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Dr. Edward Peters

To work for the proper implementation of canon law is to play an extraordinarily

constructive role in continuing the redemptive mission of Christ. Pope John Paul II

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1917 Code


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1917 Supplement

1917 Quondam

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 Supplement, 1917 Quondam


Information on canons of the 1917 Code of Canon Law beyond that provided in 1917 Quon.


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First-time users of this page should be familiar with matters discussed in the Introduction to the Codex Vigens, here.


Most users of this page will have come to come it from the Codex Quondam, here, and so are taken directly to the canon(s) desired, but canons can be searched here directly as well, using, 0001, 0002, and so on on. A quick return to the Codex Quondam is provided by a ' Quon' link after each canon summary. The private treatments of law presented on this page are as follows:


 Monograph(s). Lengthy works produced by scholars, usually canonists, outside of, and usually after completion of, degree studies. Some of these works might be multi-volume studies.


 Dissertation(s). Academic studies produced as part of the author's work toward a doctoral degree, almost always in canon law, of course.


 Thesis/es. Academic studies produced as part of the author's work toward a licentiate a/o master's degree, usually in canon law or a closely related area.


 Scholarly contribution(s). Shorter works produced by scholars, usually canonists, outside of, and usually after completion of, degree studies. These works tend to be chapters in larger studies, submissions for festschrifts, and so on.


 Canon Law Digest. Volume and page number(s) wherein specific canons were treated in Canon Law Digest.



























































































































































































































































































 ! Book I. General Norms, cc. 1-86. ▪ Quon.


 ► Topic in general.




  Amleto Cicognani (Italian priest, 1883-1973), Canon Law [1925], (Newman Bookshop, 2 ed, 1934), J. O’Hara & F. Brennan trans. of Cicognani’s Ius Canonicum (1925). Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 7 (1947) 439. Notes: The first half of this work is an introduction to the science and history of canon law; the second half (pp. 444-860) is a commentary on Book I of the 1917 Code. Cicognani biograph.


  Gommarus Michiels (Belgian Capuchin, 1890-1965), Normae Generales Juris Canonici [1929], (Desclée, 2 ed, 1949) in 2 vols. Reviews: anon, Ius Pontificium 10 (1930) 137-138; P. Fedele, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 6 (1950) 103-106; J. Schmidt, Jurist 10 (1950) 118-121.


  Gerard Oesterle ( ≈ Benedictine, 1879-1963), Praelectiones Iuris Canonici: Libri I et II Codici Iuris Canonci, (Collegio S. Anselmi, 1931) 390 pp. Review: anon, Ius Pontificium 11 (1931) 252.


  Albertus Toso (Italian priest, ≈), ad Codicem Jvris Canonici. Commentaria Minora Comparativa Methodo Digesta (Marietti, 2 ed, 1921) 186 pp. Notes: This work is conveniently known as the Commentaria Minora and seems to have been envisioned as a pan-textual commentary but, in the end, it covered only about one-fourth of the 1917 Code. It was serialized in a disjointed manner in the first few years of the journal Ius Pontificium.


 ! [ Preliminary provisions, cc. 1-7. ]


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0001; scope of the Pio-Benedictine Code. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 3-42; II: 3-8; III: 27-34; IV: 13-24; V: 7-17; VI: 3-30; VII: 3-25; VIII: 3-57; IX: 11-27; X: 3.


1917 CIC 0002; generally, Code does not regulate liturgical matters. Quon.


Of the many liturgical books in force during the ascendancy of the 1917 Code those with the greatest relevance to canon law were the Missale Romanum (Roman Missal) and Rituale Romanum (Roman Ritual). The Roman Missal (orig. 1570) in force when the Pio-Benedictine Code went into effect was that issued in 1884. Of more importance for canonistics, however, was the version of the Missal promulgated in 1920 and which then underwent a series of revisions in the 1950s. The Roman Ritual (orig. 1614) in force when the Pio-Benedictine Code went into effect was that issued in 1752 as revised in 1884. Of more importance for canonistics, however, was the version of the Ritual accommodated to the 1917 Code and promulgated in 1925 and then further revised in 1952, cited herein as Rituale (1952).


 Contribution. Edward Peters, "Liturgical law: the last labyrinth", Adoremus Bulletin (Sep 1996) 3, text here.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 42-47; II: 8-10; III: 34-38; IV: 25-67; V: 17-157; VI: 30-141; VII: 25-62; VIII: 57-99; IX: 27-35; X: 4-5.


1917 CIC 0003; concordats and treatises are not affected by the Code. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 47-49; II: 11-24; III: 38; IV: 68; V: 158; VI: 141; VII: 62-63; VIII: 99; IX: 35-36; X: 5.


1917 CIC 0004; generally, acquired rights and privileges remain in place. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 49-50; II: 24-25; V: 158.


1917 CIC 0005; impact of Code on universal, particular, and other customs. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 50 ('Council of Vigilance' and 'Oath against Modernism' are still in force); II: 25


1917 CIC 0006; impact of Pio-Benedictine Code on earlier laws. Quon.


The codification of canon law in 1917 wrought a revolution in canonistics whose implications are still being worked out. The primary fons cognoscendi of the pre-codified canon law to which Canon 6 refers was the Five Books of Decretals organized by St. Raymond Peñafort and promulgated by Gregory IX in 1234. See generally Peters wbp Master Page on the Ius Decretalium (1234-1918), here.


 Dissertation. Nicholas Neuberger (American priest, 1897-), Canon 6 or the Relation of the Codex Juris Canonici to the Preceding Legislation, (CUA doct. diss. 44, 1927) v-89 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 50-52; II: 25; III: 38; V: 158.


1917 CIC 0007; definition of Apostolic See or Holy See. Quon.



 ! Book I, Title 1. Ecclesiastical laws, cc. 7-22. ▪ Quon.


  Topic in general.


 Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0008; institution of law by promulgation; presumption of territoriality of law. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 158; VI: 141-146; VII: 63-72; VIII: 100-111; IX: 36-41; X: 5-6.


1917 CIC 0009; methods of promulgation of universal and particular law. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 38; V: 158-159.


1917 CIC 0010; generally, law looks to future. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 52-53; II: 25; V: 159.


1917 CIC 0011; marks of invalidating and incapacitating laws. Quon.




  Edward Roelker (American priest, 1897-1957), Invalidating Laws, (St. Anthony Guild, 1955) 197 pp. Review: J. Schmidt, Jurist 15 (1959) 112-114.


 Dissertation. D. Morrison (≈), Leges Irritantes, (Maynooth doct. diss. 538, 1955) ≈ pp. Text in English.


1917 CIC 0012; subjects of merely ecclesiastical law. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 53-54; III: 38.


1917 CIC 0013; scope of universal and territorial law. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 146.


1917 CIC 0014; travelers and wanders under law. Quon.


 Dissertations. John Hammill (American priest, 1913-), The Obligations of the Traveler According to Canon 14, (CUA doct. diss. 160, 1942) 195 pp. Georgius Childs, (Canadian priest, ), Who are obligated by ecclesiastical laws? A commentary on canon 14, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1938-1939) 63 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 54-55.


1917 CIC 0015; invalidating and incapacitating laws do not bind if doubt of law exists. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 55.


1917 CIC 0016; generally, laws bind even those ignorant of them, generally, knowledge is presumed.


1917 CIC 0017; authentic interpretation of law reserved to legislator and delegates. Quon.


 Dissertations. John Schmidt (American priest, 1908-), The Principles of Authentic Interpretation in Canon 17 of the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doct. diss. 141, 1941) 324 pp. Alois Brems (German priest, 1906-1987), De authentica interpretatione codicis [iuris canonici] per Pont. Commissionem, (Gregorian doct. diss. 5,= 1937) 48 pp. Brems biograph.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 55-57; III: 38; IV: 68; V: 159-160.


1917 CIC 0018; interpretation of ecclesiastical law. Quon.


 Dissertation. Andrew Quinn (≈), Doctrinal interpretation of law according to the canonical tradition and according to Canon 18 of the Code of Canon Law, (Gregorian doct. diss. 145, 1938) 47 pp (part).


 Canon Law Digest. I: 57.


1917 CIC 0019; penal, restrictive, and exception laws subject to strict interpretation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 58.


1917 CIC 0020; supplying for gaps in the law. Quon.




  Victorius Bartoccetti (Italian priest, 1893-1975), De Regulis Juris Canonici: Regularum in Libro VI Decretalium earumque praesertim cum Codice J. C. relationum brevis explanatio, (Angelo Belardetti, Roma, 1955), 306 pp. See also: Peters wbp, The Rules of Canon Law by Vittorio Bartoccetti: Translation with Commentary, here.


 Dissertation. Francis Reh (American priest, 1911-1994), The rules of law and canon law, (Gregorian doct. diss. 191, 1939) 98 pp. Reh biograph.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 58; II: 25; III: 38.


1917 CIC 0021; laws against dangers apply even if no danger threatens. Quon.


1917 CIC 0022; methods for abrogation of earlier laws, preference for special laws over general. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 58; II: 25.


1917 CIC 0023; later laws to be harmonized with earlier laws in cases of doubt. Quon.


1917 CIC 0024; operation of personal precepts. Quon.


 Dissertation. Gerardus Sugden (English Redemptorist, † 2000), Precepts that come under Canon 24, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1949-1950) pp.



 ! Book I, Title 2. Custom, cc. 25-30. ▪ Quon.


  Topic in general.


 Dissertations. Merlin Guilfoyle (American priest, 1908-1981), Custom, (CUA doct. diss. 105, 1937) xiv-144 pp. Guilfoyle biograph. Franz Bachhiesel (≈), De natura iuris consuetudinarii deque eiusdem applicatione in praecipuis codicibus, (Gregorian doct. diss. 14, 1935) 24 pp (part).


 Thesis. William Martin, 'Custom' in the first four centuries of the Church", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


 Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0025; custom has no force of law without consent of ecclesiastical authority. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 59; VIII: 111.


1917 CIC 0026; a community capable of receiving a law can introduce a custom. Quon.


 Dissertation. John Cook (American priest, 1921-), Ecclesiastical Communities and Their Ability to Induce Legal Customs, (CUA doct. diss. 300, 1950) 136 pp.


1917 CIC 0027; limitations on scope of custom. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 59


1917 CIC 0028; custom beyond law observed with intent to bind obtains force of law in 40 years. Quon.


 Dissertation. John Ahern (≈), The animus required for the introduction of a custom in canon law, (Maynooth doct. diss. 505, 1946) ≈ pp.


1917 CIC 0029; "Custom is the best interpreter of law". Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 160.


1917 CIC 0030; perduration of certain customs. Quon.


 Thesis. Charles Koch, "Customs contrary to the written law: a historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1965).



 ! Book I, Title 3. Computation of time, cc. 31-35. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertations. John Finnegan, Selected Questions on the Computation of Time in Canon Law, (Lateran doct. diss., 1965).  Arthur Dubé (American priest, 1911-1964), The General Principles for the Reckoning of Time in Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 144, 1941) 291 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0031; authorizes following provisions for computation of time. Quon.


1917 CIC 0032; definition of day, week, month, and year. Quon.


1917 CIC 0033; generally, civilian time suffices but some private acts may be calculated otherwise. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 59 (civil time may always be followed); III: 38-39 (choice of time may vary among formally different acts; Christmas night Masses are not formally different acts).


1917 CIC 0034; directions on calculation of time. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 59-60.


1917 CIC 0035; notion of 'useful time' and 'continuous time'. Quon.



 ! Book I, Title 4. Rescripts, cc. 36-62. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0036; wide eligibility to seek rescript. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 68; VI: 146.


1917 CIC 0037; rescripts can be sought for others. Quon.


1917 CIC 0038; rescripts take effect when issued or when executed. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 25; VII: 72.


1917 CIC 0039; generally, limiting words in rescripts do not affect validity. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IX: 41.


1917 CIC 0040; rescripts understood as having been based on truthful petitions. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 39; IX: 42.


1917 CIC 0041; necessity of truthfulness at time of issuance or execution of rescript. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 60; II: 25.


1917 CIC 0042; impact of subreption or obreption on force of rescript. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 39.


1917 CIC 0043; impact of prior denial by one dicastery on ability of another to issue rescript. Quon.


1917 CIC 0044; impact of prior denial by one authority on ability of another to issue rescript. Quon.


1917 CIC 0045; truthfulness required for rescripts issued motu proprio. Quon.


1917 CIC 0046; effectiveness of certain motu proprio rescripts depends on derogating language. Quon.


1917 CIC 0047; generally, rescripts with harmless errors are not invalidated by same. Quon.


1917 CIC 0048; reconciling conflicts between rescripts bases on scope and time of issuance. Quon.


1917 CIC 0049; rescripts to be understood according to terms and not extended to other cases. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 60.


1917 CIC 0050; most rescripts warrant wide interpretations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 60-61.


1917 CIC 0051; generally, rescripts of Holy See require mere presentation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 61.


1917 CIC 0052; generally, rescripts may be represented at any time. Quon.


1917 CIC 0053; generally, executors act invalidly prior to receipt or official notification of rescript. Quon.


1917 CIC 0054; most rescripts are to be executed promptly unless circumstances urge delay. Quon.


1917 CIC 0055; misapplication prescript can invalidate executor's actions. Quon.


1917 CIC 0056; generally, rescript execution can be entrusted to executor's successors in office. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 68-69.


1917 CIC 0057; generally, rescript execution can be entrusted to executor's successors in office. Quon.


1917 CIC 0058; generally, rescripts can be executed by successors in office to executor. Quon.


1917 CIC 0059; executors can repair own error & note on fees. Quon.


1917 CIC 0060; impact of revocation by superior a/o contrary law. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 61.


1917 CIC 0061; generally, vacancy in Apostolic See or local see does not impact receipt. Quon.


1917 CIC 0062; rescripts that contain privilege a/o dispensation subject to additional laws. Quon.



 ! Book I, Title 5. Privileges, cc. 63-79. ▪ Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0063; acquisition of privilege by grant, communication, custom, and prescription. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 61; II: 25.


1917 CIC 0064; notion and operation of 'communication' of privilege. Quon.


 Dissertation. Bernardo da Vasto ( Capuchin, ), De communicatione privilegiorum praesertim inter religiones: Dissertatio historico-canonica, (Gregorian doct. diss. 44, 1936) xiii-94 pp.


1917 CIC 0065; 'accessory' privileges vary according to their 'principle'. Quon.


1917 CIC 0066; some habitual faculties are considered outside the law. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 61-77; II: 26-42; III: 39-55; IV: 69-82; V: 160-191; VI: 146-157; VII: 72-87; VIII: 112-115; IX: 42-46.


1917 CIC 0067; privileges are evaluated according to their tenor. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 77.


1917 CIC 0068; generally, privileges assessed strictly but always beneficially. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 77-78.


1917 CIC 0069; generally, holders of privileges are not bound to use them. Quon.


1917 CIC 0070; generally, privileges are considered perpetual. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 78; II: 42.


1917 CIC 0071; revocation of privilege by general law. Quon.


1917 CIC 0072; types of and limitations on cessation of privileges. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 43


1917 CIC 0073; generally, privilege survive expiration of grantor's authority. Quon.


1917 CIC 0074; personal privileges follow the person. Quon.


1917 CIC 0075; cessation of real privilege and possible revival of local privileges. Quon.


1917 CIC 0076; generally, non-burdensome privileges do not cease by non-use. Quon.


1917 CIC 0077; cessation of privilege base on time, circumstance, or exhaustion. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 78.


1917 CIC 0078; abuse of privilege justifies revocation. Quon.


1917 CIC 0079; oral privileges from Holy See operate internally but require proof in external forum. Quon.



 ! Book I, Title 6. Dispensation, cc. 80-86. ▪ Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Edward Reilly (American priest, 1911-), The General Norms of Dispensation, (CUA doct. diss. 119, 1939) vii-150 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0080; definition and outline of authority to dispense. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 157; IX: 47.


1917 CIC 0081; severe restrictions on power of ordinaries below Roman Pontiff to dispense. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 78; II: 43-45; III: 56; IV: 82-83; VI: 157; VII: 87; IX: 47.


1917 CIC 0082; limited scope of bishop's and ordinary's authority to dispense. Quon.


 Dissertation. Richard Ryan (American Vincentian, 1940-2017), The Authority of the Residential Bishop in the Latin Rite to Dispense from the General Laws of the Church, (CUA doctoral diss. 482, 1973) 327 pp. Ryan biograph.


 Thesis. Richard Ryan, "The authority of the residential bishop to dispense in the common ecclesiastical law from the eleventh to to the sixteenth centuries: an historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1971).


1917 CIC 0083; generally, pastors cannot dispense from law. Quon.


 Dissertation. John Huhmann (American priest, 1923-2005), The Pastor's Power of Dispensing, (Univ. St. Thomas, Rome, doct. diss. 32, 1955-1956). Huhmann biograph.


1917 CIC 0084; just and reasonable cause required for dispensation but doubt about same suffices. Quon.


 Dissertations. Maurice Fitzgerald (≈), The Doubtfully Existing Cause for a Dispensation, (Univ. St. Thomas, Rome, doct. diss. no. 26, 1953-1954). Stanislaus Kubik (American priest, 1918-), Invalidity of Dispensations According to Canon 84 § 1, (CUA doct. diss. 340, 1953) 107 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 79; II: 45-46; IV: 83-86; VI: 157.


1917 CIC 0085; dispensations and faculties for dispensing are subject to strict interpretation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 79.


1917 CIC 0086; cessation of successive dispensations and upon cessation of motivating cause. Quon.






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 Book II. Persons, cc. 87-725.


 ► Topic in general.


 ! [ Preliminary canons, cc. 87-107. ]


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0087; conferral of rights on persons in the Church by baptism. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 83; II: 49; III: 59; V: 195; VI: 161; VII: 91.


1917 CIC 0088; definitions of adults, minors, and infants, both male and female. Quon.


1917 CIC 0089; exercise of rights by minors and adults. Quon.


1917 CIC 0090; place or origin for children and neophytes. Quon.


1917 CIC 0091; definition of resident, tenant, traveler, and wanderer. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 83; II: 49; III: 59.


1917 CIC 0092; acquisition of various types of quasi/domicile. Quon.


 Dissertation. Neil Farren (Irish priest, 1893-1980), Domicile and Quasi-Domicile: An Historical and Practical Study in Canon Law, (Maynooth doct. diss. ) v-127 pp. Monograph form (Gill: Dublin, Ireland, 1920) 127 pp. Farren biograph.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 119.


1917 CIC 0093; quasi/domicile of wives and children. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 83-84.


1917 CIC 0094; how quasi/domicile impacts acquisition of ordinary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 84; II: 49; VI: 161.


1917 CIC 0095; quasi/domicile is lost by leaving without intention to return. Quon.


1917 CIC 0096; calculation of consanguinity by degrees and lines. Quon.


1917 CIC 0097; affinity arises from marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 84; IV: 89.


1917 CIC 0098; generally, rite is determined by baptism and later changes are few. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 84-87; II: 49-50; III: 59; V: 195; VI: 161-162; IX: 51.


1917 CIC 0099; personal can be physical or moral. Quon.


1917 CIC 0100; Church and Apostolic See are moral persons by divine law, others by establishment. Quon.


 Dissertation. James Granville (Canadian priest, ≈), Moral personality in canon law and in the law of Canada, (Laval diss, 1948) ix-215 mf.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 87; III: 59; IV: 89.


1917 CIC 0101; governance of moral persons by majority vote. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 87; VIII: 119.


1917 CIC 0102; extinguishment of moral persons. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 50.


1917 CIC 0103; extrinsic force invalidates acts, dolus renders them rescindable. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 50.


1917 CIC 0104; effects of error on acts and contracts. Quon.


1917 CIC 0105; consultation and consent in group decision-making. Quon.


1917 CIC 0106; calculation of precedence. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 88; II: 50.


1917 CIC 0107; Church consists of clergy and laity, some of whom are religious. Quon.



 ! Book II, Part 1. Clerics, cc. 108-486.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 1. Clerics in general, cc. 108-214.


 ► Topic in general.


 [ Preliminary canons, cc. 108-110. ]


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0108; definition of cleric.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 162; VII: 91; IX: 51.


1917 CIC 0109; entrance in hierarchy archived solely by ordination.Quon.


1917 CIC 0110; definition of a prelate.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 51.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 1, Title 1. Ascription of clerics to dioceses, cc. 111-117.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0111; incarnation is required for all clergy and occurs at tonsure.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 89-91; II: 51-52; VI: 162; VII: 91.


1917 CIC 0112; possible later change of excardination and incardination.Quon.


 Dissertation. Joseph McCloskey (American priest, 1908-), The Subject of Ecclesiastical Law According to Canon 12, (CUA doct. diss. 165, 1942) 237 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. IX: 52-60.


1917 CIC 0113; restriction on lower prelate's ability to grant change of incardination.Quon.


1917 CIC 0114; change of incardination by operation of law.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 162; VII: 91.


1917 CIC 0115; later religious profession achieves incardination.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 52.


1917 CIC 0116; restrictions on grant and effectiveness of excardination.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 93-97; III: 60.


1917 CIC 0117; ordinary's ability to grant incardination to clergy. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 60.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 1, Section 1,Title 2. Rights and privileges of clerics, cc. 118-123.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0118; only clerics obtain power of orders or jurisdiction.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 97-98; VII: 91.


1917 CIC 0119; faithful owe clerics reverence and commit sacrilege by damaging them.Quon.


1917 CIC 0120; clerics enjoy qualified privilege of the forum.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 60.


1917 CIC 0121; clergy are immune to military service and other alien civil duties. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 98-109; II: 52-53; III: 61; IV: 90-93; VI: 163.


1917 CIC 0122; clerics must promptly pay their own debts but not to the point of poverty. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0123; clerics privilege may be be renounced but can be lost.Quon.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 1, Title 3. Obligations of clerics, cc. 124-144.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0124; clerics must be holier than lay persons.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 53; III: 61; IV: 93-96; VII: 91; VIII: 119-123; IX: 60-86; X: 9.


1917 CIC 0125; ordinary's shall require frequent confession and exercises of devotion by clerics. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 109; II: 53; VII: 91.


1917 CIC 0126; clerics must make an retreat at least every three years. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 110-114; II: 53; V: 195; VI: 163; VII: 91-92.


1917 CIC 0127; clerics, especially presbyters, must show reverence and obedience to their ordinary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 114; V: 195; VII: 92.


1917 CIC 0128; clerics are to fulfill tasks given them by the ordinary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IX: 86; X: 9-10.


1917 CIC 0129; clerics shall continue sound studies after presbyteral ordination. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 115-119; III: 61-63; V: 196; VI: 163; VII: 92.


1917 CIC 0130; junior clergy shall take annual exams and assignments can take results into account. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 119-120; VII: 92.


1917 CIC 0131; clergy education conferences to be frequent and attendance is required. Quon.


 Dissertations. Lawrence Hoffman (American priest, 1926-), Clergy Conference: Canon 131, (CUA doct. diss. 383, 1957) 101 pp. Silvestro Galasso (≈ Franciscan, ≈), De cleri collationibus (can. 131, 591), (Antonianum diss. 4, 1940) xxii-224 pp. bis.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 53; VII: 92.


1917 CIC 0132; relationship between marriage and clerics state. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 120-121; III: 63; V: 197; VI: 163; VII: 92-101; VIII: 123; IX: 86.


1917 CIC 0133; regulations for clerics' relationship with women. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 101.


1917 CIC 0134; common life among clergy to be encouraged and preserved where possible. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 101.


1917 CIC 0135; clerics' obligation to recite all canonical hours daily. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 121-122; II: 54-55; III: 64-67; IV: 96-97; V:197-199; VI: 164-166; VII: 101-110; VIII: 123-124; IX: 87-91.


1917 CIC 0136; dress and deportment of clerics. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 123-125; VI: 167-168; VII: 110; VIII: 124-127; IX: 91; X: 11-15.


1917 CIC 0137; clerics prohibited form posting bonds without permission of ordinary. Quon.


1917 CIC 0138; restrictions on clerics regarding indecent things and certain entertainments. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 125; II: 55.


1917 CIC 0139; restrictions on clerics regarding various things alien to the clerical state. Quon.


  Joseph Brunini (American priest, 1909-1996), The Clerical Obligations of Canons 139 and 142, (CUA doct. diss. 103, 1937) x-114 pp. Brunini biograph.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 126-137; II: 55-75; IV: 97-103; V: 199-205; VI: 168-169; VII: 110; VIII: 128-130; X: 15-18.


1917 CIC 0140; clerics must avoid scandal by attendance at public shows. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 137-140; III: 67-68


1917 CIC 0141; generally, clerics to avoid volunteering for military service. Quon.


1917 CIC 0142; clerics prohibited form engaging in trade or business. Quon.


 Dissertation. Joseph Brunini (American priest, 1909-1996), The Clerical Obligations of Canons 139 and 142, (CUA doct. diss. 103, 1937) x-114 pp. Brunini biograph.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 68-69; VI: 169.


 Note. See also Canon 2380.


1917 CIC 0143; clerics not to be absent from diocese for notable periods without permission. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 140; II: 75; VIII: 130.


1917 CIC 0144; clerics absent with permission can still be recalled or dis-invited. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 140; IX: 91.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 1, Title 4. Ecclesiastical office, cc. 145-151.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0145; definition of ecclesiastical office. Quon.


1917 CIC 0146; invocation of Canon 1409 for offices attached to benefices. Quon.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 1. Provision of ecclesiastical office, cc. 147-151.

 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0147; ecclesiastical office obtained only by 'provision'. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 69-71; IV: 103-104.


1917 CIC 0148; office obtained by free conferral, confirmation, or election. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 140; II: 75; III: 71.


1917 CIC 0149; candidate for office not to be confirmed without evaluation. Quon.


1917 CIC 0150; attempts to provide for occupied office, and promise of office, are void. Quon.


1917 CIC 0151; illicitly retained office can be provided for. Quon.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 1, Article 1. Free conferral, cc. 152-159.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0152; generally, diocesan bishops freely confer offices in their dioceses. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 141.


1917 CIC 0153; requisites for the provision of office. Quon.


1917 CIC 0154; offices with full care of souls. Quon.


1917 CIC 0155; grave cause required to defer provision of offices with full care of souls. Quon.


1917 CIC 0156; incompatible offices should not be conferred on an individual. Quon.


1917 CIC 0157; restrictions on appointment of relatives of former holder. Quon.


1917 CIC 0158; conferral of office by subordinate of higher authority. Quon.


1917 CIC 0159; provision of office to be made in writing. Quon.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 1, Article 2. Election, cc. 160-178.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0160; election of Roman Pontiff, introduction to general provisions on election. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 141-142; II: 75; III: 71; V: 205-211; VI: 169-170; VIII: 130-169.


1917 CIC 0161; election for office should take place within three months of notice of vacancy. Quon.


1917 CIC 0162; convocation of electors, consequences for failure to convoke. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 142.


1917 CIC 0163; generally, elector must be physically present to cast vote. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 142.


1917 CIC 0164; no one may cast more than one ballot per vote. Quon.


1917 CIC 0165; non-member of group acting as elector invalidates election. Quon.


1917 CIC 0166; impeded election is invalid. Quon.


1917 CIC 0167; who is unqualified to vote and consequences of his voting nonetheless. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 170-171; VIII: 169-170.


1917 CIC 0168; ill elector present in house can vote. Quon.


1917 CIC 0169; conditions for validity of vote. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 170.


1917 CIC 0170; no one can vote for himself. Quon.


1917 CIC 0171; role of teller. Quon.


1917 CIC 0172; conditions for voting by compromise. Quon.


1917 CIC 0173; revocation of compromise agreements. Quon.


1917 CIC 0174; generally, one elected by securing requisite number of votes and must be announced. Quon.


1917 CIC 0175; prompt notice of results and acceptance or refusal of election. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 71-72.


1917 CIC 0176; consequences of refusal of election. Quon.


1917 CIC 0177; norms for seeking confirmation of election to office. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 72.


1917 CIC 0178; factors that require appointment to elective office to go to superior. Quon.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 1, Article 3. Postulation, cc. 179-182.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0179; postulation is a method of voting for one impeded from serving. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 142; VIII: 170.


1917 CIC 0180; super-majority of votes required for postulation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 142-143.


1917 CIC 0181; postulation to be presented to competent authority within eight days of voting.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 73.


1917 CIC 0182; consequences of rejection or acceptance of postulation.Quon.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 2. Loss of ecclesiastical offices, cc. 183-195.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0183; six ways office can be lost. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 171.


1917 CIC 0184; basic provision on loss of office.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 170.


1917 CIC 0185; factors invalidating resignation.Quon.


1917 CIC 0186; written communication required for certain kinds of loss of office. Quon.


1917 CIC 0187; basic provision on resignation.Quon.


1917 CIC 0188; removal by operation of law. Quon.


1917 CIC 0189; requirements for resignation.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 143.


1917 CIC 0190; just or proportionate cause required for resignation.Quon.


1917 CIC 0191; resignation is final but office can be reacquired.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 143.


1917 CIC 0192; removal by law or decree & restrictions on removal from some offices.Quon.


1917 CIC 0193; authority and process for making transfer.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 143.


1917 CIC 0194; prior office becomes vacant upon possession of latter office.Quon.


1917 CIC 0195; electors or postulators cannot transfer cleric to another office. Quon.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 1, Title 5. Ordinary and delegated power, cc. 196-210.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0196; jurisdiction, or governance, applies to the external and internal forum. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 73.


1917 CIC 0197; ordinary and delegated, proper and vicarious power of government. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 75; III: 73.


1917 CIC 0198; definition of ordinary and local ordinary. Quon.




  Dom Augustine (Charles Bachofen, Swiss/American Benedictine, 1872-1944), Rights and Duties of Ordinaries according to the Code and Apostolic Faculties (Herder, 1924) 549 pp. Notes: On the place of Dom Augustine in canonistics see, e. g, L. Wrenn, "Charles Augustine, O. S. B, excepts from a journal", Jurist 45 (1985) 297-320.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 144; II: 75-76; III: 73-75.


1917 CIC 0199; delegation of executive power. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 145; III: 75.


1917 CIC 0200; ordinary executive power to be interpreted broadly, other power narrowly. Quon.


1917 CIC 0201; personal and territorial limitation on power of jurisdiction. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 145; II: 76; III: 75.


1917 CIC 0202; impacts of certain acts on internal and external fora. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 145.


1917 CIC 0203; factors resulting in invalid acts by a delegate. Quon.


1917 CIC 0204; operations of higher and lower holders of executive power. Quon.


1917 CIC 0205; operation of executive power by several individuals or group. Quon.


1917 CIC 0206; holders of executive power successively delegated observe priority in time. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 76.


1917 CIC 0207; cessation of various delegated powers. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 76.


1917 CIC 0208; cessation of ordinary power upon loss of office. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 76.


1917 CIC 0209; supplying of executive power in cases of error or doubt of law. Quon.


 Dissertations. Ioannes Finn (American priest, ≈), Applicability of Canon 209 to assistance at marriage, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1949-1950) pp. Laurence Carr (Irish religious, 1920-1976), A study of the power supplied by the Church in common error according to Canon 209, (Maynooth doct. diss. 693, 1947) ≈ pp. Carr biograph.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 76-77; III: 76; VII: 110; VIII: 170-174; IX: 91.


1917 CIC 0210; generally, power of orders cannot be passed to another recipient. Quon.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 1, Title 6. Reduction to the lay state, cc. 211-214.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Francis Sweeney (American religious, 1915-), The Reduction of Clerics to the Lay State, (CUA doctoral diss. 223, 1945) 186 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0211; cleric's reduction to the lay state. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 77; III: 76-77; IV: 104-106; VII: 110.


1917 CIC 0212; return of cleric to clerical state after return to the lay state. Quon.


1917 CIC 0213; consequences of return to lay state. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 171.


1917 CIC 0214; return to lay by cleric who was coerced into clerical state. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 146; II: 78; IV: 106-107; V: 211-212; VI: 171; VII: 110-124; VIII: 174-179; IX: 92-101.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 2. Clerics in specific, cc. 215-486.


 ► Topic in general.


 Monograph. Henry Ayrinhac (American Sulpician, 1867-1931), Constitution of the Church in the new Code of Canon Law. Cc 215-486 (Benziger, 1930) 378 pp. Reviews: anon., Ius Pontificium 3 (1923) 53; 'y', Ius Pontificium 5 (1925) 53.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0215; ecclesiastical provinces, etc, established by supreme authority of Church. Quon.


1917 CIC 0216; division of diocese into territorial or linguistic parishes, & quasi-parishes. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 146-154; II: 78-80; III: 80; IV: 108; V: 212-214; VI: 171-172; VII: 125; X: 19-21.


1917 CIC 0217; generally, vicariates are required in dioceses. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 154.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 7. Supreme power and participants therein, cc. 211-214.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 7, Chapter 1. Roman Pontiff, cc. 218-221.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0218; delineation of papal power. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 154; II: 80-95; III: 80; IV: 108-111; V: 214-238; VI: 172-224; VII: 125-131; VIII: 182-191; IX: 104-116; X: 21-25.


1917 CIC 0219; Roman Pontiff receives powers upon accepting legitimate election. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 191.


1917 CIC 0220; 'great cases' are matters reserved to Roman Pontiff. Quon.


1917 CIC 0221; resignation by pope requires no acceptance. Quon.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 7, Chapter 2. Ecumenical Council, cc. 0222-0229.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0222; Roman Pontiff convokes and presides over ecumenical council. Quon.


 Dissertation. James Casey (American priest, 1914-1986), A Study of Canon 222 § 1, (CUA doct. diss. 290, 1949) 111 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 6 (1950) 257. Casey biograph.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 238-269; VI: 224-309; VII: 131-137; VIII: 191; IX: 116-118.


1917 CIC 0223; Roman Pontiff convokes and presides over ecumenical council. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 310.


