To work for the proper implementation of canon law is to play an extraordinarily constructive role in continuing the redemptive mission of Christ. Pope John Paul II |
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| Lygo-Textual Commentaries on the 1917 Code
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For further insight into the meaning of Pio-Benedictine law, canonists, having consulted if possible one or more pan-textual and/or mero-textual commentaries on the law, often turned to one or more of lygo-textual commentaries on the 1917 Code, that is, to commentaries treating titles of books, chapters of titles, articles of chapters, and, of course, specific canons. The works listed here rank among the most important lygo-textual commentaries on the 1917 Code.
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| Most lygo-textual commentaries on the 1917 Code were written by individual scholars. A few works originally written by one author were later so extensively revised by another that it is common for them to be referred to by double names (e.g. Ayrinhac-Lydon on marriage).
Some lygo-textual commentaries contain the text of 1917 Code itself but most do not. Nearly all of these works appeared as single volumes. The great majority of texts listed here are academic works (dissertations or theses) by students but some are scholarly works produced by established canonists.
A few lygo-textual commentaries underwent revisions so care in identifying the specific edition being used is important. Many of these works bore similar, sometimes identical titles, so they are usually known today by the names of their authors, as in, "Have you looked in Roelker?"
While all the authors of these works would be considered 'approved authors' and/or 'learned persons' for purposes of canonical interpretation, academic works typically would not have undergone that same trial by peers that works from established scholars typically underwent.
Notes for users
| Users of this page should be generally familiar with the materials presented on the Masterpage on the Pio-Benedictine Code of 1917, here, and specifically familiar with its discussion of Commentaries, here.
The citations below consist of four major components: author, title, publisher, and, set off by a square bullet (▪), other information.
Author. Names are presented as used (and not alphabetically by surname, a convention rendered unnecessary for electronic searches). The name cited is as it appears in the work, so users should keep in mind that, for example, the Latinization of names might have affected their spelling. When possible, the nationality and ecclesiastical status of the author at the time of writing the work is given, along with the years of his or her birth and death.
Title. Titles are presented as in the work. If the work underwent later revisions, the original year of publication (if known) is given in brackets.
Publisher. The publisher of the work is given in parentheses, but not the city of the publisher (information that is again unnecessary in an age of electronic searches) and the year of publication. If the work being cited is a revision the edition number and name of reviser (if known) is given immediately, followed by the publisher of that edition and its year of publication. Page counts (usually exclusive of introductions and indexes) are given for monographic works but not for multi-volume works. For those works, the number of volumes is indicated. If the work in question is a translation reference is made to the original title and year of publication.
Other information. As warranted and available.
Book I, General norms, cc. 0001-0086. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Bk. I, [Preliminary provisions], cc. 0001-0007.
1917 CIC 0001;
• Charles Desorcy (≈ priest, ≈), L’Eglise et les non-catholiques: notions, fonctions juridiques, histoire et commentaire canonique, (Laval diss., 1948) xi-329 pp.
• Alaphridus Ottaviani (Italian prelate, 1890-1979), Institutiones Iuris Publici Ecclesiastici [1926-1928] (Typis Polyglottis Vatincanis, 2° ed., 1935-1936) in 2 vols. ▪ Review: R. Jestaedt, Archiv des Völkerrechts 3 (1951) 124-126. Notes: Vol. I, in 510 pages, is directed to "internal" public law; vol. II, 547 pages, is directed to "external". This text went through several revisions into the 1960s. Mult.
• Jean Rondeau (≈ religious, ≈), Les pouvoirs de l’Église, (Laval diss., 1943) x-110 mf.
1917 CIC 0002;
• Dom Augustine (Charles Bachofen, Swiss/American Benedictine, 1872-1944), Liturgical Law: a Handbook of the Roman Liturgy (Herder, 1931) 467 pp. ▪ Review: =. Notes: On the place of Dom Augustine in canonistics see, e.g., L. Wrenn, "Charles Augustine, O.S.B., excepts from a journal", The Jurist 45 (1985) 297-320.
• John Miller (American Holy Cross, 1925-≈) Fundamentals of the Liturgy (Fides, 1959) 531 pp. ▪ Review: F. McManus, The Jurist 20 (1960) 237-238.
• Joachim Nabuco (Argentine priest, 1849-1910), Pontificalis Romani Expositio Juridico-Practica, (Benziger, 1945) in 3 vols.
• Fiorenzo Romita (Italian priest, ≈), Codex Juris Musicae Sacrae (Desclée, 1952) 31 pp.
