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1952-1953) ≈ pp.


Ferdinandus Arboleda Valancia (Columbian Redemptorist, ≈), Las escuelas apostolicas ante el Derecho Canonico y la Legislacion civil Columbiana, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1951-1952) 68 pp.

Pedro Lombardia (Spanish Opus Dei, ≈), Los matrimonios mixtos en España hasta la caída de la monarquía visigoda, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1951-1952) 58 pp.

Robertus Haro (Ecuadorian Domincan, ≈), La formaciòn religiosa según el Derecho Canonico, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1951-1952) ≈ pp.

Joannes Larrea Holgun, (Ecuadorian Opus Dei, 1927-2006), La personaldidad de la Iglesia en el modus vivendi celebrado entre law Sante Sede y el Ecuador, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1951-1952) ≈ pp. Larrea Holgun biograph.

Carolus Sanchez-Espejo (Venezuela religious, ≈), El patronato en Venezuela, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1951-1952) xxi- 198 pp.

Hugo Fernandez, (Italian priest, ≈), Momentum confessionis iudicialis in iure civili necnon in jure canonico deque peculiaribus quaestionibus quoad causas de nullitate matrimonii, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1951-1952) 56 pp.

Severinus Monzo, (Spanish Opus Dei, ≈), La voluntariedad en el bautismo de adultos en la cuestiòn judìa de la España Visigoda, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1951-1952)

Aloysius Villbona, (Columbian priest, ≈), Naturaleza juridica de la inhabilidad de los conjuges para acusar el matrimonio, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1951-1952) ≈ pp.

Giovanni Cirillo (Italian priest, ≈), La natura giuridica del Concordato attraverso le analogie tra concordato e tratto internazionale, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1951-1952) 172 pp.

Arthurus Dwyer (American Maryknoller, ≈), The decree Pluribus ex documentis, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1951-1952) 118 pp.

Marcus Ussia Urriticoechea, (Spanish priest, ≈), El opisbo-prior de las ordines religioso-militares Españolas, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1951-1952) xxiii-216 pp.

Joannes Beahen, (Canadian priest, 1922-1988), The seminary rector’s ordinary power of jurisdiction as a confessor (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1951-1952) ≈ pp.

Joannes Peri (Italian priest, ≈), De officiorum deque beneficiorum personalitate iuridica in Ecclesia, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1951-1952) ≈ pp.

Octavius Calcagnile, (Italian priest, ≈), Articulo 22 della legge matrimoniale, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1951-1952) ≈ pp.

Bernard Seigle (French religious, ≈), Choral obligations of religious, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1951-1952) 82 pp.


Iacobus Demers (Canadian priest, ≈), L’Honoraire de grand-messe dans l’economie de la paroisse canadienne, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1950-1951) 98 pp.

Ambrosius Duffy (Irish Dominican, ≈), The use of the portable altar ‘extra loca sacra’, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1950-1951) 91 pp.

Marcus Said (Maltese Dominican, ≈), De conatu delicti in jure civili et ecclesiastico, praesertim vero in Codice Iuris Canonici, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1950-1951) xiv-103 pp.

Melentius De Vera (Filipino priest, ≈), The peaceful method of the missionary theory and its application in the Philippines, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1950-1951) ≈ pp. Monograph: Melencio de Vera y Santiago, Theologico-juridical problems in the occupation and evangelization of the Philippines (=, 1951) 117 pp.

Edmundus Dunne (Australian Redemptorist, ≈), Canonical fitness for the religious priesthood, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1950-1951) 117 pp.

Andreas Petru’ (Czechoslovak Dominican, ≈), De impedimento disparitatis cultus in iure orientali antiquo, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1950-1951) iv-68 pp.

Dominator Ravanera (Filipino priest, ≈), The parochial benefice in the Philippine Islands, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1950-1951) 100 pp.

Bertrandus Ryan (American Dominican, 1918-2004), The exemption of minors from parental control, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1950-1951) 71 pp.



Lucius Balezo (French Vincentian, ≈), Sanctification du dimanche et vacation des tribunaux, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1950-1951) ≈ pp.

Iosephus Masot (Spanish ≈, ≈), El contrato de muto en el derecho canonico, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1950-1951) ≈ pp.

Ioannes Udaondo (Opus Dei ≈, ≈), La Preterintencionalidad en el delicto, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1950-1951) ≈ pp.

Riccardus Urioste (Salvadorian priest, 1925-2016), El derecho a la acción civil en casos de enejenación ilegitima, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1950-1951) ≈ pp. Urioste biograph.

Carolus Whelan (Argentine religious, ≈), La clausura de law religiosas, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1950-1951) ≈ pp.

Antonius Cavaliere (Italian priest, ≈), Le Pontificie Opere Missionarie, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1950-1951) ≈ pp.

Paulus Bassim (Lebanese Carmelite, 1922-2012), Il matrimonio presso i Maroniti, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp. Bassim biograph.

Ioannes Danagher (American Vincentian, ≈), Petitions for the indult to reserve the Blessed Sacrament in private oratories, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) xii-111 pp.

Lucas Guerra (Spanish Dominican, ≈), Concepto teologico-iuridico del estado religioso, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) v pp.

Benedictus Kulczar (Hungarian Dominican, ≈), De natura excommunicationis, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

Thomas Larkin (Irish Redemptorist, ≈), Exempt religious and episcopal laws which protect public order, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

Ubaldus Tomarelli (Italian Dominican, ≈), Le conseguenze canoniche dell’adesione al communismo, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

Vitus Grespan (Canadian priest, ≈), De parochis non residentibus: paenae et modus procedendi, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) xvii-45 pp (part).

Alexander Sigur (American priest, 1921-1997), Lay cooperation with ecclesiastical jurisdiction, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) vi 68 pp.

Marius Van Delft (Dutch Redemptorist, ≈), Ontwikkeling van de praktijk en de leer van de volksmisse in het Kerkelijk Recht (Canon 1349), (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) 143 pp.

Ralph Asplan (American priest, 1916-1985), The impugning of marriage by the promoter of justice as governed by the demands of the common welfare, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

Agnellus Castiello (Italian priest, ≈), De conceptu paenae a iure et ab homine, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

Antonius Czapla (Polish Vincentian, ≈), De dubii baptismi in impedimentum disparitatis cultus influxu (Can. 1070 § 2). De dubii baptismi in impedimentum disparitatis cultus influx in jure novo, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) 63 pp (part).

Leo Fiorelli (Italian priest, ≈), Il pensiero sociale di Romolo Murri, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

Matthaeus Grehan (Irish religious, 1920-1976), The relations between the superior of a foreign missionary society of priests without vows and the ecclesiastical superior on the mission, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

Ioannes Seminario (Spanish priest, ≈), La obligacion del oficio divino en el clero secular, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

Angelus Staffa (Czechoslovak Norbertine, ≈), De incorporatione paroeciarum in circaria bohemica Ordinis Praemonstratensis a saec. XII ad XIV, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

Donaldus Stewart (American Redemptorist, ≈), Force, fear, and deceit in relation to validity of entrance into religion and religious profession, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

  Gerardus Sugden (English Redemptorist, † 2000), Precepts that come under Canon 24, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

Iacobus Tobin (Irish religious, ≈), The necessity of knowledge and acceptation of delegated jurisdiction for its validity, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

Iacobus Roos (Dutch religious, ≈), Het recht van religieuzen op het bezit en beheer van tijdelijke goederen. De jure religiosorum possidendi et administrandi bona temporalia, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) 247 pp.

Rodulphus Arlanti (Italian priest, ≈), Un penalista del seculo XVI, Giulio Claro Alessandrino, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

Guido Bordeaux-Montrieux (French priest, ≈), Etude canonique un problem actuel, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

Ioannes de Riccardis (Italian priest, ≈), Le istituzioni canoniche de Giovanni Devoti, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

  Ioannes Finn (American priest, ≈), Applicability of Canon 209 to assistance at marriage, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

Petrus Lucas (French priest, ≈), Intervention de S. E. Mons. Turinaz, Evêque de Nancy et de Toul, dans les polémiques concordataires à la fin du XIX siècle, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.

Paulus Bassim (Lebanese Carmelite, 1922-2012), Il matrimonio presso i Maroniti, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp. Bassim biograph.

Caietanus Blumetti (Italian priest, ≈), De beneficiorum permutatione, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1949-1950) pp.


Antonius Abate (Italian Dominican, ), La potestà indiretta della Chiesa, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1948-1949) ix-106 pp. 3117

Emmanuel Canzoneri (Italian Dominican, ), La non-retroattività delle leggi nei Canonisti pre-Tridentini, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1948-1949) 31 pp (part). Appeared in Angelicum 28, 29 30=

[Bl.] Álvaro Del Portillo (Spanish Opus Dei, 1914-1994), Un nuevo estado jurídico de perfección: los Instituos Seculares, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1948-1949) pp. Del Portillo biograph.

Paulus Leibold (American priest, ), The time of Mass, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1948-1949) 142 pp. 3222

Iochim Hagan (American Dominican, ), Sincerity and pre-nuptial guarantees, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1948-1949) ii-183 pp.

Petrus Montaigne (French priest, ), Les droits et les devoirs du promoteur de justice en matière d’accusation de marriage, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1948-1949) 177 pp.

Octorinus Rolando (Italian priest, ), Instituto dell’esenzione nella figura giuridica della Congregazione dei Preti secolari della Dottrina Cristiana, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1948-1949) pp.

Gabriel Verde (Italian priest, ), De ascriptione clericorum alicui Dioecesi in iure veteri et novo, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1948-1949) 106 pp.


Arturo Alonso Lobo (Spanish Dominican, 1921-1983), La Acciòn Catòlica y los problemas teològico-jurìdicos que plantea, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1947-1948) xviii-275 pp.

Cyrus Dubé (Canadian priest, ), La translation administrative des curés, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1947-1948) ≈ pp.

Eligius Lauro (Italian priest, ≈), De praesumptionibus in Iure Canonico, praesertim in Iure Matrimoniale, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1947-1948) 98 pp.

Iordanus Verona (Italian Dominican, ≈), De parochi religiosi relationibus suos erga internos superiores, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1947-1948) xii-202 pp.

Zeno Ignatavicius (Lithuanian priest, 1909-1975), Le scuole cattoliche nella Lituania, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1947-1948) xxiv-275 pp.

Ioannes McCarthy (Irish priest, ≈), The matrimonial impediment of impotence with special reference to the physical capacity for marriage of an ‘excised woman’ and of a ‘doubtfully vasectomized man’, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1946-1947) ix-271 pp.

Ephraem Brogi (Italian Discalced Carmelite, ≈), De exemptionis privilegio ab ordinarii loci iurisdictione in Ordine Carmelitarum Discalceatorum, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1946-1947) xv-160 pp.



  Marius Castellano (Italian Dominican, ≈), La dottrina matrimoniale di S. Raymundi di Penyafort, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1946-1947) ≈ pp.

Ioannes Flanagan (≈ religious, ≈), A canonical study and commentary of the Constitutions of the Society of African Missions (a Society of clerics without vows of Pontifical Right), (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1946-1947) xvi-500 pp.

Petrus Venables (≈, ≈), The juridical aspect of the Institute of Oblates, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1946-1947) vii-130 pp.

Franciscus Germovnik (Slovenian/American Vincentian, 1915-2005), De dimissione ipso iure e religone. Historia et expositio can. 646, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 3103, 1944-1945) 116 xcc.

Ladislaus Markovic (Yugoslav Carmelite, ≈), De subiecto cui applicationis Missae, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1944-1945) ≈ pp.

Gabriel Andreozzi (Italian Third Order Franciscan, ≈), La comunità capace di indurre consuetudini, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1942-1943) viii-131 xcc. Appeared in Analecta Tertii Ordinis Regularis S. Francisci 4-5 (1948-1949) 94=

Seraphinus Brizzola (Italian Third Order Franciscan, ≈), Obbligo del coro nella comunità del Terz’Ordine Regolare di S. Francesco, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1942-1943) vi-148 xcc. Appeared in Analecta Tertii Ordinis Regularis S. Francisci 4-5 (1948-1949) 103-=.

Raymundus Dowdall (Irish Dominican, ≈), The celebration of matrimony in danger of death, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1942-1943) xi-148 xcc.


Stephanus Gomez (Spanish Dominican, ≈), De iuris remediis contra sententiam ob neglectum praescriptum legis processualis (Can. 1902, § 2, n. 4), (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1941-1942) 118 pp.


Chrysostomus Vijverberg (Dutch Dominican, ≈), De lege in praesumptione fundata deque eius obligatione, (Angelicum doctoral diss. 17, 1941-1942) 77 pp.

Antonius Berizzi (Italian Dominican, Raymundus Dowdall), De residentiae beneficiatorum curatorum originario iure, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1941-1942) xxiv-240 xcc.


Firminus Del Campo (Spanish religious, Raymundus Dowdall), Iglesia Funerante segùn el Codex Iuris Canonici, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1938-1939) vi-76 pp. Extract appeared in Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas 17 (=) =.

Bonaventura Cagnasso (Italian Dominican, ), De potestate ordinarii loci in paroecias domui religiosae pleno iure unitas iuxta Codicem Iuris Canonici, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1938-1939) x-172. Extract in Angelicum 18 (1941) =.

Victor Cassin (Swiss Redemptorist, ), De actione criminali et de actione poenali [in Codice Iuris Canonici], (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1938-1939) pp.

Paul (Francis) Nager (American Passionist, 1907-1983), The exemption of the Seminary according to Canon Law, can. 1368, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1938-1939) pp.

Bernardus Dedic (Yugoslavian Dominican, ), Disciplina Codicis Iuris Canonici de professione religosa, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1938-1939) xii-220 xcc.

Hubertus Durand, (French Dominican, ), Le minister de l’Ordination des Reguliers e ses prerogatives, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1938-1939) pp.


Alvarus Mathiot (French Dominican, ), La responsabilité attenuée en Droit Canonique, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1938-1939) La responsabilité attenuée en Droit Canonique pp.

  Joannes Mussio (American priest, 1902-1978), The education of offspring as a primary end of matrimony, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1938-1939) vi-79 xcc. Mussio biograph.

  Georgius Childs, (Canadian priest, ), Who are obligated by ecclesiastical laws? A commentary on canon 14, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1938-1939) 63 pp.

Ioannes Zimmerman (American Dominican, ), Impediments to Holy Orders in general, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1938-1939) ix-101 xcc.


Henricus Ledesma (Bolivian priest, ), De disciplina immunitatis realis in iure canonico, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1939-1940) pp.


Henricus Lüthi (Swiss Dominican, ), De indole iuridica delegationis ad assistentiam matrimonialem historico-critice considerata, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1940-1941) vi-129 pp.


Armandus Iacoponi (Italian priest, ), De liceitate stipendiorum Missarum, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1940-1941) ix-157 xcc.

Humbertus Panfili (Italian priest, ), De visitatione pastorali. Dissertatio historico-iuridica, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1940-1941) 117 xcc.

Ceslaus Wysocki (Polish priest, ), De quaestuatione religiosorum: Cann. 621-624, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1940-1941) xiii-179 xcc.


Salvator Indelicato (Italian priest, ), De foro competenti in causis matrimonialibus, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1937-1938) xv-71 pp.

Antonius Conde Basanta (Spanish priest, ), La potesdad del ordinario loci en los miembros de las Congregaciones Religiosas de derecho pontificio segùn la legislaciòn canònico vigente, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1937-1938) pp.

Robertus Duggan (Australian Vincentian, ), Plenary and provincial councils, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1937-1938) pp.

Hyacinthus Fernandez Martinez (Spanish Vincentian, ≈), Extensiòn del voto de probreza en la Congregaciòn de la Misiòn, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1937-1938) xi-114.

Joannes Jones (English Redemptorist, ≈), The power of the local ordinary over Pontifical Congregations of Sisters, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1937-1938) pp.

Franciscus Grant (Canadian ≈, ≈), The income of the benefice, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1937-1938) pp.


Eduardus Precht (≈ Discalced Carmelite, ≈), De dote religiosae secundum ius vigens, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1936-1937) pp.

Firmius Campo (Spanish ≈, ≈), De iuridicis perfectionis statibus et professionibus ecclesiasticis, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1936-1937) pp.

Petrus Bajkiewicz (, ), De iure Ecclesiae prohibendi libros iuxta ius publicum Ecclesiae, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1936-1937) pp.


George Gallick (American priest, 1902-1975), The rights and duties of bishops regarding diocesan sisterhoods, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1936-1937, OCLC 17346539) ix-141 pp.


Silvius Oddi (Italian priest, 1910-2001), Il privilegio del canone, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1935-1936) ≈ pp. Oddi biograph.

  James Richardson (American Vincentian, 1909-1996), The just title in Canon 730: for giving something temporal on the occasion of the Sacred ministry, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1935-1936) x-69 pp. Richardson biograph.

Maximus Tessier (Canadian religious, ), Jurisdiction déleguée ‘ab homine', (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1935-1936) ≈ pp.

Ioannes Young (American religious, ≈), Separation of married people from the community of bed and board, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1935-1936) v-103 xcc.

Octavius Tobon (Columbian ≈, ≈), De natura censurae ab homine quae feratur per modum praecepti peculiaris – Can. 2217 § 1, n. 3, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1935-1936) ≈ pp.

Aemilius Vézina (Canadian ≈, ≈), Le conseil paroissal de fabrique et les taxes canoniques, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1934-1935) ≈ pp.


Paul Bernier (Canadian priest, 1906-1964?), De administratione patrimonii paroeciali: praesupposita iuridica, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1934-1935) pp.

Victor Tirado (Spanish Discalced Carmelite, ), De acceptatione iurisdictionis in historia Iuris Ecclesiastici atque in Codice Iuris Canonici, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1934-1935) pp.

Lewis Bennet (American Vincentian, ), The Pauline Privilege, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1934-1935) = pp.

Paulus Collison (Canadian Redemptorist, ), Non omnis censura ab homine est reservata, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1934-1935) v-92 pp.

Romaeus Gagnon (Canadian , ), Les cas exceptés dans la procedure matrimoniale, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1934-1935) pp.

Robertus Klosterman (German Dominican, ), De imputabilitate in causa legitimae tutelage, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1934-1935) pp.


Guilemeus Smith (Canadian ≈, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1933-1934) pp.


  Philip Pocock (Canadian priest, 1906-1984), The Defender of the Matrimonial Bond, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1933-1934) vi-100 pp. Pocock biograph.

Terentius Huguet (Spanish Dominican, ), De licito egressu e religione. Studium practicum ad normam Sacrorum canonum peractum, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1933-1934) = pp.

Edmundus Dicasse (French , ), Motifs des modifications des empêchments diriments du marriage, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1933-1934) = pp.

Guglielmus Morin (Canadian , ), De erectione paroeciarum iuxta Codicem, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1933-1934) = pp.

Joannes Comoli (Swiss , ), De fundamento restitutryszionis in integrum eiusque iusta causa, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1933-1934) = pp.

Victor Flanagan (American Dominican, 1904-1942), Dispensation from matrimonial impediments according to the Code of Canon Law, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1933-1934) 277 pp.


  Eduardus Des Georges (French Sulpician, ), De metu respectu consensus matrimonialis ad normam can. 1087, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1932-1933) pp. An extract, Les conditions de la crainte comme vice du consentment matrimoniale (commentaire du can. 1087 § 1), was published separately.


Louis Reinhold (American priest, 1896-1950), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1932-1933) ≈ pp.

Valerianus Bélanger (Canadian =, =), De taxis pro funeralibus, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1931-1932) = pp.

Dionysius Burke (Canadian Norbertine, ), De novi operis nuntiatione, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1931-1932) pp.


Raymundus Charland (Canadian Dominican, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1931-1932) pp.


Henricus De Couessin (≈ Sulpician, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1931-1932) pp.


Franciscus De Juilly (≈, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1931-1932) pp.

  Engelbertus Eykemans (Dutch Redemptorist, 1904=1964), De praescriptione in iure canonico, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1931-1932) = pp.

  Joseph Kiwanuka (Ugandan priest, 1899-1966), De vitiis consensus matrimonialis, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1931-1932) = pp. Kiwanuka biograph.


  Ludovicus Kociszewski (Polish ≈, ≈), De consensu matrimoniali sub condictione sub novo iure ecclesiastico, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1931-1932) ≈ pp.

Joseph Masucci (≈ Benedictine, ≈), De abbatia nullius Montis Virginis, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1931-1932) ≈ pp.

Lambert Missack (American Passionist, 1901-1987), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1931-1932) pp.

Numa Pichette (Canadian priest, 1906-1992), De parochi vel loci Ordinarii assistentia Matrimonio, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1931-1932) ≈ pp. Pichette biograph.

Albertus Poupy (≈ Vincentian, ≈), De communicatione cum acatholicis, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1931-1932) ≈ pp.

Timotheus Semogerere (Ugandan priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1931-1932) pp.


Franciscus Simpson (≈ Redemptorist, ≈), De iure proprietatis in Ecclesia, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1931-1932) ≈ pp.

Paul Skehan (American Dominican, 1899-1954), De iurisdictione sacramentali, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1931-1932) ≈ pp. Skehan biograph.


  Theophilus Aguirrebeitia (American Passionist, ≈), De concursu in delictum seu commentarium in can. 2209 [Codicis Iuris] Canonici, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1930-1931) ≈ pp.


Joan. Alustiza (≈ Passionist, ≈), De privilegiorum communicatione inter religiosos, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1930-1931) ≈ pp.

Aloysius Kahl (≈ Maronite, ≈), De origine et evolutione Hierarchiae Episcopalis Ecclesiae Maronitarum, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1930-1931) ≈ pp.

Nicolaus Langenfeld (American priest, 1901-1994), De consultoribus dioecesanibus, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1930-1931) ≈ pp. Langenfeld biograph.

Raymundus Miller (American Redemptorist, ≈), De potestate simplicis confessarii, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1930-1931) ≈ pp.

Declanus O’Sullivan (≈ Passionist, ≈), De parocho religioso, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1930-1931) ≈ pp.


  Jacobus Sullivan (≈, ≈), De sanatione in radice, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1930-1931) ≈ pp.

Bonaventura Paulukas (American Dominican, ≈), De iureiurando, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1930-1931) ≈ pp.

Carolus Rouleau (American priest, ≈), De vicario cooperatore ad universitatem causarum ab episcopo delegato, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1930-1931) ≈ pp.

Angelus Sfascia (≈ Carmelite, ≈), De consuetudine, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1930-1931) ≈ pp.


Jacob Sullivan (≈, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1929-1930) ≈ pp.


Josephus Thuillier (≈, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1929-1930) ≈ pp.

Stanislaus Wojcik (≈ Redemptorist, ≈), De concurrentibus ad delictum, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1930-1931) ≈ pp.


Hubertus Bohne (≈ Passionist, ≈), De conditione iuridica religiosorum extra claustra, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1929-1930) ≈ pp.


Franciscus Bougon ( priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1929-1930) ≈ pp.

  Paulus Dardonville (≈ Sulpician, ≈), De vitiis consensus matrimonialis, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1929-1930) ≈ pp.

Placidus Huelster (≈ Cistercian, ≈), De professione religiosa et servitio militari, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1929-1930) ≈ pp.

Joannes Leitans (≈ religious, ≈), De oratoriis privatis, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1929-1930) ≈ pp.


Joannes Mostyn (English priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1929-1930) ≈ pp.

Englebertus Munch, (German Dominican, ), De confraternitatibus, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1929-1930) pp.

Antonius Pabst (≈ Redemptorist, ≈), Fabrica Ecclesiae, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1929-1930) ≈ pp.

Carolus Salen (≈ Norbertine, ≈) De parochis religiosis secundum ius antiquum et novum, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1929-1930) ≈ pp.

Bernardus [Austin] Sause (American Benedictine, 1901-1975), De privilegii exemptionis Regularium natura et ambitu, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1929-1930) pp.


Thomas Tascon (Filipino Dominican, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1929-1930) ≈ pp.

Robertus Barbe (≈, ≈), De interventu laicorum in administratione bonorum ecclesiasticorum, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1929-1930) ≈ pp.

Julius Durand-Arraud (, ), De appellatione ac origine impedimenti vi et metu, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1929-1930) pp.


Aderville Bureau (Canadian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1928-1929) ≈ pp.

Jacobus Connolly (Redemptorist, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1928-1929) ≈ pp.

Felix Contassot ( Vincentian, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1928-1929) ≈ pp.

Ambrosius Farell (English Dominican, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1928-1929) ≈ pp.

Reginaldus Harrington (Irish Dominican, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1928-1929) ≈ pp.

Carolus Kreb (Cistercian ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1928-1929) ≈ pp.

Raphaël Masini (French Dominican, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1928-1929) ≈ pp.

Alvarus Omeñaca (Chilean Dominican, 1904-), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1928-1929) ≈ pp.

Joannes Parisi (Franciscan, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1928-1929) ≈ pp.

Mattheus Quatember (French Cistercian, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1928-1929) ≈ pp.

Ishmaël Rivas (Bolivian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1928-1929) ≈ pp.

Laurentius Begley (Irish/Australian Redemptorist, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Robertus Cosserat (French priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Natalis Dion (Canadian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp. Arthur Douville (Canadian priest, 1894-1986), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp. Douville biograph.

Petrus Fink (≈ religious, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Leonardus Koppert (≈ Vincentian, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Ernestus Mallet (≈ Sulpician, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Andreas Manesceau (≈ religious, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Patricius McCabe (≈ Vincentian, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Iosephus Palombo (≈ Redemptorist, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Henricus Perrin (≈ priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Clemens Nowlen (American Dominican, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Joannes Richard (American priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Vincentius Saenz de Valluerca (Spanish priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Ugo Serafini (Italian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Hermanus Stier (≈ religious, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Carolus André (French priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Joannes Boileau (≈ Sulpician, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Abel Caré (French priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Petrus Denaire (French priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Josephus Glaser (≈ Redemptorist, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Ladislaus Tomalka (Polish priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Raphael Pérez (≈ Augustinian, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Victor Mozejko (Polish priest, 1897-1939), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp. Mozejko biograph.

Marie Leo Vedastus (French priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1926-1927) ≈ pp.

Salustianus Ardanza (Spanish priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Josephus Binette (Canadian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Josephus Chamberland (Canadian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Napolean Delorme (Canadian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Nicolaus Druzbacki (Polish priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Maximilianus Dunajski (Polish priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Romanus Gil (≈ Vincentian, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Alfridus Gravagnuolo (Redemptorist, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Franciscus Goc (Polish priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Eduardus Herman (Polish Dominican, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Petrus Jeanson (French priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Henricus Jimenez (≈ Vincentian, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Alonso Jimenez (Spanish priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Henricus Lajoie (Canadian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Hippolythus Larracoechea (Carmelite, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Paulus Maitre (French priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Ludovicus Martin (Canadian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Joannes Milligan (Canadian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Marcolinus Paez (Argentine Dominican, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Justinus Perrin (Redemptorist, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Jacobus Rodgers (≈ Vincentian, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Ludovicus Sabin (≈ Vincentian, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1925-1926) ≈ pp.

Cherubinus De Bono (Maltese Dominican, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1924-1925) ≈ pp.

Paulus Dziubinski (Polish priest, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1924-1925) ≈ pp.

Gullielmus Greone, (≈ Redemptorist, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1924-1925) ≈ pp.

Georgius Kattacherz (Indian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1924-1925) ≈ pp.

Antonius Marchewka (Polish priest, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1924-1925) ≈ pp.

William Reintjes (American Redemptorist, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1924-1925) ≈ pp.

Honoratus Ribas Manera (Spanish priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1924-1925) ≈ pp.

Boleslaus Rosinski (Polish priest, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1924-1925) ≈ pp.

Jeremias Sheehan (American priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1924-1925) ≈ pp.

Robert Sherry (American priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1924-1925) ≈ pp.

Adam Slawicz Rachuba (Polish priest, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1924-1925) ≈ pp.

Louis Sylvain (Canadian Dominican, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1924-1925) ≈ pp.

Victor Touraille (French priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1924-1925) ≈ pp.

Andomarus Valois (American priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1924-1925) ≈ pp.

Stephanus Zalesienski (Polish priest, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1924-1925) ≈ pp.

Ludovicus Bender (German Dominican, ≈,) ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1923-1924) ≈ pp.

Guido Bentivoglio (Cistercian, ≈,) ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1923-1924) ≈ pp.

Odilo Derosier (Canadian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1923-1924) ≈ pp.

Christophorus Berutti (Dominican, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1923-1924) ≈ pp.

Rudolphus Garro (≈ Vincentian, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1923-1924) ≈ pp.

Aloyisus Grimaud (French priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1923-1924) ≈ pp.

Petrus Ioos (Swiss priest, ≈) ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1923-1924) ≈ pp.

Augustinus Leduc (Canadian Dominican, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1923-1924) ≈ pp.

Guillelmus Mahoney (≈ religious, ≈) ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1923-1924) ≈ pp.

Bernardus Mutsaers (≈, ≈,) ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1923-1924) ≈ pp.

Ignatius Rudzinski (Polish priest, ≈,) ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1923-1924) ≈ pp.

Aloysius Salvati (Romanian Dominican, ≈,) ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1923-1924) ≈ pp.

Eugenius Scherrer ( Marianist, ≈,) ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1923-1924) ≈ pp.

Emmanuel Suarez (Spanish Dominican, ≈,) ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1923-1924) ≈ pp.

Robert Leo Ahern (American priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1922-1923) ≈ pp.

Ludovicus Brydazki (Polish priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1922-1923) ≈ pp.

François Charriere (Swiss priest, 1893-1976), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1922-1923) ≈ pp. Charriere biograph.

Aloysius Despuyol (≈ priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1922-1923) ≈ pp.

Jacobus Foulkes (English priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1922-1923) ≈ pp.

Timotheus Horten (German Dominican, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1922-1923) ≈ pp.

Joannes Keenan (≈ Vincentian, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1922-1923) ≈ pp.

Petrus Lestienne (French priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1922-1923) ≈ pp.

Eduardus Lutz (French priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1922-1923) ≈ pp.

Carolus Lynch (Canadian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1922-1923) ≈ pp.

Pius Tagliarini (≈ Franciscan, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1922-1923) ≈ pp.

Eduardus Avery (English priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1921-1922) ≈ pp.

Sylvius Desautels (American priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1921-1922) ≈ pp.

Josephus Finocchi (Argentine priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1921-1922) ≈ pp.

Vincentius Gmachowski (Polish priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1921-1922) ≈ pp.

Hermannus Hérbert (Canadian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1921-1922) ≈ pp.

Venceslaus Jezusek (Polish priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1921-1922) ≈ pp.

Philippus Normand (Canadian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1921-1922) ≈ pp.

Petrus Rutten (priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1921-1922) ≈ pp.

Johannes Simcox (English priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1921-1922) ≈ pp.

Raymondus Clarke (Canadian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1920-1921) ≈ pp.

Gabriel Cueto (Spanish priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1920-1921) ≈ pp.

Augustinus Darmanin (Maltese Dominican, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1920-1921) ≈ pp.

Leonidas Derome (≈ priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1920-1921) ≈ pp.

Philippus Kiley (American priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1920-1921) ≈ pp.

Renatus Le Picard (French priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1920-1921) ≈ pp.

Ludovicus Misserey (French Dominican, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1920-1921) ≈ pp.

Ludgerius Morin (Canadian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1920-1921) ≈ pp.

Guillelmus Sander (Benedictine, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1920-1921) ≈ pp.

Joannes Villepelet (French priest, 1892-1982), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1920-1921) ≈ pp. Villepelet biograph.

Victor Vincent (Canadian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1920-1921) ≈ pp.

Sabinus Alonso (Spanish Dominican, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1919-1920) ≈ pp.

Joannes Haest ( Vincentian, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1919-1920) ≈ pp.

Augustus Matignon (French priest, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1919-1920) ≈ pp.

Fred. Josephus Mueller (American priest, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1919-1920) ≈ pp.

Carolus Voisset (French priest, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1919-1920) ≈ pp.

Edmundus Belcourt ( Sulpician, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1918-1919) ≈ pp.

Alfridus Nic. Tosti ( priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1918-1919) ≈ pp.

Joannes a Cruce Martinez-Zurdo, (≈ priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1917-1918) ≈ pp.

Albertus Santamaria (Filipino Dominican, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1916-1917) ≈ pp.

Leonidas Lemay, (Canadian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1915-1916) ≈ pp.

Marcellinus Amede (≈ Benedictine, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1914-1915) ≈ pp.

Guillelmus Brennan ( Vincentian, ) ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1914-1915) ≈ pp.

Phil. Servulus Desranlau ( priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1914-1915) ≈ pp.

Aloyisius Duprat ( Vincentian ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1914-1915) ≈ pp.

Josephus Florczak (Slovenian priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1914-1915) ≈ pp.

Antonij Okolo-Kulak (Belarusian priest, 1883-1940), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1914-1915) ≈ pp.

Jos. Michael Vincent (English priest, ≈), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1914-1915) ≈ pp.

Gerardus Wagennar (≈, Vincentian, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1914-1915) ≈ pp.

Josephus Bernard ( religious, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1913-1914) ≈ pp.

Franc Bourgeois ( priest, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1913-1914) ≈ pp.

Carolus Chiarlo (Italian priest), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1913-1914) ≈ pp.

Fridericus McClement (English priest, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1913-1914) ≈ pp.

Josephus Evrard (French priest, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1913-1914) ≈ pp.

Humbertus Molliere (English priest, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1913-1914) ≈ pp.

Raphael Ortega Barrios (Spanish priest, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1913-1914) ≈ pp.

Gasparus Schmitz (German Dominican, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1913-1914) ≈ pp.

John William Sliney (American priest, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1913-1914) ≈ pp.

Julinus Testula (Polish priest, ), ≈, (Angelicum doctoral diss., 1913-1914) ≈ pp.

Note: Though not providing titles or authors, the Angelicum indicates eight canon law dissertations for the years 1912-1913, six for 1911-1912, seven for 1910-1911, and four for 1909-1910.


Licentiate theses

Therese Ivers, “Canonical protection against unwarranted intrusion in the conscience”, (Angelicum licentiate thesis, 2008) 50 pp.

Robert McClory, “The Implementation of Ex Corde Ecclesiae in the United States: an analysis of the relationship between Ex Corde Ecclesiae and the United States Supreme Court precedents concerning government funding of religiously-affiliated universities”, (Angelicum licentiate thesis, 2000) ii-68-[6] pp.

Michael Dodd, “Reception of the ‘mandatum’ or the ‘missio canonica’ for teachers of theological disciplines in ecclesiastical universities and faculties: an interpretation of Canon 818”, (Angelicum licentiate thesis, 2001) 59 pp.

Gintaras Grušas, “The concept of safeguarding faith and morals using the ‘imprimatur’ in writings and in the use of the instruments of social communication”, (Angelicum licentiate thesis, 1999) 79 pp.




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Last updated: 20 May 2018.

Notes: Lateran dissertation numbers often do not follow dates of publication. Given the generally diminished usefulness of dissertation numbers in the location and use of dissertations these days, dissertation numbers, even if they were found, are not given here. Some pagination reports indicate what seem to be unusually short dissertations (even accounting for the changes in dissertation length over the decades) but are not marked as being extracts or abbreviated printings. Pagination estimates are reported here as found.


Doctoral Dissertations

Fabia Zannier (Italian laywoman, ≈), Simulazione matrimoniale nel diritto canonico (CIC e CCEO) e civile italiano: incidenza ed effetti nel rapporto di filiazione, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2001) xxviii-59 pages (part).

Alberto Gatón Lasheras (=, =), ‘Exequatur’ civil de las sentencias matrimoniales canónicas en el reino de España: necesidad de una revision, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2001) ii-130 pages (part).

Matthias Zehe (=, =), Accertamento processuale dell'incidenza della depressione nel matrimonio, (Lateran doctoral diss. 2000) iv-223 pp.

Angelo Spilla (Italian priest, 1956-), L'affidamento della parrocchia ‘in solidum’, (Lateran doctoral diss. 2000) 200 pp.

Mieczyslaw Tlaga (=, =), L'applicazione delle pene canoniche, (Lateran doctoral diss. 2000) 132 pp.

Antonio Maria Forgione (= priest, 1963-=), L'Arciconfraternita 'Orationis et mortis' nella città di Modica nel contesto del fenomeno confraternale laicale nella seconda metà del XIX secolo, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) xxvii-239 pp.

Charles Kitima (=, =), Church and State in Tanzania: (a juridical survey), (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 258 pp.

Albert Assaf Omm (= priest, =), Il ‘compendio della legge’: il codice civile dei Maroniti: studio e ricerca delle fonti del diritto cristiano orientale, musulmano e romano, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 416 pp.

Locci Don Federico (= priest, =), Il concilio plenario sardo del 1924, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 519 pp.

Sylvestre Sanou (Burkino Faso priest, =), Le conseil économique du Code de droit canonique: le Canon 1280 et son actualisation dans un diocèse de Tiers Monde, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) iv-164 pp.

P. Waldemar Barszcz (= Franciscan third order, =), Il Consiglio del Superiore, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) xxiv-108 pages (part).

Lara Carnevali (=, =), Il conubium e la capacità matrimoniale nel diritto romano e nella tradizione romanistica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) vii-64 pages (part).

Maria Grazia Viola (=, =), Delitti contro la religione e l'unità della Chiesa con particolare riferimento all'eresia nel CIC del 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) vi-112 pp.

Piotr Krajewski (Polish layman, 1963-), Delitti contro la vita: problemi concernenti la morte suicida e l'eutanasia, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 213 pp.

Luigi Masia (≈, ≈), Le dichiarazioni delle parti, (Lateran doctoral diss. 2000) 84 pages (part).

Valdinei de Jesus Ribeiro, CMF = (=, =), La dimissione dei religiosi nella legislazione della Chiesa latina dal Codice del 1917 al Codice del 1983 con speciale riferimento alle legislazioni particolari, (Lateran doctoral diss. 2000) 402 pp.

Vincenzo Mamertino (=, =), Il diritto di associazione nella Chiesa: fondamento e finalità, (Lateran doctoral diss. 2000) 109 pages (part).

Mario Trulio (=, =), Il dovere-diritto dell'annuncio del vangelo dei christifideles nel codice di diritto canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss. 2000) xviii-56 pages (part).

Jean Macaire Matafwadi Musengi (=, 1959-), Droit canonique et droit coutumier africain en matière de consentement matrimonial: cas des Mbala et Ngongo de Masi-Manimba, (Lateran doctoral diss. 2000) xiv-320 pp.

Juozas Šiurys (Lithuanian priest, 1954-), La formazione permanente dei presbiteri. Disposizione vigente (can. 279) e progetti per il futuro in Lituania, (Lateran doctoral diss. 2000) 170 pages (part).

Young-Man Han (=, =), Funzioni del legato pontificio nelle chiese particolari e nel mondo verso il 2000, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) xiv-64 pages (part).

Antonio D'Amico (=, =), La giurisprudenza amministrativa sulle norme in materia di procedimento amministrativo e diritto d'accesso ai documenti (L. 7 agosto 1990 n. 241), (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 112 pages (part).

Antonius Jakab (=, =), De hierarchia ecclesiae transsylvaniensis tempore principatus (1527-1697), (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) xvii-146 pp.

Mario Zedda (=, =), L'incompatibilità di carattere possibile causa di nullità matrimoniale: ex canone 1095. n. 3. del C.J.C., (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) vi-318 pp.

Gian Luigi Gori (=, =), L'istituto della «Manumissio in Ecclesia» nel diritto romano e canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 61 pages (part).

Anthony Chike Idigo (=, =), Marriage preparation among the Igbo dioceses of Nigeria: (socio-anthropological & canonical studies), (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) xiv-183 pages (part).

Roberto Perghem (=, =), I mezzi di impugnazione nel processo canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 172 pp.

Juan Francisco Martínez Sáez (= religious, =), La misión de Cristo y los fieles en el CIC, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) xiv-251 pp.

Francesco Romano (= Caremlite, =), I monasteri teresiani e la loro giurisdizione 'Subiectio' - 'Consociatio' - 'Dissociatio?': quadro storico-giuridico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 193 pages (part).

Andrea Celli (=, =), Natura giuridica e funzionamento degli istituti per il sostentamento del clero, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 93 pages (part).

Jude Ojiako Onuchukwu (=, =), The necessity of the proper pastoral collaboration of the parish priest with the diocesan bishop, priests or deacons and the lay faithful, with special reference to Canon 519, of the 1983 Code, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) xvi-352 pp.

María Vicenta Serrano-Vargas (=, =), Personalidad juridica publica y privada en la Iglesia, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 260 pp.

Fabian Hubert Lipinski (Polish Franciscan, =-2009), Il principio di legalità e riserva di legge nel diritto penale canonico del 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 159 pp. Lipinski biograph.

Danilo Caredda (=, =), Il problema della forma costitutiva del matrimonio nella tradizione romana e nella tradizione canonica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) vii-62 pp.

Pierantonio Fanella (=, =), Il rapporto superiore-suddito negli Istituti di vita consacrata, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 107 pp.

Stefano Mareggini (= priest, =), La rimozione dei parroci non residenti nella Chiesa latina: indagine storica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 170 pp.

Andrzej Kukla (= Redemptorist, =), Il ruolo e le facoltà del Capitolo Provinciale secondo il rinnovato ordinamento proprio della Congregazione del Santissimo Redentore: "Costituzioni e Statuti" e "Directorium Capitulorum", (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 242 pp.

Roberto Malpelo (=, =), Lo statuto della cattedrale di Montepulciano, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 237 pp.

Luigi Falcone (= priest, 1945-), Tradizione giuridica bizantina e prassi canonica latina nella formazione del patrimonio normativo della diocesi di Bisignano fra X e XVI secolo, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 226 pp.

Davide Mussone (=, =), L'ufficio del Vicario Generale: nel Codice di diritto canonico del 1917 e del 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 244 pages (part).

Luigi Maria Leli (=, =), Valore e tutela dell'indissolubilità del matrimonio nel diritto canonico e nella società contemporanea, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 128 pp.

Jesus-Mary Pawley (= Conventual, =), ‘Novità’ e ‘continuità’ della ‘formazione permanente’ dei religiosi come presentata nel canone 661, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 120 pages (part).

Sebastiano Paciolla (= Cistercian, =), L'antico Jus Proprium della Congregatio Sancti Bernardi in Italia, (Lateran doctoral diss., 2000) 399 pp.


Marie Diouf (=, =), Autorité collegiale et personnelle au service de la communion dans les instituts de vie consacrée selon le droit canonique: analyse historico-juridique des structures de gouvernement dans la Congrégation des Filles du Saint Coeur de Marie, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) 272 pp.

Rajeh Antoine (= Maronite, =), I beni temporali nella Chiesa maronita in Libano: visione storica e commento esegetico alla normativa vigente, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999, 240 pp.

Robert Urland (=, =), Il delitto di sollecitazione nell'ordinamento canonico: studio storico-giuridico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) 157 pp.

Dariusz Borek (= Caremlite, =), L'esercizio della potestà coattiva nella chiesa con particolare riferimento alla dimissione dei religiosi: (studio giuridico-storico), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) 311 pp.

Garraffa Giuseppina (=, =), Finalità e caratteristiche del sistema penale della Chiesa con riferimento all'Istituto della scomunica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) v-172 pp.

Gian Carla Moscattini (=, =), Iter storico-giuridico dei delitti contro le autorità ecclesiastiche e contro la libertà della Chiesa nel Codex iuris canonici del 1917 e nel Codice di diritto canonico del 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) 255 pp.

Edward Xuereb (=, =), La natura dell'ordinamento Vaticano e la sua evoluzione durante il Pontificato di Giovanni Paolo II, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) 327 pp.

Roman Szewczyk (=, =), La natura e gli effetti della privazione dell'ufficio ecclesiastico nei codici di diritto canonico del 1917 e del 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) 265 pp.

Wieslaw Garczarek (=, =), La natura e gli effetti della sospensione penale nel codice di diritto canonico del 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) 199 pp.

Daniela Pedrelli (=, =), Le presunzioni giudiziali, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) ix-109 pages (part).

Louis M. Thevalakara (=, =), I rapporti tra le conferenze episcopali e la congregazione per la dottrina della fede, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) viii-252 pp.

Agustin Daniel Mussa (= religious, =), La retribuzione e la previdenza sociale dei chierici nel diritto canonico con riferimento applicativo all'Argentina, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) 59 pages (part).

Stefan Killermann (=, 1956-), Die Rota Romana: Auftrag und Funktion des Gerichtshofes in geschichtlicher Entwicklung und Aktuellem Anspruch, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) lxxxv-94 pages (part).

Roberta Salvatori (=, =), La secolarizzazione del matrimonio in Italia nei secoli XIX e XX, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) 94 pages (part).

Stefano Benigni (=, 1961-), La simulazione implicita: aspetti sostanziali e processuali, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) 233 pp.

Bruno Russi (=, =), Sostanza e forma del diritto penale canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) 159 pp.

Lutumba Komba Bruno (=, =), Le travail et la sécurité sociale des clercs dans l'Église et l'État: droit compare, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) xi-143 pages (part).

Sergio F. Aumenta (= priest, 1956-), La tutela dei diritti dei fedeli nel processo contenzioso amministrativo canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) 201 pp.

Pietro Milite (=, =), La tutela penale dell'Ordine Sacro in ordine alle irregolarità ex delicto a ricevere gli Ordini nel codice di diritto canonico del 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) 193 pp.

Marco Cisternino (=, =), L'uso dei beni temporali da parte dei chierici dal Concilio Vaticano II al CJC 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) 105 pages (part).


Jeong-Joo Lee [Agostino] (=, =), Vita evangelica: forme istituzionalizzate e vincoli giuridici, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1999) xi-159 pp.

Ivan Cubelic (=, =), La Conferenza Episcopale della Jugoslavia 1918-1992: fisionomia dell'istituto ed evoluzione del diritto particolare, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 237 pp.

Carmelo Danisi (=, =), La configurazione delle parti nel processo di nullità matrimoniale, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 89 pages (part).

Michal Bajcar (=, =), Delitti contro la religione e l'unità della chiesa con particolare riferimento alla "Communicatio in sacris" (c. 1365), confronto tra il CIC 1983 e il CCEO 1990, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 337 pp.

Juan David Noguera Lopez (= Carmelite, =), Dimensión contemplativa de la vida religiosa: en el CIC 83 (cc. 577, 663-664, 673, 675 § 2) y textos legislativos vigentes OCD, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) xl-258 pp.

Renzo Remotti (=, =), Il diritto all'educazione cristiana (canone 217), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 98 pages (part).

Giuliano De Cesare (=, =), Il dovere missionario dei laici dal codice '17 al codice '83, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 175 pp.

Clara Mecacci (=, =), Effetti civili della sentenza canonica di nullità del matrimonio nell'ordinamento giuridico italiano, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 254 pp.

Guido Giustiniano (=, =), l fenomeno del transessualismo: analisi medico-giuridica e giurisprudenziale canonica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 161 pp.

Zakreta, Arkadiusz (= Vincentian, =), La formazione permanente dei religiosi: studio giuridico-teologico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) vii-221 pp.

Gino Saretta (=, =), Giovanni Antonio Farina vescovo di Treviso e il Capitolo della sua cattedrale: aspetti giuridico-pastorali di una decennale vertenza (1850-1860)\studio sulla "Causa Tarvisina Jurium Capitularium" definita il 22 settembre 1860 presso la S. Congregazione del Concilio, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 248 pp.

Vittorio Cinti (=, =), L'istituto della "res iudicata" nell'ordinamento giuridico canonico: evoluzione storica e sviluppo sistematico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 450 pp.

Matafwadi Musengi Jean Macaire (Congloese priest, 1959-), La liberté de consentement matrimonial dans le droit coutumier des peuples Bambala et Bangongo de Masi-Manimba et dans le droit canon: analyse juridique comparative sur le rapport des droits, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) xxxv-163 pp.

Habib Kalakech (= religious, =), Le mariage dans le statut personnel au Liban à travers l'histoire avec l' "Aggiornamento" au nouveau code des églises orientales: étude historico-juridique, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 395 pp.

Ferenc Polycárp Zakar (= Cistercian, 1930-), Momenti essenziali della storia costituzionale dell'Ordine Cistercense, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 94 pages (part).

Barbara Krupa (=, =), Il negozio giuridico nell'ordinamento civile e profili comparativi con il diritto canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 199 pp.

Reinhard Knittel (=, =), La pena canonica dell'interdetto: indagine storico-giuridica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 199 pp.

Renata Babicz (=, =), Le pene espiatorie nei codici del 1917 e del 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 172 pp.

Gianluca Giattino (=, =), Pubblicità e segreto tra diritto di difesa e protezione dei valori comunitari nel processo matrimoniale canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 170 pp.

Giuseppina Funaro (=, =), La responsabilità del giudice nel processo canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 92 pp.

Salvatore Costanzo (=, 1954-), Il sacramento dell'Unzione degli infermi, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) 162 pp.

Conti Gloria (= religious, =), Le suore carmelitane missionarie di s. Teresa del Bambin Gesù: incarnazione di un Istituto religioso nel tempo e nella storia, secondo la legislazione propria, alla luce del diritto della Chiesa, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998) xxii-132 pp.

María Pilar Pájaro Fernández (=, =), ¿Inferioridad de la mujer frente al hombre en el campo de los derechos?, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1998), 240 pp.

Kabemba Gilbert Nakahosa (=, =), Analyse canonique de l'identité de la Congrégation des Frères Joséphites de Kinzambi, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1997) xli-350 pp.

Pietro B. Martinello (=, =), Aspetti storici e giuridici dell'Istituto secolare San Raffaele Arcangelo, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1997) xxiv-183 pp.


Silvia Monica Correale (=, =), Las cinco asociaciones nacionales de Acción Católica miembros del primer segretariado del Forum internacional de Acción Católica: Argentina, Austria, España, Italia y méxico y el Forum internacional de Acción Católica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1997) 196 pages (part).

Mario Cota (=, =), L'errore e il dolo come vizi invalidanti del matrimonio nel diritto romano e nel diritto canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1997) xvi-75 pages (part).

Libor Botek (=, =), Le esigenze morali per gli avvocati nella chiesa in una visione istituzionale del processo canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1997) 124 pp.

Gwan-Bai (Stefano) Lee (=, =), Formazione permanente del presbitero secondo i documenti ecclesiastici del presente secolo, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1997) xxxiii-264 pp.

Pollini Carlo Lucio (=, =), = minori nella separazione tra conviventi More Uxorio: (radice romanistica dell'Istituto odierno), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1997) 207 pp.

Francis Sebastian Thazhathel (=, =), La natura giuridica dell'assistente al matrimonio nel CIC e CCEO, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1997) xxxii-207 pp.

Giovanni Gariglio (=, =), L'Orfano nella legislazione propria dei Chierici Regolari Somaschi e di alcune famiglie religiose femminili, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1997) 455 pp.

Janusz Ostrowski (=, =), La perdita dello stato clericale con particolare riferimento alla dimissione penale nel vigente codice di diritto canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1997) 112 pp.

Elisabetta Fraccalanza (=, =), Il principio dispositivo in rapporto alle prove ed alle eccezioni processuali canoniche, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1997), 181 pp.

Graziano Rosa (=, =), l quarto voto del Rogate nell'Istituto delle Figlie del Divino Zelo: aspetti storico-giuridici, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1997) xxxii-274 pp.

Grzegorz Leszczynski (=, =), Il rapporto tra i diversi mezzi di prova nelle cause matrimoniali per immaturità affettiva, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1997) 130 pp.

Adelchi Chinaglia (=, =), La spiritualità dei "Christifideles": secondo il can. no. 214, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1997) 142 pp.

Giuseppe Carpita (=, =), Struttura, prospettive e potenzialità dell'Istituto Sinodale Diocesano, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1997) 112 pages (part).

Luca Zacchi (= priest, =), "Necessità di un tempo propedeutico, al Seminario Maggiore ed al Noviziato religioso", (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) xxxv-183 pp.

Luca Centurioni (=, =), L'amministrazione dei beni ecclesiastici: le competenze del vescovo diocesano, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) 200 pp.

Guido Lagomarsino (=, =), La buona fede nel matrimonio civile concordatario, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) 106 pp.

Donatella Vicari (=, =), La certezza morale nell'attività giudiziale canonica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) 178 pp.

Ettore Balestrero (= priest, 1966-), Il diritto alla vita prenatale nell'ordinamento internazionale: indagine sulla disciplina della vita prenatale e sull'apporto della Santa Sede, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) 247 pp.

Giuseppe Rigosi (=, =), Gli elementi della piena comunione con la chiesa cattolica: secondo il can. 205 del CIC del 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) 159 pp.

Roberto Genuin (= Capuchin, =), Giusta, grave, gravissima causa nel diritto processuale canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) viii-220 pp.

Marek Pietrusiak (= priest, =), L'incidenza del Concilio ecumenico Vaticano II sulla pastoralità della pena nel codice di diritto canonico del 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) 220 pp.

Roberto Michelon (=, =), L'insegnamento della religione cattolica nella legislazione della scuola statale italiana e nella legislazione canonica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) 184 pp.

Teresa Rodríguez (=, =), Justa autonomía de los institutos de vida consacrada (c. 586), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) 222 pp.

Mauro Bucciero (=, =), I matrimoni misti: aspetti storici e canonici, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) xvii-219 pp.

Francis M. Vincent (=, =), Matrimonial impediments for christians in India, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) vi-144 pages (part).


Carlo Fabris (= priest, =), Il ministero presbiterale della Cresima nella chiesa latina, con riferimenti alla prassi e al diritto comune delle Chiese cattoliche orientali, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) 329 pp.

Róbert Brtko (=, =), Ministro dell'Eucaristia, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) 137 pp.

Ádám Poós (=, =), Primate e potere primaziale in Polonia e Ungheria, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) 148 pp.

Oscar Eoné Eoné (=, =), La question scolaire au Cameroun: une étude dans la perspective des relations entre l'église et la communauté politique, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) xi-245 pp.

Robertas Pukenis (=, =), I rapporti tra la Santa Sede e la Russia nel ventesimo secolo: i lineamenti storico-giuridici e diplomatici (Esposizione della tesi per alcuni temi principali), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1996) xxx-144 pp.

(Paolo) Lee Kung Sang (=, =), "Munus docendi" dei parroci nel Diritto Canonico (can. 528,1), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1995) xxxiv, 230 pp.

Natale Loda (=, =), La collegialità nella Chiesa con particolare riguardo alle varie forme di collegialità episcopale, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1995) 197 pp.

Angelo D'Auria (= Capuchin, 1956-), Il difetto di libertà interna nel consenso matrimoniale come motivo di incapacità per mancanza di discrezione di giudizio, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1995) ix-242 pp.

Paolo Bux (=, =), Direzione e coordinamento delle attività nella Curia Diocesana, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1995) 243 pp.

Antonino Legname (=, =), l diritto d'informazione nella Dottrina del Magistero e nell'Ordinamento Canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1995) 185 pp.

Luciano Ruga (=, =), Diritto di associazione ed autonomia: studio applicativo alla fisionomia giuridica della Pia Unione "Silenziosi Operai della Croce" e delle sue consociazioni, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1995) 166 pp.

John K. Murphy (=, =), The governance of church institutions and protection of catholic identity with particular reference to Ontario, Canada, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1995) 352 pp.

Antonio Neri (=, =), Nuove forme di vita consacrata (Can. 605 C.I.C.), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1995) vii-203 pp.

Tymon Tytus Chmielecki (=, =), La protezione internazionale dei beni culturali e la Chiesa cattolica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1995) 247 pp.

Pietro Sambo (=, =), La trascrizione del matrimonio canonico nel decreto generale della C.E.I, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1995) 324 pp.

Joseph Zammit (=, =), Il voto e la promessa: nelle nuove Associazioni della Chiesa secondo il nuovo CIC con particolare riferimento al Movimento dei Focolari, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1995) 221 pp.

Mario Di Bartolo (=, =), L'ambito applicativo della Restituitio in Integrum nell'ordinamento canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1994) 78 pages (part).

Anton Morhard (= priest, 1959-), L'appello nel diritto processuale canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1994) xxxix-138 pp.

Giacomo Incitti (= priest, =), l consiglio presbiterale, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1994) 248 pp.

Tiziana Merletti, s.f.p (1959-), l fine proprio delle suore francescane dei poveri nella legislazione della congregazione, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1994) xlvii-186 pp.

Pasquale Larocca (=, =), La forma nel diritto processuale: (la forma nel processo contenzioso canonico), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1994) 69 pages (part).

Paolo La Terra (=, =), La formalizzazione dei doveri-diritti fondamentali dei fedeli nei progetti di Lex Ecclesiae Fundamentalis fino al Codex Iuris Canonici del 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., xxii-139 pp.

Michael Farrugia (= Carmelite, =), Gli impedimenti per l'ammissione al noviziato (can. 643): storia e legislazione vigente, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1994) 97 pages (part).

Roberto Palombi (=, =), L'invalidità e la rescissione dell'atto giuridico nella vigente legislazione canonica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1994) 54 pages (part).

Anna Pedretti (=, =), Istituzionalizzazione delle società di vita apostolica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1994) xxiii-81 pages (part).

Elie Haddad = b.s. 1960-, L'organisation de l'autorité supérieure dans l'église grecque-melkite-catholique: étude historico-juridique, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1994) 76 pages (part).

Ettore Signorile (=, =), La predicazione dei laici e il divieto d'omelia: Corresponsabilità ecclesiale dell'annuncio: requisiti e norme, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1994) 173 pp.

Teodoro Ángel Bahillo Ruiz, CMF. =, Los religiosos ausentes de la casa religiosa según el canon 665, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1994) 233 pp.

Slawomir Lis (=, =), I requisiti negli ordinandi e atti previ all'ordinazione presbiterale nel Codice di Diritto Canonico del 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1994) 221 pp.

Angel Martín Berra Merlo (= Redemptorist, =), El Superior local en la actual legislación de la congregación del Santísimo Redentor, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1994) xxviii-183 pp.

Ryszard Rybak (=, =), La visita ‘Ad limina apostolorum’ nei documenti della Santa Sede e nel Codice di Diritto Canonico del 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1994) 194 pp.