1917 CIC 0224; duties of and limitations on procurators for one impeded from council. Quon.


1917 CIC 0225; restrictions of council attendees' ability to leave council. Quon.


1917 CIC 0226; council father can add questions to agenda if approved by president. Quon.


1917 CIC 0227; decrees of council require confirmation by Roman Pontiff for effect. Quon.


1917 CIC 0228; ecumenical council has supreme power over Church & no appeal lies. Quon.


1917 CIC 0229; death of Roman Pontiff interrupts council until next pope might continue it. Quon.



 // Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 7, Chapter 3. Cardinals of the H. R. C, cc. 0230-0241.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0230; description of office of cardinal. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 95; III: 80-81; IV: 111; V: 269; VI: 310; VII: 137-145; VIII: 191.


1917 CIC 0231; orders within college of cardinals. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 270-275; VI: 310-312.


1917 CIC 0232; eligibility to be named cardinal. Quon.


1917 CIC 0233; authority of Roman Pontiff over selection and announcement of cardinals. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 275; VII: 145; VIII: 191-193; IX: 118; X: 25-26.


1917 CIC 0234; non-curial cardinals must swear to appear before pope within one year. Quon.


1917 CIC 0235; generally, those raised to cardinal lose other ecclesiastical benefits. Quon.


1917 CIC 0236; transfer within ranks of cardinals. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 95; V: 275-276; VI: 312.


1917 CIC 0237; dean of the college of cardinals. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 312-313; VIII: 193.


1917 CIC 0238; curial cardinals to reside in Rome. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 313.


1917 CIC 0239; privileges of cardinals. Quon.




  Harry Hynes (American priest, 1917-), The Privileges of Cardinals, (CUA doct. diss. 217, 1945) 169 pp.


  Marius Belardo (Italian layman, 1911-≈), De Iuribus S. R. E. Cardinalium in Titulis (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1939) 82 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 154; II: 95-96; III: 82; IX: 118.


1917 CIC 0240; cardinals authority within suburbicarian and titular sees. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 276; VII: 146-147.


1917 CIC 0241; during vacancy of the Apostolic See cardinals have authority under particular law. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 154; VIII: 193.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 7, Chapter 4. Roman curia, cc. 0242-0245.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0242; description of the Roman Curia. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 96; IV: 111; VI: 313-357; VII: 147-180; VIII: 193-205; IX: 119-120; X: 26-31.


1917 CIC 0243; Roman curia directed by Roman Pontiff & its secrecy obligation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 154; VIII: 205-210; IX: 120-121.


1917 CIC 0244; dependence of curia on supervision of Roman Pontiff. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 155; VIII: 210.


1917 CIC 0245; committee of cardinals to decide inter-curial controversies. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 155; II: 96.



 Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 7, Chapter 4, Article 1. Sacred Congregations, cc. 0246-0257.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0246; direction of congregations. Quon.

 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 210.


1917 CIC 0247; Cong. of Holy Office. Quon.


 Dissertation. Robert Miller (≈), The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Its Origin, Concept, and the Development of Its Competency, (CUA doct. diss. 484, 1975) 332 pp.


 Thesis. Robert Miller, The Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office: origin, concept, and development of its competency”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1974).


 Canon Law Digest. I: 155-159; II: 96-100; III: 82-84; V: 277; VI: 358-360; VII: 180-188; VIII: 210-211; IX: 121; X: 31-34.


1917 CIC 0248; Cong. of Consistory. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 159; II: 100-105; III: 84-98; IV: 111-123; V: 277-289; VI: 360; VII: 188-224; VIII: 211-223; IX: 122-150; X: 34-38.


1917 CIC 0249; Cong. of Sacraments. Quon.


 Dissertation. Robert Sheehy (American priest, 1922-), The Sacred Congregation of the Sacraments: Its Competence in the Roman Curia, (CUA doctoral diss. 333, 1954) 140 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 159-160; II: 105-107; VI: 360; VII: 224-225; VIII: 223-227; X: 39.


1917 CIC 0250; Cong. of Council. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I:160-161; II: 107; III: 98-100; VI: 360; VII: 225.


1917 CIC 0251; Cong. for Religious Matters. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 161-162; III: 100-101; IV: 123-126; VI: 360; VIII: 227-228; IX: 151-155.


1917 CIC 0252; Cong. for Propagation of the Faith. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 163-165; II: 107-109; III: 101; VI: 361; VII: 225-238; VIII: 228-229; IX: 156-159; X: 40.


1917 CIC 0253; Cong. for Sacred Rites. Quon.


 Dissertation. Frederick McManus (American priest, 1923-2005), The Congregation of Sacred Rites, (CUA doct. diss. 352, 1954) 176 pp. Note: On the place of McManus in canonistics, see anon., "Frederick R. McManus: in service to God's people", Jurist 48 (1988) 415-428 and anon., "In memoriam Frederick R. McManus, editor emeritus (=1923-2009)", Jurist 65 (2005) 215-216.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 166-167; VI: 361; VII: 238-245; VIII: 229.


1917 CIC 0254; Cong. for Ceremonies. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 167-168; V: 289; VI: 361.


1917 CIC 0255; Cong. for Extraordinary Affairs. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I:168-169; VI: 361.


1917 CIC 0256; Cong. for Seminaries and Universities. Quon.


 Dissertation. James Markham (American priest, 1922-), The Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities of Studies, (CUA doct. diss. 384, 1957) 178 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 169-172; II: 109-110; III: 102-104; IV: 126; V: 289-290; VI: 361-362; IX: 159; X: 40.


1917 CIC 0257; Cong. for Oriental Church. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 172-174; II: 110-114; VI: 363.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 7, Chapter 4, Article 2. Tribunals of the Roman curia, cc. 0258-0264.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0258; Sacred Penitentiary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 174; II: 114; III: 104; VI: 363; VIII: 229.


1917 CIC 0259; Roman Rota and Apostolic Signatura. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 114-115; VI: 363; VII: 246-277; VIII: 229; IX: 159-169.


1917 CIC 0260; Apostolic Chancery. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 175; III: 104; VI: 363; VIII: 229-233; IX: 169-171.


1917 CIC 0261; Apostolic Datary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 363.


1917 CIC 0262; Apostolic Camera. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 363.


 Dissertation. Guglielmo Felici (≈), La reverenda camera apostolica, (Gregorian doct. diss. 226, 1940) ≈ 62 pp.


1917 CIC 0263; Secretary of State in three parts. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 363; VIII: 234; IX: 171.


1917 CIC 0264; Secretary for Briefs to Princes and Latin Letters. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 363; VIII: 234.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 7, Chapter 5. Legates of the Roman Pontiff, cc. 265-270.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Hubert Blond ( priest, ), L'évolution de la diplomatie pontificale d'après les récents concordats (1918-1957), (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1959) 360 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0265; right of Roman Pontiff to send legates into the world. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 115; VII: 277-285; VIII: 234-235; IX: 171; X: 40.


1917 CIC 0266; cardinals representing the pope have authority limited to that representation. Quon.


1917 CIC 0267; principal functions of papal legates. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 175-187; II: 115-118; III: 104-107; IV: 126-127; V: 290-306; VI: 364; VII: 285-289; VIII: 235; IX: 172-192.


1917 CIC 0268; duration of authority of papal legates. Quon.


1917 CIC 0269; rights of and restrictions on papal legates in regard to bishops. Quon.


1917 CIC 0270; bishops who serves as apostolic legates derive no special rights. Quon.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 7, Chapter 6. Patriarchs, Primates, and Metropolitans, cc. 0271-0280.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


1917 CIC 0271; (in the West) the title of 'patriarch' or 'primate' are honorific only. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 127; VI: 364; VII: 289; VIII: 235.


1917 CIC 0272; definition of metropolitan. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 119; V: 306; VI: 364.


1917 CIC 0273; metropolitan has same authority in own diocese as do other bishops in theirs. Quon.


1917 CIC 0274; authority of metropolitan in suffragan diocese. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 119.


1917 CIC 0275; claiming the pallium. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 306; IX: 192-194.


1917 CIC 0276; placing acts before imposition of pallium is illicit. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 127.


1917 CIC 0277; use of the pallium. Quon.


1917 CIC 0278; new pallium required upon transfer to another see. Quon.


1917 CIC 0279; pallium not be to be given away but buried with metropolitan. Quon.


1917 CIC 0280; generally, precedence is patriarch, primate, archbishop, bishop. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 119.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 7, Chapter 7. Plenary and provincial councils, cc. 0281-0292.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


1917 CIC 0281; definition of a plenary council. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 187-188; II: 119.


1917 CIC 0282; attendance at plenary council. Quon.


1917 CIC 0283; provincial council to be celebrated at least every 20 years. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 188.


1917 CIC 0284; role of senior suffragan in council if metropolitan impeded. Quon.


1917 CIC 0285; bishop 'of no one' should selected metropolitan and attach selves to same. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 188; II: 119.


1917 CIC 0286; types of participants in provincial council. Quon.


1917 CIC 0287; attendance at provincial council and use of proxies. Quon.


1917 CIC 0288; president of council determines order of the council. Quon.


1917 CIC 0289; attendees at councils require permission to leave council. Quon.


1917 CIC 0290; concerns of the council and care to be taken in investigating them. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 188.

1917 CIC 0291; submission of acts to Holy See and promulgation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 188-189.

1917 CIC 0292; metropolitan to organize quinquennial meeting of province bishops. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 189-190; IV: 127; VI: 364-366; VII: 289-314; VIII: 235-236; IX: 195-203; X: 40.



 Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 7, Chapter 8. Vicars and Prefects Apostolic, cc. 0293-0311.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

1917 CIC 0293; apostolic vicariates, prefectures, administration and assumption of power therein. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 119; VII: 314.

1917 CIC 0294; authority within vicariates, prefectures, and administrations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 190-191; II: 119; III: 107; VI: 366.

1917 CIC 0295; vicars and prefects must verify clerical credentials. Quon.

1917 CIC 0296; vicars and prefects may conduct visitations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 191-192; II: 119.

1917 CIC 0297; vicars and prefects may require religious to care for souls. Quon.

1917 CIC 0298; resolution of conflicts between religious and vicars and prefects. Quon.

1917 CIC 0299; vicars obligated to ‘ad limina’ visit. Quon.

1917 CIC 0300; vicars and prefects to report status to Holy See. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 192-193; II: 120.

1917 CIC 0301; vicars and prefects bound to residence and visitations. Quon.

1917 CIC 0302; vicars and prefects to establish council of advisors. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 193; II: 120-121.

1917 CIC 0303; urges annual gathering of missionaries for discussion. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 193.

1917 CIC 0304; vicars and prefects obligations toward records and assemblies. Quon.

1917 CIC 0305; vicars and prefects to foster indigenous vocations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 107.

1917 CIC 0306; vicars and prefects obligated to offer Mass for people. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 193; II: 121-122; IV: 128.

1917 CIC 0307; vicars and prefects and assignment of missionaries. Quon.

1917 CIC 0308; privileges and insignia of vicars and prefects. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 193.

1917 CIC 0309; appointment and role of pro-vicars and pro-prefects. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 193.

1917 CIC 0310; notification of Holy See when above assume authority. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 194.

1917 CIC 0311; vicar or prefect remains in place till relieved. Quon.



 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 7, Chapter 9. Apostolic Administrators, cc. 0312-0318.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

1917 CIC 0312; Roman Pontiff appoints apostolic administrator to diocese for grave cause. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 122; V: 306-307; VII: 314; IX: 203.

1917 CIC 0313; apostolic administrator assumption of power in diocese. Quon.

1917 CIC 0314; authority of apostolic administrators is in law and letters. Quon.

1917 CIC 0315; rights and duties of apostolic administrators. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 366.

1917 CIC 0316; apostolic administrators relation to occupied see. Quon.

1917 CIC 0317; apostolic administrators in occupied but troubled see. Quon.

1917 CIC 0318; cessation of jurisdiction of apostolic administrators. Quon.




 ! Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 7, Chapter 10. Inferior prelates, cc. 0319-0328.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

1917 CIC 0319; notion of abbots or prelates ‘of no one’. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 314; VIII: 236-239.

1917 CIC 0320; these abbots or prelates appointed by Roman Pontiff. Quon.

1917 CIC 0321; election of certain abbots or prelates. Quon.

1917 CIC 0322; abbots or prelates have no authority prior to possession. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 194; VII: 314.

1917 CIC 0323; authority of various abbots or prelates. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 194; II: 122; VI: 366; VIII: 239.

1917 CIC 0324; religious chapters governed by own laws. Quon.

1917 CIC 0325; insignia of these abbots or prelates. Quon.

1917 CIC 0326; election of consultors in absence of chapter. Quon.

1917 CIC 0327; filling vacancies in these abbacies and prelatures. Quon.

1917 CIC 0328; rules for Householders of Roman Pontiff. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 122; VI: 367-370; VII: 314-322; VIII: 239.



 Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 8. Episcopal power and participants therein, cc. 329-486.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 0329; definition of bishop and appointment by Roman Pontiff. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 122; VI: 370-412; VII: 322-366; VIII: 240-246; IX: 204-213; X: 40-41.

1917 CIC 0330; s
uitability must be demonstrated before becoming bishop. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 194-199; VI: 412; VII: 366-373.


1917 CIC 0331; requisite qualities for bishop. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 373.


1917 CIC 0332; reservation to Roman Pontiff of appointment to bishops & oath of fidelity to Holy See. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 199; III: 108.

1917 CIC 0333; generally, three months to be consecrated and four to go to diocese. Quon.

1917 CIC 0334; authority of residential bishops begins only upon taking possession of diocese. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 199; II: 122; VI: 413; IX: 213.

1917 CIC 0335; scope of bishop's authority and manner of promulgation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 199-200; II: 123-130; III: 108; VII: 373; IX: 213; X: 41.

1917 CIC 0336; bishop to be vigilant about ecclesiastical laws & honor his preaching duties. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 200; II: 131; IV: 129-151; V: 307; VI: 413.


1917 CIC 0337; bishop has right to perform pontifical functions in diocese. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 200; II: 131; V: 307; VII: 373-382.

1917 CIC 0338; bishop's obligation of residence. ▪ Quon.


 Dissertation. Joseph Luczak (Polish priest, ), La résidence des évêques dans la législation canonique avant le concile de Trente, (Univ. Strasbourg doct. diss. 1931, OCLC 949002583) 256 pp.

1917 CIC 0339;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 201; III: 108; IV: 151-152; V: 307.

1917 CIC 0340;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 202; II: 131; VIII: 246-252; IX: 214-241; X: 41-43.

1917 CIC 0341;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 202; V: 307; VIII: 252.


1917 CIC 0342;


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 252.


1917 CIC 0343;


 Canon Law Digest. II: 131; VI: 413.

1917 CIC 0344;

1917 CIC 0345;

1917 CIC 0346;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 203.

1917 CIC 0347;


 Canon Law Digest. II: 131

1917 CIC 0348;

1917 CIC 0349;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 203-211; II: 131; III: 108-109; VI: 413-414.


1917 CIC 0350;


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 414; VII: 382; VIII: 252-253.

1917 CIC 0351;

1917 CIC 0352;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 211.

1917 CIC 0353;

1917 CIC 0354;

1917 CIC 0355;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 211; VI: 414; VIII: 253-254. 


 Book II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8, chap. 3. Diocesan synod, cc. 356-362.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertations. Seamus O'Connor (≈), The Structure of a Post-Conciliar Diocesan Synod in the United States of America, (CUA doct. diss. 473, 1970) 178 pp. Evariste Debicki (≈), Le synode diocésain en Pologne des origines jusqu'au concile de Trente, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1934) 323 pp.


 Thesis. Seamus O'Connor, "The structure of a post-conciliar diocesan synod in the United States of America", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1969).


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 0356; scope of diocesan synod and requirement of decennial convocation.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 307-308.

1917 CIC 0357; generally bishop convokes and presides over synod, is to be held in cathedral.

1917 CIC 0358; mandatory and optional invitees to synod.

1917 CIC 0359; enforcement of required attendance.


1917 CIC 0360; bishop may appoint ‘commission’ to prepare for synod.


1917 CIC 0361; free discussion of proposed questions.


1917 CIC 0362; only the diocesan bishop legislates at a diocesan synod.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 211.



 Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 8, Chapter 4. Diocesan curia, cc. 363-390.




  Sosio d'Angelo (Italian priest, 1887-1930), La Curia Diocesana a Norma del Codice di Diritto Canonico, (Pietro Lisi, 1922) in 2 vols.

1917 CIC 0363; description of diocesan curia.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 212-214; VI: 414-416; VIII: 254-267.

1917 CIC 0364; appointments to curia and obligations of members.

1917 CIC 0365; distinction between judicial and administrative roles in curia.



 Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 8, Chapter 4, Article 1. Vicar general, cc. 0366-0371.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:

1917 CIC 0366; vicar general.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 416; VIII: 267-279.

1917 CIC 0367; qualifications of a vicar general.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 214.

1917 CIC 0368; authority of vicar general.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 215; II: 131.

1917 CIC 0369; obligation of vicar general to work with bishop and for bishop. //


1917 CIC 0370; precedence and privileges to be accorded vicar general.Quon.


Canon Law Digest. I: 215-216.


1917 CIC 0371; authority of vicar general tied to that of bishop. ▪ Quon.



 Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 8, Chapter 4, Article 2. Chancellor, notaries, and episcopal archives, cc. 372-384.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 Monograph. Stanley Pietrzyk (American priest, 1900-1996), A Practical Formulary in accordance with the Code of Canon Law (Pioneer, 1949) 268 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 10 (1950) 116-117.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


1917 CIC 0372; chancellor and vice-chancellor. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 416; VIII: 280.


1917 CIC 0373; notaries, their qualifications, and duration in office. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0374; duties of notary. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0375; establishment of diocesan archives. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 131; IV: 152; V: 308-309; VI: 416.


1917 CIC 0376; preparation and preservation of diocesan documents.Quon.


1917 CIC 0377; archives security and possession of key. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0378; procedures for removal of documents from archives. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0379; secret or separate archives. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 132.


1917 CIC 0380; bishop to designate priest to hold 'bishop's box' key during vacancy of see.Quon.


1917 CIC 0381; possession of 'bishop’s box' key if see impeded.Quon.


1917 CIC 0382; seal of 'bishop's box' not to be removed except in urgent necessity. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0383; records of documents pertaining to church in diocese. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0384; access to documents in diocese not held in secrecy. ▪ Quon.



 Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 8, Chapter 4, Article 3. Synodal examiners and pastor consultors, cc. 0385-0390.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0385; synodal examiners and pastor consultors to be constituted by bishop with synod approval. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0386; method for replacing examiner and consultors who do not complete terms. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0387; terms of office for examiners and consultors. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0388; for grave cause bishop can remove examiners and consultors with advice of chapter. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0389; main responsibilities of examiners. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0390; clerics can hold office of examiner and consultor but not in same case. ▪ Quon.



 Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 8, Chapter 5. Chapters of canons, cc. 0391-0422.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0391; definition of two kinds of cathedral chapters.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 416; VII: 382.


1917 CIC 0392; authority of Apostolic See over cathedral chapters.Quon.


1917 CIC 0393; make up a chapter of canons. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 216; II: 132.


1917 CIC 0394; organization of chapters by prebends or the whole. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0395; distribution of chapter benefits under various conditions. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 217; II: 132-133; IX: 241.


1917 CIC 0396; naming dignitaries reserved to Apostolic See, preference for theologian and and canonists. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 218-222; II: 134-137; III: 109-111; IX: 241.


1917 CIC 0397; liturgical and sacramental preferences of dignitaries. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 222-223.


1917 CIC 0398; preference for establishing canon theologians and canon penitentiaries. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0399; qualifications for and restrictions on canon theologians and penitentiaries. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 223; II: 137-138; IX: 241.


1917 CIC 0400; preaching duties of canon theologians. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 223.


1917 CIC 0401; //


1917 CIC 0402;


1917 CIC 0403;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0404;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0405;


1917 CIC 0406;


1917 CIC 0407;


1917 CIC 0408;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0409;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0410;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0411;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0412;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0413;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0414;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0415;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0416;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0417;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0418;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0419;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0420;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0421;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0422;


 Canon Law Digest.



 Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 8, Chapter 6. Diocesan consultors, cc. 0423-0428.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0423;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0424;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0425;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0426;


1917 CIC 0427;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0428;



 Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 8, Chapter 7. Impeded or vacant see and the vicar capitulary, cc. 0429-0444.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0429;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0430;


1917 CIC 0431;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0432;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0433;


1917 CIC 0434;


1917 CIC 0435;


1917 CIC 0436;


1917 CIC 0437;


1917 CIC 0438;


1917 CIC 0439;


1917 CIC 0440;


1917 CIC 0441;


1917 CIC 0442; econome subject to authority of vicar capitulary. Quon.


 Dissertation. Vivalde Masse (Canadian religious, ), Les paroisses religieuses, (Laval diss, 1943) 132 mf.


1917 CIC 0443;


1917 CIC 0444;



 Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 8, Chapter 8. Vicars forane, cc. 0445-0450.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0445;


1917 CIC 0446;


1917 CIC 0447;


1917 CIC 0448;


1917 CIC 0449;


1917 CIC 0450;


 Canon Law Digest.



 Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 8, Chapter 9. Pastors, cc. 451-470.


 ► Topic in general.




 Ludovicus Fanfani (Italian Dominican, 1876-1955), De Iure Parochorum ad Normam Codicis Iuris Canonici [1922], (Marietti, 2 ed, 1936) 558 pp. Review: anon, Ius Pontificium 5 (1925) 56 (of first edition). Notes: See also Raimondo Spiazzo (Italian Dominican, 1918-2004), Il P. Ludovico Fanfani, O. P, Vero e Completo Religioso Domenicano, (Edizioni Cateriniane, 1955) 17 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0451;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0452;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0453;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0454;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0455;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0456;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0457;


1917 CIC 0458;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0459;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0460;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0461;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0462;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0463;


1917 CIC 0464;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0465;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0466;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0467;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0468;


1917 CIC 0469;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0470;


 Canon Law Digest.



 Book II, Part 1, Section 2, Title 8, Chapter 10. Parochial vicars, cc. 471-478.


1917 CIC 0471;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0472;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0473;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0474;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0475; generally, vicar econome holds the place of pastor till new pastor arrives. ▪ Quon.


 Dissertation. Mannes Calcaterra (Italian Dominican, ≈), De vicario adiutore iuxta can. 475, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1952-1953) 178 pp.


Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0476;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0477;


1917 CIC 0478;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0479;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0480;


1917 CIC 0481;


1917 CIC 0482;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0483;


1917 CIC 0484;


1917 CIC 0485;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0486;



 ! Book II, Part 2. Religious, cc. 487-681.


 ► Topic in general.




  Camillus de Carlo (≈ Camillian, ≈), Ius Religiosorum, (Desclée, 1950) 622 pp.


  Ludovicus Fanfani (Italian Dominican, 1876-1955), De Iure Religiosorum ad Normam Codicis Iuris Canonici [1920], (Marietta, 2 ed., 1924) 599 pp. Notes: a third edition appeared in 1949. A French translation was produced by L. Misserey.


  Louis Fanfani (Italian Dominican, 1876-1955), Le ‘Droit des Religiesuses’ selon le CCOde de Droit Canonique, (Marietta, 1924) 312 pp., L. Misserey trans. of Fanfani’s De Iure Religiosorum ad Normam Codicis Iuris Canonici (1920).


 • Servo Goyeneche ( Claretian, 1886-1964), Iuris Canonici Summa Principia … de Religiosis (Cuore de Maria, 1938) 290 pp. Review: A. Ellis, Gregorianum 19 (1938) 636.


 • Servo Goyeneche ( Claretian, 1886-1964), Quaestiones Canonicae de Iure Religiosorum, (D’Auria, 1954) in 2 vols. Review: W. Bertrams, Gregorianum 37 (1956) 318-319.


 • Robert Lemoine ( Benedictine, ), Le Droit des Religieux, (Desclée, 1956) 631 pp. Review: A. Finili, Life of the Spirit 12 (1958) 567-570.


 • Hector Papi (Italian/American Jesuit, 1861-1929), Religious in Church Law: an exposition of canon law concerning religious, (Kenedy, 1924) 355 pp.


 • Josephus Pejška (Czech Redemptorist, 1870-1946), Ius Canonicum Religiosorum (Herder, 3 ed., 1927) 365 pp. Reviews: A. Vermeersch, Gregorianum 11 (1930) 445-447; =, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 53 (1929) 631. Notes: Earlier printings were privately circulated manuscripts.


 • Timotheus Schäfer (German Capuchin, 1877-1948), Compendium De Religious ad normam Codicis Iuris Canonici [1927], (Aschendorff, 2 ed., 1931) 972 pp. Review: E. Roelker, The Jurist 8 (1948) 117-119.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0487; definition of religious life and its place in the Church. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 265-266; III: 119-135; IV: 166-183; V: 337-356; VI: 423-440; VII: 418-454; VIII: 299-313; IX: 252-282; X: 43-82.


1917 CIC 0488; basic terminology of religious life. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 266-270; II: 153; III: 135-157; IV: 183-190; V: 357-362; VI: 440-442; VII: 454-457; VIII: 313-320; IX: 282-292; X: 82-87.


1917 CIC 0489; rules and constitutions consistent with the Code are retained, others are abrogated. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 270-272; II: 153-156; III: 158; IV: 190-191; VI: 442-445.


1917 CIC 0490; generally, rules establish for men apply to women and vice versa. Quon.


1917 CIC 0491; rules of precedence for situations involving religious. Quon.



 ! Book II, Part 2, Title 9. Erection and suppression of religious institutes, provinces, and houses, cc. 492-498.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0492; bishop can found new institute after consultation with Holy See. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 272; II: 156-160; III: 158; VI: 445; VII: 457-459; VIII: 320-323; IX: 292.


1917 CIC 0493; suppression of any institute whatsoever belongs to Holy See. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 273; II: 160; VI: 445-446; VII: 459-461; VIII: 324-325; IX: 292-295.


1917 CIC 0494; authority over province structures and distribution of goods. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 446; VII: 461; VIII: 325.


1917 CIC 0495; consent of local bishop required for establishment of new house. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 158; VI: 447.


1917 CIC 0496; adequate funding for new house must be ascertained before establishment. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 325-328.


1917 CIC 0497; aspects of constitution of exempt religious house. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 273; IV: 191-192; V: 362-365; VI: 447; VII: 461-462; X: 88-90.


1917 CIC 0498; suppression of exempt religious house. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 447; VII: 462.



 ! Book II, Part 2, Title 10. Governance of religious institutes, cc. 492-498.


 ► Topic in general.



 Book II, Part 2, Title 10, Chapter 1. Superiors and chapters, cc. 0499-0517.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0499;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0500;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0501;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0502;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0503;


1917 CIC 0504;


1917 CIC 0505;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0506;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0507;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0508;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0509;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0510;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0511;


1917 CIC 0512;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0513;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0514;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0515;


1917 CIC 0516;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0517;


 Canon Law Digest.



 Book II, Part 2, Title 10, Chapter 2. Confessors and chaplains, cc. 0518-0530.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0518;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0519;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0520;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0521;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0522;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0523;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0524;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0525;


1917 CIC 0526;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0527;


1917 CIC 0528;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0529;


1917 CIC 0530;



 ! Book II, Part 2, Title 10, Chapter 3. Temporal goods of religious and administration, cc. 0531-0537.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0531; generally, relig. institutes, provinces, and houses are capable of temporal goods.Quon.


1917 CIC 0532; generally, relig. constitution controls administration of goods.Quon.


1917 CIC 0533; provisions on money and investments.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 297.


1917 CIC 0534; provisions on larger acts of administration.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 161-166; III: 212; IV: 203-206; V: 376-377; VI: 481; VII: 487; VIII: 359; IX: 367-371.


1917 CIC 0535; special authority of ordinary over administration of certain relig. assets.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 297-298.


1917 CIC 0536; possible institute liability for certain financial obligations.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 166.


1917 CIC 0537; restrictions on gifts from goods of the house.Quon.



 ! Book II, Part 2, Title 11, Chapter 3. Admission into a religious institute, cc. 538-586.


 ► Topic in general.




  Basil Frisón (Spanish/American Claretian, 1912-2004), Selection and Incorporation of Candidates for the Religious Life, (Bruce, 1962) 186 pp.


 Dissertation. Robert Flinn (American religious, 1929-1995), Admission to incorporation into the states of perfection, (Gregorian doct. diss. 1763, 1965) 147 pp (part). MonographAdmission to Vows: recent directives and trends, (Divine Word, 1965) 157 pp. Flinn biograph.


 [ Preliminary canon, c. 0538. ]


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0538; right of admittance into religious life. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 377; VI: 481-488; VII: 487-509; IX: 371; X: 112.



 ! Book II, Part 2, Title 11, Chapter 1. Postulancy, cc. 539-541.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0539; postulancy required before admittance. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 213; VI: 489; VIII: 359.


1917 CIC 0540; manner of postulancy. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 298.


1917 CIC 0541; retreat and general confession required before novitiate. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 509; VIII: 539.



 Book II, Part 2, Title 11, Chapter 2. Novitiate, cc. 542-571.


 ► Topic in general.



 Book II, Part 2, Title 11, Chapter 2, Article 1. Requirements for admission into novitiate, cc. 542-552.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0542;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0543;


1917 CIC 0544;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0545;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0546;


1917 CIC 0547;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0548;


1917 CIC 0549;


1917 CIC 0550;


1917 CIC 0551;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0552;


 Canon Law Digest.



 Book II, Part 2, Title 11, Chapter 2, Article 2. Formation of novices, cc. 553-571.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0553;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0554;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0555;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0556;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0557;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0558;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0559;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0560;


1917 CIC 0561;


1917 CIC 0562;


1917 CIC 0563;


1917 CIC 0564;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0565;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0566;


1917 CIC 0567;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0568;


1917 CIC 0569;


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0570;


1917 CIC 0571;


 Canon Law Digest.



 Book II, Part 2, Title 11, Chapter 3. Religious profession, cc. 572-586.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0572;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 305-308; VII: 514-515; VIII: 361-364; IX: 373-374.


1917 CIC 0573;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 308.


1917 CIC 0574;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 308-310; III: 213-215; V: 381-382; VI: 490-491; VIII: 364-365; IX: 374.


1917 CIC 0575;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 310; VII: 515; VIII: 365; IX: 375.


1917 CIC 0576;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 310; III: 215; VII: 515-526; VIII: 365-366; IX: 376.


1917 CIC 0577;


1917 CIC 0578;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 310; VII: 526-527; VIII: 367-369; IX: 376.


1917 CIC 0579;


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 369-370.


1917 CIC 0580;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 311; II: 167; VII: 527; VIII: 371-372; IX: 377-378.


1917 CIC 0581;


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 491; VIII: 372; IX: 378.


1917 CIC 0582;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 311-312.


1917 CIC 0583;


 Canon Law Digest. III: 215; V: 382; VI: 491; VIII: 373.


1917 CIC 0584;


 Canon Law Digest. II: 167-170.


1917 CIC 0585;


1917 CIC 0586;



 ! Book II, Part 2, Title 12. Studies for clerical religious, cc. 587-591.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0587; every relig. institute to have place of studies. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 312-313; V: 383; VI: 491; VII: 527.


1917 CIC 0588; student to be under spiritual care of prefect or master. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 313.


1917 CIC 0589; students to be allowed sufficient time for studies. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 313; III: 215; VIII: 374; IX: 379.


1917 CIC 0590; relig. priests recently ordained are to be examined by qualified teachers. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 314.


1917 CIC 0591; monthly lecture on moral or liturgical topic. ▪ Quon.


 Dissertation. Silvestro Galasso (Italian Franciscan, ≈), De cleri collationibus (can. 131, 591), (Antonianum diss. 4, 1940) xxii-224 pp.



 Book II, Part 2, Title 13. Obligations and privileges of religious, cc. 592-631.


 ► Topic in general.


 Book II, Part 2, Title 13, Chapter 1. Obligations of religious, cc. 592-612.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0592;


 Canon Law Digest. III: 216; V: 383; VIII: 374; IX: 379-410.


1917 CIC 0593;


 Canon Law Digest. III: 217-219; VI: 491-494; VII: 528; VIII: 374-385; IX: 410-431; X: 114-118.


1917 CIC 0594;


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 206-210; VI: 494; VII: 529-531; VIII: 385; IX: 431.


1917 CIC 0595;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 314; VI: 494; VII: 531-533; VIII: 385; IX: 431-432.


1917 CIC 0596;


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 210; V: 383; VI: 494; VII: 534-535; VIII: 385-389; IX: 432-437; X: 118.


1917 CIC 0597;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 314; VII: 535-536; IX: 437.


1917 CIC 0598;


 Canon Law Digest. III: 220.


1917 CIC 0599;


1917 CIC 0600;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 314-320; II: 170-172; III: 220-253; IV: 210-237; V: 383-393; VI: 495-500; VII: 536-545; VIII: 390-409; IX: 437-445.


1917 CIC 0601;


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 501; VIII: 409.


1917 CIC 0602;


 Canon Law Digest. V: 393; VII: 545-546.


1917 CIC 0603;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 320.


1917 CIC 0604;


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 546; VIII: 409; IX: 446.


1917 CIC 0605;


1917 CIC 0606;


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 237-238; VI: 501; VIII: 410-414; IX: 446-452.


1917 CIC 0607;


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 546.


1917 CIC 0608;


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 501.


1917 CIC 0609;


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 414.


1917 CIC 0610;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 320-321; III: 253; V: 394; VI: 501-505; VII: 546-552.


1917 CIC 0611;


 Canon Law Digest. II: 172; III: 253; VIII: 414.


1917 CIC 0612;



 Book II, Part 2, Title 13, Chapter 2. Privileges of clerics, cc. 613-625.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0613;


 Canon Law Digest. II: 172-173; VI: 505.


1917 CIC 0614;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 321.


1917 CIC 0615;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 321-322; III: 253; V: 394; VI: 505; VII: 552; VIII: 415; IX: 452.