• Lancelot [Capel] Sheppard (English layman, 1906-≈), The Liturgical Books (Hawthorn, 1962) 112 pp. ▪ Review: P. Milner, Life of the Spirit 17 (1963) 495-496.
• Innocentius Wapelhorst (American Franciscan, 1833-1890), Compendium Sacrae Liturgiae juxta Ritum Romanum [1887] (Benziger, 11° ed., rev. by A. Bruegge, 1930) 641 pp. ▪ Review: =, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 51 (1927) 624-625. 1917 CIC 0003;
Comment: See also 1917 CIC 0265-0270.
Comment: Ca
• Felix Cappello (Roman Jesuit, 1879-1962), Summa Iuris Publici Ecclesiastici ad normam Codicis iuris canonici et recentiorum S. Sedis documentorum [1907-1908], (Gregorianum, 3° ed., 1932) 622 pp. ▪ Review: =. Notes: This work originated as a pre-Code study of external public ecclesiastical law.
• Giovanni Maria Cherchi (≈, ≈), Personnalité juridique internationale de l'Eglise catholique, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1964) xv-282 pp.
• Alaphridus Ottaviani (Italian prelate, 1890-1979), Institutiones Iuris Publici Ecclesiastici [1926], (Typis Polyglottis Vatincanis, 2° ed., 1935-1936) in 2 vols. ▪ Review: =. Notes: Vol. I, in 510 pages, is directed to "internal" public law, vol. II, in 547 pages, is directed to "external". This text went through several revisions into the 1960s. Mult.
1917 CIC 0004; 1917 CIC 0005; 1917 CIC 0006;
1917 CIC 0007;
Bk. I, Title 1: Ecclesiastical laws, cc. 0008-0024.
• William Lee (Irish priest, 1941-), Legislator and subject: a study in St. Thomas, (Maynooth doctoral diss. 698, 1969) i-168 pp. ▪ Notes: Lee biograph.
• Pio Ciprotti (Italian layman, 1914-1993), Observaciones al Texto del Codex Iuris Canonici, (Instituto San Raimundo de Peñafort, 1950) 208 pp., rev. ed. of Ciprotti's Osservazioni sul Testo de “Codicis Iuris Canonici” (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1944) 208 pp. ▪ Review: P. Fedele, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 1 (1945) 123-124.
• Ramon Ortiz (Brazilian priest, 1902-), A açao catholica no direito eclesiastico, (Laval diss., 1947) 104 pp.
• Alphonsus Thomas (≈ priest, 1920-), The juridic effect of doubtful cessation of law according to the Code of Canon Law, (Laval diss. 9, 1948) 110 pp. ▪ Review: E. Roelker, The Jurist 11 (1951) 163-164.
1917 CIC 0008; 1917 CIC 0009; 1917 CIC 0010; 1917 CIC 0011; invalidating or incapacitating laws: 1917 CIC 0012; 1917 CIC 0013; 1917 CIC 0014; 1917 CIC 0015; 1917 CIC 0016; 1917 CIC 0017; authentic interpretation of law:
Comment: The 1917 Code experienced scores of authentic interpretations all of which can be found in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis. Two private compendia of interpretations are far more practical, however, and access to their definitive editions, which are essentially coextensive with each other, obviates the need for individual searches of AAS volumes or consultation with other less complete compilations of interpretations such as those complied by Bruno, Hulster, or Woywod.
• Eduardo Regatillo (Spanish Jesuit, 1882-1975), Interpretatio et Iurisprudentia Codicis Iuris Canonici [1928], (Sal Terrae, 3° ed., 1953) 719 pp. ▪ Review: t.v., Revue des Sciences philosophiques et théologiques 37 (1953) 396-397.
• Cosmas Sartori (Italian Franciscan, 1890-1957), Enchiridion Canonicum seu Sanctae Sedis Responsiones post Editum Codicem I. C. Datae [1926], (Antonianum, 10° ed., rev. by B. Belluco, 1961) 455 pp. ▪ Review: J. Schmidt, The Jurist 22 (1962) 486-487.
1917 CIC 0018; understanding the meaning of law:
• Arcturus Laver [Lauer] (=, =), Index Verborum Codicis Iuris Canonici (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1941) 936 pp. ▪ Review: S. Kuttner, Jurist 3 (1943) 270-279. Notes: Individual words are presented by canon in which they appear along with grammatical cases, etc., being flagged (but not particularly helpfully).