Juan José Pineda Fasquelle CMF (=, =), La capacidad económica de los Institutos y sus limitaciones (c.634), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1993) xxi-275 pp.

Mercedes C. Pérez Tejera (=, =), Elementos constitutivos del concepto teológico-canónico del martirio, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1993) 51 pages (part).

Stanislav Slatinek (=, =), La formazione del clero dai testi sinodali della diocesi di Maribor sotto il vescovo Michael Napotnik (1896-1911) al Codex Iuris Canonici del 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1993) 89 pages (part).

Zbigniev Kopec (= Conventual, 1961-), La formazione spirituale dei novizi nei documenti della Chiesa dal Concilio di Trento alla legislazione canonica vigente, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1993) xxviii-231 pp.

Gladys Meza-Estermann (=, =), La misión diplómatica de la gran Colombia ante la Santa Sede y la provisión de Sedes episcopales (1820-1830): estudio histórico-diplomático, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1993) 78 pages (part).

M. Isabel Chacón Gil (=, =), Oficio pastoral del superior religiosa (c.619), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1993) 70 pages (part).

Aitor Jiménez Echave c.m.f. , (=, =), La profesión religiosa temporal: visión histórico-jurídica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1993) xli-199 pp.

Marco Tulio Guerra Cetino (= Capuchin, =), El promotor de justicia: tutela del bien público; núcleo fundamental de su trabajo a la luz del canon 1430 del actual Código de Derecho Canónico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1993) 61 pp.

Melchiorre Soave (=, =), Rappresentanza degli enti giuridici ecclesiastici nel diritto canonico e nel diritto civile italiano, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1993) 220 pp.

Fabio Fabene (=, =), Il ‘Munus regendi’ del vescovo diocesano (ca.392) e l'opera del cardinale Marco Antonio Barbarigo, vescovo di Montefiasconie e Corneto, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1992) xvi-142 pp.

Callixte Twagirayezu (=, =), L'activité patrimoniale illicite pour les clercs selon le Code de droit canonique (c.286): évolution historico-juridique et nouvelles perspectives, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1992) 145 pp.

Marco Pierazzi (=, =), Il canone 1288 e la capacità delle persone giuridiche canoniche di stare in giudizio nel foro civile italiano, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1992) 87 pp.

Pedro Daniel Martínez (= priest, 1956-), El ‘Iustum’ del c. 752 del lib. III del CIC '83, fundamento y justificación histórico-doctrinal, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1992) xxxii-398.

Marek Górka (=, =), Natura della ‘Facultas ad confessiones excipiendas’, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1992) 146 pp.

Filippo Di Giacomo (=, =), La partecipazione come base strutturale della comunità religiosa, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1992) xiii-160 pp.

Zenon Niemczyk (=, =), La ‘Communicatio in sacris’ nei documenti della Santa Sede e nel codice di diritto canonico del 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1991) 101 pages (part).

Ryszard Kasyna (=, =), Le indulgenze nella nuova legislazione canonica: in riferimento ai fonti storici e teologici, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1991) 186 pp.

Eugenio Martorano (=, =), La rilevanza del dolo nel consenso matrimoniale in diritto, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1991) 99 pp.

Joseph Koonamparampil, c.m.f. (=, =), Clerical obligations applied to the religious: an exegetical study of canon 672, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1991) xxiii-135 pages (part).

Zbigniew Suchecki (= Conventual, 1960-), La cremazione dei cadaveri nel diritto canonico (Lateran doctoral diss., 1991) xl-197 pp.


Giulia Grilli (=, =), Il dolo come vizio del consenso matrimoniale (can 1098 CIC): confronto fra Diritto Canonico e Diritto Civile italiano, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1990, vii-77 pp.

María Isabel Tellería Tapia (=, =), El juez laico en el tribunal colegiado de la Iglesia, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1990) 126 pages (part).

David B. Mubirigi (=, =), The role of the laity in the organization of the parish, with reference to the parish pastoral council can. 536 in Rubya Parish, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1990) xvi-136 pp.

Borut Kosir (=, =), La struttura arcidiaconale nella archidiocesi di Ljubljana, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1990) xxx-165 pp.

Godfrey Kiratu (=, =), The church and her workers in Kenya: Contract of employment in accordance with Canon 1286, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1989) xvii-225 pp.

Joseph A. Galante (=, =), The development of the law of celibacy and some insights and reflections on the value of celibacy in the present-day church, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1989) 61 pages (part).

M. Saturnino da Costa Gomes (= religious, =), O direito de associação na vida religiosa, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1989) xiii-256 pp.

Christophe Kotshikpa Balogouh (=, =), De Episcopi dioecesani munere sanctificandi: ad normam Codicis Juris Canonici (c. 387), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1989) 298 pp.

Diego Adolfo Losada (= Holy Family, =) El fin específico en los Institutos de Acción Apostólica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1989) iii-349 pp.

James Kallumkal (= religious, =), The patrimony of an institute according to the Code of Canon Law, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1989) ix-208 pp.

Manuel Jesús Arroba Conde (= Holy Family, 1957-), El principio dispositivo en el proceso contencioso canónico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1989) 206 pp.

Dario Antonio Echeverri Gonzalez (=Holy Family, =), El proceso documental en las causas de nulidad de matrimonio en el nuevo C. I.C., (Lateran doctoral diss., 1989) 211pp.

Francesco Leone (=, =), La prova documentale degli scritti nei processi di beatificazione e canonizzazione: studio storico-canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1989) xxii-283 pp.

Zdzislaw Marian Bieg (=, =), Struttura e competenza dei tribunali territoriali e personali della Chiesa, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1989) 105 pp.

Filippo Iannone (= religious, =), Il Capitolo Generale: Origine e sviluppo storico. Legislazione del C.J.C. del 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1988) 211 pp.

Ivan Jurkovic (=, =), Il Codice della diocesi di Ljubljana del 1940 tra il Codex Iuris Canonici del 1917 e quello del 1983: la collegialità a livello diocesano, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1988) xxix-245 pp.

Marian Balua (= religious, =), Il confessore dei religiosi, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1988) xxvi-79 pages (part).

Miroslav Cerny (=, =), Il Doctor decretorum Kunes di Trebovel: edizione critica e analisi storico-giuridica del suo trattato De devolucionibus, (Lateran doctoral diss., xxxii-225 pp.

Wieslaw Kazimierz Kiwior (= Caremelite, 1957-), I requisiti soggettivi per l'ammissione al noviziato nell'attuale legislazione canonica (cc. 597 e 642), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1988) 181 pp.

Andrzej Kowalski (=, =), Educazione della prole nella vigente legislazione canonica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1987) 132 pp.

Emilio Silvestrini (= priest, =), Il fondamento etico-giuridico del principio internazionale ‘Pacta sunt servanda’, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1987) 453 pp.

Caesar Lukudu Jömbi (=, =), Juridic structure of the christian church in the Sudan: from the origin of christianity in Nubia before and after the diffusion of Islam, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1987) xxiv-185 pp.

Antony Pinheiro (= Carmelite, =), Bishop-religious relathionship in the apostolic activities of the diocese according to the Code of Canon Law, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1986) 174 pp.

Robert Rweyemamu (=, =), Communio-koinonia: De juris ratione et Ecclesiae organica constitutione in doctrina Concilii Vaticani II, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1986) 392 pp.

Paolo Giuliani (=, =), La distinzione fra associazioni pubbliche e associazioni private dei fedeli nel nuovo codice di diritto canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1986) xxii-231 pp.

Juvénal Bamboneyeho (=, =), Le divorce en droit coutumier et écrit du Burundi en regard avec le droit canonique, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1986) xic-186 pp.

Martha Cecilia Pardo Uribe (=, =), La interpretazione della legge canonica nella struttura concettuale del nuovo CIC, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1986) 63 pages (part).

Giorgio Corbellini (= priest, 1947-), l Sinodo diocesano nel nuovo codex iuris canonici, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1986, xxiv-274 pp.

Lino Gussoni (=, =), La situazione giuridica della Chiesa in Messico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1986) 160 pp.

Salvatore Pappalardo (=, =), La tutela della Communio nel Registrum epistolarum di san Gregorio Magno, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1986) 63 pages (part).

Giambattista Diquattro (=, =), Lo statuto giuridico dei Christifideles nell'ordinamento canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1985) xvi-118 pages (part).

Giuseppe Putrino (=, =), Il patrimonio della Chiesa di Roma in Sicilia durante il pontificato di san Gregorio Magno, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1984) 37 pages (part).

Luis M. Bombín (=, =), El concepto de contumacia en las legislaciones procesales civiles europeas y canónica y el concepto de contempt of Court en el derecho inglés, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1983) xiii-121 pp.

Luigi Bosticco (=, =), La cura pastorale di preparazione al matrimonio nel codice pio-benedettino e nel nuovo codice di diritto canonico, promulgato il 25 gennaio 1983, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1983) xvi-174 pp.



Pierino Madrwa (=, =), The fundamental individual rights of the human person in the teachings of Pope Paul VI, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1983) 78 pages (part).

Matthew Chukwuemeka Iwuji (=, =), Marriage form in Nigeria, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1983) xv-16 pages (part).

Albert E. Verbrugghe (= Carmeltie, =), A canonical investigation of the episcopal vicar for religious, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1982) vii-95 pages (part).

Gian Luigi Falchi (=, =), Interpretazione tipica nella causa curiana, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1982) 60 pp.

Domenico Mogavero (= priest, 1947-), Le cause contro i Vescovi, nei canoni dei Concili particolari dal IV al VII secolo, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1981) 138 pp. Biograph mazara del vallo=?

Antonius Stankiewicz (Polish priest, 1935-), De homicidio in iure poenali romano, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1981) 120 pages (part). Stankiewicz biograph. =? =

Miguel Angel Santana Marcano (=, =), Doctrina jurídico-teologica del matrimonio: contrato-sacramento desde Graciano hasta el Concilio de Trento, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1981) 125 pages (part).


Antonio Benlloch Poveda (Spanish priest, 1942-), La ley general de educación española de 1970 y su incidencia en la diócesis de Valencia: aportación de la Iglesia Valentina a la enseñanza, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1981) viii-79 pages (part).

Augusto Montana (=, =), Il matrimonio nella dimensione statuale e nella dimensione ecclesiale dal I° al VI° secolo dopo Cristo: ricerca storico-giuridica sull'intervento dello Stato e della Chiesa nel matrimonio nei primi secoli dell'èra Cristiana, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1981) vii-62 pages (part).

Helmuth Pree (=, 1950-), Die Rechtsnorm und ihre Anwendung in der Kanonistik der Periode von Gratian bis Thomas von Aquin, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1981) ix-87 pp.

Mpalanyi-Katamba (=, =), The Church and her exercise of power(s): with some reference to a particular/local Church in an African set-up. A theologico-juridical inquiry, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1980) xv-150 pp.

Leszek Wódz (=, =), Il diritto di proprietà nell'ordinamento canonico con particolare riferimento al Concilio Vaticano II, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1980) 95 pages (part).

Julio García Martín (= religious, 1949-), Exemptio religiosorum iuxta Concilium Vaticanum II, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1980) 135 pages (part).

Antonio De Santis (=, =), Meco del Sacco: inquisizione e processi per eresia (Ascoli - Avignone 1320-1346), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1980) viii-316 pp.

Philip W. Hill (=, =), Mixed marriages and their pre-requisites in the light of ecumenism, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1980) xi-397 pp.

Andrew Rulibikiye Birinda (=, =), The relationship between the parish priest and the vicar cooperator in the parish ministry: a suggested solution to the problems facing the vicar cooperators in their historico-juridical relations with the parish priest in the light of Vatican II, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1980) 60 pages (part).

Lawrence Wrenn (American priest, 1928-), John Witherspoon and Church law, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1979) 71 pages (part).


 Albertus Henr. Eysink (=, =), Matrimonium clandestinum et matrimonium putativum, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1957) xv-88 pp.

Antonio Caretta (=, =), I missiorari degli emigranti nella costituzione apostolica Exsul familia, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1957) x-119 pp.

Dorius-Maria Huot (= religious, =), Bonorum temporalium apud religiones administratio ordinaria et extraordinaria, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1956) xiv-80 pp. check cpr?

Armando Cuva (= Salesian, =), De iuridicis relationibus inter ordinarios locales et religiones clericales exemptas ad cultum quod attinet, (Lateran doctoral diss., 87 pp.



  Francis A. Karwoski (American priest, =), A comparison of the matrimonial impediment of the State Ohio and the Code of Canon Law, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1955) 74 pp.

Georges Touton (= Basilian, =), Les irrégularités et les autres empechements aux ordres en droit byzantin: des origines à la chute de l'Empire byzantin, 1453, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1955) 88 pp.

Antonio Poli (=, =), De litteris commendatitiis ad sacra facienda in iure canonico usque ad decretum Gratiani, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1955) l-38 pp. Appeared in eic 9 (1953) 19-38, 155-181.

Joseph N. Hajjar (=, =), Recherches sur le synode Endimousa: le synode permanent de l'Eglise Byzantine, des origines a schisme de 1054; essai historique - études juridiques, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1955) vii-50 pp.

Henricus Paulus Cosgrove (= priest, =), De separatione coniugum in textibus Decreti Gratiani: investigatio in fontes cann. 1128-1131 Codicis Iuris canonici, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1955) 90 pp.

H. de Graaf (=, =), De votis quae emittuntur in Congregatione Missionis, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1955) xix-162 pp.

Gerardo Escudero (= Claretian, =), El voto solemne de pobreza: su historia, su naturaleza y su problematica qactual, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1955) 350 pp.

Amante Buontempo (= priest, =), Problemi di diritto ecclesiastico maltese: il diritto canonico sulla proprietà nella giurisprudenza civile, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1954) xii-104 pp.

Robert Gall (=, =), Die Rechtssetellung des Bischofs von Chur als Administrator ehemals Konstanzischer Bistumsteile in der Schweiz: kirchenrechtlich-historische Untersuchung des status quo, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1954) xii-122.

Charles Garceau (= Claretian, =), Le rôle du postulateur dans le procès ordinaires de beatification, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1954) vii-220 pp.

Marinus Mayer (= Capuchin, =), De Capitulo generali in primo Ordine Seraphico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1952) xxxi-543 pp.

AIfredo Battisti (= priest, 1025-), La cattedra di Diritto pubblico ecclesiastico eretta nell'Università di Padova nel 1768, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1952) xx-55. Battisti biograph. udine =? =

Carolus Amandus Di Vincenzo (=, =), De abbate primato Confoederationis benedictinae, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1952, xii-80 pp.

Matthaeus De Jong (=, =), De Matrimonii essentia, definitione et indissolubilitate intrinseca ex Iure naturali, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1952) xi-143 pp.

Syrus Cipriani (=, =), Instructio matrimonialis Rev.mi Domini De Rauscher, archiepiscopi Vindobonensis (1853-1856): inquisitio historico-juridica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1952) xi-183 pp.

Bruno Frattegiani (= priest, 1914-1996), Il Tribunale della Rota Perugina: profilo storico-giuridico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1952) 117 pp. Frattegiani biograph. = xxx biograph search =

Joannes Durand, (= Holy Cross, =) aaa, Vie commune et pauvreté chez les religieux, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1952) 297 pp.

Danilus Aiazzi (=, =), De defensione legitima in iure poenali canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1951) 106 pp.


Carolus Aloysius Reckers (=, =), De favore quo matrimonium gaudet in iure canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1951) 184 pp.

James Aloysius Hickey (=, =), De judice synodali as pro-synodali, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1951) 141 pp.

  John Marquardt (American Glenmary, 1920-2004), The loss of right to accuse a marriage: a treatise on the Final Clause of C. 1971, par.1, 1° nisi ipsi fuerint impedimenti causa, (Lateran doctoral diss., =) 125 pp., Monograph, The Loss of Right to Accuse a Marriage: a treatise on the final clause of c. 1971 § 1 n. 1, (Officium Libri Catholici, 1951) 125 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 13 (1953) 135-136. Marquardt biograph.


Eduard Glavin (=, =), De mutuo auxilio inter tribunalia ecclesiastica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1951) 94 pp.

Ladislaus a Maria Immaculata (= Paulist, =), De vocazione religiosa: dissertatio historico-iuridico-moralis, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1950) xxiii-186 pp.

Marcello Morgante, (= priest, 1915), De casu fortuito in iure poenali canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1950) xii-87 pp. Morgante biograph. =

Costante Sieff (=, =), Opera del giudice in caso di lacune / Costante Sieff, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1950) 45 pp.

Cornelius J. De Jong (= priest, =), De suspensione ex ina =conscientia: dissertatio ad lauream in Iure canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1950) xii-107 pp.

Joseph Francis Lynn (= Franciscan, =), De transitu ad aliam religionem, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1950) xv-112 pp.

Vincent J. Hines (= priest, =), De coniugum separatione ac de civili divortio in iure canonico et in iure civili Statuum Foederatorum Americae Septentrionalis, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1949) 184 pp.

Alphons Stickler (Austrian Salesian, 1910-), Magistri Gratiani sententia de potestate Ecclesiae in statum, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1949) xxxvi-119 pp. Stickler biograph.

Jacques Martin (=, =), La nonciature de Paris et les affaires ecclésiastiques de France sous le Règne de Louis-Philippe (1830-1848), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1949) xxvi-350 pp.

Joseph Sirna (=, =), De notione ordinis publici in Ecclesia, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1949) 35 pp.


Arcangelo J. Papi, (= religious, =), Origine delle costituzioni dei Servi di Maria, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1949) 169 pp.

Johannes Visser (=, =), De solemnitatibus piarum voluntatum in iure canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1949) vii-[76 pp] part.

Edward A. Mc Carthy (=, =), De certitudine morali quae in judicis animo ad sententiae pronuntiationem requiritur, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1948), 119 pp.

Raphael Kuiters (= Augustinian, =), De ecclesiastica sive de Summi Pontificis potestate secundum Aegidium Romanum, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1948) x-69.

Giovanni Zampetti (= Jesuit, =), La delinquenza giovanile: studio di legislazione comparata sulla minorità penale, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1947) xxiv-126 pp.

Emilio Fogliasso (= Salesian, =), De extensione iuridici instituti exemptionis religiosorum logice historico ac positive considerati, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1947) xv-173 pp.

Mario Angelo Cassetti (= priest, =), Giustiniano e la sua legislazione in materia ecclesiastica, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1947) xv-73 pp.

Ulmebrto Olivero (= Sulpician, =), De vocatione religiosa clericorum eorumque facultate religionem ingrediendi, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1947) 163 pp.

Benedictus Takahiko Tomizawa (=, =), Ius missionarium de legibus japonicis circa matrimonii impedimenta, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1945) 129 pp.

Corradino Bafile (=, =), L'applicazione del concordato da parte delle autorità giurisdizionali italiane in tema di persone e beni ecclesiastici in dieci anni di regime concordatario, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1944) 102 pp.

Ovidio Cassola (=, =), De receptione legum civilium in iure canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1944) xv-130 pp.

Gregor Roettger (= Benedictine, =), De regula magistri, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1944) xi-52 pp.

Joachim Roman Bar (= Conventual, =), Relationes inter religiosos et episcopum iuxta constitutiones polonarum synodorum usque ad 1420 annum, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1944) 95 pp.

Hermann J.B. Mulders (=, =), Der Archidiakonat im Bistum Utrecht bis zum Ausgang des 14. Jahrhunderts: eine rechtshistorische Studie zum kirchlichen Verfassungsrecht, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1943) xii-190 pp.

Theodor Vostinariu (= priest, =), De conditione iuridica Ecclesiae Catholicae in Romania, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1946) 46 pp.


Basilio de Rubi (= priest, =), Reforma de regulares en España a principios del siglo XIX : estudio historico-juridico de la Bula Inter graviores (15 mayo 1804), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1943) 164 pp.

Aloisio Bellotti (=, =), Ricerche intorno alle costituzioni del Capitolo della Cattedrale di Verona nei secoli XIII-XV, (Lateran doctoral diss. 1943) 65 pp.

Rodolfo Klinec (= priest, =), L'attuazione della legislazione ecclesiastica di Giuseppe II nell'arcidiocesi di Gorizia, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1942) 196 pp.

Lorenzo M. Simeone (= Conventual, =), De conditione iuridica parvarum domorum religiosorum, (Lateran doctoral diss. 1942) 302 pp.

Benedictus Salierno (= Franciscan, =), De actu deputationis locorum cultui divino, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1942) 77 pp.

  Ferruccio Liuzzi (Italian layman, 1900-), De delictis contra auctoritates ecclesiasticas (cann. 2331-2340), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1942) xvi-164 pp. Monograph, Ferruccio A. Liuzzi, De Delictis contra Auctoritates Ecclesiasticas (Cann. 2331-2340), (Officium Libri Catholici, 1942) 164 pp.

Giuseppe Cavazzana (=, =), La giurisdizione straordinaria nel codice di diritto canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss. 1942) 132 pp.

Ovidio Bejan (=, =), De hierarchia Ecclesiae romenorum unitoru secundum vigentem disciplinam : De praecipuis gradibus hierarchicis, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1942) 56 pp.

José V Salazar (=, =), La Iglesia catolica y su magisterio en el derecho romano, (Lateran doctoral diss. 1942) 50 pp.

Zaccaria Varalta (= Capuchin, =), Natura giuridica del rapporto di offerte e accettazione di stipendium missae, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1942) xvi-237 pp.


Giovanni M. Pinna (=, =), De participatione in delictis in iure poenale canonico a decreto Gratiani ad codicem iuris canonici, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1942) x-99.

Giovanni Durando (=, =), Processus criminalis in iure canonico atque italic, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1942) 92 pp.

Primo Fumagalli (=, =), De casibus exceptis in causis matrimonialibus, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1941) 103 pp.

Sebastiano Fraghi ( priest, 1903-1985), De condicionibus matrimonio appositis, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1941) xv-118 pp. Fraghi biograph.

Francesco Cvetan (=, =), Constitutiones Maximiliani Vrhovac episcopi zagrebiensis et josephinismus, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1941) 86 pp.

Andrea Russo (=, =), De damnatione ad expensas in iure canonico; speciali relatione habita ad ius civile italicum, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1941) 77 pp.

Giuseppe Corradini (=, =), Innovationes codicis circa ius patronatus, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1941) xi-98 pp.

Emilio Segura Elizmedi (=, =), El matrimonio rojo: validez y mulidad canonica del matrimonio civil en la guerra y en la postguerra de Espana, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1941) xiii-114 pp.

Petrus Seriski (= Franciscan, =), Poenae in iure byzantino ecclesiastico ab initiis ad saeculum XI (1054), (Lateran doctoral diss., 1941) 146 pp.

Angelo Angelini-Rota (=, =), I figli adulterini e incestuosi nel diritto comparator, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1940) 176 pp.

John Abbo (Italian priest, 1911-1994), Relationes inter S. Sedem et gubernium Sardiniae Carolo Alberto rege 1831-1846 iuxta fontes ineditos archivi vaticani, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1940) 65 pp.

Pericle Felici (Italian priest, 1911-1982), De poenali iure interpretando, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1939) xii-126 pp. On the place of Felici in canonistics see, e.g., P. Tocanel = Apollinaris 55 (1982) 241-244.

Renato Baccari (=, =), L'efficacia civile del matrimonio canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1939) 187 pp.

Joannes Jaros (=, =), Impedimenta matrimonialia apud bulgaros unitos, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1939) 266 pp.

Marianus Strojny (=, =), Die rechtlich diplomatische Stellung der paepstlichen Gesandten an die Mongolen unter Innocenz IV, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1939) 44 pp.

Hubert Wurm (=, =), De Dionysii Exigui collectione decretalium epistolarum Pontificum Romanorum et de antiquissima decretalium traditione, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1938) 60 pp. Note: See also Hubert Wurm (=, =), Studien und Texte zur Dekretalensammlung des Dionysius Exiguus, (Röhrscheid, 1939) xix-304 pp.

Generoso Crisci (=, =), De historia et doctrina delegationis a iure in iure romano et canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1938) 65 pp.

Marius Belardo (=, =), De iuribus S.R.E. cardinalium in titulis, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1938) 82 pp.

Adalbert Groh (≈, ≈), De iuribus vigentibus patronorum privatorum in Hungaria relate ad curata beneficia, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1938) 95 pp.

Anton Hanssen (≈, ≈), De nullitate processus canonici, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1938) v-173 pp.

Pacifico Capobianco (Italian Franciscan, 1894-1966), De sensu et extensione vocis filiorum de que horum designatione in institutionibus fidei commissariis in iure communi, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1938) ii-88 pp.

Heinrich Portmann (German priest, 1905-1961), Wesen und Unauflöslichkeit de Ehe in der kirchlichen Wissenschaft und Gesetzgebung des 11. und 12. Jahrhunderts, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1938) 189 pp.

Josephus Johnson (≈, ≈), De processibus matrimonialibus exceptis, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1937) 72 pp.


Julien Alfred (≈, ≈), Evolutio historica compromissi in arbitros in iure canonico, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1937) 80 pp.

Franciscus Wasner (Austrian priest, 1905-1992), De consacratione, inthronizatione, coronatione Summi Pontificis, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1936) 86 pp. Wasner biograph.

Pio Ciprotti (Italian layman, 1914-1993), De consumatione delictorum attento eorum elemento obiectivo in iure canonico. Pars 1: de delictis contra fidem et unitatem Ecclesiae ..., =, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1936) 100 pp.

William Allen (≈, ≈), De beneficiorum paroecialium existentia ante et post codicem iu Statibus Foederatis Americae Septemtrionalis, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1935) 16 pp.


Rafael M. Saucedo Cabanillas (≈, ≈), Quaestio canonica: exercitium jurisdictionis ecclesiasticae et superiores laici ex ordine hospitalario S. Joannis de Deo, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1932) 58 pp.


Ryszard Ziomek (≈, ≈), La situazione giuridica della Chiesa nella Polonia popolare, (Lateran doctoral diss., 1929) 100 pages (part).


Licentiate Theses




Catholic University of America (Washington, DC)

Faculty of Canon Law

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CUA, Last update: 14 February 2018.


Notes: Some CUA dissertations, though assigned numbers, were either not finished or at least were not published. Abstracts for CUA dissertations began appearing in Jurist in the mid 1970s. After Vatican II few CUA dissertations were printed, although original manuscripts are on deposit in CUA's Mullen Library. For part of its history, the Faculty of Canon Law at CUA was a Department in the School of Theology.



Sources include: The Catholic University of America, School of Canon Law: Doctoral Dissertations, here, and anon., "Doctoral Dissertations in Canon Law: The Catholic University of America (1916-1990)", Jurist 50 (1990) 684-719, with annual supplements thereto appearing in Jurist since then. Several earlier private or public listings of doctoral dissertations need exist but are no longer consulted. A list of CUA licentiate theses from 1963-1977 was compiled by Emil Labbé and published in Jurist 37 (1977) 400-412 and has been updated annually in Jurist since then.


Doctoral Dissertations

James Bradley (English priest, =), The Provenance and Purpose of Personal Ordinariates Erected under the Auspices of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus, (CUA doctoral diss. 583, 2017) 505 pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =.

Matthew Kozlowski (=, =), A Canonical Analysis of the Authority Exercised by the Diocesan Bishop and the Religious Superior over the Religious Pastor qua Pastor, (CUA doctoral diss. 582, 2016) 280 pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =

James Peterson (American religious brother, 1971-), Admission of Candidates to the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin: Canons 597, 641-645, Ongoing Canonical Considerations, (CUA doctoral diss. 581, 2016) 331 pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =.

Juan Esposito-Garcia (American priest, =), The Declaration of Absence of the Respondent in Marriage Nullity Trials: A Strategy for Dealing with the Obstructive Respondent, (CUA doctoral diss. 580, 2016) v-183 pp. Abstract at Jurist =.

Zabrina Decker (American laywoman, =), An Examination of the Foundation and Activation of the Cooperation of Laity and Pastors in the Munus Docendi in Catechesis according to Canon 776, (CUA doctoral diss. 579, 2016) xi-316 pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =.

Edward Condon (English layman, =), Heresy by Association: The Canonical Prohibition of Freemasonry in History and in the Current Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 578, 2014) 279 pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist 75 (2015) 689-690.

Dariusz Zielonka (Polish/American priest, 1968-), The Influence of the Second Vatican Council on the Function of Papal Legates. Comparative Analysis of the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law and Selected Special Faculties, (CUA doctoral diss. 577, 2013) 309 pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist 74 (2014) 401-402.

Benon Farcas (Romanian priest, =), The Canonical Form of Marriage in Latin Law and in Oriental Law: a Comparative Study with References to the Application of Catholic-Byzantine Law to Selected Pastoral Concerns in Eastern Europe, (CUA doctoral diss. 576, 2010) 332 pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist 70 (2010) 521-522 and at Jurist 71 (2011) 477-478.

Jaclyn O’Brien McEachern (American laywoman, =), Diplomatic Activity in Service of Papal Teaching: the Promotion of Religious Freedom in Relations with Islamic States during the Pontificate of John Paul II, (CUA doctoral diss. 575, 2010) 409 pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist 70 (2010) 523-524 and at Jurist 71 (2011) 478-479.

Christopher Beaudet (American priest, =), The Promotion of Doctrine by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Light of Pastor bonus and Canon 754, (CUA doctoral diss. 574, 2010) 425 pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist 70 (2010) 520-521.

Anthony McLaughlin (Irish/American priest, =), The Obligation of Perfect and Perpetual Continence and Married Deacons in the Latin Church, (CUA doctoral diss. 573, 2010) 350 pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist 70 (2010) 522-523.

Cyprian Rosen (American religious, =), Fostering the Patrimony of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin: a Study in the Joint Responsibility of the Capuchins and the Apostolic See, (CUA doctoral diss. 572, 2009) 331 pp. Abstract at Jurist 69 (2009) 815-816.

Rogelio Ayala-Partida (Mexican =, =), Accountability in the Exercise of Diocesan Pastoral Care: the Functioning and Monitoring of Selected Ecclesiastical Offices, (CUA doctoral diss. 571, 2009) 532 pp. Abstract at Jurist 69 (2009) 811-812.

Grazyna Kolondra (Polish laywoman, =), Right to Fair Proceedings in the Judicial Penal Process in Light of the Norms on the Ordinary Contentious Trial, (CUA doctoral diss. 570, 2009) 441 pp. Abstract at Jurist 69 (2009) 814-815.


Eduard Giurgi (Romanian priest, 1975-), The Impact of Dolus on the Legal Acts in the 1983 Code, (CUA doctoral diss. 569, 2009) 274 pp. Abstract at Jurist 69 (2009) 813-814.

Sean Sheridan (American Franciscan, 1962-), Ex Corde Ecclesiae: a Canonical Commentary on Catholic Universities 'From the Heart to the Church' to Catholic Universities, (CUA doctoral diss. 568, 2009) 484 pp. Abstract at Jurist 69 (2009) 817-818.

Thomas Condon (=, =), The Sanctifying Function of the Diocesan Bishop Especially in Relationship with Pastors: a Canonical Analysis of Liturgical Developments with Special Reference to the Eucharist, (CUA doctoral diss. 567, 2009) 902 pp. Abstract at Jurist 69 (2009) 812-813.

Jeffrey Staab (American layman, =), The Obligation of Clerics to Acknowledge and Foster the Mission of Lay Persons in Selected Institutes of Collaboration, (CUA doctoral diss. 566, 2008) 688 pp. Abstract at Jurist 68 (2008) 625-626.

John Foster (American priest, =), The Nature and Use of the Recognitio of the Apostolic See with a Consideration of Select Normative Decisions of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, (CUA doctoral diss. 565, 2007) 484 pp. Abstract at Jurist 68 (2008) 561.

Peter Akpoghiran (Nigerian priest, 1968-), The Role and Evaluation of Witness Testimony in Marriage Nullity Trials in the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the Instruction Dignitas connubii, (CUA doctoral diss. 564, 2007) 395 pp. Abstract at Jurist 68 (2008) 560. Review: W. King, Jurist 74 (2014) 137-139.

Michael Skrocki (American priest, 1964-), Historical Roots of the Extraordinary Form of Marriage in the Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium as Found in the Imperial Legislation of Justinian, Constantine V, and Leo VI, (CUA doctoral diss. 563, 2006) 235 pp. Abstract at Jurist 66 (2006) 518-519.

Thomas Cronkleton (American priest, =), A Comparative Study of the Juridic Personality of a Roman Catholic Parish in Canon Law and the Laws of the State of Wyoming, (CUA doctoral diss. 562, 2004) 695 pp. Abstract at Jurist 64 (2004) 392-393.

Nancy Bauer (American Benedictine, 1963-), Benedictine Monasticism and the Canonical Obligation of Common Life, (CUA doctoral diss. 561, 2004) 496 pp. Abstract at Jurist 64 (2004) 390-391.

Juan Diego Brunetta (American religious, =), The Spiritual and Juridical Bonds in the Order of Preachers: a Canonical Study, (CUA doctoral diss. 560, 2004) 366 pp. Abstract at Jurist 64 (2004) 388-389.

Robert Oliver (American priest, 1960-), Developing Criteria of Ecclesiality for Associations of the Faithful, (CUA doctoral diss. 559, 2002) 403 pp. Abstract at Jurist 62 (2002) 424-425.


George Stuart (American priest, =), The Meaning of Sacred Status in the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law, CUA diss. 558, 2001) 451 pp. Abstract at Jurist 61 (2001) 315.

Thomas Purcell (American Franciscan, =), The Training of Members of Religious Institutes for Ordained Ministry According to the Current Law of the Church, (CUA doctoral diss. 557, 2001) 212 pp. Abstract at Jurist 61 (2001) 314-315.

Ronny Jenkins (American priest, =), Recent Rotal Jurisprudence on Simulation 'contra bonum sacramenti' by an Implicit Act of the Will, (CUA doctoral diss. 556, 1999) 320 pp. Abstract at Jurist 59 (1999) 472.

Jiri Kasny (Czech layman, 1958-), The Right of Defense in Administrative Procedures: a Comparative and Analogical Study, (CUA doctoral diss. 555, 1998) 262 pp. Abstract at Jurist 58 (1998) 530.

Francis Horn (American Augustinian, =), The Role of the Lay Brother in the Governance of the Order of Saint Benedict, (CUA doctoral diss. 554, 1998) 367 pp. Abstract at Jurist 58 (1998) 529.

Jerome Jung (American priest, =), Transactions Which May Worsen the Patrimonial Condition of a Public Juridic Person in the United States: a Study of Canon 1295, (CUA doctoral diss. 553, 1998) 380 pp. Abstract at Jurist 58 (1998) 531.

David Zwifka (American Anglican cleric, =), Regulation of the Rights of Individuals for the Common Good: an Analysis of Canon 223 § 2 in Light of American Constitutional Law as Articulated in the Opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States, (CUA doctoral diss. 552, 1997) 409 pp. Abstract at Jurist 57 (1997) 564-565.

Gerard Mesure (American priest, =), The Diocesan Chancellor in Canon Law and in Praxis in United States Archdioceses, (CUA doctoral diss. 551, 1997) 249 pp. Abstract at Jurist 57 (1997) 563.

Stephen Kain (American Franciscan, =), Written Agreements between Bishops and Religious for Entrusted Diocesan Works, (CUA doctoral diss. 550, 1996) 374 pp. Abstract at Jurist 56 (1996) 924-925.

Dwight Whitt (American Dominican, =), The Personal Particular Church from the Antepreparatory Stage of the Second Vatican Council to Canon 372 § 2 in the 1983 Code of Canon Law and Its Application to American Roman Catholics of African Ancestry, (CUA doctoral diss. 549, 1996) 995 pp. Abstract at Jurist 56 (1996) 923-924.

Christopher Armstrong (American priest, =), A Critical Appraisal of Latae Sententiae Penalties in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 548, 1996) 361 pp. Abstract at Jurist 56 (1996) 922-923.

John Duarte (American priest, =), The Diocesan Bishop's Solicitude for the Intellectual Life of Diocesan Priests, (CUA diss 547, 1996) 301 pp. Abstract at Jurist 56 (1996) 921.

Warren Soule (American Dominican, =), The Summa De multiplici iuris divisione: an Introduction and Critical Text, (CUA doctoral diss. 546, 1996) 272 pp. Abstract at Jurist 56 (1996) 920 pp.

Michael Foster (American priest, =), The Promotion of the Canonical Rights of Children in Situations of Divorce and Remarriage, (CUA doctoral diss. 545, 1994) 416 pp. Abstract at Jurist 54 (1994) 753-754.

John Hesch (American priest, † 1994), A Canonical Commentary on Selected Personnel Policies in the United States of America Regarding Decent Support of Diocesan Priests in Active Ministry, (CUA doctoral diss. 544, 1994) 323 pp. Abstract at Jurist 54 (1994) 752-753.

Edward Pfnausch (American priest, 1942-2013), The Relationship between Ministry and Holiness in the Life of the Diocesan Priest: An Interpretation of Canon 276 § 2, n. 1 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 543, 1994) 214 pp. Abstract at Jurist 54 (1994) 751-752. Pfnausch biograph.

Patrick Shea (American Franciscan brother, 1948-2017), A Study of the Canonical Status of an Exclaustrated Member of a Religious Institute in the Light of Civil Law Considerations in the United States of America, (CUA doctoral diss. 542, 1993) 553 pp. Abstract at Jurist 53 (1993) 438-439.

Peter Jugis (American priest, 1957-), A Canonical Analysis of the Meaning of Humano Modo in Canon 1061 § 1, (CUA doctoral diss. 541, 1993) 405 pp. Abstract at Jurist 53 (1993) 437-438. Jugis biograph.

Mark Bartchak (American priest, 1955-), Responsibility for Providing Spiritual Formation in Diocesan Seminaries According to the 1983 Code of Canon Law, with Special reference to the United States, (CUA doctoral diss. 540, 1992) 370 pp. Abstract at Jurist 52 (1992) 739.

Michael Joyce, (American religious, ≈) The Ministry of the Priest in the Exercise of the Munus Sanctificandi as it pertains to the Eucharist, (CUA doctoral diss. 539 (1992) 349 pp. Abstract at Jurist 52 (1992) 737-738.

Edward Kurtyka (American priest, ≈), The Vicar Forane, (CUA doctoral diss. 538, 1991) 325 pp. Abstract at Jurist 51 (1991) 230-231.

Edward Peters (American layman, 1957-), Penal Procedural Law in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 537, 1991) 393 pp. Abstract at Jurist 51 (1991) 229-230. Peters biograph.

David O'Connell (American Vincentian, 1955-), An Analysis of Canon 810 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law and Its Application to Catholic Universities and Institutes of Higher Studies in the United States, (CUA doctoral diss. 536 (1990) 302 pp. Abstract at Jurist 50 (1990) 654-655. O'Connell biograph.

Ronald Bowers (American priest, ≈), Episcopal Power of Governance in the Diocesan Church: From the 1917 Code of Canon Law to the Present, (CUA doctoral diss. 535, 1990) 364 pp. Abstract at Jurist 50 (1990) 653-654.

Michael Lusena (Sri Lankan priest, 1936-2017), The Application of Selected Capita of Canonical Jurisprudence to the Practice of"Proposed Marriages"in Sri Lanka, (CUA doctoral diss. 534, 1990) 263 pp. Abstract at Jurist 50 (1990) 652-653.

Francis Schneider (American priest, 1956-), Obedience to the Bishop by the Diocesan Priest in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 533, 1990) 368 pp. Abstract at Jurist 50 (1990) 651-652.

Eugene Hayes (American religious, ≈), Rightful Autonomy of Life and Charism in the Proper Law of the Norbertine Order, (CUA doctoral diss. no. 532, 1990) 600 pp. Abstract at Jurist 50 (1990) 650-651.

Virginia Bartolac (American religious, ≈), The Practice of the Evangelical Counsels in Secular Institutes, (CUA doctoral diss. 531, 1989) 391 pp. Abstract at Jurist 49 (1989) 721-722.

Arthur Espelage (American Franciscan, ≈), Authority of Ministers Provincial in the Order of Friars Minor Before 1518, (CUA doctoral diss. 530, 1989) 303 pp. Abstract at Jurist 49 (1989) 720-721.

Richard Ryan (American priest, ≈), The Canonical Status of Marriages Attempted Before Civil Authorities: A Historical Analysis from the Council of Trent to the 1983 Code, (CUA doctoral diss. 529, 1989) 305 pp. Abstract at Jurist 49 (1989) 719-720.

Craig Cox (American priest, 1952-), Procedural Changes in Formal Marriage Nullity Cases from the 1917 to the 1983 Code: Analysis, Critique and Possible Alternatives, (CUA doctoral diss. 528, 1989) 448 pp. Abstract at Jurist 49 (1989) 718-719.


  John McIntyre (American Jesuit, 1930-2014), Customary Law in the Corpus Juris Canonici, (CUA doctoral diss. 527, 1989) 221 pp. Abstract at Jurist 49 (1989) 717-718. Review: A. Gauthier, Studia Canonica 27 (1993) 261-262.

Sharon Euart (American religious, ), Church-State Implications in the United States of Canon 812 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 526, 1988) 336 pp. Abstract at Jurist 48 (1988) 846-847.

Barbara Cusack (American religious, ≈), A Study of the Relationship between the Diocesan Bishop and Catholic Schools Below the Level of Higher Education in the US: Canons 801-806 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 525, 1988) 308 pp. Abstract at Jurist 48 (1988) 845-846.

Thomas Moran (American layman, 1951-), The Applicability of Canon 1095, n. 3 to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders in Vietnam Veterans, (CUA doctoral diss. 524, 1988) 524 pp. Abstract at Jurist 48 (1988) 844-845.

Lucy Blyskal (American religious, ), The Ordinary Ecclesiastical Magisterium from the Antepreparatory Documents of Vatican Council II to Canons 752 and 753 of the 1983 Code, (CUA doctoral diss. 523, 1987) 437 pp. Abstract at Jurist 47 (1987) 588.

Marie Breitenbeck (American religious, ≈), The Role of Experts in Ecclesial Decision-Making in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 522, 1987) 351 pp. Abstract at Jurist 47 (1987) 587.

John Lahey (American Holy Cross, 1943-2006), Faithful Fulfillment of the Pious Will: A Fundamental Principle of Church Law as Found in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 521, 1987) 199 pp. Abstract at Jurist 47 (1987) 586.

David Walkowiak (American priest, 1963-), The Diocesan Bishop and the Munus Sanctificandi: A Study of Its Legal Development, (CUA doctoral diss. 520, 1987) 338 pp. Abstract at Jurist 47 (1987) 584-585. Walkowiak biograph.

Elissa Rinere (American religious, ≈), The Term "Ministry" as Applied to the Laity in the Documents of Vatican II, Post Conciliar Documents of the Apostolic See, and the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 519, 1986) 383 pp. Abstract at Jurist 46 (1986) 667-668.

John Johnson (American priest, 1949-), The Synod of Bishops: An Analysis of its Legal Development, (CUA doctoral diss. 518, 1986) 526 pp. Abstract at Jurist 46 (1986) 666-667.

Joseph Koury (American Jesuit, ≈), Three Sixteenth Century Constitutions on the Dissolution of Marriage: A Study on Lawmaking and the Uses of Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 517, 1985) 382 pp. Abstract at Jurist 45 (1985) 667-668.

John Amos (American priest, ≈), Associations of the Christian Faithful in the 1983 Code of Canon Law: A Canonical Analysis and Evaluation, (CUA doctoral diss. 516, 1986) 435 pp. Abstract at Jurist 46 (1986) 665-666.

John Beal (American priest, 1946-), Confining and Structuring the Exercise of Administrative Discretion in the Particular Church: A Study of the Adaptability of Certain Principles of American Administrative Law to the Exercise of Administrative Discretion by Diocesan Bishops, (CUA doctoral diss. 515, 1985) 675 pp. Abstract at Jurist 45 (1985) 666-667.

Augustine Mringi (Tanzanian priest, 1941-2001), Small Christian Communities in Eastern Africa with Particular Reference to Tanzania: Canonical Implications, (CUA doctoral diss. 514, 1985) 477 pp. Abstract at Jurist 45 (1985) 665-666.

Lynn Jarrell (American Ursuline, ≈), The Development of Legal Structures for Women Religious Between 1500 and 1900: A Study of Selected Institutes of Religious Life for Women, (CUA doctoral diss. 513, 1985) 351 pp. Abstract at Jurist 45 (1985) 663-664.

Rosemary Smith (American religious, ≈), Lay Persons and the Munus Sanctificandi: Legal Development from the Second Vatican Council to the Revised Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 512, 1984) 334 pp. Abstract at Jurist 44 (1984) 492-493.

Michael Balhoff (American priest, ≈), The Legal Interrelatedness of the Sacraments of Initiation: New Canonical Developments in the Latin Rite from Vatican Council II to 1982, (CUA doctoral diss. 511, 1984) 304 pp. Abstract at Jurist 44 (1984) 491-492.

James Donlon (American priest, ≈), The Human Rights of Priests to Equitable Sustenance and to Mobility: An Evaluation of Canon Law from the Codex Juris Canonici to the Proposed Revision of the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 510, 1984) 306 pp. Abstract at Jurist 44 (1984) 490-491.


Leslie Sachs (≈, ≈), Thomas Cranmer's Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum in the Context of English Church Law from the Later Middle Ages to the Canons of 1603, (CUA doctoral diss. 509, 1982) 268 pp. Abstract at Jurist 42 (1982) 560-561.

Leonard Pivonka (American priest, ≈), The Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity: A Study of a Catholic Response to the Modern Ecumenical Movement, (CUA doctoral diss. 508, 1982) 415 pp. Abstract at Jurist 42 (1982) 558-559.

Stephen Churchwell (American priest, ≈), Epilepsy and Holy Orders in the Canonical Practice of the Western Church, (CUA doctoral diss. 507, 1982) 221 pp. Abstract at Jurist 42 (1982) 556-558.

Donald Frugé (American priest, ≈-2013), The Taxation Practices of the United States Bishops in Relation to the Authority of Bishops to Tax According to the Code of Canon Law and Proposed Revisions, (CUA doctoral diss. 506, 1982) 246 pp. Abstract at Jurist 42 (1982) 555-556.

John Huels (American priest, 1950-), The Interpretation of the Law on Communion Under Both Species, (CUA doctoral diss. 505, 1982) 361 pp. Abstract at Jurist 42 (1982) 554-555. Huels biograph.

Elizabeth McDonough (American Dominican, ≈), Canon Law in Pastoral Perspective: Principles for the Application of Law According to Antoninus of Florence, (CUA doctoral diss. 504, 1982) 272 pp. Abstract at Jurist 42 (1982) 552-553.

Stanley Teixeira (American priest, 1947-), Personnel Policies: A Canonical Commentary on Selected Clergy Personnel Policies in the United States of America, (CUA doctoral diss. 503, 1981) 241 pp. Abstract at Jurist 41 (1981) 507-509.

Brian Sparksman (≈ priest, ≈), The Minister of Music in the Western Church, (CUA doctoral diss. 502, 1981) 389 pp. Abstract at Jurist 41 (1981) 505-507.

Dennis Schnurr (American priest, 1948-), The Quamprimum of Infant Baptism in the Western Church, (CUA doctoral diss. 501, 1981) 268 pp. Abstract at Jurist 41 (1981) 504-505. Schnurr biograph.

John Oosterman (American priest, ≈), Peter Damiani's Doctrine on the Sacerdotal Office: A Canonical Study of the Validity of Orders and the Worthy Exercise of Ordained Ministry, (CUA doctoral diss. 500, 1980) 341 pp. Abstract at Jurist 40 (1980) 454-456.


Rose McDermott (American religious, 1934-), The Legal Condition of Women in the Church: Shifting Policies and Norms, (CUA doctoral diss. 499, 1979) 444 pp. Abstract at Jurist 38 (1978) 510-511.

Geoffrey King (Australian Jesuit, 1943-2015), The Acceptance of Law by the Church Community as an Integral Element in the Formation of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 498, 1979) 233 pp. Abstract at Jurist 39 (1979) 508-510.

Emil Labbé (American religious, 1941-2007), A Canonical Study of Pastoral Preparation for Priestly Ministry, with Special Reference to the United States, (CUA doctoral diss. 497, 1978) 417 pp. Abstract at Jurist 38 (1978) 453-454.

Thomas Doyle (American Dominican, 1944-), The Understanding of the Concept of Bonum Fidei in the Church's Canonical Tradition, (CUA doctoral diss. 496, 1978) 662 pp. Abstract at Jurist 38 (1978) 452-453. Doyle biograph.

Joseph Pokusa (American priest, ≈), A Canonico-Historical Study of the Diaconate in the Western Church, (CUA doctoral diss. 495, 1979) 387 pp. Abstract at Jurist 38 (1978) 512-513.

Robert Thrasher (American priest, ≈), The Application of Canon 1014 to External Forum and Internal Forum Solution to Marriage Cases, (CUA doctoral diss. 494, 1978) 245 pp. Abstract at Jurist 38 (1978) 450-451.

Margaret Modde (American religious, 1921-2009), A Canonical Study of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR). of the United States of America, (CUA doctoral diss. 493, 1977) 260 pp. Abstract at Jurist 37 (1977) 421-422. Modde biograph.

Anthony Diacetis (American priest, 1944-2005), The Judgment of Formal Matrimonial Cases: Historical Reflections, Contemporary Developments, and Future Possibilities, (CUA doctoral diss. 492, 1977) 355 pp. Abstract at Jurist 37 (1977) 420-421.

John Myers (American priest, 1941-), The Trullan Controversy: Implications for the Status of the Orthodox Churches in Roman Catholic Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 491, 1977) 235 pp. Abstract at Jurist 37 (1977) 418-419. Myers biograph.

Samuel Shoemaker (American priest, ≈-2016), Lay Participation in Selected Structures of Church Government Since Vatican II, (CUA doctoral diss. 490, 1976) 268 pp. Abstract at Jurist 37 (1977) 417-418. Shoemaker biograph.

Edward Dillon (Irish/American priest, ≈), The Applicability of the Impediments of Consanguinity, Nonage, and Prior Bond As Found in Georgia Law to the Summary Process Established by Causas Matrimoniales, (CUA doctoral diss. 489, 1976) 236 pp. Abstract at Jurist 37 (1977) 415-416. Dillon biograph.

Todd Hevia (American priest, ≈), Moral Impotence as a Canonical Matrimonial Disability: Juristic Origin and Concept—Use and Developments in American Canonical Jurisprudence, (CUA doctoral diss. 488, 1976) 315 pp. Abstract at Jurist 37 (1977) 413-415.

Judith Barnhiser (American religious, ≈), A Study of the Authority Structures of Three Nineteenth-Century Apostolic Communities of Religious Women in the United States, (CUA doctoral diss. 487, 1975) 252 pp.

Lucy Vazquez (American Dominican, ≈), The Common Law on the Novitiate in the Western Church from the Council of Trent to the Present, (CUA doctoral diss. 486, 1975) 342 pp.

Walter Paska (American priest, 1923-2008), Sources of Particular Law for the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States, (CUA doctoral diss. 485, 1975) 293 pp. Paska biograph.



  Robert Miller (≈, ≈), The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Its Origin, Concept, and the Development of Its Competency, (CUA doctoral diss. 484, 1975) 332 pp.



Vincent Grogan (American Franciscan, 1937-2016), The Canonical Implementation of the Renewal of Religious Formation, Government, and Internal Discipline Since the Second Vatican Council in the Order of Friars Minor in the United States, (CUA doctoral diss. 483, 1974) 390 pp.

Richard Ryan (American Vincentian, 1940-2017), The Authority of the Residential Bishop in the Latin Rite to Dispense from the General Laws of the Church, (CUA doctoral diss. 482, 1973) 327 pp. Ryan biograph.

Daniel Foley (American priest, 1935-), The Synod of Bishops: Its Canonical Structure and Procedures, (CUA doctoral diss. 481, 1973) 292 pp.

Raymond Kutner (American priest, ≈), The Development, Structure and Competence of the Episcopal Conference, (CUA doctoral diss. 480, 1972) 208 pp.

Kevin Conners (American priest, 1930-1972), Incidental Causes In Judicial Procedure, (CUA doctoral diss. 479, 1971) xiii-272 pp.

Joseph Rehage (American Holy Cross, 1920-2003), The Private Ownership of Property by Individua1 Religious Before 1917: A Historical Study of Canonical Legislation Prior to the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 478, 1971) 368 pp.

Lincoln Knox (≈, ≈), The Ecclesial Dimension of Valid Orders, (CUA doctoral diss. 477, 1971) 202 pp.

Bernard Konda (American priest, 1939-), The Changing Attitudes of the Catholic Church Toward Mixed Marriages, (CUA doctoral diss. 476, 1971) 243 pp. Konda biograph.

Joseph Penna (American priest, ≈), The Episcopal Vicar, (CUA doctoral diss. 475, 1971) 225 pp.

Clara Henning (American ≈, ≈), Court Procedure for Marriage Cases of Nullity and the Renewal of Pope Benedict XIV, (CUA doctoral diss. 474, Not published).


  Seamus O'Connor (≈, ≈), The Structure of a Post-Conciliar Diocesan Synod in the United States of America, (CUA doctoral diss. 473, 1970) 178 pp.


  Marion Mazgaj (Polish/American priest, 1923-2016), The Communist Government of Poland as Affecting the Rights of the Church from 1944 to 1960, (CUA doctoral diss. 472, 1970) 257 pp. Mazgaj biograph.


John Zemanick (≈ priest, ≈), Canon Law and the Board of Trustees in a Catholic College, (CUA doctoral diss. 471, Not published).

Paul O'Connell (American priest, 1934-), The Concept of the Parish in the Light of the Second Vatican Council, (CUA doctoral diss. 470, 1969) vii-254 pp.

Raymond Misulich (American priest, 1929-2004), The Foundation and Juridic Status of the Eparchies of Pittsburgh and Passaic, (CUA doctoral diss. 469, 1968) ii-97 pp.

Philip Kendall (American Viatorian, 1932-2010), Intellectual Formation in the Major Seminary Curriculum: Principles and Considerations, (CUA doctoral diss. 468, 1970) 900 pp. Kendall biograph.

Michael Jamail (American priest, ≈), The Senates of Priests in the Province of San Antonio, Texas: A Descriptive Study, (CUA doctoral diss. 467, 1969) 291 pp.

Gerald Kelly (=, =), The Years of Discretion for Confession, (CUA doctoral diss. 466, 1968) 180 pp.

James Hertel (American priest, 1936-2016), The Laity, Luther and Trent, (CUA doctoral diss. 465, 1968) 217 pp.


Edward Gilbert (American Redemptorist, 1936-), Redemptorist Exemption, (CUA doctoral diss. 464, 1968) 254 pp. Gilbert biograph.


Joseph George (≈, ≈), The Principle of Subsidiarity With Special Reference to Its Role in Papal and Episcopal Relations in the Light of Lumen Gentium, (CUA doctoral diss. 463, 1968) 234 pp.


Donald Espen (≈, 1939-), The Canonical Form of Marriage: A Re-evaluation, (CUA doctoral diss. 462, 1968) 161 pp.


Vincent Doyle (≈, 1938-), The Pre-nuptial Promises in Mixed Marriages, (CUA doctoral diss. 461, 1968) 295 pp.


Jose Casa Medina (≈, ≈), The Law for the Restoration of the Permanent Diaconate, (CUA doctoral diss. 460, 1968) 200 pp.


Mason Borgman (American Augustinian, ≈), The Common Life Among Clerics in the Writings of St. Augustine of Hippo and Ecclesiastical Legislation, (CUA doctoral diss. 459, 1968) 195 pp.


Ralph Besendorfer (American priest, 1933-2016), The Valid and Licit Assistance at Interritual Marriage in the United States of America, (CUA doctoral diss. 458, 1968) 172 pp.


Henri Larroque (American priest, ≈), The Rejection of Judicial Witnesses and Their Testimony, (CUA doctoral diss. 457, 1967) 249 pp.


James Connor (≈, ≈), The Invalidity of Marriage in the Roman Catholic Church and in the Civil Laws of the United States: A Comparative Study, (CUA doctoral diss. 456, 1968) 458 pp.


Carlos Warnholtz (Mexican priest, 1925-), The Nature of the Episcopal Office According to the Second Vatican Council, (CUA doctoral diss. 455, 1967) 236 pp.


Martin Semple (American priest, ≈), The Obligation of the Divine Office in the Latin and Oriental Churches, (CUA doctoral diss. 454, 1967) 199 pp.


Charles Schettler (American priest, 1929-2009), Postulation by Ecclesiastical Bodies, (CUA doctoral diss. 453, 1967) 232 pp.


George Graham (American priest, ≈), Synodal and Pro-synodal Judges, (CUA doctoral diss. 452, 1967) 220 pp.


Thomas Dupré (American priest, 1933-2016), The Summary Process of Canons 1990-1992, (CUA doctoral diss. 451, 1967) 278 pp. Dupré biograph.


Harmon Skillin (American priest, 1934-2015), Concelebration, (CUA doctoral diss. 450, 1966) 167 pp.

Godefroy Devost (Canadian Capuchin, ≈), L'Eveque, Membre du College Episcopal, (CUA doctoral diss. 449, 1966) 356 pp.


Feliciano Palma (Filipino priest, =), A Comparative Study of Wills in Canon Law and in the Civil Code of the Philippines, (CUA doctoral diss. 448, 1965) 289 pp.


Thomas Dougherty (American priest, 1924-1996), The Vicar General of the Episcopal Ordinary, (CUA doctoral diss. 447, 1966) 120 pp.


Thomas Donovan (American priest, 1930-), The Status of the Church in American Civil Law and Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 446, 1966) 147 pp.


John Buckley (=, =), The Use of the Writings of St. Augustine as Sources of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 445, 1965) 676 pp.


  William Sullivan (American priest, =), The Laws of the State of Illinois Affecting Church Property, (CUA doctoral diss. 444, 1964) xiii-215 pp.


John Smith (American priest, 1935-), The Military Ordinariate in the USA, (CUA doctoral diss. 443, 1966) ≈ pp. Smith biograph.


John O'Connor (=, =), Historical Notes Upon the Reform Decrees of the Sixth and Seventh Session of the Council of Trent, (CUA doctoral diss. 442, 1964) 221 pp


Joseph Muzas (=, =), The Concept of Matrimonium Ratum in Gratian and the Early Decretists (1140-1215), (CUA doctoral diss. 441, 1964) xvii-116 pp.