1917 CIC 0616;


1917 CIC 0617;


1917 CIC 0618;


 Canon Law Digest. II: 173; V: 394; IX: 453.


1917 CIC 0619;


1917 CIC 0620;


1917 CIC 0621;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 323; VII: 553-554; VIII: 415-421.


1917 CIC 0622;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 323; II: 173; III: 254-256; VI: 505.


1917 CIC 0623;


1917 CIC 0624;


1917 CIC 0625;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 323; VII: 554-555.



 ! Book II, Part 2, Title 13, Chapter 3. Religious promoted to dignity or pastor, cc. 626-631.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0626; authority of Holy See required for promotion of relig. to dignities. Quon.


1917 CIC 0627; relig. named bishop or cardinal still religious but not obliged to superiors. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 256.


1917 CIC 0628; temporal goods of relig. raised to episcopate. Quon.


1917 CIC 0629; status of relig. raised to dignity upon completion of duties. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IX: 453.


1917 CIC 0630; rights and duties of relig. made pastor. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 324; IX: 453.


1917 CIC 0631; relig. pastor and bishop in authority over him. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 324.



 ! Book II, Part 2, Title 14. Transfer to another institute, cc. 632-636.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0632; permission of Holy See required for transfer to another institute. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 324-325; III: 256-257; VI: 506; IX: 454-455; X: 119-120.


1917 CIC 0633; basic requirements for transferring to another institute. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 325; VII: 555-556; IX: 455.


1917 CIC 0634; special requirements for transferring to another institute. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 325; VIII: 421-422.


1917 CIC 0635; consequences of transferring to another institute. Quon.


1917 CIC 0636; generally prior solemn vows are extinguished by transfer. Quon.



 Book II, Part 2, Title 15. Departure from an institute, cc. 637-645.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0637;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 325; VII: 556; IX: 455.


1917 CIC 0638;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 326; II: 173; III: 257; IV: 238-240; VI: 506; VII: 556-559; VIII: 423; X: 121.


1917 CIC 0639;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 326; III: 257; IV: 240-244; IX: 455-469.


1917 CIC 0640;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 326-327; III: 257-258; VI: 506; VII: 559; VIII: 423; IX: 469-480.


1917 CIC 0641;


 Canon Law Digest. II: 173-175; IV: 244-245; VIII: 423-424; X: 121-123.


1917 CIC 0642;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 327; V: 394-395; VII: 559.


1917 CIC 0643;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 327; VII: 560-562; VIII: 424-427; IX: 480.


1917 CIC 0644;


1917 CIC 0645;


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 428.



 ! Book II, Part 2, Title 16. Dismissal from an institute, cc. 646-672.


 ► Topic in general.


 ! [ Preliminary canon, c. 646. ]


 ► Topic by canon.


1917 CIC 0646; religious subject to automatic dismissal. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 327-328; II: 175; VIII: 428.



 Book II, Part 2, Title 16, Chapter 1. Dismissal from an institute, cc. 647-648.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0647;


1917 CIC 0648;


1917 CIC 0649;


1917 CIC 0650;


1917 CIC 0651;


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 430-452; IX: 480-486; X: 123-127.


1917 CIC 0652;


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 452.


1917 CIC 0653;


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 506.


1917 CIC 0654;


 Canon Law Digest. I: 329; II: 258; VII: 563-569; VIII: 452-455.


1917 CIC 0655;


1917 CIC 0656;


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 455.


1917 CIC 0657;


1917 CIC 0658;


1917 CIC 0659;


 Canon Law Digest. III: 258; VIII: 455.


1917 CIC 0660;


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 455.


1917 CIC 0661;


1917 CIC 0662;


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 455.


1917 CIC 0663;


1917 CIC 0664;


1917 CIC 0665;


1917 CIC 0666;


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 455.


1917 CIC 0667;


1917 CIC 0668;


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 506.


1917 CIC 0669;


1917 CIC 0670;


1917 CIC 0671;


1917 CIC 0672;


 Canon Law Digest. II: 175; VIII: 456.



 ! Book II, Part 2, Title 17. Societies living in common without vows, cc. 0673-0681.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


1917 CIC 0673; societies without vows are not strictly religious.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 330; II: 175; V: 395; IX: 486-487.


1917 CIC 0674; generally erection s/o suppression are same as for religious.Quon.


1917 CIC 0675; generally constitutions control governance issues.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 330; VI: 506.


1917 CIC 0676; capacity of institutions regarding temporal goods.Quon.


1917 CIC 0677; constitutions control admission of members.Quon.


1917 CIC 0678; generally members bound by same obligations regarding studies as are clergy.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 330; II: 175.


1917 CIC 0679; generally members bound by same obligations of clergy. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 175.


1917 CIC 0680; lay members can enjoy clerical privileges but not religious.Quon.


1917 CIC 0681; additional provisions to be observed in transfer a/o departure of religious.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 331.



 ! Book II, Part 3. Laity, cc. 682-725.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0682; laity have the right to spiritual goods needed for salvation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 506-507.


1917 CIC 0683; generally, laity may not wear clerical garb. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 246.



 ! Book II, Part 3, Title 18. Associations of the faithful in general, cc. 684-699.


 ► Topic in general.




  Georges Vromant (Belgian Missionhurst, 1879-1966) & Léopold Bongaerts (Belgian Missionhurst, 1905-1985), De Fidelium Associationibus, de actione catholica, de Legione Mariae, ad usum utriusque cleri praesertim missionariorum [1932] (Desclee de Brouwer, 2d ed, 1955) 176 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0684; faithful encouraged to join approved associations and avoid dubious ones. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 333; III: 259-291; IV: 246; V: 395-396; VI: 507-511; VII: 569-579; VIII: 456-462; IX: 487-495; X: 127.


1917 CIC 0685; associations as distinct from religious institutes or societies. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 511; VII: 579; IX: 495; X: 128-135.


1917 CIC 0686; establishment of association. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 333; VII: 580; IX: 495.


1917 CIC 0687; acquisition of juridic personality by association. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 334.


1917 CIC 0688; restrictions on name to be given to association. Quon.


1917 CIC 0689; approval of association statues. Quon.


1917 CIC 0690; type and scope of vigilance to which association is subject. Quon.


1917 CIC 0691; control of, use of, and accounting for temporal goods in association. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 177; III: 291; VIII: 462.


1917 CIC 0692; eligibility for benefits of association. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 291-292.


1917 CIC 0693; eligibility for admission into association. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 397; VIII: 462.


1917 CIC 0694; reception and proof thereof in association. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 292.


1917 CIC 0695; prohibition of additional fees for admission to association. Quon.


1917 CIC 0696; dismissal from association. Quon.


1917 CIC 0697; association has right to hold meetings. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 580.


1917 CIC 0698; moderator a/o chaplain of association. Quon.


1917 CIC 0699; suppression of association. Quon.



 ! Book II, Part 3, Title 19. Associations of the faithful in specific, cc. 700-725.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0700; third orders, confraternities, and pious unions. Quon.


1917 CIC 0701; precedence among pious unions. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 177-178; III: 292-293.



 ! Book II, Part 3, Title 19, Chapter 1. Third order seculars, cc. 702-706.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0702; notion of third orders and their sodalities. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 580; IX: 496.


1917 CIC 0703; eligibility for membership in third orders. Quon.


1917 CIC 0704; inconsistency of religious vows and third order membership. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IX: 497.


1917 CIC 0705; generally, membership in third orders exclusive. Quon.


1917 CIC 0706; eligibility of tertiaries for public processions. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 293.



 ! Book II, Part 3, Title 19, Chapter 2. Confraternities and pious unions, cc. 707-719.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0707; pious union and confraternity. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 511-513; VII: 580; X: 135.


1917 CIC 0708; establish and nature of union and confraternity. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 462.


1917 CIC 0709; male deportment and benefit to women in union a/o confraternity. Quon.


1917 CIC 0710; title and designation of union and confraternity. Quon.


1917 CIC 0711; plurality of unions and confraternities to be avoided. Quon.


 Thesis. Albert Kretschmer, "The confraternity of the Most Blessed Sacrament according to Canon 711 § 2", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1963).


 Canon Law Digest. I: 334; II: 178; IV: 246-247; VI: 513.


1917 CIC 0712; restriction on union and confraternity in church or oratories. Quon.


1917 CIC 0713; participation of religious in union and confraternity. Quon.


1917 CIC 0714; restrictions on change of habit or insignia. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 178.


1917 CIC 0715; supervision by ordinary of union and confraternity. Quon.


1917 CIC 0716; union and confraternity functions and parish activities. Quon.


1917 CIC 0717; union and confraternity liturgical functions. Quon.


1917 CIC 0718; presence of union and confraternity in procession. Quon.


1917 CIC 0719; transfer of union and confraternity from see to see. Quon.



 ! Book II, Part 3, Title 19, Chapter 3. Archconfraternities and primary unions, cc. 720-725.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0720; notion of archsodality and archconfraternity. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 247; V: 397.


1917 CIC 0721; capacity of archsodality and archconfraternity to aggregate. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 293-295.


1917 CIC 0722; communication of favors in aggregation. Quon.


1917 CIC 0723; requisites for valid aggregation. Quon.


1917 CIC 0724; transfer of sees reserved to Holy See. Quon.


1917 CIC 0725; titles of aggregates conferred only by Holy See. Quon.











































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 ! Book III. Things, cc. 726-1551.


 ► Topic in general.


 ! [ Preliminary canons, cc. 726-730. ]


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0726; the Church uses spiritual, temporal, and mixed things in her mission. Quon.


1917 CIC 0727; simony under divine and canon law. Quon.


 Dissertations. Joseph Weitzel (wvv), Begriff und Erscheinungsformen der Simonie bei Gratian und den Dekretisten, (LMU diss. 25, 1967) xvi-155 pp. Raymond Ryder (American priest, 1904-), Simony, (CUA doct. diss. 65, 1931) ix-140 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 465; IX: 501.


1917 CIC 0728; simony lies in the agreement. Quon.


1917 CIC 0729; simony voids most contacts entered into with it. Quon.


1917 CIC 0730; distinguishing simony from gifts on the occasion of spiritual acts. Quon.


 Dissertation. James Richardson (American Vincentian, 1909-1996), The just title in Canon 730: for giving something temporal on the occasion of the Sacred ministry, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1935-1936) x-69 pp. Richardson biograph.



 ! Book III, Part 1. Sacraments, cc. 731-1153.


 ► Topic in general.




  Felix Cappello (Roman Jesuit, 1879-1962), Tractatus canonico-moralis de sacramentis iuxta Codicem juris canonici [1924-1926], (Marietti, 7 ed., 1962) in 5 vols. Review: anon., Ius Pontificium 13 (1933) 121. Notes: On the place of Cappello in canonistics, see e. g., Lawrence Wrenn, "In diebus illis: some canonical giants in days of yore", Studia Canonica 35 (2001) 485-514, at 512-514.


  Henry Ayrinhac (American Sulpician, 1867-1931), Legislation on the Sacraments in the New Code of Canon Law … cc. 726-1011, 1144-1153, (Longmans/Green, 1928) 416 pp. Notes: Omits marriage.


  Mattheus Conte a Coronata (Italian Capuchin, 1889-1961), Institutiones Iuris Canonici ad usum utriusque cleri et scholarum de Sacramentis Tractatus Canonicus, (Marietti, 1942-1945) in 3 vols. Notes: Coronata's three-volume commentary on sacramental law should not be confused with his five-volume pan-textual commentary on the 1917 Code similarly titled Institutiones Iuris Canonici ad usum utriusque cleri et scholarum.


  Eduardo Regatillo (Spanish Jesuit, 1882-1975), Ius sacramentarium [1945], (Sal Terrae, 4 ed., 1964) 998 pp. Review: U. Navarrete, Gregorianum 42 (1961) 347-348.


  Nicholas Halligan (American Dominican, 1917-1997), The administration of the sacraments (Alba House, 1963) 585 pp. Review: M. Zalba, Gregorianum 46 (1965) 141.


 ! [ Preliminary canons, cc. 731-736. ]


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0731; sacraments are celebrated with care and are forbidden to heretics a/o schematics. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 299-300; VI: 517; VII: 583-590; VIII: 465-472; IX: 501-508; X: 139-140.


1917 CIC 0732; baptism, confirmation, order confer a seal and conditional conferral in case of doubt. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 517.


1917 CIC 0733; liturgical books to be followed in celebrating sacraments in various rites. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 301; IV: 251-253; V: 401.


1917 CIC 0734; blessing needed for holy oils and additions to them. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 301; VII: 590-591; VIII: 472-473.


1917 CIC 0735; pastor's acquisition and retention of holy oils. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 517.


1917 CIC 0736; minister shall seek nothing for sacraments beyond what is authorized. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 1. Baptism, cc. 737-779.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0737; baptism is necessary for salvation and is 'solemn' or 'private'. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 253; VI: 517; VII: 591; VIII: 473.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 1, Chapter 1. Minister of baptism, cc. 738-744.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0738; the ordinary minister of solemn baptism is a priest. Quon.


1917 CIC 0739; generally baptism is not to be conferred by one outside of his own territory. Quon.


1917 CIC 0740; in non-parish settings right to baptize determined by local statutes or custom. Quon.


1917 CIC 0741; the extraordinary minister of solemn baptism is a deacon. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 591-592; X: 140.


1917 CIC 0742; rank of ministerial preferences for conferral of baptism. Quon.


1917 CIC 0743; pastors to instruct faithful on correct way to baptize in necessity. Quon.


1917 CIC 0744; generally baptism of adults to be deferred to ordinary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 401-406.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 1, Chapter 2. Subject of baptism, cc. 745-754.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0745; subject of baptism. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 473; IX: 508-527; X: 141-144.


1917 CIC 0746; special cases of baptism at or near time of birth. Quon.


1917 CIC 0747; baptism of children aborted. Quon.


1917 CIC 0748; baptism of deformed or abnormal babies. Quon.


1917 CIC 0749; baptism of foundling children. Quon.


1917 CIC 0750; baptism of babies born to infidels. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 337; II: 181-182; III: 301; V: 406-407; VII: 592-594.


1917 CIC 0751; baptism of children born to heretics, schismatics, or fallen-away Catholics. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 302.


1917 CIC 0752; baptism of adults. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 182-184; V: 407-408; VII: 594.


1917 CIC 0753; recommendation of fasting and assistance at Mass and holy Communion. Quon.


1917 CIC 0754; baptism of those not in possession of mental faculties. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 1, Chapter 3. Rites and ceremonies of baptism, cc. 755-761.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0755; solemn baptism preferred. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 409; VII: 594-596; VIII: 473.


1917 CIC 0756; children to be baptized in same 'rite' as parents. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 337-338; III: 302.


1917 CIC 0757; kind of water to be used in solemn baptism. Quon.


1917 CIC 0758; infusion, immersion, or aspersion are methods of baptism. Quon.


1917 CIC 0759; restriction on private baptism and later supplying of rites. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 338; III: 302-303.


1917 CIC 0760; conditional baptism and supplying of rites. Quon.


1917 CIC 0761; pastors to take care that a christian name is given to child. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 597.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 1, Chapter 4. Sponsors for baptism, cc. 762-769.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0762; sponsors to be used at baptism. Quon.


1917 CIC 0763; aspects of sponsors serving at conditional baptism. Quon.


1917 CIC 0764; any person or two of opposite sexes may serve as sponsor(s). Quon.


1917 CIC 0765; requirements for valid service as sponsor. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 338-344; V: 409; VII: 597-599; VIII: 474.


1917 CIC 0766; requirements for licit service as sponsor. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 344.


1917 CIC 0767; pastor consult ordinary in difficult cases regarding sponsor. Quon.


1917 CIC 0768; spiritual relationship arising from baptism and sponsorship. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 344; V: 409.


1917 CIC 0769; duties of the sponsor. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 344; VIII: 474.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 1, Chapter 5. Time and place for conferring baptism, cc. 770-776.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0770; infants should be baptized as soon as possible, pastor to preach on this. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 409.


1917 CIC 0771; private baptism in urgent necessity can be conferred anywhere. Quon.


1917 CIC 0772; solemn baptism celebration preferred on certain days. Quon.


1917 CIC 0773; proper place for solemn baptism is baptistery in Church or public oratory. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 345.


1917 CIC 0774; every parish church to have baptismal font, other places might have one. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 345-346; II: 184.


1917 CIC 0775; place of baptism if circumstances do not allow conferral in proper parish. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 346.


1917 CIC 0776; conditions permitting solemn baptism in private homes. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 346-347; VII: 599-603.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 1, Chapter 6. Recording and proving baptism cc. 777-779.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0777; basic entries in baptismal register. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 347; II: 184; V: 409.


1917 CIC 0778; actual minister of baptism to alert pastor of place of baptism. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 348; II: 184; V: 410.


1917 CIC 0779; possible proof of unrecorded baptism. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 2. Confirmation, cc. 780-800.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


 ! [ Preliminary canons, cc. 780-781. ]


1917 CIC 0780; basic matter and form required for confirmation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 604-611; VIII: 474-475.


1917 CIC 0781; oil of confirmation to be consecrated by bishop & conferral is by hand. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 185; VI: 518; VII: 611.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 1. Minister of confirmation, cc. 782-785.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. John Coleman (American priest, 1906-), The Minister of Confirmation, (CUA doct. diss. 125, 1941) vi-146 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0782; ministers of confirmation in various situations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 185-189; III: 303-314; IV: 253-256; V: 410-413; VI: 518; VIII: 475-477; IX: 527-528; X: 144-145.


1917 CIC 0783; bishop licitly administers baptism in his own terriroty and in others' with permission. Quon.


1917 CIC 0784; generally, priest with faculties confirms persons in his territory. Quon.


1917 CIC 0785; when bishop a/o priest bound by obligation of confirming. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 2. Subject of confirmation, cc. 786-789.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0786; conditions for valid and licit reception of Confirmation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 189.


1917 CIC 0787; necessity of Confirmation. Quon.


1917 CIC 0788; age for Confirmation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 348-349; II: 189; III: 314-315; VII: 611; IX: 528-529.


1917 CIC 0789; participation in rites wherein many are confirmed. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 3. Time and place for conferring confirmation, cc. 790-792.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0790; time of Confirmation. Quon.


1917 CIC 0791; place of Confirmation. Quon.


1917 CIC 0792; minister of Confirmation. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 4. Sponsors for confirmation, cc. 793-797.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0793; sponsors for confirmation are recommended. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 349.


1917 CIC 0794; generally, one sponsor presents one to be confirmed, who in turn has one sponsor. Quon.


1917 CIC 0795; requirements to be sponsor validly. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 612.


1917 CIC 0796; requirements to be sponsor licitly. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 350; II: 189; VII: 612.


1917 CIC 0797; special relationship arises between sponsor and one confirmed. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 350.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 2, Chapter 5. Recording and proving confirmation, cc. 793-800.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0798; location and notification of recordations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 350.


1917 CIC 0799; minister of sacrament must notify pastor of the place. Quon.


1917 CIC 0800; proof of Confirmation. Quon.


Book III, Part 1, Title 3. The Most Holy Eucharist, cc. 801-869.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0801; definition of the holy Eucharist. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 518-549; VII: 612; VIII: 477-516; IX: 529-574; X: 145.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 1. Sacrifice of the Mass, cc. 802-844.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 1, Article 1. Priest celebrating Mass, cc. 802-813.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 0802; only priest can celebrate Mass. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 256.

1917 CIC 0803; generally, concelebration is prohibited. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 256-257; VII: 612-614; VIII: 516; IX: 574-575.

1917 CIC 0804; permission for externs to celebrate Mass. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 350; II: 189; III: 315-316; IX: 575-577.

1917 CIC 0805; frequency of celebration of Mass. Quon.

1917 CIC 0806; conditions under which Mass may be celebrated more than once per day. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 350-351; II: 189-193; IV: 257-258; V: 413-417; VI: 549-550; VII: 614-616; VIII: 516-517; X: 145-146.

1917 CIC 0807; generally priests not celebrate Mass if conscious of grave sin. Quon.

1917 CIC 0808; celebrant to observe natural fast from midnight. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 351-352; II: 193; III: 316-318; IV: 259; VI: 550; IX: 577.

1917 CIC 0809; may may be applied or living or those in purgatory. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 517.

1917 CIC 0810; celebrants to prepare them for celebrating Mass and give thanks afterwards. Quon.

1917 CIC 0811; garb for celebration of Mass. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 352.

1917 CIC 0812; generally priests may not use assisting priest at Mass. Quon.

1917 CIC 0813; generally priest to celebrate Mass with male assisting and responding. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 318-340; X: 146-147.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 1, Article 2. Rites and ceremonies of the Mass, cc. 814-819.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 0814; Mass must be offered with bread and wine. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 417-418.

1917 CIC 0815; condition of bread and wine for Mass. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 352-367; II: 193-195; V: 418-419; VI: 551; VII: 617; VIII: 517-520; IX: 577-585.

1917 CIC 0816; priest to use leavened or unleavened bread according to his rite. Quon.

1917 CIC 0817; it is nefarious to consecrate one species without the other. Quon.

1917 CIC 0818; priest to follow faithfully the rubrics in ritual books. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 367-382; II: 195-202; III: 340-361; IV: 260-262; V: 419-430; VI: 551-552; VII: 617-636; VIII: 520-529; IX: 585-588; X: 147-148.

1917 CIC 0819; Mass to be celebrated in language approved for the rite. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 552-553.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 1, Article 3. Time and place for Mass, cc. 820-823.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 0820; days for celebration of Mass. Quon.

1917 CIC 0821; hours for celebration of Mass. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 382-384; II: 202-203; IV: 263-264; V: 430-431; VI: 553-554; VIII: 529.


1917 CIC 0822; place for celebration of Mass. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 384-393; II: 203-204; III: 361-363; IV: 264-268; V: 432-433; VI: 554-555; VII: 637-642; VIII: 529.

1917 CIC 0823; restrictions on places for celebration of Mass. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 555-557.


 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 1, Article 4. Offerings or stipends Mass, cc. 824-844.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0824; priests may accept stipend for Mass. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 393-395; II: 204-206; V: 433-434; VI: 557-558; VII: 642-643; VIII: 530-536; IX: 588-589.

1917 CIC 0825; prohibitions of certain practices related to stipends. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 363-365; VI: 558-559

1917 CIC 0826; stipends may be "manual", "similar to manual". and "foundation". Quon.

1917 CIC 0827; all commercialism to be avoided regarding stipends. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 395.

1917 CIC 0828; an accepted stipend must be satisfied by application of a Mass. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 395; III: 365-366; VI: 559; VII: 643-645; IX: 590.

1917 CIC 0829; Mass obligation remains even if stipend is lost. Quon.

1917 CIC 0830; generally, for lump sum donations number of Masses calculated by customary practice. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 206-207.

1917 CIC 0831; generally, ordinary sets standard amount for stipends. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 395-396.

1917 CIC 0832; priests may accept larger or smaller amounts for stipend Mass. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 396.

1917 CIC 0833; offeror may attach other conditions to stipend that bind if accepted. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 396.


1917 CIC 0834; generally time conditions accepted on stipends must be honored. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 559.

1917 CIC 0835; stipends that cannot be satisfied with one year may not be accepted. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 396.

1917 CIC 0836; church with large number of requested Masses must give notice that times might vary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 396-399.

1917 CIC 0837; Stipend for Mass to be celebrated another must be distributed as soon as possible. Quon.

1917 CIC 0838; priest may forward stipend to a reliable priest. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 399-400.


1917 CIC 0839; priest transferring stipend to another remains bound till notified of satisfaction. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 400.

1917 CIC 0840; generally entire stipend to be transferred. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 400-404; II: 207.


1917 CIC 0841; satisfaction of stipend Masses in pious causes. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. X: 149-151.

1917 CIC 0842; ordinary has right and duty to see to satisfaction of stipend Masses. Quon.

1917 CIC 0843; record-keeping of stipend Mass satisfaction. Quon.

1917 CIC 0844; satisfaction of stipend Masses among religious. Quon.


 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 2. Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, cc. 845-869.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 2, Article 1. Minister of holy Communion, cc. 845-852.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 0845; priest is ordinary and deacon extraordinary minister of holy Communion. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 404; II: 207; VI: 560-561; VII: 645-652; VIII: 536-547; IX: 591; X: 151-158.

1917 CIC 0846; when priest may administer holy Communion. Quon.

1917 CIC 0847; generally holy Communion to be brought publicly to sick Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 404-407.


1917 CIC 0848; generally pastor is bring holy Communion publicly to sick. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 407.

1917 CIC 0849; when priest may bring holy Communion privately to sick. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 407-408; VI: 561.


1917 CIC 0850; generally pastor to bring Viaticum to the sick. Quon.


1917 CIC 0851; generally priest to the distribute leavened or unleavened Hosts according to rite. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 408; VII: 652-658; VIII: 548-549.

1917 CIC 0852; holy Communion to be given only under the form of bread. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 434; VI: 562-565; VII: 659-663; IX: 591-592; X: 158-159.


! Book III, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 2, Article 2. Subject of holy Communion, cc. 853-866.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 0853; baptized person has qualified right to holy Communion. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 208; VII: 663.

1917 CIC 0854; administration of holy Communion to children. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 408; IV: 268; VII: 664; VIII: 550.

1917 CIC 0855; prohibition of holy Communion to sinners. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 408-409.

1917 CIC 0856; though laboring under mortal sin should not approach for holy Communion. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 208-215; VII: 664; IX: 592.

1917 CIC 0857; generally holy Communion may be received only once per day. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 565; VII: 664-665; VIII: 550.

1917 CIC 0858; generally persons should observe a Eucharistic natural fast from midnight. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 409; II: 215-216; III: 366-373; IV: 268-290; V: 434-439; VI: 566; VII: 665-666; VIII: 550.

1917 CIC 0859; obligation of holy Communion annually. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 409; II: 216; IV: 291; VIII: 550.

1917 CIC 0860; those caring for youth before puberty are obliged to see to annual holy Communion. Quon.

1917 CIC 0861; a sacrilegious Communion does not fulfills annual reception requirement. Quon.

1917 CIC 0862; clerics should receive holy Communion on Holy Thursday. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 291-293.

1917 CIC 0863; faithful encouraged to frequent, even daily, holy Communion. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 216; VI: 566.

1917 CIC 0864; Viaticum. Quon.

1917 CIC 0865; Viaticum for the sick should not be deferred. Quon.

1917 CIC 0866; faithful can take holy Communion in any rite. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 410; III: 374.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 3, Chapter 2, Article 3. Time and place for distribution of holy Communion, cc. 867-869.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 0867; permissible times for holy Communions. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 410; II: 216-217; III: 374-375; IV: 293; V: 440-442; VI: 566.

1917 CIC 0868; priest distributing holy Communion during Mass to remain within sight of altar. Quon.


1917 CIC 0869; generally, where Mass may be celebrated holy Communion may be distributed. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 410; II: 217.


 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 4. Penance, cc. 870-936.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 0870; description of Confession. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 567; VIII: 550-552; IX: 592-597.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 4, Chapter 1. Minister of penance, cc. 871-892.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 0871; minister of penance is only a priest. Quon.

1917 CIC 0872; a priest must also have jurisdiction by law or delegation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 410; III: 375-376.

1917 CIC 0873; faculties attached to office. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 442.

1917 CIC 0874; grant of faculties by ordinary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 410-411; II: 217-218; III: 376; VI: 567-568; VII: 666-667; VIII: 552-554; IX: 598.

1917 CIC 0875; faculties for religious over religious. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 568.

1917 CIC 0876; priests require special faculties for confession of religious women. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 411; VII: 667.

1917 CIC 0877; faculties to be granted only to found suitable, even by examination. Quon.

1917 CIC 0878; restrictions on faculties are allowed but applied cautiously. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 411.

1917 CIC 0879; faculties for confession must be granted expressly either in writing or orally. Quon.

1917 CIC 0880; revocation or suspension of faculties for confession. Quon.


1917 CIC 0881; faculties for confession apply to all persons in territory and all subjects anywhere. Quon.

1917 CIC 0882; all priests have faculties for confession when penitent is in danger of death. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 411-412.

1917 CIC 0883; faculties for confession at sea. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 412-413; II: 218-219; III: 376-377.

1917 CIC 0884; generally, absolution of an accomplice in a sin of turpitude is invalid. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 413.

1917 CIC 0885; generally, prayers beyond those required for absolution should not be omitted. Quon.

1917 CIC 0886; generally absolution to be conferred on penitent seeking absolution. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 379-383.

1917 CIC 0887; appropriate penance to be assigned and must be performed by penitent personally. Quon.

1917 CIC 0888; character and conduct of confessor in confessional. Quon.

1917 CIC 0889; confessors and interpreters bound by seal of confession. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 413-414; II: 219; VIII: 561.

1917 CIC 0890; general prohibition against use of knowledge gained in confession. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 561.

1917 CIC 0891; restrictions on those in authority against hearing confession subordinates. Quon.

1917 CIC 0892; basic obligation on pastors and priests to hear confession. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 4, Chapter 2. Reservation of sins, cc. 893-900.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 0893; notion of 'reservation of sin'. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 415.

1917 CIC 0894; only sin reserved to Holy See is false denunciation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 415.

1917 CIC 0895; restrictions on reservations of sin by ordinary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 562-563.

1917 CIC 0896; restrictions on reservations of sin by superior. Quon.

1917 CIC 0897; numerical limitation on reservation of sins. Quon.

1917 CIC 0898; sin reserved to Holy See or with a censure by law cannot be reserved to ordinary. Quon.

1917 CIC 0899; notice of and faculties to absolve reserved sin. Quon.


1917 CIC 0900; instances where reservation is without force. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 415-416; III: 383.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 4, Chapter 3. Subject of penance, cc. 901-907.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0901; those in mortal sin bound to integral confusion mortal sin(s). ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0902; matter of confession. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0903; use of interpreter allowed for confession. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0904; penitents bound to denounce priests who commit delict of solicitation. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0905; faithful may choose confessor of any [ritual Church]. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0906; faithful bound to confess sins at least once per year. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 0907; sacrilegious or intentionally null confession does not satisfy precept. ▪ Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 4, Chapter 4. Place of hearing confessions, cc. 908-910.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0908; place of hearing confession. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0909; location and design of confessional for use by women. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 417; IX: 599.


1917 CIC 0910; restrictions on place of hearing confession of woman. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 417; II: 220.


 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 4, Chapter 5. Indulgences, cc. 911-936.


 ► Topic in general.


 Monograph. Seraphinus de Angelis (≈), De Indulgentiis: Tractatus quoad earum naturam et usum [1947], (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2 ed., 1950) 581 pp.


 Thesis. Herman Burger, “The canonical legislation on indulgences from the [1917] Code of Canon Law to the apostolic constitution Doctrina indulgentiarum”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1979-1980). bis.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0911; definition of and exhortation to seek indulgences. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0912; authority to grant indulgences. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 417-419; II: 220-222; III: 384; V: 442; VI: 568-569; IX: 599.


1917 CIC 0913; granting of indulgence by lower authority. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 222.


1917 CIC 0914; bishop's authority to confer papal blessing with indulgence. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 419; II: 222; III: 384-385; VI: 569-570; IX: 599.


1917 CIC 0915; religious conferring papal blessing. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 222 (blessing formula found in Rituale VIII, chap. 32, can now be used by all authorized priests); VII: 673.


1917 CIC 0916; establishment of indulgenced altar. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0917; special provision for All Souls Day. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 420; II: 223-224; III: 385.


1917 CIC 0918; identification of a privileged altar. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0919; publication of indulgences. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 420 (promulgation of authentic and exclusive list of indulgences).


1917 CIC 0920; submission of indulgence conferral to Sacred Penitentiary. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 420 (promulgation of authentic and exclusive list of indulgences).


1917 CIC 0921; special provisions for indulgences on certain other holy days. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0922; indulgences attached to certain observances are transferred with the observance. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 420-421 (feast day indulgences follow feast days even when transferred temporarily).


1917 CIC 0923; indulgences for certain days can be acquired beginning at noon the previous day. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 421; II: 224.


1917 CIC 0924; implication of church destruction for church-related indulgence. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 421-423; II: 224-225; V: 442-446; VI: 570.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 4, Chapter 5, Article 2. Acquiring indulgences, cc. 925-935.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0925; basic requirements to obtain indulgence. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 423-449 & 863-878; II: 225-236; III: 385-391; IV: 293-297; V: 446-452; VI: 570-576; VII: 673-682; VIII: 608-618; X: 159.


1917 CIC 0926; plenary indulgence can be acquired partially based on disposition. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0927; generally, subjects of grantor and travelers in his territory can gain indulgence. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0928; plenary indulgence limited to once per day but partial as often as work done. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0929; generally religious can satisfy visit requirement in their own chapel. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 391.


1917 CIC 0930; indulgence cannot be acquired for other living people. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 449 (privileged altar for the dying generally treated as being for the living).


1917 CIC 0931; timing of confession and holy Communion for indulgences. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 450; III: 391-392.


1917 CIC 0932; generally, performance of works already required do not suffice for indulgence. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0933; generally, performance of a work applies only one indulgence. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 450-451 (apostolic indulgences do not derogate from other papal indulgences attached to same work).


1917 CIC 0934; satisfaction of prayers attached to indulgences. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 451-458; II: 236.


1917 CIC 0935; authority of confessors to commute certain required works. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 237; VI: 576.


1917 CIC 0936; acquisition of indulgence by mutes. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 458.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 5. Extreme unction, cc. 937-947.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0937; matter and form for unction. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 459-460; VII: 682-686; VIII: 618-619.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 5, Chapter 1. Minister of extreme unction, cc. 938-949.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0938; minister of unction. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0939; obligation in justice a/o charity to administer unction. ▪ Quon.


Book III, Part 1, Title 5, Chapter 2. Subject of extreme unction, cc. 940-944.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0940; unction administered to faithful above age of reason, in certain dangers of death. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 686; VIII: 619-620.