• Patrick Lydon (American priest, 1883-1969), Ready Answers in Canon Law [1934], (Benziger, 3° ed.,1948) 636 pp. ▪ Review: T. Martin, The Jurist 9 (1949) 354-356. Notes: A cross between commentary and dictionary geared to parochial use.
• R. Naz, ed., Dictionnaire de Droit Canonique, (Librarie Letouzey et Ané, 1935-1965) in 7 vols. ▪ Review: J. Creusen, Gregorianum 38 (1957) 363. Notes: This work is so fundamental to canonical research that the initials DDC should be reserved for it. Although the DDC appeared over three decades, there is no need to cite the year of publication for each individual volume; it suffices to recall that they were published in the decades immediately proceeding the Second Vatican Council.
• P. Palazzini, ed., Dictionarium Morale et Canonicum, (Officium Libri Catholici, 1962-1968) in 4 vols. ▪ Reviews: J. Abbo, The Jurist 23 (1963) 249-252 (on vol. 1 only); W. Reich, The Jurist 29 (1969) 237-241 (on vol. 4 only). Notes: This work is not as well known as it should be; the initials DMC should deserve to be reserved for it. The DMC appeared over just six years and there is no need to cite the year of publication for each individual volume; it suffices to recall that the DMC was published about the time of the Second Vatican Council and reflects, for the most part, pre-Conciliar canonistics. A large number of the entries were written by the editor, Pietro Palazzini (Italian prelate, 1912-2000).
• A. Vacant, ed., Dictionnarie de Théologie Catholique, (Librarie Letouzey et Ané =)1923-1950. ▪ Notes: A theological work, obviously, but one with much insight into canonical issues of its day. This work is so fundamental to canonical and theological research that the initials DTC should be reserved for it. Although the DTC appeared over three decades, there is no need to cite the year of publication for each individual volume; it suffices to recall that the DTC was published in the decades immediately proceeding the Second Vatican Council.
• Marius Pistocchi (Italian priest, 1874-1943), Lexicon Juridico-Canonicum, (Berruti, 1934) 169 pp. ▪ Review: A Schönegger, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 59 (1935) 496-497.
• P. Trudel (Sulpician, =), A Dictionary of Canon Law, (Herder, 1919) 242 pp.
1917 CIC 0019; 1917 CIC 0020;
• Vigilius Alt (= Capuchin, 1915-), Methodologia seu Modus Ius Canonicum Discendi, Scribendi, Docendi (Collegio S. Lorenzo da Brindisi, 1954) 184 pp. ▪ Review: =, Revue des Sciences philosophiques et théologiques 42 (1958) 196-197.
• Felix Cappello (Roman Jesuit, 1879-1962) Praxis Processualis ad Normam Codicis et Peculiarium Sanctae Sedis Instructionum [1940], (Marietii, 2° ed., 1948) 221 pp. ▪ Notes: On the place of Cappello in canonistics, see e.g., Lawrence Wrenn, "In diebus illis: Some canonical giants in days of yore", Studia Canonica 35 (2001) 485-514, at 512-514. 1917 CIC 0021; 1917 CIC 0022; 1917 CIC 0023; 1917 CIC 0024;
Bk. I, Title 2: Custom, cc. 0025-0030. • John Ahern (≈, ≈), The animus required for the introduction of a custom in canon law, (Maynooth doctoral diss. 505, 1946) ≈ pp.
• Alphonsus Van Hove (Belgian priest, 1872-1947), De consuetudine, de temporis supputatione (Dessain, 1933) 288 pp. ▪ Reviews: anon., Ius Pontificium 13 (1933) 127; =, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 58 (1934) 291.
1917 CIC 0025; 1917 CIC 0026;
1917 CIC 0027; 1917 CIC 0028;
1917 CIC 0029; 1917 CIC 0030;
Bk. I, Title 3: Computation of time, cc. 0031-0035.
1917 CIC 0031; 1917 CIC 0032; 1917 CIC 0033; 1917 CIC 0034; 1917 CIC 0035;
Bk. I, Title 4: Rescripts, cc. 0036-0062.
Scholarly works:
• Alphonsus Van Hove (Belgian priest, 1872-1947), De Rescriptis (Dessain, 1936) 286 pp. ▪ Review: =. Notes: On the place of Van Hove in canonistics see, e.g., R. Naz, "Van Hove (Alphonse)", DDC (1965) VII: 1402-1403 and C. Lefebvre, Ephemerides Iuris Canonici 3 (1947) 573-575.