Gerard Mahoney (American priest, 1933-), The Academic Curriculum in Minor Seminaries, (CUA doctoral diss. 440, 1965) 190 pp.


Herculano Izquierdo (= priest, =), Nomination of Bishops in Present Day Concordats, (CUA doctoral diss. 439, Not published).


  Peter Fleming (American priest, =), The Laws of the State of Minnesota Affecting Church Property, (CUA doctoral diss. 438, 1964) ix-204 pp.


Isaac Jacob (=, =), The Meaning of Pars Sanior in the Rule of Saint Benedict and Its Use in the Decretal Collection of Pope Gregory IX with a Study of the Electoral Law as Found in the Decretum of Gratian, (CUA doctoral diss. 437, 1964).


  John Catoir (American priest, 1931-2022), The Laws of the State of New Jersey Affecting Church Property, (CUA doctoral diss. 436, 1964) xi-191 pp.


Leonard Voegtle (American Marist, 1933-2001), Canonical Reasons for the Rejection of Candidates to Final Vows, (CUA doctoral diss. 435, 1963) 179 pp.


Stanislaus Swierzowski (American priest, ≈), The Catholic Parties in Civil Divorce and Separation, (CUA doctoral diss. 434, Not published).


  John Goeke (American priest, =), The Laws of the State of Kentucky Affecting Church Property, (CUA doctoral diss. 433, 1963) xi-244 pp.


John Calhoun (American priest, 1932-), The Restraint of the Exercise of One's Rights, (CUA doctoral diss. 432, 1965) 142 pp.


Henry Bowen (American priest, 1929-2002), The Juridic Authority of the Church Over the Non-Baptized, (CUA doctoral diss. 431, 1963) vi-274 pp.


Dismas Bonner (American Franciscan, 1929-), Extern Sisters in Monasteries of Nuns, (CUA doctoral diss. 430, 1963) 251 pp.


Robert Seasoltz (American Benedictine, 1930-2013), Directives on Sacred Art and the Building of a Church, (CUA doctoral diss. 429, 1963) viii-331 pp. Seasoltz biograph.


  Paul Schierse (American priest, 1928-1998), Laws of the State of Delaware Affecting Church Property, (CUA doctoral diss. 428, 1963) 239 pp.


Edward Reissner (American priest, 1929-), Canonical Employer-Employee Relationship: Canon 1524, (CUA doctoral diss. 427, 1964) 113 pp.

George Pavloff (American priest, 1930-), Papal Judge Delegates at the Time of the Corpus Juris Canonici, (CUA doctoral diss. 426, 1963) 56 pp.

John Paul (=, =), The Recipient of the Sacrament of Penance, (CUA doctoral diss. 425, 1962) ix-380 pp.

Joseph Christensen (=, =), Character Requisites for Reception of Holy Orders, (CUA doctoral diss. 424, 1962) viii-171 pp.

John Brenkle (American priest, 1931-), The Impediment of Male Impotence, with Special Application to Paraplegia, (CUA doctoral diss. 423, 1963) 183 pp.

Mel Brady (American Franciscan, 1922-2005), The Quinquennial Report of Religious Institutes to the Holy See, (CUA doctoral diss. 422, 1963) 112 pp.

Edmund Quinn (American Capuchin, 1926-), Archconfraternities, Archsodalities and Primary Unions, with a Supplement on the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers, (CUA doctoral diss. 421, 1963) 144 pp.

Raphael Song (Korean priest, 1926-), The Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, (CUA doctoral diss. 420, 1961) 157 pp.

Charles Renati (American priest, 1931-), The Recipient of Extreme Unction, (CUA doctoral diss. 419, 1961) 186 pp.

Arthur Nace (American priest, 1927-), The Right to Accuse a Marriage of Invalidity, (CUA doctoral diss. 418, 1961) 288 pp.



  James McGough (American priest, 1933-2024), The Laws of the State of Mississippi Affecting Church Property, (CUA doctoral diss. 417, 1963) 203 pp.



Thomas Cunningham (=, =), The Canonical Suppression of Religious Houses, (CUA doctoral diss. 416, Not published).

William Van Ommeren (American priest, 1926-), Mental Illness Affecting Marital Consent, (CUA doctoral diss. 415, 1961) 241 pp.

William Tierney (American priest, 1931-), Authorized Ecclesiastical Acts, (CUA doctoral diss. 414, 1961) 226 pp.

John Roos (American priest, 1930-), The Seal of Confession, (CUA doctoral diss. 413, 1960) 121 pp.

William Nessel (American Salesian, 1929-), First Amendment Freedoms, Papal Pronouncements and Concordat Practice: A Comparative Study in American Law and Public Ecclesiastical Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 412, 1961) 268 pp.

Eufemio De La Cruz (=, =), The Leasing of Church Properties in the Philippines, (CUA doctoral diss. 411, Not published).

Dacian Dee (American priest, 1930-), The Manifestation of Conscience, (CUA doctoral diss. 410, 1960) 100 pp.



  Maurice Welsh (American priest, 1922-1994), The Laws of the State of Nevada Affecting Church Property, (CUA doctoral diss. 409, 1962) 147 pp.



Paul Schreiber (American priest, 1928-1966), Canonical Precedence, (CUA doctoral diss. 408, 1961) 327 pp.


Robert Sampon (=, =), A Comparative Study of the First Provincial Council of Milwaukee and the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 407, Not published).


  Manuel Rodriguez (American priest, 1930-), The Laws of the State of New Mexico Affecting Church Property, (CUA doctoral diss. 406, 1959) 220 pp.


  Donald McLeaish (American priest, 1926-2014), The Laws of the State of Texas Affecting Church Property, (CUA doctoral diss. 405, 1960) 205 pp.


    Paul Love (American priest, 1921-1993), The Penal Remedies of the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 404, 1960) 177 pp.


Francis Gossman (American priest, 1930-), Pope Urban II and Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 403, 1960) 205 pp. Gossman biograph.


Peter Chyang (Korean priest, 1922-), Decennial Faculties for Ordinaries in Quasi-dioceses, (CUA doctoral diss. 402, 1961) 366 pp.


David O'Connor (American religious, 1928-), Parochial Relations and Cooperation of the Religious and Secular Clergy, (CUA doctoral diss. 401, 1958) 194 pp.



 Richard Murphy (American Oblate, 1925-1994), The Canonico-Juridical Status of a Communist, (CUA doctoral diss. 400, 1959) 186 pp.



John Hackett (American priest, 1926-), The Concept of Public Order, (CUA doctoral diss. 399, 1959) 101 pp.

Bernard Gerhardt (American priest, 1926-2007), Interpretation of Rescripts, (CUA doctoral diss. 398, 1959) 152 pp.

Henry Dziadosz (American priest, 1923-2000), The Provisions of the Decree Spiritus Sancti Munera: The Law for the Extraordinary Minister of Confirmation, (CUA doctoral diss. 397, 1958) 226 pp.

Francis Demers (American Oblate, 1928-), Temporal Administration of the Religious House in a Non-exempt Clerical Pontifical Institute, (CUA doctoral diss. 396, 1961) 143 pp.

Ronald Cox (American priest, 1929-), A Study of the Juridic Status of Laymen in the Writing of the Medieval Canonists, (CUA doctoral diss. 395, 1959) 104 pp.

Walter Clancy (American priest, 1926-), The Rites and Ceremonies of Sacred Ordination (Canons 1002-1005), (CUA doctoral diss. 394, 1962) 122 pp.

Raymond Bégin (American priest, 1928-), Natural Law and Positive Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 393, 1959) 177 pp.

Donald Adams (American priest, 1928-1996), The Truth Required in the Preces for Rescripts, (CUA doctoral diss. 392, 1960) 250 pp.

Leo Vanyo (American priest, 1925-2009), Requisites of Intention in the Reception of the Sacraments, (CUA doctoral diss. 391, 1965) 127 pp.

James Ruddy (American priest, 1916-1978), The Apostolic Constitution Christus Dominus: Text, Translation and Commentary with Short Annotations on the Motu Proprio Sacram Communionem, (CUA doctoral diss. 390, 1957) 139 pp.

William Pickard (American priest, 1930-), Judicial Experts: A Source of Evidence in Ecclesiastical Trials, (CUA doctoral diss. 389, 1958) 225 pp.



  Joseph Murphy (American priest, 1929-2020), The Laws of the State of New York Affecting Church Property, (CUA doctoral diss. 388, 1957) 190 pp.



 James Munday (Australian priest, 1917-), Ecclesiastical Property in Australia and New Zealand: An Historical Synopsis and Comparative Study of the General Law of the Church, Canons 1495-1551, and the Decrees of the Fourth Plenary Council of Australia, Decrees 653-685, (CUA doctoral diss. 387, 1957) 137 pp.



James McGuire (American Recollect, 1929-), The Postulancy, (CUA doctoral diss. 386, 1959) 178 pp.

John McGrath (American priest, 1922-1970), A Comparative Study of Crime and its Imputability in Ecclesiastical Criminal Law and in American Criminal Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 385, 1957) 104 pp.



 James Markham (American priest, 1922-), The Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities of Studies, (CUA doctoral diss. 384, 1957) 178 pp.



  Lawrence Hoffman (American priest, 1926-), Clergy Conference: Canon 131, (CUA doctoral diss. 383, 1957) 101 pp.



Charles Henry (American Benedictine, 1923-), Canonical Relations Between Bishops and Abbots at the Beginning of the Tenth Century, (CUA doctoral diss. 382, 1957) 219 pp.


Peter Frattin (Italian layman, 1936-), The Matrimonial Impediment of Impotence: Occlusion of the Spermatic Ducts and Vaginismus, (CUA doctoral diss. 381, 1958) 113 pp.


Albert Ernst (American priest, 1926-), Free Admission to the Church for Sacred Rites, (CUA doctoral diss. 380, 1964) 136 pp.

John Dunnivan (American priest, 1928-), Prejudicial Attempts in Pending Litigation, (CUA doctoral diss. 379, 1960) 168 pp.

Bernard Deutsch (American priest, 1925-), Jurisdiction of Pastors in the External Forum, (CUA doctoral diss. 378, 1957) 210 pp.

Dennis Burns (American priest, 1920-), Matrimonial Indissolubility: Contrary Conditions, (CUA doctoral diss. 377, 1963) 166 pp.

Pedro Bantigue (Philippino priest, 1920-), The Provincial Council of Manila of 1771; Its text followed by a commentary on Actio 11, De Episcopis, (CUA doctoral diss. 376, 1957) 260 pp.

Francis Kelleher (=, =), Judicial Expenses, (CUA doctoral diss. 375, Not published).

Jordan Sullivan (American Capuchin, 1922-), Fast and Abstinence in the First Order of St. Francis, (CUA doctoral diss. 374, 1957) 133 pp.

Alexander Sokolich (American priest, 1918-1981), Canonical Provisions for Universities and Colleges, (CUA doctoral diss. 373, 1956) 178 pp.

Elias Olarte Poblete (Philippino priest, 1921-), The Plenary Council, (CUA doctoral diss. 372, 1958) 125 pp.

Albert Olkovikas (American priest, 1927-), The Instantia of the Lawsuit, (CUA doctoral diss. 371, 1957) 113 pp.

Bernard Havlik (American priest, =), The Cessation of Rescripts, (CUA doctoral diss. 370, Not published).

Maurice Grajewski (American Franciscan, 1916-1993), The Supreme Moderator of Exempt Religious Orders, (CUA doctoral diss. 369, 1957) 180 pp.

Richard Bockstie (American religious, =), The Principal Oratory of Religious, (CUA doctoral diss. 368, Not published).



  Urban Wiggins (American priest, 1921-), Property Laws of the State of Ohio Affecting the Church, (CUA doctoral diss. 367, 1956) 140 pp.



  Francis Smyer (American priest, 1921-2007), Canonical Regulations Regarding Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament According to Canons 1274 and 1275, (CUA doctoral diss. 366, Not published).



Timothy Mock (American religious, 1926-), Disqualification of Electors in Ecclesiastical Elections, (CUA doctoral diss. 365, 1958) 209 pp.

Jeremiah Kelliher (American religious, 1926-), Loss of Privileges, (CUA doctoral diss. 364, 1964) 116 pp.


Donald Heintschel (American priest, 1924-2000), The Medieval Concept of an Ecclesiastical Office, (CUA doctoral diss. 363, 1956) 107 pp.


Victor Goertz (American priest, 1928-), The Judicial Summons, (CUA doctoral diss. 362, 1957) 82 pp.

Bernard Ganter (American priest, 1928-), Clerical Attire, (CUA doctoral diss. 361, 1955) 194 pp.

William Curtin (American priest, 1921-), The Plaint of Nullity Against the Sentence, (CUA doctoral diss. 360, 1956) 160 pp.

James Carroll (American priest, 1920-), The Bishop's Quinquennial Report, (CUA doctoral diss. 359, 1956) 148 pp.

Gennaro Sesto (American Salesian, 1921-), Guardians of the Mentally Ill in Ecclesiastical Trials, (CUA doctoral diss. 358, 1956) 176 pp.


  Vincent Tatarczuk (American priest, 1925-), Infamy of Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 357, 1954) 118 pp.


Bernard Sullivan (American priest, 1924-), Legislation and Requirements for Permissible Cohabitation in Invalid Marriages, (CUA doctoral diss. 356, 1954) 179 pp.


  Thomas Ryan (American priest, 1924-), The Juridical Effects of the 'Sanatio in Radice', (CUA doctoral diss. 355, 1955) 137 pp.


Jacques Rouillard (Canadian priest, 1918-2005), Une etude comparee du droit canonique et du droit civil paroissial de la Province de Québec dans l'administration des biens paroissiaux, (CUA doctoral diss. 354, ≠, Not published). Rouillard biograph.

Frank Rodimer (American priest, 1927-), The Canonical Effects of Infamy of Fact, (CUA doctoral diss. 353, 1954) 157 pp. Rodimer biograph.


 Frederick McManus (American priest, 1923-2005), The Congregation of Sacred Rites, (CUA doctoral diss. 352, 1954) 176 pp. Note: On the place of McManus in canonistics, see anon., "Frederick R. McManus: in service to God's people", Jurist 48 (1988) 415-428 and anon., "In memoriam Frederick R. McManus, editor emeritus (1923-2009)", Jurist 65 (2005) 215-216.



Robert McGrath (Canadian Oblate, 1922-), The Local Superior in Non-Exempt Clerical Congregations, (CUA doctoral diss. 351, 1954) 123 pp.

Charles Kekumano (American priest, 1919-1998), The Secret Archives of the Diocesan Curia, (CUA doctoral diss. 350, 1954) 98 pp.


Archibald Bottoms (American priest, 1916-), The Discretionary Authority of the Ecclesiastical Judge in Matrimonial Trials of the First Instance, (CUA doctoral diss. 349, 1955) 258 pp.

Edward Fus (American priest, 1919-), Extraordinary Form of Marriage According to Canon 1098, (CUA doctoral diss. 348, 1954) 202 pp.

Donnell Walsh (American priest, 1922-), The New Law on Secular Institutes, (CUA doctoral diss. 347, 1953) 141 pp.

Roger Viau (American priest, 1916-2002), Doubt in Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 346, 1954) 117 pp.

Matthew Shekleton (American Servite, 1915-), Doctrinal Interpretation of Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 345, 1961) 112 pp.

Joseph Sheehan (American priest, 1917-), The Obligation of Respect and Obedience of Clerics to Their Ordinary--Canon 127, (CUA doctoral diss. 344, 1954) 130 pp.


John Reiss (American priest, 1922-2012), The Time and Place of Sacred Ordination, (CUA doctoral diss. 343, 1953) 122 pp.

Casimir Peterson (American priest, 1921-), Spiritual Care in Diocesan Seminaries, (CUA doctoral diss. 342, 1966) 191 pp.

John Nugent (American religious, 1922-), Ordination in Societies of the Common Life, (CUA doctoral diss. 341, 1958) 240 pp.


 Stanislaus Kubik (American priest, 1918-), Invalidity of Dispensations According to Canon 84 § 1, (CUA doctoral diss. 340, 1953) 107 pp.


William Fitzgerald (American priest, 1926-), The Parish Census and the Liber Status Animarum, (CUA doctoral diss. 339, 1954) 109 pp.


Charles Cornell (American priest, =-1967), The Juridical Status of Heretics and Schismatics in Good Faith, (CUA doctoral diss. 338, Not published).


 John Bourque (American priest, 1924-2002), The Judicial Power of the Church--Canon 1553 § 1, (CUA doctoral diss. 337, 1953) 148 pp.


Gommar De Pauw (Belgian priest, 1918-2005), The Legal Status of Catholic Elementary Schools in Belgium, 1830-1950, (CUA doctoral diss. 336, 1953) 145 pp.


George Uricheck (= priest, =), De Forma Celebrationis Matrimonii in Ecclesiis Orientalibus tum ante Litteras Apostolicas Crebrae Allatae tum post, (CUA doctoral diss. 335, 1970) vii-93 pp.



  •  Joseph Shields (American priest, 1923-), Deprivation of the Clerical Garb, (CUA doctoral diss. 334, 1958) 156 pp.



 •   Robert Sheehy (American priest, 1922-), The Sacred Congregation of the Sacraments: Its Competence in the Roman Curia, (CUA doctoral diss. 333, 1954) 140 pp.


George Schorr (American priest, 1920-), The Law of the Celebret, (CUA doctoral diss. 332, 1952) 115 pp.

Marcian Mathis (American Franciscan, 1918-), The Constitution and Supreme Administration of Regional Seminaries Subject to the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith in China, (CUA doctoral diss. 331, 1952) 172 pp.

Max De Witt (American priest, 1923-), The Cessation of Delegated Power, (CUA doctoral diss. 330, 1954) 153 pp.

Donald Wiest (American Capuchin, 1908-1997), The Precensorship of Books, (CUA doctoral diss. 329, 1953) 193 pp.

Norman McFarland (American priest, 1922-2010), Religious Vocation—Its Juridic Concept, (CUA doctoral diss. 328 synopsis, 1953) 131 pp. McFarland biograph.

Leo Koesler (American Benedictine, 1921-), Entrance into the Novitiate by Clerics in Major Orders, (CUA doctoral diss. 327, 1953) 176 pp.

Chester Wrzaszczak (American priest, 1917-), The Betrothal Contract in the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 326, 1954) 246 pp.

James King (American priest, 1920-), The Canonical Procedure in Separation Cases, (CUA doctoral diss. 325, 1952) 190 pp.

Walter Conway (American priest, 1921-), The Time and Place of Baptism, (CUA doctoral diss. 324, 1954) 152 pp.

Linus Cappiello (Italian Franciscan, 1919-), De Ordinariorum Dispensandi Facultate ad Normam Canonis 81, (CUA doctoral diss. 323, 1952) 150 pp.

Aloysius Gaffigan (American religious, 1915-1997), Residence of Religious, (CUA doctoral diss. 322, Not published).

Ernest Unterkoefler (American priest, 1917-1993), The Presiding Judge in Matrimonial Causes of First Instance, (CUA doctoral diss. 321, Not published). Unterkoefler biograph.

John Walsh (American Holy Ghost, 1913-), The Jurisdiction of the Interritual Confessor in the United States and Canada, (CUA doctoral diss. 320, 1950) 118 pp.

George Carton (American priest, =), The Time Factor in the Gaining of Indulgences, (CUA doctoral diss. 319, Not published).

Eugene Frein (American priest, =), The Discretionary Power of the Defender of the Matrimonial Bond, (CUA doctoral diss. 318, Not published).

John Waterhouse (American priest, 1919-), The Power of the Local Ordinary to Impose a Matrimonial Ban, (CUA doctoral diss. 317, 1952) 133 pp.

Arthur Sego (American priest, 1921-), Dispensation from the Interpellations, (CUA doctoral diss. 316, 1951) 271 pp.

Erwin Sadlowski (American priest, 1913-), The Sacred Furnishings of Churches, (CUA doctoral diss. 315, 1951) 176 pp.

James Hannon (American priest, 1920-), Holy Viaticum, (CUA doctoral diss. 314, 1951) 186 pp.

Francisco Gonzalez (Mexican religious, 1924-), De Parocho Religioso Eiusque Superiore Locali, (CUA doctoral diss. 313, 1950) 185 pp.

Charles Duerr (American priest, 1922-), The Judicial Notary, (CUA doctoral diss. 312, 1951) 97 pp.

James Brown (American Recollect, 1921-), The Invalidating Effects of Force, Fear, and Fraud upon the Canonical Novitiate, (CUA doctoral diss. 311, 1951) 227 pp.

Josiah Chatham (American priest, 1914-), Force and Fear as Invalidating Marriage: The Element of Injustice, (CUA doctoral diss. 310, 1951) 172 pp.

Harry Byrne (American priest, 1921-), Investment of Church Funds, (CUA doctoral diss. 309, 1951) 190 pp.

Thomas Gallagher (American priest, =), The Rejection of Judicial Witnesses and Testimony, (CUA doctoral diss. 308, Not published).

Michael Regan (American priest, 1921-), Canon 16, (CUA doctoral diss. 307, 1959) 146 pp.

Joseph Waters (American religious, 1920-), The Probation in Societies of Quasi-Religious, (CUA doctoral diss. 306, 1951) 116 pp.

Thomas Welsh (American priest, 1921-2009), The Use of the Portable Altar, (CUA doctoral diss. 305, 1950) 123 pp.

John Gallagher (American priest, 1908-), The Matrimonial Impediment of Public Propriety, (CUA doctoral diss. 304, 1952) 156 pp.

Hugh Quinn (American priest, 1915-), The Particular Penal Precept, (CUA doctoral diss. 303, 1953) 91 pp.

Philip Hannan (American priest, 1913-2011), The Canonical Concept of Congrua Sustentatio for the Secular Clergy, (CUA doctoral diss. 302, 1950) 223 pp. Hannan biograph.

Francis Fazzalaro (American priest, 1919-2007), The Place for the Hearing of Confessions, (CUA doctoral diss. 301, 1950) 135 pp.


  John Cook (American priest, 1921-), Ecclesiastical Communities and Their Ability to Induce Legal Customs, (CUA doctoral diss. 300, 1950) 136 pp.


Francis Statkus (American priest, 1921-2017), The Minister of the Last Sacraments, (CUA doctoral diss. 299, 1951) 147 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 7 (1951) 352-353.

Daniel Sheehan (American priest, 1917-), The Minister of Holy Communion, (CUA doctoral diss. 298, 1950) 174 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 7 (1951) 353.

John Noone (American priest, 1919-), Nullity in Judicial Acts, (CUA doctoral diss. 297, 1950) 133 pp.

Anthony Mickells (American priest, 1918-), The Constitutive Elements of Parishes, (CUA doctoral diss. 296, 1950) 130 pp.

Howard Lavelle (American priest, 1921-), The Obligation of Holding Sacred Missions in Parishes, (CUA doctoral diss. 295, 1949) 126 pp.

Roch Knopke (American Franciscan, 1906-1999), Reverential Fear in Matrimonial Cases in Asiatic Countries: Rota Cases, (CUA doctoral diss. 294, 1949) 97 pp.

Aidan Carr (American Conventual, 1914-2015), Vocation to the Priesthood: Its Canonical Concept, (CUA doctoral diss. 293, 1950) 108 pp. Carr biograph.

Daniel Cahill (American priest, 1918-), The Custody of the Holy Eucharist, (CUA doctoral diss. 292, 1950) 164 pp.

Joseph Allgeier (American priest, 1913-1987), The Canonical Obligation of Preaching in Parish Churches, (CUA doctoral diss. 291, 1950) 100 pp.



 James Casey (American priest, 1914-1986), A Study of Canon 222 § 1, (CUA doctoral diss. 290, 1949) 111 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 6 (1950) 257. Casey biograph.



Juan Ortega Uhink (Mexican Jesuit, 1908-), De Delicto Sollicitationis, (CUA doctoral diss. 289, 1954) 297 pp.

Marion Reinhardt (American priest, 1915-), The Rogatory Commission, (CUA doctoral diss. 288, 1949) 166 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 5 (1949) 256.

John Metz (American priest, 1916-), The Recording Judge in the Ecclesiastical Collegiate Tribunal, (CUA doctoral diss. 287, 1949) 115 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 6 (1950) 257.

Kenneth O'Brien (American priest, 1915-), The Nature of Support of Diocesan Priests in the United States, (CUA doctoral diss. 286, 1949) 148 pp.

Chester Thompson (American priest, 1918-), The Simple Removal from Office, (CUA doctoral diss. 285, 1951) 126 pp.

Edelhard Schneider (German/American religious, 1909-), The Status of Secularized Ex-Religious Clerics, (CUA doctoral diss. 284, 1948) 140 pp.

Stephen Quinn (American religious, 1917-), Relation of the Local Ordinary to Religious of Diocesan Approval, (CUA doctoral diss. 283, 1949) xii-138 pp.

Francis McElroy (American priest, 1917-), The Privileges of Bishops, (CUA doctoral diss. 282, 1951) ix-141 pp.

Edward McCaslin (American priest, 1915-), The Division of Parishes, (CUA doctoral diss. 281, 1951) x-127 pp.

Marcellus McCartney (=, 1913-), Faculties of Regular Confessors, (CUA doctoral diss. 280, 1949) xi-147 pp.

Alphonse Kress (American priest, 1912-1991), Contumacy in Ecclesiastical Trials, (CUA doctoral diss. 279, Not published).

Joseph Konrad (American Franciscan, 1916-), Transfer of Religious to Another Community, (CUA doctoral diss. 278, 1949) vi-268 pp.

Andrew Kennedy (=, =), The Annual Pastoral Report to the Local Ordinary, (CUA doctoral diss. 277, Not published).

Thomas Kane (American priest, 1915-), The Jurisdiction of the Patriarchs of the Major Sees in Antiquity and in the Middle Ages, (CUA doctoral diss. 276, 1949) xii-98 pp.

James Godley (American priest, 1915-), Time and Place for the Celebration of Mass, (CUA doctoral diss. 275, 1949) 190 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 5 (1949) x-460.

Thomas Fulton (Canadian priest, 1918-), Prenuptial Investigation, (CUA doctoral diss. 274, 1948) xii-178 pp.

Frederick Freking (American priest, 1913-1998), The Canonical Installation of Pastors, (CUA doctoral diss. 273, 1948) xii-196 pp. Freking biograph.

John Donovan (American priest, 1918-), The Clerical Obligations of Canons 138 and 140, (CUA doctoral diss. 272, 1949) x-191 pp.

Maur Dlouhy (American Benedictine, 1919-1984), The Ordination of Exempt Religious, (CUA doctoral diss. 271, 1955) ix-146 pp.


  Basil Courtemanche (Canadian priest, 1919-1993), The Total Simulation of Matrimonial Consent, (CUA doctoral diss. 270, 1948) xx-105 pp.


Robert Clune (Canadian priest, 1920-), The Judicial Interrogation of the Parties, (CUA doctoral diss. 269, 1948) xii-126 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 7 (1951) 353-354.

Damian Blaher (American Franciscan, 1913-), The Ordinary Processes in Causes of Beatification and Canonization, (CUA doctoral diss. 268, 1949) xv-276 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 5 (1949) 461.

James Bennington (American priest, 1914-), The Recipient of Confirmation, (CUA doctoral diss. 267, 1952) vii-140 pp.

Joseph Quinn (American priest, 1920-), Documents Required for the Reception of Orders, (CUA doctoral diss. 266, 1948) xii-192 pp.

Urban Wagner (American Conventual, 1915-), Parochial Substitute Vicars and Supplying Priests, (CUA doctoral diss. 265, 1947) ix-115 pp.

Ignatius Szal (American priest, 1918-), The Communication of Catholics with Schismatics, (CUA doctoral diss. 264, 1947) xii-202 pp.

Joseph Stadler (American priest, 1918-), Frequent Holy Communion, (CUA doctoral diss. 263, 1947) ix-143 pp.

Nathaniel Sonntag (American Conventual, 1915-), Censorship of Special Classes of Books, (CUA doctoral diss. 262, 1947) xi-132 pp.

Bernard Ristuccia (American religious, 1916-), Quasi-Religious, (CUA doctoral diss. 261, 1949) xvi-294 pp.

Alphonse Popek (American priest, 1913-1986), The Rights and Obligations of Metropolitans, (CUA doctoral diss. 260, 1947) xvii-446 pp.

Benedict Pfaller (American Benedictine, 1918-), The ipso facto Effected Dismissal of Religious, (CUA doctoral diss. 259, 1948) xii-210 pp.

Romaeus O'Brien (American Carmelite, 1916-), The Provincial Superior in Religious Orders of Men, (CUA doctoral diss. 258, 1947) x-280 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 5 (1949) 460.

Francis Murphy (American priest, 1912-), Legislative Powers of the Provincial Council, (CUA doctoral diss. 257, 1947) xii-144 pp.

Joseph Marositz (American religious, 1917-1979), Obligations and Privileges of Religious Promoted to the Episcopal or Cardinalatial Dignities, (CUA doctoral diss. 256, 1947) xii-163 pp.

Timothy McNicholas (American priest, 1917-), The Septimae Manus Witness, (CUA doctoral diss. 255, 1949) ix-118 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 5 (1949) 461.

James Lover (American Redemptorist, 1916-), The Master of Novices, (CUA doctoral diss. 254, 1947) x-154 pp.

Loras Lane (American priest, 1910-1968), Matrimonial Procedure in Ordinary Court of Second Instance, (CUA doctoral diss. 253, 1947) xv-171 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 5 (1949) 460-461. Lane biograph.

Germain Lafontaine (Canadian =, 1917-2004), Relations Canoniques entre le Missionaire et Ses Superieurs, (CUA doctoral diss. 252, 1947) x-106 pp.

Thomas Kilcullen (American priest, 1910-), The Collegiate Moral Person as Party Litigant, (CUA doctoral diss. 251, 1947) x-138 pp.

Bernard Kelly (American priest, 1918-), The Functions Reserved to Pastors, (CUA doctoral diss. 250, 1947) ix-126 pp.

Marion Gibbons (American religious, 1908-), Domicile of the Wife Unlawfully Separated from Her Husband, (CUA doctoral diss. 249, 1947) xiii-156 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 5 (1949) 462.

George Eagleton (American priest, 1912-), The Quinquennial Faculties, Formula IV, (CUA doctoral diss. 248, 1948) xiv-188 pp.

Matthew Crotty (American priest, 1919-), The Recipient of First Holy Communion, (CUA doctoral diss. 247, 1947) ix-127 pp.

Paul Wachtrle (American priest, 1917-1993), The Baptism of the Children of Non Catholics, (CUA doctoral diss. 246, =, Not published).

Vincent Smith (American priest, 1918-), Ignorance Affecting Matrimonial Consent, (CUA doctoral diss. 245, 1950) vii-102 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 7 (1951) 352

Bernard Shimkus (= priest, =-1996), The Determination and Transfer of Rite (CUA doctoral diss. 244, Not published).

Joseph Marbach (American priest, 1917-), Marriage Legislation for the Catholics of the Oriental Rites in the United States and Canada, (CUA doctoral diss. 243, 1946) xiv-300 pp.

James McGrath (American priest, 1917-), The Privilege of the Canon, (CUA doctoral diss. 242, 1946) xii-141 pp.

Martin Lohmuller (American priest, 1919-1994), The Promulgation of Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 241, 1947) xi-128 pp. Lohmuller biograph.

Justin McClunn (American priest, 1916-), Administrative Recourse, (CUA doctoral diss. 240, 1946) vii-130 pp.

Timothy Lynch (American religious, 1915-), Contracts between Bishops and Religious Congregations, (CUA doctoral diss. 239, 1946) xiii-218 pp.

George Lynch (American priest, 1917-2003), Coadjutors and Auxiliaries of Bishops, (CUA doctoral diss. 238, 1947) x-96 pp. Lynch biograph.

James Lowry (American priest, 1916-), Dispensation from Private Vows, (CUA doctoral diss. 237, 1946) xii-252 pp.



  Herbert Linenberger (American religious, 1906-1978), The False Denunciation of an Innocent Confessor, (CUA doctoral diss. 236, 1949) viii-192 pp.



Joseph Henry (American priest, 1917-), The Mass and Holy Communion: Inter-Ritual Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 235, 1946) xi-123 pp.

Joseph Hale (American priest, 1906-1957), The Pastor of Burial, (CUA doctoral diss. 234, 1949) x-231 pp.

Joseph Goracy (German/American priest, 1908-1979), The Diriment Matrimonial Impediment of Major Orders, (CUA doctoral diss. 233, Not published).

William Galvin (American priest, 1912-), The Administrative Transfer of Pastors, (CUA doctoral diss. 232, 1946) xii-276 pp.



Basil Frisón (Spanish/American Claretian, 1912-2004), The Retroactivity of Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 231, 1946) x-205 pp.



Maurice Dingman (American priest, 1914-1992), The Plaintiff in Contentious Trials, (CUA doctoral diss. 230, Not published). Dingman biograph.

Michael Diederichs (German religious, 1916-1999), The Jurisdiction of the Latin Ordinaries over their Oriental Subjects, (CUA doctoral diss. 229, 1946) xiii-139 pp.

Thomas Bowe (American priest, 1916-), Religious Superioresses, (CUA doctoral diss. 228, 1946) viii-192 pp.

Warren Boudreaux (American priest, 1918-1997), The ab acatholicis nati of Canon 1099 § 2, (CUA doctoral diss. 227, 1946) xi-96 pp. Boudreaux biograph.

Orville Griese (American priest, 1915-), The Marriage Contract and the Procreation of Offspring, (CUA doctoral diss. 226, 1946) xvi-210 pp.

Thomas Brockhaus (American religious, 1914-), Religious Who Are Known as Conversi, (CUA doctoral diss. 225, 1945) ix-115 pp.

Henry Vogelpohl (American priest, 1913-), The Simple Impediments to Holy Orders, (CUA doctoral diss. 224, 1945) 178 pp.


  Francis Sweeney (American religious, 1915-), The Reduction of Clerics to the Lay State, (CUA doctoral diss. 223, 1945) 186 pp.


Joseph Prunskis (Lithuanian priest, 1907-), Comparative Law, Ecclesiastical and Civil, in Lithuanian Concordat, (CUA doctoral diss. 222, 1945) 150 pp.


Cletus O'Donnell (American priest, 1917-1992), The Marriages of Minors, (CUA doctoral diss. 221, 1945) 256 pp. O'Donnell biograph.


Louis Meyer (American religious, 1906-), Alms-Gathering by Religious, (CUA doctoral diss. 220, 1945) 151 pp.

Joseph Manning (American priest, 1915-), The Free Conferral of Offices, (CUA doctoral diss. 219, 1945) 105 pp.


Gerald McDevitt (American priest, 1917-1980), The Renunciation of an Ecclesiastical Office, (CUA doctoral diss. 218, 1945) 167 pp. McDevitt biograph.

  Harry Hynes (American priest, 1917-), The Privileges of Cardinals, (CUA doctoral diss. 217, 1945) 169 pp.


Nicholas Gill (American religious, 1913-), The Spiritual Prefect in Clerical Religious Houses of Study, (CUA doctoral diss. 216, 1945) 129 pp.


John Eidenschink (American Benedictine, 1914-2004), The Election of Bishops in the Letters of Pope Gregory the Great, (CUA doctoral diss. 215, 1945) 189 pp. Eidenschink biograph.



  Michael Dziob (American priest, 1917-), The Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Church, (CUA doctoral diss. 214, 1945) 170 pp.


John Dougherty (American priest, 1916-), De Inquisitione Speciali, (CUA doctoral diss. 213, 1945) 183 pp.


Ralph Balzer (American Passionist, 1914-1947), The Computation of Time in a Canonical Novitiate, (CUA doctoral diss. 212, 1945) 215 pp.


Gino Paro (Italian priest, 1910-1988), The Right of Apostolic Legation, (CUA doctoral diss. 211, 1947) 208 pp.


William Vaughan (American priest, 1908-), Constitutions for Diocesan Courts, (CUA doctoral diss. 210, 1944) 197 pp.


Eugene Sullivan (American priest, 1916-), Proof of the Reception of the Sacraments, (CUA doctoral diss. 209, 1944) 155 pp.


Casimir Stadalnikas (American Marian, 1917-), Reservation of Censures, (CUA doctoral diss. 208, 1944) 130 pp.


Pierre-Marie Poisson (Canadian Holy Cross, =), Droits Patrimoniaux des Maisons et des Eglises Religieuses, (CUA doctoral diss. 207, Not published).


Alexander Olalia (Philippino priest, 1913-), A Comparative Study of the Christian Constitution of States and the Constitution of the Philippine Commonwealth, (CUA doctoral diss. 206, 1944) 122 pp.


  John O'Dea (American priest, 1913-), The Matrimonial Impediment of Nonage, (CUA doctoral diss. 205, 1944) 115 pp.


Thomas Mundy (American priest, 1914-), The Union of Parishes, (CUA doctoral diss. 204, 1944) 153 pp.


Paul Miklosovic (American priest, 1914-1964), Attempted Marriages and Their Consequent Juridic Effects, (CUA doctoral diss. 203, Not published).


Thomas Martin (American priest, 1910-), Adverse Possession, Prescription and Limitation of Actions: The Canonical Praescriptio, (CUA doctoral diss. 202, 1944) 196 pp.


Vincent McDevitt (American priest, 1917-1980), Perjury, (CUA doctoral diss. 201, Not published).


Alan McCoy (American Franciscan, 1913-2009), Force and Fear in Relation to Delictual Imputability and Penal Responsibility, (CUA doctoral diss. 200, 1944) 149 pp.


Romuald Kowalski (American Franciscan, 1914-1962), Sustenance of Religious Houses of Regulars, (CUA doctoral diss. 199, 1944) 163 pp.


    Joseph Goodwine (American priest, 1916-), The Reception of Converts, (CUA doctoral diss. 198, 1944) 314 pp.


  William Goldsmith (American priest, 1912-), The Competence of Church and State over Marriage--Disputed Points, (CUA doctoral diss. 197, 1944) 116 pp.


John Gannon (American priest, 1916-), The Interstices Required for the Promotion to Orders, (CUA doctoral diss. 196, 1944) 88 pp.


Thomas Gallagher (American Dominican, 1914-), The Examination of the Qualities of the Ordinand, (CUA doctoral diss. 195, 1944) 156 pp.


Bartholomew Fair (American priest, 1916-1971), The Impediment of Abduction, (CUA doctoral diss. 194, 1944) 111 pp.


Paul Coyle (American priest, 1911-), Judicial Exceptions, (CUA doctoral diss. 193, 1944) 129 pp.


Charles Connors (American Holy Ghost, 1912-), Extra-Judicial Procurators in the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 192, 1944) 84 pp.


  Vincent Coburn (American priest, 1915-), Marriages of Conscience, (CUA doctoral diss. 191, 1944) 160 pp.


Joseph Ciesluk (American priest, 1910-), National Parishes in the United States, (CUA doctoral diss. 190, 1944) 163 pp.


Coleman Carroll (American priest, 1905-1977), Charitable Institutions, (CUA doctoral diss. 189, Not published). Carroll biograph.


  John Heneghan (American priest, 1909-), The Marriages of Unworthy Catholics: Canons 1065 and 1066, (CUA doctoral diss. 188, 1944) 201 pp.


Thaddeus Ziolkowski (American priest, 1912-1968), The Consecration and Blessing of Churches, (CUA doctoral diss. 187, 1943) 141 pp.


Ralph Shuhler (American Augustinian, 1913-2007), Privileges of Regulars to Absolve and Dispense, (CUA doctoral diss. 186, 1943) 184 pp.


Cornelius Power (American priest, 1913-1997), The Blessing of Cemeteries, (CUA doctoral diss. 185, 1943) 219 pp. Power biograph.


Charles O'Leary (American Redemptorist, 1913-), Religious Dismissed After Perpetual Profession, (CUA doctoral diss. 184, 1943) 202 pp.


Raymond Matulenas (American Benedictine, 1915-2001), Communication, a Source of Privileges, (CUA doctoral diss. 183, 1943) 214 pp.


Adolph Marx (American priest, 1915-1965), The Declaration of Nullity of Marriages Contracted Outside the Church, (CUA doctoral diss. 182, 1943) 139 pp.


Gordian Lewis (American Passionist, 1911-1965), Chapters in Religious Institutes, (CUA doctoral diss. 181, 1943) 158 pp.


Stephen Kelleher (American priest, 1915-1999), Discussions with Non-Catholics: Canonical Legislation, (CUA doctoral diss. 180, 1943) 82 pp. Kelleher biograph.


Bernard Flanagan (American priest, 1908-1998), The Canonical Erection of Religious Houses, (CUA doctoral diss. 179, 1943) 136 pp. Flanagan biograph.


William Drumm (American priest, 1907-), Hospital Chaplains, (CUA doctoral diss. 178, 1943) 164 pp.


John Connolly (American priest, 1911-), Synodal Examiners and Parish Priest Consultors, (CUA doctoral diss. 177, 1943) 211 pp.


Thomas Clarke (American priest, 1908-), Parish Societies, (CUA doctoral diss. 176, 1943) 136 pp.


Patrick Clancy (American Dominican, 1912-), The Local Religious Superior, (CUA doctoral diss. 175, 1943) 217 pp.


Joseph Christ (American priest, 1914-), Dispensation from Vindictive Penalties, (CUA doctoral diss. 174, 1943) 274 pp.


Matthew Benko (American Benedictine, 1914-), The Abbot Nullius, (CUA doctoral diss. 173, 1943) 135 pp.


Edward Woeber (American priest, 1903-), The Interpellations, (CUA doctoral diss. 172, 1942) 153 pp.


Robert Willett (American priest, 1906-), The Probative Value of Documents in Ecclesiastical Trials, (CUA doctoral diss. 171, 1942) 116 pp.


Joseph Waldron (American priest, 1914-), The Minister of Baptism, (CUA doctoral diss. 170, 1942) 197 pp.


Joseph Stenger (American priest, 1908-), The Mortgaging of Church Property, (CUA doctoral diss. 169, 1942) 178 pp.


Albert Riesner (American Redemptorist, 1912-), Apostates and Fugitives from Religious Institutes, (CUA doctoral diss. 168, 1942) 158 pp.


  John Prince (American priest, 1910-), The Diocesan Chancellor, (CUA doctoral diss. 167, 1942) 127 pp.


Francis O'Neill (American Redemptorist, 1912-), The Dismissal of Religious in Temporary Vows, (CUA doctoral diss. 166, 1942) 209 pp.


  Joseph McCloskey (American priest, 1908-), The Subject of Ecclesiastical Law According to Canon 12, (CUA doctoral diss. 165, 1942) 237 pp.


Leo Linahen (American priest, 1910-), De Absolutione Complicis In Peccato Turpi, (CUA doctoral diss. 164, 1942) 103 pp.


  Francis Kearney (American priest, 1911-), The Principles of Canon 1127, (CUA doctoral diss. 163, 1942) 152 pp.


  Roger Huser (American Franciscan, 1909-1980), The Crime of Abortion in Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 162, 1942) 176 pp.


John Haydt (American priest, 1913-), Reserved Benefices, (CUA doctoral diss. 161, 1942) 140 pp.


  John Hammill (American priest, 1913-), The Obligations of the Traveler According to Canon 14, (CUA doctoral diss. 160, 1942) 195 pp.


John Gulczynski (American priest, 1911-2004), The Desecration and Violation of Churches, (CUA doctoral diss. 159, 1942) 118 pp.


John Guiniven (American Redemptorist, 1911-), The Precept of Hearing Mass, (CUA doctoral diss. 158, 1942) 178 pp.


Sylvester Gass (American priest, 1911-2002), Ecclesiastical Pensions, (CUA doctoral diss. 157, 1942) 197 pp.


Louis Eltz (American priest, 1914-), Cooperation in Crime, (CUA doctoral diss. 156, 1942) 199 pp.


Thomas Donnellan (American priest, 1914-1987), The Obligation of the Missa pro Populo, (CUA doctoral diss. 155, 1942) 123 pp. Donnellan biograph.


Edward Dodwell (American priest, 1905-), The Time and Place for the Celebration of Marriage, (CUA doctoral diss. 154, 1942) 144 pp.


Robert Dillon (American priest, 1911-), Common Law Marriage, (CUA doctoral diss. 153, 1942) 140 pp.


Bruno Desrochers (Canadian priest, 1910-1976), Le Premier Concile Plenier de Québec et le Code de Droit Canonique, (CUA doctoral diss. 152, 1942) 178 pp.


  Walter Canavan (American priest, 1909-), The Profession of Faith, (CUA doctoral diss. 151, 1942) 136 pp.


David Boyle (American priest, 1912-), The Juridic Effects of Moral Certitude on Pre-Nuptial Guarantees, (CUA doctoral diss. 150, 1942) 180 pp.


 Gatien Bolduc (Canadian religious, 1913-2000), Les Etudes dans les Religions Clericales, (CUA doctoral diss. 149, 1942) 145 pp.


  Garrett Barry (American Oblate, 1909-), Violation of the Cloister, (CUA doctoral diss. 148, 1942) 250 pp.


Joseph Comyns (American Redemptorist, 1908-), Papal and Episcopal Administration of Church Property, (CUA doctoral diss. 147, 1942) 146 pp.


John Król (American priest, 1910-1996), The Defendant in Ecclesiastical Trials, (CUA doctoral diss. 146, 1942) 199 pp. Król biograph.


James McBride (American priest, 1902-), Incardination and Excardination of Seculars, (CUA doctoral diss. 145, 1941) 587 pp.


  Arthur Dubé (American priest, 1911-1964), The General Principles for the Reckoning of Time in Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 144, 1941) 291 pp.


Innocent Swoboda (American Franciscan, 1910-), Ignorance in Relation to the Imputability of Delicts, (CUA doctoral diss. 143, 1941) 261 pp.


Andrew Slafkosky (American priest, 1913-2002), The Canonical Episcopal Visitation of the Diocese, (CUA doctoral diss. 142, 1941) 189 pp.


  John Schmidt (American priest, 1908-), The Principles of Authentic Interpretation in Canon 17 of the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 141, 1941) 324 pp.


Carl Meier (American priest, 1913-1965), Penal Administrative Procedure Against Negligent Pastors, (CUA doctoral diss. 140, 1941) 240 pp.


Thomas McDonough (American priest, 1912-1998), Apostolic Administrators, (CUA doctoral diss. 139, 1941) 210 pp. McDonough biograph.


Gilbert McDevitt (American priest, 1911-1967), Legitimacy and Legitimation, (CUA doctoral diss. 138, 1941) 239 pp.


William Louis (American priest, 1904-1966), Diocesan Archives, (CUA doctoral diss. 137, 1941) 94 pp.


Charles Kerin (American Sulpician, 1905-), The Privation of Christian Burial, (CUA doctoral diss. 136, 1941) 272 pp.


Michael Keene (American Benedictine, 1912-), Religious Ordinaries and Canon 198, (CUA doctoral diss. 135, 1942) 157 pp.


Thomas Kealy (American priest, 1905-), Dowry of Women Religious, (CUA doctoral diss. 134, 1941) 145 pp.


James Hogan (American priest, 1911-2005), Judicial Advocates and Procurators, (CUA doctoral diss. 133, 1941) 193 pp. Hogan biograph.


Edward Heston (American Holy Cross, 1907-), The Alienation of Church Property in the United States, (CUA doctoral diss. 132, 1941) 214 pp.


  John Goodwine (American priest, 1913-), The Right of the Church to Acquire Property, (CUA doctoral diss. 131, 1941) 112 pp.


Stephen Findlay (American Benedictine, 1911-), Canonical Norms Governing the Deposition and Degradation of Clerics, (CUA doctoral diss. 130, 1941) 269 pp.


Thomas Feeney (American priest, 1912-), Restitutio in Integrum, (CUA doctoral diss. 129, 1941) 161 pp.


Benjamin Farrell (American priest, 1905-), The Rights and Duties of the Local Ordinary Regarding Congregations of Women Religious of Pontifical Right, (CUA doctoral diss. 128, 1941) 186 pp.


Anthony Esswein (American priest, 1910-1973), Extrajudicial Penal Powers of Ecclesiastical Superiors, (CUA doctoral diss. 127, 1941) 137 pp.


John Downs (American priest, 1910-), The Concept of Clerical Immunity, (CUA doctoral diss. 126, 1941) 156 pp.


  John Coleman (American priest, 1906-), The Minister of Confirmation, (CUA doctoral diss. 125, 1941) vi-146 pp.


Thomas Anglin (American religious, 1912-), The Eucharistic Fast, (CUA doctoral diss. 124, 1941) viii-176 pp.


Patrick Rice (American priest, 1907-), Proof of Death in Prenuptial Investigation, (CUA doctoral diss. 123, 1940) vii-150 pp

Francis Miaskiewicz (American priest, 1911-), Supplied Jurisdiction According to Canon 209, (CUA doctoral diss. 122, 1940) xii-334 pp.


  Francis Burton (American Holy Cross, 1902-), A Commentary on Canon 1125, (CUA doctoral diss. 121, 1940) x-203 pp.


Gerald Ryan (American priest, 1909-), Principles of Episcopal Jurisdiction, (CUA doctoral diss. 120, 1939) ix-165 pp.


    Edward Reilly (American priest, 1911-), The General Norms of Dispensation, (CUA doctoral diss. 119, 1939) vii-150 pp.


Anscar Parsons (American Capuchin, 1911-), Canonical Elections, (CUA doctoral diss. 118, 1939) ix-226 pp.


Conrad Boffa (American priest, 1913-), Canonical Provisions for Catholic Schools, (CUA doctoral diss. 117, 1939) x-204 pp.




  Robert Harrigan (American priest, 1909-), The Radical Sanation of Invalid Marriages, (CUA doctoral diss. 116, 1938) viii-199 pp.


James Donovan (American priest, 1909-), The Pastor's Obligation in Prenuptial Investigation, (CUA doctoral diss. 115, 1938) xii-314 pp.

Nicholas Connolly (American priest, 1909-), The Canonical Erection of Parishes, (CUA doctoral diss. 114, 1938) x-125 pp

Francis Moriarty (American Redemptorist, 1909-1960), The Extraordinary Absolution from Censures, (CUA doctoral diss. 113, 1938) xv-325 pp.

Thomas Reilly (American Redemptorist, 1908-1992), Visitation of Religious, (CUA doctoral diss. 112, 1938) ix-127 pp.

Eligius Rainer (American Redemptorist, 1907-), Suspension of Clerics, (CUA doctoral diss. 111, 1937) xvii-242 pp.

Eugene Moriarty (American priest, 1907-), Oaths in Ecclesiastical Courts, (CUA doctoral diss. 110, 1937) x-107 pp.

James McManus (American Redemptorist, 1900-1976), The Administration of Temporal Goods in Religious Institutes, (CUA doctoral diss. 109, 1937) xvi-108 pp.

John Kealy (American priest, 1899-1961), The Introductory Libellus in Church Court Procedure, (CUA doctoral diss. 108, 1937) xi-112 pp.

Raymond Jansen (American priest, 1908-), Canonical Provisions for Catechetical Instruction, (CUA doctoral diss. 107, 1937) x-145 pp.

James Hughes (American priest, 1892-), Witnesses in Criminal Trials of Clerics, (CUA doctoral diss. 106, 1937) ix-132 pp.



  Merlin Guilfoyle (American priest, 1908-1981), Custom, (CUA doctoral diss. 105, 1937) xiv-144 pp. Guilfoyle biograph.



Maurice Connor (American priest, 1901-), The Administrative Removal of Pastors, (CUA doctoral diss. 104, 1937) viii-151 pp.


  Joseph Brunini (American priest, 1909-1996), The Clerical Obligations of Canons 139 and 142, (CUA doctoral diss. 103, 1937) x-114 pp. Brunini biograph.


James Brennan (American Sulpician, 1905-), The Simple Convalidation of Marriage, (CUA doctoral diss. 102, 1937) vi-127 pp.


  John Glynn (American priest, 1907-), The Promoter of Justice, (CUA doctoral diss. 101, 1936) xx-329 pp.


Joseph Cleary (American priest, 1909-), Canonical Limitations on the Alienation of Church Property, (CUA doctoral diss. 100, 1936) viii-134 pp.

Donald Whalen (American priest, 1899-1965), The Value of Testimonial Evidence in Matrimonial Procedure, (CUA doctoral diss. 99, 1935) viii-290 pp.

Mariner Smith (American Dominican, ≈), The Penal Law for Religious, (CUA doctoral diss. 98, 1935) vii-163 pp.


Peter Reilly (American priest, 1908-), Residence of Pastors, (CUA doctoral diss. 97, 1935) xi-74 pp.

William O'Mara (American priest, 1905-), Canonical Causes for Matrimonial Dispensations, (CUA doctoral diss. 96, 1935) xi-148 pp.

John Moeder (American priest, 1903-1979), The Proper Bishop for Ordination and Dimissorial Letters, (CUA doctoral diss. 95, 1935) vii-128 pp. Moeder biograph.

John Manning (American priest, 1900-), Presumption of Law in Matrimonial Procedure, (CUA doctoral diss. 94, 1935) xi-104 pp.

Edwin Kennedy (American priest, 1908-), The Special Matrimonial Process in Cases of Evident Nullity, (CUA doctoral diss. 93, 1935) x-157 pp.

Antonio Perra Herrera (Spanish Discalced Carmelite, 1910-), Legislacion Ecclesiastica sobra el Ayuno y la Abstinecia, (CUA doctoral diss. 92, 1935) xi-191 pp.

Robert White (American layman, 1893-), Canonical Ante-Nuptial Promises and the Civil Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 91, 1934) 144 pp.



  Francis Wahl (American priest, 1907-), The Matrimonial Impediments of Consanguinity and Affinity, (CUA doctoral diss. 90, 1934) vi-113 pp.


Bartholomew Timlin (American Franciscan, 1896-1963), Conditional Matrimonial Consent, (CUA doctoral diss. 89, 1934) x-374 pp. Review: C. Piontek, Ius Pontificium 15 (1935) 144.


James O'Rourke (American priest, 1905-), Parish Registers, (CUA doctoral diss. 88, 1934) vii-101 pp.

Delise Lemieux (American priest, 1902-), The Sentence in Ecclesiastical Procedure, (CUA doctoral diss. 87, 1934) xii-123 pp.


Jerome Hannan (American priest, 1896-1965), The Canon Law of Wills, (CUA doctoral diss. 86, 1934) ix-510 pp. Review: anon., Apollinaris 9 (1936) 169. Hannan biograph.


John Dolan (American priest, 1906-), The Defensor Vinculi, (CUA doctoral diss. 85, 1934) xii-150 pp.


  John Carberry (American priest, 1904-1998), The Juridical Form of Marriage, (CUA doctoral diss. 84, 1934) x-169 pp. Carberry biograph.


John Barrett (American Sulpician, 1895-), A Comparative Study of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore and the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 83, 1932) x-212 pp.

Herbert Rimlinger (American priest, 1905-1982), Error Invalidating Matrimonial Consent, (CUA doctoral diss. 82, 1932) viii-71 pp.

Leo Jaeger (American priest, 1903-), The Administration of Vacant and Quasi-Vacant Episcopal Sees in the United States, (CUA doctoral diss. 81, 1932) xi-227 pp.

Joseph Sangmeister (American priest, 1905-1962), Force and Fear as Precluding Matrimonial Consent, (CUA doctoral diss. 80, 1932) ix-201 pp.

Thomas Connolly (American priest, 1899-1991), Appeals, (CUA doctoral diss. 79, 1932) x-199 pp. Connolly biograph.

Avitus Lyons (American priest, 1898-), The Collegiate Tribunal of First Instance, (CUA doctoral diss. 78, 1932) x-140 pp.


  •  Eric MacKenzie (American priest, 1893-1969), The Delict of Heresy in Its Commission, Penalization, Absolution, (CUA doctoral diss. 77, 1932) xi-116 pp. MacKenzie biograph.


 • Edwin Murphy (American Precious Blood, 1905-), Suspension Ex Informata Conscientia, (CUA doctoral diss. 76, 1932) ix-126 pp.


Camillo Torrente (Spanish religious, 1870-), Las Procesiones Sagradas, (CUA doctoral diss. 75, 1932) x-137 pp.

Francis Donnelly (American priest, 1908-), The Diocesan Synod, (CUA doctoral diss. 74, 1932) vii-129 pp.

Connell Clinton (American priest, 1907-), The Paschal Precept, (CUA doctoral diss. 73, 1932) ix-96 pp.

Joseph Pernicone (American priest, 1903-1985), The Ecclesiastical Prohibition of Books, (CUA doctoral diss. 72, 1932) xii-257 pp. Pernicone biograph.

Clement Orth (American Conventual, 1899-), The Approbation of Religious Institutes, (CUA doctoral diss. 71, 1931) 161 pp.

Eugene Dooley (American Oblate, 1901-), Church Law on Sacred Relics, (CUA doctoral diss. 70, 1931) ix-131 pp.


 John Donohue (American priest, 1897-), The Impediment of Crime, (CUA doctoral diss. 69, 1931) viii-98 pp.


Donald Gregory (American priest, 1903-), The Pauline Privilege, (CUA doctoral diss. 68, 1931) xi-150 pp.

Joseph Cox (American priest, 1903-), The Administration of Seminaries, (CUA doctoral diss. 67, 1931) vi-115 pp.

Angelo Campagna (Italian/American priest, 1904-), Il Vicario Generale del Vescovo, (CUA doctoral diss. 66, 1931) vii-192 pp.


 Raymond Ryder (American priest, 1904-), Simony, (CUA doctoral diss. 65, 1931) ix-140 pp.


James Roberts (American priest, 1906-), The Banns of Marriage, (CUA doctoral diss. 64, 1931) xiv-128 pp. Review: J. Graneris, Apollinaris 5 (1932) 124.

Wolfgang Frey (American Benedictine, 1903-1983), The Act of Religious Profession, (CUA doctoral diss. 63, 1931) viii-162 pp.

Luis Angulo Martínez (Spanish religious, 1896-), Legislation de la Iglesia sobre la intencion en la application de la Santa Misa, (CUA doctoral diss. 62, 1931) vii-96 pp.

Michael Kremer (American priest, 1898-1959), Church Support in the United States, (CUA doctoral diss. 61, 1930) vi-131 pp. Review: P. Bastien, Ius Pontificium 11 (1931) 94.