1917 CIC 0941; in case of doubt unction to be administered under condition. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 297-303.


1917 CIC 0942; unction not administered to manifest sinners except in doubt and under condition. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0943; unction to be administered if desire for it expressed and not revoked it. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0944; unction not to be neglected. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0945; olive oil required blessed by bishop or priest with apostolic indult. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 686; VIII: 620.


1917 CIC 0946; pastor's custody of oil of the sick. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 576-577.


1917 CIC 0947; manner of anointing of the sick. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 460-461; VII: 686-687.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 6. Orders, cc. 948-1011.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0948; ordination distinguishes cleric form laity for governance and divine cult. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 0949; distinguishing major orders from minor. ▪ Quon.


 Dissertation. Ladislas Örsy (Hungarian/American Jesuit, 1921-), The difference between the Order of episcopate and the Order of presbyterate in Gratian's decree, (Gregorian doct. diss. 1493, 1962) viii-61 pp (part). ▪ Notes: On the place of Örsy in canonistics see J. Provost, "Ladislas Örsy, sj, Theology and Canon Law", Jurist 56 (1996) 1-24. Örsy biograph.


1917 CIC 0950; scope of technical terms on orders. ▪ Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 6, Chapter 1. Minister of ordination, cc. 951-967.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0951; ordinary minister of ordination is a bishop. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 452; VII: 688; VIII: 620-624; IX: 601-602.


1917 CIC 0952; faculty required to promote clerics ordained by pope. Quon.


1917 CIC 0953; consecration of bishop reserved to pope or one with his mandate. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 625.


1917 CIC 0954; generally to co-consecrators required for consecration. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 237; III: 392-393.


1917 CIC 0955; bishop to ordain own subject or with dimissorial letters Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 461; II: 237-238; III: 393-394; VIII: 625.


1917 CIC 0956; proper bishop for ordination. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 461-462; II: 238; VII: 688.


1917 CIC 0957; ordination by those other than bishop. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 625.


1917 CIC 0958; authority to issue dimissorial letters. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 462.


1917 CIC 0959; one able to grant dimissorial letter can confer orders if he has suitable orders. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 688.


1917 CIC 0960; prerequisites for dimissorial letters. Quon.


1917 CIC 0961; generally dimissorial letters can be sent to bishop except those of a different rite. Quon.


1917 CIC 0962; bishops can ordain upon receipt of apparently genuine dimissorial letters. Quon.


1917 CIC 0963; dimissorial letters can be qualified but do not expire upon author's loss of office. Quon.


1917 CIC 0964; ordination of religious. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 462; VI: 577; VII: 688.


1917 CIC 0965; bishop eligible to receive dimissorial letters from religious superior. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 462.


1917 CIC 0966; religious sending dimissorial letters to different bishop Quon.


1917 CIC 0967; religious superiors to avoid chicanery in dimissorial letters. Quon.


 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 6, Chapter 2. Subject of ordination, cc. 968-982.


 ► Topic in general.


 [ Preliminary canons, cc. 968-972. ]


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0968; baptized males validly ordained, suitable baptized males licitly. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 462-463; II: 238; VIII: 625-629.


1917 CIC 0969; bishops to ordain those useful for ministry at home or in another diocese. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 463; II: 238; IX: 602-604.


1917 CIC 0970; for canonical cause cleric can be prevented from higher orders. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 463.


1917 CIC 0971; it is nefarious to coerce anyone toward or away from clerical state. Quon.


1917 CIC 0972; one seeking orders to attend seminary or be entrusted to suitable priest. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 238.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 6, Chapter 2, Article 1. Requirements in the subject of ordination, cc. 973-982.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0973; prerequisites for promotion to higher orders and refusal to ascend. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 463-482; II: 239; IV: 303-315; V: 452-488; VI: 577-584; VII: 689-699; VIII: 629-630; IX: 604-605.


1917 CIC 0974; requirements for licit ordination. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 394; VI: 585; VIII: 630.


1917 CIC 0975; minimum ages for reception of sub-diaconate, diaconate, and presbyterate. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 482-483; II: 239; V: 488; VI: 585; IX: 605-607.


1917 CIC 0976; sequence of theological studies and levels of ordination. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 483-484; V: 488; VII: 699; VIII: 630; IX: 607-608.


1917 CIC 0977; orders to be administered by steps. Quon.


1917 CIC 0978; interstitial times to be set and observed. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 484; II: 239; V: 489; VII: 699; VIII: 631.


1917 CIC 0979; secular canonical title is usually title of benefice. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 484; VII: 699; IX: 608.


1917 CIC 0980; bishop obligated to confer title or equivalent. Quon.


1917 CIC 0981; title can be conferred for ‘service to diocese’. Quon.


 Dissertation. Gérard Couture (≈, ≈), Les conditions juridiques des prêtres ordonnés au titre de service du diocèse, (Laval diss, 1947) xvi-206 pp.


1917 CIC 0982; religious canonical title is usually title of poverty. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 6, Chapter 2, Article 2. Irregularities and other impediments, cc. 983-991.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0983; irregularities for orders, by defect or delict, are exclusively those listed here. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 484.


1917 CIC 0984; irregularities by defect. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 485-486; V: 489-491; VI: 585-586; VII: 699.


1917 CIC 0985; irregularities by delict. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 486-487; II: 239; III: 394; VI: 586; VIII: 631; IX: 608-610.


1917 CIC 0986; qualifications of irregularities of delict. Quon.


1917 CIC 0987; simple impediments for orders. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 487; II: 239; V: 491-494; VI: 586; IX: 611-621.


1917 CIC 0988; ignorance of irregularities or of impediment does not excuse. Quon.


1917 CIC 0989; irregularities and defects multiplied by diversity but not repetition, except homicide. Quon.


1917 CIC 0990; possible dispensation by ordinary or confessor. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 488; II: 239; VI: 586.


1917 CIC 0991; elements of petition for dispensation. Quon.


Book III, Part 1, Title 6, Chapter 3. Things that must precede ordination, cc. 992-1001.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 0992; those seeking ordination must make know their intentions. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 700.


1917 CIC 0993; documentation required for ordination. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 488.


1917 CIC 0994; time periods to be examined for contraction of impediments. Quon.


1917 CIC 0995; documentation for religious. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 488.


1917 CIC 0996; examinations required of those seeking ordination. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 488.


1917 CIC 0997; verifications required prior to ordination. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 488.


1917 CIC 0998; announcement of names of those to be ordained. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 488.


1917 CIC 0999; obligation to denounce impediments to ordination. Quon.


1917 CIC 1000; designated pastor investigates background candidates. Quon.


1917 CIC 1001; spiritual exercises required of those seeking ordination. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 489-492.


 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 6, Chapter 4. Rites and ceremonies of ordination, cc. 1002-1005.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1002; minister conferring orders must follow prescribed rites. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 492-494; II: 240-248; III: 394-399; VI: 587-588; VII: 700-706; IX: 621-622.


1917 CIC 1003; Mass of ordination must be celebrated by minister of ordination. Quon.


1917 CIC 1004; Eastern Christians seeking Western orders to comply with Western order. Quon.


1917 CIC 1005; ordinands to receive holy Communion at ordination Mass. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 589.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 6, Chapter 5. Time and place of ordination, cc. 1006-1009.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1006; preference for certain days for certain ordinations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 494; II: 248-250; IV: 316; V: 494-495; VI: 589; IX: 622.


1917 CIC 1007; supplying of ordination rites can be done secretly. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 250.


1917 CIC 1008; restrictions on solemnities for bishop outside of his territory. Quon.


1917 CIC 1009; preference for cathedral, with congregation, for most ordinations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 589.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 6, Chapter 6. Recording and proving ordination, cc. 1010-1011.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1010; documentation and certification of ordination. Quon.


1917 CIC 1011; recordation of ordination in baptismal certificate. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 494.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 7. Marriage, cc. 1012-1143.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Marius Castellano (Italian Dominican, ≈), La dottrina matrimoniale di S. Raymundi di Penyafort, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1946-1947) ≈ pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1012; definition and ends of marriage. Quon.


 Dissertation. Joannes Mussio (American priest, 1902-1978), The education of offspring as a primary end of matrimony, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1938-1939) vi-79 xcc. Mussio biograph.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 495; III: 399-401; V: 496; VII: 706; IX: 622.


1917 CIC 1013; ends and essential properties of marriage. Quon.


 Dissertation. Joannes Mussio (American priest, 1902-1978), The education of offspring as a primary end of matrimony, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1938-1939) vi-79 xcc. Mussio biograph.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 495; II: 250; III: 401-404; V: 496; VI: 589-590; VII: 706-711; VIII: 631-632; IX: 622.


1917 CIC 1014; marriage possesses the favor of law. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 250; III: 404-405; V: 496-499.


1917 CIC 1015; consummation of marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 495; III: 405; V: 499-500


1917 CIC 1016; domain of canon and civil law. Quon.




  Samuel Wiley (American Jesuit, ≈), A comparative study of the validity of marriage in canon law and in the civil code of the Republic of the Philippines, (Gregorian doct. diss. 808, 1953) 42 pp (part).


  William Goldsmith (American priest, 1912-), The Competence of Church and State over Marriage--Disputed Points, (CUA doct. diss. 197, 1944) 116 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 250-252; V: 500.


1917 CIC 1017; promise of marriage (engagement, betrothal). Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 495-496.


1917 CIC 1018; general pastoral preparation for wedding and marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 253.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 1. Things that must precede marriage, especially banns, cc. 1019-1034.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1019; prior verification that nothing obstructs the valid and licit celebration of a marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 632-633.


1917 CIC 1020; pre-wedding investigation of status of parties. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 496-499; II: 253-276; V: 500-501.


1917 CIC 1021; proof of baptism and encouragement of confirmation. Quon.


 Thesis. Andrew Murray, “Understanding [1917 Code] Canon 1021 § 2: Confirmation as part of the canonical preparation for marriage”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1979-1980).


1917 CIC 1022; engaged couples to be publicly announced. Quon.


1917 CIC 1023; obligation of the banns. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 499; II: 276-277; IV: 316-317.


1917 CIC 1024; general publication of the banns. Quon.


1917 CIC 1025; alternative publications of the banns. Quon.


1917 CIC 1026; restriction on publication so the banns. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 711.


1917 CIC 1027; Christian faithful obliged to reveal marriage impediments. Quon.


1917 CIC 1028; dispensation from the banns. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 277.


1917 CIC 1029; one who conducts pre-wedding investigation to notify pastor of results. Quon.


1917 CIC 1030; deadlines between banns and weddings rites. Quon.


1917 CIC 1031; procedures upon discovery of problems during banns. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 500; II: 277.


1917 CIC 1032; general pastor not to assist at marriage vagrants without permission of ordinary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 500; VIII: 633.


1917 CIC 1033; pastor to instruct parties on marriage and encourage reception of holy Communion. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 590; VIII: 633; IX: 622.


1917 CIC 1034; pastor to dissuade youth from marrying. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 634.



 Book III, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 2. Impediments in general, cc. 1035-1057.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1035; all not prohibited by law can contract marriage. Quon.


1917 CIC 1036; distinguishing 'impeding' from 'diriment' impediment. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 500-501.


1917 CIC 1037; distinguishing 'public' from 'occult' impediment. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 501; II: 277.


1917 CIC 1038; only supreme authority of Church can declare matrimonial impediments or prohibitions. Quon.


1917 CIC 1039; prohibition ('vetitum') of marriage Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 590-591; VIII: 634.


1917 CIC 1040; generally abrogation, derogation, a/o dispensation from impediments reserved to Holy See. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 501; II: 277; III: 405-406.


1917 CIC 1041; customs introducing new or negating current impediments are reprobated. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 634.


1917 CIC 1042; listing impediments of minor and major grade. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 501; VI: 591.


1917 CIC 1043; ordinary's authority to give dispensations in danger of death. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 501.


1917 CIC 1044; pastor's authority to give dispensations in danger of death. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 502; VIII: 634; IX: 622-623.


1917 CIC 1045; last-minute ('omnia parata') dispensations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 502-503; II: 277-280.


1917 CIC 1046; notification concerning external forum dispensation. Quon.


1917 CIC 1047; notation of some internal forum dispensation to be noted to in secret archives. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 503.


1917 CIC 1048; ordinaries to refrain from dispensation if petition ahs been sent to Holy See. Quon.


1917 CIC 1049; dispensing from certain impediments. Quon.


1917 CIC 1050; procedure for dispensing when impediments are of various sorts. Quon.


1917 CIC 1051; possible legitimation of children in wake of dispensations. Quon.


1917 CIC 1052; generally, errors of degree do not defeat dispensations granted. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 504; III: 406.


1917 CIC 1053; special dispensations cases of presumed death and 'crime'. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 504; III: 407.


1917 CIC 1054; generally dispensations from minor degree impediments effective. Quon.


1917 CIC 1055; dispensation from certain public impediments. Quon.


1917 CIC 1056; generally, fees associated with dispensation prohibited. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 504.


1917 CIC 1057; dispensations by power of Holy See must recite granting indult. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IX: 623.



 Book III, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 3. Impeding impediments, cc. 1058-1066.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1058; simple vows of virginity, perfect chastity, etc, simply impeded marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 280.


1917 CIC 1059; civil laws of adoption might work to simply impede marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 711; VIII: 634-635.


1917 CIC 1060; severe prohibition against mixed marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 504-505; II: 280; V: 501; VI: 592; VIII: 635; IX: 623.


1917 CIC 1061; dispensation from the impeding impediment of mixed religion. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 505-506; II: 280-286; III: 407; IV: 317; V: 501-502; VI: 592-606; VII: 711-741; VIII: 635; IX: 623.


1917 CIC 1062; Catholic spouses bound to prudently seek conversion of non-Catholic spouse. Quon.


1917 CIC 1063; prohibition of double religious wedding ceremony. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 506-507; VI: 607-610; VII: 741.


1917 CIC 1064; ordinaries and pastors to discourage mixed marriages. Quon.


 Thesis. Mark Campbell, “Pastoral care for mixed marriages: canonical prescriptions and practice from the 1917 code through Matrimonia mixta”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1993).


 Canon Law Digest. V: 502.

1917 CIC 1065; marriage of one who has notoriously rejected the Faith Quon.


 Dissertation. John Heneghan (American priest, 1909-), The Marriages of Unworthy Catholics: Canons 1065 and 1066, (CUA doct. diss. 188, 1944) 201 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 286-287; III: 407-408; VI: 610-611; VIII: 635-639.


1917 CIC 1066; marriage of one under censure or a public sinner. Quon.


 Dissertation. John Heneghan (American priest, 1909-), The Marriages of Unworthy Catholics: Canons 1065 and 1066, (CUA doct. diss. 188, 1944) 201 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 507; III: 408; VI: 611; VII: 741.



 Book III, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 4. Diriment impediments, cc. 1067-1080.


 Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Francis A. Karwoski (American priest, wvv), A comparison of the matrimonial impediment of the State Ohio and the Code of Canon Law, (Lateran doct. diss., 1955) 74 pp.


 Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1067; nonage as an impediment to marriage. Quon.




  John O'Dea (American priest, 1913-), The Matrimonial Impediment of Nonage, (CUA doct. diss. 205, 1944) 115 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 508; III: 408-410; V: 502-503; VI: 611-612; VIII: 639-667.


1917 CIC 1068; impotence a/o sterility as an impediment to marriage. Quon.




  Arthur McClory (American priest, 1919-1978), The notion of impotence in canon law, (Laval diss, 1951, OCLC 978097959) only partially available.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 287-289; III: 410-420; IV: 317-320; V: 503-507; VI: 612-620; VIII: 667-677; IX: 624-627; X: 159-165.


1917 CIC 1069; prior bond (ligamen) as an impediment to marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 508-511; II: 289-290; III: 420; V: 507-508.


1917 CIC 1070; disparity of cult as an impediment to marriage. Quon.


 Dissertation. Gonzalvus a Raamsdonk ( Capuchin, 1924-), De cessatione impedimenti disparitatis cultus in extraordinariis territorii circumstantiis, (Gregorian doct. diss. 962, 1955) viii-106 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 16 1956) 229-230.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 511-512; II: 290-291; III: 420-427; IV: 320-323; V: 508-509; VI: 621; VIII: 677-678; IX: 627.


1917 CIC 1071; norms for mixed marriage apply to disparity of cult marriages as well. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 512-513; II: 291-293; III: 427-428; IV: 323-331; V: 509; VI: 621; VII: 741.


1917 CIC 1072; orders as an impediment to marriage. Quon.


 Dissertation. Alessandro Jachelli (≈), De impedimento matrimoniali ordinis sacri, (Gregorian doct. diss. 177, 1939) 28 pp. (part).


 Canon Law Digest. I: 293; V: 510; VI: 621-622; VII: 741; IX: 627.


1917 CIC 1073; solemn vows as an impediment to marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 622.


1917 CIC 1074; abduction or violent retention of a woman as an impediment to marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 293.


1917 CIC 1075; crime (crimen) as an impediment to marriage. Quon.


 Dissertation. John Donohue (American priest, 1897-), The Impediment of Crime, (CUA doct. diss. 69, 1931) viii-98 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 293-295; V: 510-511; VI: 622.


1917 CIC 1076; consanguinity as an impediment to marriage. Quon.


 Dissertations. Marino Verbaarschot ( religious, ), De iuridica natura impedimenti consanguinitatis in theologia et in iure canonico a S. Petro Damiano usque ad Decretales Gregorii IX (ca. 1063-1234), (Gregorian doct. diss. 913, 1955) 60 pp (part). Francis Wahl (American priest, 1907-), The Matrimonial Impediments of Consanguinity and Affinity, (CUA doct. diss. 90, 1934) vi-113 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 513-516; III: 428; VI: 622; IX: 627-628.


1917 CIC 1077; affinity as an impediment to marriage. Quon.


 Dissertations. Casimirus Grzybowski (≈), De affinitate, (Gregorian doct. diss. 22, 1936) 130 pp. Francis Wahl (American priest, 1907-), The Matrimonial Impediments of Consanguinity and Affinity, (CUA doct. diss. 90, 1934) vi-113 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 428; IV: 331; VI: 623.


1917 CIC 1078; public propriety as an impediment to marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 516-517; III: 428.


1917 CIC 1079; only spiritual relationship arising from baptism invalidities marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 517; V: 511-512; VII: 741-742; VIII: 678-679


1917 CIC 1080; adoption as an impediment to marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 743; VIII: 679.



 // Book III, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 5. Consent to marriage, cc. 1081-1093.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertations. Paulus Dardonville (≈ Sulpician, ≈), De vitiis consensus matrimonialis, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1929-1930) ≈ pp. Joseph Kiwanuka (Ugandan priest, 1899-1966), De vitiis consensus matrimonialis, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1931-1932) wvv pp. Kiwanuka biograph.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1081; manifested consent by capable parties makes marriage & notion of consent. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 517-520; II: 295-296; III: 428-435; IV: 331-332; V: 512-513; VI: 623; VII: 743; VIII: 679-796; IX: 628-634; X: 166-178.


1917 CIC 1082; knowledge required for marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 296-301; III: 435-437; V: 513; VI: 623-627.


1917 CIC 1083; error of person and marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 520; II: 301; VIII: 796-801; IX: 634-659.


1917 CIC 1084; generally, error about unity, indissolubility, or sacramentality of marriage does not invalidate. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 520; II: 301; V: 513.


1917 CIC 1085; knowledge or opinion of nullity does not necessarily invalidate marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 301-302.


1917 CIC 1086; simulation of consent to marriage. Quon.


 Dissertation. Basil Courtemanche (Canadian priest, 1919-1993), The Total Simulation of Matrimonial Consent, (CUA doct. diss. 270, 1948) xx-105 pp.


 Thesis. Donald Levan, “ 'Communion of Life' and simulation: a comparison of the 1917 Code Canon 1086 § 2 and 1983 Code Canon 1101 § 2”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1995). bis.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 521-523; II: 302-320; III: 437-443; IV: 332-334; V: 513-517; VI: 627; VII: 743-749; VIII: 801-812.


1917 CIC 1087; force and fear in regard to marriage. Quon.


 Dissertations. Andreas Barrera (Spanish ≈, ≈), ‘Vis et metus’ en el consentimiento matrimonial, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1952-1953) ≈ pp. Eduardus Des Georges (French Sulpician, ), De metu respectu consensus matrimonialis ad normam can. 1087, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1932-1933) pp. An extract, Les conditions de la crainte comme vice du consentment matrimoniale (commentaire du can. 1087 § 1), was published separately.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 523-530; II: 320-325; III: 443-446; IV: 334-338; V: 517-518; VI: 627; VIII: 813-815.


1917 CIC 1088; personal or procurator presence required & generally spoken words to be used. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 530; III: 446-448.


1917 CIC 1089; marriage can be contracted through proxies. Quon.


 Dissertation. Francis Kieda (American priest, 1906-1978), De matrimonii celebratione per procuratorem, (Gregorian doct. diss. 159, 1939) xi 103 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 448; IV: 338-342; V: 519-520.


1917 CIC 1090; use of interpreters at wedding. Quon.


1917 CIC 1091; assisting at wedding contracted through interpreters or procurators. Quon.


1917 CIC 1092; conditional consent to marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 531-539; II: 325-331; III: 448-450; IV: 342; V: 520-521.


1917 CIC 1093; consent presumed effective notwithstanding impediments and defect of form. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 6. Matrimonial form, cc. 1094-1103.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. John Carberry (American priest, 1904-1998), The Juridical Form of Marriage, (CUA doct. diss. 84, 1934) x-169 pp. Carberry biograph.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1094; near-exceptionless imposition of canonical form for marriage on Catholics. Quon.


 Dissertation. William O'Connell, (≈ Franciscan, ≈), De intima natura assistentiae matrimonialis ad normam Can. 1094, (Antonianum diss. 8, 1940) 92 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 332; III: 450; IV: 342; V: 522; VI: 627-630; VII: 749-750; VIII: 815-820; IX: 659-660; X: 178-183.


1917 CIC 1095; authority to assist at marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 539; II: 333; III: 450; IV: 342-343; VII: 750-751; VIII: 820-821.


1917 CIC 1096; conditions for granting authority to assist validly at marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 540-541; III: 451-452; V: 522-523; VI: 631; VII: 752; VIII: 822; IX: 660-673.


1917 CIC 1097; conditions for granting authority to assist licitly at marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 541; II: 333-334; III: 452-454; IV: 343-344; VI: 631-633; VII: 752-753.


1917 CIC 1098; extraordinary form of marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 542-543; II: 335-336; III: 454; V: 523-524; VII: 753-756; VIII: 822.


1917 CIC 1099; subjects of canonical form for marriage & form for mixed marriages. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 543-545; II: 336-338; III: 454-468; V: 525-527; VI: 633-636; VII: 756-763.


1917 CIC 1100; liturgical books to be observed in marrying. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 545-546; II: 338; VII: 763; VIII: 823.


1917 CIC 1101; nuptial blessing. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 823-824.


1917 CIC 1102; mixed marriage investigations and prohibitions of sacred rites. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 546; II: 338; III: 468-469; IV: 344; V: 527; VI: 636; VII: 764.


1917 CIC 1103; recordation of marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 547; II: 339; VII: 764; VIII: 824.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 7. Marriage of conscience, cc. 1104-1107.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Vincent Coburn (American priest, 1915-), Marriages of Conscience, (CUA doct. diss. 191, 1944) 160 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1104; authority of local ordinary to permit secret marriage. Quon.


1917 CIC 1105; implications of permission for secret marriage. Quon.


1917 CIC 1106; conditions excusing from maintaining secrecy of marriage. Quon.


1917 CIC 1107; recordation of secret marriage. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 8. Time and place for celebration of marriage, cc. 1108-1109.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Edward Dodwell (American priest, 1905-), The Time and Place for the Celebration of Marriage, (CUA doctoral diss. 154, 1942) 144 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1108; permissible times for weddings and blessings. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 547-548; VI: 636-637.


1917 CIC 1109; place of wedding. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 548; II: 339; III: 469; VI: 637; VII: 764-765; IX: 673.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 9. Effects of marriage, cc. 1110-1117.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1110; a perpetual and exclusive bonds arises from marriage. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 1111; spouses have equal rights and duties in marriage. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 469-472; IX: 673; X: 184.


1917 CIC 1112; generally, wife shares in the status of her husband. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 1113; parents are gravely bound to see to the raising of their children. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 548-550; II: 339; III: 472; V: 527-528; VII: 765; VIII: 825-837; IX: 673; X: 184.


1917 CIC 1114; determination of legitimacy. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 472; V: 528.


1917 CIC 1115; criteria for presuming paternity. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 1116; legitimation of children by parental marriage. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 550; VII: 765.


1917 CIC 1117; generally, children legitimate by parental marriage equal to legitimate children. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 550.


 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 10. Separation of spouses, cc. 1118-1132.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1118; ratified and consummated marriage indissoluble excepted by death. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 472; V: 528; VII: 765.


1917 CIC 1119; dissolution of non-consummated or disparity of cult marriage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 550; II: 339-340; III: 472-474; V: 528-533; VI: 637-641; VII: 765-770.


1917 CIC 1120; introductory provisions on Pauline Privilege. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 551-552; II: 340; III: 474; IV: 344-345; V: 534-536; VI: 641-643; VIII: 837-840.


1917 CIC 1121; introductory provisions on interpellations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 341; III: 474-478; VI: 644.


1917 CIC 1122; manner of interpellations. Quon.


1917 CIC 1123; establishment of right to new marriage with a Catholic. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 345-346; VI: 644-645.


1917 CIC 1124; continued cohabitation does not void privilege. Quon.


1917 CIC 1125; marriage issues in cases of new converts, persecution, or captivity. Quon.




  Francis Woods (American priest, ≈), The Constitutions of Canon 1125 and their application in the United States (Bruce, 1935) 112 pp.


 Dissertations. Ludwinus van Dongen (≈ priest, ≈), De potestate a Romanis Pontificibus in constitutionibus canonis 1125 exhibita, (Urbanianum doct. diss. 5=, 1954) 62 pp. = dongen 17 j 475 Francis Burton (American Holy Cross, 1902-≈), A Commentary on Canon 1125, (CUA doct. diss. 121, 1940) x-203 pp.  Peter Puthotu Rayanna (≈ Jesuit, 1898-≈), De constitutione s. Pii Papae V, Romani Pontificis (2 Augusti 1571) (Canonis 1125), (Gregorian doct. diss. 291, 1938) 191 pp.


 Theses. Joseph Koury, "The constitution of Canon 1125: historical study", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1981-1982).  Robert Smith, “A canonical study of the twentieth-century development of the Petrine Privilege in view of the Scriptural privilege of I Corinth. 7:10-16 and the papal constitution of Canon 1125”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1976).


 Canon Law Digest. I: 552-554; II: 341-343; III: 478-481; IV: 346-347; V: 536-538.


1917 CIC 1126; dissolution of bond contracted in religious infidelity. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IX: 674.


1917 CIC 1127; "In case of doubt the privilege of the faith enjoys the favor of law." Quon.


 Dissertation. Francis Kearney (American priest, 1911-), The Principles of Canon 1127, (CUA doct. diss. 163, 1942) 152 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 554; II: 343; III: 481-488; IV: 347-352; V: 538-549; VI: 645-660; VII: 770-776; VIII: 840-848; IX: 674-684; X: 184-185.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 10, Article 1. Separation from bed, table, and dwelling, cc. 1128-1132.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Giulio Antonietti (≈), Le cause di separazione dei coniugi in Italia: studio giuridico concordatario, (Gregorian doct. diss. 166, 1939) 154 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1128; spousal duty to maintain conjugal living. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 554.


1917 CIC 1129; adultery as grounds for terminating conjugal living. Quon.


1917 CIC 1130; readmission to conjugal life. Quon.


1917 CIC 1131; other grounds for terminating spousal living. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 554-555; II: 344-345; VIII: 848.


1917 CIC 1132; care and support of children following separation. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 11. Convalidation of marriage, cc. 1128-1132.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 11, Article 1. Simple convalidation, cc. 1133-1137.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1133; prerequisites and renewal of consent for convalidation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 555; II: 345; III: 488; VI: 660-662.


1917 CIC 1134; renewal of consent as an act of the will. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 662.


1917 CIC 1135; renewal of consent based on nature of impediment. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 555; II: 345.


1917 CIC 1136; renewal of consent based on problems with original consent. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 556.


1917 CIC 1137; renewal of consent according to form based on defect of original form. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 345; VI: 662-663.


 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 11, Article 2. Radical sanation, cc. 1138-1141.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.




 John Russell (Irish Jesuit, ≈), The ‘Sanatio in radice’ before the Council of Trent, (Gregorian doct. diss. 1651, 1964) viii-152 pp.


  Rodolfo Quezada Toruño (Guatelamla priest, 1932-2012), La perseverancia del consentimiento matrimonial en la ‘Sanatio in radice’, (Gregorian doct. diss. 1531, 1962) xix-129 pp. Review: J. Schmidt, Jurist 24 (1964) 111-113. Quezada biograph.


  Thomas Ryan (American priest, 1924-), The Juridical Effects of the 'Sanatio in Radice', (CUA doct. diss. 355, 1955) 137 pp.


  Jean Bernhard (Alsatian priest, 1914-2006), La notion de la ‘Sanatio in radice’ dans le droit canonique moderne et contemporain, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1948) ≈ pp. Note: On the place of Bernhard in canonistics, see J. Werkmeister, Revue de Droit Canonique 55 (2005) 225-234, here.


  Robert Harrigan (American priest, 1909-), The Radical Sanation of Invalid Marriages, (CUA doct. diss. 116, 1938) viii-199 pp.


  Jacobus Sullivan (≈), De sanatione in radice, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1930-1931) ≈ pp.


1917 CIC 1138; definition, effects, and conditions of radical sanation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 549-550; VI: 663-664; VIII: 848-849; IX: 685; X: 185-187.


1917 CIC 1139; radical sanation in cases of problems with impediments or form. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 488; V: 550-552; VI: 665; X: 188-189.


1917 CIC 1140; radical sanation cannot be granted without current consent. Quon.


1917 CIC 1141; "Radical sanation can be granted only by the Apostolic See." Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 556-557; II: 345; III: 488; V: 553; VI: 665; VII: 776.


 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 7, Chapter 12. Second weddings, cc. 1142-1143.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Aloisius Mehr (American Holy Cross, 1916-1979), The transition from one Christian marriage to another, (Gregorian diss., printed version 754, 1952) ≈ pp. Monograph, id., ≈ (Catholic Book Agency, 1952) ≈ pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1142; applauds chaste widowhood but holds second, etc., marriages licit. Quon.


1917 CIC 1143; previously married woman cannot receive nuptial blessing again. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 1, Title 8. Sacramentals, cc. 1144-1153.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1144; sacramentals are things or actions established by Church to achieve spiritual effects. Quon.


1917 CIC 1145; only Holy See can establish, change, or abolish sacramentals. Quon.


1917 CIC 1146; generally, the legitimate minister of a sacramental is a cleric. Quon.


1917 CIC 1147; minister of consecration a/o blessing. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 488-489; VI: 665; VIII: 849; IX: 685.


1917 CIC 1148; validity of consecrations a/o blessings depend on use of correct formula. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 557; V: 554.


1917 CIC 1149; blessing is for Catholics or catechumens and even non-Catholic for certain graces. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 557.


1917 CIC 1150; sacred objects should be reverently treated. Quon.


1917 CIC 1151; authorization for exorcism given by ordinary only to priests. Quon.


1917 CIC 1152; exorcism can be performed on a variety of persons. Quon.


1917 CIC 1153; exorcism within certain liturgies are performed by those ministers. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 2. Sacred Places and Times, cc. 1154-1254.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book III, Part 2, Section 1. Sacred Places, cc. 1154-1242.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1154; places rendered sacred by consecration or blessing are for divine cult or burial. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 665; VIII: 849-850; IX: 685-687.


1917 CIC 1155; generally, consecration of places belongs to ordinary of place. Quon.


1917 CIC 1156; generally, blessing of places belongs to ordinary of place. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 488.


1917 CIC 1157; consecration or blessing of places requires consent of ordinary. Quon.


1917 CIC 1158; documentation of consecration or blessing of sacred place. Quon.


1917 CIC 1159; consecration or blessing can be proven by eyewitness. Quon.


1917 CIC 1160; sacred places are exempt from civil authority. Quon.


 Book III, Part 2, Section 1, Title 9. Churches, cc. 1161-1187.


 ► Topic in general.




 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1161; definition of a church. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 489.


1917 CIC 1162; process to be observed by ordinary before grating permission for church building. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 489.


1917 CIC 1163; authorization to bless and place cornerstone of church. Quon.


1917 CIC 1164; Christian tradition to be honored in building churches. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 559-560; II: 347-348; III: 489; IX: 687.


1917 CIC 1165; necessity of blessing a/o consecration prior to celebrating liturgies in church. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 489-490; VIII: 850.


1917 CIC 1166; rites and ceremonies of church consecration. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 560; V: 554-555.


1917 CIC 1167; feast of consecration of church to be celebrated annually. Quon.


1917 CIC 1168; titles of churches. Quon.


1917 CIC 1169; church bells. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 561-562; III: 490; IV: 352.


1917 CIC 1170; how churches lose consecration or blessing. Quon.


1917 CIC 1171; rites able to be celebrated in consecrated or blessed church. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 562; VI: 666.


1917 CIC 1172; acts violative of a church. Quon.


1917 CIC 1173; consequences of church violation. Quon.


 Liturgical. Rituale, de defect. =


1917 CIC 1174; violated church to be reconciled promptly even as precaution. Quon.


1917 CIC 1175; generally illicit burials renders church unfit for celebration of rites. Quon.


1917 CIC 1176; reconciliation of church. Quon.


1917 CIC 1177; type of water used in reconciliation of church depends on sacred character. Quon.


1917 CIC 1178; decorum to be observed in church and unfitting things avoided. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 490.