1917 CIC 0036; 1917 CIC 0037; 1917 CIC 0038;
1917 CIC 0039; 1917 CIC 0040; 1917 CIC 0041;
1917 CIC 0042;
1917 CIC 0043; 1917 CIC 0044; 1917 CIC 0045; 1917 CIC 0046; 1917 CIC 0047; 1917 CIC 0048;
1917 CIC 0049; 1917 CIC 0050; 1917 CIC 0051; 1917 CIC 0052; 1917 CIC 0053; 1917 CIC 0054;
1917 CIC 0055; 1917 CIC 0056; 1917 CIC 0057; 1917 CIC 0058; 1917 CIC 0059; 1917 CIC 0060; 1917 CIC 0061; 1917 CIC 0062;
Bk. I, Title 5: Privileges, cc. 0063-0079.
1917 CIC 0063; 1917 CIC 0064; 1917 CIC 0065; 1917 CIC 0066; 1917 CIC 0067; 1917 CIC 0068; 1917 CIC 0069; 1917 CIC 0070; 1917 CIC 0071; 1917 CIC 0072; 1917 CIC 0073; 1917 CIC 0074; 1917 CIC 0075; 1917 CIC 0076; 1917 CIC 0077; 1917 CIC 0078; 1917 CIC 0079;
Bk. I, Title 6: Dispensations, cc. 0080-0086.
1917 CIC 0080; 1917 CIC 0081; 1917 CIC 0082; 1917 CIC 0083; 1917 CIC 0084; 1917 CIC 0085; 1917 CIC 0086;
Book II: Persons, cc. 0087-0725. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Bk. II, [Preliminary provisions], cc. 0087-0107.
• Gommarus Michiels (Belgian Capuchin, 1890-1965), Principia generalia de personis in Ecclesia: commentarius Iibri II codicis juris canonici, canones praeliminares 87-106 [1932], (Desclée, 2° ed., 1955) 708 pp. ▪ Reviews: anon., Ius Pontificium 12 (1932) 343; E. Roelker, The Jurist 16 (1956) 106-107; W. Bertrams, Gregorianum 37(1956) 316-317.
1917 CIC 0087; 1917 CIC 0088; 1917 CIC 0089; 1917 CIC 0090; 1917 CIC 0091; 1917 CIC 0092;
• Neil Farren (Irish priest, ≈), Domicile and Quasi-Domicile: An Historical and Practical Study in Canon Law, (Maynooth doctoral diss. ≈, ≈) v-127 pp. ▪ Monograph form (Gill: Dublin, Ireland, 1920) 127 pp.
1917 CIC 0093; 1917 CIC 0094; 1917 CIC 0095; 1917 CIC 0096; 1917 CIC 0097; 1917 CIC 0098; 1917 CIC 0099; 1917 CIC 0100;
• James Granville (Canadian priest, ≈), Moral personality in canon law and in the law of Canada, (Laval diss., 1948) ix-215 mf. 1917 CIC 0101; 1917 CIC 0102; 1917 CIC 0103; 1917 CIC 0104; 1917 CIC 0105; 1917 CIC 0106; 1917 CIC 0107;
Bk. II, Part One: Clerics, cc. 0108-0486. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Bk. II, Part One, Section One: Clerics in general, cc. 0108-0214. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Bk. II, Part One, Section One, [Preliminary provisions], cc. 0108-0110.
1917 CIC 0108; 1917 CIC 0109; 1917 CIC 0110;
Bk. II, Part One, Section One, Title 1: Ascription of clerics to dioceses, cc. 0111-0117.
1917 CIC 0111; 1917 CIC 0112; 1917 CIC 0113;
1917 CIC 0114; 1917 CIC 0115; 1917 CIC 0116; 1917 CIC 0117;
Bk. II, Part One, Section One, Title 2: Rights and privileges of clerics, cc. 0118-0123.
1917 CIC 0118; 1917 CIC 0119; 1917 CIC 0120; 1917 CIC 0121; 1917 CIC 0122; 1917 CIC 0123;
Bk. II, Part One, Section One, Title 3: Obligations of clerics, cc. 0124-0144.
1917 CIC 0124; 1917 CIC 0125; 1917 CIC 0126; 1917 CIC 0127; 1917 CIC 0128; 1917 CIC 0129; 1917 CIC 0130; 1917 CIC 0131; 1917 CIC 0132; 1917 CIC 0133; 1917 CIC 0134; 1917 CIC 0135; 1917 CIC 0136; 1917 CIC 0137; 1917 CIC 0138; 1917 CIC 0139; 1917 CIC 0140; 1917 CIC 0141; 1917 CIC 0142; 1917 CIC 0143; 1917 CIC 0144;
Bk. II, Part One, Section One, Title 4: Ecclesiastical office, cc. 0145-0151.