John Costello (American priest, 1903-), Domicile and Quasi-Domicile, (CUA doctoral diss. 60, 1930) vii-196 pp. Review: A. Teeaert, Ius Pontificium 10 (1930) 220-221.

William Ferry (American priest, 1903-), Stole Fees, (CUA doctoral diss. 59, 1930) viii-102 pp. Reviews: P. Bastien, Ius Pontificium 11 (1931) 93; J. Graneris, Apollinaris 4 (1931) 589.

Clement Bastnagel (American priest, 1896-1970), The Appointment of Parochial Adjutants and Assistants, (CUA doctoral diss. 58, 1930) xv-250 pp. Reviews: P. Bastien, Ius Pontificium 11 (1931) 245; J. Graneris, Apollinaris 4 (1931) 589. Note: For a brief tribute to Bastnagel see F. McManus, "Clement V. Bastnagel (1896-1970)"in Jurist 30 (1970) iii-iv.

William O'Neill (American priest, 1900-), Papal Rescripts of Favor, (CUA doctoral diss. 57, 1930) vii-213 pp. Reviews: A. Teetaert, Ius Pontificium 10 (1930) 223-224; J. Graneris, Apollinaris 4 (1931) 589.

Edward Conran (American priest, 1903-), The Interdict, (CUA doctoral diss. 56, 1930) v-157 pp. Review: A. Teetaert, Ius Pontificium 10 (1930) 218-219.

Raymond Kearney (American priest, 1902-1956), The Principles of Delegation, (CUA doctoral diss. 55, 1929) 144 pp. Kearney biograph.

Sidney Turner (American Passionist, 1899-), The Vow of Poverty, (CUA doctoral diss. 54, 1929) xxxiv-217 pp.


Thomas Kay (American priest, 1902-), Competence in Matrimonial Procedure, (CUA doctoral diss. 53, 1929) viii-159 pp.

John Coady (American priest, 1894-), The Appointment of Pastors, (CUA doctoral diss. 52, 1929) viii-143 pp.


Francis Schenk (American priest, 1901-1969), The Matrimonial Impediments of Mixed Religion and Disparity of Cult, (CUA doctoral diss. 51, 1929) xvi-306 pp. Reviews: A. Darmanin, Ius Pontificium 9 (1929) 343-344; H. Cicognani, Apollinaris 3 (1930) 640.

Gerald Reinmann (American Conventual, 1902-), The Third Order Secular of Saint Francis, (CUA doctoral diss. 50, 1928) 195 pp.

Francis Hyland (American priest, 1901-1968), Excommunication, Its Nature, Historical Development and Effects, (CUA doctoral diss. 49, 1928) viii-175 pp.

John Duskie (American priest, 1897-1990), The Canonical Status of the Orientals in the United States, (CUA doctoral diss. 48, 1928) viii-189 pp.

Johannes Zaplotnik (Slovenian/American priest, 1883-1978), De Vicariis Foraneis, (CUA doctoral diss. 47, 1927) 138 pp.



  Joseph Quigley (American priest, 1900-), Condemned Societies, (CUA doctoral diss. 46, 1927) 133 pp.


Gerald O'Keefe (American priest, 1900-), Matrimonial Dispensations, Powers of Bishops, Priests and Confessors, (CUA doctoral diss. 45, 1927) viii-227 pp. Review: H. Cicognani in Apollinaris 1 (1928) 308 and 429.


 Nicholas Neuberger (American priest, 1897-), Canon 6 or the Relation of the Codex Juris Canonici to the Preceding Legislation, (CUA doctoral diss. 44, 1927) v-89 pp.


James Kelly (American priest, 1901-), The Jurisdiction of the Simple Confessor, (CUA doctoral diss. 43, 1927) x-202 pp. Reviews: P. Bastien in Ius Pontificium 9 (1929) 80; H. Cicognani, Apollinaris 4 (1931) 149.


Aloysius Feldhaus (American religious, 1896-1963), Oratories, (CUA doctoral diss. 42, 1927) ix-135 pp.


William Doheny (American Holy Cross, 1898-1982), Church Property: Modes of Acquisition, (CUA doctoral diss. 41, 1927) x-112 pp. Reviews: A. Bondini, Ius Pontificium 7 (1927) 110; H. Cicognani, Apollinaris 1 (1928) 308 and 429. Note: On the place of Doheny in canonistics, see Lawrence Wrenn, "In diebus illis: Some canonical giants in days of yore", Studia Canonica 35 (2001) 485-514, at 508-511.


William Cavanaugh (American Passionist, 1899-), The Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament, (CUA doctoral diss. 40, 1927) vii-95 pp.


Brendan Brown (American layman, 1898-1982), The Canonical Juristic Personality with Special Reference to its Status in the United States of America, (CUA doctoral diss. 39, 1927) v-206 pp. Summary by B. Brown at Jurist 1 (1941) 60-73, 125-133.


Nicholas Bliley (American Benedictine, 1893-1943), Altars According to the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 38, 1927) xix-126 pp. Review: J. Hickey, Apollinaris 2 (1929) 88.


Lawrence Pizzuti (American Franciscan, 1895-1977), De Parochis Religiosis, (CUA doctoral diss. 37, Not published).

Richardus Bakalarczyk (Polish religious, 1895-), De Novitiatu, (CUA doctoral diss. 36, 1927) xiii-198 pp.


Edward Roelker (American priest, 1897-1957), Principles of Privilege According to the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 35, 1926) xi-158 pp.


Newton Miller (American priest, 1899-), Founded Masses According to the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 34, 1926) vii-85 pp.


Robert McCormick (American priest, 1901-1960), Confessors of Religious, (CUA doctoral diss. 33, 1926) viii-254 pp.


Adrian Kilker (American priest, 1901-), Extreme Unction, (CUA doctoral diss. 32, 1926) 425 pp.


Chester Bartlett (American priest, 1891-), The Tenure of Parochial Property in the United States of America, (CUA doctoral diss. 31, 1926) iii-103 pp.


Richard Kearney (American priest, 1896-), Sponsors at Baptism According to the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 30, 1925) 119 pp.


Cyrillus Piontek (Polish/American Franciscan, 1881-), De Indulto Exclaustrationis necnon Saecularizationis, (CUA doctoral diss. 29, 1925) xix-287 pp. Review:"Y", Ius Pontificium 5 (1924) 167-168.


John Paschang (American priest, 1895-1999), The Sacramentals According to the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 28, 1925) 121 pp. Review:"Y", Ius Pontificium 5 (1924) 166-167.


Charles Keller (American priest, 1898-) Mass Stipends, (CUA doctoral diss. 27, 1925) 168 pp. Monograph, Mass Stipends (Herder, 1926) 198 pp. Review:"Y", Ius Pontificium 5 (1925) 108-109.


Henry Dugan (American priest, 1889-1957), The Judiciary Department of the Diocesan Curia, (CUA doctoral diss. 26, 1925).


Jose Servelion Correa (Mexican priest, 1867-), La Potestad Legislativa de la Iglesia Catolica, (CUA doctoral diss. 25, 1925) 121 pp.


Francis Winslow (American Maryknoll, 1896-), Vicars and Prefects Apostolic, (CUA doctoral diss. 24, 1924) iv-141 pp.


James King (American priest, 1895-), The Administration of the Sacraments to Dying Non-Catholics, (CUA doctoral diss. 23, 1924) v-133 pp.


Francis Hagedorn (American priest, 1897-1981), General Legislation on Indulgences, (CUA doctoral diss. 22, 1924) ii-147 pp.


John Godfrey (American priest, ≈), The Right of Patronage According to the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 21, 1924) 147 pp.


Edward Dargin (American priest, 1898-1981), Reserved Cases According to the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 20, 1924) 98 pp. Dargin biograph.


Wenceslas Michalicka (American Benedictine, 1894-1982) Judicial Procedure in Dismissal of Clerical Exempt Religious, (CUA doctoral diss. 19, 1923) 100 pp.


John O'Reilly (Canadian priest, 1899-), Ecclesiastical Sepulture in the New Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 18, 1923) ii-122 pp. Text Googlebooks pp. 1-30 only.


  George Murphy (American priest, 1891-), Delinquencies and Penalties in the Administration and the Reception of the Sacraments, (CUA doctoral diss. 17, 1923) 111 pp.


Hubert Motry (American priest, 1884-1952), Diocesan Faculties According to the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 16, 1922) 160 pp. Text IA-American Lib. Googlebooks.


George Leech (American priest, 1890-1985), A Comparative Study of the Constitution Apostolicae Sedis and the Codex Juris Canonici, (CUA doctoral diss. 15, 1922) 174 pp. Text GoogleBooks.


Thomas Burke (American priest, 1894-), Competence in Ecclesiastical Tribunals, (CUA doctoral diss. 14, 1922) 109 pp. Text Googlebooks.


Valentine Schaaf (American Franciscan, 1883-1946), The Cloister, (CUA doctoral diss. 13, 1921) 185 pp. Text Googlebooks. Notes: On the place of Schaff in canonistics see anon. "In memoriam", Jurist 7 (1947) 1.


Antonius Melo (Cuban religious, 1889-), De Exemptione Regularium, (CUA doctoral diss. 12, 1921) 187 pp. Text Googlebooks.


Charles Koudelka (American priest, 1894-1957), Pastors, Their Rights and Duties According to the New Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 11, 1921) 202 pp. Text IA-American Lib. Googlebooks.


Henry Golden (American priest, 1896-), Parochial Benefices in the New Code, (CUA doctoral diss. 10, 1921 [1925]) 112 pp.


 • Francis Wanenmacher (American priest, 1859-), The Evidence in Ecclesiastical Procedure Affecting the Marriage Bond, (CUA doctoral diss. 9, 1920 [1935]) 412 pp. Monograph, Canonical Evidence in Marriage Cases (Dolphin, 1935) 412 pp. Review: A. Darmain, Ius Pontificium 16 (1936) 128.



Peter Klekotka (American priest, 1895-1974), Diocesan Consultors, (CUA doctoral diss. 8, 1920) 173 pp. Text Googlebooks.


John Hickey (American priest, 1920-2004), Irregularities and Simple Impediments in the New Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 7, 1920) 95 pp.


Joseph Petrovits (Hungarian/American priest, 1886-1963), The New Church Law on Matrimony, (CUA doctoral diss. 6, 1919) x-465 pp. IA-American Lib. Googlebooks. Monograph, The New Church Law on Matrimony (McVey, 1921) 458 pp.


William Kubelbeck (American priest, 1883-1962), The Sacred Penitentiaria and Its Relation to Faculties of Ordinaries and Priests, (CUA doctoral diss. 5, 1918) 124 pp. Text IA-American Lib. Googlebooks.


Cayo Castillo (Mexican priest, ≈), Disertación Historico-Canonica sobre la Potestad del Cabildo en Sede Vacante o Impedida del Vicario Capitular, (CUA doctoral diss. 4, 1919) 90 pp.


Aurelius Borkowski (Polish religious, 1888-), De Confraternitatibus Ecclesiasticis, (CUA doctoral diss. 3, 1918) 130 pp. Text Googlebooks.


Daniel Galliher (American Dominican, 1883-1961), Canonical Elections, (CUA doctoral diss. 2, 1917) 112 pp. Text IA-American Lib. Googlebooks.


Celestine Freriks (American religious, 1876-1959), Religious Congregations in Their External Relations, (CUA doctoral diss. 1, 1916) 120 pp. Text IA-American Lib. Googlebooks. &


Licentiate Theses

James Kruc, “Canon 604: Historical overview and canonical analysis of consecrated virginity”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 2008) vi-57 pp. &

Jason Gray, “The causes and proofs in the removal of a pastor”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 2006). Abstract and/or thesis, here.

Robert Herbst, "Legal provisions for evangelical poverty in the Order of Friars Minor Conventual (1206-2004)", (CUA licentiate thesis, 2002) iii-66 pp.

Benedict Nguyen, "The establishment and administration of Catholic cemeteries in the Diocese of La Crosse", (CUA licentiate thesis, 2002) vi-60 pp.

Deborah Barton, “Canon 766 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law: its evolution and present implications”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Gerald Bombardier, “A canonical study of rights to health care coverage for suspended priests of the Diocese of Burlington”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Pierre Bougie, “Les autorités du séminarie d’après trois documents du 16e siècle”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

David Brum, “Lay christian faithful as members of canonically-established consultative bodies”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Steven Callahan, “Canonical considerations on the requirement to confirm immediately children of catechetical age who are baptized or received into the Church”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

William Carnago, “The marriages of catholics and muslims: issues of concern”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Mark Condon, “The diocesan bishop as moderator of liturgical life: an examination of the influence of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council on Canon 835 § 1 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Joseph Dass, “'Bonum coniugum' as the end and essential element of marriage”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Fernando Gil, “The form of marriage in the Code of Canon Law and the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Francis Horn, “A canonical study of the ownership of the property of Malvern Preparatory School”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Robert Hyde, “The vacant see in canon law: pertinent canonical issues”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Gary Janak, “The formation of the permanent deacon: a historical-canonical analysis and its application in the Diocese of Victoria, Texas”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Donald Levan, “’Communion of Life’ and simulation: a comparison of the 1917 Code Canon 1086 § 2 and 1983 Code Canon 1101 § 2”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995). bis.

John Mahoney, “The canonical regulation of the restored catechumenate in the national statutes of the United States”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Gerard Mesure, “Access to the diocesan archives”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

George Pisanello, “The Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri: selected canonical issues”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Christine Rody, “Three associate member groups of congregations of women religious as associations of the christian faithful”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Paschal Scotti, “The times of fasting in the early Church”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Richard Shewman, “The diocesan bishop and pastoral care for victims of child sexual abuse by clergy”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Gregory Smith, “The diocesan synod: an instrument of communion and mission in the particular Church”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Scott Stroupe, “Professional unions of Church employees: an examination of Canons 215 and 278”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Alfred Sutherland, “The canonization proceedings of Saint Yves, patron of lawyers (c. 1248-1303)”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Gavin Vaverek, “The rights of baptized non-catholics in the rites of christian initiation of adults”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Kenneth York, “Reputation as found in the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).

Thomas Barley, “Faculties given to a priest by the law in danger of death cases”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

David Berberian, “The role of the pontifical legate in the selection of bishops in the postconciliar period”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Elizabeth Butler, “Psychological incapacity for marriage and the survivor of incest”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Donald Downey, “The retirement of diocesan priests”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Robert Emery, “Clerical sexual misconduct with minors: the responsibilities of the diocesan bishop and the canonical rights of the accused”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Mariano Gonzalez, “Relationship between the diocesan bishop and religious institutes of pontifical right in the exercise of the apostolate according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Edward Grimes, “The teaching of canon law and the pastoral formation of future priests, with special reference to the United States”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Eugene Hallahan, “A comparison between the 1917 Code of Canon Law and the 1983 Code of Canon Law on the removal of pastors”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Christian Howe, “A canonical analysis of part III of directives on formation in religious institutes in the light of the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Ronald Krisman, “Current legislation of the latin church concerning the place of reservation of the most holy Eucharist”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Robert McCann, “Remuneration and honest sustenance for clerics in twentieth-century canon law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Lynn McKenzie, “A new approach to the classification of religious institutes—the 1977 Schema and subsequent legal developments especially in light of responses from various english speaking countries”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

The Nguyen, “The traditional role of parents or guardians in vietnamese marriages and canonical freedom of consent”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Alexander Palmieri, “Qualifications for sponsors for baptism and confirmation from the 1917 Code of Canon Law to the present”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994). bis.

John Paul, “The diocesan pastoral council”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Peter Polando, “The right and obligation of the layperson to lead Sunday celebrations in the absence of an ordained minister”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

J. Reynolds, “Illegitimacy: a comparison of its meaning and its effects in the 1917 and 1983 Codes”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

John Reynolds, “Implementation of Canon 1297 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Edward Roden-Lucero, “A canonical evaluation of parish-based community organizing”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

H. Small, “Investigation of the moral and civil legal dimensions of the ‘natural obligations’ of Canon 1071 §1 n. 3”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Michael Souckar, “The articulation of the principle of subsidiarity in the Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium with special reference to eastern catholic patriarchal churches ‘sui iuris’”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Nancy Stevens, “Job security for lay employees when the diocese designates itself an at will employer”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Joseph Strickland, “The duty of the christian faithful to promote priestly vocations: an analysis of the development of Canon 233”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Catherine Strohfeld, “A canonical analysis of Canon 631”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Andrew Vacccari, “The promotion of ‘communio’ by the Roman Pontiff through the exercise of his teaching office”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Joseph Wajda, “’Due process’ in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis: a historical and analytic study”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1994).

Thomas Arnao, “HIV testing and admission to the diocesan major seminary”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

  Mark Campbell, “Pastoral care for mixed marriages: canonical prescriptions and practice from the 1917 code through Matrimonia mixta”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

Thomas Cronkleton, “The liturgical dimension of a sacrament as reflected in the canonical form of marriage”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

James Ferguson, “The provisions of the 1983 Code for priestly fraternity”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

Richard Filary, “Canonical concerns about the right to marry of persons with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

Richard Francesco, “The parish as a community of the christian faithful: implications for lay involvement in selected canons”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

Matthew Huber, “Pastoral administrator of a parish according to Canon 517 § 2: implementation in dioceses of region XII”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

Kurt Kemo, “Canonical analysis of parish council norms for the Diocese of Steubenville”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

Richard Kosisko, “The first teachers: the role of christian parents according to the Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

John Lon, “Indonesian bishops’ conference and priestly formation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

Gary Luiz, “An analysis of the constitutions of the Society of the Precious Blood, a society of apostolic life, in the light of Canons 731-746 of the Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

Tomas Marin “The canonical status of catholic hospitals in the Archdiocese of Miami”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

David McCarthy, “The influence of the Second Vatican Council on the exceptions to the ordinary canonical form of marriage”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

Joseph McGrath, “The qualities of a judge in church courts”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

Robert Meyer, “The director of religious education in parishes in the USA: rights, responsibilities, and relationships”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

Daniel Murray, “A canonical evaluation of college seminaries as presented in the Program of Priestly Formation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

James O’Connor, “The cathedral and collegiate chapters of canons: their organization and responsibilities in the liturgy”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

Pauline Smith, “Selected canonical issues involved in establishing the Sisters of Mercy in Papua New Guinea as a separate congregation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

Laurence Spiteri, “Concordat provisions for the selection of bishops in Portugal and Austria in light of the 1917 and the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

Reginald Whitt, “Personal particular churches in the antepreparatory stage of the Second Vatican Council”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).

Christian Armstrong, “Two texts on tradition in Gratian”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

Philip Behan, “The ‘litterae commendatitiae’ of Canon 903”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

John Brown, “The evolution of the pre-nuptial promises in mixed marriages from the 1917 Code to the new Code”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

 Thomas Brundage, “The promoter of justice under the 1983 Code”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

Brian Burns, “The exercise of the power of governance by non-ordained members of the Order of Friars Minor”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

Francis Cancro, “Requisites for those admitted to orders”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

Patricia Gibson, “The moderator of the curia in diocesan governance: the Chicago experience”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

Joseph Grimaldi, “The role of pastors of souls in catholic education: a comparative study of the 1983 Code in light of Vatican II and post-conciliar documents”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

Paul Herbert, “The proposed marriage preparation guidelines of the Archdiocese of Washington D. C. in the light of the 1983 Code”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

John Hesch, “The requirement of residence for pastors: the 1983 Code of Canon Law in light of its historical antecedents”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

John List, “An assessment of the practice of confidentiality in the Province of Louisville in light of the development of the norms on secrecy and disclosure”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

Michael McDermott, “The minister of the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: a canonical analysis”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

Robert Meyers, “The competence of bishops’ conferences in the Praenotanda of the Rite of Penance and the Rites of Ordination”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

Michael Minehan, “The nature of the Sacrament of Marriage according to the Latin and Eastern Codes”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

Joseph Morrell, “Penal discretion in the 1917 and 1983 Codes: an examination of selected canons”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

Robert Morrissey, “Abortion and the excommunication of Canon 1398 in the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

James Pereda, “The selection of bishops in Spain since 1941”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

James Ryan, “The order of acolyte in Corpus Iuris Canonici”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

Warren Soule, “Clerical immunity and the Becket dispute: two decretists traditions”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).


Michael Sullivan, “The effects of suspension upon selected rights and obligations of a diocesan priest”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

William Vouk, “Concelebration: development from the 1917 Code through the 1983 Code”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

John Ward, “A comparative study of the impediments to marriage of the canon law of the latin rite of the Roman Catholic Church and the law of the state of Maryland’”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

Philip Wilson, “The medieval antecedents of the canonical doctrine of equity in the Summa Aurea of Hostiensis”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

Ronald Wolf, “Clerical sexual misconduct: analysis of selected rights of clergy in light of some diocesan policy statements”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1992).

Paige Blakely, “The notion of ‘presbyterium’ in Vatican II: canonical implications”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Jeffrey Blangiardi, “The use of select papal titles in canon law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

George Brubaker, “A Church called to serve: a canonical evaluation of the pastoral plan for the diocese of Wilmington”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Rodney Copp, “De causis ad amotionem parochorum requisitis”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Rudolfo Delgado, “The impediment of consanguinity in the 1983 Code”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Joseph Dieckhaus, “The eucharistic fast and frequent communion in the West: a canonical and liturgical perspective”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Scott Duarte, “The origin, development, and constitutive elements of Canon 384: the diocesan bishop’s special solicitude for presbyters”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

William Finnegan, “Canon 1087: orders as a diriment impediment to marriage as applied to a widower permanent deacon”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Emmett Gavin, “Vatican implementation of Nostra aetate 4: structures and initiatives, 1965-1990”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Bryan Gray, “The ecclesial dimension of the sacrament of penance: a canonical inquiry”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Lawrence Jozwiak, “Marriage encounter as a private association of the Christian faithful”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Steven Leger, “The role of the pastor in the area of catechetics: a comparison of the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Patricia McGreevy, “The involvement of diocesan consultative structures in pastoral planning”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Stephen Meriwether, “Use of the name ‘catholic’ according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law: Canons 216, 300, 803 § 3, and 808”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

 Kenneth Morvant, “The acquisition and transfer of membership in an autonomous Church”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Mark Nolette, “Who are the ‘baptized’ of Canon 1055 § 2?”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Bruce Piechocki, “The contemporary discussion of ‘latae sententiae’ penalties”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

William Rathgeb, “Pastoral care of university students”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Douglas Stamp, “The role of the vicar for religious: a canonical investigation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Margaret Sullivan, “The possible effect of borderline personality disorder on matrimonial consent”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Robert Trupia, “The inclusion of the clause ‘In re vel saltem in voto ad salutem necessarius” in Canon 849”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

William Vohsing, “Defection by formal act: searching for the meaning of a new canonical institute”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1991).

Philip Acquaro, “The rights and obligations of patriarchs in conciliar legislation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990). Eastern law.

Carlotta Bartone, “Enclosure in non-contemplative religious institutes in the light of Vatican II: an analysis of Canon 667 § 1”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).

Benyamin Bria, “The competence of bishops in ecumenism in light of Canons 383 § 3 and 755 § 2 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).

John Dermond, ”Canon 1095 n. 2: lack of discretion of judgment in rotal decisions under the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).

Thomas Hofmann, “Alternative forms of pastoral leadership and the power of governance: Canon 517 § 2 and developing practice”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).

Stephen Kain, ”The diocesan bishop and confidential information concerning religious being assigned to an external apostolate”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).

Lucy Lee, ”The contribution of lay people towards preparation of marriage: commentary on Canons 1063 and 1064’, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).

Paul Litwin, “An analysis of the phrase ‘baptizati in Ecclesia catholica’ in Canon 11 as a juridical determinant of the obligation to merely ecclesiastical laws”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).

Kevin Lynch, “The advocate in formal marriage annulment trials: the 1983 Code in light of post-conciliar developments”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990) .

John Mannion, “A comparative study of episcopal conference statutes and by-laws”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).

Mary Masson, “Canonical parameters of the vow of obedience for religious”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).

Jeanne McNally, “Advice and consent in the governance of institutes of consecrated life”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).
Joseph Mulqueen, “The military chaplain as pastor”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).

Mary Powers, “The possibility of inter-community novitiates in relation to the requirements of Canons 647, 648 and 649 in the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).

Robie Robichaux, “Canonical considerations of the Eucharist as a completion of the initiatory prodess”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).

Stephen Roszel, “The dissolution of marriage in favor of the faith according to the 1973 norms Ut notum est”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).

Sally Tolles, “The diocesan synod: some areas of potential particular legislation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).

Robert Williams, “Competence for the remission of penalties according to Canon 1354”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1990).

Mark Bartchak, “A canonical analysis of the provision for seminarians to preach in the diocese of Erie”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Margaret Basteyns, “Canon 517 § 2 and the lay pastoral administrator: some canonical considerations”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

William Cleary, “The pastor’s canonical responsibility for marriage”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Catherine Darcy, “The right to spiritual assistance: analysis and implementation of Canon 213 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Larry Droll, “Remuneration of the laity in church employment: Canons 231 and 1286”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Michael Fitzgerald, “The sacramental seal of confession in the Corpus Iuris Canonici”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Michael Foster, “The sacred in relation to a church building: a canonical evaluation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Francis Gaffney, “The New Jersey common policy on marriage preparation in the light of the 1983 Code and in light of selected common policies of United States dioceses”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Robert Garrity, “Canon 846 § 1 and the limits of personal accommodation in the celebration of the Eucharist”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Donald Gilbert, “The possible lack of due discretion of adult children of alcoholics under canon 1095 n. 2”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Michael Henchal, “Sunday assemblies in the absence of a priest”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

William King, “The implications of Canon 1286 for the canonical protection of employee rights in Pennsylvania”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Michael Knipe, “Canon 915 and the exclusion of divorced and remarried Catholics from reception of the Eucharist”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Daniel Liston, “Cases of ‘urgent necessity’ in sacramental sharing: Canon 844 §§ 3 and 4”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Sandra Makowski, “A canonical analysis of ‘nomine Ecclesiae’ in the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Francis Malone, “The authority of the local bishop to dispense from requirements for ordination to the priesthood”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Scott Marczuk, “The use of ‘salus animarum est suprema lex’ as a principle for the interpretation of canon law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Edwin Mercado, “The temporary transfer of clerics: Canon 271”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Theresa Monroe, “An analysis of canonical aspects of constitutional history of the Society of the Sacred Heart”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Michael Nolan, “Clearly invalidating laws in the new Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Terence Nolan, “The development of the law on mixed marriages from the 1917 Code to the 1983 Code”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Margaret Romano, “Recent jurisprudence and the future of ‘bonum prolis’”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Steve Rosera, “Infant confirmation in the archdiocese of Santa Fe: a study in customary law in the 1983 Code”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Michael Servinsky, “A study of simulation in Canon 1101 in light of recent british authors and jurisprudence”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

James Shiffer, “The canonical responsibility of the diocesan bishop for missionary activity: Canons 782, 790, 791”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Margaret Stallmeyer, “Canon 590 § 2: an analysis of the text and the value it upholds”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

Gabino Zavala, “A canonical analysis of the personal prelature Opus Dei”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1989).

John Bell, “Decree of ratification: nature and purpose”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Ireneusz Borawski, “Incardination and excardination of clerics in the light of the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Rita Brennan, “The interpretation and ecumenical implications of Canons 844 § 2 and 844 § 3”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

William Duggan, “A comparison between Canons 2278-2285 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law and Canons 1333-1335 of the 1983 revised Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988). bis.

Esther Dunegan, “Qualified lay persons as capable of assuming various ecclesiastical offices and functions: Canon 228 § 1 and its implementation throughout the Code in specific areas of diocesan governance”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Frederick Feusahrens, “The implications of a developmental psychology system upon an understanding of the canonical sense of the ‘age of discretion’”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Stephen Frost, “Pastoral care of the diocesan bishop for the migrant (Canon 383 § 1)”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Joanne Graham, “Canon 615: 'Monasterium sui iuris' and the special vigilance of the diocesan bishop”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Terence Grant, “Social justice in the 1983 Code of Canon Law: an examination of selected canons”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Michael LeFevre, “An analysis in theology and law: an evaluation of canonical requirements for marriage preparation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Kenneth Lohrmeyer, “Collaborative parochial ministry according to canon 517 § 2”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Douglas Mathers, “Canonization of civil law in the 1983 Code of Canon Law according to Canon 22”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Siobhan O’Toole [Verbeek], “Conditional conferral in the administration of sacraments: from incentive to reticence”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Theodore Olson, “Parish council guidelines: elements for a critical evaluation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Edward Peters, “Preliminary procedural considerations in the application of ecclesiastical penalties”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Vincent Rigdon, “The military ordinariate of the United States in the new Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

James Riley, “Gratian on the magisterium”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Patrick Shea, “Exclaustration of religious in the new Code: an analysis of Canons 686-687”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Richard Shoda, “Membership in the Church and the reception of Communion: a comparison of the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Phairojana Somngam, “The promises required for a dispensation from the impediment of disparity of cult”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Herman van Golde, “Law of Grace: the theological foundations of canon law according to Hans Dumbois in his work Das Recht Der Gnade”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Dennis Wagner, “The defender of the bond: a principle of accountability”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Waldia Warden, “The concept of sponsorship: the relationship between the founding/sponsoring body and the institution”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988).

Jack Anderson, “Incorporation through Baptism: a canonical analysis of Canons 96 and 204 §1 in the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Virginia Bartolac, “The canonical condition of a member of a secular institute”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Mary Byron, “Transfer of religious: a comparative study of the 1917 Code and the 1983 Code”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Brian Clough, “The development of the principles and norms for sacramental sharing during the Second Vatican Council”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Mary Conroy, “The New York Times ad: a canonical analysis”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Dale Coulombe, “Conditional matrimonial consent in the 1983 code of canon law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Craig Cox, “An evaluation of matrimonial trials of nullity: a study in theology and law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Benedict DeSocio, “The infra-universal legislation of churches “sui iuris” in the proposed Code of Eastern Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Gerard Fitzsimmons, “Canon 517 § 2: parish ministry without priests?”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Robert Gibbons, “Florida’s common law corporation sole: an historical, civil law, and canon law analysis”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Eugene Hayes, “The rightful autonomy of institutes of consecrated life: an investigation of Canon 586”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Gerard Herbert, “The denial of ecclesiastical burial”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Peter Lauzon, “The tribunal prohibition: law and practice in the ecclesiastical province of Louisville”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Timothy Lynch, “The canonical foundation for the marriage preparation guidelines of the dioceses of Florida in light of the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

David Masello, “The right of the mentally handicapped to the sacraments of initiation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Aquinas McComb, “The role of the homily and the 1983 code of canon law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

John McIntyre, “The use of custom in Gratian”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Carl Morrison, “The recipient of the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: a canonical study of the development from the Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law (1917) to the revised Code of Canon Law (1983)”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

David O’Connell, “The appointment and removal of teachers in Catholic universities according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law: an analysis of canon 810 § 1”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Mark Pautler, “The impediment of ligamen in multiple marriages”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Stephen Pedone, “'Ipso facto' dismissal from a religious institute: analysis of Canon 694”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

David Perkin, “A comparative analysis of the 1971 and 1984 editions of permanent deacons in the U.S.: guidelines of their formation and ministry”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Thomas Power, “‘Latae sententiae’ penalties in the 1917 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Charles Rowland, “The responsibility of a diocese for the actions of its priests’ sexual misconduct: canonical implications”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Richard Ryan, “Criteria for judging the validity of clandestine marriages in the Corpus Iuris Canonicii: the distinction between marriage and concubinage”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Philip Scarcella, “Pope Benedict XIV’s De servorum Dei beatificatione et beatorum canonizatione: a study on canonical principles and procedures”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Peter Smith, “The status of a presbyter who is no longer a cleric”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Timothy Thompson, “The sacrament of Confirmation and age: the legal issue”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Manuel Viera, “Religious in diocesan ecclesiastical office: analysis of Canon 682 §§ 1, 2”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Hormis Vithayathil, “Contract between diocesan bishops and missionary institutes: an analysis and commentary on Canon 790 § 1, 2 in a historical and doctrinal context”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

David Zwifka, “The canonical status of catechumens in the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1987).

Lucy Blyskal, “Ordinary ecclesiastical magisterium in Canons 752 and 753 of the 1983 Code”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Norman Bolduc, “The interpretation of law: a study in the thought of Emilio Betti”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Edward Buelt, “The conference of bishops in the revised Code of the Canon Law: Canons 447-459”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

John Cella, “A study of the concept of a clerical institute from the 1917 Code to the 1983 Code”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Brendan Considine, “The relevance of the law of California to preparing a marriage in the Roman Catholic Church”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

John Courville, “An analysis of Canon 667 § 3 and a canonical analysis of Venite seorsum”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Lawrence DiNardo, “The notion of witnesses and the probative force of their testimony in marriage nullity cases: a comparison of the 1917 and 1983 Codes”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Joseph Egan, “The juridical nature of poverty in the Capuchin order: sources and legislation of the Constitutions of 1529”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Sharon Euart, “A canonical analysis of “Essential Elements” in light of the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Mary Glynn, “’Religiosi habitum instituti deferant’: an investigation of Canon 669”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Dennis Grabrian, “Paul VI: understanding the role of canon law and the person and task of the canon lawyer”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

James Gurzynski, “Canon 281 § 3: a study concerning the ‘sustentatio’ and ‘remuneratio’ of permanent deacons in the 1983 Codex Iuris Canonici”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Mark Hession, “The relationship of values and norms: an analysis of personal freedom in law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Larry Kirby, “Sanctuary: the right of asylum in the Corpus Iuris Canonici”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Jerome Kopec, “The teaching office of the pastor: a comparison of the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Jerome Martinez y Alire, “Cultural adaptation of the liturgy: legal notion and competent authority”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Thomas McGlynn, “The deferral of infant baptism: canonical and pastoral considerations”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Albert McGoldrick, “Confidentiality of tribunal acts: the civil law implications in the U.S.A. of Canon 1598 § 1”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Bruce Miller, “The concept of juridic personality antecedent to the 1917 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Thomas Moran, “Canon 1095 n. 3 and the post-traumatic stress disorder”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

 Dale Nau, “Henry VIII’s “Great Matter”: a synopsis of the arguments for the divorce”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Louis Naughton, “Irregularities and impediments prior to ordination: a comparative analysis of the 1917 and 1983 Codes”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Daniel Pilon, “The pre-marriage guidelines of Diocese of Fargo in the light of the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Richard Piontkowski, “The current canonical status of Roman Catholic hospital chaplains”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Maurizio Piscolla, “The sacramental legislation in the Synod of Mount Lebanon of 1736”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Bill Pruett, “Conciliarism in Nicholas of Cusa”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Thomas Rodi, “A comparison of the form of marriage required by the canon law of the Roman Catholic Church and the civil law of the state of Louisiana”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

David Ross, “The diocesan synod: a comparative analysis of the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986). bis.

Christopher Ruggles, “The authority of the local bishop in relationship to his seminarians”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Joseph Salerno, “The approbation of catechisms in the 1983 Code”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

William Schardt, “Procedural capacity in marriage nullity cases: developments in the revised Code of Canon Law”,

Michael Schleupner, “College of consultors: a comparative analysis of the 1917 and 1983 Codes”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Bryan Sherry, “Parents and the ‘munus sanctificandi’ in Canon 835 § 4 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Paul Shikany, “The rationale for Mass stipends: a comparative analysis of the 1917 Code and 1983 Code”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Paul Stefanko, “Interdiocesan tribunals in the United States”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Paul Theroux, “The consultation of diocesan bishops and religious superiors according to Canon 678 § 3 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).

Maryrita Wieners, “Toward a canonical definition of the lay person: development from the 1917 Code of Canon Law through the Second Vatican Council”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1986).


Note: Several CUA licentiate theses were listed in both the 1985 and the 1984 annual Jurist compilations. Such doubly-entered works have been assigned herein to 1984.

Raymond Backes, "The effects of 'dolus' on juridic acts in the 1917 Code and the 1983 Code", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

Claudia Barbre, "Clerics in public office: a comparison of the 1917 and 1983 Codes", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

Patrick Brennan, "Development in the juridical understanding of marriage and its implication for the impediment of impotence", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

Michael Carragher, "The office of prior provincial in the proper law of the Order of Preachers, "(CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

Patrick Cogan, "The law of intercommunion: Vatican II and the Code of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

Timothy Davern, "The authority of the state over marriages of the baptized in light of the Second Vatican Council Declaration Dignitas humanae", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

Tammy Edgerly-Dowd, "A study of the requisite knowledge for marriage: a comparison between the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

William Elder, "Catholic universities in the new Code of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

James Flaherty, "The development of general absolution from the Ordo (1973) to the revised Code (1983)", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

Curt Frederick, "The enhanced role of the laity in the Church's salvific mission: its implications for the office of pastor in the 'munus sanctifcandi'", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

Robert Hemberger, "Consultation in the 1983 Code of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

Edward Hinds, "Presbyters' participation in the ecclesial decision-making: the council of priests as an institutional expression of hierarchic communion and participation in diocesan governance", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

Armando Martinez, "A study of the difference of error of quality between the 1917 Code of Canon Law and the 1983 Code of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

Paul McInerny, "The canonical requirement of common life for religious in the 1983 Code of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

Mark Plewka, "The office of the 'officialis' in the Corpus Iuris Canonci", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

Catherine Raymond, "The insertion of lay, non-exempt institutes of pontifical right into the functioning of the local Church according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

Ann Rehrauer, "The institute of Extreme Unction in the 1917 Code and Anointing of the Sick in the 1983 Code", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985). bis

Charles Reid, "Clerical participation in warfare: a canonical survey from Pseudo-Isidore to Joannes Teutonicus", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

John Robertson, "The minister of Confirmation in the Latin Church: a comparison of the 1917 Code of Canon Law and the 1983 Code of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

Audrey Straub, "Religious vows: a comparison of the simple and solemn [vow] in the 1917 Code with the public perpetual vow in the 1983 Code", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

John Sullivan, "De his qui aborsum procurant quaeritur an iudicentur homicidae vel non: the crime of abortion in the Corpus Iuris Canonici", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

John Vaugh, "The vicar general in the 1983 Code of Canon Law compared to the 1917 Code of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1985).

John Amos, "The mental health required for entering the major seminary", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Joseph Atado, "Marriage customs among the Igbos of Nigeria and the canon law of marriage", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Charles Balvo, "Toward more effective administration of ecclesiastical goods: the diocesan financial council and the diocesan finance officer", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Gerald Barbarito, "The canonical significance of the antecedence of sacramental confession to children's first Communion", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Arthur Bendixen, "Hispanic ministry in the contemporary parish", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Paul Bouchard, "The bishop as 'authentic teacher': a study of the competence of the diocesan bishop in the area of catechesis according to the 1983 Codex Iuris Canonici in light of the Second Vatican Council and post-conciliar developments", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Marie Breitenbeck, "Canon 1095 n. 3: grounds of invalidity as emergent from delayed adult developmental theories of the human person", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

James Burke, "Canonical legislation governing the renovation of church buildings", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Frank Del Prete, "The nature and elements of a priestly vocation: an analysis of legislation concerning vocations from the 1917 Code of Canon Law to the 1983 Code", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Joseph Egan, "The judicial nature of poverty in the Capuchin order: sources and legislation of the constitutions of 1529", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Patrick Frawley, "The episcopal audience as the forerunner of ecclesiastical tribunals", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Bobby Hajovsky, "Marriage preparation and pastoral care: a comparison between the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Edward Hankiewicz, "The form of marriage in the revised Code of Canon Law, Canons 1108-1123, 1127: brief historical review and comparison with previous legislation", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Walter Hurley, "Episcopal visitation of the diocese", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

William Kulas, "Historical summary of legislation on holydays for the Latin Church up to the Pio-Benedictine Code", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Edward Kurtyka, "The predecessor of the vicar forane", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Richard Lyons, "The permanent diaconate: a commentary on its development from the end of the Second Vatican Council to the 1983 Codex Iuris Canonici", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

George May, "The presumption of fitness to marry: from Roman law to the 1917 Code of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Amadeus McKevitt, "The canons on alienation in Book V of the 1983 Code of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Lawrence McInerny, "Bishop John England's constitution for the diocese of Charleston", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Gilbert Piette, "An analysis of the canonical administration of temporal goods on the diocesan level in the light of the three management theories", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Nancy Reynolds, "A comparison of the specific juridic status of women in the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Thomas Sutton, "The stability of the pastoral office", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Joseph Sweat, "The law on marriage instruction and its application in the United States from the 1917 Code to the present, "(CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

John Viglianti, "The prohibition against the bearing of arms by clerics: an historical-canonical survey of the tradition of the Church up to the Decretum of Gratian", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

David Walkowiak, "The secretariat system in the diocese of Cleveland: a canonical analysis of selected issues", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

James Walsh, "The expert-judge relationship: a legal-historical survey of pre-Code development from 1840, the 1917 Code of Canon Law and the instruction Provida Mater of 1936", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Donald Webber, "Confessional faculties: a comparison study of the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Gregory Wielunski, "The canonical-historical evolution of the ministries of lector and acolyte", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Stephen Zigrang, "The simple convalidation of marriage: texts, analysis, and commentary on the canons of the 1917 and 1983 Codes of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1984).

Edward Arnister, “The personal role of the bishop as preacher: canonical legislation from Trent to Vatican Council II”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

  Ricardo Bass, “Consultative bodies within the diocese involving lay participation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

John Beal, “Toward discretionary justice in the Church: a study of the applicability in canon law of an American law model for confining, structuring, and checking administrative decisions”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Rita-Mae Bissonnette, “An analysis of the qualifications of tribunal personnel according to the 1917 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Jose Carillo, “The diversification of hierarchic approbation of religious institutes”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Gerald Chylko, “The procedures for the laicization of priests, 1917-1983”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

William Connell, “Coadjutor and auxiliary bishops”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).


Barbara Anne Cusack, “The acceptance of married men into priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church: the Anglican cleric, nineteenth century and today”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

William Dohman, “A juridic status for small Christian communities in the U.S.: the ‘mission’ parish”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Michael Gutsell, “The reform of penitential observance according to Paenitemini”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Lynn Jarrell, “Shaping a charism into a religious institute: Angela Merici’s contribution to the law of the Church”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

David Kay, “Exemption in Vatican Council II and subsequent legislation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Donald Kettler, “A canonical study of shortage of priests”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Daniel Krettek, “The call to holiness and spiritual obligations of priests in the Code of Canon Law and Presbyterorum ordinis: a comparative study”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

 Louis Marini, “The apostolic delegate: his role in ecclesiastical law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Herbert May, “A canonical investigation of racial parishes and its application to the Diocese of Lafayette, Louisiana 1917-1978”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Jeremiah McCarthy, “The ‘Vita communis’ of the secular clergy from the 1917 Code to the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

John O’Neill, “The preparation of marriage cases involving Pauline Privilege”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Lawrence Perisco, “The law of celibacy for the Ukrainian and Ruthenian Churches in the United States: a historical development”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Ann Prew-Winters, “The role of Christian parents in the Church’s teaching mission according to the 1980 Schema in light of Vatican II and post-Conciliar teaching”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Philip Reifenberg, “The NCCB document On Due Process in light of the 1983 Codex Iuris Canonici”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Thomas Snodgrass, “Cardinals: a textual analysis of changing legislation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Dermott Verley, “Lay pastoral activity in the perspective of Lumen gentium”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Robert Wehage, “The canonical mission for teaching: Article 27 of the apostolic constitution Sapientia Christiana”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Paul Wienhoff, “The celibacy of deacons”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).

Robert Ahlin, "Parish councils: a forum for laity to express their opinion in the Church", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Michael Balhoff, "The catechumenal examinations before 313 AD", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Richard Bauhoff, "Male impotence: general reflections and a contemporary discussion of the requirement of 'verum semen' for male potency", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Richard Burke, "The bishop's role in the preaching ministry according to Gratian's Decretum', (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Michael Chamberlain, "The rationale for ecclesiastical penal law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Peter Colasurdo, "A canonical study of the theological formation of priests in the light of Optatum totius", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Brian Cormier, "Canon 1012 § 2: a reformable canonico-dogmatic proposition", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Donald Frugé, "The taxation practice of bishops in the United States", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Robert Hospodar, "Liturgical latinization in the Ruthenian Catholic Church 1596-1702: a study of canonico-historical documents", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Michael King, "Liturgical adaptation in the western Church prior to the Second Vatican Council", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Joseph Koury, "The constitution of Canon 1125: historical study", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Paul Loverde, "The principle of consultation as it applies to the procedures for the appointment of pastors from the 1917 Code to the post-conciliar era", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Martin McGuill, "Marriage and the transfer of rite in the context of post-conciliar change", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Patrick McSherry, "Wine as sacramental matter in the use of unfermented grape juice", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Augustine Mringi, "Small Christian communities in eastern Africa: canonical implication", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Michael Rosswurm, "The separation canons revisited, " (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Joseph Sadusky, "The necessity and nature of the respondent's involvement in formal cases of matrimonial nullity of first instance as seen in the 1917 Code and the 1936 instruction Provida Mater", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Rosemary Smith, "The right of lay employees to form labor unions", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).


 • John Weber, "'Impossibility' in Roman law as it affects contracts", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).

Ralph Adair, “The significance of territory in the structuring of the parish”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

Cecelia Bennett, “Mixed marriages in the US: A study of the U.S. implementing statement on mixed marriages”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

Anthony Capitani, “Alcoholism as grounds for nullity: a comparison of Rotal decisions and American canonical jurisprudence”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

Stephen Churchwell, “The canonical treatment of epileptic ministers in the western Church up to the time of Gratian and Decretists”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

Michael Cote, “‘Cura animarum’ according to Vatican II”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

Cornelius Davin, “The role of the diocesan bishop in the Decretum of Burchard of Worms”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

James Donlon, "Priestly migration: basis in recent statements of the Magisterium and the law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

Thomas Franciscus, “The personal prelature: an apostolic possibility for migrant farmworkers in the United States”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

Anne Fulwiler, “Transfer and readmittance in non-clerical institutes of simple vows”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

Richard Groves, “General absolution: an historical-canonical reflection on the state of the question”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

John Huels, “The interpretation of liturgical law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981). John Huels, “The interpretation of liturgical law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

John Lahey, “Canon 1517 [of the 1917 Code]: an historical commentary”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

Margaret Lawler, "Temporary probation in the Code of Canon Law and in Vatican II and post-Conciliar documents”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

Elizabeth McDonough, "The concept of Law in the Summa Theologica of Antoninus of Florence”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

Joseph Melito, “Talmudic law of procedures: canonical implications”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

Dennis Morrow, “The archives of the local Church: canonical and professional developments”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

Joseph Perry, “The denial of ecclesiastical burial: an update since the [1917] Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

Leonard Pivonka, “The problem of schismatics and membership in the Church in the Decretum of Gratian”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

Elissa Rinere, “Authorization for lay preaching in the Church”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

William Sullivan, “The judicial role of the bishop”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

George Trabold, “The non-reiteration of Baptism”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).

David Barry, “Religious liberty and taxation in the history of Virginia and Massachusetts”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1979-1980).

Herman Burger, “The canonical legislation on indulgences from the [1917] Code of Canon Law to the apostolic constitution Doctrina indulgentiarum”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1979-1980).

Michael Cariglio, “Eucharistic discipline and the Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1979-1980).

Edmund Daly, “Substantial error: a synopsis of the recent debate”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1979-1980).

Joseph Donnelly, “Condemnation of secret societies in the Irish plenary synods: 1850-1900”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1979-1980).

Joseph Fox, “The personal prelature: an institute of the Second Vatican Council”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1979-1980).

Marilyn Gohs, “The role of the council in the government structure of religious life”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1979-1980).

Alan McCormack, “The form of marriage among the Orthodox as understood by the Latin Church since the Reformation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1979-1980).

Andrew Murray, “Understanding [1917 Code] Canon 1021 § 2: Confirmation as part of the canonical preparation for marriage”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1979-1980).

Ellen O’Hara, “Present norms and guidelines concerning the apostolate of religious in the non-exempt institutes of pontifical right in the local church”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1979-1980).

John Oosterman, “Validity of orders in Peter Damian’s Liber gratissimus” (CUA licentiate thesis, 1979-1980).

Leslie Sachs, “Thomas Cranmer and the reform of English canon law in the reign of King Edward VI”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1979-1980).

Edward Scharfenberger, “The effect of personality disorders on the validity of marriage”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1979-1980).

Stanley Teixeira, “Accountability relative to the office of pastor in Codex Iuris Canonici”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1979-1980).


Robert Carlson, “The mission of the diocesan priest to preach in light of the Second Vatican Council”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1978-1979).

James Carr, “Competence in marriage nullity cases: ecclesiastical legislation from the [1917] Codex to the proposed schema De processibus”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1978-1979).

Arthur Espelage, “‘Potestas’ and provincial ministers in the Orders of Friars Minor before 1274”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1978-1979).

Richard Lelonis, “The presence of the ordained ministers at marriage”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1978-1979).

Daniel Murray, “Legislation on diocesan consultors to the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore: an historical investigation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1978-1979).

Michael Newman, “Continuing education of priests: an historical-canonical study of the universal law and its implementation in the United States during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1978-1979).

William Paul, “Sponsors in Baptism and Confirmation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1978-1979).

John Proctor, “Mental retardation and capacity for matrimonial consent”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1978-1979).

 Dennis Schnurr, “The ‘quamprimum’ of infant baptism”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1978-1979).

Brian Sparkman, “The Psalmist in the Decretum of Gratian”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1978-1979).

Michael Thorton, “The 1917 Constitution and the conflict between Church and State in Mexico in 1926”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1978-1979).


Mary Ann Andrews, “The vow of poverty and federal tax legislation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).

Joan Banach, “The right to privacy: implications of the American civil law of privacy for admission policies of seminaries and religious communities”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).

Robert Bishop, “The law governing digamous marriages in the first eight centuries of the Byzantine Church”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).

Robert Cunningham, “Team ministry: canonical and theological reflections”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).

Justin Der, “Legislation affecting non-clerical friars of the Franciscan Order: 1208-1528”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).

  Robert Fitzpatrick, “The Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura: present competence, procedures, and jurisprudence”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).


John Foley, “Ecclesiastical practice regarding presumption of death and right to marry”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978 or 1978-1979).


Patricia Green, “The Third Order Dominican Sisters of the Congregation of Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Catherine, Kentucky: their life and their constitutions 1822-1969”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).

Michael Hippee, “Participation of the laity in the teaching structure of the Church: Code of Canon Law and Vatican Council II”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).

John Johnson, “The presumption of malice aforethought”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).

Michael Joyce, “The common life of the secular clergy from the third century to the Council of Trent”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).

Thomas Klinzing, “Canonical aspects of American adolescent marriage”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).

Stephen Leehy, “An historical study of developments in the question of ‘communicatio in sacris’ between Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).

Gerald Lynch, “Inseparability of contract and sacrament in marriage: views of twentieth century authors”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1978-1979 or 1977-1978).

James Parizek, “Canonical changes of procedures in the administrative removal and transfer of pastors since Maxima cura 1910”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).


Donald Plammondon, “The meaning of ecclesiastical office in the [1917] Code and Presbyterorum ordinis”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).

John Sekellick, “An evaluation of the transfer of rites”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).

Charles Torpey, “The juridic value of testimony of parties in marriage nullity cases”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).

Thomas Vesbit, “The restoration of the rights and privileges of the Oriental patriarchs by the Second Vatican Council”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).

William Wolfe, “The mind of Gratian concerning the ownership and administration of Church property”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).


Michael Callahan, “‘Restitutio in integrum’, its history and use as an equitable remedy”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977).

Carol Cifatte, “Procedures for the dismissal of clerical non-exempt and lay religious in perpetual vows”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977).

Michael Connolly, “Structure of communication in the Constitutions of the Jesuits”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977).

Stephen Cribari, “Moral certitude and prevailing weight of evidence: American Procedural Norm 21”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977).

James Hinnen, “Priests senates”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977).

Jospeh Janicki, “Limited term of office for pastors”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977).

Geoffrey King, “The acceptance of law by the community: a study in the writings of canonists and theologians, 1500-1750”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977).

Emil Labbé, “A canonical study of the pastoral formation of priestly candidates from the Council of Trent through the promulgation of the Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977).

Rose McDermott, “Two rules of poverty: the administration of property in the Society of Jesus”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977).

Donat McDonagh, “A review and analysis of ecclesiological foundations and canonical implications of selected magisterial statements pertaining to the issue of ‘communicatio in sacris’ from Pope Leo XIII through the Second Vatican Council”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977).

Mary Olheiser, “From autonomy to federations: an historical survey of constitutional development in Benedictine monasteries with a case history of modern federation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977).

Joseph Pokusa, “The archdeacon’s office and functions in the Decretals of Gregory IX”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977).

Royce Thomas, “Taxation of Church property”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977).

Robert Thrasher, “Canon 1014: history, contemporary analysis, and criticism”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977).

Dennis Volmi, “The local ordinary’s power over exempt religious from the Codex Iuris Canonici to De Institutis Perfections”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977).


Norman Bauer, “The rite of admission to candidacy to the diaconate and the presbyterate: a canonical and pastoral study”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1976).

Ronald Bowers, “The jurisdiction of the local ordinary in relation to the papacy: a commentary on Canon 329”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1976).

William Charnoki, “The prior censorship of books from the Code of Canon Law to Decree De Ecclesiae pastorum vigilantia circa libros, March 19, 1975”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1976).

Anthony Diacetis, “The reform of procedural laws in formal matrimonial cases in the light of the pastoral imperatives of the Second Vatican Council”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1976).

John Hornick, “Conjugal love and valid marriage: the essentiality of conjugal love for a valid marriage according to Canon 1013 § 1, Vatican II, and some post Vatican II Rotal decisions”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1976).

Thomas McGing, “The laws and norms for the selection of bishops applicable in the United States from 1916 to the present: the role of the Holy See, bishops priest, and lay people”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1976).

Eldon McKamy, “Modern development in the ‘cautiones’”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1976).

Stephen Meyer, “The development of the permanent diaconate from its restoration at the Second Vatican Council to its implementation in the Archdiocese of Louisville”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1976).

Margaret Modde, “Canonical and pastoral aspects of suppression and unification of communities of women religious in the United States of America”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1976).

John Myers, “The qualifications of clergy for the office of pastor”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1976).

William Reinecke, “The introduction of certain elements of Anglo-American ‘Due Process’ into the administrative life of the Church in the United States”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1976).

Myles Smith, “The liturgical blessing of an abbot in the western Church: an historical-canonical study”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1976).

  Robert Smith, “A canonical study of the twentieth-century development of the Petrine Privilege in view of the Scriptural privilege of I Corinth. 7:10-16 and the papal constitution of Canon 1125”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1976).

Terence Tierney, “The adversary dimension in annulment procedure”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1976).

Francis Walsh, “The canonical age for marriage”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1976).


James Grant, “The relationship between the bishop and the canons: a study of the cathedral chapter in the Decretum of Gratian and in the decretists”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1975).

Bonaventura Hanson, “Authority and obedience in the Vatican II documents for religious”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1975).

Todd Hevia, “Moral impotence as a canonical matrimonial disability: juristic origin and concept”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1975).

Daniel Hoye, “History of the selection of bishops in the United States, 1789-1884: a canonical perspective”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1975).

Sidney Marxeaux, “The diocesan pastoral council: conciliar and post-conciliar development of its competence and composition”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1975).

Samuel Shoemaker, “Ecclesial decision-making and the laity”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1975).

Aidan Walsh, “The right of assembly of religious women as exemplified in the appearance of sisters councils”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1975).

Judith Barnhiser, “A study of the structure of the general chapter of three, nineteenth-century diocesan communities of women religious in the United States”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1974).


John Folmer, “The dispute between the bishop and chapter of Lincoln concerning pastoral visitation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1974).

Philip Gerlach, “The shepherding role of the pastor in the Code of Canon Law as compared with the documents of Vatican II”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1974).

Michael Higgins, “The Anointing of the Sick from the Council of Trent to the Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1974).

Robert Lawrence, “Membership and accompanying responsibilities in non-territorial parishes in the United States”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1974).

Joel Lecuivre, “The historical development of the restoration of the permanent diaconate in the United States”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1974).

John Logan, “The authority of an abbot: its development in early western legislation”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1974).

  Robert Miller, The Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office: origin, concept, and development of its competency”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1974).

Walter Paska, “Sources of common law in the Ukrainian Catholic Church: 988-1891: a survey”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1974).

Lucy Vásquez, “An evaluation of the treatment of the novitiate in the instruction Renovationis causam”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1974).

Daniel Ward, “Present canonical visitations of the American Cassinese Confederation: an appraisal”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1974).

Robert Wolk, “Due discretion and the obligation of orders”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1974).

David Bailey, “Penitential legislation and practice in the Decretum Gratiani”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1973).

Richard Funke, “Cremation: religious and canonical implications”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1972).

Vincent Grogan, “A comparative study of the proposals submitted to the ante-preparatory commission on religious life of the Second Vatican Council and the canonical doctrine on religious life from the Second Vatican Council to 1972”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1972).

James Jarumbo, “The age of Confirmation: a historical-canonical study”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1972).

Edward Wright, “Consultation and consent in decision making in the Church in episcopal government under the Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1973).

Daniel Foley, “The Synod of Bishops: its development in the documents of the Second Vatican Council”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1972).

Francis Nelson, “The Anointing of the Sick in western legislation and practice up to the Council of Trent”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1972).

William Van De Kreeke, “The ends of marriage: new thinking in the light of the second council of the Vatican”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1972).

John Owen, “The local bishop’s authority over personal parishes in the light of Vatican Council II”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1972).


Thomas Bauerfeind, "The source of the bishop's jurisdiction: an historical survey of canonical mission", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1971).


Richard Cunningham, "The law on celibacy of the Council of Trent", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1971).


Edward Dillon, "Western conciliar legislation on divorce and remarriage prior to the Gregorian reform", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1971).


Raymond Kutner, "The development and structure of the episcopal conference", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1971).

Michael Morrissey, "Pastoral practice and diocesan planning", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1971).


Duaine Pamment, "The Church's authority over the sacrament of Marriage: conciliar debates at Trent", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1971).


Richard Ryan, "The authority of the residential bishop to dispense in the common ecclesiastical law from the eleventh to to the sixteenth centuries: an historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1971).


Thomas Stocker, "The ends of marriage: a comparison of the ccll with the personalist doctrines", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1971).