1917 CIC 1179; churches enjoy the right of asylum. Quon.


1917 CIC 1180; church enjoys status of basilica by grant of Holy See or immemorial custom. Quon.


1917 CIC 1181; entrance into church must be be free during sacred rites. Quon.


1917 CIC 1182; administration of church belongs to bishop or rector or pastor. Quon.


1917 CIC 1183; a council of upkeep shares in administration of church. Quon.


1917 CIC 1184; responsibilities of council of upkeep. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 666.


1917 CIC 1185; generally staff of church reports to rector alone. Quon.


1917 CIC 1186; sources of funds required for church upkeep and repair. Quon.


1917 CIC 1187; ordinary can release church unable to be salvaged for profane but not sordid use. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 555-556; VII: 777.


Book III, Part 2, Section 1, Title 10. Oratories, cc. 1188-1196.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1188; basic types of oratories. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 490; IX: 688.


1917 CIC 1189; oratories of cardinals and bishops. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 563.


1917 CIC 1190; little chapels in cemeteries are private oratories. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 563.


1917 CIC 1191; rites within public oratories. Quon.


1917 CIC 1192; establishment of various semi-public oratories. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 850.


1917 CIC 1193; rites within semi-public oratories. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 563.


1917 CIC 1194; rites within little chapels. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 563.


1917 CIC 1195; rites within domestic oratories. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 490.


1917 CIC 1196; rites to be observed in establishing domestic or semi-public oratory. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 2, Section 1, Title 11. Altars, cc. 1197-1202.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Hans Henny (≈), Der Altar im kanonischen Recht: Ein Beitrag zu Can. 1197-1202, (Gregorian doct. diss. 229, 1940) 112 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1197; altars are "immoveable" or "fixed", and "moveable", a church having at least one "fixed". Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 490-491.


1917 CIC 1198; requirements for an altar. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 348.


1917 CIC 1199; altar must be consecrated for celebration of Mass. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 666; VIII: 851.


1917 CIC 1200; conditions resulting in loss of consecration. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 563; IV: 352-353.


1917 CIC 1201; altar to have a title. Quon.


1917 CIC 1202; restriction of altar use for things sacred and prohibition of burial thereunder. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 348.



 ! Book III, Part 2, Section 1, Title 12. Ecclesiastical burial, cc. 1203-1242.


 ► Topic in general.




 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1203; faithful to be buried, not cremated. contrary directions to be disregarded. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 564-566; VI: 666-669; VII: 777; VIII: 851-862; IX: 688-720.


1917 CIC 1204; 'burial' consists of transfer to church, services, and proper deposition. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 2, Section 1, Title 12, Chapter 1. Cemeteries, cc. 1205-1214.


 ► Topic in general.




 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1205; generally corpses to be buried in cemeteries not churches. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 566-568; II: 348-349.


1917 CIC 1206; Church has right to cemeteries or least plots or blessed graves. Quon.


1917 CIC 1207; offenses against church likened to offenses against cemeteries. Quon.


1917 CIC 1208; parish should have cemeteries, other groups may have them. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 568.


1917 CIC 1209; sepulchers permitted and special plots for infants encouraged. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 568.


1917 CIC 1210; cemeteries should enclosed and locked. Quon.


1917 CIC 1211; cemeteries fixtures should be fitting to place. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 568.


1917 CIC 1212; separate plot for those to be buried without ecclesiastical rites. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 569.


1917 CIC 1213; death is to be certain before burial. Quon.


1917 CIC 1214; exhumation can be allowed by ordinary only. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 569.



 Book III, Part 2, Section 1, Title 12, Chapter 2. Transfer of corpse, funeral and burial, cc. 1215-1238.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1215; body to be transferred to church for funeral rites. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 569-570; II: 349-350; VII: 777.


1917 CIC 1216; generally, body to be transferred to church of deceased. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 571; II: 350; III: 491.


1917 CIC 1217; rights of the proper church prevail in case of doubt. Quon.


1917 CIC 1218; choice of church for funeral rites in difficult cases. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 572; II: 350.


1917 CIC 1219; funeral rites for cardinals and bishops. Quon.


1917 CIC 1220; generally beneficiaries to be be buried church of benefice. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 350-352.


1917 CIC 1221; funeral rites of religious of servants. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 572.


1917 CIC 1222; funeral rites for guests and patients. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 572.


1917 CIC 1223; generally choice of church for funeral rites is left to individuals. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 573-575; II: 352.


1917 CIC 1224; certain persons restricted from making choices about church. Quon.


1917 CIC 1225; generally parish church must be selected for funeral rites. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 575.


1917 CIC 1226; choice of church can be made personally or though proxy. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 576-578; III: 491.


1917 CIC 1227; clergy prohibited from inducing persons to choose a specific church. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 578.


1917 CIC 1228; choice of place of burial. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 578.


1917 CIC 1229; choice of burial place is large sepulchers are available. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 578; III: 491.


1917 CIC 1230; factors impacting choice of place of burial. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 578-580; II: 352-354; VII: 777-778.


1917 CIC 1231; burial to follow funeral rites in church. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 581.


1917 CIC 1232; funeral procession through territory of others is permitted. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 581.


1917 CIC 1233; restrictions on manner of funeral procession. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 581; II: 354; III: 491-493.


1917 CIC 1234; ordinaries to establish list of fees for funeral rites. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 582.


1917 CIC 1235; fees in excess of those approved are forbidden and poor have right to burial without fee. Quon.


1917 CIC 1236; generally pastors has right to fees associated with his parish. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 582; II: 354-356.


1917 CIC 1237; partial fees and distribution for funeral services over time. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 582-583.


1917 CIC 1238; recordation of burial. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 2, Section 1, Title 12, Chapter 3. Granting and denying ecclesiastical burial, cc. 1239-1242.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1239; those with rights to, and prohibited from, ecclesiastical burial. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 583.


1917 CIC 1240; those to whom ecclesiastical burial is to be denied. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 583; III: 493; IV: 353; VI: 669-670; VII: 778; VIII: 862-864.


1917 CIC 1241; if ecclesiastical burial is denied so too are funeral rites and services. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 864-866.


1917 CIC 1242; generally, banned excommunicates to be removed from sacred burial places. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 2, Section 2. Sacred Times, cc. 1243-1254.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1243; feast days are sacred times, as are days of abstinence and fast are added. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 1244; authority to establish universal and local sacred times. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 584.


1917 CIC 1245; authority of ordinaries, pastors, and superiors to dispense sacred times. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 584-585; II: 356-357; IV: 353; V: 556-558; VI: 670.


1917 CIC 1246; generally feast, feast, and abstinence days reckoned from midnight. ▪ Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 2, Section 2, Title 13. Feast days, cc. 1247-1249.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1247; Sundays and holy days of obligation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 585; II: 358; V: 558; VI: 670; VII: 778; VIII: 866-868; IX: 720-722.


1917 CIC 1248; Sunday obligation to hear Mass and avoid certain distractions. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 358-360; III: 493; VI: 670-675; VII: 778-779; VIII: 868-869; IX: 722; X: 190.


1917 CIC 1249; satisfaction of Sunday Mass obligation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 585; III: 493; IV: 354-355; V: 559.



 ! Book III, Part 2, Section 2, Title 14. Abstinence and fast, cc. 1250-1254.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1250; scope of law of abstinence. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 585-586; VI: 675-685; VII: 779-780; X: 190-192.


1917 CIC 1251; scope of law of abstinence. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 586-587.


1917 CIC 1252; days when fast must be observed. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 587-590; II: 360-363; III: 493-506; IV: 355-358; V: 559-565; VI: 685-686.


1917 CIC 1253; laws of fast a/o abstinence do not impact indults or vows. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 590-593; II: 364; III: 506.


1917 CIC 1254; those bound by law of fast a/o abstinence. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 593; V: 565; VI: 686; VIII: 869.



 ! Book III, Part 3. Divine Worship, cc. 1255-1321.


 ► Topic in general.




 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1255; liturgy and types of worship. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 358; V: 566-572; VI: 686.


1917 CIC 1256; public and private worship. Quon.


1917 CIC 1257; supervision of liturgy belongs to Holy See exclusively. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 595; IV: 359; V: 572-573.


1917 CIC 1258; prohibition against faithful participating in non-Catholic rites. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 365-372; III: 506; IV: 359; VI: 687-735; VII: 780-821; VIII: 870-907; IX: 722-737; X: 192-193.


1917 CIC 1259; it is for local ordinary to approve prayers in sacred places. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 372-374; III: 506-507; IV: 359.


1917 CIC 1260; ministers of church dependent on superiors in cult. Quon.


1917 CIC 1261; local ordinaries to supervise celebration of divine cult. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 595-597; II: 374-376; III: 507-512; VI: 735; VII: 821-824; VIII: 907.


1917 CIC 1262; deportment of men and women in church. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 597.


1917 CIC 1263; possible reservation of places in church. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 597.


1917 CIC 1264; regulations on music in church. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 597-600; II: 376; III: 512-514; IV: 359-360; V: 573-612; VI: 735-755; VII: 824; VIII: 907; IX: 737.



 ! Book III, Part 3, Title 15. Custody of worship of the most holy Eucharist, cc. 1265-1275.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1265; reservation of holy Eucharist. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 600; II: 376; III: 514; VIII: 907.


1917 CIC 1266; churches reserving holy Eucharist to be open some hours each day. Quon.


1917 CIC 1267; restrictions on reservation holy Eucharist in religious houses. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 600-601; II: 376; IX: 737.


1917 CIC 1268; reservation of holy Eucharist to be n major place within church. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 601; II: 376-377; III: 514; V: 612.


1917 CIC 1269; tabernacles. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 377-389; III: 515-518; IV: 360-362; V: 612-613; VI: 755-756; VII: 824-830; IX: 738-741.


1917 CIC 1270; reservation of holy Eucharist for the sick in a pyx. Quon.


1917 CIC 1271; lamp near tabernacle to indicate presence of holy Eucharist. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 389-390; III: 518-519; V: 613-614; VIII: 908.


1917 CIC 1272; hosts of holy Eucharist to be recently made and consumed to avoid corruption. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 601; II: 390.


1917 CIC 1273; instruction of faithful to animate piety toward holy Eucharist. Quon.


1917 CIC 1274; public and private exposition of holy Eucharist. Quon.


 Dissertation. Francis Smyer (American priest, 1921-2007), Canonical Regulations Regarding Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament According to Canons 1274 and 1275, (CUA doct. diss. 366, Not published).


 Canon Law Digest. I: 602; III: 519; IV: 362; VI: 756; VII: 830-831.


1917 CIC 1275; generally Supplication of Forty Hours to be celebrated annually. Quon.


 Dissertation. Francis Smyer (American priest, 1921-2007), Canonical Regulations Regarding Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament According to Canons 1274 and 1275, (CUA doct. diss. 366, Not published).


 Canon Law Digest. I: 602; III: 519.



 // Book III, Part 3, Title 16. Saints, sacred images, and relics, cc. 1276-1289.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1276; good to invoke the saints and venerate their images, especially Virgin Mary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 519; IV: 362-364; V: 614-616; VI: 756-759; VII: 831; VIII: 908-912; IX: 741-744; X: 193-194.


1917 CIC 1277; public cult can be rendered only to saints and sometimes blesseds. Quon.


1917 CIC 1278; constitution of patrons saints and blesseds. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 519; VII: 832; VIII: 912-916; IX: 744; X: 194.


1917 CIC 1279; regulations of images in holy places. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 602-603; II: 390; III: 520.


1917 CIC 1280; treatment of precious images. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 520.


1917 CIC 1281; identification and regulation of important relics a/o images. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 603.


1917 CIC 1282; treatment to be accorded important and non-important relics. Quon.


1917 CIC 1283; authentication of relics. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 603.


1917 CIC 1284; ordinary to remove unauthenticated relics from pubic cult. Quon.


1917 CIC 1285; treatment of relics whose documents are lost. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 603.


1917 CIC 1286; ordinaries to prohibit baseless writing against authenticity of relics. Quon.


1917 CIC 1287; display of certain types of relics. Quon.


1917 CIC 1288; treatment of Holy Cross relic possessed by bishop. Quon.


1917 CIC 1289; prohibition of sale of relics or profanation. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 3, Title 17. Sacred processions, cc. 1290-1295.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1290; notion of sacred processions both 'ordinary' and 'extraordinary'. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 603-604.


1917 CIC 1291; generally, only one procession to be held on Corpus Christi. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 605.


1917 CIC 1292; bishops, after consultation, can order extraordinary procession. Quon.


1917 CIC 1293; even exempt religious require bishop's permission for procession. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 605.


1917 CIC 1294; authority of pastors and parish priests regarding processions. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 605.


1917 CIC 1295; bishop to see to decorum of sacred procession. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 520.



 ! Book III, Part 3, Title 18. Sacred furnishings, cc. 1296-1306.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1296; notion and records of sacred furnishings. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 605; IX: 744.


1917 CIC 1297; responsibility for supplying sacred furnishings. Quon.


1917 CIC 1298; sacred furnishings of deceased cardinals in Rome. Quon.


1917 CIC 1299; sacred furnishings of deceased bishops. Quon.


1917 CIC 1300; sacred furnishings of deceased clerics with benefice. Quon.


1917 CIC 1301; use of civil will in regard to sacred furnishings. Quon.


1917 CIC 1302; those responsible for preservation and use of sacred furnishings. Quon.


1917 CIC 1303; fees associated with some sacred furnishings. Quon.


1917 CIC 1304; eligibility to bless sacred furnishings. Quon.


1917 CIC 1305; sacred furnishings loss of blessings. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IX: 744-746.


1917 CIC 1306; cleaning of certain sacred furnishings. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 760.



 ! Book III, Part 3, Title 19. Vows and oaths, cc. 1307-1321.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book III, Part 3, Title 19, Chapter 1. Vows, cc. 1307-1315.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1307; definition of vow, eligibility to make one, conditions voiding a vow. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 616-618; VI: 760-763.


1917 CIC 1308; public, solemn, reserved, real, mixed personal vows. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 605; III: 520; VI: 763.


1917 CIC 1309; types of vows reserved to Holy See. Quon.


1917 CIC 1310; binding character of personal and real vows. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 391-392.


1917 CIC 1311; factors bringing about cessation of a vow. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IX: 746.


1917 CIC 1312; those with authority to nullity or suspend vow. Quon.


1917 CIC 1313; those with authority to dispense from vow. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 605; II: 392.


1917 CIC 1314; commutation of vow. Quon.


1917 CIC 1315; suspension of vows made before entering religious life. Quon.


 ! Book III, Part 3, Title 19, Chapter 2. Oaths, cc. 1316-1321.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1316; an oath as invocation of the divine Name must be made in honesty and personally. Quon.


1917 CIC 1317; obligation of an oath. Quon.


1917 CIC 1318; parameters of promissory oath. Quon.


1917 CIC 1319; cessation of a promissory oath. Quon.


1917 CIC 1320; generally one with authority over a vow has authority over oath. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IX: 746.


1917 CIC 1321; generally oath subject to strict interpretation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 392.



 ! Book III, Part 4. Magisterium, cc. 1322-1408.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1322; Christ entrusted deposit of faith to Church which has right to proclaim it. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 393; III: 521; IV: 364-365; V: 618; VI: 763; VII: 832; VIII: 916-932; IX: 747-753; X: 194.


1917 CIC 1323; objects of belief and solemn exercise of infallibility. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 521; VII: 832.


1917 CIC 1324; obligation to avoid approaching heresy by obedience to decrees of Holy See. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 607-619; II: 393-409; III: 522-530; IV: 365-378; V: 618-622; VI: 763; VIII: 932-937; IX: 753-757.


1917 CIC 1325; obligation to profess faith and descriptions of heresy, apostasy, and schism. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 619-622; II: 409; III: 531-542; IV: 378-385; V: 622; VIII: 937.


1917 CIC 1326; bishops are true doctors and teachers but do not exercise role infallibly. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 385-386; V: 623; VI: 764; VII: 832-833; VIII: 937-940; IX: 757-759; X: 194.



 ! Book III, Part 4, Title 20. Preaching the divine word, cc. 1327-1351.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1327; Roman Pontiff and bishops, with assistance from others, have fundamental duty of preaching. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 622-630; IV: 386; V: 623-629; VI: 764; VII: 833.


1917 CIC 1328; ministry of preaching requires mission conferred by legitimate superior. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 631.



 ! Book III, Part 4, Title 20, Chapter 1. Catechetical instruction, cc. 1329-1336.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1329; pastors have grave duty to catechize their people. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 631-635; II: 409-419; III: 542; IV: 386; VII: 834-839; IX: 759-760; X: 195-202.


1917 CIC 1330; pastors should catechize for penance, confirmation, and holy Communion. Quon.


1917 CIC 1331; more catechesis should follow first Communion. Quon.


1917 CIC 1332; pastors should catechize adults especially on sacred days. Quon.


1917 CIC 1333; pastors should seek assistance from other clerics and from pious laity. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 635.


1917 CIC 1334; religious can be called to assist in catechesis. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 764.


1917 CIC 1335; parents and care-givers should see to children's catechesis. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 635-636; II: 419.


1917 CIC 1336; direction of catechesis is for the local ordinary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 419.



 ! Book III, Part 4, Title 20, Chapter 2. Sacred sermons, cc. 1337-1348.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1337; only local ordinary can grant faculty of preaching a territory. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 636.


1917 CIC 1338; faculties for preaching to religious. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 636.


1917 CIC 1339; generally local ordinaries should not deny faculties for preaching to presented religious. Quon.


1917 CIC 1340; faculty for preaching to be granted, or withdrawn only for sufficient reason. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 636.


1917 CIC 1341; conditions under which extern priests may preach. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 636; III: 542.


1917 CIC 1342; generally faculties to preach limited to higher clergy but laity always forbidden. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 941-944.


1917 CIC 1343; local ordinaries have right to preach and even authority to restrict some others. Quon.


1917 CIC 1344; pastors' obligation to preach at certain Masses. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 636; IX: 760.


1917 CIC 1345; recommendation of preaching on Gospel and Christian doctrine. Quon.


1917 CIC 1346; extra preaching recommended in Lent and Advent. Quon.


1917 CIC 1347; themes of preaching and avoidance of abstruse or ornate styles. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 636-637.


1917 CIC 1348; faithful to be encouraged to attend holy sermons. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 4, Title 20, Chapter 3. Sacred missions, cc. 1349-1351.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1349; decennial spiritual exercises and sacred missions required. Quon.


1917 CIC 1350; non-Catholics to be sought out & role of Holy See. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 637-643; II: 419-421; III: 543-544; IV: 387; V: 629; VI: 764-765; VII: 839-861; VIII: 945-946; IX: 760-788; X: 202.


1917 CIC 1351; freedom from coercion in regard to entering Church. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 4, Title 21. Seminaries, cc. 1352-1371.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1352; Church has proper and exclusive right to form ministers. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 544; VI: 765; IX: 788; X: 202.


1917 CIC 1353; priests and bishop to encourage boy's vocation from earlier age. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 643-655; II: 421; V: 629; VI: 765; VII: 861; VIII: 946-955; IX: 789-791.


1917 CIC 1354; generally bishop to establish minor and major seminary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 656-657; II: 422-425; IV: 387; V: 629-631; VI: 765; VII: 861-868; VIII: 955.


1917 CIC 1355; various means of financial support for seminary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 657.


1917 CIC 1356; conditions for and subjects of seminary tax. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 657; VIII: 955.


1917 CIC 1357; bishop to govern seminary in light of Holy See provisions. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 657-660; II: 425-426; V: 631-633; VII: 868-880; IX: 792-806.


1917 CIC 1358; staff requirements for seminary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 660; II: 426; VI: 765; VII: 880; IX: 807.


1917 CIC 1359; seminary to have disciplinary and administrative committees. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 660.


1917 CIC 1360; office in seminary restricted to excellent priests. Quon.


1917 CIC 1361; designation of seminary confessors. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 426.


1917 CIC 1362; funding sources for seminary students. Quon.


1917 CIC 1363; basic requirements for admission to seminary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 661; II: 426-427; III: 544-545; IV: 387-388; V: 633-638; VI: 765-766; VII: 880; X: 202-205.


1917 CIC 1364; basic courses in lower seminary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 661-662; V: 638-681; VI: 766; VII: 880; VIII: 955; IX: 807.


1917 CIC 1365; basic courses in higher seminary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 662-669; II: 427; III: 545-564; V: 681-684; VI: 766-786; VII: 880-884; VIII: 955-963; IX: 807-871.


1917 CIC 1366; qualifications of seminary teachers and areas to be taught. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 669-676; II: 427-434; III: 564-568; V: 684-685; VI: 786-798; VII: 885-886; VIII: 963; IX: 871.


1917 CIC 1367; spiritual discipline of seminary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 676; II: 434; VII: 886; IX: 871-894.


1917 CIC 1368; seminary free of parochial governance and generally rector acts as pastor. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 434.


1917 CIC 1369; seminary to foster growth in Christian maturity. Quon.


1917 CIC 1370; recall Canon 972 when seminarians live outside seminary. Quon.


1917 CIC 1371; unsuitable students to be dismissed from seminary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 676.



 ! Book III, Part 4, Title 22. Schools, cc. 1372-1383.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1372; basic duty to give sound Catholic education to youth. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 677-679; II: 434; III: 568-570; IV: 388; VI: 798.


1917 CIC 1373; youth to be given religious education according to their age. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 679; V: 686.


1917 CIC 1374; generally, Catholic children should not attend schools with non-Catholics. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 679-680; V: 686-687; VI: 798.


1917 CIC 1375; declaration Church's right to found schools. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 680; II: 434; III: 570; V: 688; VI: 798; VIII: 963; IX: 894.


1917 CIC 1376; authority of Church over establishment of Catholic university or faculty. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 680; III: 570; V: 688; VI: 799; VII: 886; VIII: 963-981; IX: 895-897; X: 205-206.


1917 CIC 1377; only Holy See can granted faculty for issuing pontifical decrees. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 681; V: 689-690; VIII: 981-987.


1917 CIC 1378; rights and preferences to be accorded those with doctoral degrees. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 682.


1917 CIC 1379; role of Church in founding Catholics school of various levels. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 886.


1917 CIC 1380; ordinary to send talented students for advanced education in ecclesiastical disciplines. Quon.


1917 CIC 1381; authority of ordinary over religious education. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 682-683; III: 571; V: 690-695; VII: 887-889; VIII: 987; X: 206.


1917 CIC 1382; ordinary has right of visitation of any institute of religious or moral instruction. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 683; III: 571; IV: 388; V: 696; VI: 799.


1917 CIC 1383; invocation of Canon 891. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 4, Title 23. Prior censorship of Books and their prohibition, cc. 1384-1405.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Edoard Gagnon (Canadian priest, 1918-2007), La censure des livres, (Laval diss. 3, 1944) xxix-223 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 4 (1948) 600. Gagnon biograph.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1384; declares Church's right to censor published materials. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 683; II: 434; IV: 388-389; V: 696-698; VI: 799-810; VII: 889-890; VIII: 987-991; IX: 897-900; X: 206.



 ! Book III, Part 4, Title 23, Chapter 1. Previous censorship of Books, cc. 1385-1394.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1385; basic provisions on prior censorship of books. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 435-436; III: 571; VI: 811; VIII: 991-996; IX: 901-907; X: 206.


1917 CIC 1386; restrictions against clergy, religious, and laity contributing to profane publications. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 683; III: 571.


1917 CIC 1387; prohibition against publishing matters related to canonization and beatification. Quon.


1917 CIC 1388; prohibition against publishing matters related to indulgences. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 684.


1917 CIC 1389; prohibition against publishing matters related to Roman congregations. Quon.


1917 CIC 1390; assurance of congruence with official version required for publications of prayers. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 571-572; VI: 811-814; VIII: 996-1012.


1917 CIC 1391; requirements for publications of or comments on Sacred Scripture. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 684; II: 436; III: 572; VII: 890.


1917 CIC 1392; approval of text does not apply to translation thereof. Quon.


1917 CIC 1393; office, qualifications, and duties of censor. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 436; V: 698-701.


1917 CIC 1394; process upon grant or denial of permission to publish. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 4, Title 23, Chapter 2. Prohibition of Books, cc. 1395-1405.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1395; declaring and outlining right of Church authority to ban books. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 684; II: 437-438; III: 572-575; V: 702; VIII: 1012; IX: 908-909.


1917 CIC 1396; condemnation by Holy See applies to places and languages. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 685; VI: 814-815.


1917 CIC 1397; denunciation, monitoring, and referral of suspect books. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 686; III: 575; VI: 815-817; X: 206-208.


1917 CIC 1398; restrictions consequent to banning a book. Quon.


1917 CIC 1399; types of books and images subject to banning. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 686-692; II: 438; III: 575-576; IV: 389; VI: 817-818.


1917 CIC 1400; those authorized to use banned books. Quon.


1917 CIC 1401; exempting cardinals, bishops and ordinaries from restrictions regarding banned books. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 692.


1917 CIC 1402; authority of ordinaries to permit use of banned books. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 692.


1917 CIC 1403; responsibilities of those with apostolic authority to use banned books. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 702-704; VI: 818.


1917 CIC 1404; prohibiting books sellers from dealing in obscene a/o banned books. Quon.


1917 CIC 1405; reiterating natural law obligations and directing ordinaries to warn about danger. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 4, Title 24. Profession of faith, cc. 1406-1408.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Walter Canavan (American priest, 1909-), The Profession of Faith, (CUA doct. diss. 151, 1942) 136 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1406; list of those required to tender a profession of faith. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 693; V: 704; VI: 818; VIII: 1012.


1917 CIC 1407; profession must be tendered personally and to a cleric. Quon.

1917 CIC 1408; customs contrary to this title are reprobated. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 5. Benefices and non-collegiate institutes, cc. 1409-1494.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book III, Part 5, Title 25. Ecclesiastical benefices, cc. 1409-1488.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 1409; a benefice is an entity consisting of sacred office and income attached to assets. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 695-697; II: 439; VI: 818.

1917 CIC 1410; endowment of a benefice consists of property, income, donations, and fees. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 697.

1917 CIC 1411; types of benefices. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 697-698.

1917 CIC 1412; list of entities that are not benefices. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 698; II: 439.

1917 CIC 1413; scope of following canons on benefices. Quon.


 ! Book III, Part 5, Title 25, Chapter 1. Constitution or erection of benefices, cc. 1414-1418.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 1414; authority to establish certain types of benefices. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 890.

1917 CIC 1415; prerequisites to establishment of benefices & alternatives. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 698.

1917 CIC 1416; consultation with interested parties required before benefice established. Quon.

1917 CIC 1417; founder of benefice has power to establish certain kinds of conditions. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 698.

1917 CIC 1418; matters to be included in document erecting benefice. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 698.



 ! Book III, Part 5, Title 25, Chapter 2. Union, transfer, division, dismemberment, conversion, and suppression of benefices, cc. 1419-1430.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 1419; aspects of union of benefices. Quon.

1917 CIC 1420; operation of various unions of benefices. Quon.


1917 CIC 1421; types of resolutions of benefices. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 698.


1917 CIC 1422; authority of Holy See over resolutions of benefices. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 698.


1917 CIC 1423; authority of ordinaries over status of benefices. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 439; IV: 389-390; VI: 819.


1917 CIC 1424; restrictions of authority of ordinaries over status of benefices. Quon.


1917 CIC 1425; types of unions of benefices with religious houses. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 699; II: 439; IX: 909-910.


1917 CIC 1426; authority of ordinary to transfer seat of benefice. Quon.


1917 CIC 1427; authority of ordinary over resolution of benefice. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 699-701; VI: 819.


1917 CIC 1428; conditions and manner of resolutions of benefices. Quon.


1917 CIC 1429; pensions attached to benefices. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 702; II: 439-440.


1917 CIC 1430; status of benefices and care of souls. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 5, Title 25, Chapter 3. Conferral of benefices, cc. 1431-1447.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1431; Roman Pontiff has right to confer a/o reserve conferral of benefices to self. Quon.


1917 CIC 1432; restrictions on authority of others to confer benefices. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 702-703; II: 440; III: 576; VII: 890.


1917 CIC 1433; generally only Holy See can confer benefices on coadjutors. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 703.


1917 CIC 1434; conferral of benefice reserved to Holy See by lower authority is invalid. Quon.


1917 CIC 1435; other reserved benefices and the Holy See. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 703; II: 440-442; III: 576-579; VI: 819; VII: 890-894.


1917 CIC 1436; express acceptance of benefice required for its conferral. Quon.


1917 CIC 1437; "No one can confer a benefice upon himself." Quon.


1917 CIC 1438; generally, secular benefices conferred for lifetime of beneficiary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 703.


1917 CIC 1439; notion of incompatible benefices and incapacity to accept them. Quon.


1917 CIC 1440; generally, benefices to be conferred without diminution. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 703-704.


1917 CIC 1441; some deductions from benefice upon one conferring it are simoniacal. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 705; IX: 910.


1917 CIC 1442; secular and religious benefices to go to secular and religious clerics respectively. Quon.


1917 CIC 1443; possession of benefice and requirement of profession of faith. Quon.


1917 CIC 0144; manner of taking possession of benefice. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 705; IV: 390.


1917 CIC 1445; procurator with special mandate can take possession benefice. Quon.


1917 CIC 1446; generally, three years possession suffices for possession of benefice invalidly conferred. Quon.


1917 CIC 1447; libellus for declaration of improper possession of benefice. Quon.


 ! Book III, Part 5, Title 25, Chapter 4. Right of patronage, cc. 1448-1471.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Carlos Espejo Sanchez (Venezuelan priest, ), El patronato en Venezuela, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1953-1954) 198 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1448; definition of right of patronage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 705.


1917 CIC 1449; types of patronage rights. Quon.


1917 CIC 1450; restrictions against establishment of new rights of patronage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 705-707.

1917 CIC 1451; preference that patron accept spiritual suffrages, else, see canons that follow. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 707; II: 442.

1917 CIC 1452; electing or presenting patron must selected from clergy list approved by ordinary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 707-708.

1917 CIC 1453; restrictions on transferring right of patronage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1012.

1917 CIC 1454; right of patronage must be proven by document or evidence. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 708.

1917 CIC 1455; patron privileges. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 708.

1917 CIC 1456; exercise of right of patronage by relatives. Quon.

1917 CIC 1457; generally patronage to be exercised with four months of vacancy. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 708-709.

1917 CIC 1458; consequences of failure to make presentation with four months of vacancy. Quon.

1917 CIC 1459; option for multiple patrons to make agreements among themselves. Quon.

1917 CIC 1460; rules for voting among patrons regarding presentation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 709-710.

1917 CIC 1461; no one can present himself or arrange with others to present himself. Quon.

1917 CIC 1462; patrons must selected only among clerics approved by concursus in such benefices. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 710.

1917 CIC 1463; one presented must be suitable. Quon.

1917 CIC 1464; suitability is left to ordinary to asses. Quon.

1917 CIC 1465; generally patron may propose alternate cleric & simony voids presentation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 710-711.

1917 CIC 1466; qualified clerics have right of installment in benefice by ordinary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 711.

1917 CIC 1467; generally, installment to occur with two months. Quon.

1917 CIC 1468; resignation or death before installment authorizes patron to present anew. Quon.

1917 CIC 1469; burdens of patrons in regard to benefice & consequences for failure to fulfill them. Quon.

1917 CIC 1470; other methods of cessation of right of patronage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 711; II: 442; III: 580.

1917 CIC 1471; indults of Holy See for presentation do not confer right of patronage. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 711; II: 442.

1917 CIC 1472; beneficiary in possession of benefice has right to all temporal a/o spiritual fruits. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 442.



 ! Book III, Part 5, Title 25, Chapter 5. Rights and obligations of beneficiaries, cc. 1472-1483.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 1473; beneficiary bound to expend excess of benefice for the poor or on pious causes. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 712.


1917 CIC 1474; benefices requiring orders can be conferred only on those possessing such orders. Quon.


1917 CIC 1475; beneficiary bound to canonical hours upon forfeiture of fruits related to hours. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 712-713.


1917 CIC 1476; beneficiary to exercise diligence of good householder and is liable for negligence. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 713-714.


1917 CIC 1477; beneficiary to assume ordinary expenses of benefice upkeep. Quon.


1917 CIC 1478; ordinary or dean to be vigilant in regard to benefice administration. Quon.


1917 CIC 1479; rental of benefice asset not to go beyond six months absent approval by ordinary. Quon.


1917 CIC 1480; distribution of benefice income between different holders or heirs. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 714.


1917 CIC 1481; general distribution of fruits of benefice. Quon.


1917 CIC 1482; treatment of 'half-annates'. Quon.


1917 CIC 1483; administration of episcopal table. Quon.


 ! Book III, Part 5, Title 25, Chapter 6. Termination of and changes to benefices, cc. 1484-1488.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 1484; clerical termination of benefice not allowed unless other support provision made. Quon.

1917 CIC 1485; restriction on other termination of benefice while cleric in possession. Quon.

1917 CIC 1486; restriction on other's ability terminate benefice. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 714.

1917 CIC 1487; procedure for exchange of two benefices. Quon.

1917 CIC 1488; unequal exchanges cannot be equalized by reservation of fruits. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 5, Title 26. Other non-collegiate ecclesiastical benefices, cc. 1489-1494.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 1489; religious or charitable institution established by ordinary is juridic person. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 714-715; VI: 820.

1917 CIC 1490; scope and preservation of of documents of foundation. Quon.

1917 CIC 1491; ordinary has duty of visitation of such institutions. Quon.

1917 CIC 1492; ordinary has right of inspecting accounts of exempt institution. Quon.

1917 CIC 1493; ordinary to assure that will of pious faithful is observed. Quon.

1917 CIC 1494; generally, major modification of institutions reserved to Holy See. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 6. Temporal goods, cc. 1495-1551.


 ► Topic in general.