Bk. II, Part One, Section One, Title 4, [Preliminary provisions], cc. 0145-0151.
1917 CIC 0145; 1917 CIC 0146;
Bk. II, Part One, Section One, Title 4, Chapter 1: Provision of ecclesiastical office, cc. 0147-0151.
1917 CIC 0179; 1917 CIC 0180; 1917 CIC 0181; 1917 CIC 0182; 1917 CIC 0147; 1917 CIC 0148; 1917 CIC 0149; 1917 CIC 0150; 1917 CIC 0151;
Bk. II, Part One, Section One, Title 4, Chapter 1, Article 1: Free conferral, cc. 0152-159.
1917 CIC 0152; 1917 CIC 0153; 1917 CIC 0154; 1917 CIC 0155; 1917 CIC 0156; 1917 CIC 0157; 1917 CIC 0158; 1917 CIC 0159;
Bk. II, Part One, Section One, Title 4, Chapter 1, Article 2: Election, cc. 0160-178.
1917 CIC 0160; 1917 CIC 0161; 1917 CIC 0162; 1917 CIC 0163; 1917 CIC 0164; 1917 CIC 0165; 1917 CIC 0166; 1917 CIC 0167; 1917 CIC 0168; 1917 CIC 0169; 1917 CIC 0170; 1917 CIC 0171; 1917 CIC 0172; 1917 CIC 0173; 1917 CIC 0174; 1917 CIC 0175; 1917 CIC 0176; 1917 CIC 0177; 1917 CIC 0178;
Bk. II, Part One, Section One, Title 4, Chapter 1, Article 3: Postulation, cc. 0179-182.
1917 CIC 0179; 1917 CIC 0180; 1917 CIC 0181; 1917 CIC 0182;
Bk. II, Part One, Section One, Title 4, Chapter 2: Loss of ecclesiastical office, cc. 0183-0195.
1917 CIC 0183; 1917 CIC 0184; 1917 CIC 0185; 1917 CIC 0186; 1917 CIC 0187; 1917 CIC 0188; 1917 CIC 0189; 1917 CIC 0190; 1917 CIC 0191; 1917 CIC 0192; 1917 CIC 0193; 1917 CIC 0194; 1917 CIC 0195;
Bk. II, Part One, Section One, Title 6: Delegated power, cc. 0196-0210.
1917 CIC 0196; 1917 CIC 0197; 1917 CIC 0198;
Scholarly works:
• Dom Augustine (Charles Bachofen, Swiss/American Benedictine, 1872-1944), Rights and Duties of Ordinaries according to the Code and Apostolic Faculties (Herder, 1924) 549 pp. ▪ Review: =. Notes: On the place of Dom Augustine in canonistics see, e.g., L. Wrenn, "Charles Augustine, O.S.B., excepts from a journal", The Jurist 45 (1985) 297-320. 1917 CIC 0199; 1917 CIC 0200; 1917 CIC 0201; 1917 CIC 0202; 1917 CIC 0203; 1917 CIC 0204; 1917 CIC 0205; 1917 CIC 0206;
• Laurence Carr (Irish religious, 1920-1976), A study of the power supplied by the Church in common error according to Canon 209, (Maynooth doctoral diss. 693, 1947) ≈ pp. ▪ Notes: Carr biograph. 1917 CIC 0207; 1917 CIC 0208; 1917 CIC 0209; 1917 CIC 0210;
Bk. II, Part One, Section One, Title 6: Reduction to the lay state, cc. 0211-214. 1917 CIC 0211; 1917 CIC 0212; 1917 CIC 0213; 1917 CIC 0214;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two: Clerics in specific, cc. 0215-0486. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, [Preliminary provisions], cc. 215-217. 1917 CIC 0215; 1917 CIC 0216; 1917 CIC 0217;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 7: Supreme power and participants therein, cc. 0211-214.