Martin Susko, "Clerical status in the fourth century", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1971).


Carlos Jiménez-Van Derdys, "El concilio provincial de Santo Domingo (1622)", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1970).


Mason Knox, "Akyros Cheirotonia in early canon law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1970).


Bernard Konda, "Vatican II discussion: canonical form for Catholic-Orthodox Marriages", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1970).


Virgil Lobring, The natural law in the canonical tradition of the twelfth century", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1970).


Joseph Penna, "Episcopal vicar", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1970).


James Auth, "The necessity of integrity in the sacrament of Penance", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1969).


Cástor Fernández, "The seminary faculty: role, qualities, and function", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1969).


Thomas Harrington, "Major developments in canonical jurisprudence in regard to the effect of error upon matrimonial consent", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1969).


Joseph Hayden, "Diocesan Pastoral Councils", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1969).


John Henegan, "The translation of bishops: a study of the canonical sources from the primitive Church to the Council of Trent", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1969).


Clara Henning, "Court procedure for marriage cases of nullity and the renewal of Pope Benedict XIV", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1969).


Robert Kampine, "Celibacy in the Hildebrandian reform", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1969).


Roger Labrecque, "Re-baptism: origin and early development", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1969).


Peter Larkin, "The relationship of religious to the local ordinary", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1969).


  Seamus O'Connor, "The structure of a post-conciliar diocesan synod in the United States of America", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1969).


Daniel Scheetz, "The distribution of the clergy in the light of Vatican II", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1969).


Raymond Blair, "Ecclesiastical laws in the Theodosian Code", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1968).


Gerald Chleborad, "The elements of Roman law in canonical judicial procedure", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1968).


George Cronin, "Monetary penalties in the Decretum Gratiani", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1968).


Roger Grundhaus, "The individual's right to information in the Church: the development of papal thought from Leo XIII to the present", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1968).


Raymond Misulich, "The foundation and juridic status of the Eparchies of Pittsburgh and Passaic", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1968).


Raymond Nishigaya, "The performance of the Divine Office in the Church (Canon 2256)", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1968).


Paul O'Connell, "The parish: an historical evaluation prior to the Second Vatican Council", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1968).


Amédée Proulx, "The ends of marriage and their relative importance: a historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1968).


Dean Walz, "The juridical status of the senate of priests", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1968).


Angel Berrios, "Baptism in the Decree of Gratian and the Decretals of Gregory IX: a historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


Ralph Besendorfer, The valid and licit assistance at interritual marriage in the uss", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


Mason Borgman, "The common life and its service to the Church in the writings of St. Augustine", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


Oscar Camonot, "Religious instruction in the Philippines: a historical study", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


Jose Casanas Medina, "The development of the concept of community in the religious state up to the time of St. Basil", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


Vincent Doyle, "The pre-nuptial promises in mixed marriage: a historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


Donald Espen, "The two schools: Sabinians and Proculians: an historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


Noel Foley, "The canonical competence of episcopal conferences: an historical analysis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


Joseph George, "The principle of subsidiarity with special reference to its role in papal-episcopal relations in the light of Lumen gentium: a general introduction", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


Edward Gilbert, "Redemptorist exemption: a historical survey", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


James Hertel, "The legal implications of the decree of Vatican II Apostolicam actuositatem: an historical survey of the mission of the people of God", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


Thomas Hubin, "The causes of divorce in the sources of Roman law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


Harry Jerome, "Equity in the Greek, Roman, and canonical traditions: a historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


Gerard Kelly, "The age of reason: a historical synopsis of Roman private law and ecclesiastical law up to the thirteenth century", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


Walter Kelly, "The obligation of reverence and obedience of clerics to their ordinary in light of contemporary theory and ecclesiastical practice", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


William O'Neill, "The origin and development of mass stipends in the Church: a historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


Richard Reissmann, "A canonical history of sacred music", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


Gary Steibel, "The lot of the Jews in the Middle Ages as reflected in Distinction Forty-Five, Canons Three and Five of Gratian's Decree", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


James Vennetti, The 'litis contestatio' in canonical trials'", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


John Zemanick, "Canon 1380: an historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1967).


Maurice Amen, "The suppletory norm of Canon 20: an historical investigation", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1966).


George Brossard, "Ecclesiastical taxation: a historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1966).


Declan Daly, "The Sacred Congregation of the Council before the reforms of 1908: an historical study," (CUA licentiate thesis, 1966).


John Donoghue, "The standing of an excommunicate in an ecclesiastical trial: a historical dissertation", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1966).


Thomas Dupré, "Historical antecedents of the summary procedure of Canons 1990-1992", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1966).

George Graham, "Synodal and pro-synodal judges: historical background", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1966).


Lucien Hendren, "The status of the laity in the Church: their rights and duties according to Canon 87 and the constitution Lumen gentium", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1966).


James Hoffman, "Civil office for clerics: a historical study", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1966).


James Kinnane, "Episcopal jurisdiction over the communications media: an historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1966).


Joseph Rebman, "The constitutive elements of crime: an historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1966).


Charles Schettler, "Postulation by ecclesiastical bodies: an historical survey", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1966).


Martin Semple, "The obligation of the divine office in Latin and Oriental Churches: an historical survey", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1966).


John Skvorak, "A history of associations of the faithful, the sodality in particular", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1966).


Carolo Warnholtz, "De doctrina et jurisprudentia circa simulationem consensus matrimonialis in legislatione canonica mediaevali: inquisitio historioco-juridica", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1966).


Vincent Coleman, "Personal presumptions in judicial procedure", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1965).


Philip Kendall, "The canonical academic curriculum in the major seminary: an historical conspectus before the Council of Trent", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1965).


 Charles Koch, "Customs contrary to the written law: a historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1965).


John McSweeney, "Canonical superintendence and administration in temporalities: a historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1965).


Harmon Skillin, "Concelebration in the Code of Canon Law: a historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1965).


Francis Touhy, "The granting of dispensations from matrimonial impediments according to the motu proprio Crebrae allatae: an historical study", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1965).


John Barker, "Marriage laws in the Novels of Justinian", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


Augustin Barragan, "Estado de los clerigos ante la legislacion mexicana", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


John Buckley, "The use of the writings of Saint Augustine by canonical collections up to the 'Decretum Gratiani'", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


Jerome Caponi, "The rector of the seminary", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


James Connor, "Christ, St. Peter and the fallen priest: an historical study of the 53rd and 54th chapters of Gratian's Fiftieth distinction", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


 Thomas Donovan, "The development of the institute of the cathedraticum: an historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


Thomas Dougherty, "The vicar general of the episcopal ordinary: an historical survey", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


Luis Jaramillo, "The Bulla Cruciata in the United States", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


Lawrence Kozlowski, "Ecclesiastical legislation on publishers: and historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


Henri Larroque, "The rejection of witnesses and their testimony", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


 William Martin, 'Custom' in the first four centuries of the Church", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


Timothy Murphy, "The Peace and Truce of God", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


James Murray, "The canonical effects of illegitimacy", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


Bosco Piskula, "The triple examination of women candidates to religious life: an historical survey", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


Germaine Rademacher, "The use of 'tempus continuuum' and 'tempus utile' in Roman law and decretal law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


Cyprian Rosen, The 'Quaestionis Mercuriales' of Johannes Andreae: an introductory story", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


Philip Traynor, "Affinity in the Byzantine Church", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


Oscar Carlson, "Influence of Christianity on Roman law: an historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963).


Peter Fleming, "The convoking of an ecumenical council as 'causa maior' in the Corpus Iuris Canonici and a synoptic history of the state of Minnesota", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963). =


John Hedderman, "Tithing in the Corpus Iuris Canonici", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963).


Herculano Izquierdo, "Nomination of bishops in present day concordats", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963).


Joseph Kramis, "The notion of 'res sacra' in the Code of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963).


  Albert Kretschmer, "The confraternity of the Most Blessed Sacrament according to Canon 711 § 2", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963).


Gerard Mahoney, "The academic curriculum in minor seminaries: an historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963).


Maurice McCormick, "The summary process of Canons 1990-1992: historical study including the Council of Trent", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963).


Harvey McIntyre, "Licit clerical cohabitation in the Corpus Iuris Canonici and the Church of Washington with reference to the civil powers under which it developed", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963). =


John O'Connor, "The obligation of bishops concerning residence in the debates of the Council of Trent, December 4, 1545 to January 13, 1547", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963).


Benjamin Ortazón, "Extrinseca legis cessatio iuxta Canonem 22: historica synopsis" (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963). =language?


Armand Quiros, "Suppletory law by juridic analogy", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963).


Vincent Rizzotto, "The rights and duties of deacons in Code of Canon Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963).


Joseph Silva, "'Humanitas' and the Roman Law", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963).


John Smith, "The military ordinariate of the United States", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963).


William Sullivan, "Legislation concerning secret marriages as found in the Decree of Gratian and the Decretals of Gregory IX and the History of the State of Illinois", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963). =




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Faculty of Canon Law

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Last updated: 12 October 2017.


Notes: n.a.


Sources: n.a.


Doctoral Dissertations

Alessandro Gallotti (≈ priest, 1962-), Concessione e privazione delle esequie ecclesiastiche: analisi storica, giuridica e pastorale dei cann. 1183 e 1184 del CIC 1983, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2010) 456 pp.

Wojciech A. Łapczyński (Polish priest, ≈), The juridical status of 'fidei donum' priests: the Archdiocese of Lusaka in Zambia, an example of application, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2010) 266 pp.

Mathew Pagan Daniel Padiet (Sudanese priest, ≈), Nilotic customary marriage and its effects on the Churches in Sudan, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2010) 96 pp (part). Padiet biograph.

Claude Bikula Boliyela (≈, ≈), L'action missionnaire de l'Église et le canon 786: horizons théologiques, juridiques et pastorales pour les Églises particulières de la République Démocratique du Congo, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2009) 183 pp (part).

Innocent Mkwe Kimario (≈ priest, ≈), Aspects of autonomy in the Society of ‘The Apostolic Life Community of Priests in the Opus Spiritus Sancti’, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2009) xiv-256 pp.

Corentin Agde (≈ priest, 1966-), La certitude morale dans les procès canoniques de nullité matrimoniale (can. 1608): à la lumière du magistère de Pie XII a Benoît XVI et de la jurisprudence de la Rote romaine, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2009) vi-111 pp (part).

Oliveira Rosario (≈, ≈), Error about a quality of the person: Can. 1097 § 2 and its application in the recent rotal jurisprudence and the patriarchal tribunal of Goa and Daman, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2009) xii-188 pp.

Jacob Aruputhasamy (≈, 1971-), Fraternity and mutual cooperation among the clergy: juridical and pastoral study of canon 275 § 1 of CIC 1983, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2009) x-112 pp (part).

Le Ngoc Dung (Vietnamese priest, 1958-), The new concept of conjugal consummation in the 1983 Code, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2009) vii-226. Note: see also Le Ngoc Dung (Vietnamese priest, 1958-), L'atto coniugale, unitivo e procreativo nel matrimonio: una visuale storica, dottrinale e pastorale, (Lateran University theo diss., 2010) vi-131 pp (part).

Nguyen Van Manh (Vietnamese priest, 1955-), La parrocchia nella Chiesa comunione: l'applicazione alla Chiesa in Vietnam contrassegnata dalla tradizione culturale familiare, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2009) xvi-180 pp (part). Manh biograph.

Coraggio Vincenzo (≈, ≈), I pontifici consigli della curia romana: natura e prospettive, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2009) ix-100 pp (part).

Angèle Makiang (Cameroon religious, ≈), Le privilège paulin dans les situations pluriculturelles: le cas de l'Église du Nord-Cameroun, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2009) vi-413 pp.

Lebine Larbli Gilbert (≈, ≈), La problématique juridico-pastorale des divorcés remariés: essai d'actuation dans la pastorale du diocése de Dapaong au Togo, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2009) 306 pp.

Chen Hui (≈, ≈), La [successione] apostolica ministeriale: prospettive per la soluzione di alcune problematiche nel contesto ecclesiale della Cina, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2009) vi-256 pp.

Benjamin Fiiriter (Ghana priest, ≈), The temporal goods of the particular Church in the 1983 Code: acquisition, administration and alienation, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2009) viii-233 pp.

Lambert Niciteretse (Burundi priest, 1970-), La charge pastorale du curé et la coresponsabilité des fidèles en paroisse: essai d'application à l'Église du Burundi, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2008) viii-365 pp (part).

Joe Eric (≈, ≈), Il concetto della persona nello"Ius ecclesiae"alla luce del battesimo (Can. 96), (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2008) 106 pp (part).

Léonard Misenga Fuamba (Congolese priest, ≈), Conseil pour les affaires economiques dans une Église particulière: étude des canons 492 et 493/CIC 1983 et regard sur la question financière des Églises particulières de la République Démocratique du Congo, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2008) iv-233 (part).

Nelson Mwankemwa (≈, ≈), The diocesan finance committee according to the 1983 Code of canon law with special reference to the Church of Tanzania, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2008) xii-137 (part).

Alwyn Serrao (Indian priest, 1971-), Duties and rights of the parish priest in the removal and recourse, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2008) 330 pp.

Mathew Kallinkel (Indian priest, ≈), The erection of a parish as a juridic act, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2008) viii-88 pp (part).

João Maria Félix da Costa (Portuguese priest, 1949-), A lei portuguesa da separação do Estado das Igrejas de 20 de abril de 1911, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2008) 784 pp. Félix da Costabiograph.

Mathew Choondiyanickal (Indian priest, ≈), Mandatory AIDS testing as a prerequisite for marriage: a canonical investigation, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2008) viii-103 pp (part).

Emmanuel Patrisio Jada (Sudanese priest, 1961-), The pastoral ministry of the diocesan bishop, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2008) viii-112 pp (part). Jada biograph.

Paolo Rizzi (Italian priest, ≈), Il ruolo dei fedeli laici nella Chiesa: significativa applicazione nel ministero parrocchiale di mons. Luigi Dughera negli anni 1919-1955, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2008) 148 pp (part).

Jose Raphael (≈, ≈), I sacramenti dell'iniziazione cristiana nel CIC: applicazione nella Chiesa in India: (studio giuridico pastorale), (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2008) x-98 pp (part).

John Furgose (Indian priest, 1963-), Simulation of matrimonial consent caused by force and fear in the light of can. 1101 & can. 1103 in the context of arranged marriages in India, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2008) 112 pp (part).

Gargano Dario (≈, ≈), La sindrome di Klinefelter come causa di nullità matrimoniale, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2008) 69 pp (part).

Issa Hakop Artin Poladian (≈, ≈), Il waqf nel vicariato latino di Gerusalemme in Giordania: studio giuridico comparato in un'ottica pluriculturale, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2008) vi-170 pp (part).

Balcázar Balcázar Oscar (≈ priest, ≈), Aspectos actuales de la simulación del consentimiento matrimonial en torno al bonum prolis: generación responsable y fecundación asistida, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) vii-148 pp (part).

Mensah Raphael Boah (≈, ≈), A comparative study of impediments to marriage in the Code of canon law (1983) and Akan traditional marriage law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) ix-78 pp (part).

Kaname Peter Yasuhisa (≈, ≈), Il criterio della territorialità e la costituzione di una Chiesa particolare alla luce del fenomeno odierno della mobilità umana, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) 259 pp.

Aloyse Sene (Sénégal priest, ≈), La dimension juridique du consentement matrimonial, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) 144 pp (part)

Emmanuel Koné (≈, ≈), L'ignorance de la loi ecclésiastique et ses répercussions juridiques sur le fidèle, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) 231 pp (part).

Theodore Toppo (Indian priest, ≈), The laity and their apostolate in the life of the Church with reference to the Oraon Tribe of the archidiochese of Ranchi: (a juridical and pastoral study in the light of Canon 225), (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) xvii-205 pp (part).

Mariampillai Benedict Gnanaratnam (≈ priest, ≈), The marriages between Catholics and recent converts: the canonical and pastoral problems of simulation (in the context of Sri Lankan Church), (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) xiv-110 pp (part).

James Ndhlalambi Jindu (Zimbabwe priest, ≈), The notion of pastoral care in the parish, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) 74 pp (part).

Yawovi Jean Attila (Togolese priest, 1965-), Participation des fidèles aux besoins temporels de l'Église: étude théologico-juridique: (cas de l'Église du Togo), (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) 172 pp.

Yovko Genov Pishtiyski (≈ priest, ≈), Problematiche giuridiche e pastoriali dei matrimoni misti tra cattolici e ortodossi, in particolare in Bulgaria, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) 149 pp (part).

Vincent Cheruvathoor (Indian priest, ≈), Reconciliation and choice of grounds in the introduction of cases of nullity of marriage in the context of Syro-Malabar Church: an analysis of CCEO cc 1362 and CIC c. 1676, (Urbanianum diss., 2007) v-175 pp (part). Cheruvathoor biograph. bis.

Evaristus Chidiebere Ogbuagu (≈ priest, ≈), The relevance and application of due process to canonical penal trials: (a systematic and pastoral study), (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) xiii-248 pp (part).

Pietro De Punzio (Italian priest, 1951-), Il ruolo del laico negli organismi di partecipazione ecclesiale, in particolare parrocchiali: tra diritto e pastorale l'esperienza della diocesi di Brindisi-Ostuni, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) 90 pp (part).

Vincent Do Huy Hoang (≈, ≈), Les réflexions sur les droits de l'homme, sur les obligations et les droits de tous les fidèles selon le CIC de 1983, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2007) ix-110 pp (part).


 • Thomas Rajamanicam (Indian priest, 1969-), The apostolic signatura in the Church's ministry of justice, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) xvi-270 pp.

Patrick Caire (French Polynesian priest, ≈), La compétence normative des Conférences épiscopales (1983-2003): vingt ans de mise en oeuvre du canon 455, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) 176 pp (part).

Caterina Bruni (Italian laywoman, ≈), Condicio de futuro: (analisi del canone 1102 § 1, C.I.C.), (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) 151 pp (part).

Maoko Norbert Litonda (≈, ≈), Le conseil presbytéral comme organe de coresponsabilité dans le gouvernement de diocèse: perspectives canoniques pour le diocèse de Lolo, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) 163 pp (part).

Révocate Nizigiyimana (Burundi religious woman, ≈), La consécration religieuse et le patrimoine de l'Institut des Soeurs Servantes du Seigneur (Bene-Umukama) du Burundi, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) viii-229 pp (part).

Thomas Marek Brančík (≈ priest, ≈), The crime of abortion in canon law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) iv-130 pp.

Josè Ángel Leiva Baltazar (≈, ≈), El defecto de discreción de juicio a norma del canon 1095 n. 2, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) 86 pp (part).

Marek Szymanski (≈, ≈), L'età di ammissione ai sacramenti dell'iniziazione cristiana dalla Chiesa nascente fino alla normativa attuale, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) 197 pp (part).

Ionuţ Paul Strejac (Hungarian priest, 1976-), I fedeli greco-cattolici nei territori della Chiesa latina: realtà storico-giuridica nell'arcidiocesi di Bucarest (1814-1926), (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) 184 pp (part). Strejac biograph.

Joyee Koothur Vellattukara (Indian priest, ≈), Impact of culture on error determining the will: a study of canon 1099 in the context of cultural diversity, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) iv-203 pp (part).

Mambe Shamba Y'Okasa Paul (≈, ≈), Inculturation et evangelisation dans le Code, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) 275 pp.

Xavier Devasagayam (Indian priest, 1964-), Indissolubility as an essential property of marriage in recent rotal jurisprudence, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) 90 pp (part).

Vǎn Sỹ. Huynh (, ), Obbligo e diritto dei genitori all'educazione dei figli (can. 226 § 2) con particolare riferimento alla situazione in Vietnam, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) 142 pp (part).

Edward Ssekabanja Matovu (Ugandan priest, ≈), Obligation to a holy Christian life and the promotion of the growth of the Church: a study of canon 210, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) xiv-282 pp.

Oscar Thera (Mali priest, ≈), Les organismes dits ‘commissions’ ou ‘bureaux’ diocésains: quels fondements juridiques, quelles portées administratives et quelle insertion dans l'organisation interne du diocèse par rapport à la curie aux conseils diocésains?, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) xi-115 pp.

Yu-Chuan Paolo Liu (≈, ≈), La piena comunione con la Chiesa e le sue implicanze giuridiche nel CIC 1983, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) 116 pp (part).

Emílio Sumbelelo (Angolan priest, 1964-), A relevância jurídica das testemunhas comuns na forma de celebreção do matrimónio até ao decreto"Tametsi": estudo histórico-juridíco, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) 245 pp. Sumbelelo biograph.

Immacolata-Thuy Dao (≈ religious, ≈), The role of local superior in institutes of lay religious, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2006) 238 pp.

Francis Nelson Libera (Indian priest, ≈), 'Communicatio in sacris' e la sua applicazione nel contesto interecclesiale in India: (studio teologico-giuridico comparativo), (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2005) 102 pp (part).

Wimal Siri Jayasuriya (Sri Lankan priest, ), Canon law and Sri Lankan civil legislation on the dissolution of marriage: a comparative study towards pastoral care, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2005) 71 pp (in part).

Jean Étienne Ouedraogo (, ), Le choix et l'admission des candidats au sacerdoce eu égard aux qualités humaines: dispositions canoniques et perspectives pastorales, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2005) 82 pp (part)..

Enrico Adriano Rosa (Italian priest, ), Il Collegio dei consultori ed il Consiglio affari economici nel governo della diocesi, con particolare riferimento alle diocesi lombarde, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2005) 136 pp.

Dias José Francisco de Assis (Sri Lanka priest, ), Direitos humanos: fundamentação onto-teleológica dos direitos humanos, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2005) 461 pp.

Elias Frank (Indian priest, ), ‘Humano modo’ consummation of ratified marriage: a ground for dissolution or nullity?, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2005) viii-131 pp.

Opara Vincentia Uchechi (Nigerian religious, ), Matrimonial consent: an act of the will of the human person, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2005) vii-100 pp (part).

Nicoletta Prando (Italian laywoman, ), La necessità della fede nel matrimonio tra battezzati, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2005) xiii-294 pp.

Mubanda Kyaliki Constantin ( priest, ), La legislazione canonica sulla "Communicatio in sacris" nel dialogo interconfessionale: il caso dei matrimoni misti, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2004) 187 pp (part).

Gabriel Msuya (Tanzanian priest, ), One baptism: a historical-canonical and theological study with reference to the search for Christian unity, (Urbanianum Theology diss., 2004) ix-202 pp (part).

Philip Ntulama (Tanzanian priest, 1964-), The permission for a mixed marriage and the consequent obligations of the Catholic party: a juridical analysis of canons 1124-1125, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2004) 107 pp (part).

[Moses] Komela Avan (Timor priest, 1968-), The diocesan pastoral council: juridical principles and pastoral practice in the diocese of Samarinda - Indonesia, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2003) 131 pp (part). Avan biograph.

Matthew Amposah-Saamoa (Ghanan priest, 1962-), Episcopal conferences and their role in politics with a special reference to the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Ghana and Ghanaian politics since 1972: a study of the application of canon 447 of the 1983 Code of canon law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2003) xiii-80 pp.


  Samuel John Lawena (Tanzanian priest, ≈), Arbitration and conciliation prior to process: a convenient approach to resolve conflicts in the Church, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) iv-116 pp (part).

Anto Lazar Kaitharath ( priest, ), The autonomy and hierarchical dependence of religious institutes: according to the code of canon law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) xiii-213 pp.

Conrad Moyo Chibango (, ), Christian religious education of children as an essential finality of marriage and family - (cc. 1055 § 1, 1101 § 2, and 1136): with challenges in the church in Zimbabwe, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) viii-124 pp (part).

Joseph Mathias Francis (, ), Coerced marriages: juridical sources and valuation of their nullity, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) vii-158 pp (part).

Claudio Papale (Italian layman, ), Il concorso di persone nel diritto penale canonico, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) 92 pp.

John Jerry Issac (Indian priest, ), The free choice of the marital state of life as a fundamental right of the faithful: a juridical study with special reference to India, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) viii-127 pp (part).

Georges Kalenga Masuka (Congolese priest, ≈), Implantation et entracinement des églises d'Afrique et leurs structures hierarchiques à la lumière du droit canonique, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) xii-230 pp.

Benjamin Phiri (Zambian priest, 1959-), Loss of the clerical state in the religious and diocesan priesthood, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) vii-77 pp (part). Phiri biograph.

Patrick Mustapha Kabba (≈, ≈), Marriage and the family in the light of cann. 1055 and 1057, in comparison with the Liberian marriage law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) ix-189 pp (part).

Michael Didi Adgum Manguria (Sudanese priest, 1959-), Marriage as a covenant according to can. 1055, reflected in the moro culture of Sudan, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) ix-178 pp (part). Manguria biograph.

Gilbert Aranha (Indian priest, ≈), The mission of the family in the Church in the light of can. 226 § 1, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) ix-265 pp.

Firmin Gbagoua (Central African Republic priest, ≈), Les mouvements ecclesiaux: approche juridico-pastorale, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) iv-129 pp (part).

John William (≈, ≈), The nullity for exclusion of indissolubility in a marriage of which one party is a baptized non-catholic: (Cann. 1124-1127, 1101 § 2), (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) ≈ pp.

Andrew Amankwaa Mensah (Ghanan priest, ≈), The problematic of divorce: a dogmatic inquiry into the indissolubility of marriage, (Urbanianum Theology diss., 2002) viii-74 pp (part).

Respicius Rugemalira (Tanzanian priest, ≈), A ratified and consummated marriage in the light of canon law and Tanzanian law of marriage, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2002) ix-133 pp (part).

Alphonsus Tjatur Raharso (Indonesian priest, 1963-), La dimensione missionaria e comunionale del trasferimento dei chierici diocesani dalla propria diocesi ad un'altra secondo il caone 271 §§ 1-2, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2001) xii-236 pp.

Jean-Marie Kilumby Mayimby-Kil' (, ), Excommunication et communion avec l'Église catolique: (étude juridique et la condition canonique de l'excommunié), (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2001) viii-336 pp.

Yves-Achille D. Gogovor (≈, ≈), La formation sacerdotale comme response aux necessités pastorales: étude du canon 242 §1 et essai d'application au Togo, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2001) 150 pp (part).

José Augusto Ticaqui António (Mozambican priest, 1976-), Instituição de tribunais interdiocesanos em Moçambique (cann. 1423 e 1439): uma diligência jurídico-pastoral para as causas matrimoniais no contexto da"Salus animarum", sob dimensão metajurídica do can. 1752, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2001) 161 pp.

Albin Kouhon (Ivory Coast priest, ), La laïcité de l'État et le droit de liberté religieuse aujourd'hui: le dimensioni logologiche ed antropologiche della cristologia di A. Rosmini, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2001) v-306 pp. Kouhon biograph.

Mark Kadima (Kenyan priest, ), The minor seminary and similar institutions, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2001) xi-250 pp.

Denny Rochey A. Kuruppassery (≈ priest, ≈), The juridical aspects and the relevance of pastoral animation of mass media: according to CIC & CCEO with a special reference to Ecclesia in Asia, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2001) xxi-111 pp (part).

Sundar Rao Mallavarapu (Indian priest, ≈), Participation of the laity in the consultative bodies within the parish, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2001) v-126 pp.

Jean-Jacques Koffi oi Koffi (Ivory Coast priest, 1962-), Les sacrements de l'initiation chrétienne dans le Code de droit canonique (cann. 849-958) et dans le Code des canons des Eglises orientales (cann. 675-717): une étude comparative, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 2001) vi-151 pp. Koffi oi Koffi biograph.

Innaiah Govindu (Indian priest, ≈), The essential elements of marriage: a juridical analysis of canons 1055 §1 and 1191 § 2, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 211, 2001) xiv-242 pp (part).

Dominikus Gusti Bagus Kusumawanta (Indonesian priest, ≈), A juridical analysis of the 'Bonum coniugum' in a canonical marriage: (its significance for the pastoral care of families in the Indonesian church), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 210, 2001) xii-204 pp.

Nereus Tun Min (Myanmar priest, ≈), The diocesan bishop's concern for clerical celibacy in the light of canon 277 § 3: bishops of Myanmar and priestly celibacy, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 209, 2001) 154 pp (part).

Peter Moudie Zingari (≈, ≈), The ongoing formation of priests according to canon 279 and Pastores dabo vobis no. 71, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 208, 2001) vii-113 pp (part).

Massengo Mesmin-Prosper (Congolese priest, ≈), Les Sociétés de vie apostolique et la vie cosacrée: analyse du can. 731 et confrontation avec les Oblates de Brazzaville (Congo), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 207, 2001) xi-164 pp (part).

Raju Mathew Panackal (Indian religious, ≈), Missionary Societies of Apostolic Life: an answer to the Church's growing need of the time: a canonical perspective with special reference to the society of the Heralds of Good news, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 206, 2001) xi-116 pp (part).

Juma Mogaka Pancreasius (≈, ≈), The interpretation of ecclesiastical laws in the light of canon 17, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 205, 2001) 178 pp (part).

Francis Puthenthayil (Indian Vincentian, ≈), Societies of Apostolic Life: a comparative study based on Latin and Oriental Codes (with a special reference to the Congregation of Mission), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 204, 2001) viii-111 pp (part).


Urbanianum doctoral diss. 203


Jacques Danka Longa (Togolese priest, 1961-), Le droit et le devoir à l'objection de conscience dans l'Encyclique"Evangelium vitae", (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 202, 2001) 150 pp.


Urbanianum doctoral diss. 201

Grégoire Lissom (=, =), La"licentia transmigrandi"selon le canon 271 du C.I.C. de 1983, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 200, 2001) vi-164 pp (part).

Matthieu Akankossi (Benin priest, =), Le mariage, comme"consortium totius vitae"selon le can. 1055 §§ 1-2: son implication dans le contexte socioculturel du Bénin, après le Synode pour l'Afrique, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 199, 2001) viii-191 pp.

(Simone) You Kwang Gun (=, =), L'educazione al matrimonio nella Chiesa coreana: una ricerca di soluzioni a confronto con le situazioni di divorzio più frequenti, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 198, 2001) xvi-190 pp.

Babikanga Maina-Mato Marcien (Congolese priest, 1959-), De la coutume contraire au droit canonique ou en dehors du droit canonique selon le canon 24 § 2, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 197, 2000) viii-148 pp.

(Andrea) Hui-Jung Pak (=, =), Alcune questioni sull'incapacità per il matrimonio nel can. 1095 n. 3, riguardo all'indole personale del consenso coniugale, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 196, 2000) xii-123 pp (part).


Francelino António Nhaga (Guinea-Biaasau priest, =), Relação Igreja e Estado em África Subsahariana: quarenta anos de coabitação, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 195, 2000) xiv-241 pp (part).

Kyano Umba (=, =), La notion de peuple de Dieu dans le nouveau Code: une notion unifiante de la normative canonique?, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 194, 2000) 190 pp.

Matthias Sabo Ahiaba (Nigerian priest, =-2003), Renewal of consent in the simple convalidation of marriage in the 1983 Code of canon law: juridico-pastoral implications in Nigeria, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 193, 2000) xxiii-170 pp.


Giovanni Melchiorri (=, =), Il Consiglio Diocesano per gli affari economici: riflessione sul nuovo strumento ecclesiale per una migliore amministrazione del Beni Temporali della Chiesa, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 192, 2000) 61 pp (part).

José Fernando Mejía Yáñez (Mexican priest, 1955-), Las relaciones Iglesia católica-Estado méxicano en la actualidad, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 191, 2000) 281 pp.

(Luca) Young Soo Park (=, =), Il Consiglio diocesano per gli affari economici: l'amministrazione dei beni temporali della Chiesa coreana, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 190 2000) xiv-195 pp (part).

Frédéric Ingetsi Imongya (Congolese priest, =), Les effets juridico-canoniques du lien matrimonial en relation avec la culture Mongo de la Rep. Dem. du Congo: synthèse historique et actualité du problème, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 189, 2000) 155 pp.

Bùi Thái Son (Vietnamese priest, =), Il Consiglio parrocchiale per gli affari economici: la normativa e la prassi della Chiesa Vietnamita, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 189, 2000) v-140 pp (part).

Urbanianum doctoral diss. 188

Emmanuel Rukundo (Rwandan priest, 1959-), Le ministre ordonné et la politique: essai d'interprétation des canons 285 § 3 et 287 appliquée à la réalité socio-politique du Rwanda, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 187, 1999) 347 pp. Rukundo biograph.

Hidenobu Kuzushima (=, =), Valutazione canonica della celebrazione in chiesa del matrimonio tra non-battezzati in Giappone, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 186, 2000) xiv-88 pp (part).

Randrianandrasana Emile Maurice (=, =), La defense des droits de l’enfant au sein du système juridique-canonique, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 185, 2000) viii-136 pp (part)

Augustine Francis (=, =), The form of the celebration of marriage: a historical and juridical evaluation, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 184, 1999) xii-88 pp (part)

Joseph Arshad (Pakistani priest, 1964-), The responsibility of a diocesan bishop in defending the unity of the universal church according to c. 392, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 183, 1999) 98 pp (part). Arshad biograph.

Roberto Picardi (=, =), Aspetti medici della persona e della personalità nel matrimonio canonico, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 182, 1997) 98 pp.

Joseph Ki Khui Om (Burmese priest, =), The suitability of candidates for the priesthood in the light of canon 1025, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 181, 1999) 145 pp (part).

Médard Lokalo Mpoto (Congolese priest, 1958-), Les sources suppletives du droit canonique (canon 19): le dynamisme de la norme canonique, (Urbanianum doctoral diss.180, 1999) vii-159 pp (part).

Jean-Marie Robert Esposito Mpazayino (= priest, =), "L'ordinariat militaire dans la nouvelle legislation canonique": interprétation et application des canons 368, 369, 372, 569, et 289 au Rwanda, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 179, 1999) 133 pp (part).

Urbano da Cruz Gaspar (=, =), Génese da pena latae sententiae a teor do c. 1318: implicações da equidade canónica como princípio iluminante, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 178, 1999) viii-223 pp.

Agbo René Agbo (=, =), Devoir et droit des parents chretiens d'eduquer chretiennement leurs enfants selon le canon 226 § 2: essai d'application dans le domaine scolaire en Côte d'Ivoire: le cas de la FENAPEC (Féderation National des Associations des parents d'éleves et étudiants de l'enseignement catholique), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 177, 1999) 147 pp (part).

Benedetto Philachan Kornkrai (Thai =, =), Missionary work among Buddhists in Thailand in the light of canon 785, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 176, 1999) ii-96 pp (part).

Anthony Michael Ekong (Nigerian priest, 1963-), The diocesan synod as the bishop's instrument for local legislation according to canon 466, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 175, 1997) xii-180 pp.

Alaguselvan Antoniswamy (=, =), Priests' council a representative body of the presbyterium in the governance of the diocese: a juridical study of can. 495 § 1 and its relevance in today's context, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 174, 1998) 124 pp (part).

Joseph Sserunjogi (Ugandan priest, =), Self-support of the local church based on canon 222 §§ 1-2 and the apostolic exhortation Ecclesia in Africa with special reference to Uganda, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 173, 1998) xxxi-329 pp.

John Oballa (Kenyan priest, 1958-), Proof as source of moral certitude in marriage nullity cases: in light of canon 1608, doctrine and recent rotal jurisprudence, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 172, 1998) 131 pp (part). Oballa biograph.

Tirkey Cherubim (=, =), Total simulation: an existing problem in arranged marriages among the Oraon Adivasis of Chotanagpur (a study based on canon 1101 § 2), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 171, 1998) xiv-151 pp.

Ignatius D'Costa (=, =), Ecclesiology of communion: its application in the diocese of Rajshahi in the light of canon law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 170, 1998) xiv-368 pp

Joseph Dang Dúc Ngân (Vietnamese priest, 1957-), Il consiglio pastorale parrocchiale: con speciale riferimento alla chiesa del Vietnam e all'arcidiocesi di Hanoi, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 169, 1998) xiv-120 pp (part). Dúc Ngânbiograph.

Timothée Ayénadzah Kpenu (=, =), Le conseil presbytéral, organe de communion de l'évêque avec son presbyterium: canon 495 § 1, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 168, 1998) 109 pp (part).

Kanda Almeida (Angolan priest, 1959-), A participação dos cônjuges na edificação do povo de Deus, a teor do cân. 226: referência especial à associação"Familia, Igreja Doméstica"(FID) na diocese do Uije, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 167, 1998) 225 pp. Almeida biograph.

Giosuè Marigliano (Italian =, =), Le Normae romanae Rotae Tribunalis del 1994: dimensione legislativa e procedurale, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 166, 1997) 193 pp.

Philomindas Madalaimuthu (Indian priest, 1959), Religious in their relation with diocesan bishop and diocesan clergy: (with a special reference to the Indian context), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 165, 1997) 154 pp (part). Madalaimuthu biograph.

Firmino David (=, =), O papel dos leigos na Igreja do Huambo e sua formação à luz dos cânn. 225 e 229 e da"Christifideles laici": (estudo histórico-jurídico-pastoral), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 164, 1998) 205 pp.

Pingal Linus Ekka (= priest, =), Apostolate of Oraon Christian tribals in the church of Chotanagpur: juridico-pastoral study of Can. 225 § 1, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 163, 1998) 158 pp.

Ngolo Polydore Bope Bope (=, =), La participation des fidèles laïcs a la fonction sacerdotale du Christ selon le canon 204 § 1: étude juridique pour un laïcat responsable et dynamique en R. D. du Congo, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 162, 1998) viii-152 pp (part).

John Devasagayam Abraham (≈, ≈), The defender of the bond in the Code of canon law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 161, 1997) xx-176 pp.

Joseph Sebastian (=, 1956-), Antisocial personality disorder: an incapacity to the interpersonal relationship in christian marriage (Can.1095 nn. 2 and 3), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 160, 1997) xiii-145 pp.

Célestin Kanyambiriri Nkuba (= priest, =), Mission et 'Plantatio Ecclesiae' selon le can. 786: application a l'église du Congo-Zaïre, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 159, 1997) 324 pp.

Thomas Sixte K. Yetohou (Benin priest, =), Les implications juridiques du role de l'église dans la communaute politique: étude du canon 747 § 2 et essai d'application au nouvel ordre socio-politique du Bénin, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 158, 1997) viii-290 pp.

Frank Franken Nyanleh (Cape Coast priest, ≈), Evangelization in the Liberian Catholic Church in the light of canon 759: a challenge to the laity, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 157, 1997) xv-212 pp.

Nicodème Barrigah-Benissan (Togolese priest, 1963-), La diplomatie pontificale au service de la liberté de religion, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 156, 1997) xii-293 pp. Barrigah-Benissan biograph.

André Malange (=, =), Ministerialidade e missionariedade do catequista leigo em Angola à base dos cânones 784 e 785: suas implicações na Diocese de Malanje, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 155, 1996) 155 pp (part).

Gianfranco Zuncheddu (=, =), L'uso degli strumenti di comunicazione sociale alla luce del disposto dei canoni 747 § 1, 822 §§ 1-2-3 e 823 § 1, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 154, 1996) iii-87 pp (part).

Paulin Kouabenan N'Gname (Ivory Coast priest, 1962-2008), La cooperation du laic au ministère de la parole (can. 759): organisation et application dans le diocèse de Bondoukou en Côte d'Ivoire, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 153, 1997) 120 pp. N'Gname biograph.


Jude Mkhomeni (=, =), Sterility and the ends of marriage: a study based on Cann. 1055 and 1084 with particular reference to Zomba diocese in Malawi - Africa, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 152, 1996) ix-147 pp (part).

Jin-Wha Kim (=, =), Riflessione sulla partecipazione dei laici al Consiglio pastorale diocesano con particolare riferimento alla Corea a norma dei cann. 511-514, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 151, 1997) 201 pp.

Walter Juen (Austrian priest, =), Kirchliches"Management by delegation": aufgrund can. 131, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 150, 1996) xxxvii-473 pp.

Kim Kil Min (Korean priest, =), L'identità degli istituti secolari, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 149, 1996) 280 pp.

Alberto Loche (=, =), Ecologia e diritto canonico: canoni 747 § 2, 768 § 2, 795, 225 § 2, 1311, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 148, 1996) iii-96 pp (part).


Eustace Norbert Thomas (=, =), A new challenge to the laity in the commonwealth of Dominica, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 147, 1996) 176 pp (part).

Peter Machado (Indian priest, 1954-), The catechumenate and its canonical implications: (with special reference to can. 788), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 146, 1997) xxi-193 pp. Machado biograph.

Innocent Nwokenna Iheanyichukwu (= priest, =), Education in faith: a study of canon 796 with particular reference to"Redemptoris missio"chapter seven, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 145, 1997) xiv-216 pp.

Leonard Teza (= priest, =), I fedeli laici e la nuova evangelizzazione in riferimento al can. 225 § 1 e ai nn. 72-73 della"Redemptoris Missio", (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 144, 1996) 141 pp.

Nicolas Diène (=, =), La dynamique du principe de l'imputabilité dans le droit pénal canonique, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 143, 1996) v-281 pp.

M.A. Lawrence Arokiasamy (=, =), Affective immaturity and lack of internal freedom as a motive for nullity of marriage, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 142, 1996) 98 pp (part).

Joaquina Tarse (=, =), Instituto das filhas do coracão imaculado de Maria em Mocambique: a teor do can. 589: (estudo histórico-jurídico), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 141, 1996) 189 pp (part).

Jude Abidemi Asanbe (Nigerian priest, =), The authority of the diocesan bishop and the decisions of the Conference of bishops in the light of recent studies: an appraisal of C. 455 § 4, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 140, 1996) xii-276 pp.

Peter Thumma (Indian priest, =), The incapacity of drug addicts to elicit marital consent: a study based on canon 1095, 1º and 2º with a special reference to Tamil Nadu, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 139, 1996) ix-124 pp (part).

Nellickalveli Augustine (Indian priest, =), Lay participation in Christ's mission of evangelistic ministry with special reference to India: (a juridical and theological study of the 1983 Code), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 138, 1996) vii-150 pp (part).

François Abey Abonga (Ivory Coast priest, =), La catéchèse familiale dans l'édification du peuple de Dieu selon le Code de 1983: essai d'application pastorale au cas de l'association famille chretienne d'Abidjan, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 137, 1996) 211 pp (part)

Paul Masolo (Ugandan priest, =), Certitude of valid and licit celebration of marriage in the light of canon 1066: (with special reference to Uganda), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 136, 1996) x-134 pp (part).

Francis Mkakanze (Tanzanian priest, =), The parish priest as shepherd of the parish community: according to Canon 519, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 135, 1995) xviii-134 pp (part).

Emmanuel Odaga (Ugandan priest, =), The role of the diocesan curia in the light of canon 469, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 134, 1995) xxiii-239 pp.

Hyacinth Michael Nayakam (= priest, =), "Use of reason"in marriage: doctrine and jurisprudence on canon 1095 - 1º, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 133, 1996) viii-163 pp (part).

Bernard Swarna (=, =), Human dimension of priestly formation in the Code of Canon Law with a special reference to Andhra Pradesh, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 132, 1995) x-82 pp (part).

John Mendonça (=, =), Impediment of disparity of cult between Catholics and Hindus in the diocese of Mangalore, India, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 131, 1995) vii-144 pp (part).

Ekpo Canice Peter (Nigerian priest, =), The consideration of the essential element of matrimonial consent in the 1983 Code (Canon 1101 § 2), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 130, 1995) ix-193 pp (part).

Cruz D'Souza (Indian priest, 1950-), Approach to the interpretation of the 1983 Code according to Canon 17 and the literary critical theory, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 129, 1994) xxvi-124 pp (part).

Jacques Bolombe Senghy (=, =), La cooperation des membres de la curie diocesaine au pouvoir de gouvernment de l'Evêque diocesan: portée juridique du canon 469 et critique prospective, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 128, 1994) xvi-163 pp (part).

Jomanas Eustache (Haitian priest, =), Le mariage canonique des mineurs: à la recherche d'une conciliation entre le droit canonique (cc. 1083; 1095) et le droit civil Haïtien (art. 133; 136), concernant l'âge requis pour le mariage, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 127, 1994) xvi-110 pp (part). Eustache biograph.

 Cyprian Kizito Lwanga (Uganda priest, 1953-), Mixed marriages in Uganda: canonical challenges involved (cann. 1124 - 1129) (with special reference to the Archdiocese of Kampala), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 126, 1994) xi-275 pp. Lwanga biograph.

Amedeus Macha, (= Holy Spirit Father, =), The juridical identity of the societies of apostolic life compared to institutes of consecrated life in the light of the present Code of Canon Law, can. 731: a comparative study, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 125, 1994) xvi-241 pp.

Andrew De Rose (= priest, =), The church as communion in the Code of canon law of 1983, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 124, 1995) x-164 pp (part).

Joseph Ignace Randrianasolo (Madagascar priest, 1947-2010), Les droits de l'enfant dans le Code de droit canonique, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 123, 1995) iv-107 pp (part). Randrianasolo biograph.

Clement Ikechukwu Obasi (Nigerian priest, =), The Bishop: the moderator of the ministry of the divine word in the particular church, canon 756 § 2, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 122, 1995) v-125 pp (part).

Nam Kung Min (=, =), L'istituto diocesano per il sostentamento del clero a norma del canone 1274 § 1, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 121, 1995) v-193 pp (part).

José Chirackal (Indian priest, =), Participation of laity in catechesis: in the light of canon 774 § 1, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 120, 1995) x-105 pp (part).

Atadana Joseph Ayeridaga (= priest, =), The diocesan Bishop as the chief administrator of a particular church: with particular reference to Ghana, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 119, 1995) viii-136 pp (part).

Brian Udaigwe (Cameroon priest, 1964-), The office of the Papal Legate according to c. 363 § 1: an assistance to Sollicitudo omnium Ecclesiarum, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 118, 1994) xii-266 pp. Udaigwe biograph.

Linus Neli (Indian priest, =), The role of the judge in the introduction of cases declaring nullity of marriage, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 117, 1994) x-92 pp (part).

Paul Nyaga (Cameroon priest, =), La paix comme droit humain fondamental: réflexions sur les problèmes de la paix et de la guerre à la lumière du Magistère (1878-1992) et de la diplomatie ecclésiastique pour une éthique politique des relations internationales, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 116, 1994) xi-304 pp.

Riccardo Gnieri (Myanmar priest, =), Bishop-priest relationship: relations and collaboration between bishop and diocesan clergy in their pastoral ministry according to Canon 384, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 115, 1993) x-113 pp (part).

Alexander Vadakumthala (Indian priest, 1959-), Lay person as care-taker of a parish: a juridical and theological study of Canon 517 § 2, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 114, 1993) vi-197 pp. Vadakumthala biograph.

Landas Bwambale (Uganda priest, =), The 'Bonum coniugum' and 'Bonum prolis' in mixed marriages: with special reference to the diocese of Kasese, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 113, 1994) xvii-241 pp.

Thambirasa Jerribel Kirupaharan (Sri Lankan priest, 1955-), Reverential fear in matrimonial consent: a study based on canon 1103 with particular reference to arranged marriages among the Tamils of Jaffna in Shri Lanka, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 112, 1993) xi-131 pp (part). Kirupaharan biograph.

Lourdusamy Tharigopala (Indian priest, =), Civil marriage laws and civil effects of canonical marriage discipline for catholics in India, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 111, 1994) x-98 pp (part).

Titus Ikechukwu Nnabugwu (Nigerian priest, =), The teaching office of the church with regard to the use of the instruments of social communication in the light of Canons 747 § 1 and 822, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 110, 1994) 163 pp. Nnabugwu biograph.

Sang-Gug Ri (=, =), L'errore nel consenso matrimoniale canonico secondo il Canone 1097, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 109, 1993) v-119 pp (part).

Pius Sun-Kon Kim (=, =), Il ruolo dei catechisti missionari nel matrimonio con riferimento ai Cann. 785; 1063; 1112 e 1116, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 108, 1994) 258 pp.

Michael Olugbemiga Faneye (= religious, =), Cooperation in missionary action of the church in the light of Canon 781 and Redemptoris Missio, 77: reflections on 10 years of the church legislation and magisterium on missionary action and cooperation, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 107, 1994) xiii-318 pp.

Jérôme Sembagare (= priest, =), La traduction canonique du principe conciliaire de la 'sana Cooperatio' de Gaudium et Spes 76, entre l'Eglise et la communauté politique, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 106, 1993) 165 pp (part).

Jean Ndorimana (Rwandan priest, =), Les associations privés de laïcs (cc. 327-329): une opportunité pastorale pour l'Eglise du Rwanda, (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 105, 1993) xiv-206 pp (part).

Augustin Simmel Ndiaye (Senegalese priest, =), La liberté et l'autonomie des fideles laïcs dans les matières temporelles: étude du canon 227 et essai d'application au domaine politique au Sénégal, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 104, 1992) 140 pp (part).

James Arampulickal (Syro-Malabar priest, =), The pastoral care of the syro-malabar catholic migrants, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 103, 1993) x-125 pp (part).

George Felix (≈, ≈), Canon 129: the participation of Christ's lay faithful in 'potestas regiminis': a juridical approach with special reference to the Indian context, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 102, 1993) 116 pp (part).

Joseph Johnson (≈, ≈), The power of governance of the diocesan bishops in the Latin and Oriental Codes: a comparative study, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 101, 1993) xii-110 pp (part).




Dominikus Nong (Indonesian priest, ), The problematic of indissolubility of marriage in the canonical doctrine of the new Code: with special reference to the Archdiocese of Ende (Indonesia), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 100, 1992) 169 pp (part).

Andrew A. Timpunza (Malawaian priest, =), The importance of the laity's specific task of Christian animation of the temporal and the necessity for its formation, with reference to Malawi, in the light of canon 225 § 2 and 229: a study from Vatican II to Christifideles Laici, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 99, 1992) xii-192 pp (part).

Kejus Rayappen (=, =), Discretion in marriage, doctrine and jurisprudence: a study of canon 1095 n. 2 with special reference to the indian context, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 98, 1993) viii-114 pp.

Paolo Yoshinao Otsuka (Japanese priest, 1954-), La funzione di insegnamento della Chiesa, specialmente per quanto riguarda 'i principi morali' sull'ordine sociale e 'realtà umane' (can. 747 §2), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 97, 1992) 341 pp (part).

Geraldo de Araujo Gomes (Italian priest, 1944-), Quaestio de dolo in consenso matrimoniali iuxta can.1098, O dolo como incidência de nulidade matrimonial segundo o cân.1098, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 96, 1992) vi-147 pp (part).

Niwemugizi Severine (Tanzanian priest, 1956-), Obedience of clerics as an instrument of hierarchical communion: a theological, juridical and pastoral study with reference to canon 273, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 95, 1992) xvi-267 pp. Severine biograph.

Leon Kalenga Badikebele (Congolese priest, 1956-), Le 'Synodus Episcoporum' à la lumière du Concile Vatican II et du CIC 1983: application de certaines de ses recommandations dans le 'Projet pastoral' de l'épiscopat du Zaïre, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 94, 1992) xix-225 pp. Badikebele biograph.

Camillo Abatanie Bonsuuri (Ghana priest, =), The christian community's role in the fostering of priestly vocations, according to canon 233 § 1, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 93, 1993) 94 pp (part). Bonsuuri biograph.

Massimo Boarotto (Italian priest, =), La parrocchia fra pastorale e diritto in Italia: sua identità e cammino alla luce delle norme canoniche e concordatarie, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 92, 1991) 199 pp.

Gerald-Majella Muwonge Akiiki (Uganda priest, =), The ecumenical formation of the candidates to the priesthood in Uganda after Vatican II in the light of can. 256, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 91, 1991) 271 pp.

Julio Murat (Turkish priest, 1961-), I diritti soggettivi della buona fama e dell'intimità codificati nel canone 220, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 90, 1991) xxiv-258 pp. Murat biograph.

Baudouin Biajila Muankembe (Congolese priest, 1953-), La preuve testimoniale dans la procedure canonique actuelle, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 89, 1991) xvii-93 pp (part). Muankembe biograph.

Arul Joseph (Indian priest, =), 'Consortium vitae', the essence of marriage: a study of can. 1055 with particular reference to India, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 88, 1990) xxv-150 pp (part).

Innocent Ekumauche Okoh (Nigerian priest, =), The equitable sustenance of diocesan priests in the light of the Code of Canon Law and the norms of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 87, 1991) xix-261 pp.

Sylvestre Bokwanga Molaku (Congolese priest, 1958-), La signification du pouvoir coercitif dans l'Eglise, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 86, 1991) 168 pp (part).

  Rafael Masahiro Umemura (Japanese priest, 1952-), Sacerdozio comune e sacerdozio ministeriale: una considerazione teologico-canonica sul canone 204, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 85, 1991) vii-206 pp. Umemura biograph.

Pero Pranjic (Bosnia priest, 1954-), I chierici e i beni temporali specialmente nella dottrina del Vaticano II e nel nuovo Codice 1983, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 84, 1990) xxii-92 pp (part). Pranjic biograph.

W. John Morrow (= priest, =), The diocesan synod in the light of CIC 1983: an expression of synodality, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 83, 1990) 185 pp.

Felix Mascarenhas (=, =), The identity of societies of apostolic life: an analysis of c. 731, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 82, 1990) 98 pp (part).

Martin Igwemezie Uzoukwu (Nigerian priest, 1950-), The diocesan finance committee and the financial officer (canons 492-494), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 81, 1991) xvi-227 Uzoukwu biograph.

Zane Giuseppe (Italian priest, =), L'autorità fonte di comunione e di animazione nelle comunità di vita consacrata: la partecipazione dei fratelli laici al governo negli istituti clericali di diritto pontificio, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 80, 1991) 107 pp (part).

Jude Thaddeus Okolo (Nigerian priest, 1954-), The Holy See: a moral person: the juridical nature of the Holy See in the light of the present Code of Canon Law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 79, 1990) xii-360 pp. Okolo biograph.

Ambrose Madtha (Indian priest, 1955-2012), Lay person as officiant at marriage celebration according to the code of canon law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 78, 1990) xxv-291 pp. Madtha biograph.

Francis Chullikatt (Indian priest, 1953-), Consultatio praevia in CIC 1983: a historico-juridical study of canon 127, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 77, 1989) xii-155 pp (part). Chullikatt biograph.

Oswald Gracias (Indian priest, 1944-), The juridical relevance of conjugal love for a valid marriage consent, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 76, 1989) vii-88 pp. Gracias biograph.

Sebastian Thekethecheril (Indian priest, 1954-), Offering for the celebration of mass in the canonical legislation: a historico-juridical study, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 75, 1989) xi-105 pp (part). Thekethecheril biograph.

Pius Eheobu Obi Okpaloka (Nigerian priest, 1948-2006), The role of the Church in Nigerian education in the light of Vatican Council II and the 1983 code of canon law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 74, 1989) xvi-352 pp. Okpaloka biograph.

Basil Chukwudi Osuigwe (Nigerian ≈, ≈), Shared responsibility of bishops in building up the local Church in Nigeria, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 73, 1988) xv-179 pp (part).

Louis Bala Yaya (≈, ≈), Permanent diaconate in the 1983 code: particular reference to the diocese of Jos (Nigeria), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 72, 1989) 85 pp (part).

Luigi Policarpo (≈, ≈), Customary marriage in Zambia in the light of canon law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 71, 1986) 71 pp (part).

Emmanuel Kha'Ah Kure (Nigerian priest, 1953-), Positive preparation of young Catholics towards christian marriage in the light of ecclesiastical legislation and with special reference to the Archdiocese of Kaduna, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 70, 1987) xx-109 pp (part).

Guillaume Michel Bertrand (≈, ≈), Acquisition et exercice du pouvoir de gouvernement ou de juridiction selon le Code de 1983. (Can. 129-144): problématique, normative et prospective, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 69, 1988) xxii-231 pp.

Bernard Rodricks (Indian priest, 1947-), The invalidating exclusion of"bonum coniugum"in matrimonial consent, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 68, 1989) vii-122 pp (part).

Emmanuel Chukwuma Achinike (≈, ≈), The new code, a challenge to the apostolate of the laity: with particular application to the Nigerian Catholic laity in the new era of evangelization in Nigeria, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 67, 1988) 144 pp (part).

Pius Nguyen Dan (≈, ≈), The spiritual patrimony of an institute of consecrated life, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 66, 1989) xvii-207 pp.

Sebastian S. Karambai (≈ priest, ≈), Consultative bodies within the parish according to the 1983 code of Canon Law: the importance, nature and competence of the parish pastoral council and the parish finance council with particular reference to the Tamil parish community, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 65, 1989) xxi-212 pp.

Kumbozingi Gungu Tumata (≈, ≈), La problematique du parrainage ecclesiastique dans l'église d'aujourd'hui: approche juridico-pastorale, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 64, 1988) 151 pp (part).

Gabriel 'Leke Abegunrin (Nigerian priest, 1949-), Parish organization in conciliar documents and in the Code of Canon Law: with special reference to Oyo Diocese in Nigeria, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 63, 1988) xvi-319 pp. Abegunrin biograph.

Martin Ihesiaba Elekwachi (≈, ≈), An exegetical study of canons 204-207 in the light of Canon 129, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 62, 1988) xvii-205 pp (part).

Matthew Anayo Akwue (Nigerian priest, ≈), Some canonical implications of cultural pluralism in the Church with particular application to Nigeria, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 61, 1988) xvi-169.


Urbanianum doctoral diss. 60


Odon Marie Arsene Razanakolona (Madacasgar priest, 1946-), La loi de la gradualité et le mariage coutumier à Madagascar, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 59, 1987) vi-125 pp (part). Razanakolona biograph.


Jean-Bosco Tchagole (Belgian priest, ≈), La conception de la stabilité du mariage chez les Temba du Nord-Togo comparée à la doctrine de l'Eglise, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 58, 1987) ixl-273 pp.

Joseph Chinnayyan (Indian priest, =), Priestly formation in the 1983 code of canon law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 57, 1987) xii-77 pp (part).

Jerome K. Bello (= priest, =), The structure and competence of the diocesan Synod, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 56, 1987) 157 pp.

Frans Firmansyah Halim (Indonesia priest, 1947-2016), La forma canonica straordinaria nella celebrazione del matrimonio, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 55, 1987) x-168 pp (part).