  Henry Ayrinhac (American Sulpician, 1867-1931), Administrative Legislation in the New Code of Canon Law … cc. 1154-1551, (Longmans, 1930) 477 pp.


  Georges Vromant (Belgian Missionhurst, 1879-1966), De Bonis Ecclesiae Temporalibus: ad usum utriusque cleri praesertim missionariorum [1933], (Desclée de Brouwer, 3 ed., 1953) 329 pp. Reviews: =, Revue des Sciences philosophiques et théologiques 40 (1956) 807-808; =, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 58 (1934) 292-293; L. Buijs, Gregorianum 35 (1954) 351-352.


  Dorius-Maria Huot (wvv Monfort), Bonorum Temporalium apud Religiones Administratio Ordinaria et Extraordinaria, (Commentarium pro Religionis, 1956) 80 pp.


  William Doheny (American Redemptorist, 1898-1982), Practical Problems in Church Finance, (Bruce, 1941) 116 pp.


 Dissertations. James Munday (Australian priest, 1917-), Ecclesiastical Property in Australia and New Zealand: An Historical Synopsis and Comparative Study of the General Law of the Church, Canons 1495-1551, and the Decrees of the Fourth Plenary Council of Australia, Decrees 653-685, (CUA doctoral diss. 387, 1957) 137 pp. John Goodwine (American priest, 1913-), The Right of the Church to Acquire Property, (CUA doctoral diss. 131, 1941) 112 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.

1917 CIC 1495; basic right of Church to temporal goods and capacity of moral person to act. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 717; II: 443; III: 580; IV: 391; VI: 820-822; VIII: 1012.


1917 CIC 1496; right of Church to require support from faithful for certain purposes. Quon.


1917 CIC 1497; definitions to certain types of temporal goods. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 717; IX: 910.


1917 CIC 1498; generally term 'Church' includes all moral persons. Quon.



 ! Book III, Part 6, Title 27. Acquiring ecclesiastical goods, cc. 1499-1517.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1499; methods of lawful acquisition and authority over temporal goods. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 443-445.


1917 CIC 1500; territorial division of temporal goods to be just. Quon.


1917 CIC 1501; generally goods of extinct moral person go to superior person. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 445.

1917 CIC 1502; 'tenth parts' and 'first fruits' governed by statue and laudable custom. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 719.

1917 CIC 1503; generally, private persons prohibited from collecting donations for institutes a/o causes. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 719; III: 580; VIII: 1013.

1917 CIC 1504; generally, cathedraticum due annually. Quon.


 Dissertation. Lucien Sylvestre (Canadian priest, 1917-1969), Le cathédratique: histoire, commentaire canonique et législation canadienne, (Laval diss, 1946) 175 pp.


 Thesis. Thomas Donovan, "The development of the institute of the cathedraticum: an historical synopsis", (CUA licentiate thesis, 1964).


 Canon Law Digest. I: 719-720.

1917 CIC 1505; authorization for extraordinary and moderate tax for diocesan needs. Quon.

1917 CIC 1506; benefices and institutes can be taxed but not Mass stipends. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 894-895.

1917 CIC 1507; provincial council to establish fees and taxes for administration in province. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 720-721; II: 445-447.


1917 CIC 1508; generally Church accepts prescription as found in civil law. Quon.


 Dissertation. Engelbertus Eykemans (Dutch Redemptorist, 1904-1964), De praescriptione in iure canonico, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1931-1932) wvv pp.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 721.


1917 CIC 1509; matters immune to prescription. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 722.


1917 CIC 1510; acquisition of sacred objects. Quon.


1917 CIC 1511; Holy See enjoys a 100 years prescription period & other moral persons have 30 years. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 722-724.


1917 CIC 1512; prescription dependent upon good faith. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 447.


1917 CIC 1513; basic right of individual to make wills a/o trusts, preferably in writing. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 724-725; V: 704.


1917 CIC 1514; intention of faithful making pious gifts to be honored. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 447.


1917 CIC 1515; ordinaries to be executors of pious wills. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 726; II: 447.


1917 CIC 1516; special rules for clerics or religious in regard to pious wills a/o trusts. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 726.


1917 CIC 1517; modification of pious gifts of the faithful. Quon.


 Licentiate thesis. John Lahey, “Canon 1517 [of the 1917 Code]: an historical commentary”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1980-1981).


 Canon Law Digest. I: 726; III: 580; VI: 822.



 ! Book III, Part 6, Title 28. Administration of ecclesiastical goods, cc. 1518-1528.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1518; Roman Pontiff is supreme administrator and dispenser of ecclesiastical goods. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 447; VI: 822.


1917 CIC 1519; local ordinary to be sedulously vigilant for ecclesiastical goods. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 726-727; II: 447; VIII: 1013; IX: 911.


1917 CIC 1520; diocesan council of administration. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 580.


1917 CIC 1521; other advisors to be utilized to other diocesan institutes. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 447.


1917 CIC 1522; basic duties of administrators.


1917 CIC 1523; description of 'good householder' duties of administrators of goods. Quon.


 Resource. Legal Department (National Catholic Welfare Conference), Mode of Tenure: Roman Catholic Church Property in the United States, (NCWC, 1941) 180 pp. Summary: State-by-state summaries of modes of civil registration used by arch/dioceses to organize and hold ecclesiastical property.


 ▲ Special topic: Temporal goods in the United States (alphabetical by state).




 Paul Schierse (American priest, 1928-1998), Laws of the State of Delaware Affecting Church Property, (CUA doct. diss. 428, 1963) 239 pp.


 William Sullivan (American priest, ≈), The Laws of the State of Illinois Affecting Church Property, (CUA doct. diss. 444, 1964) xiii-215 pp.


 John Goeke (American priest, ≈), The Laws of the State of Kentucky Affecting Church Property, (CUA doct. diss. 433, 1963) xi-244 pp.


 Peter Fleming (American priest, ≈), The Laws of the State of Minnesota Affecting Church Property, (CUA doct. diss. 438, 1964) ix-204 pp.


 James McGough (American priest, 1933-2024), The Laws of the State of Mississippi Affecting Church Property, (CUA doct. diss. 417, 1963) 203 pp.


 Maurice Welsh (American priest, 1922-1994), The Laws of the State of Nevada Affecting Church Property, (CUA doct. diss. 409, 1962) 147 pp.


 John Catoir (American priest, 1931-2022), The Laws of the State of New Jersey Affecting Church Property, (CUA doct. diss. 436, 1964) xi-191 pp.


 Manuel Rodriguez (American priest, 1930-), The Laws of the State of New Mexico Affecting Church Property, (CUA doct. diss. 406, 1959) 220 pp.


 Joseph Murphy (American priest, 1929-2020), The Laws of the State of New York Affecting Church Property, (CUA doct. diss. 388, 1957) 190 pp.


 Urban Wiggins (American priest, 1921-), Property Laws of the State of Ohio Affecting the Church, (CUA doct. diss. 367, 1956) 140 pp.


 Donald McLeaish (American priest, 1926-2014), The Laws of the State of Texas Affecting Church Property, (CUA doct. diss. 405, 1960) 205 pp.


1917 CIC 1524; basic rules for treatment of employees and workers. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 704.


1917 CIC 1525; institution in diocese to render annual accounting to local ordinary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IX: 911.


1917 CIC 1526; generally, administrators require written permission from ordinary to enter civil litigation. Quon.


1917 CIC 1527; acts exceeding ordinary administration invalid without prior faculty of ordinary. Quon.


1917 CIC 1528; possible liability of administrators for maladministration of goods. Quon.


 ! Book III, Part 6, Title 29. Contracts, cc. 1529-1543.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1529; generally, canon law accepts the provision of local civil law on contracts. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 727; IX: 911.


1917 CIC 1530; prerequisites for alienation of ecclesiastical goods. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 727; IX: 911.


1917 CIC 1531; alienation not permitted for less than market value of goods. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 728; III: 580-581.


1917 CIC 1532; identifying legitimate superior for various types of alienations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 728-731; II: 447-448; III: 581; IV: 391-393; V: 704; VI: 822-823; VII: 895; IX: 911.


1917 CIC 1533; above formalities required for any transaction that can worsen condition of Church. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 448.


1917 CIC 1534; consequences for improper alienation. Quon.


1917 CIC 1535; prelates and rectors may make on small donation out of ecclesiastical goods. Quon.


1917 CIC 1536; attribution of goods given to administrators of the Church. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 731-732.


1917 CIC 1537; sacred things not be made available for uses repugnant to their nature. Quon.


1917 CIC 1538; special rules for mortgaging ecclesiastical goods. Quon.


1917 CIC 1539; special rules for sale or exchange of sacred goods. Quon.


1917 CIC 1540; restriction of alienation of goods to close relatives of administrators. Quon.


1917 CIC 1541; restrictions on leasing of ecclesiastical lands. Quon


1917 CIC 1542; special rules for emphyteusis of ecclesiastical goods. Quon


 Canon Law Digest. I: 732-733.


1917 CIC 1543; conditions under which proceeds of fungible loaned things can be acquired by lender. Quon



 ! Book III, Part 6, Title 30. Pious foundations, cc. 1544-1551.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1544; characteristics of pious foundation & notion of 'do ut des' contract. Quon


 Canon Law Digest. III: 582. 


1917 CIC 1545; ordinary to establish minimum amounts for foundation acceptance. Quon


1917 CIC 1546; criteria for acceptance of foundations and exclusion of patrons from role. Quon


1917 CIC 1547; procedures for safe-guarding assets of foundations. Quon


1917 CIC 1548; production and preservation of written documents of foundation. Quon


1917 CIC 1549; register of foundation obligations to be established and preserved. Quon


1917 CIC 1550; religious superior enjoys same rights and duties as ordinary over their foundations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 733.


1917 CIC 1551; procedures for reducing obligations within a foundation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 734-736; III: 582; VI: 823.




















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 ! Book IV. Procedures, cc 1552-2194.


 ► Topic in general.




  Franciscus Roberti (Italian prelate, 1889-1977), De Processibus, (Apollinaris, 1926) in 2 vols. Review: E. Roelker, The Jurist 17 (1957) 113-114.


  Michael Lega (Italian prelate, 1860-1935), Commentarius in Iudicia Ecclesiastica iuxta Codicem Iuris Canonici [1938] (Anonima Libraria Cattolica Italiana, 2 ed. produced posthumously by V. Bartoccetti, 1950) in 3 vols. Lega biograph.


  Fernando Della Rocca (Italian layman, 1908-2001), Canonical Procedure: Philosophical-Juridic Study of Book IV of the Code of Canon Law, (Bruce, 1961) 384 pp., J. Fitzgerald trans. of Della Rocca's ≈. Della Rocca biograph.



 ! Book IV, Part 1. Trials, cc. 1552-1998.


 ► Topic in general, as follows:.


 Note(s). Canons 1552-1559 are referenced in Canon 2210.


 ! [ Preliminary canons, cc. 1552-1555. ]


1917 CIC 1552; definition and object of ecclesiastical trial. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 739; III: 585-587; VII: 899-901; VIII: 1017-1031; IX: 915.


1917 CIC 1553; cases conferring proper and exclusive jurisdiction of Church. ▪ Quon.


 Dissertation. John Bourque (American priest, 1924-2002), The Judicial Power of the Church − Canon 1553 § 1, (CUA doct. diss. 337, 1953) 148 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 740; III: 587-599; VII: 901-905; VIII: 1031.


1917 CIC 1554; consequences for those taking certain mixed forum cases to secular court. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1032.


1917 CIC 1555; identification of procedures for certain types of cases. Quon.


 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1. Trials in general, cc. 1556-1924.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 1. Competent forum, cc. 1556-1568.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


1917 CIC 1556; "The first see is judged by no one." Quon.


 Dissertation. James Moynihan (American priest, 1932-2017), Papal immunity and liability in the writings of the medieval canonist, (Gregorian doct. diss. 1435, 1961) xii-151 pp. Moynihan biograph.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1032.


1917 CIC 1557; cases exclusive to the Roman Pontiff or the Holy See. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 740; II: 451.


1917 CIC 1558; absolute incompetence of judge. Quon.


1917 CIC 1559; relative incompetence of judge. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 741.


1917 CIC 1560; basic jurisdiction of forum of ordinary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1032.


1917 CIC 1561; domicile or quasi-domicile gives court jurisdiction over respondent. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 741; VIII: 1033; IX: 915.


1917 CIC 1562; jurisdiction over those temporarily in territory. Quon.


1917 CIC 1563; jurisdiction over wanderers. Quon.


1917 CIC 1564; jurisdiction based on location of dispute object. Quon.


1917 CIC 1565; place of contracts provides jurisdiction or it can be stipulated. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 741.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 1. Competent forum, cc. 1556-1568.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1566; jurisdiction based on place of delict. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 741.


1917 CIC 1567; generally, connection of matters can confer jurisdiction on court. Quon.


1917 CIC 1568; prevention confers jurisdiction on court that first cited respondent. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 451.


 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 2. Grades and types of tribunals, cc. 1556-1607.


 ► Topic in general.


1917 CIC 1569; right of faithful to bring cases before Roman Pontiff. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1033-1034.


1917 CIC 1570; reservation of cases to Holy See to be honored. tribunals to render mutual assistance. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 741; VII: 905-929; VIII: 1034-1036; IX: 916-918.


1917 CIC 1571; ineligibility of first instance officers to judge in second instance. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 929.


 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 1. Ordinary tribunal of first instance, cc. 1572-1593.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 1, Article 1. Judge, cc. 1572-1579.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


1917 CIC 1572; bishop is first judge in diocese. he can appoint delegates. basic jurisdiction. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 451-452; VIII: 1037-1039; X: 211-214.


1917 CIC 1573; edibility, service, and jurisdiction of 'officialis'. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 742; II: 452; VII: 929-930; VIII: 1039; X: 214-216.


1917 CIC 1574; bishop to appoint up to twelve 'synodal' judges, qualifications. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 742; VII: 930; VIII: 1039-1040.


1917 CIC 1575; judge may use synodal judges as assessors. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 742; VII: 930.


1917 CIC 1576; types of cases reserved to collegiate tribunal. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 742; II: 452; VII: 930-931; X: 217-218.


1917 CIC 1577; operation of collegial tribunal. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1040.


1917 CIC 1578; bishop can, but generally should not, preside over cases. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 453.


1917 CIC 1579; jurisdiction over cases among religious. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 743.


1917 CIC 1580; ordinary constitutes auditors and judge selects them. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 453.


1917 CIC 1581; generally auditor to be selected from synodal judges & religious. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 743.


1917 CIC 1582; duties of auditors. Quon.


1917 CIC 1583; auditors removable for just cause. Quon.


1917 CIC 1584; judge to appoint ponens. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 453.


 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 1, Article 3. Notary, Promoter of Justice, Defender of the Bond, cc. 1585-1590.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


1917 CIC 1585; selection and duties of notary. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 743; II: 453.


1917 CIC 1586; promoter of justice and defender of the bond. ▪ Quon.


 Dissertations. I: 743-744; VIII: 1040-1043.


  Archibald Stitt (American priest, 1898-1980), De promotore justitiae ejusque munere in curia dioecesana, (Gregorian doct. diss. 187, 1939) xxviii-213 pp. Monograph, id., De Promotore iustitiae eisuque munere in curia dioecesana, (Editione Scientifica Internazionale, 1939) xxviii-213 pp.


  John Glynn (American priest, 1907-≈), The Promoter of Justice, (CUA doct. diss. 101, 1936) xx-329 pp.


  Philip Pocock (Canadian priest, 1906-1984), The Defender of the Matrimonial Bond, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1933-1934) vi-100 pp. Pocock biograph.


 Canon Law Digest.


1917 CIC 1587; possible invalidity of acts if required promoter or defender not called. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest.

I: 744; II: 453; VII: 931-932.


1917 CIC 1588; eligibility of promoter and defender in various cases. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 453.


1917 CIC 1589; requirements for service as promoters and defenders. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 744; VII: 932; VIII: 1043-1047; IX: 918-919.


1917 CIC 1590; duration of service by promoters and defenders. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 1, Article 4. Couriers and messengers, cc. 1591-1593.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


1917 CIC 1591; notion of couriers and messengers. Quon.


1917 CIC 1592; preference for laity to hold these offices. Quon.


1917 CIC 1593; acts of couriers and messengers are worthy of trust. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 2. Ordinary tribunal of second instance, cc. 1594-1596.


 ► Topic in general, no entries.


 ► Topic by canons, as follows:


1917 CIC 1594; designation of courts of second instance. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 744; III: 599; IV: 397-398; V: 707; VI: 827; VII: 932; X: 218-219.


1917 CIC 1595; constitution of tribunal of second instance. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1047-1048.


1917 CIC 1596; make up of second instance panel of judges. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 3. Ordinary tribunals of the Apostolic See, cc. 1597-1605.


 ► Topic in general.


 [ Preliminary canon, cc. 1597. ]


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1597; judicial supremacy of Roman Pontiff. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1048-1054.


 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 3, Article 1. Sacred Roman Rota, cc. 1598-1601.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1598; Roman Rota fundamentals. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 453-458; III: 599-603; V: 707; VI: 827; VII: 933; VIII: 1055-1079; IX: 920-948; X: 219-248.


1917 CIC 1599; Roman Rota jurisdiction. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 744-746; II: 459-460; IV: 398-399; VII: 933-935; VIII: 1079-1089; X: 249-251.


1917 CIC 1600; major cases cannot be heard by the Rota. Quon.


1917 CIC 1601; exclusion of Rota from hearing recourse against acts of ordinaries. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 746-747.


 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 3, Article 2. Apostolic Signatura, cc. 1602-1605.


 ► Topic in general.


 Thesis. Robert Fitzpatrick, “The Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura: present competence, procedures, and jurisprudence”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1977-1978).


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1602; membership of the Signatura. Quon.


1917 CIC 1603; jurisdiction of the Apostolic Signatura. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 747-748; II: 460; VIII: 1090; IX: 949-950; X: 252-255.


1917 CIC 1604; special norms on operation of Signatura. Quon.


1917 CIC 1605; rationale for Signatura ruling need not be offered. Quon.


 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 2, Chapter 4. Delegated tribunal, cc. 1606-1607.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1606; delegated judges bound by Canons 199-207. Quon.


1917 CIC 1607; choice of ministers based on authority of judge. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 748.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 3. Discipline to be observed in tribunals, cc. 1606-1645.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 3, Chapter 1. Judge and tribunal ministers, cc. 1608-1626.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1608; competent judge shall not recuse ministry. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 748; X: 255.


1917 CIC 1609; judge to assess his own competence and legal basis for case. Quon.


1917 CIC 1610; exceptions against judges. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 748; II: 460.


1917 CIC 1611; judge aware of incompetence must so declare. Quon.


1917 CIC 1612; resolving questions of competence between judges. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1090-1091.


1917 CIC 1613; possible ineligibility of judicial officers in specific cases. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 749.


1917 CIC 1614; process for hearing challenges to judicial service. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 749; II: 460; VIII: 1091-1092.


1917 CIC 1615; acceptance of objection does not change grade of trial. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 749; II: 460.


1917 CIC 1616; timing of exception of incompetence a/o suspicion. Quon.


1917 CIC 1617; times frame for posing challenges of incompetence and suspicion. Quon.


1917 CIC 1618; optional and required actions of judges in accepting various cases. Quon.


1917 CIC 1619; optional and required actions of judges in hearing various cases. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 460.


1917 CIC 1620; time lines for hearing cases. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 749.


1917 CIC 1621; judicial officers to take an oath of fidelity. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 461.


1917 CIC 1622; manner of oaths. Quon.


1917 CIC 1623; possible obligations of confidentiality a/o secrecy for various persons involved in trials. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 461.


1917 CIC 1624; judicial officers prohibited from accepting gifts for service. Quon.


1917 CIC 1625; judicial officers liable to sanction for negligence or malfeasance in office. Quon.


1917 CIC 1626; judge can require bond of petitioner likely to spurn sentence Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 3, Chapter 2. Order of treatment, cc. 1627-1633.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1627; generally, cases to be treated in order of filing. Quon.


1917 CIC 1628; posing exceptions to adjudication. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 461.


1917 CIC 1629; timing of peremptory exceptions. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 749-750.


1917 CIC 1630; counterclaims must be filed within thirty days of joinder. Quon.


1917 CIC 1631; expenses and gratuitous representation requests to be heard before joinder. Quon.


1917 CIC 1632; prejudicial question should be heard first. Quon.


1917 CIC 1633; treatment sequence of incidental and spoliation questions. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 3, Chapter 3. Time limits and deadlines, cc. 1634-1635.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1634; consequences of, and provisions for extending, procedural deadlines. Quon.


1917 CIC 1635; extension of procedural deadlines if tribunal is closed. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 3, Chapter 4. Time and place of trial, cc. 1636-1639.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1636; tribunal should have fixed location. Quon.


1917 CIC 1637; authority of judges outside of their territory. Quon.


1917 CIC 1638; tribunal should have fixed hours but be available other times for urgent cases. Quon.


1917 CIC 1639; days of precept and end of Holy Week are holidays. Quon.


 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 3, Chapter 5. Persons admitted to judicial discussion and manner of producing and preserving acts, cc. 1640-1645.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1640; use of interpreters in trial. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 461.


1917 CIC 1641; use of interpreters in trial. Quon.


1917 CIC 1642; acts of the case to be put into writing and authenticated. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 750.


1917 CIC 1643; acts to be put into writing and authenticated & provisions for persons not signing acts. Quon.


1917 CIC 1644; authentication and translation of acts to sent on appeal. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 750; II: 461.


1917 CIC 1645; return of originals, retention of copies, and judicial control of acts. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 4 Parties in the case, cc. 1646-1666.


 ► Topic in general.


1917 CIC 1646; generally, anyone can serve as petitioner, respondents must respond. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 827-828; VII: 935-938; VIII: 1092-1093; IX: 950.


1917 CIC 1647; parties must be present even if represented. Quon.


1917 CIC 1648; participation by and representation of minors and incapacitated persons. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 828-832.


1917 CIC 1649; generally, moral persons stand trial through representatives or the ordinary. Quon.


1917 CIC 1650; representation of diminished capacity persons. Quon.


1917 CIC 1651; civil guardian can be appointed to serve canonically or new one can be used. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 461; III: 603. 


1917 CIC 1652; generally, religious have no standing in trial. Quon.


1917 CIC 1653; ecclesiastics and eligibility to stand trial. Quon.


1917 CIC 1654; restrictions on excommunicate standing in trial. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 4, Chapter 2. Procurators and advocates, cc. 1655-1666.


 ► Topic in general.


 Thesis. Rita-Mae Bissonnette, “An analysis of the qualifications of tribunal personnel according to the 1917 Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1982-1983).


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1655; optional and mandatory appointments of advocates. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 461; VII: 938-939.


1917 CIC 1656; generally, a single procurator is to be appointed, but multiple advocates are allowed. Quon.


1917 CIC 1657; qualifications of advocates and procurators. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 750-751; II: 461; V: 707-708; IX: 951-952.


1917 CIC 1658; qualifications of advocates and procurators. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 751; II: 461.


1917 CIC 1659; generally, written mandate is required for procurator service. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 461.


1917 CIC 1660; procurator mandate to be preserved in acts. Quon.


1917 CIC 1661; generally, written mandate is required for advocate service. Quon.


1917 CIC 1662; restrictions on procurators without special mandates. Quon.


1917 CIC 1663; removal of procurator a/o advocate by judge for just cause. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 462.


1917 CIC 1664; removal of procurator a/o advocate. Quon.


1917 CIC 1665; descriptions and consequences for procurator and advocate misconduct. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 751; II: 462; IV: 399.


1917 CIC 1666; betrayal of office by advocate or procurator. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 5. Actions and exceptions, cc. 1667-1705.


 ► Topic in general.




  Stephanus Gómez (Dominican, ≈), De Actionibus et Exceptionibus, Canones 1667-1705, (Copisteria Coscia, 1951) 204 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1667; on action and exceptions. Quon.


1917 CIC 1668; rights cases are 'petitionary' & possession cases are 'possessory'. Quon.


1917 CIC 1669; generally, multiple actions permitted. Quon.


1917 CIC 1670; generally, different types of cases can be combined. Quon.


1917 CIC 1671; character of case can be changed even prior to sentence. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 5, Chapter 1. Sequestration and restraint on exercise of rights, cc. 1672-1675.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1672; sequestration to protect property. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 462.


1917 CIC 1673; sequestration as security. Quon.


1917 CIC 1674; sequestration as a last resort. Quon.


1917 CIC 1675; duties of sequestor. Quon.


 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 5, Chapter 2. Actions to prevent operations and threatened damages, cc. 1676-1678.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1676; restraining orders on new works a/o operations. Quon.


1917 CIC 1677; restraining orders on remodeling of old works a/o operations. Quon.


1917 CIC 1678; actions for prevention of impending harms. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 5, Chapter 3. Actions arising from nullity of acts, cc. 1679-1683.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1679; act or contract null by law can be declared so by judge. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 751-752.


1917 CIC 1680; factors indicating nullity of an act. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 752.


1917 CIC 1681; one positing null act liable for damages resulting therefrom. Quon.


1917 CIC 1682; generally, acts cannot be declared null by judge by office. Quon.


1917 CIC 1683; lower judges cannot examine matter confirmed by Roman Pontiff. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 752.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 5, Chapter 4. Recissory actions and restitution in the entirety, cc. 1684-1689.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1684; eligibility to file rescissory action against contract. Quon.


1917 CIC 1685; liability to rescissory action. Quon.


1917 CIC 1686; a fear a/o fraud exception lies against some contracts. Quon.


1917 CIC 1687; eligibility to seek restitution in the entirety. Quon.


1917 CIC 1688; time limits for seeking restitution in the entirety. Quon.


1917 CIC 1689; consequence of successful action for restitution in the entirety. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 5, Chapter 5. Mutual petition or counter-suits, cc. 1690-1692.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1690; generally, counterclaims permitted. Quon.


1917 CIC 1691; generally, counter-suits are permitted in all cases. Quon.


1917 CIC 1692; counterclaims to be field before original judge. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 5, Chapter 6. Actions or possessory remedies, cc. 1693-1700.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1693; persons seeking possession or rights can file possessory actions. Quon.


1917 CIC 1694; detention case is included in possessory action. Quon.


1917 CIC 1695; retaining action can be admitted after one year of possession. Quon.


1917 CIC 1696; retaining action can be pursed by unjust retainer except against owner. Quon.


1917 CIC 1697; assessing who is in possession of matter in case of dispute. Quon.


1917 CIC 1698; recovery action can be filed by one excluded by force or stealth. Quon.


1917 CIC 1699; limitations on petitions for restitution by one despoiled of right Quon.


1917 CIC 1700; citation requirements in possessory and acquisition actions. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 5, Chapter 7. Extinction of actions, cc. 1701-1705.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1701; most actions extinguished by prescription, exceptions are perpetual. Quon.


1917 CIC 1702; criminal action ends by death, condonation, or lapse of useful time. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1093. 


1917 CIC 1703; prescription of criminal actions and reservation of certain offenses. Quon.


1917 CIC 1704; procedures available after prescription of criminal action. Quon.


1917 CIC 1705; prescriptions of execution of penalty. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 6. Introduction of the case, cc. 1706-1725.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 6, Chapter 1. Libellus introducing litigation, cc. 1706-1710.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1706; petitioners must submit a petition. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 462.


1917 CIC 1707; judge can accept oral petition, but it must be reduced to writing. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 463.


1917 CIC 1708; requirements for a petition. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 463.


1917 CIC 1709; limited bases for rejection of petition. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 752; II: 463; III: 603; IV: 400-401; IX: 952-953.


1917 CIC 1710; express or tacit acceptance of petition. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 6, Chapter 2. Citation and communication of judicial acts, cc. 1711-1725.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1711; citation of parties to case. Quon.


1917 CIC 1712; communication of citation and basic information to be sent to respondent. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 463; III: 603-604; VIII: 1093.


1917 CIC 1713; citation of one who does not have free administration of things. Quon.


1917 CIC 1714; generally, citation is preemptory and need not be repeated. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 463.


1917 CIC 1715; manner of citation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 752; VII: 939-943; VIII: 1093-1100.


1917 CIC 1716; citation to be done in duplicate with tribunal copy retained. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 752.


1917 CIC 1717; operations of courier. Quon.


1917 CIC 1718; when recalcitrant respondent is considered to have been cited. Quon.


1917 CIC 1719; methods and recordation of citation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 753.


1917 CIC 1720; appropriateness and method of citation by edict. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 753; II: 463.


1917 CIC 1721; signature duties of couriers. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 463.


1917 CIC 1722; records of the courier. Quon.


1917 CIC 1723; possible nullity of acts if citation fails. Quon.


1917 CIC 1724; methods and recordation of other notifications. Quon.


1917 CIC 1725; procedural consequences of citation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 753; II: 463.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 7. Joinder of issues, cc. 1726-1731.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1726; terms of case fixed at joinder of issue, options for discussion with parties. Quon.


1917 CIC 1727; arriving at terms for joinder of issue. Quon.


1917 CIC 1728; in complex cases joinder of issue can be agreed upon. Quon.


1917 CIC 1729; generally, parties to attend tribunal session for joinder of issue. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 463; VII: 943. 


1917 CIC 1730; limited collection of evidence before joinder of issue. Quon.


1917 CIC 1731; implications of joinder of issue being fixed. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 8. Instance of the litigation, cc. 1732-1741.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1732; trials begin with citation and ends by definitive sentence or other means. Quon.


1917 CIC 1733; when change in status of litigating party impacts process. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 402-403; VIII: 1100-1108.


1917 CIC 1734; generally, clerical litigation over benefice continues despite death of litigant. Quon.


1917 CIC 1735; how changes in guardian, curator, or procurator impacts process. Quon.


1917 CIC 1736; abatement by passage of time without placing acts. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 463.


1917 CIC 1737; how abatement takes effect. Quon.


1917 CIC 1738; consequences of abatement of a process. Quon.


1917 CIC 1739; parties bear their own expenses in abatement. Quon.


1917 CIC 1740; renunciation of process or part of process by party. Quon.


1917 CIC 1741; effects of renunciation of a process. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 9. Interrogation of parties made at trial, cc. 1742-1746.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1742; judges may interrogate parties. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 463.


1917 CIC 1743; parties required to respond and inferences from refusal to respond. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 753; II: 464.


1917 CIC 1744; generally, testimony to be offered under oath. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 1745; parties, promoter, defender, may submit questions for the judge to ask. Quon.


1917 CIC 1746; generally, parties must assist personally present before judge. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10. Evidence, cc. 1747-1836.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Francis Wanenmacher (American priest, 1859-), The Evidence in Ecclesiastical Procedure Affecting the Marriage Bond, (CUA doct. diss. 9, 1920 [1935]) 412 pp. Monograph, id., Canonical Evidence in Marriage Cases (Dolphin, 1935) 412 pp. Review: A. Darmain, Ius Pontificium 16 (1936) 128.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1747; matters requiring no evidence. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 943.


1917 CIC 1748; burden of proof is on the petitioner. Quon.


1917 CIC 1749; generally, evidence that is more difficult to admit should not be admitted. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10, Chapter 1. Confession of the parties, cc. 1750-1753.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1750; definition of judicial confession. Quon.


1917 CIC 1751; effects of judicial confessions and declarations. Quon.


1917 CIC 1752; factors depriving confessions or declarations of weight. Quon.


1917 CIC 1753; judge to evaluate weight of extra-judicial confession. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 832-836.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10, Chapter 2. Confession of the parties, cc. 1754-1791.


 ► Topic in general.


 [ Preliminary canons, cc. 1754-1755. ]


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1754; witnesses can be used in any sort of trial. Quon.


1917 CIC 1755; general obligation to tell the truth and exemptions from obligation to testify. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 753.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10, Chapter 2, Article 1. Who can be a witness, cc. 1756-1758.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1756; general ability to be a witness. Quon.


1917 CIC 1757; restrictions on giving testimony. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 753; II: 464.


1917 CIC 1758; generally, unsuitable witnesses are heard by decree and esteemed less. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10, Chapter 2, Article 2. Participation of witnesses, cc. 1759-1766.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1759; renunciation of witness and request for readmission to trial. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 464.


1917 CIC 1760; spontaneous witness to be heard according to decision of judge. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 464.


1917 CIC 1761; identification of witnesses and indications of matters to be addressed. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 754.


1917 CIC 1762; "It is for the judge to curb an excessive number of witnesses." Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 464.


1917 CIC 1763; communication or withholding of names of witnesses. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 464; VIII: 1108.


1917 CIC 1764; request for exclusion of a witness. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 464.


1917 CIC 1765; citation of witnesses to be done by decree of judge. Quon.


1917 CIC 1766; witness obligated to appear or offer reason for absence. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10, Chapter 2, Article 3. Oath of witnesses, cc. 1767-1769.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1767; witness to be under oath & judge to encourage truth-telling. Quon.


1917 CIC 1768; witness can be tendered supplemental oath of truthfulness. Quon.


1917 CIC 1769; witness can be obliged to temporary or perpetual secrecy. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 464.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10, Chapter 2, Article 4. Examination of witnesses, cc. 1770-1781.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1770; generally, witnesses to be heard at the tribunal. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 754; II: 465.


1917 CIC 1771; generally, parties may not be present at questioning, but representatives may. Quon.


1917 CIC 1772; separate and joint examination of witnesses. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 754; II: 465.


1917 CIC 1773; judge conducts examination in presence of notary, others may suggest questions. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 754.


1917 CIC 1774; basics of witnesses examination. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 755; II: 465.


1917 CIC 1775; basics of questions for witnesses. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 755; II: 465.


1917 CIC 1776; generally, advance notice of questions is not to be given. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 755.


1917 CIC 1777; generally, oral testimony preferred. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 755.


1917 CIC 1778; generally, notary to record exact words. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 755; II: 465.