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 7, Chapter 1: Roman Pontiff, cc. 0218-221. 1917 CIC 0218; 1917 CIC 0219; 1917 CIC 0220; 1917 CIC 0221;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 7, Chapter 2: Ecumenical Council, cc. 0222-0229. 1917 CIC 0222; 1917 CIC 0223; 1917 CIC 0224; 1917 CIC 0225; 1917 CIC 0226; 1917 CIC 0227; 1917 CIC 0228; 1917 CIC 0229;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 7, Chapter 3: Cardinals of the H. R. C., cc. 0230-0241. 1917 CIC 0230; 1917 CIC 0231; 1917 CIC 0232; 1917 CIC 0233; 1917 CIC 0234; 1917 CIC 0235; 1917 CIC 0236; 1917 CIC 0237; 1917 CIC 0238; 1917 CIC 0239; privileges of cardinals:
• Marius Belardo (Italian layman, 1911-=), De Iuribus S. R. E. Cardinalium in Titulis (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1939) 82 pp. ▪ Review: =.
1917 CIC 0240; 1917 CIC 0241;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 7, Chapter 4: Roman curia, cc. 0242-0245. 1917 CIC 0242; 1917 CIC 0243; 1917 CIC 0244; 1917 CIC 0245;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 7, Chapter 4, Article 1: Sacred Congregations, cc. 0246-0257.
1917 CIC 0246; 1917 CIC 0247; 1917 CIC 0248; 1917 CIC 0249; 1917 CIC 0250; 1917 CIC 0251; 1917 CIC 0252; 1917 CIC 0253; 1917 CIC 0254; 1917 CIC 0255; 1917 CIC 0256; 1917 CIC 0257;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 7, Chapter 4, Article 2: Tribunals of the Roman curia, cc. 0258-0264. 1917 CIC 0258; 1917 CIC 0259; 1917 CIC 0260; 1917 CIC 0261; 1917 CIC 0262; 1917 CIC 0263; 1917 CIC 0264;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 7, Chapter 5: Legates of the Roman Pontiff, cc. 0265-0270.
Comment: See also 1917 CIC 3.
• Hubert Blond (≈ priest, ≈), L'évolution de la diplomatie pontificale d'après les récents concordats (1918-1957), (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1959) 360 pp. 1917 CIC 0265; 1917 CIC 0266; 1917 CIC 0267; 1917 CIC 0268; 1917 CIC 0269; 1917 CIC 0270;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 7, Chapter 6: Patriarchs, Primates, and Metropolitans, cc. 0271-0280. 1917 CIC 0271; 1917 CIC 0272; 1917 CIC 0273; 1917 CIC 0274; 1917 CIC 0275; 1917 CIC 0276; 1917 CIC 0277; 1917 CIC 0278; 1917 CIC 0279; 1917 CIC 0280;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 7, Chapter 7: Plenary and provincial councils, cc. 0281-0292. 1917 CIC 0281; 1917 CIC 0282; 1917 CIC 0283; 1917 CIC 0284; 1917 CIC 0285; 1917 CIC 0286; 1917 CIC 0287; 1917 CIC 0288; 1917 CIC 0289; 1917 CIC 0290; 1917 CIC 0291; 1917 CIC 0292;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 7, Chapter 8: Vicars and Prefects Apostolic, cc. 0293-0311. 1917 CIC 0293; 1917 CIC 0294; 1917 CIC 0295; 1917 CIC 0296; 1917 CIC 0297; 1917 CIC 0298; 1917 CIC 0299; 1917 CIC 0300; 1917 CIC 0301; 1917 CIC 0302; 1917 CIC 0303; 1917 CIC 0304; 1917 CIC 0305; 1917 CIC 0306; 1917 CIC 0307; 1917 CIC 0308; 1917 CIC 0309; 1917 CIC 0310; 1917 CIC 0311;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 7, Chapter 9: Apostolic Administrators, cc. 0312-0318. 1917 CIC 0312; 1917 CIC 0313; 1917 CIC 0314; 1917 CIC 0315; 1917 CIC 0316; 1917 CIC 0317; 1917 CIC 0318;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 7, Chapter 10: Inferior prelates, cc. 0319-0328. 1917 CIC 0319; 1917 CIC 0320; 1917 CIC 0321; 1917 CIC 0322; 1917 CIC 0323; 1917 CIC 0324; 1917 CIC 0325; 1917 CIC 0326; 1917 CIC 0327; 1917 CIC 0328;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8: Episcopal power and participants therein, cc. 0329-486.