Ambrose Eze Ojiako (=, =), The role of the confessor according to the code of canon law: a study in the light of the legislation of the code of canon law and the second Vatican Council, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 54, 1987) 79 pp (part).

Anastase Mutabazi (Rwandan priest, 1952-), Le conseil presbyteral et le conseil diocesain de pastorale dans le nouveau code: evolution doctrinale, contenu de la nouvelle normative et critique prospective, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 53, 1987) 104 pp (part). Mutabazi biograph.

Kanu Augustine Ndimele (Nigerian =, =), Bonum legis in the church and in the State of Nigeria: a juridical survey of the necessity, importance and good of law in the church and in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 52, 1987) 124 pp.

Cosmas Aluede Ojemen (=, =), Psychological factors in matrimonial consent in the light of canonical legislation, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 51, 1986) 396 pp (part).

Mathew Thundathil (Indian Carmelite, =), Mixed marriage promises and religious liberty in the light of the New Code, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 50, 1986) xii-197 pp.

Eun Ri Kang (=, =), Consiglio Presbiteriale delle Diocesi in Corea alla luce del Nuovo Codice di diritto canonico, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 49, 1986) 84 pp (part).

Ioan Tamas (=, =), Gli strumenti di comunicazione sociale nella legislazione canonica, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 48, 1986) 70 pp (part).

Pero Sudar (Boznian priest, 1951-), Il concetto di"Persona fisica"e l'ordinamento della Chiesa, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 47, 1986) 60 pp (part). Sudar biograph.

George Puthusseril (Indian priest, =), The legislative authority of the Episcopal Conference in the new Code of Canon Law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 46, 1986) 76 pp (part).

Domenico Colella (=, =), L'influsso della mentalità divorzistica nella validità del matrimonio, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 45, 1986) 59 pp (part).

Philip Ade Hoteyin (Nigerian priest, =), The role of women in the Church in the light of the new code of canon law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 44, 1985) xii-92 pp (part).

Belonwu H. Okonkwor (Nigerian priest, =), The role of matrimonial consent in Igbo traditional marriage, in the light of the new canonical legislations: a comparative study, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 43, 1985) 96 pp (part).


Cyprian Egbule Onwuli (=, =), Catechetical education of the youth in the new Code of canon law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 42, 1985) 89 pp (part).


Francis Ebo Abuah-Quansah (=, =), Arbitration: a procedural means to resolve conflicts in the Church in Ghana today, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 41, 1984) ix-278 pp.

Simeon Onyewueke Eboh (Nigerian priest, ≈), Church-State relations in Nigeria: a juridical survey of the Church-State relationship from 1960-1983, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 40, 1984) xxvi-256 pp.

Willibrod Slaa (Tanzanian priest, =), Liturgical law: existence, exigency and pastoral dimension of conciliar and post conciliar liturgical legislation, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 39, 1983) 331 pp.

Benedict Eluemie Etafo (Nigerian priest, =), National episcopal conference of Nigeria: its legal functionality, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 38, 1983) xiv-228 pp.

= en Mubiligi (Rwandan priest, =), Aspects de la problématique actuelle du laïcat: l'impact du renouveau ecclésiologique du Concile Vatican II sur la determination du statut juridique des laïcs, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 37, 1983) vi-295 pp.

Gregorio Pryszlak (=, =), La presenza del Papa nelle chiese locali attraverso i suoi viaggi, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 36, 1983) 95 pp (part).

Emmanuel Asuquo Akpan (Nigerian priest, 1938-2017), Canon law and missionary apostolate in Nigeria: the orientation of ecclesial legal system to evangelization, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 35, 1982) 203 pp.

Pietro Sessolo (= religious, =), Il privilegio dell'esenzione nella società del Verbo Divino, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 34, 1982) 162 pp.


Nsangi Ese (=, =), La saine collaboration entre l'Eglise et l'Etat Zairois, qui est Laic, en reference au Concile Vatican II, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 33, [1981]) 201 pp.

Rhee Chan-Woo (Korean priest, =), La legislazione matrimoniale coreana circa gli impedimenti matrimoniali comparata con la legislazione canonica (Pars civilis), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 32, 1981) 79 pp (part).


Simon Peter Imaje Agi (=, =), Bonum prolis in the Yala socio-legal system and the recent teaching of the Church, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 31, 1979) 117 pp (part).


Damian Towey (= religious, =), Passionist"Missions"in prelatures nullius, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 30, 1963) 56 pp (part).

Emery Kabongo Kanundowe (=, =), Les sources des biens temporels ecclésiastiques: du système statique au système dynamique (Canon 1499 § 1), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 29, 1973) xvi-154 pp.

Solomon Thanugundla (=, =), Structures of the Church in Andhra Pradesh: an historico-juridical study, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 28, 1976) xviii-451 pp.

Anselmo Doglio (= Franciscan, =), De capacitate laicorum ad potestatem ecclesiasticam praesertim iudicialem: tractatio historico-iuridica, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 27, 1962) xv-160 pp.


Te Lu Ming (=, =), De valore testimoniorum in processu canonico, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 26, 1975) ii-52 pp (part).


A. D. Mabona (=, =), De statu catechistarum in Ecclesia: studium historico-canonicum, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 25, 1963) vii-131 pp.


Samuele Stragliati (= Franciscan, =), Diritto particolare della Chiesa in Giappone: studio storico-giuridico sull'origine delle fonti, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 24, 1968) 289 pp.

Ignatius Ting Pong Lee (=, =), Facultatum pro missionariis iuxta legislationem conciliarem recognitio, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 23, 1970) v-44 pp (part).

Fortunato Maria da Sciausc (= Capuchin, =), P. Angelico da None, apostolo dei Bileni, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 22, 1970) 43 pp.


Stephen K. Smith (= Dominican, =), Canonical notion of an individually personal privilege, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 21, 1965) xix-51 pp.


Giovanni Annovazzi (= Capuchin, =), Tentativi di mons. Anastasio Hartmann, o.f.m.cap., per il riordinamento delle missioni cappuccine (1857-1860), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 20, 1966) 76 pp.


Romanus Kampungu (= Oblate, =), Concept and aim of okavango marriages investigated in the light of ecclesiastical legislation, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 19, 1966) 134 pp.


Joseph Ch. Y. Chao (=, =), Hierarchia episcopali introducta de regimine Ecclesiae in Sinis, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. =), (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 1966) 135 pp.


Joseph Kaboye (=, =), Consent in marriage among the sukuma in relation to the matrimonial consent in the code of canon law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 18, 1965) xi-97 pp.


Urbanianum doctoral diss. 17


Donato Soliman (≈ Franciscan, ≈), Il ministero della confessione nella legislazione dei Frati Minori, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 16, 1964) 170 pp.


Nicas P. Kipengele (≈, ≈), Marriage celebration among Wamatumbi and Wapogoro and its relation to canon law, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 15, 1964) xii-95 pp.


Francesco Pavese (≈ religious, ≈), Prima forma di gerarchia missionaria alle origini di Propaganda Fide, il Prefetto apostolico delle missioni, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 14, 1963) 100 pp. Available in Euntes Docete 15 (1962) 214-238, 386-411, 16 (1963) 267-295.


Urbanianum doctoral diss. 13


Nicolaus Ly Han-y (≈ priest, ≈), Passiones relate ad delictum, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 12, 1961) xvi-86 pp.


Leo Tien (≈, ≈), De reconciliatione apostatarum a Fide cum Ecclesia, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 11, 1960) 139 pp.

Vincent Chen-Tao Tse (≈, ≈), De regime interino in iure missionali disquisitio historico-canonica: pars dissertationis ad lauream in iure canonico, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 10, 1957) xii-64.


Cesar Dendje (≈, ≈), Essai sur la situation juridique des biens fonciers des Mission Catholiques au Congo sur la base du Canon 1497 § 1 (Notion du bien ecclésiastique), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 9, 1960) xi-105 pp.


Gaudenzio Manfredi (≈ Franciscan, ≈), Ricerche sull'origine del ‘praefectus missionis’ e la prefettura d'Egitto-Etiopia affidata ai Frati Minori (1630-1692), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 8, 1958) 72 pp (part).


Thomas John Connolly (Australian priest, =-2004), Juridical relationships between parish priests and clerical religious, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 7, 1957) xii-35 pp (part). = Australian Catholic Record (1956-1957).


Pellegrino da Riolo Terme (≈ Capuchin, ≈), La formazione dei missionari nella legislazione dell'Ordine dei Frati Minori Cappuccini: tesi di laurea nel diritto canonico, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 6, 1957) xix-94 pp. da Riolo Terme biograph.



  Ludwinus van Dongen ( priest, ), De potestate a Romanis Pontificibus in constitutionibus canonis 1125 exhibita, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 5=, 1954) 62 pp. = dongen 17 j 475


Gulielmus Z. Gomes (≈, ≈), De matrimoniis clandestinis in concilio Tridentino, cum appendice de forma celebrationis matrimonii apud Indos, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 4, 1950) 65 pp.


Bernardo da Poppi ( Capuchin, ), Mons. Antonino Pezzoni, o.f.m.cap., missionario e missionologo (1777-1844), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 3, 1956) 62 pp part.


Joannes Baptista Wu (≈ priest, ≈), De forma canonica extraordinaria celebrationis matrimonii (can. 1098 CJC), (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 2, 1956) xix-242.


Francis Xavier Andrade (, ), The power of the local Ordinary in the moderation of divine cult, (Urbanianum doctoral diss. 1, 1955) xv-129 pp.


Demetrij Blazejowskij (≈, ≈), De potestate metropolitarum Kioviensium catholicorum in clerum regularem (1595-1805), (Urbanianum doctoral diss., 1943) 196 pp.




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Faculty of Canon Law / Faculté de Droit Canonique

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SPU/USP, Last updated: 22 July 2017.


Notes: Some SPU/USP doctoral dissertations and master's theses had been unofficially assigned a"D"or"M"number by Michel Thériault, but these were later discontinued and so do not appear here.


Sources include: Michel Thériault, "Doctoral Dissertations and Master of Arts Theses in Canon Law Presented to the University of Ottawa (1931-1964) and the Saint Paul University (1966-1987)", Studia Canonica 22 (1988) 431-451 (Eng/Fr intro), and M. Thériault, "Doctoral Dissertations in Canon Law Presented to Saint Paul University (1987-1990)"Studia Canonica 25 (1991) 477-484 (English / French introduction). Listings for 1991-2008 dissertations were kindly provided by Beverly Kavanaugh of the SPU/USP canon law faculty office.


Doctoral Dissertations


Lennoxie Lusabe (Kenyan Vincentian, 1973-), An Analysis of Participative Structures in Selected Particular Churches in Eastern Africa in Light of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2017) 364 pp. Dissertation here.

Paul Ntambwe Kosongo (African religious, 1967-), Les normes canoniques sur les moyens d’éviter les litiges et leur application dans le contexte culturel du Congo Kinshasa, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2016) 338 pp. Dissertation here.

Emmanuel Bationo (Burkina Faso priest, 1968-), La justice et l’équité à observer dans la division des personnes juridiques publiques, en particulier des diocèses et des paroisses (c. 122), (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2015) 253 pp.

William Daniel (American layman, 1980-), The Procedure for the Formation of a Singular Administrative Act in Canon Law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2015) 574 pp.

Sylvain Diélé (Congolese priest, 1971-), Le droit de propriété de l’Église catholique et de ses institutions du Congo-Brazzaville, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2015) 286 pp. Dissertation here.

Chantal Labrèche (Canadian laywoman, 1971-), Le développement du droit particulier de l’Église catholique au Canada depuis son origine jusqu’à nos jours, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2015) 276 pp.

Laura Morrison (American laywoman, =), The Denial of Holy Communion Due to Obstinate Perseverance in Manifest Grave Sin: The Applications of c. 915 in the American Context, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2015) 256 pp. Dissertation here.

Stella Giegbefumwen (Nigerian religious, 1968-), The Role of the Constitution of a Religious Institute in Ordering the Relationship Between the Institute and the Diocesan Bishop with Particular Reference to Congregation of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2014) 278 pp.

Lawrence Rasaian (Indian/American priest, 1969-), The Collaboration between the Parochus and the Parish Finance Council in the Protection of Parish Property: Practical Reflection on the Relation between Canons 532 and 537 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2014) 353 pp.

Gisèle Acotchou (Benin religious, 1961-), Les relations canoniques des évêques diocésains et des instituts religieux de droit diocésain: La juste autonomie (cc. 576 et 586) avec une application particulière à l’Église du Bénin, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2013) 310 pp. Dissertation here.

Philip Creurer (Canadian priest, 1962-), Parent-Founded Schools for the Catholic Education of Children: Considerations for Canonical Recognition in the North American Context, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2013) 310 pp. Dissertation here.



 • Matthew Changankary (Indian priest, 1965-), Finance Officer in the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church, (SPU/USP diss., 2012) 294 pp.


John Okosun (Benin priest, 1966-), The Collaborative Role of the Presbyteral Council in the Governance of a Diocese, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2012) 231 pp.

Kelly Connors (American religious, 1969-), The Role of the Major Superior with Particular Reference to Apostolic Women's Religious Institutes in the United States, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2011). Dissertation here.

 Prosper Lyimo (Tanzanian priest, 1964-), Polygamy in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Munus Docendi: Canonical Structures in Support of Church Doctrine and Evangelization, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2011) 296 pp. Dissertation here.


Roger Ouédraogo (Burkina Faso priest, 1962-), Mariages dispars: propositions canoniques et pastorales pour une législation particulière au Burkina Faso, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2011) 325 pp.

Gilbert Rasamimanana (Madagascar priest, 1971-), L’indissolubilité du mariage et ses impacts dans le contexte Malagasy, en particulier chez les Betsimisaraka (c. 1056), (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2011). 336 pp. Dissertation here.

David Anthony (Indian Oblate, 1970-), Pastoral care of refugees according to the teaching of the Catholic Church with particular reference to the Sri Lankan Tamil refugees in Tamil Nadu, India, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2010) 348 pp.

Chad Glendinning (Canadian layman, 1979-), 'Summorum Pontificum' and the use of the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite: A canonical analysis in light of the current liturgical law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2010) 426 pp.

André Muamba Kalala (Congolese Benedictine, =), Le droit du clerc à la rémunération selon le c. 281 § 1 du cic 1983 et son application aux prêtres en paroisses au Congo-Kinshasa, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2010) 319 pp.

Edwin Omorogbe (Nigerian priest, 1972-), The power of the diocesan bishop with regard to the administration of ecclesiastical goods of public juridic persons subject to him an analysis of canon 1276 § 2, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2010) 374 pp.

Lourdy Dorismond (Haitian religious 1966-), Le directoire pour la gestion des biens temporels dans les instituts religieux (c. 635 § 2) avec application particulière aux Missionnaires Oblats de Marie Immaculée, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2009) 314 pp.

Talal Hachem (Lebanese Maronite, 1970-), La situation juridique de l’Église maronite au Canada, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2009) 298 pp.

James Herring (American Norbertine, 1944-), The Application of the Requirement for the Mandatum of Ex corde Ecclesiae to American Universities Sponsored by Religious Institutes: A Case Study of St. Norbert College, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2009) 284 pp.

Jose Marattil (Indian priest, 1963-), Reverential Fear as a Ground of Marriage Nullity with Particular Reference to the Indian Culture, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2009) 282 pp.

Serge Tidjani (Benin priest, 1971-), La formation des prêtres au Bénin à la lumière du code de droit canonique 1983, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2009) 384 pp.

John Diraviam (Indian priest, 1968-), The Judicial Penal Procedure for the Dismissal of a Diocesan Priest from the Clerical State According to the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2008) 280 pp. Dissertation here.

Douglas Leclair (Canadian Ukrainian priest, 1955-), The Deacon’s Participation in the tria munera in the Latin and Ukranian Catholic Churches: A Historical-Canonical Analysis, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2008) 273 pp.

Chinenye Anyanwu (Nigerian priest, 1948-), The Relationship Between Universal Law and Particular Law: An Analysis of the Particular Complementary Norms of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2007) 377 pp.

Guy Boulanger (Canadian priest, =), La paroisse communauté eucharistique et les réaménagements paroissiaux, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2007) 278 pp. Review: M. Nobel, Studia Canonica 42 (2008) 547-549.

Jeffrey Grob (American priest, =), A Major Revision of the Discipline on Exorcism: A Comparative Study of the Liturgical Laws in the 1614 and 1998 Rites of Exorcism, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2007) 222 pp.

Roger Keeler (Canadian priest, =), The Pastoral Office of Priests and its Relationship to the Canonical Institute of Incardination, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2007) 275.

Andrew Kingham (=, =), The Norms for Judging Alleged Apparitions and Private Revelations, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2007) v-250 pp. Abstract here.

Gregory Zubacz (Canadian priest, 1966-), The Sacramental Seal of Confession from the Canadian Civil Law Perspective, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2007) 376 pp. Review: I. Benson, Studia Canonica 45 (2011) 547-550.

Elizabeth Cotter (Irish religious, 1951-), The General Chapter in a Religious Institute with Particular Reference to IBVM, Loreto Branch, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2006) 374 pp.

Jude Chukwudi Ogbenna (Nigerian religious, 1954-), The Application of Canon 702 § 2 on Equity and Evangelical Charity Towards a Member Separated from a Religious Institute with Particular Reference to the Nigerian Context, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2006) 299 pp.

Christopher Vasko (American priest, =), Premarital Cohabitation and its Effects on Marital Consent: Canonical Considerations and Pastoral Preparation for Marriage, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2006) vii-361 pp.

Peter Dikoš (Slovakian religious, 1967-), The status of the canonical form of marriage in Papua New Guinea: A comparative study of the customary, statutory and canonical celebration of marriage, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2005) 291 pp.


Youhanna Salamah (=, =), Séparation et divorce selon l’enseignement de Bar Hebraeus et l’implication œcuménique, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2005) xxvi-339 pp.

Jean-Marie Signié (Cameroon religious, 1967-), L’administration des biens temporels de la paroisse d’après le code de droit canonique de 1983: application à l’Église du Cameroun, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2005) 377 pp. Review: J. Renken, Studia Canonica 41 (2007) 577-578.

Elizabeth Delaney (Australian religious, =), Canonical implications of the response of the Catholic Church in Australia to child sexual abuse, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2004) 349 pp.

Joy Kallillattukudy (Indian priest, 1957-), Fraud and nullity of marriage in Canon Law and Indian Civil Law: a comparative analysis, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2004) 306 pp.

Robert Kiffman (Canadian priest, =), The implementation of canon law in Ontario regarding decent support for retired diocesan clergy, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2004) 364 pp.

Jean-Robert Kikbanda Mavita (Congolese priest, 1963-), La prise de possession canonique et l’exercice de l’office de l’évêque diocésain. Étude du canon 382 § 1 et de ses incidences juridiques, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2004) 228 pp.

George Oonnoonny (Indian priest, 1959-), Pastoral care of Eastern Catholic faithful residing outside their historical territory with particular reference to the United States and Canada, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2004) 318 pp.

Thomas Adoppillil (Indian priest, 1958-), The rights and obligations of the pastor of a parish according to the Code of canons of the Eastern Churches and the particular law of the Syro-Malabar Church, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2003) 292 pp.

Duane Galles (American layman, =), 'Res pretiosa' as the Church’s cultural property: the origin and development of ecclesiastical legislation, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2003) 291 pp.


László Kerekes (Romanian priest, 1968-), Ecclesiastical law and ethnic minorities with particular reference to Hungarian minorities in East-Central Europe, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2003) 304 pp.

Bertrand Kabongo Lukunda (Congolese priest, 1962-), Statut canonique de l’école catholique au Congo-Zaïre à la lumière du canon 803, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2003) 246 pp.

Valerian Menezes (Indian priest, 1962-), The executive power of the diocesan bishop according to the 1983 Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2003) 325 pp.

Anne Perkins-Asselin (Canadian laywoman, 1952-), L’Articulation des ministères ordonnés et des ministères non ordonnés dans le gouvernement du diocèse, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2003) 275 pp.

John Doherty (Australian priest, =), The withdrawal of assisted nutrition and hydration and the canonical offence of homicide, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2002) 322 pp.

Brian Limbourn (Australian priest, =), The sacrament of reconciliation and general absolution, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2002) 567 pp.

Mary Lyons (Irish religious, 1939-), Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy (Ireland): analysis of the governance structures, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2002) 293 pp.

Margaret Sharbel Poll [Chalmers] (American laywoman, 1968-), The reparation of harm: a canonical analysis of Canon 128 with reference to its common law parallels, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2002) viii-371 pp.

Warren Brown (American Oblate, 1955-), The unification of provinces in a religious institute with particular reference to the situation of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate in the United States, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2001) 345 pp.

Patsy James Gonsorcik (American religious, 1943-), The canonical status of separately incorporated healthcare apostolates in the United States: current status and future possibilities for the public and private juridic person, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2001) 298 pp.

László Nagy (Romanian priest, 1970-), Transfer of ascription in a church Sui Iuris with particular application to the Archdiocese of Alba-Julia, Romania, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2001) 291 pp.

Lambert Bainomugisha (Ugandan priest, 1961-), The role of the lay Christian faithful in the mission of the Church in Mbarara Archdiocese (Uganda) in light of its first synod, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2000) 256 pp.

Maria Casey (Irish/Australian religious, 1941-), The approval of new forms of consecrated life in the light of Canon 605, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2000) 298 pp.

Berchmans Kodackal (Indian Syro-Malabar priest, 1951-), The validity of inter-Church marriages in India - a comparative study of the Latin and the Oriental legislation, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2000) 246 pp.

Helen Maminimini (Zimbabwae religious, 1950-2009), Maturity and its assessment for admission of candidates to religious life with particular reference to institutes in Zimbabwe, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2000) 284 pp.

Girard Sherba (American priest, 1952-), Canon 1096 on ignorance: application to tribunal and pastoral practice, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2000) 186 pp.


 • Patricia Smith (American religious, 1947-), The integral reordering of law with application to religious law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 2000) 194 pp. Monograph version, id., Theoretical and practical understanding of the integral reordering of canon law (2002) vi-178 pp. Reviews: E. Rinere, Studia Canonica 36 (2002) 564-566; R. Kaslyn, Jurist 68 (2008) 601-602.

Jacques Kabasu Bamba (Congolese priest, 1957-), Diacres permanents ou catéchistes au Congo-Kinshasa?, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1999) 304 pp.

Luis Luna Barrera (Peruvian priest, 1958-), Los consejos evangélicos en las sociedades de vida apostólica, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1999) 324 pp.

Anne-Marie Ezenwa (Nigerian religious, 1960-), Ecclesial and Nigerian legal perspectives on employment of workers: application of Canon 1286, n. 1, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1999) 262 pp.

Patrick Morris (Canadian layman, 1935-), Alcoholism and marital consent, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1999) 388 pp.

Anthony O'Sullivan (New Zealand priest, 1958-), The pastoral care of immigrants applied to the Archdiocese of Wellington with particular reference to the Samoan and Maori Communities, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1999) 269 pp.

Edward Sweeny (American priest, 1931-), The obligations and rights of the pastor of a parish according to the Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1999) 295 pp.

Marcel Utembi Tapa (Congolese priest, 1959-), Baptême des enfants et responsabilité de la communauté paroissiale, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1999) 244 pp.

Joseph Wamala (Uganda priest, 1964-), The assessment and perspectives of the Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1999) 240 pp.

Bernard Waters (New Zealand priest, =), The canonical status of diocesan and parish schools in New Zealand, with particular reference to the Diocese of Auckland, in the light of the Private Schools Conditional Integration Act 1975, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1999) 336 pp.

John Doran (=, =), Just autonomy and episcopal authority from the Second Vatican Council to the Ninth Ordinary Synod of Bishops, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1998) 282 pp.

John Kuziona (Malawi priest, 1963-), The nature and application of juridical acts according to Canon 124 of the Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1998) 243 pp.


Michael McGowan (Canadian priest, 1952-), The canonical status of Catholic health care facilities in the Province of New Brunswick in the light of recent provincial government legislation, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1998) 375 pp.

Jeffrey Blangiardi (American Jesuit, 1948-), The general congregation as an instrument of governance in the Society of Jesus, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1997) 336 pp.


  Robert Bourgon (Canadian priest, 1956-), The presiding judge: present legislation and future possibilities for marriage nullity cases, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1997) 269 pp.

Thomas Cassidy (Canadian Oblate, 1937-), Districts and district superiors within the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1997) 329 pp.

Rachel Harrington (British religious, =), The applicability of the principle of subsidiarity according to the Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1997) 322 pp.

Wojciech Kowal (Polish religious, 1960-), Understanding ecclesiastical laws: Canon 17 in the light of contemporary hermeneutics, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1997) 234 pp. Review: J. Huels, Jurist 61 (2001) 324-325.

Mario Medina Balam (Mexican priest, 1963-), The obligation to observe the constitutions and decrees of church authorities: an analysis of Canon 754, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1996) 232 pp.

Yohannes Lon (Indonesian priest, 1959-), The right of association and its application to secular priests, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1996) 292 pp.

Benoît Malvaux (Belgian Jesuit, 1960-), Les relations entre évêques diocésains et instituts religieux cléricaux du droit pontifical: réflexions à la lumière du Synode sur la vie consacrée, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1996) 251 pp.

Patrick Connolly (Irish priest, 1962-), The nature of marriage as proposed in the Codex iuris canonici and in the Codex canonum Ecclesiarum orientalium, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1995) 299 pp.

Michael Doiron (Canadian Jesuit, 1953-), An historico-juridical consideration of the Jesuit fourth vow: special obedience to the pope with regard to missions, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1995) 364 pp.


Beverly Dunn (American religious, 1944-), Sponsorship of Catholic institutions, particularly healthcare institutions, by the Sisters of Providence in the Western United States, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1995) 272 pp.

Marjory Gallagher (Canadian religious, 1939-2016), The common life: an element of apostolic religious institutes of women, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1995) 256 pp.


Susan Wikeem (Canadian religious, 1945-), Contemporary lay associate program in Canada: origins, canonical considerations and practical aspects, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1995) 294 pp.

Daniel Zorzi (Canadian Basilian, 1960-), Towards altering canonical status: a case for Catholic universities and colleges in Canada, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1995) 268 pp.

James Connell (American priest, 1942-), Invalidating and incapacitating laws in the Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1994) 244 pp. Connell biograph.

Victor D'Souza (Indian priest, 1959-), The juridic condition and status of minors according to the Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1994) 327 pp.

Rafael Macaranas (Indonesian priest, =), Active lay participation in the life and mission of the Church according to the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1994) 231 pp.

Paul Michalak (Polish/German Oblate, 1920-), Le secrétaire général dans les instituts religieux: sa mission - son institution - son statut juridique, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1994) 254 pp.

Mich Ngundu (Zaïre, religious, 1958-), Les implications de la pauvreté religieuse et de la saine administration des biens temporels chez les missionnaires Oblats de Marie Immaculée avec application à la province du Zaïre, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1994) 266 pp.

Jean-René Aubain (Haitian priest, 1955-), La rémunération des prêtres diocésains avec application en Haïti, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1993) xiv-208 pp.

Diane Barr (American laywoman, 1958-) The right to one's reputation: applicable legislation in the United States of America, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1993) 299 pp.

Melanie Bair (American religious, 1937-), Fusion and union of institutes of consecrated life in light of the Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1993) 362 pp.

Benyamin Bria (Indonesian priest, 1956-2007), The development of mixed marriage legislation through missionary law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1993) 311 pp. Bria biograph.

Jacob Dogra (Pakistani priest, 1945-), The lay faithful within the juridical structures of the Catholic Church in Pakistan, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1993) 289 pp.

Michael O'Dea (=, =), The effects of histrionic personality disorder on marriage consent, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1993) ≈ pp. 2 microfiches.

Nira Sangal (Canadian laywoman, 1961-), The canonical effects of incest on matrimonial consent, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1993) 292 pp.

Kenneth Schmidt (American priest, 1955-), Educatio prolis as an essential element of marriage, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1993) 305 pp.

Douglas Stamp (Canadian Redemptorist, 1951-), The alienation of temporal goods in clerical religious institutes, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1993) 247 pp.

Paul Thomas (American Benedictine, =), Exclaustration in the Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1993) 271 pp.

Robert Kaslyn (American Jesuit, =), Canonical communion: A reading of Canon 209 § 1, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1992) 294 pp. Monograph, id., Communion with the Church (1994) 297 pp. Reviews: R. Kress, Jurist 55 (1995) 427-430; J. Coriden, Studia Canonica 31 (1997) 248-250.

Anthony Malone (New Zealand Franciscan, 1941-), The canonical and pastoral implications of Canon 1148, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1992) 239 pp.

David Ross (American priest, 1949-), Diocesan synods: the application of the law in three dioceses in the United States of America, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1992) 264 pp.


Catherine Darcy (=, =), The Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas: the canonical development of the proposed governance model, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1991) ≈ pp. Monograph (University Press of America, 1993) xix-261 pp.

Brian Dunn (Canadian priest, 1955-), The Catholic schools in Newfoundland: an investigation into their nature according to the Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1991) 356 pp.



  Jean Faraj (Lebanese religious, 1951-), La situation juridique de l'Église grecque melkite catholique au Canada, (SPU/USP diss., 1991) 240 pp.

Robert Mwaungulu (Malawai priest, 1960-2013), The particular legislation of the Catholic Church in Malawi, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1991) 272 pp.

Michael Saunders (English priest, 1951-), The application of Canon 11 of the Code of canon law to members of the Church of England in regard to nullity of marriage, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1991) 208 pp.

Thomas Vowell (American religious, 1957-), The acts of financial administration by diocesan bishops according to the norms of Canon 1277, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1991) 280 pp.


Mary Wright (Australian religious, 1945-), The canonical development of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1991) 223 pp.

Louis-Gabriel Blot (Haitian priest, =), L’Église et le systèm concordataire en Haïti: étude du Concordat de 1860 signé entre le Saint-Siège et la République d’Haïti, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1990) 368 pp.

Patrick Cogan (American Augustinian, =), The understanding of defection in the 1983 Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1990) 260 pp.

Christopher Gaffney (English Redemptorist, 1946-), Priests, religious, and public office in the 1983 Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1990) 244 pp.

Helen MacDonald (Canadian laywoman, =), Hermits: the juridical implications of canon 603, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1990) 255 pp.

Kevin McKenna (American priest, 1950-), The right of confidentiality and diocesan clergy personnel records, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1990) 233 pp.

Ian Waters (Australian priest, 1943-), Australian conciliar legislation prior to the 1917 Code of canon law: a comparative study with similar legislation in Great Britain, Ireland, and North America, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1990) 305 pp.

Myriam Wijlens (Dutch laywoman, 1962-), Theology and canon law: the theories of Klaus Mőrsdorf and Eugenio Corecco, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1990) 327 pp. Monograph, id., Theology and Canon Law: the Theories of Klaus Mörsdorf and Eugenio Corecco, (University Press of America, 1992) xiii-229 pp. Review: L. Blyskal, Jurist 53 (1993) 210-212.

Pierre Allard (Canadian religious, 1938-), Le canon 578 et son application à la Société de Marie: le patrimonie de l’institut, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1989) 292 pp.

John Carr (=, =), The suspension of a cleric by the administrative procedure according to the 1983 Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1989) 526 pp.

Jerald Doyle (American priest, =), Civil incorporation of ecclesiastical institutions: a canonical perspective, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1989) 255 mf.

Patricia Hannan (New Zealand Dominican, =), The apostolate of women religious in the particular church since the Second Vatican Council: juridical relationships with bishops according to the 1983 Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1989) 377 mf. /bis


Laval Lavoie, L’érection canonique du diocèse de Gaspé et l’oeuvre de Monseigneur François-Xavier Ross, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., D-096, 1989) in 2 vols.

Ronald Licari (American Benedictine, 1948-), The diocese as a particular church according to the 1983 Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1989) 282 mf.

Mark Mealey (American Salesian, =), The parish pastoral council in the United States of America: applications of canon 536, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1989, ISBN 9780315564237) 276 mf.

Richard Bauhoff (American priest, 1946-), Canon 1084 and psychic impotence, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1988) 274 pp.

Antoine Finfini (=, =), Le statut juridique du catéchiste en territoires de mission: structure et signification du canon 785 du Code de droit canoniqiue de 1983, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1988) in 2 vols.

Gary Neville (American Norbertine, =), The religious superior’s council in the 1983 Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1988, ISBN 9780315468290) 270 mf. Neville biograph.


Marilyn Phillips (American religious, 1916-2011), The Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart: their patrimony and historico-canonical status, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1988) 265 pp.

Adrian Farrelly (Australian priest, 1948-), The diocesan finance council: a historical and canonical study, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1987) 279 pp.

Michael Hack (American priest, 1944-), Stability of the office of parish priest in the 1983 Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1987, OCLC 716256916) xv-246 pp.

Patrick Lagges (American priest, 1952-), The legislative authority of the conference of bishops: its nature and scope in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1987, OCLC 23184705) xiv-276 pp.

Paul Baillargeon (Canadian priest, 1951-), The canonical rights and duties of parents in the education of their children, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1986) 375 pp.


Gandayi Busugutsala (= Zaire, 1948-), L’Église et l’État face à la question scolaire au Zaïre de Léopold II à Mobutu Sese Seko, 1885-1985: doctrines sous-jecentes, fondements juridiques et praxis, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., D-080, 1986) 450 pp.

Daniel Conlon (American priest, 1948-), The moderator of the Curia as manager of diocesan pastoral action, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1986) 299 pp. Conlon biograph.

Brendan Daly (=, 1952-), Canonical requirements on the part of parents in cases of infant baptism, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1986) 298 pp.

John Hannon (Australian priest, 1952-), The college of consultors and the exercise of ecclesial authority, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1986) 347 pp.

John Pearson (=, =), The reservation and veneration of the Blessed Eucharist, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1986, OCLC 872362380) xii-234 pp.

Marc De Mûelenaere (Belgian / South African priest, 1943), The canonical significance of marital fidelity among the Bantu of South Africa, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1985) 277 pp. Review: J. Huels, Jurist 47 (1987) 611-612.

James D’Mello (=, =), The double religious marriage celebration in India, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1985) ≈ pp.

Brian O’Loughlin (Australian priest, 1949-), Marriage covenant and consortium totius vitae: Scriptural basis, conciliar teaching, and the revised Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1985) 506 pp.

Flavio-Hugo Bedoya (=, =), Preparation for marriage as a communion of life and love, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1984, ISBN 9780315365643) 334 pp.

Ishbel MacPherson (Scottish religious, 1933-), The exercise of authority in apostolic religious institutes of women according to the 1983 revised Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1984) 276 pp.

John Martin (American Jesuit, 1942-), The religious state according to Suárez, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., D-073, 1984) 229 pp.

Kevin Matthews (Australian priest, 1940-), The development and future of the administrative tribunal, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1984) xv-340 pp. Appeared in Studia Canonica 18 (1984) 8-233.

Clifford Stokes (South African priest, 1945-), Interdiocesan tribunals in southern Africa, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1984) 357 pp.

Marie-Paul Dion (=, =), Le consécration des vierges: implication juridiques, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1983) 253 pp.


John Maliekal (Indian priest, 1947-), Celebration of Catholic marriages in India, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., D-069, 1983) 277 pp.

Joseph Tobin (Australian priest, =), The teaching office of the diocesan bishop, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1983) 254 pp.

John Barry (=, 1948-), Ecclesial norms for priestly formation, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1982) 504 pp.

Denise Doyle (=, =), Religious freedom in Canada, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., D-066, 1982, ISBN 9780315122314) 206 pp.

Augustine Mendonça (Indian/Canadian priest, 1941-), Antisocial personality and nullity of marriage, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1982, OCLC 15941137) 356 pp. Appeared in Studia Canonica 16 (1982) 3-214.

Roger Kenyon (American layman, =), A concept of ecclesial law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., D-064, 1981) 230 pp.

James Zusy (American Dominican, 1932-2004), Psychic immaturity and marriage nullity, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1980) 307 pp.


Marguerite Jean (= religious, =), Évolution des communautés religieuses de femmes au Canada, 1639-1973, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1974) 544 pp. Review: F. Morrisey, Studia Canonica 14 (1980) 219-220.


David Fellhauer (American priest, 1939-), The consortium omnis vitae as a juridical element of marriage, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1978) 258 pp. Appeared in Studia Canonica 13 (1979) 7-171. Fellhauer biograph.


John Makothakat (= priest, 1937-), The sincerity of mixed-marriage promises according to recent legislation, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1978) 268 pp.


Jean Moncion (Canadian Oblate, 1921-), L’incorporation civile des instituts religieux au Canada, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1978) 400 pp.


Marie-Alice Boucher (= religious, 1922-), Rénovation conciliaire du droit des religieux, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1977) 265 pp.

Edward Hudson (Canadian priest, 1939-), Marital consummation according to ecclesiastical legislation, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1977) 330 pp.


Katherine Meagher (Canadian religious, 1914-), The status of women in the post-conciliar Church, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1976) 297 pp.


Robert Sanson (= priest, 1941-), A preliminary investigation in marriage nullity trials, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1976) ≈ pp.


Simon Héroux (Canadian layman, 1944-), Les relations entre l’Église et l’État d’après le cardinal Louis-Nazaire Bégin, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1973) 345 pp.


Jean-Roch Gaudin (=, 1942-), Les rapport entre l’Église et l’État d’après le cardinal Elzéar-Alexandre Taschereau, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1972, OCLC 849951574) = pp. @ =.


Francis Morrisey (Canadian Oblate of Mary Immaculate, 1936-), The juridical status of the Catholic Church in Canada, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1972) 250 pp.


André Boucher (=, 1937-), La loi des fabriques du Québec, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1968) = pp.

Bernard Martin (=, 1925-), Les structures sociales de l’Église au premier siècle, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1968) = pp.

Roch Pagé (Canadian priest, 1939-), Le conseil diocésain de pastorale, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1968) = pp. Monograph, The Diocesan Pastoral Council, trans., B. Prince (Newman 1970) 170 pp. Reviews: J. Hayden, Jurist 32 (1972) 148-150, P. R., Studia Canonica 2 (1968) 344-345. Note: On the place of Pagé in canonistics see, e.g., anon., Studia Canonica 41 (2007) 10-15.

Joseph Saski (=, =), Juridical relationship between the lay apostolate and the hierarchy, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1966) 199 pp.


Gerald Doyle (=, =), The Catholic hospitals of Canada, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1964) = pp.


Henry Lacerte (=, =), The nature of canon law according to Suárez, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1963, ASIN B007BS0FQS) 186 pp.


Francisco Atienza Martínez (Ecuador priest, =), El De personis en la Dionisiana (excepto el papa y los obispos), (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1963) xiv-291 pp.


Roland Leclaire (=, =), La forme canonique ordinare des mariages interrituels au Canada, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1960) 285 pp.


Lucien Foucreault (Canadian priest, =), Oeuvres des religieux et autorité diocésaine, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1957) = pp.

Denis Robitaille (=, =), L’érection canonique des paroisses dans la province de Québec, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1957) 264 pp.


Guy Arbour (Canadian priest, =), Le droit canonique particulier au Canada, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1954) 167 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 17 (1957) 472-473.


Robert Ogle (Canadian priest, 1928-1998), The faculties of Canadian military chaplains: a commentary on the faculty sheet of December 1955 and the directives for Holy Week promulgated March 14, 1956, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1956) 267 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 16 (1956) 462-464. Ogle biograph.


Leo Hinz (Canadian Benedictine, 1956-), The celebration of marriage in Canada: a comparative study of civil and canon law outside of the province of Québec, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1953) 190 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 17 (1957) 213-214.


John Kelly (= religious, =), The legal status of mission stations: an historical synopsis and canonical commentary, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1953) 248 pp.


Santès-Marie Déry (=, =), La norme relative du jeûne dans le droit commun et au Canada, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1952) = pp.


Anselm Regan (= Benedictine, =), The law requiring a server at mass: a study of its origin and the development of its interpretation, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1952) = pp.

Pierre Ménard (=, =), L’exemption des séminaires de la jurisdiction paroissiale: étude juridico-historique, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1950) xii-192 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 11 (1951) 566-567.


William Carew (Canadian priest, 1922-2012), The apostolic delegate, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1950) = pp.

Arman Ferland (Canadian Redemptorist, =), Notion de la peine ecclésiastique, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1950) 199 pp.

Paul-Émile Giroux (=, =), La forme du mariage dans le province de Québec: étude de droit comparé, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1950, OCLC 23220125) = pp.


Raymond Chaput (= Oblate, 1915-), Le vicaire coopérateur: ses pouvoirs dans le droit commun et le droit particulier canadien: sommaire historique et commentaire juridique, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1949) v-217 pp.


Emmett Doyle (Canadian priest, 1913-2003), The consultation of experts: an historical outline of the legislation and practice, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1949) v-330 pp.


Peter Kinlin (=, 1913-), Canonical and civil status of parishes in Canada (outside of the civil province of Québec), (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1949) xii-302 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 15 (1955) 110-111.


Basil Malone (=, =), The function and limited extension of ecclesiastical laws, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1949) = pp.


Colin Picket (=, =), The insane and the laws of the Church: an historical synopsis or roman and ecclesiastical law and a canonical commentary, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1949) x-220 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 13 (1953) 238-239 (under the title: Mental Affliction and Church Law).


Edmund Way (= priest, =), Educating to Catholic marriage: an historical development and canonical commentary, with particular reference to Canada, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1949) = pp.


Joseph Campbell (= priest, =), The ordinary power of prelates inferior to the pope to grant indulgences, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1948, OCLC 948998116) xiii-199 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 14 (1954) 229-230.

Felipe Cejudo Vega (=, =), El primer Concilio plenario de la América latina, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1948) = pp.

Paul-Henri Lafontaine (=, =), L’évêque d’ordination des religieux des débuts du monachisme à la mort de Louise le Pieux (840): étude historico-juridique, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1948) 263 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 12 (1952) 385.

Germaine Lesage (Canadian Oblate, 1915-), L’accession des congrégations à l’état religieux juridique, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1948) 240 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 13 (1953) 344-345. Notes: On the place of Lesage in canonistsics, see Unico (1991) 10-26.

Alexander McDonald (v, ≈), The rights and obligations of the metropolitan as such according to the Code of canon law, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1948, OCLC 25193282) 26 pp (part).


J. - M. -Alexis Monnet (≈, ≈), Administration des biens en pays de mission, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1948) ≈ pp.


J. - Lucien Beaudouin (≈, ≈), La dissolution du lien matrimonial en droit canonique et en droit civil canadien, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1947, OCLC 716379947) 359 pp.

Eugene Forbes (American priest, 1914-2003), The canonical separation of consorts: an historical synopsis and commentary on canons 1128-1132, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1947) 286 pp. Review: J. Schmidt, Jurist 9 (1949) 451-454.


Bernard Guindon (≈ priest, ≈), Le serment: son histoire, son caractère sacré, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1947) 246 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 18 (1958) 110-111

Thomas Horton (≈ priest, ≈), The time and place of baptism: an historical synopsis and commentary, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1947, OCLC 459405033) x-155 pp.


Roger Larivière (Canadian priest, 1913-2010), Catholiques et écoles publiques: essai d’interprétation sur el canon 1374, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1947) ≈ pp.

Frederick Sackett (≈ Oblate, 1916-2005), The spiritual director in an ecclesiastical seminary, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1945) 171 pp.


Paul Marc-Aurèle (Canadian priest, ≈), Le propre évêque pour l’ordination des séculiers, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1944) 246 pp.


Léo de Guise (Canadian priest, ≈-2000), Le promoteur de la justice: son intervention dans les causes matrimoniales, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1943) 343 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 4 (1948) 599-600.


Rogers Pelow (Canadian religious, 1917-1990), The vicar delegate of mission ordinaries: an historical introduction and canonical commentary, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1943) 278 pp. @


Elliott McGuigan (Canadian religious, ≈-1985), Meaning and consequences of canon 974 § 1, n. 2, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1941, OCLC 877131234) 272 pp.


Paul-Émile Doyon (Canadian priest, 1923-2017), La personne du ministre ordinaire de la communion, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1940, OCLC 877836327) xx-184 pp.


René Bélanger (Canadian Oblate, ≈), La dîme ecclésiastique: dissertation historico-juridique sur la dîme ecclésiastique, particulièrement au Canada, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1939, OCLC 54122544) xix-134 pp.

Désiré Bergeron (Canadian religious, =), La personnalité internationale du Saint-Siège, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1939, OCLC 49023397) 23 pp.


André Guay (Canadian Oblate, 1905-), Législation ecclésiastique en matière scolaire, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1936) ≈ pp.

René Latrémouille (Canadian religious, 1908-1982), L’Église et l’exemption des religieux, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1936) ≈ pp.

Ovila-A. Meunier (Canadian Oblate, ≈), L’Église et la politique, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1936) ≈ pp.


Arthur Caron (Canadaian Oblate, 1899-1970), Le droit canonique comparé au droit civil en matière matrimoniale, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1931) ≈ pp.

Gustave Suavé (≈, ≈), La loi ecclésiastique, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1931) 84 pp.

Louis de la Broquerie Taché (≈, ≈), Disquisitio historico-canonica de ordinatione religiosorum: seu, circa eamdem materiam dissertatio de evolutione legum ecclesiasticarum nec non [sic] et commentarium canonum Codicis juris canonici ad eam pertinentium, (SPU/USP doctoral diss., 1931) ≈ pp.


Master's Theses

Bernard McCumiskey, The Development of ‘Inability’ as a Ground of Marriage Nullity in Anglo-Irish Jurisprudence, (SPU-USP MA thesis, 1980) vi-156 pp.

Jeanette Mignault, Psychologie et droit dans le marriage chrètien, (SPU-USP MA thesis, 1980) ii-113 pp.

Yolande Dufresne, Reconnaissance ecclésiale des premières constitutions: Soeurs des Saints-Noms de Jésus et de Marie 1843-1887, (SPU-USP MA thesis, 1985) ix-260 pp.

Michael Saunders, The Marriage Laws as Found in the Canons of the Church of England, (SPU-USP MA thesis, (SPU-USP MA thesis, 1986) ix-318 pp.

Francis Kirkwood, The Diocesan Ministry of Permanent Deacons in the History and Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church to the Council of Trent, (SPU-USP MA thesis, 1986) x-166.

Richard Moth, The Foundation and Development of the English Seminaries: a Response to Canonical Legislation, (SPU-USP MA thesis, 1987) vii-178 pp.





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Antonianum, Last updated: 24 February 2018.


Notes: Some numbering errors in dissertations are flagged below.


Sources: List of Antonianum doctoral dissertations in canon law from 2000-2014, here.


Doctoral Dissertations

Simo Ivelj (Boznian-Herzogvinan Franciscan, 1982-), Le Pene canoniche relative alle fattispecie di abbandono della Chiesa cattolica, (Antonianum diss. 166, 2016) 246 pp. Ivelj biograph.

Michele Sardella (Italian Franciscan, 1982-), De negotiationibus et mercatura: la proibizione per i chierici di svolgere attività affaristiche e commerciali nell'evoluzione della normativa canonica (Can. 286), (Antonianum diss. 165, 2016) 158 pp. Sardella biograph.

Cristina Giuliano (≈, 1969-), Il Consenso naturalmente sufficiente espresso in assenza della forma canonica e la sua convalidabilità, (Antonianum diss. 164, 2015) xxxi-69 pp.

Simone Giampieri (Italian Franciscan, 1975-), L'Applicazione dell'istituto giuridico della Prelatura territtoriale alla Santa Casa di Loreto, (Antonianum diss. 163, 2014) xxvi-90 pp.

 Assunta Preziosi (≈, ≈), La Disciplina giuridica degli edifici di culto nella Chiesa particolare: studio storico-giuridico della Chiesa privata di S. Pietro della Diocesi di Avellino, (Antonianum diss. ≈, 2014) 124 pp.

Giuseppina Bozzuto (≈ religious, 1973-), La Tutela della buona fama e dell'intimitas secondo la legislazione civile italiana e la normativa della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana, (Antonianum diss. 162, 2015) xxxvii-197 pp.

Domenico Canzano (≈ layman, 1984-), Il Trattamento tributario delle associazioni private dei fedeli nello Stato italiano: il modello dell'Associazione Nazionale San Paolo Italia (A. N. S. P. I.), (Antonianum diss. 161, 2016) xxxix-89 pp.

Paolo Palumbo (Italian layman, 1980-), L’obbligo di conservare sempre la communion con la Chiesa a norma del can. 209 § 1, (Antonianum diss. 160, 2014) 147 pp (part). Palumbo biograph.


Giampiero Pisaniello (= priest, 1972-), Misure disciplinari nei confronti di chierici con disturbi psichici, (Antonianum diss. 159, 2014) xlix-309 pp.

Roberto Paolo (= priest, 1969-), Il diritto del sacerdote a celebrare l'Euchraistia, (Antonianum diss. 158, 2013) 185 pp (part).

 Mónica Sáenz Amaguaya (= religious, 1976-), El deber de obediencia cristiana de los fieles a los pastores sagrados: aspectos jurídico-pastorales del canon 212 = 1 para el tiempo presente, (Antonianum diss. 157, 2013) 265 pp (part).

Alexis Lawson (= Franciscan, 1969-), L'animation chrétienne de l'ordre temporel et spécialment de l'order politique comme devoir propre du fidèle laïc (cf. can. 225 =2), (Antonianum diss. 156, 2011) 155 pp (part).

 Maria Bavaro (=, 1974-), La sussistenza degli obblighi naturali a carico dei nubendi: nel territorio della Conferenza Episcopata Italiana, (Antonianum diss. 155, 2012) 100 pp (part).


(Antonianum diss. 154 =

Simona Paolini (=, =), L'approvazione del diritto proprio dei religosi, secondo il can. 587. Per una 'ecclesiotopia' della vita consecrata, (Antonianum diss. 153, 2011), 151 pp.

Gerhard Hörting (=, 1972-), Amotio und Privatio: zwei Formen des Verlustes eines seelsorgischen Amtes, (Antonianum diss. 152, 2010) lix-226 pp.

Claudio Durighetto (= Franciscan, 1960-), Il canone 614 del Codice di diritto canonico e sue applicazioni normative nelle costituzioni delle monache associate agli ordini mendicanti, (Antonianum diss. 151, 2009) 258 pp.

Francesco Vardé (=, =), L'incidence del transessualismo nel matrimonio canonico: aspetti mediatici, antropologici, giuridici, (Antonianum diss. 150, 2011) 80 pp (part).

Crispin Beya Ngeleka (= Franciscan, 1968-), Les offrandes de messes dans la législation canonique et les documents de l'episcopat de la République Démocratique du Congo: difficultés actuelles et perspectives d'avenir, (Antonianum diss. 149, 2009) xxxii-96 pp (part).

 Miguel Ángel Escribano Arráez (= Franciscan, 1967-), La Iglesia frente al desarrollo del derecho de familia en España, (Antonianum diss. 148, 2009) lvi-108 pp.

Philippe Yates (= Franciscan, 1964-), Poverty in the legislation of the Friars Minor Recollect, (Antonianum diss. 147, 2008) 159 pp.

Armando Cossa (= Franciscan, 1967-), La mission et l'évangélisation selon la législation canonique: application dans le diocese de Bissau, (Antonianum diss. 146, 2008) 119 pp (part).

Ratko Radišić (= Capuchin, 1975-), L'affidamento delle parrocchie ai religiosi: la realtà della Provincia francescana croata dei SS. Cirillo e Metodio, (Antonianum diss. 145, 2008) li-91 pp (part).

José Ignacio Alonso Pérez (=, =), L'ordinamento canonico di fronte alle convivenze non-matrimoniali civilmente riconosciute, (Antonianum diss. 144, 2007) lix-98 pp (part).

Sonia Del Genio (=, 1954-), Il miracolo nelle cause di beatificazione e canonizzazione, (Antonianum diss. 143, 2006) xxviii-76 pp (part).

Daniela Del Genio (=, 1960-), Il culto delle reliquie nella legislazione canonica latina, (Antonianum diss. 142, 2006) xxx-64 ppp.

Claudia Ciotola (=, 1975-), I ministri sacri in Italia, (Antonianum diss. 141, 2005) 139 pp.

Zulmira Aparecida Mendonça Martins (= religious, 1966-), A formação permanente na normativa fundamental das Irmãs franciscanas de São José: perspectiva teológico-jurídica do cânon 661, (Antonianum diss. 140, 2005) xxxiv-117 pp.

Francisco Quiroz Carrillo (= Franciscan, 1963-), El presbiterio en la estructura orgánica de la Iglesia particular: estudio teológico-jurídico, (Antonianum diss. 139, 2004) lviii-84 pp (part). Review: T. Makin, Jurist 44 (1984) 500-501.

Patricio Bonilla (= Franciscan, 1968-), Fundamento y disciplina del sigilo sacramental según Juan Duns Escoto: estudo teológico-jurídico, (Antonianum diss. 138, 2004) xliii-92 pp.

José Elías Rauda (= Franciscan, 1962-), La formación espiritual inicial y permanente de los clérigos en la legislación vigente de la Iglesia latina, con especial atención a la formación sacerdotal en Latinoamérica: estudo jurídico-pastoral, (Antonianum diss. 137, 2003) xxxviii-105 pp.

Polycarpe Betukumesu Ilunga (= Franciscan, 1959-), L'apostolat des religieux dans les Eglises particulières: normes de CIC-83 et application au Congo démocratique, (Antonianum diss. 136, 2003) xxxv-74 pp (part).

Moacyr Malaquias (Brazilian Franciscan, 1958-), A vigilância da sede apostólica na administração dos bens temporais da Igreja, (Antonianum diss. 135, 2003) xiv-55 pp (part).

Danuta Fudali (= religious, 1962-), Le Costituzioni delle Suore Francescane della Famiglia di Maria: genesi ed evoluzione giuridica fino all'esortazione apostolica ‘Vita consecrata’: studio storico-giuridico, (Antonianum diss. 134, 2003) lxi-141 pp.

Ciro Tammaro (Italian layman, 1970-), La posizione giuridica dei fedeli laici nelle prelature personali, (Antonianum diss. 133, 2004) 249 pp. Notes: Tammaro biograph.

• Giuseppe Tomiri (= Franciscan, 1968-), La dispensa dal matrimonio non sacramentale in favore della fede: sviluppo storico e prassi vigente, (Antonianum diss. 132, 2003) xxi-81 pp (part).

Luís Celso Biffi (Brazilian priest, 1955-), A remoção dos párocos: desenvolvimento da normativa do CIC/17 ao CIC/83: estudo histórico-jurídico pastoral, (Antonianum diss. 131, 2004) 128 pp (part).


Orosz Lóránt András, (= Franciscan, =), L'Iter giuridico dell'unione leonina dei frati minori nella provincia astro-ungarica di ‘S. Giovanni Capestrano’ (1897-1899): studio storico-giuridico, (Antonianum diss. 130, 2001) 159 pp.

Cliza Casinari (=, =), L'infallibilità del Romano Pontefice nell'ordinamento giuridico, (Antonianum diss. 129, 2001) 124 pp (part).

Ivan Sesar (= Capuchin, 1967-), L'uscita definitiva dall'istituto religioso durante o allo scadere della professione temporanea. Sviluppo storico e disciplina attuale, (Antonianum diss. 128, 2001) 191 pp (part).

Jürgen Buchner (=, 1960-), Die Paleae im Dekret Gratians Untersuchung ihrer Echtheit, (Antonianum diss. 127, 2000) 525 pp.

Flavio Sánchez de la Torre (Mexican Franciscan, 1962-), La promoción de los derechos humanos en la constiutión y en la vida política actual de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos a la luz del Magisterio Eclesiástico, (Antonianum diss. 126, 2000) xxxi-171 pp (part).

Ivo Müller (= Franciscan, 1961-), Fundamento da cooperação dos irmãos da Ordem dos Frades Menores no poder de regime da Igreja: perspectiva teológico-jurídica do cânon 129 § 2, (Antonianum diss. 125, 2000) 140 pp.

Jorge Horta Espinoza (= Franciscan, 1963-), La dispensa del religioso de las obligaciones de la profesión y del sacramento del orden, (Antonianum diss. 124, 1999) lx-376 pp. Review: R. Kaslyn, Jurist 68 (2008) 609-611.

Franciszek Ezdrasz Biesok (= Franciscan, 1963-), L'obbligo della formazione permanente dei religiosi nei documenti del magistero dal Vaticano II alla 'Vita consecrata': studio del can. 661, (Antonianum diss. 123, 1999) xxvi-86 pp (part).

Miron Sikiric (= Franciscan, 1968-), La communio quale fondamento e principio formale del diritto canonico: studio teologico-giuridico, (Antonianum diss. 122, 1999) 197 pp.

Gerardo Ángeles Pérez (= Franciscan, 1962-), La obligación y derecho de los Padres en la educación de la prole según el CIC y los documentos de la Conferencía del Episcopado Latinoaméricano, (Antonianum diss. 121, 1999) xl-268 pp.

Dariusz Stanislaw Niemiec (=, =), La legislazione celibataria del codice del 1917 nei documenti del magistero, (Antonianum diss. 120, 1999) xxviii-98 pp (part).

Alberto Monti (= Franciscan, 1963-), L'obbligo di emettere la professione di fede: studio teologico-giuridico del can. 833, (Antonianum diss. 119, 1998) xxix, 213 pp. Review: J. Huels Studia Canonica 33 (1999) 561-562.

Krzysztof Paszkiewicz (= Franciscan, 1966-), Aspetti giuridici dell'educazione integrale dei figli nella scuola cattolica, (Antonianum diss. 118, 1998) xliii-97 pp.

Jorge Herbas Balderrama, (= Franciscan, 1963-), La colaboración de los religiosos misioneros con los ordinarios del lugar en America Latina: presupuestos teológico-jurídicos y pastorales, (Antonianum diss. 117, 1998) xxxix-247 pp.

(Antonianum diss. 116 =)

Paolo De Luigi (=, =), L'archivio ecclesiastico uso e conservazione dei documenti nel codice di diritto canonico, (Antonianum diss. 115, 1998) xxii-58 pp (part). De Luigi biograph.

Matteo De Mori (= priest, 1963-), Il tributo ecclesiastico nella normativa codiciale attuale, (Antonianum diss. 114, 1997) xxx-155 pp.

Marko Mrse (= Franciscan, 1962-), Il consiglio presbiterale diocesano e la sua attuazione nella provincia ecclesiastica di Split (Croazia), (Antonianum diss. 113, 1997) xxxvi-119 pp.