1917 CIC 1779; scope of notary's recordations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 755.


1917 CIC 1780; when witnesses allowed to modify recordation before signing. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 756; II: 465.


1917 CIC 1781; witnesses can be recalled. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 756; II: 465.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10, Chapter 2, Article 5. Disclosure and rejection of testimony, cc. 1782-1786.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1782; authorization to release certain testimony upon completion. Quon.


1917 CIC 1783; impact of release of testimony on rejection of witnesses. Quon.


1917 CIC 1784; judge’s ability to reject reprobation. Quon.


1917 CIC 1785; procedure for judges considering reprobation. Quon.


1917 CIC 1786; restrictions on ability to re-interview witnesses. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 756; II: 465.



Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10, Chapter 2, Article 6. Indemnification of witnesses, cc. 1787-1788.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1787; witness right to reimbursement. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 465.


1917 CIC 1788; failure to pay witness fee deemed renouncement of calling them. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10, Chapter 2, Article 7. Trustworthiness of witnesses, cc. 1789-1791.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1789; evaluation of testimony. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 465-466; III: 604.


1917 CIC 1790; judge to assess differences among witnesses. Quon.


1917 CIC 1791; evaluating testimony of one witness. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 756; II: 466; III: 604-605.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10, Chapter 3. Experts, cc. 1792-1805.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1792; factors indicating need for expert. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 466.


1917 CIC 1793; judge to determine which experts required. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 466.


1917 CIC 1794; expert to report objectively and honestly. Quon.


1917 CIC 1795; credentialed expert are preferred. Quon.


1917 CIC 1796; recusal of expert. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 466.


1917 CIC 1797; expert begins duty with oath & parties can witness it. Quon.


1917 CIC 1798; experts who do not serve after oath liable for damages. Quon.


1917 CIC 1799; information given to experts and time within which it must be reported. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 466.


1917 CIC 1800; process for assessing questionable written evidence. Quon.


1917 CIC 1801; manner of expert reports. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 756.


1917 CIC 1802; experts to report individually. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 466.


1917 CIC 1803; resolving disagreement or disputes among experts. Quon.


1917 CIC 1804; weight to be accorded expert reports. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 466; III: 605.


1917 CIC 1805; judge to determine fees for and reimbursements of expert. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10, Chapter 4. Judicial access and examination, cc. 1806-1811.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1806; judge can order visitation of a place. Quon.


1917 CIC 1807; judge conducts examination personally or thru another. Quon.


1917 CIC 1808; possible use of experts in examination. Quon.


1917 CIC 1809; judge can prohibit attendance of parties at place. Quon.


1917 CIC 1810; witnesses can be directed to attend visitation. Quon.


1917 CIC 1811; notary duties during visitation. Quon.



 Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10, Chapter 5. Evidence through instruments, cc. 1812-1824.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10, Chapter 5, Article 1. Nature and trustworthiness of instruments, cc. 1812-1818.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1812; documentary evidence and proof is allowed. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1108.


1917 CIC 1813; definition of types of public and private documents. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 466.


1917 CIC 1814; all public documents rebuttably presumed genuine. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 467.


1917 CIC 1815; challenge to writing can be proposed incidentally or principally. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1108.


1917 CIC 1816; generally, public documents to be accepted as to their principal assertions. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 467.


1917 CIC 1817; weight to be accorded private documents. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 836-838.


1917 CIC 1818; judge to assess weight of modified or damaged documents. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 756-757.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10, Chapter 5, Article 2. Production of documents and action for exhibition, cc. 1819-1824.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1819; admission of documents in evidence. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 467.


1917 CIC 1820; document to be exhibited and deposited in authentic form. Quon.


1917 CIC 1821; investigation of provenance of challenged writing. Quon.


1917 CIC 1822; authority of judge to order common documents into evidence. Quon.


1917 CIC 1823; exceptions to full or partial presentation of documents. Quon.


1917 CIC 1824; responses to party who denies having, or refuses to offer, writing. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 757



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10, Chapter 6. Presumptions, cc. 1825-1828.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1825; definition and types of presumptions. Quon.


1917 CIC 1826; challenges to various presumptions of law. Quon.


1917 CIC 1827; a favorable presumption frees one from the burden of proof. Quon.


1917 CIC 1828; restrictions on judge's formation of presumptions. Quon.


1917 CIC 1829; notion of ‘oath of the party’ as supplemental evidence. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 467.


1917 CIC 1830; cases for which oaths might be appropriate. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 467.


1917 CIC 1831; consequences to accepting or rejecting requested oath. Quon.


1917 CIC 1832; an ‘estimative’ oath can establish amount of damages. Quon.


1917 CIC 1833; judge’s assessment of estimative oath. Quon.


1917 CIC 1834; ‘decisive’ oath can be agreed upon by parties. Quon.


1917 CIC 1835; restriction on use of decisive oath. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 467.


1917 CIC 1836; possible ‘return’ of oath and its consequences. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 11. Incidental cases, cc. 1837-1857.


 ► Topic in general.


1917 CIC 1837; description of incidental cases. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 757; II: 467; V: 708.


1917 CIC 1838; proposing an incidental case. Quon.


1917 CIC 1839; generally, incidental cases to be decided most expeditiously. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 467.


1917 CIC 1840; deliberating on and deciding incidental cases. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 757; II: 467; VIII: 1108.


1917 CIC 1841; modification of incidental rulings prior to finishing principal case. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 757.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 11, Chapter 1. Contumacy, cc. 1842-1851.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1842; declaration of contumacious respondent. Quon.


1917 CIC 1843; prerequisites to declaration of respondent contumacy. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 757


1917 CIC 1844; authorization to proceed despite contumacious respondent. Quon.


1917 CIC 1845; breaking contumacy of respondent. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 467.


1917 CIC 1846; generally, late appearing respondents can be heard. Quon.


1917 CIC 1847; contumacious respondent can seek restitution in entirety. Quon.


1917 CIC 1848; progressively contumacious respondent liable to same. Quon.


1917 CIC 1849; declaration of petitioner's contumacy. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 468.


1917 CIC 1850; procedural options in wake of petitioner's contumacy. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 758; II: 468.


1917 CIC 1851; contumacious party/ies bound to full or partial expenses. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 11, Chapter 2. Intervention of third parties in a case, cc. 1852-1853.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1852; interested person can intervene before conclusion of case. Quon.


1917 CIC 1853; judge must order necessary interventions. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 11, Chapter 3. Attempts while litigation is pending, cc. 1854-1857.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1854; notion of ‘attempt while litigation is pending’. Quon.


1917 CIC 1855; attempts are null and give rise to actions declare such. Quon.


1917 CIC 1856; attempt assertions to be heard most expeditiously. Quon.


1917 CIC 1857; resolution of proven attempts and possible damages. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 12. Publication of process, conclusion of the case, and discussion, cc. 1858-1867.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1858; examination of the acts before discussion and sentence. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 468.


1917 CIC 1859; recognition of conclusion of the case. Quon.


1917 CIC 1860; admission of new evidence after conclusion of the case. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 468.


1917 CIC 1861; restrictions on admitting new materials after conclusion. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 468.


1917 CIC 1862; judge to determine time to present briefs and observations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 468.


1917 CIC 1863; generally, briefs to be submitted in writing. Quon.


1917 CIC 1864; judge to moderate length of briefs. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 468.


1917 CIC 1865; presentation of reply briefs. Quon.


1917 CIC 1866; oral discussion permitted & notary must be present. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 468.


1917 CIC 1867; effects of parties entrusting case to judge for judgment. ▪ Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 13. Sentence, cc. 1868-1877.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1868; types of rulings by judge. Quon.


1917 CIC 1869; degree of certitude required for ruling & presumption of law. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 605-611


1917 CIC 1870; generally, sentence to be done promptly, reasonable delay allowed. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 468.


1917 CIC 1871; discussion of the case. Quon.


1917 CIC 1872; decision by sole judge or collegiate tribunal. Quon.


1917 CIC 1873; type of tribunal and its content of ruling. Quon.


1917 CIC 1874; specific requirements for pronouncement of sentence. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 758; VIII: 1109-1111; IX: 953.


1917 CIC 1875; generally, interlocutory sentence follows process for definitive sentence. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1111.


1917 CIC 1876; sentence to be produced as soon as possible. Quon.


1917 CIC 1877; methods for publication of sentence. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 468.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 14. Remedies at law against a sentence, cc. 1868-1877.


 ► Topic in general.


1917 CIC 1878; generally, technical errors in sentence can be corrected upon notice to parties. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 468


1917 CIC 1879; parties, defenders of the bond, and promoters of justice have a right appeal. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 758; II: 469; VIII: 1111-1121.


1917 CIC 1880; non-appealable rulings. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 469.


1917 CIC 1881; appeals to be made before deciding judge within 10 days. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 469.


1917 CIC 1882; appeals can filed orally in some cases, in writing in others. Quon.


1917 CIC 1883; generally, appeals to be pursued within one month of filing. Quon.


1917 CIC 1884; requirements for appeal and duty of judges to supply materials. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 708-710.


1917 CIC 1885; options in case litigating party dies or changes status. Quon.


1917 CIC 1886; abandonment of appeal. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 469; VI: 838; VIII: 1122-1133.


1917 CIC 1887; parties impacted by appeals. Quon.


1917 CIC 1888; appeals by any petitioners a/o respondent is appeal by all. Quon.


1917 CIC 1889; generally, appeal suspends the execution of the sentence. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1133-1134.


1917 CIC 1890; requirements for appeal and duty of judges to supply materials. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 469; IV: 403-404.


1917 CIC 1891; prohibition against new causes on appeal. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 403-404.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 14, Chapter 2. Complaint of nullity, cc. 1892-1897.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1892; factors rendering a sentence irremediable null. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 758; II: 469; III: 611; IV: 404-405; VI: 839.


1917 CIC 1893; extensive time limits on raising irremediable nullity complaints. Quon.


1917 CIC 1894; factors resulting in remediable nullity. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 758; III: 611; VIII: 1134-1137.


1917 CIC 1895; raising complaints of remediable nullity. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 469; V: 710-712.


1917 CIC 1896; original judge can hear complaint of nullity, party can demand substitution. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 486.


1917 CIC 1897; parties, promoter, and defender can appeal, sometimes judge can act on his own. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 14, Chapter 3. Opposition of a third party, cc. 1898-1901.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1898; notion of ‘opposition of a third party’ to sentence. Quon.


1917 CIC 1899; officers eligible to receive oppositions. Quon.


1917 CIC 1900; procedures to be followed in placing oppositions. Quon.


1917 CIC 1901; sentence to be changed if opposition succeeds. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 15. Adjudicated matter and restitution in the entirety, cc. 1902-1907.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1902; means by which a judgment becomes settled matter. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 759; IV: 405-406; VI: 839-842; VII: 943-945; VIII: 1138.


1917 CIC 1903; status of persons never adjudicated but grave reasons required to reopen. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 759-761; II: 470; III: 611; IV: 406-408; VI: 843; IX: 953-957.


1917 CIC 1904; consequences of a judgment being settled matter. Quon.


1917 CIC 1905; conditions under which a settled sentence may yet be set-aside. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 761-762; VIII: 1138-1144; IX: 957-963.


1917 CIC 1906; judge qualified to issue a ruling to set aside. Quon.


1917 CIC 1907; generally, petition for set-aside suspends execution of sentence. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 16. Judicial expenses and gratuitous service, cc. 1908-1916.


 ► Topic in general.


1917 CIC 1908; basic norms on judicial financial matters. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 762; II: 470.


1917 CIC 1909; generally, fees set by provincial council, judge makes decisions. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 470; VII: 945-950.


1917 CIC 1910; generally, loser pays court costs. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 762.


1917 CIC 1911; judge can apportion expenses in certain cases. Quon.


1917 CIC 1912; judge can imposes expenses on group or individuals. Quon.


1917 CIC 1913; appeal of apportionment of expenses. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 470.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 16, Chapter 2. Free service and reduction of judicial expenses, cc. 1914-1916.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1914; the poor have the right to low-cost or no-cost judicial services. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 762.


1917 CIC 1915; proof of personal penury and seriousness of petition can be sought by judge. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 470.


1917 CIC 1916; advocates to be named from lists and shall not lightly seek to avoid service. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 470.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 17. Execution of the sentence, cc. 1917-1924.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1917; once adjudicated direct, qualified, or suspended execution of a sentence occurs. Quon.


1917 CIC 1918; execution can happen only upon decree, not simple judgment. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 470.


1917 CIC 1919; deciding judge can order accounting prior to decreeing execution. Quon.


1917 CIC 1920; officers who can order execution of sentence. Quon.


1917 CIC 1921; responsibilities of executor of sentence. Quon.


1917 CIC 1922; execution of sentences concerning various goods. Quon.


1917 CIC 1923; execution of sentence must be reasonable and moderate. Quon.


1917 CIC 1924; execution should begin with admonitions and only later resort to penalties. Quon.



 Book IV, Part 1, Section 2. Particular norms in certain trials, cc. 1925-1998.


 ► Topic in general.



 Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 18. Methods for avoiding a contentious trial, cc. 1925-1932.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 18. Methods for avoiding a contentious trial, cc. 1925-1932.


 ► Topic in general.


1917 CIC 1925; judges to encourage private resolution of disputes. Quon.


1917 CIC 1926; generally, settlements can accord with civil provisions. Quon.


1917 CIC 1927; certain types of actions excluded from settlement option. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 470.


1917 CIC 1928; settlement, or 'concord' has each party bear its own expenses. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 18, Chapter 2. Compromise by arbitration, cc. 1929-1932.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1929; to avoid trials parties can agree to arbitration. Quon.


1917 CIC 1930; parameters of arbitration process. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 470.


1917 CIC 1931; restrictions on eligibility to serve as arbitrator. Quon.


1917 CIC 1932; unless parties consent to arbitration trial is held. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 19. Criminal trials, cc. 1933-1959.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1933; types of penal trials and processes. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 612; VIII: 1144-1154.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 19, Chapter 1. Accusatory action and denunciation, cc. 1934-1938.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1934; authorization of promoter of justice for a judicial penal process. Quon.


1917 CIC 1935; faithful enjoy right and have a duty of denunciation. Quon.


1917 CIC 1936; officers eligible to receive denunciation. Quon.


1917 CIC 1937; one who denounces delict must assist with evidence. Quon.


1917 CIC 1938; denunciation of personal injury or defamation. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 19, Chapter 2. Investigation, cc. 1939-1946.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1939; initiation and conduct of preliminary penal investigation. Quon.


1917 CIC 1940; generally, investigation to be entrusted to synodal judge. Quon.


1917 CIC 1941; investigator to be named individually and must observe secrecy. Quon.


1917 CIC 1942; assessment of denunciations. Quon.


1917 CIC 1943; investigations must take care not to damage reputations. Quon.


1917 CIC 1944; investigator can call upon witnesses under oath. Quon.


1917 CIC 1945; investigator can consult with promoter of justice. Quon.


1917 CIC 1946; preservation of acts of the preliminary penal investigation. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 19, Chapter 3. Correction of the delinquent, cc. 1947-1953.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1947; judicial correction suggested if accused confesses guilt. Quon.


1917 CIC 1948; cases for which correction is excluded. Quon.


1917 CIC 1949; correction limited to two applications. Quon.


1917 CIC 1950; correction can be applied even after trial starts. Quon.


1917 CIC 1951; correction can be applied even if damages are sought. Quon.


1917 CIC 1952; generally, correction to be accompanied by penances. Quon.


1917 CIC 1953; failure of correction. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 19, Chapter 4. Instruction of criminal process and arraignment of defendant, cc. 1954-1959.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1954; authorization of promoter of justice for a judicial penal process. Quon.


1917 CIC 1955; promoter of justice will produce and submit libellus of accusation. Quon.


1917 CIC 1956; restrictions on the accused during the penal process. Quon.


1917 CIC 1957; residential restrictions on the accused are possible. Quon.


1917 CIC 1958; accused to be cited before restrictions imposed. Quon.


1917 CIC 1959; general applicability of norms for trials. Quon.


 Dissertation. James Hughes (American priest, 1892-), Witnesses in Criminal Trials of Clerics, (CUA doctoral diss. 106, 1937) ix-132 pp.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 20. Marriage cases, cc. 1960-1992.


 ► Topic in general.




  Theodore Labouré (French/American Oblate, 1883-1944) & William Byrnes (American layman, ≈), Procedure in the Diocesan Matrimonial Courts of First Instance (Benziger, 1928) 263 pp. Labouré biograph.


  William Doheny (American Redemptorist, 1898-1982), Canonical Procedure in Matrimonial Cases, (Bruce, 1938, 1944) in 2 vols. Review: M. Hardin, Franciscan Studies 5 (1945) 331-332. Notes: Vol. I of this work treats formal marriage cases, vol. II, informal.


 Joannes Torre (≈), Processus Matrimonialis, (D'Auria, 1947) 374 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 16 (1956) 331-332.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 20, Chapter 1. Competent forum, cc. 1960-1965.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1960; marriage cases of baptized belong to ecclesiastical judges. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 762-763; II: 471-540 & 583-584; III: 612-637; IV: 408-416; V: 712-713; VII: 950-975; VIII: 1155-1177; IX: 963-994; X: 256-262.


1917 CIC 1961; generally, civil effects of marriage belong to civil judges. Quon.


1917 CIC 1962; special marriage cases. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 763; II: 540; VI: 843-844; VIII: 1177-1188; IX: 995-996; X: 262-263.


1917 CIC 1963; jurisdiction for impotence cases that imply non-consummation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 764-796; II: 540-541; III: 638; V: 713; VI: 844-845; VII: 975-997; VIII: 1188; X: 263.


1917 CIC 1964; generally, jurisdiction based on contract or respondent quasi/domicile. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 796-806; II: 541; VI: 845-846; VII: 997-998; VIII: 1188-1197; X: 263-266.


1917 CIC 1965; judge bound to attempt repair of impugned marriage. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 20, Chapter 2. Constitution of the tribunal, cc. 1966-1969.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1966; generally, one judge suffices for a non-consummation case. Quon


1917 CIC 1967; defender of the bond must be cited. Quon


1917 CIC 1968; duties of defenders of the bond. Quon.


 Dissertations. Eugene Frein (American priest, ≈), The Discretionary Power of the Defender of the Matrimonial Bond, (CUA doctoral diss. 318, Not published).


 Canon Law Digest. I: 806; II: 541-542.


1917 CIC 1969; rights of defenders of the bond. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 806-807



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 20, Chapter 3. Right to accuse marriage and to request dispensation from a merely ratified marriage, cc. 1970-1973.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1970; tribunals can hear marriage cases only upon petition. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 807.


1917 CIC 1971; tribunals can hear marriage cases only upon petition. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 807-808; II: 542-548; III: 638-643; IV: 417-419; V: 713-714.


 Dissertations. John Marquardt (American Glenmary, 1920-2004), The loss of right to accuse a marriage: a treatise on the Final Clause of C. 1971, par. 1 n. 1 nisi ipsi fuerint impedimenti causa, (Lateran doct. diss., ≈) 125 pp., Monograph, The Loss of Right to Accuse a Marriage: a treatise on the final clause of c. 1971 § 1 n. 1, (Officium Libri Catholici, 1951) 125 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 13 (1953) 135-136. Vincent Foy (Canadian priest, 1915-2017), The right of the consorts to attack the marriage bond, (Laval diss, 1954) approx. 325 mf. Salvatore Vitale (≈), De iure accusandi matrimonium: Additis quibusdam quaestionibus peculiaribus de iure ex Concordato in Italia vigente, (Gregorian doct. diss. 70, 1937) viii-110 pp.


1917 CIC 1972; possible challenge against marriage after death of a party. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 548; VIII: 1197.


1917 CIC 1973; right of petition limited to spouses. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 809.



 Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 20, Chapter 4. Evidence, cc. 1974-1982.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 20, Chapter 4, Article 1. Witnesses, cc. 1974-1975.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1974; relatives and affines can serve as witnesses. Quon.


1917 CIC 1975; notion of 'seven hand' witnesses. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 809; VI: 846.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 20, Chapter 4, Article 2. Inspection of the body, cc 1976-1982.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1976; when medical experts should be used. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 809; II: 548; V: 714-715; VI: 846.


1917 CIC 1977; applicability of following canons to selection of excerpts. Quon.


1917 CIC 1978; experts who conducted prior examinations may be admitted only as witnesses. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 809; II: 548.


1917 CIC 1979; specific provisions for inspection on bodies. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 809; II: 549-551.


1917 CIC 1980; experts to conduct exams separately & such exams subject to review. Quon.


1917 CIC 1981; experts to submit reports and answer question under oath. Quon.


1917 CIC 1982; when psychological experts should be used. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 551.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 20, Chapter 5. Publication of process, conclusion of case, sentence, cc. 1983-1985.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1983; possibility of new witnesses after publication of the acts. Quon.


1917 CIC 1984; defender of the bond has right of last word. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 809; II: 551.


1917 CIC 1985; transmittal of non-consummation cases to Holy See. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 809-810.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 20, Chapter 6. Appeals, cc. 1986-1989.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1986; mandatory appeal. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 551; VII: 998-1001.


1917 CIC 1987; right to marry after second instance affirmative. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 810; II: 551-552; III: 644.


1917 CIC 1988; notification of results. Quon.


1917 CIC 1989; marriages cases are never 'adjudicated' and can be reopened. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 810; II: 552.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 20, Chapter 7. Cases excepted from rules to this point, cc. 1990-1992.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1990; documentary process. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 810-812; II: 552-553; III: 644-646; V: 715-716; VI: 846-848; VII: 1001-1002; VIII: 1198-1199.


1917 CIC 1991; defender of the bond a/o aggrieved party may appeal documentary decisions. Quon.


1917 CIC 1992; second instance process to follow Canon 1990. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 553.



 ! Book IV, Part 1, Section 2, Title 21. Cases against sacred ordination, cc. 1993-1998.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1993; submission of petition to proper dicastery. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 812-833; II: 554-556; VII: 1002-1015; VIII: 1199.


1917 CIC 1994; those who can challenge the validity of ordination. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 833.


1917 CIC 1995; general applicability of canons on trials where judicial process directed. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 833.


1917 CIC 1996; role of defender of the bond. Quon.


1917 CIC 1997; cleric is prohibited exercise of orders during process. Quon.


1917 CIC 1998; consequences of ratification of a nullity finding. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 2. Beatification and Canonization, cc. 1999-2141. ▪ Quon.


 ► Topic in general.




  Antonio Santarelli (Italian Franciscan, 1871-≈), Codex pro Postulatoribus Causarum Beatificationis et Canonizationis [1923], (S. Antonio, 4 ed, 1929), 340 pp.


 Dissertations. • Damian Blaher (American Franciscan, 1913-), The Ordinary Processes in Causes of Beatification and Canonization, (CUA doctoral diss. 268, 1949) xv-276 pp. Review: F. Della Rocca, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 5 (1949) 461. Ferdinando Gagna ( religious, † 1961), De processu canonizationis a primis ecclesiae saeculis usque ad Codicem Iuris Canonici, (Gregorian doct. diss. 258, 1940) 165 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 1999; causes for beatification and canonization reserved to Cong. of Sacred Rites. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 835; VII: 1015-1019; X: 266-282.


1917 CIC 2000; ordinary or extraordinary process to be selected in light of cult accorded a Servant. Quon.


1917 CIC 2001; generally, causes of martyrs to be treated as above. Quon.


1917 CIC 2002; vicars general may not act for Ordinary without special mandate. Quon.



 Book IV, Part 2, Title 22. Persons who have part in the process, cc. 2003-2018.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 22, Chapter 1. Petitioner and postulator, cc. 2003-2008.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2003; broad right to petition for instruction of cause. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1199-1203.


1917 CIC 2004; use of and qualifications for postulators. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 557.


1917 CIC 2005; Quon.


1917 CIC 2006; Quon.


1917 CIC 2007; Quon.


1917 CIC 2008; Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 22, Chapter 2. Cardinal reporter, promoter of faith, sub-promoter, cc. 2009-2012.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2009; Quon.


1917 CIC 2010; Quon.


1917 CIC 2011; Quon.


1917 CIC 2012; Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 22, Chapter 3. Notary, chancellor, and advocates, cc. 2013-2018.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. John Prince (American priest, 1910-), The Diocesan Chancellor, (CUA doct. diss. 167, 1942) 127 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2013; Quon.


1917 CIC 2014; Quon.


1917 CIC 2015; Quon.


1917 CIC 2016; Quon.


1917 CIC 2017; Quon.


1917 CIC 2018; Quon.



 Book IV, Part 2, Title 23. Evidence to be used in the processes, cc. 2019-2036.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 23, Chapter 1. Evidence in general, cc. 2019-2022.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2019; evidence must be in the from witnesses and documents. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 1019-1022; VIII: 1203-1204; IX: 997.


1917 CIC 2020; numbers of witnesses and their assessment based on proximity to facts. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 557-559.


1917 CIC 2021; proof of immemorial cult. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IX: 997.


1917 CIC 2022; contemporaneous documents can prove long-term cult permitted by Holy See. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 23, Chapter 2. Witnesses and experts, cc. 2023-2031.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2023; Quon.


1917 CIC 2024; Quon.


1917 CIC 2025; Quon.


1917 CIC 2026; Quon.


1917 CIC 2027; Quon.


1917 CIC 2028; Quon.


1917 CIC 2029; Quon.


1917 CIC 2030; Quon.


1917 CIC 2031; Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 23, Chapter 3. Documents to be included in process, cc. 2032-2036.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2032; Quon.


1917 CIC 2033; Quon.


1917 CIC 2034; Quon.


1917 CIC 2035; Quon.


1917 CIC 2036; Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 24. Beatification of Servants of God by non-cult way, cc. 2037-2124.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2037; ordinary's authority to issue oaths and precautions. Quon.


 Dissertation. B. Lopez, The oath 'de calumnia' in decretal law, (Gregorian, doct. diss. 2542, 1955).



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 24, Chapter 1. Process instructed by local ordinary on his own authority, cc. 2038-2064.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2038; Quon.


1917 CIC 2039; ordinary competent to conduct investigations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 835.


1917 CIC 2040; Quon.


1917 CIC 2041; Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 24, Chapter 1, Article 1. Review of the writings of Servant of God, cc. 2042-2048.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2042; Quon.


1917 CIC 2043; Quon.


1917 CIC 2044; Quon.


1917 CIC 2045; Quon.


1917 CIC 2046; Quon.


1917 CIC 2047; Quon.


1917 CIC 2048; Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 24, Chapter 1, Article 2. Informative process, cc. 2049-2056.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2049; Quon.


1917 CIC 2050; Quon.


1917 CIC 2051; Quon.


1917 CIC 2052; Quon.


1917 CIC 2053; Quon.


1917 CIC 2054; 'transcript' of 'informative process' to be transcribed by hand. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 848; VII: 1022.


1917 CIC 2055; collation of transcript with originals. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 848.


1917 CIC 2056; Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 24, Chapter 1, Article 3. Process of non-cult, cc. 2057-2060.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2057; Quon.


1917 CIC 2058; Quon.


1917 CIC 2059; Quon.


1917 CIC 2060; Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 24, Chapter 1, Article 4. Transmitting writings, informative process, and non-cult process, to Sacred Congregation, cc. 2061-2064.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2061; Quon.


1917 CIC 2062; Quon.


1917 CIC 2063; ordinary carefully to entrust review record to postulator. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 848.


1917 CIC 2064; Quon.



 Book IV, Part 2, Title 24, Chapter 2. Introduction of cause before Sacred Congregation, cc. 2065-2086.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 24, Chapter 2, Article 1. Review of writings, cc. 2065-2072.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2065; beginning of study of writings by Congregation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 419-420.


1917 CIC 2066; Quon.


1917 CIC 2067; Quon.


1917 CIC 2068; Quon.


1917 CIC 2069; Quon.


1917 CIC 2070; Quon.


1917 CIC 2071; Quon.


1917 CIC 2072; Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 24, Chapter 2, Article 2. Discussion of the informative process, cc. 2073-2084.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2073; Quon.


1917 CIC 2074; Quon.


1917 CIC 2075; Quon.


1917 CIC 2076; Quon.


1917 CIC 2077; generally, assessment of petitions from notable persons to be exhibited. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 559-561.


1917 CIC 2078; Quon.


1917 CIC 2079; Quon.


1917 CIC 2080; Quon.


1917 CIC 2081; Quon.


1917 CIC 2082; question of introduction of cause is before ordinary Congregation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 561-562.


1917 CIC 2083; Quon.


1917 CIC 2084; Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 24, Chapter 2, Article 3. Discussion of the non-cult process, cc. 2085-2086.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2085; Quon.


1917 CIC 2086; Quon.



 Book IV, Part 2, Title 24, Chapter 3. Apostolic process, cc. 2087-2124.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 24, Chapter 3, Article 1. Instructing the apostolic process, cc. 2087-2097.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2087; Quon.


1917 CIC 2088; Quon.


1917 CIC 2089; Quon.


1917 CIC 2090; Quon.


1917 CIC 2091; Quon.


1917 CIC 2092; Quon.


1917 CIC 2093; Quon.


1917 CIC 2094; Quon.


1917 CIC 2095; Quon.


1917 CIC 2096; Quon.


1917 CIC 2097; communication of acts of investigation to Holy See. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 848.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 24, Chapter 3, Article 2. Discussion of validity of apostolic process, cc. 2098-2100.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2098; Quon.


1917 CIC 2099; Quon.


1917 CIC 2100; Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 24, Chapter 3, Article 3. Judgment of virtues in specific or martyrdom, cc. 2101-2115.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2101; discussion virtues cannot take place within 50 years of death of servant. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 835.


1917 CIC 2102; Quon.


1917 CIC 2103; Quon.


1917 CIC 2104; Quon.


1917 CIC 2105; Quon.


1917 CIC 2106; Quon.


1917 CIC 2107; Quon.


1917 CIC 2108; Quon.


1917 CIC 2109; Quon.


1917 CIC 2110; Quon.


1917 CIC 2111; Quon.


1917 CIC 2112; Quon.


1917 CIC 2113; Quon.


1917 CIC 2114; Quon.


1917 CIC 2115; Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 24, Chapter 3, Article 4. Trial on the miracles of the Servant of God, cc. 2116-2124.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2116; Quon.


1917 CIC 2117; Quon.


1917 CIC 2118; Quon.


1917 CIC 2119; Quon.


1917 CIC 2120; Quon.


1917 CIC 2121; Quon.


1917 CIC 2122; Quon.


1917 CIC 2123; Quon.


1917 CIC 2124; Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 25. Beatification by way of cult, or, exceptional cases, cc. 2125-2135. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2125; Quon.


1917 CIC 2126; Quon.


1917 CIC 2127; Quon.


1917 CIC 2128; Quon.


1917 CIC 2129; Quon.


1917 CIC 2130; Quon.


1917 CIC 2131; Quon.


1917 CIC 2132; Quon.


1917 CIC 2133; Quon.


1917 CIC 2134; Quon.


1917 CIC 2135; Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 2, Title 26. Canonization of blesseds, cc. 2136-2141. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2136; Quon.


1917 CIC 2137; Quon.


1917 CIC 2138; Quon.


1917 CIC 2139; Quon.


1917 CIC 2140; Quon.


1917 CIC 2141; solemn canonization occurs in accord with rites and formalities. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 646.



 ! Book IV, Part 3. Special procedures, cc. 2142-2194. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2142; use of notary required in following procedures. Quon.


1917 CIC 2143; procedure for issuing warnings. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 837.


1917 CIC 2144; secrecy to be observed in the issuing of warnings. Quon.


1917 CIC 2145; generally, summary process to be be used. Quon.


1917 CIC 2146; recourse to Holy See is only remedy available. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 837; VII: 1023.



 ! Book IV, Part 3, Title 27. Removal of irremovable pastors cc. 2147-2156. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2147; reasons for removing and irremovable pastor. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 848; VIII: 1204-1205; IX: 997.


1917 CIC 2148; ordinary's invitation to pastor to resign. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 838-839; VII: 1023.


1917 CIC 2149; ordinary's response to pastor's non-response. Quon.


1917 CIC 2150; pastor's options in complying with resignation request. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 839.


1917 CIC 2151; pastor's options in declining resignation request. Quon.


1917 CIC 2152; ordinary's duty to consider pastor's objections. Quon.


1917 CIC 2153; pastor's right of recourse against removal. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 839; VII: 1023-1024; VIII: 1205.


1917 CIC 2154; treatment of pastor after removal. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 839.


1917 CIC 2155; ordinary's duty to consider pastor's objections. Quon.


1917 CIC 2156; pastor's right of recourse against removal. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 3, Title 28. Removal of removable pastors cc. 2157-2161. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2157; basic norm on removable pastor & process for religious. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 849.


1917 CIC 2158; investigation, consultation, and attempt at persuasion regarding removal. Quon.


1917 CIC 2159; bishop's obligation to reconsider removal if objections offered in writing. Quon.


1917 CIC 2160; repetition of exhortation top vacate parish. Quon.


1917 CIC 2161; issuance of decree of removal & provision for removed pastor. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 3, Title 29. Transfer of removable pastors, cc. 2162-2167. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2162; initial considerations in transfer of pastors. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 840 (neither concursus nor exam required); VI: 849.


1917 CIC 2163; initial approach removable and irremovable pastor. Quon.


1917 CIC 2164; pastor's objections to transfer to be put into writing. Quon.


1917 CIC 2165; episcopal consultation. Quon.


1917 CIC 2166; repetition of exhortation to accept transfer. Quon.


1917 CIC 2167; final directive to vacant parish & declaration of vacancy. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 3, Title 30 Proceeding against non-resident clerics, cc. 2162-2175. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2168; warning to pastors about their non-residence. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 840.