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 1: Bishops, cc. 0329-0349. 1917 CIC 0329; 1917 CIC 0330; 1917 CIC 0331; 1917 CIC 0332; 1917 CIC 0333; 1917 CIC 0334; 1917 CIC 0335; 1917 CIC 0336; 1917 CIC 0337; 1917 CIC 0338;
• Joseph Luczak (Polish priest, ≈), La résidence des évêques dans la législation canonique avant le concile de Trente, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1931, OCLC 949002583) 256 pp. 1917 CIC 0339; 1917 CIC 0340; 1917 CIC 0341; 1917 CIC 0342; 1917 CIC 0343; 1917 CIC 0344; 1917 CIC 0345; 1917 CIC 0346; 1917 CIC 0347; 1917 CIC 0348; 1917 CIC 0349;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 2: Coadjutor and auxiliary bishops, cc. 0350-0355.
1917 CIC 0350; 1917 CIC 0351; 1917 CIC 0352; 1917 CIC 0353; 1917 CIC 0354; 1917 CIC 0355;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 3: Diocesan synod, cc. 0356-0362.
• Evariste Debicki (=, =), Le synode diocésain en Pologne des origines jusqu'au concile de Trente, (Univ. Strasbourg diss. 1934) 323 pp.
1917 CIC 0356; 1917 CIC 0357; 1917 CIC 0358; 1917 CIC 0359; 1917 CIC 0360; 1917 CIC 0361; 1917 CIC 0362;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 4: Diocesan curia, cc. 0363-0390.
• Sosio d'Angelo (Italian priest, 1887-1930), La Curia Diocesana a Norma del Codice di Diritto Canonico, (Pietro Lisi, 1922) in 2 vols. ▪ Review: =.
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 4, [Preliminary provisions], cc. 363-0365. 1917 CIC 0363; 1917 CIC 0364; 1917 CIC 0365;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 4, Article 1: Vicar general, cc. 0366-0371. 1917 CIC 0366; 1917 CIC 0367; 1917 CIC 0368; 1917 CIC 0369; 1917 CIC 0370; 1917 CIC 0371;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 4, Article 2: Chancellor, notaries, and episcopal archives, cc. 0372-0384.
1917 CIC 0372; 1917 CIC 0373; 1917 CIC 0374; 1917 CIC 0375; 1917 CIC 0376; 1917 CIC 0377; 1917 CIC 0378; 1917 CIC 0379; 1917 CIC 0380; 1917 CIC 0381; 1917 CIC 0382; 1917 CIC 0383; 1917 CIC 0384;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 4, Article 3: Synodal examiners and pastor consultors, cc. 0385-0390.
1917 CIC 0385; 1917 CIC 0386; 1917 CIC 0387; 1917 CIC 0388; 1917 CIC 0389; 1917 CIC 0390;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 5: Chapters of canons, cc. 0391-0422. 1917 CIC 0391; 1917 CIC 0392; 1917 CIC 0393; 1917 CIC 0394; 1917 CIC 0395; 1917 CIC 0396; 1917 CIC 0397; 1917 CIC 0398; 1917 CIC 0399; 1917 CIC 0400; 1917 CIC 0401; 1917 CIC 0402; 1917 CIC 0403; 1917 CIC 0404; 1917 CIC 0405; 1917 CIC 0406; 1917 CIC 0407; 1917 CIC 0408; 1917 CIC 0409; 1917 CIC 0410; 1917 CIC 0411; 1917 CIC 0412; 1917 CIC 0413; 1917 CIC 0414; 1917 CIC 0415; 1917 CIC 0416; 1917 CIC 0417; 1917 CIC 0418; 1917 CIC 0419; 1917 CIC 0420; 1917 CIC 0421; 1917 CIC 0422;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 6: Diocesan consultors, cc. 0423-0428. 1917 CIC 0423; 1917 CIC 0424; 1917 CIC 0425; 1917 CIC 0426; 1917 CIC 0427; 1917 CIC 0428;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 7: Impeded or vacant see and the vicar capitulary, cc. 0429-0444. 1917 CIC 0429; 1917 CIC 0430; 1917 CIC 0431; 1917 CIC 0432; 1917 CIC 0433; 1917 CIC 0434; 1917 CIC 0435; 1917 CIC 0436; 1917 CIC 0437; 1917 CIC 0438; 1917 CIC 0439; 1917 CIC 0440; 1917 CIC 0441; 1917 CIC 0442; 1917 CIC 0443; 1917 CIC 0444;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 8: Vicars forane, cc. 0445-0450.
1917 CIC 0445; 1917 CIC 0446; 1917 CIC 0447; 1917 CIC 0448; 1917 CIC 0449; 1917 CIC 0450;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 9: Pastors, cc. 0451-0470.