  Jacek Dobromir Jasztal (Polish Franciscan, 1966-), La comunione ‘non piena’ tra la chiesa cattolica e le chiese orientali ortodosse nei documenti del magistero e del dialogo 1965-1995: studio teologico-giuridico, (Antonianum diss. 112, 1997) xiv-104 pp. Jasztal biograph.

 • Mauro Visigalli (Italian layman, 1963-), Vis et metus nell'ordinamento matrimoniale canonico, (Antonianum diss. 111, 1997) xxvii-104 pp.


Oreste Mateo Krupsky (= Franciscan, 1956-), La evangelización en la legislación franciscana"pro indis"(siglo XVI): estudio histórico-jurídico, (Antonianum diss. 110, 1996) xliv-242 pp.

There appear to be no Antonianum canon law dissertations numbered 101-109.

Giuseppe Noto (= Franciscan, 1958-), L'amministrazione dei beni temporali secondo l'attuale legislazione dell'Ordine dei Frati Minori, (Antonianum diss. 99, 1994) xxix-129 pp.

Alfredo Villagrán Herrera (= Franciscan, 1949-), Normativa y prospectivas del derecho asociativo de los fieles cristianos en la legislación codicial latina: estudio histórico-jurídico, (Antonianum diss. 98, 1994) liii-335 pp.

Priamo Etzi, (= Franciscan, 1965-), L'Altius Moderamen del can. 303 CJC 1983 nell'organizzazione dell'Ordine Francescano Secolare, (Antonianum diss. 97, 1994) lvii-209 pp. Review: A. Mendonça, Studia Canonica 37 (2003) 230-233 and again at 271-275.

Jerzy Kwiatkowski (= Franciscan, =), Gli istituti secolari nei documenti precodiciali e nella legislazione canonica attuale, (Antonianum diss. 96, 1994), 88 pp (part).

 Claudio Tagliaferri (= Franciscan, 1950-), Il culto alla beata Vergine Maria nell'ordinamento canonico sino al Codice del 1983, (Antonianum diss. 95, 1994) xxix-73 ppp.

Martinus Sardi (= Franciscan, 1957-), La partecipazione dei fedeli laici all'azione missionaria della chiesa, (Antonianum diss. 94, 1992) 157 pp (part).

Nikolaus Schöch, (Austrian Franciscan, 1960-), Die Frage der Reduktion der Feiertage bei Benedikt XIV: eine rechtshistorische Untersuchung, (Antonianum diss. 93, 1994) xli-237 pp.


Francisco Rodríguez Rico (= Franciscan, 1943-), El derecho sacramental en la actuación pastoral de los hermanos menores en la nueva España (1524-1585): estudio histórico-jurídico, (Antonianum diss. 92, 1994) xxxii-184 pp.

Anton Schilhan (= 1952-), Das Wesen der Ehe nach dem Codex Iuris Canonici von 1983: Entwicklungsgeschichte der erneuerten Gesetzgebung, (Antonianum diss. 91, 1993) 60 pp (part).


(Antonianum diss. 90 =)

Angelo Amati, (= priest, 1944-), L'incidenza dell'immaturità psico-affettiva sul consenso matrimoniale nella dottrina e giurisprudenza canonica (can. 1095), (Antonianum diss. 89, 1992) xxviii-116 pp.

Kelly O'Donnell [Beaurivage] (American laywoman, 1956-), Alienation of temporal goods in the codification of the legislation in the Church, (Antonianum diss. 88, 1992) 51 pp (part). O'Donnell biograph.

David-Maria A. Jaeger, (Israeli Franciscan, 1955-), Paul VI in Defence of Christian Rights in the Holy Land, (Antonianum diss. 87, 1989) xxx-56 pp (part).


Vittorio Schiavetta (= Franciscan, =), La vita religiosa negli orientamenti giuridico-pastorali di Paolo VI, (Antonianum diss. 86, 1992) 413 pp.

Luigi Ortaglio (= Franciscan, =), Il Consiglio pastorale diocesano: luogo privilegiato per la programmazione dell'Apostolato dei Laici, (Antonianum diss. 85, 1988) 215 pp.

Satoru Humada, (= Franciscan, =), Die Armut der Ordensinstitute im Codex Iuris Canonici von 1983 und ihr Einfluss auf die Gesetzgebung im Minderbrüderorden, (Antonianum diss. 84, 1988) xxxv-186 pp.

John Cella, (= Franciscan, =), The development of the concept of a clerical institute from the 1917 code to the 1983 code: and its effect on the Order of Friars Minor, (Antonianum diss. 83, 1987) xxx-229 pp.


Roberto Calzone (= Franciscan, =), De evolutione iuridica studiorum in ordine Fratrum Minorum: ab origine regularis observatiae usque ad divisionem Ordinis 1517, (Antonianum diss. 82, 1982) 81 pp (part).


Jure Brkan, (= Franciscan, =), L'organizzazione scolastica della provincia del SS. Redentore in Dalmazia nel Settecento, (Antonianum diss. 81, 1982) 94 pp (part).

Smiljan-Dragan Kozul (= Franciscan, =), La dottrina matrimoniale del Concilio Vaticano II, (Antonianum diss. 80, 1980) 87 pp (part).


(Antonianum diss. 79 =)

L. Acevedo Quiroz (= Franciscan, 1933-), Controversia sobre la inseparabilidad del contrato y el sacramento en el matrimonio cristiano: estudio histórico-jurídico, (Antonianum diss. 78, 1978) xii-123 pp.


Heinz-Meinolf Stamm, (= Franciscan, =), Luther und das Ordensleben, (Antonianum diss. 77, 1977) 56 pp (part).

Viktor Ivan Papez (= Franciscan, 1943-), La formazione intellettuale dei sacerdoti nel codice di diritto canonico e nel Concilio Ecumenico Vaticano II: (studio storico-giuridico), (Antonianum diss. 76, 1973) xv-130 pp.


Settimio Maroncelli (= Franciscan, =), I religiosi e la chiesa locale: dottrina del Vaticano II, (Antonianum diss. 75, 1975) 191 pp.

Januarius Izzo (= Franciscan, =), The Antimension in the liturgical and canonical tradition of the Byzantine and Latin Churches, (Antonianum diss. 74, 1975) xvi-358 pp.


Filippo Marino Cavalleri (= Franciscan, =), I sinodi diocesani di Brescia: indagine storico-giuridica, (Antonianum diss. 73, 1972) 61 pp (part).

Alcuin Coyle (= Franciscan, =), De communismo nomen dantibus, (Antonianum diss. 72, 1963) xviii-88 pp.

Pius Pejic (= Franciscan, =), De fontibus et argumentis iuridicis in constitutione Lumen gentium: dissertatio ad lauream obtinendam exhibita, (Antonianum diss. 71, 1969) 222 pp.


Viktor Nuic, (= Franciscan, =), Notio christiana iuris naturalis in notionibus naturae et iuris fundata, (Antonianum diss. 70, 1968) xviii-163 pp.


Andrea Cuschieri, (= Franciscan, =), Morbus mentis in iure matrimoniai canonico, (Antonianum diss. 69, 1968) 132 pp.


Velimir Blazevic (Croatian Franciscan, 1936-), Concilia et synodi in territorio hodiernae Jugoslaviae celebrata, (Antonianum diss. 68, 1967) xxxiv-178 pp. Blazevic biograph.


Hector Georgius Martinez (= Franciscan, =), De scientia debita in matrimonio ineundo: doctrina auctorum et iurisprudentia Sacrae Romanae Rotae, (Antonianum diss. 67, 1966) 249 pp.


Cormac José Knoll (≈ Franciscan, 1934-), De primo concilio plenario brasiliensi (anno 1939) eiusque decretis: studium historico-iuridicum, (Antonianum diss. 66, 1967) 144 pp.


Fidelis Favara (≈ Franciscan, ≈), De iure naturali in doctrina Pii Papae XII, (Antonianum diss. 65, 1966) xxvii-166 pp.

Claudius Bettendorf (≈ Franciscan, ≈), De institutione integra Fratrum Minorum Laicorum, (Antonianum diss. 64, 1966) 169 pp.


Giulio Bicego (Italian Franciscan, ≈), De violatione et reconciliatione ecclesiarum, (Antonianum diss. 63, 1965) 79 pp (part).


Raimondo Angelo Jara (≈ Franciscan, ≈), De custodis officio in ordine Fratrum Minorum usque ad annum 1517: studium iuridico-historicum, (Antonianum diss. 62, 1965) 77 ppp.


William Rowell ( Franciscan, 1927-1986), De superiore regulariis missionibus Ordinis Fratrum Minorum, (Antonianum diss. 61, 1964) 94 pp.


Cormac Nagle (Australian Franciscan, =), De elementis essentialibus status religiosi, (Antonianum diss. 60, 1964) xix-139 pp. Nagle biograph.


Agnellus Vu van Dinh (≈ Franciscan, ≈), De fontibus iuris particularis ecclesiastici missionis vietnamensis: studium historico-iuridicum, (Antonianum diss. 59, 1964) 214 pp.


Petrus a Cruce Tchoi (= Franciscan, =), De fontibus iuris ecclesiastici particularis in Corea: Studium historico-iuridicum, (Antonianum diss. 58, 1962) xv-134 pp.


Agostino Martini, (= Franciscan, =), De Concilio Oecumenico apud iuris peritos usque ad Concillum Vaticanum I, (Antonianum diss. 57, 1962) xvi-206 pp.


Claudianus Kemmeren (= Franciscan, =), Ecclesia et jus analysis critica operum Josephi Klein, (Antonianum diss. 56, 1963) xvi-138 pp.


Orlandus Schulte, (= Franciscan, =), De primis archidioecesis Bahiae constitutionibus anno 1707 promulgatis: Studium historico-iuridicum, (Antonianum diss. 55, 1962) xx-169 pp.


Francesco Antonelli, (= Franciscan, =), De inquisitione medico-legali super miraculis in causis beatificationis et canonizationis, (Antonianum diss. 54, 1962) xxxvi-234 pp.

Theophanes Rush (= Franciscan, =), De unione missionaria franciscana iuridice illustrata, (Antonianum diss. 53, 1962) 166 pp.


Francisco Amigo, (= Franciscan, =), Unidad e indisolubilidad del matrimonio: según Alfonso de Castro o. f. m., (= Franciscan, =), (Antonianum diss. 52, 1962) 55 pp (part).

Hildebrandus de Roeck, (= Franciscan, =), De normis Regulae O. F. M. circa missiones inter infideles ex vita primaeva franciscana profluentibus, (Antonianum diss. 51, 1961) 124 pp.


Bartholomaeus, (= Franciscan, =), De iuribus Ministri Provincialis in Ordine Fratrum Minorum usque ad annun 1517: dissertatio historico-iuridica koltner, (Antonianum diss. 50, 1961) 126 pp.


F. Ly Mu (= Franciscan, =), De fontibus iuris ecclesiastici sinensis: studium historico-iuridicum, (Antonianum diss. 49, 1959) xii-155 pp.


Odilo Schäfer (= Franciscan, =), De rebus temporalibus Ecclesiae in concordatis post-bellicis, (Antonianum diss. 48, 1962) 118 pp.

Aemilius Marchetti (= Franciscan, =), De regimine solutionum debitorum mutato valore pecuniae, (Antonianum diss. 48, 1958) xii-144 pp.


Demetrius O'Friel (= Franciscan, =), Dispensation from the general constitutions of the Order of Friars Minor, (Antonianum diss. 47, 1959) vii-146 pp.

Paschalis Rosales (= Franciscan, =), De teste qualificato ad assistendum matrimonio, (Antonianum diss. 46, 1959) xviii-185 pp.


Pietro Rossi, (= Franciscan, =), De historica evolutione doctrinae distincionis inter ius et usum iuris in contractu matrimoniali, (Antonianum diss. 45, 1959) xv-139 pp.


Damiano Nucifora, (= Franciscan, =), De natura et fundamento reincidentiae in delictum iuxta Codicem Iuris Canonici, (Antonianum diss. 44, 1958) x-55 pp.


Angelus Lee (= Franciscan, =), De clero locali in missionibus: studium historico-juridicum, (Antonianum diss. 43, 1958) xiv-151 pp.


Andrea Boni (= Franciscan, 1927-), De admissione ad novitiatum in legislatione Ordinis Fratrum Minorum, (Antonianum diss. 41, 1958) xvii-183 pp.


Sebastián García, (= Franciscan, =), De influxu metus in sacram ordinationem eiusque onera, (Antonianum diss. 40, 1957) xiv-91 pp.


Martino Morganti (= Franciscan, =), De lege secreti servandi in iure religiosorum, (Antonianum diss. 39, 1957) xii-115 pp.

Beda An (= Franciscan, =), De aedibus apostolatus sororum, (Antonianum diss. 38, 1956) xi-95 pp.


Bartolomeo Belluco (= Franciscan, 1926-), De sacra praedicatione in Ordine Fratrum Minorum: dissertatio historico-iuridica, (Antonianum diss. 37, 1956) xix-134 pp.


Antonio García y García (=, =), Laurentius Hispanus: datos biográficos y estudio crítico de sus obras, (Antonianum diss. 36, 1956) 40 pp (part).


Juan Folguera, (= Franciscan, =), De conceptu matrimonii ac de impedimentis matrimonialibus in primaeva Ecclesia Hispaniae, (Antonianum diss. 35, 1960) 153 pp.


António Domingues de Sousa Costa, (= Franciscan, =), Doutrina penitencial do canonista, (Antonianum diss. 34, 1956) xiv-151 pp.


Salvatore Peperoni, (= Franciscan, =), Intrusus in codice iuris canonici: notio, historia, conditio iuridica respectu habito ad codicem civilem italicum, (Antonianum diss. 33, 1955) 50 pp (part).

Leonardus Fernandez, (= Franciscan, =), De subiecto formae juridicae matrimonii, (Antonianum diss. 32, 1955) xix-83 pp pp (part).


Petrus Ma Hsiao-Hsien (= Franciscan, =), De matrimoniis a fidelibus sive inter se: sive cum acatholicis tempore occupationis communistarum, praesertim in Sinis, contractis, (Antonianum diss. 31, 1958) 101 pp.


Francis Muller (= Franciscan, =), De paroecia domui religiosae commissa, (Antonianum diss. 30, 1956) x-85 pp.


Bernardinus Beck (= Franciscan, =), De cautionibus sincere praestandis in matrimoniis quibus obstat impedimentum mixtae religionis aut disparitatis cultus, (Antonianum diss. 76, 1956) xi-117 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 16 1956) 327-328.


Juan de Jesús Anaya, (= Franciscan, =), De quasi-dispensatione a iure seu de legibus exceptionalibus ad normam canonis 19 C. I. C., (Antonianum diss. 29, 1954) xv-130 pp.


Pietro Damiano M. Bertinato, (= Franciscan, =), De religiosa iuventutis institutione in Ordine Fratrum Minorum: studium historicum-iuridicum, (Antonianum diss. 28, 1954) xxiii-172 pp.

Paschalis Chang (=, =), De relationibus juridicis inter superiores regulares et moniales exemptas ipsis subditas (secundum codicem vigentem), (Antonianum diss. 27, 1953) viii-75 pp.


C. Dello Iacono, (= Franciscan, =), De habitu ecclesiastico: dissertatio historico-critica, (Antonianum diss. 26, 1953) xv-110 pp.


Angelus Han Ta-Li, (= Franciscan, =), De subiecto proprietatis et administrationis bonorum temporalium ecclesiasticorum missionum praesertim in Sinis, (Antonianum diss. 25, 1954) 59 pp (part).


Isidorus Chmiel (= Franciscan, =), De magistro novitiorum: dissertatio historico iuridica, (Antonianum diss. 24, 1953) xvi-138 pp.

Archangelus Barrado (= Franciscan, =), De commissariis generalibus in ordine fratrum Minorum, (Antonianum diss. 23, 1952) xxx-112 pp.

Ewald Kuyper (= Franciscan, =), De separatione tori: mensae et habitationis ratione adulterii iuxta codicem iuris canonici, (Antonianum diss. 22, 1951) 88 pp.

Lubert van de Berg (= Franciscan, =), De matrimonio neophytorum in insulis Gambier, 1833-43, (Antonianum diss. 21, 1951) xi-68 pp.

Hilarius Peeters, (= Franciscan, =), De necessitate acceptationis et notitiae rescripti in iure ecclesiastico, (Antonianum diss. 20, 1954) xiii-96 pp.


Remedius Wijbrands, (= Franciscan, =), De statu iuridico religiosi promoti ad dignitatem vicarii vel praefecti apostolici durante munere, (Antonianum diss. 19, 1952) 79 pp. =cpr?


Antonio Cairoli, (= Franciscan, =), De religiosis iuxta concordata recentia, (Antonianum diss. 18, 1952) 90 pp (part).


Gavin Hanlon (= Franciscan, =), De codicis iuris canonici recognitione: studium historico-iuridicum, (Antonianum diss. 17, 1964) xvi-100 pp.

Ramón Lopez, (= Franciscan, =), De probatione obitus alterius coniugis in ordine ad novum matrimonium ineundum, (Antonianum diss. 16, 1958) xxiii-254 pp.


Giovanni Francesco Ciacio (= Franciscan, =), De oratoriis semipublicis, (Antonianum diss. 15, 1946) xv-97 pp.


Fabiano Ragazzon (= Franciscan, =), De admissione clericorum in religionem, (Antonianum diss. 14, 1952) xvii-107 pp.


Basil Talatinian (= Franciscan, =), De contractu matrimoniali iuxta Armenos: disquisitio historico-iuridica, (Antonianum diss. 13, 1947) xiii-197 pp.


Antonio Giorgino (= Franciscan, =), Sponsalium institutum in fr. Astesani de Ast summa de casibus, (Antonianum diss. 12, 1942) vi-49 pp.


Laurentius Köster (= Franciscan, =), De custodia Sanctissimae Eucharistiae: disquisitio historico-iuridica, (Antonianum diss. 11, 1940) xiv-250 pp.


Corrado Delgado, (= Franciscan, =), De relationibus inter parochum religiosum et ejus superiores regulares: Cum respectu particulari adjus speciale (= Franciscan, =), (Antonianum diss. 10, 1940) xv-140 pp.


Firmino Feltz (= Franciscan, =), De coniugum admissione in religionem, (Antonianum diss. 9, 1941) xiii-75 pp.

  William O'Connell, (= Franciscan, =), De intima natura assistentiae matrimonialis ad normam Can. 1094, (Antonianum diss. 8, 1940) 92 pp.


Michael Brlek (= Franciscan, =), De evolutione iuridica studiorum in Ordine Minorum: ab initio Ordinis usque ad an. 1517, (Antonianum diss. 7, 1942) 109 pp.


Bertrand van Bilsen, (= Franciscan, =), De invloed van Zeger Bernard van Espen op het ontstaanvan de Kerk van Utrecht, (Antonianum diss. 6, 1944) viii-117 pp.


Emmanuele Lombardi, (= Franciscan, =), De pastorum obligatione applicandi missam pro populo, (Antonianum diss. 5, 1940) 79 pp.

  Silvestro Galasso (= Franciscan, =), De cleri collationibus (can. 131, 591), (Antonianum diss. 4, 1940) xxii-224 pp. bis.


Francis Xavier Bockey, (= Franciscan, =), De potestate vicarii cooperatoris: disquisitio canonica, (Antonianum diss. 3, 1939) viii-99 pp.


Gerardus Mulcahy (= Franciscan, =), De matrimonio iuxta concordata vigentia seu De iuridica matrimonii catholicorum positione in iure internationali hodierno, (Antonianum diss. 2, 1938) xi-90 pp.


Carlo Giuseppe Tallarico (= Franciscan, =), De matrimonii convalidatione, (Antonianum diss. 1, 1938) xv-187 pp.


Licentiate Theses




LMU-Münchener Theologische Studien

Kanonistische Abteilung

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LMU, Last updated: 9 July 2017.



LMU Doctoral Dissertations

Andreas Kowatsch (=, 1978-), Willibald M. Plöchl und das "Österreichische Archiv für Kirchenrecht": Beobachtungen zur Reform des kanonischen Rechts, (LMU diss. 71, 2016, ISBN 978-3-8306-7810-6) 226 pp.


Toni Kapfelsperger (=, =), Staatsleistungen an die Katholische Kirche in Bayern: Grundlagen, Entwicklung seit 1919 und mögliche Ablösung, (LMU diss. 70, 2016, ISBN 3830677758, 9783830677758) 328 pp.


Günther Ferg (German priest, =), 'Ihr seid gesandt': rechtsgestalt und Charisme der Kongregation der"Armen Schulschwestern von Unserer Lieben Frau, (LMU diss. 69, 2014, ISBN 3830677987, 9783830677987) 509 pp.

Wolfgang Rothe (=, =), Die außerliturgische Klerikerkleidung nach can. 284 CIC. Eine rechtsgeschichtliche, rechtssystematische und rechtskritische Untersuchung, (LMU diss. 68, 2014) 540 pp.


Hubert Kaufhold (German =, 1943-), Franciscus Pena und der Inquisitionsprozeß nach seiner ‘Introductio seu Praxis Inquisitorum’, (LMU diss. 67, 2014) 422 pp. Kaufhold biograph.

Yves Kingata (=, =), Das päpstliche Gesandtschaftswesen und die Nuntiatur in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo. Zugleich ein Beitrag zum Staat-Kirche-Verhältnis in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, (LMU diss. 66, 2013) 412 pp.


Martin Rehak (=, =), Heinrich Maria Gietl (1851-1918). Leben und Werke, (LMU diss. 65, 2011) 342 pp.

Martin Rehak (=, =), Der außerordentliche Gebrauch der alten Form des Römischen Ritus. Kirchenrechtliche Skizzen zum Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum vom 07. 07. 2007, (LMU diss. 64, 2009) 223 pp. Review: = Jurist 71 (2011) 467-=.

Christoph Ohly (=, =), Der Dienst am Wort Gottes. Eine rechtssystematische Studie zur Gestalt von Predigt und Katechese im Kanonischen Recht, (LMU diss. 63, 2008) xcvii-794 pp. Review: J. Cuneo, Jurist 59 (1999) 475. biograph. M.-A. Nobel, Studia Canonica 42 (2008) 270-272.=

Martin Grichting (Swiss priest, 1967-), Das Verfügungsrecht über das Kirchenvermögen, (LMU diss. 62, 2007) 798 pp. Grichting biograph.

Bernd Dennemarck (German priest, 1964-), Die Statuten des Eichstätter Domkapitels von der Säkularisation bis zur Gegenwart. Mit einem kritischen Kommentar zum geltenden Statut, (LMU diss. 61, 2008) xxxix-282 pp. Dennemarck biograph.


Markus Brunner (=, =), Statuta Seminariorum Clericorum. Die Organisationsformen der bayerischen Priesterseminare in ihrer rechtsgeschichtlichen Entwicklung, (LMU diss. 60, 2005) 514 pp.


Marcus Nelles (=, =), Summum ius summa iniuria? Eine kanonistische Untersuchung zum Verhältnis von Einzelfallgerechtigkeit und Rechtssicherheit im Recht der Kirche, (LMU diss. 59, 2004) xxxiii-335 pp.

Adam Zirkel (=, =), Quam primum - salva iustitia. Müssen kirchliche Eheprozesse Jahre dauern?, (LMU diss. 58 2003) xxxvi-350 pp.

Christoph Ohly (=, =), Sensus fidei fidelium. Zur Einordnung des Glaubenssinnes aller Gläubigen in die Communio-Struktur der Kirche im geschichtlichen Spiegel dogmatisch-kanonistischer Erkenntnisse und der Aussagen des II. Vaticanum, (LMU diss. 57, 2000) xliv -362 pp.

Ulrich Rhode (German Jesuit, 1965-), Mitwirkungsrechte kirchlicher Autoritäten im Codex Iuris Canonici. Teil II: Rechtsfolgen und Verfahrensfragen, (LMU diss. 56, 2004) l-484 pp. Rhode biograph.

Ulrich Rhode (German Jesuit, 1965-), Mitwirkungsrechte kirchlicher Autoritäten im Codex Iuris Canonici. Teil I: Die Rechtsfigur des Mitwirkungsrechts, (LMU diss. 55, 2001) xliii-387 pp. Rhode biograph.


Thomas Amann (=, =), Der Verwaltungsakt für Einzelfälle. Eine Untersuchung aufgrund des Codex Iuris Canonici, (LMU diss. 54, 1997) xxxiv-237 pp. Review: =, Jurist 59 (1999) 298-=. Review: J. Huels, Studia Canonica 33 (1999) 241-242.


Stephan Haering (=, =), Rezeption weltlichen Rechts im kanonischen Recht. Studien zur kanonischen Rezeption, Anerkennung und Berücksichtigung des weltlichen Rechts im kirchlichen Rechtsbereich aufgrund des Codex Iuris Canonici von 1983, (LMU diss. 53, 1998) xlvi-336 pp.

Ludger Müller (=, =), Das Rechtsbegriff im Kirchenrecht. Zur Abgrenzung von Recht und Moral in der deutschsprachigen Kirchenrechtswissenschaft des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. (LUM diss. 52, 1999) xxv-342 pp.


Josef Gehr (German priest, 1958-), Die rechtliche Qualifikation der Beschlüsse des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils, (LMU diss. 51, 1997) xl-256 pp. Review: J. Beal, Jurist 55 (1995) 473-474.


Thomas Amann (=, =), Laien als Träger von Leitungsgewalt? Eine Untersuchung aufgrund des Codex Iuris Canonici, (LMU diss. 50, 1996) xxxi-172 pp.


Franziskus Berzdorf (= Benedictine, =), Autonomie und Exemtion der kanonischen Lebensverbände, (LMU diss. 49, 1995) xxxiv-254 pp.

Evelyne Dominica Menges (=, =), Die kirchliche Stiftung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Eine Untersuchung zur rechtlichen Identität der kirchlichen Stiftung staatlichen Rechts mit der kanonischen Stiftung, (LMU diss. 48, 1995) lxxviii-358 pp.


Georg Gänswein (German priest, 1956-), Kirchengliedschaft - vom Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil zum Codex Iuris Canonici. Die Rezeption der konziliaren Aussagen über die Kirchenzugehörigkeit in das nachkonziliare Gesetzbuch der Lateinischen Kirche, (LMU diss. 47, 1995) xlviii-239 pp. Gänswein biograph.

Stefan Rambacher (German priest, 1961-), Formerfordernisse für die Eheschließung getaufter Nichtkatholiken nach dem CCEO unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der altorientalischen Kirchen, (LMU diss. 46, 1995) xxxiv-221 pp. Review: V. Pospishil, Jurist 56 (1996) 1032-1036. Rambacher biograph.


Margit Weber (=, =), Die Totalsimulation. Eine Untersuchung aufgrund der Rechtsprechung der römischen Rota, (LMU diss. 45, 1994) xxvii-202 pp.


Jan Vries (Dutch priest, =), Gottesbeziehung und Gesetz. Grund, Inhalt und Grenze kanonischer Normierung im Bereich des religiösen Lebens des Gläubigen, (LMU diss. 44, 1991) lxi-308 pp.


Lothar Wächter (=, =), Gesetz im kanonischen Recht. Eine rechtssprachliche und systematisch-normative Untersuchung zu Grundproblemen der Erfassung des Gesetzes im katholischen Kirchenrecht, (LMU diss. 43, 1989) lv-372 pp.

Titus Lenherr (Swiss priest, 1942-), Die Exkommunikations- und Depositionsgewalt der Häretiker bei Gratian und den Dekretisten bis zur Glossa ordinaria des Johannes Teutonicus, (LMU diss. 42, 1987) xxxi-331 pp. Lenherr biograph.


Bronislaw Wenanty Zubert (Polish Franciscan, 1935-2015), Das notwendige Mindestwissen über die Verschiedengeschlechtlichkeit und den Dauercharakter der Ehe in Kanonistik und Rechtsprechung von der Reformation bis zur Promulgation des CIC (1517-1917). Rechtshistorische Untersuchung, (LMU diss. 41, 1984) xxv-186 pp. Review: R. Flinn, Jurist 49 (1989) 313-315 and in Jurist 46 (1986) 681-683. Zubert biograph.

Rudolf Henseler (German Redemptorist, 1949-), Die Mitbestimmungsrechte der Mitglieder zentralistischer klösterlicher Verbände an den verbandsinternen Leitungsaufgaben in der Zeit nach dem II. Vaticanum. Grundlegung, Beispiele und Leitlinien, (LMU diss. 40, 1980) xxi-176 pp. Henseler biograph.


Rudolf Weigand (German priest, 1929-1998), Die bedingte Eheschließung im kanonischen Recht. Bd. II: Zur weiteren Geschichte der bedingten Eheschließung, Rechtstheorie, Rechtsdogmatik, Rechtsvergleich, (LMU diss. 39, 1980) xxii-306 pp. Weigand biograph.


Alfred Hierold (German priest, 1941-), Grundlegung und Organisation kirchlicher Caritas. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des deutschen Teilkirchenrechtes, (LMU diss. 38, 1979) xxix-195 pp. Hierold biograph.

Ignacio Pérez de Heredia y Valle, Die Befangenheit des Richters im kanonischen Recht. Die Entwicklung der Einrede der Befangenheit und der Amtsenthaltung des Richters vom Dekretalenrecht bis zum Codex luris Canonici, (LMU diss. 37, 1977) xxiv-231 pp.

Heinz Maritz (Swiss priest, =), Das Bischofswahlrecht in der Schweiz. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entwicklung im Bistum Basel nach der Reorganisation, (LMU diss. 36, 1977) xvii-147 pp.


Albert Hopfenbeck (German priest, =), Privilegium Petrinum. Eine rechtssprachliche und rechtsbegriffliche Untersuchung, (LMU diss. 35 1976) xxxi-205 pp. Review: M. Fahey, Jurist 38 (1978) 470-471.

Adalbert Mayer (=, =), Triebkräfte und Grundlinien der Entstehung des Meß-Stipendiums, (LMU diss. 34, 1976) xxvi-286 pp. Reviews: G. Lesage, Studia Canonica 12 (1978) 169, M. Fahey, Jurist 37 (1977) 434-436.

Adam Zirkel (=, =), ‘Executio Potestatis’. Zur Lehre Gratians von der geistlichen Gewalt, (LMU diss. 33, 1975) xvii-190 pp. Review: G. Lesage, Studia Canonica 12 (1978) 169.

Oskar Saier (=, =), ‘Communio’ in der Lehre des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils. Eine rechtsbegriffliche Untersuchung, (LMU diss. 32, 1973) xxxi-302 pp.

Hubert Socha (=, =), Das Ordensapostolat in der Teilkirche. Ekklesiologisch-kanonistische Standortbestimmung der Ordensleute, (LMU diss. 31 1973) lx-335 pp.


Winfried Aymans (German priest, 1936-), Das synodale Element in der Kirchenverfassung, (LMU diss. 30, 1970) xxxix-389 pp. Aymans biograph.


Heribert Schmitz (German priest, 1929-), Appellatio extraiudicialis. Entwicklungslinien einer kirchlichen Gerichtsbarkeit über die Verwaltung im Zeitalter der klassischen Kanonistik (1140-1348), (LMU diss. 29, 1970) xx-161 pp. Schmitz biograph.


Winfried Aymans (German priest, 1936-), Kollegium und kollegialer Akt im kanonischen Recht. Eine rechtsbegriffliche Untersuchung insbesondere aufgrund des Codex Iuris Canonici, (LMU diss. 28, 1969) xxiii-206 pp.


Hubert Socha (=, =), Die Analogie zwischen der Hirtengewalt und der Dominativgewalt der klösterlichen Laienoberen, (LMU diss. 27 1967) xliv-268 pp.


Rudolf Weigand (=, 1929-1998), Die Naturrechtslehre der Legisten und Dekretisten von Irnerius bis Accursius und von Gratian bis Johannes Teutonicus, (LMU diss. 26, 1967) xxviii-475 pp.


  Joseph Weitzel (=, =), Begriff und Erscheinungsformen der Simonie bei Gratian und den Dekretisten, (LMU diss. 25, 1967) xvi-155 pp.


Knut Walf (=, =), Die Entwicklung des päpstlichen Gesandtschaftswesens in dem Zeitabschnitt zwischen Dekretalenrecht und Wiener Kongreß (1159-1815), (LMU diss. 24, 1966) xxv-290 pp.


Antonio Rouco-Varela (Spanish priest, 1936-), Staat und Kirche im Spanien des 16. Jahrhunderts, (LMU diss. 23, 1965) xix-327 pp. Rouco-Varela biograph.


Matthäus Kaiser (=, =), Der gute Glaube im Codex Iuris Canonici, (LMU diss. 22, 1965) xxiii -247 pp.


Richard Strigl (=, =), Das Funktionsverhältnis zwischen kirchlicher Strafgewalt und Öffentlichkeit. Grundlagen, Wandlungen, Aufgaben, (LMU diss. 21, 1965) xxvi-240 pp.


Heribert Heinemann (=, =), Die rechtliche Stellung der nichtkatholischen Christen und ihre Wiederversöhnung mit der Kirche, (LMU diss. 20, 1964) xx-222 pp.


Richard Strigl (=, =), Die Vicaria Perpetua als Ersatzform der kanonischen Pfarrei. Eine kanonistische Untersuchung, (LMU diss. 19, 1964) xvi-90 pp.


Heribert Schmitz (=, =), Die Gesetzessystematik des Codex Iuris Canonici Liber I-III, (LMU diss. 18, 1963) xxxix-355 pp.


Bruno Fries (=, =), Forum in der Rechtssprache, (LMU diss. 17, 1963) xxiii-242 pp.

Rudolf Weigand (=, =), Die bedingte Eheschließung im kanonischen Recht. I. Teil: Die Entwicklung der bedingten Eheschließung im kanonischen Recht. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Kanonistik von Gratian bis Gregor IX, (LMU diss. 16, 1963) xxiii-431 pp.


Wilhelm Ülhof (German priest, =), Die Zuständigkeit zur Weihespendung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Zusammenhangs mit dem Weihetitel und der Inkardination, (LMU diss. 15, 1962) xvi-136 pp.


Hans Müllejans (German priest, 1929-2009), Publicus und Privatus im Römischen Recht und im älteren kanonischen Recht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Unterscheidung Ius publicum und Ius privatum, (LMU diss. 14, 1961) xvi-200 pp. Müllejans biograph.


Richard Strigl (German priest, =), Grundfragen der kirchlichen Ämterorganisation, (LMU diss. 13, 1960). xxiv-188 pp.

Hans Armbruster (=, =), Der Ehewille evangelischer Christen im Lichte des kanonischen Prinzips der Unaulöslichkeit der Ehe, (LMU diss. 12, 1959) xv-104 pp.


Walter Doskocil (=, =), Der Bann in der Urkirche. Eine rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, (LMU diss. 11, 1958) xv-220 pp. Review: M. Wojnar, Jurist 20 (1960) 112-114.

Rudolf Motzenbäcker (German priest, =), Die Rechtsvermutung im kanonischen Recht, (LMU diss. 10, 1958) xxxvi-508 pp.


Heinrich Straub (=, =), Die geistliche Gerichtsbarkeit des Domdekans im alten Bistum Bamberg von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts. Eine rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, (LMU diss. 9, 1957) xvi-285 pp.


Joseph Lederer (=, =), Der Dispensbegriff des kanonischen Rechtes. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtssprache des CIC, (LMU diss. 8, 1957) xix-213 pp.


Matthäus Kaiser (German priest, 1924-2011), Die Einheit der Kirchengewalt. Nach dem Zeugnis des Neuen Testamentes und der Apostolischen Väter, (LMU diss. 7, 1956) xii-206 pp. Kaiser biograph.


Philipp Hofmeister (= Benedictine, =), Das Beichtrecht der männlichen und weiblichen Ordensleute, (LMU diss. 6, 1954) vii-277 pp.


Joachim Jassmeier (German priest, 1912-1984), Das Mitbestimmungsrecht der Untergebenen in den älteren Männerordensverbänden, (LMU diss. 5, 1954) x-302 pp.


Paul Wesemann (=, =), Die Anfänge des Amtes der Generaloberin. Dargestellt an der verfassungsrechtlichen Entwicklung des Instituts der Englischen Fräulein bis zur Konstitution Benedikts XIV. ‘Quamvis iusto’ vom 30. 4. 1749, (LMU diss. 4, 19540. xx-240 pp.


Gertrude Reidick (=, =), Die hierarchische Struktur der Ehe, (LMU diss. 3, 1953) 204 pp.


Heinz Ewers (=, =), Die Nichtigkeitsbewerde in dem kanonischen Prozeßrecht, (LMU diss. 2 1952) xv-122 pp.


Eduard Eichmann (=, 1870-1946), Weihe und Krönung des Papstes im Mittelalter. Aus dem Nachlaß hrsg. v. Klaus Mörsdorf, (LMU diss. 1, 1951) x-61 pp.


LMU Licentiate Theses


S. Croce


Pontificia Universitá della Santa Croce (Rome, Italy)

Facultá di Diritto Canonico

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Santa Croce, Last updated: 6 August 2017.


Notes: n.a.

Sources: n.a.


Doctoral Dissertations

Reginald-Marie Rivoire (French religious, 1973-), La valeur doctrinale de la discipline canonique. L'engagement du Magistère dans les lois et coutumes de l'Église, (Santa Croce diss. 46, 2016, ISBN 9788883335976) 308 pp.

Giovanni Parise (=, =), La giurisprudenza del Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica in materia di soppressione, unione, modifica di parrocchie e di riduzione ad uso profano non indecoroso di edifici sacri, (Santa Croce diss., 2015, ISBN 9788883335327) 390 pp.


Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez-Villalba (Ecuadorian layman, 1976-), La defensa de los signos distintivos de las religiones, en especial de la Iglesia católica, (Santa Croce diss., 2015, ISBN 9788883333668) 440 pp. Martínez-Villalba biograph.

• Jaime Abascal Martínez (Spanish Opus Dei, =), La disolución del matrimonio no sacramental por la potestad del Romano Pontifice, (Santa Croce diss., 2015, ISBN 9788883334429) 499 pp.

Gerardo Ruiz Palacios (=, 1963-), El estatuto jurídico del catecúmeno en el contexto de la restauración contemporánea del catecumenado, (Santa Croce diss. 39, 2014, ISBN 9788883333446) 338 pp.

Manuel Valdés Mas (=, =), La contribución de Álvaro del Portillo en la elaboración del Decreto 'Presbyterorum Ordinis' y en su aplicación jurídica, (Santa Croce diss., 2014, ISBN 9788883333446) 494 pp.

Álvaro González Alonso (=, =), La definición de laico en el Código de derecho canónico de 1983, (Santa Croce diss. 37, 2014, ISBN 9788883333378) 256 pp.

Luis Martín Ruiz de Gauna (Spanish priest, =), La conciliación en el derecho administrativo canónico: el canon 1733 del Codex iuris canonici, (Santa Croce diss., 2013, ISBN 9788883332951) 369 pp.

Simona Salazar (=, =), L’impedimento di consanguineitá nel sistema matrimoniale canonico, (Santa Croce diss., 2013, ISBN 9788883332975) 314 pp.

Mindaugas Sabonis (Lithuanian priest, 1971-), La concezione del diritto canonico di Wilhelm Bertrams, (Santa Croce diss., 2013, ISBN 9788883333132) 295 pp.


Lorenzo Carloni (= Capuchin, 1979-), L'attività amministrativa non provvedimentale nel diritto canonico, (Santa Croce diss. 35, 2013) xviii-544 pp.

Vito Lizzio (=, =), Configurazione giuridica e organizzativa dei monasteri e degli ordini doppi, (Santa Croce diss., 2013, ISBN 9788883333002) 568 pp.

Lorenzo Carloni (Italian Capuchin, 1979-), L’attivitá amministrativa non provvedimentale nel diritto canonico, (Santa Croce diss. 35, 2013, ISBN 9788883333125) 544 pp.

Tait Schroeder (American priest, =), The Canonical Implications of Civil Prenuptial Agreements in the State of Wisconsin, (Santa Croce diss., 2012) 406 pp. Schroeder biograph.

Cosimo Iannone (Italian layman, 1972-), Il valore della giurisprudenza nel sistema giuridico canonico, (Santa Croce diss. 30, 2012, ISBN 9788883332784) 314 pp.

Robert Weber (Austrian Opus Dei, 1971-), El concepto de pueblo de las circunscripciones eclesiásticas, (Santa Croce diss., 2012, ISBN 9788883332791) 331 pp. Weber biograph.

Julio Lagos (Canadian Opus Dei, =), Parental education rights in the United States and Canada: homeschooling and its legal protection, (Santa Croce diss., 2011, ISBN 9788883332746) 307 pp. Additional discussion of dissertation here.

Cristián Sahli Lecaros (Chilean Opus Dei, =), La revisión de las leyes de la Iglesia: contexto doctrinal y primeros pasos del proyecto de una ley fundamental, (Santa Croce diss., 2011, ISBN 9788883332579) 579 pp.

Charbel Bousamra (Canadian Maronite priest, 1979-), The particular law of the Maronite Church: analysis and perspective, (Santa Croce diss. 27, 2010, ISBN 9788883332517) 446 pp. Review: D. Motiuk, Studia Canonica 46 (2012) 261-264.

Íñigo Martínez-Echevarria Castillo (= priest, 1972-), La relación de la Iglesia con la Universidad en los discursos de Juan Pablo II y Benedicto XVI: una nueva aproximación jurídica, (Santa Croce diss. 26, 2010, ISBN 9788883332487) 269 pp.

Paul Kehinde Ijasan (Nigerian priest, =), The parish finance council according to canon 537 of the 1983 Code of canon law and its implementation in Nigeria, (Santa Croce diss., 2010) vi-215 pp.


Piotr Lewandowski (=, =), La libertà religiosa nei trattati dell'Unione Europea: genesi, attualità e prospettive, (Santa Croce diss., 2010) 286 pp.

José Gabriel Martínez De Aguirre Aldaz (Spanish layman, =), El proceso de vaciamento legal de la institución matrimonial en España, (Santa Croce diss., 2010) 228 pp (part).

Paul Ihebata Abhulimen (=, =), Reconciliation of the faithful in situations of irregularity for the reception of the Eucharist: (the case of Nigeria), (Santa Croce diss., 2010) xvi-250 pp.

Jerom Paul (Indian priest, =), Permanent Synod of the Patriarchal Churches with special reference to the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church, (Santa Croce diss., 2010) xvi-246 pp.

Benedict Bimbola Olanrewaju Joseph (=, =), The objectivity of law and the discretionary power of authority in the application of canonical sanctions, (Santa Croce diss., 2010) 238 pp.

Michael Ayanleke Banjo (Nigerian priest, =), The relevance of marital equality to the realization of the 'Bonum coniugum', (Santa Croce diss. 2010) xvi-259 pp.

James Sheehan (American priest, 1972-2011), A new canonical configuration for the 'pastoral provision' for former episcopalians in the United States of America?, (Santa Croce diss., 2009) 396 pp. Review: J. Huels, Studia Canonica 43 (2009) 574-575. Sheehan biograph.


Francisco Javier Martín García (=, 1967-), El testigo cualificado que asiste al matrimonio: precedentes y configuración jurídica actual, (Santa Croce diss. 23, 2009, ISBN 978-88-8333-224-1) 394 pp.


Marcelo Parma (=, 1962-), El 'favor fidei' en el Decretum Gratiani, (Santa Croce diss. 25, 2009, ISBN 9788883332395) 222 pp.


Joaquín Sedano Rueda (= priest, =), La colección canónica en 10 Partes, (Santa Croce diss., 2009) 142 pp (part). Sedano Rueda biograph.

Samuel Jofré Giraudo (Argentine priest, 1957-), Argumentos contemporáneos sobre el derecho a la vida del niño por nacer en la República Argentina, (Santa Croce diss., 2009) 335 pp. Giraudo biograph.

Većeslav Tumir (Croatian priest, =), L'insegnamento della religione nelle scuole pubbliche nella Repubblica di Croazia, (Santa Croce diss., 2009) 315 pp.


Justo Omar Mateo López (= priest, =), Los movimientos eclesiales y su relación con la Iglesia particular, (Santa Croce diss., 2009) 284 pp.


Aloysius Enemali (Nigerian priest, =), The formal requirements of the celebration of marriage: a comparative study of canon law, Nigeria statutory law and Nigeria customary law, (Santa Croce diss., 2009) 110 pp (part).

Juan Carlos Conde Cid (Spanish priest, =), L'origine del privilegio paolino. 1 Cor 7, 1217a: Esegesi, Storia dell''interpretazione e ricezione nel diritto della Chiesa, (Santa Croce diss. 24, 2009, ISBN 9788883332333) 392 pp.

Francisco Martín García (=, 1967-), El testigo cualificado que asiste al matrimonio. Precedentes y configuración jurídica actual, (Santa Croce diss., 2009, ISBN: 9788883332241) 394 pp.

Gabriel de Castro Tornero (=, 1962-), La sustentación del clero secular en España, (Santa Croce diss. 22, 2009, ISBN 9788883332234) 298 pp.


José-Miguel Espinosa Sarmiento (Spanish priest, =), Historia y vigencia del concepto de potestad de magisterio, (Santa Croce diss., 2009) viii-176 pp.


Luis Armando Silva Ortiz (=, =), Los actos previos a la celebración del matrimonio y las proclamas matrimoniales en el proceso de codificación del CIC 1917, (Santa Croce diss., 2008) 318 pp. Note: Appendix of 189 pp.


Juan Evangelista Herráiz Bayod (=, =), La competencia de la Iglesia en el matrimonio: antecedentes históricos y doctrinales y proceso redaccional de los cánones 1016, 1960 y 1961 CIC' 17 (Santa Croce diss., 2008) 391 pp. Review: J. Proctor, Jurist 70 (2010) 515-516.

Przemysław Józef Góra (=, =), Diritti e doveri derivanti dalla vocazione al matrimonio e alla famiglia nella legislazione sinodale polacca dopo il 1983, (Santa Croce diss., 2008) 165 pp.

Frédéric Ngandu Muteba (Congolese Opus Dei, =), Le droit canonique dans l'ecclésiologie de Charles Journet, (Santa Croce diss., 2008) 164 pp (part).

Santiago Alvarez Avello (Spanish Opus Dei, 1966-), La educación católica en las escuelas. Aspectos canónicos de la relación de la jerarquía de la Iglesia con las escuelas, (Santa Croce diss. 21, 2008, ISBN 9788883332173) 336 pp.

Jacques Mukinyi Kadat (= priest, =), La peine canonique de la suspense, (Santa Croce diss., 2008) 310 pp. Review: R. Pagé, Jurist 72 (2012) 325-326.

Jules-José Dobo Kuma (=, =), Les problèmes juridiques posés par le statut civil de l'Église en Répùblique démocratique du Congo, (Santa Croce diss., 2007) 294 pp.

Lóránd István Ujházi (=, =), Psychological suitability in relation to holy orders, (Santa Croce diss., 2007) 364 pp.

Sergio Tani (Portuguese priest, 1973-), Direito e moral na canonística do século XX: una análise crítica à luz do realismo jurídico, (Santa Croce diss. 20, 2007, ISBN 9788883331701) 582 pp.


Estanislao Mazzuchelli Urquijo (= Opus Dei, =), La motivación del decreto administrativo singular en el derecho canónico, (Santa Croce diss., 2007) 283 pp.

José Alejandro Machado Jiménez (=, =), Los principios del procedimiento administrativo: una comparación entre el sistema canónico y las legislaciones de los Estados latinoamericanos, (Santa Croce diss., 2007) 327 pp.

José Carlos Trullols Durán (=, =), Naturaleza jurídica de las 'fundaciones pías no autónomas', (Santa Croce diss., 2007) 170 pp (part).


José Ignacio Carriazo Hernández (=, =), Relevancia, para el derecho administrativo canónico, de la doctrina del profesor Eduardo Labandeira, (Santa Croce diss., 2007) 420 pp.

Kenneth Obinna Kurumeh (=, =), Social security for the clergy in Nigeria, (Santa Croce diss., 2007) viii-104 pp (part).

Jesús Abelardo Ceballos Solís (=, =), La educación de la prole en la estructura jurídica del matrimonio, (Santa Croce diss., 2006) 198 pp (part).


Ferdinand Lugonzo Makaka (=, =), The impediment of ligamen in the canonical matrimonial system, (Santa Croce diss. =, 2005) xiii-277 pp. Review: E. Peters, Studia Canonica 42 (2008) 562-563.


José Buzzo Sarlo (Uruguayan priest, 1970-), La estructura del saber Jurídico y su relevancia en el ámbito canonico, (Santa Croce diss. 19, 2005, ISBN 8883331540) 302 pp.

Enrique Cadelo de Isla (Spanish priest, 1973-), La eficacia civil de las sentencias canónicas de nulidad matrimonial en la Unión Europea, (Santa Croce diss. 18, 2005, ISBN 8883331532) 298 pp.

Massimo del Pozzo (Italian Opus Dei, 1966-), L'evoluzione della nozione di Diritto nel pensiero canonistico di Javier Hervada, (Santa Croce diss. 17, 2005, ISBN 8883331516) 588 pp. del Pozzo biograph.

Landry Gbaka-Brédé (Ivory Coast Opus Dei, 1973-), La doctrine canonique sur le droits fondamentaux des fidèles et sur leur réception dans le Code de 1983, (Santa Croce diss. 16, 2005, ISBN 8883331494) 350 pp. Review: J. Betengne, Studia Canonica 40 (2006) 529-531.

Alfredo García Cevallos (Ecuadorian priest, =), La ontofenomenología del derecho y del sujeto en el pensamiento de Sergio Cotta, (Santa Croce diss. 15, 2005, ISBN 888333146X) 224 pp.


José Antonio Araña y Mesa (= priest, 1968), La fundamentación de la libertad de enseñanza como derecho humano, (Santa Croce diss. 14, 2005, ISBN 8883331451) 446 pp.

Francesca Nastasi (=, =), La fecondazione artificiale nella prospettiva antropologica del Diritto Canonico del matrimonio e della famiglia, (Santa Croce diss. 13, 2005, ISBN 8883331443) 458 pp.

Antonio García Berbel Molina (Spanish priest, 1974-), La convalidación del matrimonio en la codificación de 1917 (cc. 1133-1141), (Santa Croce diss. 12, 2004, ISBN 8883331303) 428 pp.

Luis Gahona Fraga (= priest, 1965-), El objeto indirecto de la infalibilidad en santo Tomás de Aquino: la Carta apostólica"Ad tuendam fidem"a la luz de la teología tradicional, (Santa Croce diss., 2004) 663 pp.

Guilherme Sanches Ximenes (= Opus Dei, 1971-), A jurisprudência da Rota Romana sobre o consentimento matrimonial condicionado, (Santa Croce diss. 11, 2003, ISBN 8883330781) 292 pp.

Henry Bocala (Filipino Opus Dei, 1968-), Diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the State of Israel: Policy Basis in the Pontifical Documents (1948-1997), (Santa Croce diss. 10, 2003, ISBN 8883330706) v-460 pp. Bocala biograph.

Luis Prados Rivera (=, 1969-), La separación de los cónyuges en el iter redaccional de la codificación de 1917, (Santa Croce diss. 9, 2003, ISBN 8883330692) 344 pp.

Monica Schaumber (American Sister of Mercy, =), The Evolution of the Power of Jurisdiction of the Lay Religious Superior in the Ecclesial Documents of the Twentieth Century, (Santa Croce diss. 8, 2003, ISBN 8883330684) 284 pp. Review: M. Lyons, Studia Canonica 40 (2006) 245-248.

Ebere Peter Okpaleke (Nigerian priest, 1963-), The administrator of diocesan property, (Santa Croce diss., 2003) 256 pp. Okpaleke biograph.

Benedict Ejeh (Nigerian priest, =), The Freedom of Candidates for the Priesthood, (Santa Croce diss. 7, 2002, ISBN 8883330390) 278 pp.

José Luis Cercas Rueda (=, =), El instituto de las "cautiones" en el impedimento de disparidad de cultos, (Santa Croce diss., 2003) v-368 pp.


Francisco Javier Argelich Casals (=, =), La regulación de la actividad administrativa ejercida en la Curia Romana, (Santa Croce diss. =, 2002, ISBN =), 303 pp. Review: W. Daniel, Studia Canonica 40 (2006) 555-558.

Ángel Pérez Eusebio (= priest, 1962-), La Sede Episcopal Vacante: régimen y principios jurídicos informadores, (Santa Croce diss. 6, 2002, ISBN 8883330935) 446 pp.

Mark O'Connell (American priest, 1964-), The Mobility of Secular Clerics and Incardination: Canon 268 § 1, (Santa Croce diss. 5, 2002, ISBN 8883330471) 280 pp. O'Connell biograph.

Erwin Balagapo (Filipino priest, =), Lack of Internal Freedom and its Relations with Simulation and Force & Fear, (Santa Croce diss. 4, 2002, ISBN 8883330498) 446 pp.

Eugenio Callioli (Portuguese priest, 1956-), O estado e o fator religioso no Brasil República. Compilaçao de leis comentada, (Santa Croce diss. 3, 2001, ISBN 888333017X) 300 pp.

Robert Piega (=, 1967-), Evoluzione del diritto ecclesiastico in Polonia dopo il 1989, (Santa Croce diss. 2, 2001, ISBN 8883330315) 520 pp.

Montserrat Gas i Aixendri (Spanish laywoman, =), Relevancia canónica del error sobre la dignidad sacramental del matrimonio, (Santa Croce diss. 1, 2001, ISBN 8883330285) 432 pp. Review: von Ustinov, AADC 9 (2002) 265-270. Gas i Aixendri biograph.


Licentiate Theses

Thomas Sundaram, "Apte institutus: pastor, parents, and child in the request to receive the sacrament of Confirmation", (Santa Croce thesis, 2017).

Catherine Godfrey Howell, "Catholic institutional identity and American health care: various problematic aspects", (Santa Croce thesis, 2013).




Salesian Pontifical University

Faculty of Canon Law

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Salesiana, Last updated: 11 August 2017.


Notes: n.a.


Sources: n.a.


Doctoral Dissertations


Gino Alberto Bava (Italian priest, 1966-), Le ‘Regulae cancellariae apostolicae’ di papa Adriano VI, (Salesianum diss. 733, 2010) 213 pp.

Pietro Lo Franco (=, =), Enti canonici ed ONLUS, (Salesianum diss. =, 2010) 166 pp.

Abel Fernando Estêvaƒo Liluala (=, =), Le mariage traditionnel Cabindais et les problématiques d'importance juridique, (Salesianum diss. =, 2010) xiv-198 pp.

Remigius Lumwachi Sore (Kenyan priest, =), The pastoral-juridical character in the application of the canonical penal sanctions in relationship to canon 1341 of CIC 1983, (Salesianum diss. =, 2010) x-135 pp.

Enrico Eusebio Cada (= Jesuit, =), The evolution of Church legislation on the object and means of catechesis: a historico-juridical study on cann. 773 and 779 with special reference to Philippine catechesis, (Salesianum diss. 702, 2009) xv-171 pp (part).

Luigi Buracchi (=, =), La disciplina del celibato nell'ordinamento della Chiesa cattolica: uno studio comparato tra CIC e CCEO, (Salesianum diss. 693, 2009) 164 pp (part).

Karl Heinrich Theisen (=, =), Nikolaus von Prüm: ein rheinisch-moselländischer Kirchenrechtler des 15. Jahrhunderts, Professor in Köln und in Löwen, Offizial und Generalvikar zu Trier, (Salesianum diss. 640, 2007) 350 pp.

José Ramón Uría Rehermann (Spanish priest, 1943-), Relación entre norma jurídica y norma moral en el realismo jurídico en Giuseppe Graneris y Javier Hervada, (Salesianum diss. 636, 2007) iii-188 pp (part)

Ric Lorenzo Fernando (=, =), Management of governance structures in religious institutes of active life: applied to the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco, (Salesianum diss. 611, 2006) xi-187 pp (part).

Maria Clotilde Canonici (=, 1969-), L'attività di governo di Benedetto XIV, vescovo di Ancona dal 1727 al 1731, (Salesianum diss. 605, 2006) 280 pp.

Dõ Duc Dũng (=, =), Ecclesialità della missione delle persone consacrate nella scuola, (Salesianum diss. 571, 2004) 224 pp (part).

Marianna Caprotti (=, =), Progetti d'intesa tra la Regione Lombardia e l'Arcidiocesi di Milano, (Salesianum diss. 542, 2007) 116 pp (part).

Jesu Pudumai Doss (Indian Salesian, 1967-), ‘Freedom of enquiry and expression’ of ‘Christifideles’ from Vatican II to CIC 1983, especially c. 218: its implication with commentary and historical notes, (Salesianum diss. 538, 2003) 219 pp (part). Doss biograph.

Riccardina Matera (=, =), Il consenso matrimoniale simulato nelle fonti e nel diritto vigente: diritto canonico e diritto civile italiano a confronto, (Salesianum diss. 531, 2008) xxi-334 pp.



  Padinjarathala Anton Paul (Indian Salesian, 1967-), Religious of pontifical right and the diocesan and eparchial bishops: (a comparative study of. CIC /1983 and CCEO /1990, (Salesianum diss. 515, 2001) 205 pp (part).


David Albornoz Pavisic (Chilean =, =), I diritti nativi e propri della Chiesa nel Codice di diritto canonico e la loro affermazione davanti alla comunità politica, (Salesianum diss. 504, 2002) 172 pp (part).

Stefano Ridella (Italian =, =), La valida alienazione dei beni ecclesiastici: prospettive di diritto canonico e civile, (Salesianum diss. 489, 2001) ii-132 pp (part).

Roberto Livraga (=, =), Pubblico ministero e promotore di giustizia: profili comparati, (Salesianum diss. 487, 2001) ii-94 pp (part).

Giuditta Macario (Italian layman, =), Educazione della prole: fine del matrimonio canonico: evoluzione della sua rilevanza nella dottrina canonistica e nella giurisprudenza, (Salesianum diss. 484, 2002) 126 pp (part).

Emidio Tornillo (=, =), L'insegnamento della religione cattolica nelle scuole statali italiane, (Salesianum diss. 471, 2001) ix-139 pp (part).