1917 CIC 2169; declaration of vacancy of parish. Quon.


1917 CIC 2170; consequences for belated resumption of residence. Quon.


1917 CIC 2171; ordinary to review with examiners reasons offered for non-residence. Quon.


1917 CIC 2172; reiteration of order to resume residence. Quon.


1917 CIC 2173; response to various actions by pastor. Quon.


1917 CIC 2174; another reiteration of order to resume residence. Quon.


1917 CIC 2175; necessity of ordinary's consultation with examiners. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 3, Title 31. Proceeding against concubinious clerics, cc. 2176-2181. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2176; ordinary's duty to warn concubinious cleric. Quon.


1917 CIC 2177; consequences for cleric disregarding warning against concubinage. Quon.


1917 CIC 2178; cleric's excuses to be heard by ordinary and two examiners. Quon.


1917 CIC 2179; ordinary who rejects excuses should issue precept. Quon.


1917 CIC 2180; ordinary's response to removable and irremovable cleric. Quon.


1917 CIC 2181; ordinary's subsequent response to cleric. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 3, Title 32. Proceeding against negligent pastors, cc. 2182-2185. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2182; bishop's duty to warn negligent pastor. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: [565].


1917 CIC 2183; bishop's process to evaluate pastor's negligence and punish it. Quon.


1917 CIC 2184; ordinary's response to recalcitrant removable and irremovable cleric. Quon.


1917 CIC 2185; ordinary's ultimate authority to remove pastor. Quon.



 ! Book IV, Part 3, Title 33. Suspension from an informed conscience, cc. 2186-2194. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Edwin Murphy (American Precious Blood, 1905-), Suspension Ex Informata Conscientia, (CUA doct. diss. 76, 1932) ix-126 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2186; ordinaries with 'informed conscience' can suspend clerics at certain times. Quon.


1917 CIC 2187; suspension from 'informed conscience' takes place by simple decree. Quon.


1917 CIC 2188; generally, written instrument is required. Quon.


1917 CIC 2189; implications for one taking a suspended cleric's place. Quon.


1917 CIC 2190; process for ordinaries considering suspension from 'informed conscience'. Quon.


1917 CIC 2191; authorization for and restrictions on suspension from 'informed conscience'. Quon.


1917 CIC 2192; use of suspension from 'informed conscience' in case of variety of delicts. Quon.


1917 CIC 2193; options for disclosure of reasons to suspended cleric. Quon.


1917 CIC 2194; recourse against suspension requires ordinaries to forward evidence to Holy See. Quon.



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 Book V. Delicts and Penalties, cc. 2195-2414. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.




 • Henry Ayrinhac (American Sulpician, 1867-1931), Penal Legislation in the New Code of Canon Law (Liber V) [1920], (Benziger, 2 ed. rev. by P. Lydon, 1944) 340 pp.


 • Ioannes Chelodi (Italian priest,1882-1922), Ius Canonicum de Delictis et Poenis et de Iudiciis Criminalibus [1920], (Societa Anonima Tipografica, 5 ed. rev. by P. Ciprotti, 1943) 198 pp. Notes: Original version was titled Ius Poenale et Ordo Procedendi in Iudiciis Criminalibus iuxta Codicem Iuris Canonici and was published by Tridentum in 160 pp.


 • Gommarus Michiels (Belgian Capuchin, 1890-1965), De Delictis et Poenis Commentarius Libri V Codicis Juris Canonici, (Societatis S. Joannis Evangelistae, 1961) in 3 vols. Review: J. Schmidt, Jurist 22 (1962) 385-386. Note: Vol. 1 is actually the second edition of a 1934 version; the project was interrupted for nearly 30 years.


 • P. Pellé (French priest, ), Le Droit Pénal de L’Église (Lethielleux, 1939) 507 pp.


 • Germanus-Joseph Pellegrini (≈ Paulist, ≈), Jus Ecclesiae Poenale, (D'Auria, 1962-1967) in 3 vols. Reviews: J. R. Schmidt, Jurist 23 (1963) 127-128; J. Risk, Jurist 28 (1968) 508-509.


 • Michael Lega (Italian priest, 1860-1935), Praelectiones in Textum Iuris Canonici, De Delictis et Poenis [1892], (Ex Typographia Pontificii in Instituto Pii X, 2 ed, 1910) in 2 vols. Note: Lega's is a decretal work, obviously, but it was often consulted by 1917 Code canonists.


 • Owen Cloran (American Jesuit, 1898-1967), Previews and Practical Cases: Code of Canon Law, Book Five Delicts and Penalties, (Bruce, 1951) 350 pp. Review: E. Roelker, Jurist 11 (1951) 565-566.


 Ioannes Chelodi (Italian priest, 1882-1922), Ius Canonicum de Delictis et Poenis et de Iudiciis Criminalibus [1920], (Societa Anonima Tipografica, 5 ed. rev. by P. Ciprotti, 1943) 198 pp.



 Book V, Part 1. Delicts, cc. 2195-2213.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book V, Part 1, Title 1. Nature of delicts and their division, cc. 2195-2198.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2195; definition of delict as violation of penal law a/o to penal precept. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1209; IX: 1001.


1917 CIC 2196; quality and quantity of delict. Quon.


1917 CIC 2197; categories of delict based on how aware others are of the offense. Quon.


1917 CIC 2198; categories of delict based on kind of law violated. Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 1, Title 2. Imputability, factors increasing or decreasing it, and its juridic effects, cc. 2199-2211.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2199; notion of imputability. Quon.


1917 CIC 2200; notion of 'dolus'. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 843.


1917 CIC 2201; factors mitigating culpability. Quon.


1917 CIC 2202; impact of ignorance on imputability. Quon.


1917 CIC 2203; impact of negligence on imputability. Quon.


1917 CIC 2204; impact of minority on imputability. Quon.


1917 CIC 2205; impact of force, fear, a/o aggression on imputability. Quon.


1917 CIC 2206; impact of passion on imputability. Quon.


1917 CIC 2207; impact of dignity or status of offender on imputability. Quon.


1917 CIC 2208; impact of recidivism on imputability. Quon.


1917 CIC 2209; accomplices to, counsel toward, and concurrence with delicts. Quon.


 Dissertation. Theophilus Aguirrebeitia (American Passionist, ≈), De concursu in delictum seu commentarium in can. 2209 [Codicis Iuris] Canonici, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1930-1931) ≈ pp.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 649.


1917 CIC 2210; legal consequences of delict. Quon.


1917 CIC 2211; liability of those concurring in delict to make good the damages. Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 1, Title 3. Attempted delict, cc. 2212-2213.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2212; notion of 'attempted' and ' frustrated' delicts. Quon.


1917 CIC 2213; assessment of 'attempted' and 'frustrated' delicts. Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 2, Section 1. Penalties in general, cc. 2214-2240.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2214; authorization for sanctions and exhortation for their proper use. Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 2, Section 1, Title 4. Notion, types, interpretation and application of penalties, cc. 2215-2219.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2215; definition of a penalty. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IX: 1001.


1917 CIC 2216; types of penalties, remedies, and penances in the Church. Quon.


1917 CIC 2217; categories of penalties based on source. Quon.


1917 CIC 2218; general provision on application of penalties. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 569-570.


1917 CIC 2219; benignity in the application of penalties. Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 2, Section 1, Title 5. Superior having coercive power, cc. 2220-2225.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2220; those with legislative/administrative power can attach penalties to laws/precepts. Quon.


1917 CIC 2221; those with legislative/administrative power can enhance penalties. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1209.


1917 CIC 2222; power of superiors to establish a/o enhance penalties. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 845; II: 570.


1917 CIC 2223; applications of penalties by judges. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1209.


1917 CIC 2224; moderation of number of penalties in face of multiple delicts. Quon.


1917 CIC 2225; method of formal declaration of penalties. Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 2, Section 1, Title 6. Subject liable to coercive power, cc. 2226-2235.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2226; those bound by and exempted from certain penalties. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 845.


1917 CIC 2227; exemptions from incurring certain penalties. Quon.


1917 CIC 2228; penalties attach only when completed according to text of law. Quon.


1917 CIC 2229; certain factors mitigating or excusing from penalties. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 570-571; III: 649.


1917 CIC 2230; children, their caregivers, and penalties. Quon.


1917 CIC 2231; those concurring in delict. Quon.


1917 CIC 2232; factors excusing observance of certain penalties. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 845.


1917 CIC 2233; requisite proof of delict and persistence in contumacy for penalties. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 845-846.


1917 CIC 2234; augmentation of those with multiple delicts. Quon.


1917 CIC 2235; attempted and frustrated delicts. Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 2, Section 1, Title 7. Remission of penalties, cc. 2236-2240.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2236; power to remit penalties. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 571.


1917 CIC 2237; remission of certain automatic penalties. Quon.


1917 CIC 2238; invalidity of remission extorted by force or fear. Quon.


1917 CIC 2239; variations on remission of penalties. Quon.


1917 CIC 2240; prescription of penalties. Quon.



 Book V, Part 2, Section 2, Title 8. Medicinal penalties or censures, cc. 2241-2285.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book V, Part 2, Section 2, Title 8, Chapter 1. Censures in general, cc. 2241-2254. ▪ Quon.


 ► Topic in general.




 • Terence Cunningham (Irish priest, ), Contumacy for censures, (Maynooth doct. diss. 703, 1951) ≈ pp., condensed in T. Cunningham, "The contumacy required to incur censures", Irish Theological Quarterly 21 (1954) 332-356.




 Felix Cappello (Roman Jesuit, 1879-1962), Tractatus Canonico-Moralis de Censuris iuxta Codicem Iuris Canonici [1919], (Marietti, 4 ed,1950) 476 pp. Notes: Classic work. Beware of slightly different titles in various editions. On the place of Cappello in canonistics, see e. g, Lawrence Wrenn, "In diebus illis: Some canonical giants in days of yore", Studia Canonica 35 (2001) 485-514, at 512-514.


 Prosdocimi Cerato (Italian priest, † 1957)Censurae Vigentes Ipso Facto a Codice Iuris Canonici Excerptae [1918], (Patavii, 2 ed, 1921) 307 pp.


  Victor Heylen (Belgian priest, 1906-1981), De Censuris [≈], (Dessain, 4 ed, 1945) 246 pp. Heylen biograph.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2241; definition of a censure. Quon.


1917 CIC 2242; when censures can be applied & notion on contumacy. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 571.


1917 CIC 2243; impact of appeal or recourse against certain censures. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 846.


1917 CIC 2244; multiplication of censures. Quon.


1917 CIC 2245; reservation of censures. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 846; III: 649-650.


1917 CIC 2246; restrictions of reserved censures. Quon.


1917 CIC 2247; certain reserved censures. Quon.


1917 CIC 2248; censures can only be removed by 'absolution'. Quon.


1917 CIC 2249; 'absolution' in the face of multiple censures. Quon.


1917 CIC 2250; remission of certain types of censures. Quon.


1917 CIC 2251; impact of 'absolution' on internal and external fora. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 846.


1917 CIC 2252; 'absolution' in danger of death. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 846-847; II: 571.


1917 CIC 2253; who has power to remove censures. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 571-572; VI: 853; IX: 1001.


1917 CIC 2254; remission of censure in urgent cases. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 847; II: 572; VII: 1027. 



 ! Book V, Part 2, Section 2, Title 8, Chapter 2. Censures in specific, cc. 2255-2285. ▪ Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ! [ Preliminary provisions, cc. 2255-2256. ]


1917 CIC 2255; types and scope of censures. Quon.


1917 CIC 2256; notions of 'divine office' and ' ecclesiastical acts'. Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 2, Section 2, Title 8, Chapter 2, Article 1. Excommunication, cc. 2257-2267. ▪ Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertations. Joseph Willigers (Dutch prelate, 1930-2012), The Significance of Excommunication in the Pre-Nicean Church, (Gregorian doc. diss. 2845, 1958). Willigers biograph. Petrus Huizing (Dutch Jesuit, 1911-1995), Doctrina decretistarum de excommunicatione usque ad glossam ordinariam Joannis Teutonici, (Gregorian doct. diss. 805, 1952) 61 pp (part). Huizing biograph. Francis Hyland (American priest, 1901-1968), Excommunication, Its Nature, Historical Development and Effects, (CUA doctoral diss. 49, 1928) viii-175 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2257; excommunication excludes one from the faithful and is anathema when ritualized. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 423.


1917 CIC 2258; generally, excommunicates are tolerated by can be specially banned. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 572-573; III: 650.


1917 CIC 2259; excommunicate's access to divine services. Quon.


1917 CIC 2260; excommunicate's access to sacraments and sacramentals. Quon.


1917 CIC 2261; faithful's ability approach excommunicates for sacrament and sacramentals. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 650.


1917 CIC 2262; excommunicate's access to indulgences and private devotionals. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1210.


1917 CIC 2263; excommunicate's access to ecclesiastical acts and offices. Quon.


1917 CIC 2264; impact of excommunication on acts of jurisdiction. Quon.


1917 CIC 2265; impact of excommunication on elections, offices, and orders. Quon.


1917 CIC 2266; impact of excommunication on fruits of benefice a/o posts. Quon.


1917 CIC 2267; obligations of community toward banned excommunicates. Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 2, Section 2, Title 8, Chapter 2, Article 2. Interdict, cc. 2268-2277.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Edward Conran (American priest, 1903-), The Interdict, (CUA doctoral diss. 56, 1930) v-157 pp. Review: A. Teetaert, Ius Pontificium 10 (1930) 218-219.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2268; direct a/o indirect interdict impacts participation in sacred things. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 573; VII: 1027.


1917 CIC 2269; general interdicts impact communities under a superior & personal follows persons. Quon.


1917 CIC 2270; generally, local interdicts do not impact the dying and are mitigated on certain holy days. Quon.


1917 CIC 2271; impact of interdicts on certain persons and in certain places. Quon.


1917 CIC 2272; impact of interdicts on certain objects and properties. Quon.


1917 CIC 2273; extent of local interdicts. Quon.


1917 CIC 2274; interdict on communities can be limited to certain parsons. Quon.


1917 CIC 2275; consequences of personal interdicts. Quon.


1917 CIC 2276; those not responsible for interdicts can participate in sacraments. Quon.


1917 CIC 2277; scope of interdict from entering church. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 719.



 ! Book V, Part 2, Section 2, Title 8, Chapter 2, Article 3. Suspension, cc. 2278-2285. ▪ Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 Thesis. William Duggan, “A comparison between Canons 2278-2285 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law and Canons 1333-1335 of the 1983 revised Code of Canon Law”, (CUA licentiate thesis, 1988). bis. Eligius Rainer (American Redemptorist, 1907-), Suspension of Clerics, (CUA doctoral diss. 111, 1937) xvii-242 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2278; suspension is censure that affects cleric in whole or in part. Quon.


1917 CIC 2279; types of suspensions. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 1027; VIII: 1210.


1917 CIC 2280; special provision on suspension from benefice. Quon.


1917 CIC 2281; generally, suspension limited to diocese of suspending superior. Quon.


1917 CIC 2282; automatic suspensions can impact offices held outside diocese of offense. Quon.


1917 CIC 2283; norms from Canon 2265 on excommunication also apply to suspension. Quon.


1917 CIC 2284; limitations on suspension's impact sacraments, sacramentals and jurisdiction. Quon.


1917 CIC 2285; provisions for community suspensions. Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 2, Section 2, Title 9. Vindicative penalties, cc. 2286-2305. ▪ Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2286; vindicative penalties tend to the expiation of delicts. Quon.


1917 CIC 2287; appeal from or recourse against vindicative penalties is suspensive. Quon.


1917 CIC 2288; factors that might warrant suspension of three years of vindicative penalties. Quon.


1917 CIC 2289; vindicative penalties end with expiation or dispensation. Quon.


 Dissertation. Joseph Christ (American priest, 1914-), Dispensation from Vindictive Penalties, (CUA doctoral diss. 174, 1943) 274 pp.


1917 CIC 2290; confessor's power to suspend automatic vindicative penalty. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 848; II: 573.



 ! Book V, Part 2, Section 2, Title 9, Chapter 1. Common vindicative penalties, cc. 2291-2297. ▪ Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2291; listing of twelve most common vindicative penalties. Quon.


1917 CIC 2292; suppression of see reserved to Roman Pontiff, parish suppressed only with advice. Quon.


1917 CIC 2293; notion of infamy of law a/o fact. Quon.


 Dissertations. Frank Rodimer (American priest, 1927-), The Canonical Effects of Infamy of Fact, (CUA doctoral diss. 353, 1954) 157 pp. Rodimer biograph. Vincent Tatarczuk (American priest, 1925-), Infamy of Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 357, 1954) 118 pp. Thomas Connolly, Infamy of Law (Lateran doct. diss, 1952).


1917 CIC 2294; consequences of infamy or law a/o fact. Quon.


1917 CIC 2295; cessation of infamy or law a/o fact. Quon.


1917 CIC 2296; penalty of 'incapacity' imposed only by Holy See. Quon.


1917 CIC 2297; proceeds of fines to be directed to pious uses only. Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 2, Section 2, Title 9, Chapter 2. Vindicative penalties of clerics, cc. 2298-2305. ▪ Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2298; list of possible vindicative penalties against clerics. Quon.


 Dissertation. Joseph Shields (American priest, 1923-), Deprivation of the Clerical Garb, (CUA doctoral diss. 334, 1958) 156 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 848.


1917 CIC 2299; possible penal loss of all or part of benefice. Quon.


1917 CIC 2300; clerics giving grave scandal. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. V: 720; IX: 1001-1002.


1917 CIC 2301; conditions impacting order to cleric to live outside the diocese. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 2302; commands or prohibitions regarding residence issued only for grave cause. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 2303; deposition from a benefice. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 2304; additional recalcitrant cleric. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 2305; penalty of degradation. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 848.



 ! Book V, Part 2, Section 2, Title 10. Penal remedies and penances, cc. 2306-2313.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book V, Part 2, Section 2, Title 10, Chapter 1. Penal remedies, cc. 2306-2311. ▪ Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Paul Love (American priest, 1921-1993), The Penal Remedies of the Code of Canon Law, (CUA doctoral diss. 404, 1960) 177 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2306; list of penal remedies. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 2307; ordinaries can warn one in or thought to be in proximate occasion of offending. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 2308; one offering scandal to be corrected. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 848.


1917 CIC 2309; when and how public or private admonition a/o correction is in order.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 848.


1917 CIC 2310; precept can follow fruitless admonition a/o correction.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 848; VIII: 1210.


1917 CIC 2311; optional for vigilance. ▪ Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 2, Section 2, Title 10, Chapter 2. Penances, cc. 2312-2313.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2312; description of, restrictions on, measurement of penances. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 2313; kinds of penances and augmentation of penalties.Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 573-575.



 ! Book V, Part 3. Penalties for individual delicts, cc. 2314-2414. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.



 ! Book V, Part 3, Title 11. Delicts against the faith and unity of the Church, cc. 2314-2319. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2314; apostasy and heresy. ▪ Quon.


 Dissertation. Joseph Goodwine (American priest, 1916-), The Reception of Converts, (CUA doctoral diss. 198, 1944) 314 pp. Eric MacKenzie (American priest, 1893-1969), The Delict of Heresy in Its Commission, Penalization, Absolution, (CUA doctoral diss. 77, 1932) xi-116 pp. MacKenzie biograph.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 849-853; II: 577; III: 650-660; IV: 423; VI: 853-854; VII: 1027; VIII: 1210.


1917 CIC 2315; suspicion of heresy. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. IV: 423-424; V: 720-721.


1917 CIC 2316; assistance with heresy a/o illicit communication in sacred things. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 660-661; IV : 424.


1917 CIC 2317; teaching a/o defending condemned doctrines. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 2318; publishing various materials illicitly. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 853; VI 854.


1917 CIC 2319; involvement with banned books a/o illicit publication of Scripture. Quon.


The major stages in the abolition of the “Index of Forbidden Books” are as follows: Paul VI, m. p. Integrae servandae (7 dec 1965), AAS 57 (1965) 952-955, Eng. trans., (dispositive parts only) CLD VI: 358-359, renaming and redefining the competence of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, notif. Post litteras apostolicas (14 jun 1966), AAS 58 (1966) 455, Eng. trans., CLD VI: 814-815, confirming the revocation of the “Index of Forbidden Books”; and Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, decr. Post editam (15 nov 1966), AAS 58 (1966) 1186, Eng. trans., CLD VI: 817-818, abrogating 1917 CIC 1399 and 2318.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 853-854; IV: 424-425; VI: 854; VII: 1027. 



 ! Book V, Part 3, Title 12. Delicts against religion, cc. 2320-2329. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2320; throwing away Sacred Species. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 854; II: 577-578.


1917 CIC 2321; illicit bination a/o violation of celebrant's fast. Quon.


1917 CIC 2322; simulating Mass, confession, or sacerdotal duties.Quon.


1917 CIC 2323; blasphemy a/o non-judicial perjury.Quon.


1917 CIC 2324; illicit activities regarding Mass stipends. Quon.


1917 CIC 2325; fostering superstition a/o sacrilege.Quon.


1917 CIC 2326; illicit activities regarding relics.Quon.


1917 CIC 2327; profiting from indulgences.Quon.


1917 CIC 2328; violating dead bodies or burial places.Quon.


1917 CIC 2329; violating churches a/o cemeteries. Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 3, Title 13. Delicts against ecclesiastical authority, person, and things, cc. 2330-2349. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. Ferruccio Liuzzi (Italian layman, 1900-), De delictis contra auctoritates ecclesiasticas (cann. 2331-2340), (Lateran doct. diss., 1942) xvi-164 pp. Monograph, Ferruccio Liuzzi, De Delictis contra Auctoritates Ecclesiasticas (Cann. 2331-2340), (Officium Libri Catholici, 1942) 164 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2330; delicts in election of pope treated in special law. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1210.


1917 CIC 2331; disobedience a/o conspiracy against Roman Pontiff or prelates. Quon.


 Dissertation. Marion Mazgaj (Polish/American priest, 1923-2016), The Communist Government of Poland as Affecting the Rights of the Church from 1944 to 1960, (CUA doctoral diss. 472, 1970) 257 pp. Mazgaj biograph.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 661; IV: 425-426.


1917 CIC 2332; appeal against Roman Pontiff to ecumenical council.


1917 CIC 2333; appeal to law powers against Roman Pontiff. Quon.


1917 CIC 2334; civil authority enacting laws against Church or jurisdiction. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 854; III: 661-662; IV: 426.


1917 CIC 2335; criminalizes joining Masons or similar organizations. ▪ Quon.


 Dissertations. Martin Barraza Melendez (≈), La masonería y su situación canónica, (Javeriana diss., 1960) 115 pp. Richard Murphy (American Oblate, 1925-1994), The Canonico-Juridical Status of a Communist, (CUA doctoral diss. 400, 1959) 186 pp. Joseph Quigley (American priest, 1900-), Condemned Societies, (CUA doctoral diss. 46, 1927) 133 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 854-855; V: 721; VI: 854; VIII: 1210-1213; IX: 1002-1006; X: 285.


1917 CIC 2336; clerics joining Masons or similar organizations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VI: 855.


1917 CIC 2337; pastors inciting crowds against ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Quon.


1917 CIC 2338; disregard of excommunications. Quon.


1917 CIC 2339; illicit burial of those prohibited it. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 578.


1917 CIC 2340; insordescence. Quon.


1917 CIC 2341; certain actions against prelates in civil court. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 855; III: 662-665; V: 721.


1917 CIC 2342; violation of cloister. Quon.


 Dissertation. Garrett Barry (American Oblate, 1909-), Violation of the Cloister, (CUA doct. diss. 148, 1942) 250 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 855; VII 1027.


1917 CIC 2343; violence against various prelates, clergy, and religious. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 855; II: 578; III: 665-668; IV: 426; V: 721.


1917 CIC 2344; agitation or animosity against various prelates. Quon.


1917 CIC 2345; usurpation or unjust retention of good a/o rights of the Church. Quon.


1917 CIC 2346; conversion of Church good for one's private use. Quon.


 Dissertation. Edward Barrett, The Abuses of Ecclesiastical Property Contemplated in Canon 2346, (Univ. St. Thomas, Rome, doc. diss. 2, 1959-1960) ≈ pp.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 668.


1917 CIC 2347; illicit alienation of ecclesiastical goods. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VII: 1027.


1917 CIC 2348; failing to fulfill obligations attached to pious causes. Quon.


1917 CIC 2349; failing to render certain fees. Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 3, Title 14. Delicts against life, liberty, property, reputation, and morals, cc. 2350-2359. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2350; abortion a/o attempted suicide. Quon.


 Dissertations. Martin Lavin (American priest, 1941-2005), Ecclesiastical legislation concerning abortion: its history and its present relationship to the civil legislation of the United States, (Pont. Univ. St. Thomas, Rome, diss. no. 1, 1971-1972) pp. Lavin biograph. Bruno Arcenas (≈), Viability and the crime of abortion (Univ. St. Thomas, Manila, doct. diss. no. 20, 1964) ≈ pp. Roger Huser (American Franciscan, 1909-1980), The Crime of Abortion in Canon Law, (CUA doct. diss. 162, 1942) 176 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 669-670; VIII: 1213; IX: 1006.


1917 CIC 2351; dueling. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 856-857; III: 670.


1917 CIC 2352; coercing someone into orders or religious life. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 857


1917 CIC 2353; men kidnapping women for marriage or lust. Quon.


1917 CIC 2354; a variety of offenses against human being. Quon.


1917 CIC 2355; verbal injuries to another. Quon.


1917 CIC 2356; bigamy. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1213-1214.


1917 CIC 2357; laity committing offenses against 6th commandment. Quon.


1917 CIC 2358; minor clerics committing acts against the 6th commandment. Quon.


1917 CIC 2359; cleric committing various acts against the 6th commandment. Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 3, Title 15. Falsehood, cc. 2360-2363. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2360; fabricating documents of the Holy See. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 2361; illicitly trying to obtain rescripts from Holy See or ordinary. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 2362; fabricating or using fabricated documents. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 857.


1917 CIC 2363; falsely denouncing confessors and process of reconciliation. ▪ Quon.


 Dissertation. Herbert Linenberger (American religious, 1906-1978), The False Denunciation of an Innocent Confessor, (CUA doct. diss. 236, 1949) viii-192 pp.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 857.



 ! Book V, Part 3, Title 16. Delicts in administration or reception of sacraments, cc. 2364-2375. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 Dissertation. George Murphy (American priest, 1891-), Delinquencies and Penalties in the Administration and the Reception of the Sacraments, (CUA doct. diss. 17, 1923) 111 pp.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2364; ministers administering sacrament to persons prohibited from them. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 2365; priests illicitly administering Confirmation. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 2366; priests attempting absolution without faculties. ▪ Quon.


1917 CIC 2367; absolution of accomplice and failure to denounce. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 858-859; II: 578.


1917 CIC 2368; criminalizes solicitation in confession & failure to denounce solicitors. ▪ Quon.


 Monographs. Aloysius De Smet (≈, 1868-1927), De Absolutione Complicis et Sollicitatione, (Brugis, 2 ed, 1921) 129 pp., esp. 35-96. Prosdocimi Cerato (Italian priest, † 1957), De Delicto Sollicitationis, (Patavii Typis Seminarii, 1922) 148 pp.


1917 CIC 2369; violation of seal of Confession. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 859; II: 578; VIII: 1214-1216.


1917 CIC 2370; consecrating bishops without apostolic mandate. ▪ Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 670; VIII: 1216-1217; X: 285-287.


1917 CIC 2371; promoting, or being promoted to, orders in simony. Quon.


1917 CIC 2372; receiving orders from prohibited prelates. Quon.


1917 CIC 2373; ordaining men without various canonical authorizations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1218.


1917 CIC 2374; receiving orders with false dimissorial letters. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. VIII: 1218.


1917 CIC 2375; entering mixed marriage without authorization. Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 3, Title 17. Delicts against clerical or religious obligations, cc. 2376-2389. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2376; exam required of priest per Canon 130 can be compelled by penalties. Quon.


1917 CIC 2377; participation in periodic clergy conferences can be compelled by penalties. Quon.


1917 CIC 2378; neglect of sacred ministry warrants suspension per gravity of the neglect. Quon.


1917 CIC 2379; certain clerical mal-deportments. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 860.


1917 CIC 2380; clerics or religious illicitly carrying on trade or business. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. III: 670.


1917 CIC 2381; absence from benefices. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 860; II: 579.


1917 CIC 2382; pastor negligent toward pastoral duties. Quon.


1917 CIC 2383; pastor negligent toward pastoral records. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. II: 579.


1917 CIC 2384; canon theologian a/o penitentiary negligent toward duties. Quon.


1917 CIC 2385; religious abandoning religious life. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 860; VII: 1028.


1917 CIC 2386; fugitive religious. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 860.


1917 CIC 2387; certain evil acts in admission of religious cleric. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 860 (c. 2387 applies to societies of clerics without vows).


1917 CIC 2388; cleric a/o religious attempting marriage and their partners. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 860; II: 579-581 (remission of censure reserved to Penitentiary).


1917 CIC 2389; violating obligations of common life. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 860 (c. 2389 applies to societies of clerics without vows).



 ! Book V, Part 3, Title 18. Delicts against dignities, offices, and benefices, cc. 2376-2389. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2390; interfering with canonical elections. Quon.


1917 CIC 2391; abusing the election process. Quon.


1917 CIC 2392; committing simony. Quon.


1917 CIC 2393; neglecting roles in presentation for office. Quon.


1917 CIC 2394; usurpation of office. Quon.

 Canon Law Digest. III: 670-671 (Dechet excomm. for accepting appointment from Communists).

1917 CIC 2395; illicitly entering office. Quon.


1917 CIC 2396; entering office incompatible with earlier office. Quon.


1917 CIC 2397; cardinals refusing to tender oath of appearance. Quon.


1917 CIC 2398; failure to receive episcopal consecration within three months. Quon.


1917 CIC 2399; clerics deserting tasks given them by ordinaries. Quon.


1917 CIC 2400; cleric resigning benefice or dignity into hands of laity. Quon.


1917 CIC 2401; unjust retention of office. Quon.


1917 CIC 2402; abbot or prelate 'of no one' failing to receive blessing. Quon.


1917 CIC 2403; failure to tender requisite profession of faith. Quon.



 ! Book V, Part 3, Title 19. Abuse of ecclesiastical power and office, cc. 2404-2414. Quon.


 ► Topic in general.


 ► Topic by canons.


1917 CIC 2404; abuse of ecclesiastical office. Quon.


1917 CIC 2405; maltreatment of ecclesiastical records. Quon.


1917 CIC 2406; misuse of ecclesiastical records. Quon.


1917 CIC 2407; bribery of ecclesiastical officials. Quon.


1917 CIC 2408; unjust taxation. Quon.


1917 CIC 2409; vicar capitulary disregarding norms on dimissorial letters. Quon.


1917 CIC 2410; superior disregarding norms on bishop of ordination. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 861 (c. 2410 applies to societies of clerics without vows).


1917 CIC 2411; superior disregarding norms on admission or profession. Quon.


 Dissertation. Donald Zimmermann (American priest, 1926-1990), The crime of collusion in ecclesiastical trials, (Gregorian doct. diss. 1156, 1958) 100 pp (part). Zimmermann biograph.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 861 (c. 2411 applies to societies of clerics without vows).


1917 CIC 2412; superior disregarding norms on dowries and unqualified admission. Quon.


1917 CIC 2413; superior disregarding norms on official visitations. Quon.


 Canon Law Digest. I: 861 (c. 2413 applies to societies of clerics without vows).


1917 CIC 2414; superior disregarding norms on confessors. Quon.


( A. M. D. G. )









Ian Waters (Australian priest, 1943-), Australian conciliar legislation prior to the 1917 Code of canon law: a comparative study with similar legislation in Great Britain, Ireland, and North America, (SPU/USP doct. diss., 1990) 305 pp. Abstract a/o dissertation, here.


  Darius Romualdo (Filipino priest, ≈), The suspension of the ‘litis instantia’: a canonical analysis from the 1917 Code of canon law to 2015 ‘Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus’, (Angelicum doct. diss. 3941, 2017) 343 pp.

Joseph Koury (American Jesuit, ≈), Three Sixteenth Century Constitutions on the Dissolution of Marriage: A Study on Lawmaking and the Uses of Law, (CUA doct. diss. 517, 1985) 382 pp. Abstract at Jurist 45 (1985) 667-668. other supp?


  Sigismundus Bielecki (≈), De munere advocati, (Gregorian doct. diss. 71, 1937) 38 pp (part). =location




  Ludovicus Kociszewski (Polish ≈, ≈), De consensu matrimoniali sub condictione sub novo iure ecclesiastico, (Angelicum doct. diss., 1931-1932) ≈ pp.


  Thomas Pazhayampallil (= Salesian, =), The indirect power of the Pope in temporal matters according to William Barclay (1546-1608), (Salesianum diss. 71, 1966) 80 pp (part).



 Comment: Canon 1019 $ 2 was one of several provisions (see, e. g., Canon 1043) facilitating the celebration of marriage when one or both of the parties was/were in fear of dying. But consider: marriage is a way of life, not a way to die. None of the typical excuses for rushed weddings in the face of death (such as 'giving the baby a name', or securing civil rights of inheritance) are what marriage are for or account for why Jesus established it as sacrament. Further, should the couple have survived the danger, they found themselves in life-long relationship that they entered thinking it could last only for a very short time, raising in turn serious questions about the quality of the consent they offered to such a commitment. Instead of facilitating marriage under these extraordinary circumstances, canon law, should have discouraged it.




  James O'Connor (American Jesuit, 1910-1988), The power to dispense from irregularities to Holy orders, (Gregorian doct. diss. 644, 1950) 39 pp (part). Monograph, Dispensation from Irregularities to Holy Orders (West Baden College, 1952) 143 pp. Review: anon., Jurist 14 (1954) 374-375. =d


Parallel(s). For § 1: = For § 2: = For § 3: = For § 4: = For 1: = For 2: = For 3: = For 4: =




 Book IV, Part 1, Section 1, Title 10, Chapter 2. Confession of the parties, cc. 1754-1791.


 ► Topic in general.


 [ Preliminary canons, cc. 1754-1755. ]


 ► Topic by canons.


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