Pierluigi Paoletti (=, =), Il sacramento del matrimonio secondo l'insegnamento di Adriano VI, (Salesianum diss. 458, 2009) 304 pp.

Maria Maddalena Mazzia (Italian laywoman, =), Gli atti amministrativi generali, (Salesianum diss. 451, 2000) 181 pp.

Alessia Gullo (Italian laywoman, 1970-), La normativa della ‘Sectio altera’ del Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica, (Salesianum diss. 438, 2000) 166 pp (part). Gullo biograph.

Ilona-Ursula Riedel-Spangenberger (=, 1948-2007), Die Sakramente der Initiation in der kirchlichen Rechtsordnung: eine Untersuchung zur ekklesialen und rechtlichen Bedeutung von Taufe, Firmung und Eucharistie in den Dokumenten des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils und in der nachfolgenden Rechtsentwicklung, (Salesianum diss. 435, 2000) 110 pp (part).

Markus Graulich (German Salesian, 1964-), La potestà del papa secondo il pensiero di Adriano VI, (Salesianum diss. 433, 1999) 154 pp (part).

María Victoria Hernández Rodríguez (=, =), I membri associati agli istituti secolari, studio del can. 725, (Salesianum diss. 425, 1999) xiii-290 pp (part).

Angelo Leonzi (=, =), La dottrina e l'esercizio del primato romano in San Simplicio papa, (Salesianum diss. 424, 2000) 150 pp (part).

Pietro De Felice (Italian priest, 1956-), Il primo sinodo diocesano di Caserta dopo il codice del 1917, (Salesianum diss. 417, 1999) 90 pp (part). De Felice biograph.

Pasquale Di Stante (Italian priest, 1934-2017), Natura e funzioni del consiglio per gli affari economici e dell'economo diocesano, (Salesianum diss. 388, 1997) 123 pp (part). Di Stante biograph.

Brian Ferme (Australian priest, 1955-), Canon law in late medieval England: a study of William Lyndwood's Provinciale with particular reference to testamentary law, (Salesianum diss. 359, 1996) x-164 pp.

Luigi Sabbarese (= religious, =), L'ammissione nella Congregazione Scalabriniana: storia del diritto proprio dalle origini ad oggi, (Salesianum diss. 295, 1992) viii-198 (part).

Giuseppina Romano (=, =), Il quarto voto dell'Istituto delle suore degli Angeli: aspetti storico-giuridici, (Salesianum diss. 280, 1991) 65 pp (part).

Mieczyslaw Wozniak (Salesian, =), Evoluzione del Consiglio presbiteriale nel decreto Presbyterorum ordinis del Concilio Vaticano II, (Salesianum diss. 273, 1990) 200 pp (part).

Ryszard Matkowski (=, 1959-), Le circoscrizioni territoriali delle province e regioni ecclesiastiche dal Concilio Vaticano II al codice attualmente vigente, (Salesianum diss. 261, 1989) 130 pp (part).

Anthony Lendakadavil (= Salesian, =), The suitability of candidates for the priesthood according to the Code of Canon Law of 1983, (Salesianum diss. 257, 1989) 106 pp (part).

Joseph Aymanathil (= Salesian, =), Personal authority of the religious superior in the legislation of the Church, (Salesianum diss. 255, 1989) 117 pp (part).

Carlos Antonio Heyn Schupp (Paraguayan?= Salesian, =), Iglesia y Estado en el Paraguay durante el gobierno de Carlos Antonio López 1841-1862, (Salesianum diss. 252, 1987) 331 pp.

Mauro Viani (=, =), Il dolo come vizio del consenso matrimoniale nella dottrina e nella legislazione canonica, (Salesianum diss. 250, 1989) xviii-83 pp (part).

Andrea Drigani (=, 1952-), Analisi e commento dell'art. 11 dell'accordo dl revisione del Concordato Lateranense: l'assistenza spirituale in riferimento agli ospedali, case di cura o di assistenza pubblica e negli istituti di prevenzione e pena, (Salesianum diss. 238, 1988) 119 pp.

Mosè Francescato (=, =), L'aggregazione dell'arcidiaconato del Cadore alla Diocesi di Belluno (marzo 1845-maggio 1847): valutazione storica e giuridica, (Salesianum diss. 219, 1986) 86 pp (part).

Clemente Franzini (= Salesian, =), I rapporti tra il potere legislativo ecclesiastico e civile nella canonistica classica fino alla glossa ordinaria di Giovanni teutonico, (Salesianum diss. 207, 1984) = pp.

Sabino Ardito (= Salesian, 1939-), La dottrina matrimoniale di Basilio Ponce de León (1570-1629) e la letteratura ecclesiastica posteriore fino al Concilio Vaticano II: contributo alla storia della rilevanza giuridica dell'amore coniugale, (Salesianum diss. 191, 1982) 70 pp (part).

Joâo Corso (= Salesian, =), De obligatorietate sententiae excommunicationis vitiatae apud canonistas a medio saeculo XIV usque ad codicem iuris canonici (1350-1917), (Salesianum diss. 187, 1981) 77 pp (part).

Peter Boekholt (German priest, 1943-), Das Geheimnis der Eucharistie in der kirchlichen Rechtsordnung: grundriss der partikularen Gesetzgebung für die Bistümer in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, (Salesianum diss. 183, 1981) 199 (part). Boekholt biograph.

Giuliana Accornero (= religious, =), La formazione alla vita religiosa, negli istituti femminili di voti semplici secondo la legislazione postconciliare, (Salesianum diss. 182, 1980) 236 pp (part).

Pier Giorgio Marcuzzi (= Salesian, =), Lepra culpae diudicanda committitur principi, non saeculari, sed spirituali: l'usura, un caso di giurisdizione controversa in un responsum inedito di Pietro di La Palu, (Salesianum diss. 159, 1978) 47 pp (part).

Tarcisio Bertone (Italian Salesian, =), Benedetto XIV (1740-1758) e la gerarchia ecclesiastica, (Salesianum diss. 151, 1976) 103 pp (part).

Valentin Klingel (= Salesian, =), Die päpstliche Autorität nach Johann Caspar Barthel (1697-1771): ein Beitrag zur Würzburger Kanonistik des 18. Jahrhunderts, (Salesianum diss. 121, 1972) 103 pp (part).

Antonio C. Mampra (= Salesian, =), De habitudine fori ecclesiastici et civilis apud Joannem Andreae, (Salesianum diss. 114, 1971) 51 pp (part).

Giovanni Laconi (= Salesian, =), La Chiesa cattolica come ordinamento giuridico primario nell'insegnamento universitario italiano dopo la Conciliazione, (Salesianum diss. 104, 1971) 98 pp (part).

Giuseppe Marchisio (= Salesian, =), De notione iuridica scandali in codice I.C., (Salesianum diss. 82, 1966) 63 pp (part).

Leonardus Verbeek (≈ Salesian, ≈), François Zypaeus (1580-1650) juriste belge, (Salesianum diss. 79, 1968) xiii-48 pp.


  Thomas Pazhayampallil (= Salesian, =), The indirect power of the Pope in temporal matters according to William Barclay (1546-1608), (Salesianum diss. 71, 1966) 80 pp (part).

Joseph Zeliauskas (= Salesian, =), De obligarietate sententiae excommunicationis vitiatae apud Glossatores (1140-1350), (Salesianum diss. 63, 1962) 102 pp (part).

Giovanni A.Cantini (=, =), De autonomia judicis saecularis et de Romani Pontificis plenitudine potestatis in temporalibus secundum Innocentium IV, (Salesianum diss. 62, 1962) 84 pp (part).

Gustave Leclerc (= Salesian, =), Zeger Bernard van Espen (1646-1728) et la hiérarchie ecclesiastique, (Salesianum diss. 59, 1961) 90 pp (part).

Rosalio Castillo Lara (= Salesian, 1922-), La potestad coactiva material suprema de la Iglesia en las Actas Conciliares y Epístolas de los Romanos Pontífices desde Alejandro III hasta Bonifacio VIII: investigaciones sobre un presupuesto fundamental de las relaciones entre Sacerdotium e Imperium, (Salesianum diss. 36, 1955) 52 pp (part).

Dario Composta (= Salesian, =), Il diritto naturale in Graziano, (Salesianum diss. 35, 1956) 56 pp (part).

Cesare Castellino (= Salesian, =), La legislazione canonico-civile di Mons. G. B. Pallegoix per il Vicariato Apostolico del Siam (A.D. 1859): presentazione della parte giudiziario-coattiva. Estratto dalla dissertazione per la laurea in Diritto Canonico, (Salesianum diss. 6, 1948) 128 pp.


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KU Leuven, Last updated: 1 June 2018.


Notes: KU Leuven master's theses (see below) are offered with specializations in 'Canon Law' and in 'Law, Society, and Religion'. Those distinctions are not tracked here and all KU master's theses are listed simply as "KU Leuven MA thesis".


Sources include: Link to a spread sheet for master's theses from 1990-2013, here.


Doctoral Dissertations

Anthony Omenihu (Nigerian/American priest, 1970-), The Effectiveness of the Canonical Institution of the Diocesan Synod in the Catholic Church in Nigeria: A Juridical Analysis of the Promulgated Particular Post-Synodal Legislation, 1983-2008, (KU Leuven diss., 2014) li-473 pp. Overview here.

Edward Morgan (English ≈, ≈), The Legitimate Expectation of Diocesan Clerics of their diocesan bishop in the light of the CIC 384 viewed from the Common Law Tradition, (KU Leuven diss., 2016) pp. Overview here. Monograph: id., Father and Brothers: The Legitimate Expectation of Diocesan Clerics in the Light of Canon 384 of the Code of Canon Law (Peeters, 2018) lxiv-817 pp.

Gidey Syoum Halibo (Ethiopian priest, 1969-), Canon Law and Civil Law with Regard to Employment Relationship Management in the Catholic Diocese of Adigrat in Ethiopia. Integrated Model for Employment Relationship Management, (KU Leuven diss., 2015) 256 pp. Overview here.

Amy Hereford (American religious, 1958-), The Role of Law in the Life Cycle of a Religious Institute, (KU Leuven diss., 2014) 190 pp. Overview here.

Edna Ukpabi (Nigerian religious, =), The Role of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life in the Life of Religious Institutes, (KU Leuven diss., 2012) 306 pp. Overview here.

Christian Okwuru (= priest, =), The responsibilities and Significance of the Congregatio pro Clericis in the Life and Ministry of the Diocesan Clergy, (KU Leuven, 2011) = pp. Overview here.

Helen Costigane (Scottish religious, =), Public Benefit - Threat or Opportunity? An examination of the 'public benefit requirement' in charity law in England and Wales and whether it compromises the church's independence in the organisation of its activities with regard to the objectives stated in canon 1254, (Leuven diss., 2010) 120 pp. Overview here. Costigane biograph.

William Richardson (Irish priest, 1969-), The Presumption of Innocence in Canonical Trials of Clerics Accused of Child Sexual Abuse: an historical analysis of the current law, (KU Leuven diss., 2010) 329 pp. Overview here. Monograph, ibid., (Peeters, 2011, ISBN 978-90-429-2548-9) 323 pp. Review: K. Martens, Jurist 73 (2013) 299-301.

Martin Mwongyera (Ugandan/American priest, 1965), Dispute Resolution in the Church: a comparative study of arbitration in secular and canon law, (KU Leuven diss., 2010) 320 pp. Overview here. Mwongyera biograph.

 Russel Raj Bekthinathan (=, =), The Directory ‘Apostolicum Successores’: a critical study of its Genesis with Particular Attention to the Tenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, (KU Leuven diss., 2006) 279 pp.

Xavier Benedict Sathianathan (= priest, =), Governance Structures of the Diocese: a comparative study of the Codex Iuris Canonici and Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium, with particular reference to the Latin and Syro-Malabar rite dioceses in South India, (KU Leuven diss., 2006) 321 pp.

Kurt Martens (Belgian layman, 1973-), Rechtsbescherming in de Kerk. Een onderzoek naar ontwikkeling en aanwezigheid van rechtsmiddelen tegen overheidsbeslissingen in de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk., (KU Leuven diss., 2004) 499 pp. Martens biograph.

Angelraj Swaminathan (=, =), Communio Fidelium et Communio Ecclesiarum: effectiveness of governance structures in the Church, (KU Leuven diss., 2003) 266 pp.

 • Leon Tharsius Raj (=, =), The Process of Alienation and Related Concepts: rationale and procedure in canon law and secular law with particular reference to India, (KU Leuven diss., 2002) 331 pp.

Peter Jianmin Zhao (Chinese priest, =), The Elaboration of the Decree Christus Dominus into the 1983 Code of Canon Law and their Contextualization in China, (KU Leuven diss., 2002) 406 pp.

Michael Bradley (=, =), Nemini Licet … Ius Cuiusque Personae Ad Propriam Intimitatem Tuendam Violare: a study of the exercise of and the limitations upon the right to protect privacy in the Roman Catholic Church, (KU Leuven diss., 2002) 287 pp.

Dominic Byrne (= priest, =), Marriage Nullity - Overdefined? A critical reflection on grave lack of discretion of judgment and simulation in the light of selected recent British and Irish jurisprudence, (KU Leuven diss., 2001) 387 pp.

Alexius Binawan (Indonesian priest, =), Religious Freedom in Indonesia during the New Order Era (1966-1998): an analysis of the Indonesian State regulations and the Declaration of the Indonesian Bishops' Conference, (KU Leuven diss., 2001) 411 pp.

Nobert Thomas (=, =), The Influence of Culture in Understanding Force and Fear in Matrimonial Consent: a systematic study of reverential fear in the arranged marriages of Indian cultural context with specific reference to Tamilnadu, (KU Leuven diss., 2001) 364 pp.

Christian Onyems Okwuru (Nigerian religious, =), The Responsibilities and Significance of the Congregatio Pro Clerics in the Life and Ministry of the Diocesan Clergy, (KU Leuven diss., 2001) 336 pp. Overview here.

Anthony Bawyn (American priest, =), Discovering the Administrative Power Belonging to the Diocesan Bishop the use and implications of power and governing in Book II and Book I of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (KU Leuven diss., 2000) 359 pp.

Salvarajan Dasan (Indian priest, 1970-), The Autonomy of the Diocesan Bishop: the 'Omnis Potestas' and its restrictions according to the 1983 Code, (KU Leuven diss., 2000) 329. Dasan biograph.

James McGrory (Irish priest, =), Philosophical Theories, Methodological Approaches and Hermeneutics of Understanding: a study for canonical meaning and its interpretation, (KU Leuven diss., 1999) 323 pp.

George William (=, =), A Comparative Study of the Schema Novissimum 1982 and the Code of Canon Law 1983: the options of John Paul II as universal legislator, (KU Leuven diss., 1998) 565 pp.

Christoph Meyer (=, =), Die Distinktionstechnik in den dogmatischen Wissenschften des 12. Jahrhunderts unter besondereer Berücksichtigung der Bologneser Kanonistik, (KU Leuven diss., 1995) 536 pp.

Jan De Groof (Belgian layman, 1953-), Vrijdheid van en Recht op Onderwijs: het regime van de vrije keuze van de confessionele en niet-confessionele school, (KU Leuven diss., 1984) 1316 pp. De Groof biograph.


Marcel Diet (=, =), Kerk en Staat volgens het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie: de godsdienstvrijheid als grondslag van hun onderlinge verhouding, (KU Leuven diss., 1977) xxvi-197 pp.

Luc De Fleurquin (=, =), De Psychopathologie en de Ongeldige Huwelijkstoestemming in Recente Rotarechtspraak., (KU Leuven diss., 1975) 417 pp.


Licentiate Theses

Dennis Xulu Bonginkosi, “Canonisation of Civil Laws as the Coincidence of Criteria of the Law of Church and State”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2012).

Asonganyi Fuameni, “The Relationship between the State and Religious Groups in Sub-Sahara Africa: the Case of the Republic of Cameroon”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2011).

Christopher Fusco, “Canonical Implications of Diocesan Planning: an examination of process and ‘Vigor Iuris’ in context of the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2011).

Amy Hereford, “Transfer to Another Institute, Canons 684-685: historical, sociological, theological and juridical considerations”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2010).

Paul Barber, “The Tenure of Ecclesiastical Property in the Dioceses of England and Wales according to English Law and Canon Law”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2009).

Kathryn Cone, “Proposal for Revision: Canons 1311 to 1399 Codex Iuris Canonici 1983”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2008) iii-25 pp.

Helen Costigane, “Clerical sexual misconduct: is there another way forward?”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2008).

Silvana Hugue, “The ‘Free Zone’ of action of the diocesan priest: limits and possible conflicts”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2008).

Nathaniel Igelle, “Changes and challenges of the sacrament of Penance in Nigeria”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2008).

Monica-Elena Herghelegiu, “The ‘Reservatio Papalis’ according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2007).

Anthony Omenihu, “The Significance of the First Catholic Diocesan Synod in Aba Nigeria”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2007) xxxi, 120 pp.

Frédéric Amez, “La Liberté académique dans les Universités Catholiques: examen des expériences Belges e Néerlandaises”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2007).

Russel Raj Bakthinath, “Diocesan synod in the Codex Iuris Canonici 1983. The juridic position and the distinctive character in relation to other consultative bodies of the particular churches”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2004).

Jennifer Haselberger, “Sources of legitimisation of the Rent-A-Priest movement. An examination into the issue of 'married' priests administering the sacraments”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2004).

David Long, “The rights and responsibilities of bishops and theologians within the teaching function of the Church”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2003) 114-xx pp. Thesis on-line here.

Diana Kudrjavceva, “The Interrelatedness of Theology and Canon Law on Baptism in the Pre-Gratian Era”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2003).

Fernado Engel, “The disciplinary power of the bishop upon his clergy”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2003).

Eulogi Broto, “Church and State Relations in the Republic of Malta: the influence of the Catholic Church and of Canon Law in the Maltese history and its current legislation”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2003).

Junyan He, “Episcopal Selection in China”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2001).

Joseph Xiaobing Chen, “A Comparative Study of the Concepts of Marriage in the Chinese Culture and in the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2001).

Joseph Arsenault, “The Ecumenical Implications of 'In Quorum Ecclesia Valida Existunt Praedicta Sacramenta' ([canon] 844 § 2): a case study of the possible role of Anglican ministers in the Old Catholic Church”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2000).

Jose Bautista, “The Law at Work: an empirical study of the usage of nullity grounds in an ecclesiastical tribunal of first instance of the United States of America”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2000).

Stefan Ihli, “Lernen it dem Kreuz. Das Kreuz im Öffentlichen Schulraum als Paradigma Unterschiedlicher Beziehungen zwischen Kirche und Staat: mis besonderer Berücksichtigung des ‘Kruzifix-Beschlusses’ des deutschen Bundesverfassungsgerichtes”, (KU Leuven thesis, 2000).

Marco Kalbusch, “Rechtlichen Beziehungen Zwischen der Katholischen Kirche und der Europäischen Union”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1999).

Richard Dwyer, “The Diaconate: an Order in Evolution or Going Nowhere: linking past and present teaching and practice with the permanent deacons' hopes for anointing the sick”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1999).

Cosmas Archibong, “The Juridic Competence of a Diocesan Bishop in the 1917 and 1983 Codes: a comparative study”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1999).

Adrian Bell, “The Dismissal of a Priest from the Clerical State in Cases of Child Sexual Abuse: the only means of justice exercised by the Church authority according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1998).

Peter Xinmao Feng, “The juridical concept of simulation in matrimonial consent”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1998).

Deryl George, “Institutional consultation between the 'parochus' and others within the parish. A study of the norms of the 1983 Code and the diocesan law of Arundel & Brighton”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1998).

Norah Hatt, “Community or Common Life? An actual question in religious institutes”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1997).

Dominic Byrne, “To what extent is 'Grave lack of discretion of judgment' (Canon 1095, n. 2) increasingly difficult to establish? A review of canonical literature with some reference to Rotal jurisprudence”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1997).

Raymond Corbett, “A right to Baptism: A study of church law on the rights and obligations of those administering and receiving Baptism with reference to the Codex Iuris Canonici 1983, and extra-canonical legislation”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1997).

Selvarajan Dasan, “The evolution of norms regarding mixed marriages since the 1917 Code”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1997).

Gérard Debras, “Le Principe de Subsidiarité dans les Instituts Religieux”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1997).

Monica Evans, “Customary law and complement potestas: Options in the 1983 Codex Iuris canonici”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1997).

Michael Feldmann, “Ständige Parteibeistände im Ordentlichen Ehenichtigkeitsverfahren Canon 1490 Codex Iuris Canonici, ” (KU Leuven thesis, 1996).

Terence Carr, “Nullity of sentences according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law. A study of the juridic reasons why marriage tribunal sentences may be declared null”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1996).

Peter Kooloos, “The Ecclesiastical Offices of the Parish Priest and the Diocesan Bishop According to the 1983 Code: a comparative study”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1996).

Michael Bradley, “The Erection, Suppression and Modification of Parishes according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1996).

Thomas Anslow, “The Juridical and Theological Position of Titular Bishops according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law” (KU Leuven thesis, 1996).

Ngoy Ngenda Jourdain, “Typologie et dispositifs de l'exercice du pouvoir de gouvernement ou de juridiction dans le Code de Droit Canonique de 1983 (cc. 130-144): continuité et nouveauté”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1996).

Rita Ferko Joyce, “The meaning of Canon Law in the Catechism of the Catholic Church”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1995).

Bernard Healey, “Exercising Civil Power: Clerics and Religious in Public Office: an examination of Canon 285 § 3”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1995).

James Douglas, “A matter of Custom: Insights and Questions within the Title De Consuetudine in the 1983 Code of Canon Law”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1994).

Robert DeLand, “Some Implications of the Implementation of Canon 517 § 2 in the United States”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1993).

Nancy Barshick, “Removal of Pastors on Grounds of Reputation and Aversion: a review of problems in implementing canon 1743, n. 3”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1993).

Jeffrey Choo-Kee Goh, “Jurisprudential Application of and Academic Debate on 'Error Qualitatis Redundans in Errorum Personae' before and after 1983”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1993).

Anthony Bawyn, “An Analysis of the Institute of Dispensation in the General Norms of the Code of Canon Law with Application to the Executive Power of the Diocesan Bishop”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1992).

Thomas Aquinas, “Canon 1098: Dolus as an invalidating factor for matrimonial consent. History, development & applications”, (KU Leuven thesis, 1990).


Master's Theses

Patrick Mullins, Lay Public Engagement, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2013) xi-58 pp.

Ştefãniţã Barbu, Between Theology and Politics: Deconstructing the Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Perspectives on Papal Primacy, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2013) xxiv-96 pp.

Ivan Dominic Aquilina, 'Anglicanorum Coetibus' as an Expression of Canonical Inculturation, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2013) xii-51 pp.

Anselm Gribbin, Immemorial Custom and the Missale Romanum of 1962, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2013) xvi-26 pp.

Jonathan Redvers Harris, The Bishop-Priest Relationship in a Secular Age, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2013) vi-51 pp.

Steven Bulambo, Remuneration of priests, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2013) xiii-47 pp.

Wilfred Agubuchie, A Comparative Study of the Systems of Church Financing in Nigeria (Enugu Dioceses) and Germany in the Light of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2013) xx-58 pp.

Robert Turner, The Juridical Status of Temporal Goods of Parishes and the Bankruptcy in the Diocese of Spokane in 2004, (KU Leuven MA thesis 2013) ix-57 pp.

Claudia Peters, Kerkelijke rechtspersonen volgens de Codex Iuris Canonici en hun erkenning als zelfstandig onderdeel van het Rooms-Katholieke Kerkgenootschap in Nederland op basis van artikel 2, boek 2 Burgerlijk Wetboek, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2013) xi-61 pp.

Simon Lerche, The Accommodation of the Catholic School within the State System of Education in England and Wales and the Contemporary Issues concerning its Survival, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2013) vi-54 pp.

Michele Hugonnet, Obligations and Rights of the Lay Christian Faithful: their origin, nature and application in the Code of Canon Law 1983, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2012) vii-61 pp.

John Brown, Canon Law in the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2012) xxvi-111 pp.

Daniel Laurita, The Evolution and Devolution of the Catholic Voice in the Public Square, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2012) viii-71 pp.

Thomas Meckel, The Development, the Importance and the Enforceability of the Right of Good Reputation and Privacy c. 220, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2012) xxii-50 pp.

Sabrina Pfannkuche, The Use of the Sixth Commandment of the Decalogue in the Legal System of the Catholic Church, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2012) Xxi-55 pp.

Rupert Allen, Canon 578 and the Patrimonity of an Institute of Consecrated Life as Applied to the constitutions of the Order of Canons Regular of Prémontré, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2012) viii-52 pp.

Jane Ura Okorie, The Contemporary Position of Religion and State Relationships in Nigeria: A multi-religious society, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2011) viii-49 pp.

Jerome Opuehi, Priestly Ministry and Ecclesial Mission: its canonical implications, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2011) xx-68 pp.

Vincent Mynem Sagandoy, Canonical Implications of a Reproductive Health Law in the Philippines, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2011) xi-58 pp.

Vincent Gardiner, Conferral of the Sacrament of Confirmation: the historical context to canon 888 § 1, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2011).

Pavol Drlička, The Meeting Point where and how the Legal Systems of Church and State Interact, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2011).

Corazon Doromal, The Lay Christian Faithful Within BECs to Participate in Restoring Peace Justice and Development in the Philippines, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2011) x-50 pp. Note: MA in ‘Society, Law, and Religion

Ana Maria Barbu, When Inspiration Comes From a Blasphemous or Heretical Muse: Some considerations regarding blasphemy and heresy in visual arts, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2011) ix-32 pp.

Vasileios Meichanetsidis, The Development of the Ecclesiastical Organisation in Terms of Territorial Jurisdiction in the 5th Century with Particular Emphasis on the Final Formation of the of the 'Patriarchates' at the Council of Chalcedon, 145, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2011) xix-65 pp.

Noel Rankin, Jurisdiction in the Sacrament of Penance, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2011) vii-67 pp.

Vincent Gardiner, Conferral of the Sacrament of Confirmation: The historical context to canon 888 § 1, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2011) v-33 pp.

Gidey Syoum Halibo, Catholic Church and state relationship in Ethiopia, (KU Leuven MA thesis 2011).

John Hadley, The College of Consultors, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2010) lv-59.

Michele Hugonnet, Lay Persons and the Power of Governance in the Catholic Church: a canonical perspective, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2010).

Laura Minuscoli, End of Life Treatments: Church and State in Italian Scenario, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2010) x-38 pp.

Georgios Ioannou, The Ordination of Women in the Catholic Church and in Comparison with the Orthodox Church, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2010) x-38.


George Henwood, The Sacramental Life of the Eastern Catholics in the Latin Rite Diocese of Clifton, (KU Leuven MA thesis 2010) viii-37 pp.

Berenice McNeill, The Use of Experts in Matrimonial Cases: an assessment and evaluation, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2010) x-52 pp.

Dennis Xulu Bonginkosi, Protection of the Rights of Church Employees is also a Mandate of Justice and Peace Commissions: A challenge to the Catholic Church in South Africa, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2010) ix-53 pp.

John Wire, The Relationship between the Catholic Church and the State in Scotland, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2010) viii-57 pp.

Veerle De Cooman, Parochies zonder Priesters, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2010) vii-59 pp.

Philip White, State Recognition of Religion as "Charity" in England and Wales, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2010) iv-60 pp.

Pavol Drlička, Highways of Law from Church to State: Interaction of Two Legal Systems in Church and State Relations, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2009) vii-42.

Kathryn Cone, Proposal for Revision: Canons 1311 to 1399 Codex Iuris Canonici 1983, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2008) iii-25.

Amy Herreford, Obligations and Rights of Members of Religious Institutes in the 1983 Code of Canon Law and Sources, (KU Leuven MA thesis 2008) vi-37.

Anthony Omenihu, The Rights and Obligations of Parents With Regard to the Education of Their Children in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (KU Leuven MA thesis 2008) xvi, 52 pp.

Aidan Prescott, A Comparative Study of the Nolan and Cumberlege Reports with Regard to Canon 1395 § 2 Cases, (KU Leuven MA thesis, 2008) iv-38 pp.


Temporary CU Louvain


Karl Heinrich Theisen (=, =), Die Laien als kirchliche Richte, (CU Louvain diss., 2006) xxiv-116 pp.

William Thompson (American Benedictine, 1918-2009), Quasi-Domicile (Louvain diss., 1952) viii-110 pp.

Gérard Fransen (, 1915-1995), Le dol dans la conclusion des actes juridiques: evolution des doctrines et système du code canonique, (CU Louvain diss., 1946) xxxii-431 pp.

Joseph Brys ( priest, ), De dispensatione in iure canonico praesertim apud decretistas et decretalistas usque ad medium saec. XVI, (CU Louvain diss., 1925) xxxi-275 pp.

Pierre Gillet (=, =), La personnalité juridique en droit ecclésiastique specialement che les décrétalistes et dans le Code de droit canonique, (CU Louvain diss., 1927) xx-279 pp.

Henri Wagnon (=, =), Concordats et droit international: fondament, èlaboration, valeur et cessation du droit concordataire, (CU Louvain diss., 1935) xxviii-441 pp.

Guillaume Onclin ( priest, 1905-), De territoriali vel personali legis indole: historia doctrinae et disciplina Codicis iuris canonici, (CU Louvain diss., 1938) xxiv-390 pp. Note: On the place of Onclin in canonistics see, =.



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Facultad de Derecho Canónico

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Javeriana, Last updated: 18 August 2017.

Notes: ≈

Sources: ≈

Doctoral Dissertations

Luisa Adriana Martínez Sánchez (Columbian laywoman, ≈), Ejercicio de la potestad de inspección, vigilancia y control de las personas jurídicas canónicas en Colombia, (Javeriana diss. 95, 2016) 219 pp.

Clemencia Salamanca de Moreno (Columbian laywoman, ≈), ¿Existe una relación directa entre la nulidad matrimonial consagrada en el canon 1095, 2 del C.I.C. e la imposibilidad de creación de un juicio crítico?: una propuesta que responde a la necesidad inminente de una actuación pastoral de acuerdo con el canon 1063, 2 del C.IC. para una celebración válida y lícita (1066 del C.I.C.), (Javeriana diss. 92, 2016) 125 pp.

Francisco Javier Calderón Torres (≈ Jesuit, ≈), La 'salus animarum' y el efecto penal inmediato del canon 694 del Código de derecho canónico de 1983, (Javeriana diss., 2014) ix-214 p


Jozef Musiol (Polish/American religious, 1947-), The juridical status of catechumens: A canonical study of church documents since Vatican II, and of previous documents of African churches, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3572, 1989) 246 pp (part). Musiol biograph.
José Fernando Alvarez Salgado (≈ priest, ≈), La plena comunión en el canon 205 del CIC de 1983, (Javeriana diss., 2014) 90 pp.


Ignacio A. Medina F. (, =), Prestaciones a clerigos y empleados de la Iglesia en Colombia, (Javeriana diss., 1966) 190 pp.

Eduardo Segura Franco (=, =), Estados jurídicos de la persona, (Javeriana diss., 1964) 164 pp.

José de J. García Riveros (=, =), La responsabilidad por el matrimonio, (Javeriana diss., 1963) 122 pp.

Aniano Escanciano (≈ Jesuit, ≈), Reducción de los clerigos al estado laical, (Javeriana diss., 1963) 237 pp.

Marco Tulio Cruz Díaz (Columbian priest, ≈), La costumbre en la Iglesia, fuente de derecho canónico, (Javeriana diss., 1963) 282 pp.

Aurelio Tobón Mejía (=, =), Disolución de matrimonios no sacramentales por la potestad ministerial del Romano Pontífice, (Javeriana diss., 1963) xviii-186 pp.

Jorge Enrique Alvarez Arango (=, =), Diezmos u oblación personal?, (Javeriana diss., 1962) 289 pp.

Jaime Riera Rius (=, =), Procedimientos eclesiásticos de conformidad con el derecho canónico y las disposiciones de la Ven. Jerarquía católica de Colombia: con referencias al Código Civil Colombiano, (Javeriana diss., 1961) 316 pp.

Carlos Torres Noriega (=, =), La extinción de la acción penal por el matrimonio ante el derecho canónico y el derecho penal colombiano, (Javeriana diss., 1961) 116 pp.

Eduardo Samek de la Espriella (=, =), El matrimonio civil ante el derecho canónico y la ley colombiana, (Javeriana diss., 1960) 194 pp.

  Martin Barraza Melendez (, ), La masonería y su situación canónica, (Javeriana diss., 1960) 115 pp.

Secundino Marcilla (≈ Jesuit, ≈), La separación de los cónyuges y el divorcio civil en la legislación canónica y en la República Dominicana, (Javeriana diss., 1960) 128 pp (part).

Luis Enrique Cuervo Torres (=, =), El depósito de la mujer casada y de los hijos en derecho canónico, civil y concordatario colombiano, (Javeriana diss., 1959) 111 pp.

Alonso Arteaga Yepes (=, =), La ley Concha o el matrimonio civil de los apóstatas en Colombia ante el derecho de la Iglesia, (Javeriana diss., 1958) xiv-178 pp.

Jenaro Perico García (=, =), La remoción administrativa de los párrocos, (Javeriana diss., 1956) 205 pp.

J. Iván Cadavid G. (=, =), Los fueros de la Iglesia ante el liberalismo y el conservatismo en Colombia: evolución político-religiosa de nuestros dos partidos 1837-1955, (Javeriana diss., 1955) x-211 pp.

Alvaro Rivera Concha (=, =), La presunción ante el derecho civil y el derecho Canónico, (Javeriana diss., 1953) 107 pp.

Néstor Luna Gómez (=, =), Quod Deus coniunxit: investigación histórica acerca de los orígenes de la legislación eclesiástica sobre la indisolubilidad matrimonial, (Javeriana diss., 1949) 228 pp.

Higinio Paoli (≈ Salesian, ≈), La vida científico-escolástica de los seminarios de Cuba, (Javeriana diss., 1949) xvi-36 pp.

Octavio Aguilar Aguilar (=, =), El delincuente en la legislación penal canónica: el elemento subjetivo del delito, (Javeriana diss., 1946) xxi-187 pp.

Raúl Zambrano Camader (Columbian priest, 1921-1978), El Derecho Canónico ante la legislación Colombiana: cuestiones fundamentales, (Javeriana diss., 1945) 109 pp. Zambrano Camader biograph.

Guillermo Duque Botero (=, =), El nombramiento de los obispos en Colombia y en la disciplina general de la Iglesia, (Javeriana diss., 1944) 167 pp.

Eugenio Ayape de s. Augustín (≈ Augustinian, ≈), Jus parochi religiosi, (Javeriana diss., 1943) xxviii-256 pp.

José de Jesús Farías Páez (≈ Dominican, ≈), Consentimiento matrimonial: disertación jurídica, (Javeriana diss., 1943) 118 pp.




Université Laval (Québec)

Faculty of Canon Law

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Laval, Last updated: 23 July 2017.


Notes: The Faculty of Canon Law at Université Laval was reorganized in 1935 and stopped offering courses in 1948. Thus, all canon law dissertations approved therein were written under the 1917 Code and none is therefore listed in the Codex Vigens. No licentiate theses from Laval have been located.


Sources include: Armand Gagné, Répertoire des Thèses des Facultés Ecclésiastiques de L'Université Laval 1935-1960, (≠, 1960) pp. 3-6, 14.


Laval Doctoral Dissertations



 • Vincent Foy (Canadian priest, 1915-2017), The right of the consorts to attack the marriage bond, (Laval diss, 1954) ≈ 325 mf.

Arthur McClory (American priest, 1919-1978), The notion of impotence in canon law, (Laval diss., 1951, OCLC 978097959) only partially available.


Roland Potvin (Canadian priest, 1912-2003), L’action catholique, son organisation dans l’Eglise, (Laval diss., 1949) 300 pp.

Alphonsus Thomas (≈ priest, 1920-), The juridic effect of doubtful cessation of law according to the Code of Canon Law, (Laval diss. 9, 1948) 110 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 11 (1951) 163-164.

James Granville (Canadian priest, ≈), Moral personality in canon law and in the law of Canada, (Laval diss., 1948) ix-215 mf.

Jean-Baptiste Georges (Haitian priest, 1919-), La vocation sacerdotale en droit ecclésiastique, (Laval diss., 1948) 130 pp.

Joseph Gallagher (≈ priest, 1919-), The celebration of Mass outside of churches and oratories, Université Laval (Québec, Canada) 1948) 158 pp.

Donald Duffie ( Basilian, =-1989), Comparative marriage law in the Catholic Church and the Provinces of Canada (Québec excepted), (Laval diss., 1948) xxxiii-335 pp.

Charles Desorcy ( priest, ), L’Eglise et les non-catholiques: notions, fonctions juridiques, histoire et commentaire canonique, (Laval diss., 1948) xi-329 pp.

Georges Auger ( Viatorian, ), Le bénéfice curial ou la formule canonique du droit des clercs de “vivre à l’autel”, (Laval diss., 1948) xxiii-185 pp.

Jacques Desparts (Canadian religious, 1915-2004), Le supérieur ecclésiastique et le supérieur religeux en territoire de mission, (Laval diss., 1947) = pp.

Ramon Ortiz (Brazilian priest, 1902-), A açao catholica no direito eclesiastico, (Laval diss., 1947) 104 pp.

Harry Trower (American priest, † 1987), The actuary in ecclesiastical judicial procedure, (Laval diss., 1947, OCLC 77369299) xxiii-142 pp.

Jean-Marie Connolly (=, =), L’intention requise chez les adultes pour la réception du baptême, (Tremblay et Dion, Québec, 1946) = pp.

Gérard Couture (=, =), Les conditions juridiques des prêtres ordonnés au titre de service du diocèse, (Laval diss., 1947) xvi-206 pp.

Lucien Sylvestre (Canadian priest, 1917-1969), Le cathédratique: histoire, commentaire canonique et législation canadienne, (Laval diss., 1946) 175 pp.

René Adam (=, =), Le pouvoir coercitif de l’évêque, (Laval diss., 1945) 154 pp.

Louis-Eugène Belanger ( priest, 1909-), Le status canonique des ukrainiens catholiques du rit grec-ruthène au Canada, (Laval diss., 1945) 111 pp.

René Bounadere ( priest, 1915-1966), Aperçu historique des petits séminaires de la province de Québec, (Laval diss., 1945) 55 pp.

Bertrand Peletier (=, =), La dispense des interpellations en pays de mission, (Laval diss., 1945) 178 pp.

Edoard Gagnon (Canadian priest, 1918-2007), La censure des livres, (Laval diss. 3, 1944) xxix-223 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 4 (1948) 600. Gagnon biograph.

Macel Gerin ( religious, 1913-), Le gouvernement des missions, (Laval diss., 1944) xxiii-255 pp.

Roméo Lemelin (Canadian , 1914-), [Les registres parcissiaux:] Le droit qui regit l’état des personnes dans la province civil de Québec, Imprimerie Franciscaine Missionaire (Québec, Canada, 1944) 209 pp.

Gédéon Petit ( priest, 1911-), La part paroissiale ou quarte funéraire, (Laval diss., 1944) 218 pp.

Roland Tremblay ( priest, 1917-), Pouvoirs de dispenser des empêchements matrimoniaux en pays de mission, (Laval diss., 1943) 150 pp.

Vivalde Masse (Canadian religious, ), Les paroisses religieuses, (Laval diss., 1943) 132 mf.

Jean Rondeau ( religious, ), Les pouvoirs de l’Église, (Laval diss., 1943) x-110 mf.

Georges Van Belleghem (Canadian Jesuit, ), L’usage illicite des connaissances acquises en confession, (Laval diss. 1942) pp. Note: Appeared in part in Sciences Ecclesiastiques I (1948) 175-216.

Raynaldus Comtois (=, =), De executione sentenitae, (Laval diss. 1941) pp.




Université de Strasbourg (Strasbourg)

Institut de Droit Canonique

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Strasbourg, Last updated: 26 December 2017.


Notes: =. All of these dissertations were written under the 1917 Code. No licentiate theses from the University Strasbourg have been located.


Sources include: Revue des Science Religiueses 43 (1969) 323-325, here.


Doctoral Dissertations


Henri Henaff (French priest, ), Les ‘Conservatores apostolici’ dans le droit classique de l'Eglise, depuis le pontificat d'Innocent III (1198-1216) jusqu'au concile de Vienne (1311-1312), (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1969) ≈ pp. Extract in Revue de Droit Canonique 35 (1985) 193-221. =


Maurice Joly (=, =), Le cardinal de Bissy, évêque de Meaux (1704-1737), successeur de Bossuet, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1965) ≈ pp.

Giovanni Maria Cherchi (≈, ≈), Personnalité juridique internationale de l'Eglise catholique, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1964) xv-282 pp.


Georges Mahfoud (=, =), L'organisation monastique dans l'Eglise maronite. Etude historique, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1963) 393 pp. Review: R. Metz, Revue des Science Religiueses 42 (1968) 180-182, on-line here.


Albert Muller (=, =), Les cures royales en Alsace sous l'ancien régime (1684-1789), (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1962) ≈ pp.

Hubert Blond ( priest, ), L'évolution de la diplomatie pontificale d'après les récents concordats (1918-1957), (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1959) 360 pp.


André Schaer (=, =), L'organisation ecclésiastique et la pratique religieuse dans le chapitre rural ‘Ultra Colles Ottonis’ en Haute Alsace sous l'ancien régime (1648-1789), (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1959) 244 pp. Review: R. Metz, Revue des Science Religiueses 42 (1968) 368-369, on-line here.


Germaine Capelle ( laywoman, ), Le vœu d'obéissance, des origines au XIIe siècle, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1957) 261 pp. Review: R. Metz, Revue des Science Religiueses 35 (1961) 429-431 on-line here.


Paul Oliger ( Franciscan, ), La condition juridique des évêques réguliers, des origines à la fin du moyen âge, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1955) 211 pp. Review: R. Metz, Revue des Science Religiueses 35 (1961) 71-72, on-line here.


Aghnatios Matar (=, =), Les ordinations et la discipline du clergé chez les Maronites, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1954) ≈ pp.


Charles Munier (=, =), Les sources patristiques dans le droit de l'Eglise du VIIIe au XIIe siècle, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1954) 218 pp. Review: J-M Leroux, Revue de l'histoire des religions 160 (1961) 107-108, on-line here.


Jean-Marie Aubert (=, =), Le Droit romain dans l'œuvre de saint Thomas, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1951) 164 pp. Review: J. Dénoyez, Revue des Science Religiueses 29 (1955) 300-303, on-line here.


Antoine Guth (=, =), Le don gratuit du clergé d'Alsace sous l'ancien régime, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1951, OCLC 906387625) xiii-338 pp. Review: G. Lepointe, Revue d'histoire de l'Église de France 47 (1961) 292-296, on-line here.

Jean Bernhard (Alsatian priest, 1914-2006), La notion de la ‘Sanatio in radice’ dans le droit canonique moderne et contemporain, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1948) ≈ pp. Note: On the place of Bernhard in canonistics, see, e.g., J. Werkmeister, Revue de Droit Canonique 55 (2005) 225-234, on-line here.


René Metz (French priest, 1910-2006), La monarchie française et la provision des bénéfices ecclésiastiques en Alsace, de la paix de Westphalie à la fin de l'ancien régime, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1946) iv-435 pp. Review: C. Laplatte, Revue d'histoire de l'Église de France 34 (1948) 136-138, on-line here.


Klemente Pascalef (Bulgarian Byzantine, ), Le mariage devant les tribunaux de l'Eglise bulgare orthodoxe, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1935, OCLC 315916910) 151 pp. Review: R. Janin, Échos d'Orient 34 (1935) 127, on-line here.


Terrence McLaughlin (=, =), Le très ancien droit monastique de l'Occident, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1935) ix-273 pp. Review: G. Le Bras, Revue des Science Religiueses 16 (1936) 395-396, on-line here.


Jean Burcklé (=, =), Les chapitres ruraux des anciens évêchés de Strasbourg et de Bale, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1935) 396 pp. Review: E. de Moreau, Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire 18 (1939) 596-601, on-line here.

Evariste Debicki (=, =), Le synode diocésain en Pologne des origines jusqu'au concile de Trente, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1934) 323 pp.

Joseph Luczak (Polish priest, ), La résidence des évêques dans la législation canonique avant le concile de Trente, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1931, OCLC 949002583) 256 pp.


Frank De Landes de saint-palais d'Aussac (=, =), Le droit de dépouille, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1930) 243 pp. Review: E. Durtelle de Saint Sauveur, Revue d'histoire de l'Église de France 17 (1931) 489-490, on-line here.


Ladislas Kulczycki (=, =), L'organisation de l'Eglise de Pologne avant le XIIe siècle, d'après les résultats acquis par la science polonaise, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1928) 254 pp.


Joseph Sznuro (=, =), Les origines du droit d'alternative bénéficiale, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1924) 77 pp. Review: E. Campeaux, Revue des Science Religiueses 6 (1926) 152-155, on-line here.


[Bl.] Etienne Grelewski (Polish priest, 1899-1941), La réaction contre les ordalies en France depuis le IXe siècle jusqu'au Décret de Gratien, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1924, OCLC 251025696) 105 pp. Grelewski biograph.


Bruno Halla (Polish priest, 1900-1979), L'alternative en France du XVe à la fin du XVIIe siècle, (Univ. Strasbourg Mémoire de Diplôme, 1924) ≈ pp. Biograph (Polish) at p. 152, n. 24.


Edward Van Bleeicq (=, =), Etude sur le pénitentiel de Cumméan, (Univ. Strasbourg Mémoire de Diplôme, 1924) ≈ pp.




Universidad Cathólica Argentina (Buenos Aires)

Faculdad de Derecho Canónico

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Argentina, Last updated: 22 July 2017.


Notes: ≈


Sources include: UCA Tesis Doctorales, here; UCA Tesinas de Licentiatura, here.


Doctoral Dissertations



UCA Licentiate Theses




Pontifical University at Maynooth

Faculty of Theology and Arts

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Last updated: 22 July 2017.


Notes: Maynooth used English terminology in administration so, for example, the “doctor of canon law” degree was abbreviated DCL instead of JCD. Maynooth dissertations themselves were not assigned numbers but a "Librarian’s Office Number" seemed to function as an equivalent and is used here. Some dating/numbering anomalies are apparent.


Sources include: n.a.


Doctoral Dissertations


  Terence Cunningham (Irish priest, ), Contumacy for censures, (Maynooth doctoral diss. 703, 1951) ≈ pp., condensed in T. Cunningham, "The contumacy required to incur censures", Irish Theological Quarterly 21 (1954) 332-356.


Michael Quinlan (≈, ≈), Kindred and Affinity in the Church of England, (Maynooth doctoral diss. 702, 1969) iv-202 pp.

William Lee (Irish priest, 1941-), Legislator and subject: a study in St. Thomas, (Maynooth doctoral diss. 698, 1969) i-168 pp. Lee biograph.

Laurence Carr (Irish religious, 1920-1976), A study of the power supplied by the Church in common error according to Canon 209, (Maynooth doctoral diss. 693, 1947) ≈ pp. Carr biograph.

D. Morrison (, ), Leges Irritantes, (Maynooth doctoral diss. 538, 1955) ≈ pp. Note: Text in English.

Hugh MacHugh (, ), The thirteenth century period of the evolution of the dowry of today: an historical-legal study of the origins of a custom, (Maynooth doctoral diss. 528/1, 1947) ii-305 pp.

Carthach MacCarthy (, ), Competency as regards monastic visitation in pre-Tridentine legislation, (Maynooth doctoral diss. 524, 1948) ≈ pp.

John Ahern (, ), The animus required for the introduction of a custom in canon law, (Maynooth doctoral diss. 505, 1946) ≈ pp.

Neil Farren (Irish priest, ), Domicile and Quasi-Domicile: An Historical and Practical Study in Canon Law, (Maynooth doctoral diss. , ) v-127 pp. Monograph form (Gill: Dublin, Ireland, 1920) 127 pp.





University of Malta / L'Università ta' Malta

Faculty of Theology

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Malta, Last updated: 26 December 2017.


Notes: The licentiate and master's degrees offered through the University of Malta are theology degrees with a concentration in "Matrimonial Canon Law and Jurisprudence". In addition, some Malta theses in civil law (so noted) are included here because of their relevance to canonical issues.


Sources include: List of Malta canon law thesis titles, here.


Licentiate Theses



Master's Theses







Pontifical Urban University

Faculty of Canon Law

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Last updated: 11 August 2017.

Notes: n.a.

Sources: n.a.



Other Doctoral Dissertations

Lóránd Ujházi (=, =), A katolikus katonai ordinariátus struktúrája és szabályozása [The Structure and Legislation of the Catholic Military Ordinariate] (National Univ. Public Service doctoral diss., Budapest, 2013) 199 pp. Dissertation here. Abstracts in Hungarian here, and English here.

Philippe Antoine (=, =), Le mariage: droit canonique et coutumes africaines, (Beauchesne, 1992) xliv-626 pp. Review: M. Ngundu, Studia Canonica 27 (1993) 272-275.

Jürgen Cleve (German priest, 1961-), Inkompatibilität und Kumulationsverbot: eine Untersuchung zu c. 152 CIC/1983, ( = diss. Ruhr-Universität, 1999) xiv-333 pp. Review: J. Huels, Studia Canonica 35 (2001) 226-227.


Sandro Petrizzelli (≈, ≈), L'atto giuridico con speciale riferimento al contratto matrimoniale: (cann. 124 e 1057 CIC ), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5547, 2006) 290 pp.



Angel Gabriel Pérez (=, =), El patronato español en el Virreyno del Perú durante el siglo XVI, (Lyon diss. 1937), xiv-129 pp.

Eduardus McCarthy, De certitudine morali quae in judicis animo ad sententiae pronuntiationem requiritur, PI utriusque, 1948) 119. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 10 (1950) 492-493.

Varghese Koluthara (Indian religious, =), Rightful Autonomy of Religious Institutes, a Comparative Study Based on the Code of Canons of the Oriental Churches and the Code of Canon Law, (Dharmaran, 1994) xxxvii-192 pp. Review: R. McDermott, Jurist 55 (1995) 444-445.


= Sabine Demel (German laywoman, 1962-), Kirchliche Trauung: Unerlassliche Pflicht für die Ehe des Katholischen Christen? (C. U. Eichstätt diss., 1992) 350 pp. Review: R. Kress, Jurist 55 (1995) 359-360. uuu Demel biograph.


User notes

There might be editions of works that pre-date or post-date those cited herein. Reviews and Notes are grey-highlighted, on-line biographical information is underlined blue-linked, and matters in green highlights are of special interest. Yellow highlights are cautions for users, while the markers "=", "≠", and "≈" are placeholders for use by webmaster.



angelicum catalogue

O Roma felix! Abs te discessurus, tibi non valedico; ad tuam enim hanc cathedram, sui iubar luminis qua longe lateque patet orbis diffundentem, conversos oculos intentosque iugiter habebo, usque dum vivam et ultra.

Brendan Killeen, What brings a marriage into Existence. Dissertation? 2010

Orientamenti per la formazione dei future sacerdoti circa gli strumenti della communicazione sociale (Dio sommo bene) Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis 1986) 52 pp. EV 10 (for 1986-1987) 58-116. 60-116,

Constant van de weil lateran diss., Angelicum 40 (1963) 251-252 Alvarez-Menedez.

Tomko 2001 should be /bis, with c. 791.

Lothar Wächter, 1898, j 52:749.*ita?/sPontificium+Athenaeum+Antonianum.+Facultas+Iuris+Canonici/spontificium+athenaeum+antonianum+facultas+iuris+canonici/-3%2C-1%2C0%2CB/exact&FF=spontificium+athenaeum+antonianum+facultas+iuris+canonici+theses&1%2C3%2C*ita?/sPontificium+Athenaeum+Antonianum.+Facultas+Iuris+Canonici/spontificium+athenaeum+antonianum+facultas+iuris+canonici/-3,-1,0,B/browse

Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven. Faculteit Kerkelijk Recht

Université catholique de Louvain: Teologia - Diritto canonico

Letter to the Presidents of Episcopal Conferences regarding Doctrinal Commissions, November 23, 1990 Origins 21 (1991) 71-72 [French, German, English, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish]


Marcellinus Zalba, “In memoriam p. Francisci Hürth, s.i.,” Periodica 52 (1963) 410-416.


Corpus Iuris Canonici

United States of America

Code of Canon Law

Second Vatican Council


rybak 1994La visita"ad limina apostolorum"nei documenti della Santa Sede e nel Codice di diritto canonico del 1983


marquardt, j 113: 135

alberto soria principios, ang, 91:650.

karwoski 17 j 214


monahan, delegabilitate, 22 j 487

ruoco, 51 j 240

rau, 51 j 249, liturgical

bier, 51 j 257

selge, 53 j 226

pahud de mertanges, 53 j 236

alts, 54 j 360

trudeau, 31 sc 533

vacca, 30 sc 241

58 j 541, ludke?

majer 59j503

58 j 552 proctor?

hohl 72j285

zuhacz secret 72j293-294, g. dionne

mutarushwa, 33 sc 567

villemin, 37 sc 252

kallidukil, 37 sc 263

stubenrauch, 38 sc 252

curmi, 40 sc 527

nobel, 42 sc 553

Jürgen Cleve (German priest, 1961-), Inkompatibilität und Kumulationsverbot: eine Untersuchung zu c. 152 CIC/1983, ( = diss. Ruhr-Universität, 1999) xiv-333 pp. Review: J. Huels, Studia Canonica 35 (2001) 226-227.

A. Mendonça

walczak sc 44: 272-274, renken




Sofia Natalia Markovich, The Development of the Principle of Subsidiarity in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 592, 2021) = pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =.


Nicholas Muenks, The Court of Conscience: Transferring Cases from the Contentious Forum to the Forum of Conscience in Medieval Canonical Jurisprudence and Praxis, (CUA doctoral diss. 591, 2021) = pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =.


Siobhan Marie Verbeek (American laywoman, =), The Implementation of Canon 766 by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: A Canonical Analysis, (CUA doctoral diss. 590, 2020) =pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =.


Jeannine Marino, Be Perfect, Just as Your Heavenly Father is Perfect: An Examination of the Juridic Nature of the Diocesan Phase of Causes of Beatification and Canonization, (CUA doctoral diss. 589, 2020) = pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =.


Linda McDonald Budney, Towards an Understanding of the Place of Professional, Lay Parish Ministers in the Structure of Ecclesial Ministry, (CUA doctoral diss. 588, 2020) = pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =.


Judith Marie Stegman, Mystically Espoused to Christ, the Son of God (c. 604 §1): The Basis for Proposing Juridic Principles to Guide the Development of Norms for the 'Ordo virginum', (CUA doctoral diss. 587, 2019) = pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =.


Richard Bono, The Right to Ministry, Remuneration and Support of Unassignable Incardinated Presbyters: A Canonical Analysis, (CUA doctoral diss.586, 2019) = pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =.


Sean Thomas Doyle, The Developing Recognition of the Juridic Autonomy of the Eastern Catholic Churches: From the Pamphilian Jurisprudence to the CCEO, (CUA doctoral diss. 585, 2018) = pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =.


Jude Onogbosele, Eucharistic Sharing in Mixed Marriages as a Graced Context for Ecumenism in Nigeria, (CUA doctoral diss. 584, 2018) = pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =.


James Bradley, The Provenance and Purpose of Personal Ordinariates Erected under the Auspices of the Apostolic Constitution 'Anglicanorum Coetibus', (CUA doctoral diss. 583, 2017) = pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =.


Matthew Kozlowski, A Canonical Analysis of the Authority Exercised by the Diocesan Bishop and the Religious Superior over the Religious Pastor qua Pastor, (CUA doctoral diss. 582, 2016) = pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =.


James Peterson, Admission of Male Candidates to Religious Life: Ongoing Canonical Consideration, Canons 597, 641-645, (CUA doctoral diss. 581, 2016) = pp. Dissertation here. Abstract at Jurist =.





 ≡ Fernando Gil, “The form of marriage in the Code of Canon Law and the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995).


 Christina Hip-Flores (Cuban consecrated virgin, ≈), Consecrated widows: an analysis of Canon 580 of the Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium (Navarra diss. =, 2015) = pp., excerpts in Quadernos Doctorales 26 (2014-2015) 209-258, on-line here.


  Jerome Paul (Indian priest, ≈), Permanent Synod of the Patriarchal Churches with special reference to the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church, (Santa Croce diss., 2010) xvi-246 pp.


 • Abílio Soares de Vasconcelos (≈, ≈), De saecularis clerici sustentatione secundum Can. 1274 § 1: um estudo histórico sistemático e uma nova proposta para o Brasil, (Gregorian doctoral diss. 5398, 2005) 130 pp (part).


 Ladislas Örsy (Hungarian/American Jesuit, 1921-), The difference between the Order of episcopate and the Order of presbyterate in Gratian's decree, (Gregorian Doctoral dissertation(s) diss. 1493, 1962) viii-61 pp (part). Notes: On the place of Örsy in canonistics see J. Provost, "Ladislas Örsy, sj, Theology and Canon Law", Jurist 56 (1996) 1-24. Örsy biograph.


Nikola Skalabrin (≈ priest, ≈), De vaginismo et incosummatione matrimonii in decisionibus rotalibus (1945-1975), (Gregorian doctoral diss. 3446, 1987) 260 pp.


  Stanislaus Kubik (American priest, 1918-), Invalidity of Dispensations According to Canon 84 § 1, (CUA doctoral diss. 340, 1953) 107 pp.

Reginaldo M. Mananzan (≈ Jesuit, ≈), The word 'Consortium' of Canon 1055 § 1. Its meaning in doctrine and jurisprudence when cited in cases under Canon 1095 n. 3, (Gregorian doct. diss. 4173, 1995) 93 pp (part).


  Bruno Arcenas (≈), Viability and the crime of abortion (Univ. St. Thomas, Manila, diss no. 20, 1964) = pp.


  Martin Lavin (American priest, 1941-2005), Ecclesiastical legislation concerning abortion: its history and its present relationship to the civil legislation of the United States, (Pont. Univ. St. Thomas, Rome, diss. no. 1, 1971-1972) = pp. Lavin biograph.


  B. Lopez, The oath 'de calumnia' in decretal law, (Gregorian, doct. diss. 2542, 1955) = pp.


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