• Ludovicus Fanfani (Italian Dominican, 1876-1955), De Iure Parochorum ad Normam Codicis Iuris Canonici [1922], (Marietti, 2° ed., 1936) 558 pp. ▪ Review: anon., Ius Pontificium 5 (1925) 56 (of first edition). Notes: See also Raimondo Spiazzo (Italian Dominican, 1918-2004), Il P. Ludovico Fanfani, O.P., Vero e Completo Religioso Domenicano, (Edizioni Cateriniane, 1955) 17 pp.
1917 CIC 0451; 1917 CIC 0452;
1917 CIC 0453; 1917 CIC 0454; 1917 CIC 0455; 1917 CIC 0456; 1917 CIC 0457; 1917 CIC 0458; 1917 CIC 0459; 1917 CIC 0460; 1917 CIC 0461; 1917 CIC 0462; 1917 CIC 0463; 1917 CIC 0464; 1917 CIC 0465; 1917 CIC 0466; 1917 CIC 0467; 1917 CIC 0468; 1917 CIC 0469; 1917 CIC 0470;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 10: Parochial vicars, cc. 0471-0478.
1917 CIC 0471; 1917 CIC 0472; 1917 CIC 0473; 1917 CIC 0474; 1917 CIC 0475; 1917 CIC 0476; 1917 CIC 0477; 1917 CIC 0478;
Bk. II, Part One, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 11: Rectors of churches, cc. 0479-0486. 1917 CIC 0479; 1917 CIC 0480; 1917 CIC 0481; 1917 CIC 0482; 1917 CIC 0483; 1917 CIC 0484; 1917 CIC 0485; 1917 CIC 0486;
Book II, Part Two: Religious, cc. 0487-0681. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Bk. II, Part Two, [Preliminary provisions] cc. 487-491.
1917 CIC 0487; 1917 CIC 0488; 1917 CIC 0489; 1917 CIC 0490; 1917 CIC 0491;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 9: Erection and suppression of religious institutes, provinces, and houses, cc. 0492-0498. 1917 CIC 0492; 1917 CIC 0493; 1917 CIC 0494; 1917 CIC 0495; 1917 CIC 0496; 1917 CIC 0497; 1917 CIC 0498;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 10: Governance of religious institutes, cc. 0492-0498.
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 10, Chapter 1, Superiors and chapters, cc. 0499-0517.
1917 CIC 0499; 1917 CIC 0500;
• Joseph O’Brien (American Jesuit, 1898- =), The Exemption of Religious in Church Law, (Bruce, 1943) 307 pp. ▪ Review: =. Mult.
1917 CIC 0501; 1917 CIC 0502; 1917 CIC 0503; 1917 CIC 0504; 1917 CIC 0505; 1917 CIC 0506; 1917 CIC 0507; 1917 CIC 0508; 1917 CIC 0509; 1917 CIC 0510; 1917 CIC 0511; 1917 CIC 0512; 1917 CIC 0513; 1917 CIC 0514; 1917 CIC 0515; 1917 CIC 0516; 1917 CIC 0517;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 10, Chapter 2, Confessors and chaplains, cc. 0518-0530.
1917 CIC 0518; 1917 CIC 0519; 1917 CIC 0520; 1917 CIC 0521; 1917 CIC 0522; 1917 CIC 0523; 1917 CIC 0524; 1917 CIC 0525; 1917 CIC 0526; 1917 CIC 0527; 1917 CIC 0528; 1917 CIC 0529; 1917 CIC 0530;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 10, Chapter 3, Temporal goods of religious and administration, cc. 0531-0537. 1917 CIC 0531; 1917 CIC 0532; 1917 CIC 0533; 1917 CIC 0534; 1917 CIC 0535; 1917 CIC 0536; 1917 CIC 0537;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 11, Chapter 3: Admission into a religious institute, cc. 0538-0586.
• Basil Frisón (Spanish/American Claretian, 1912-2004), Selection and Incorporation of Candidates for the Religious Life, (Bruce, 1962) 186 pp. ▪ Review: =.
• Robert Flinn (American religious, 1929-1995), Admission to Vows: recent directives and trends, (Divine Word, 1965) 157 pp. ▪ Review: =.
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 11, Chapter 3: [Preliminary provision] c. 0538.
1917 CIC 0538;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 11, Chapter 1: Postulancy, cc. 0539-0541.
1917 CIC 0539; 1917 CIC 0540; 1917 CIC 0541;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 11, Chapter 2: Novitiate, cc. 0542-0571.
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 11, Chapter 2, Article 1: Requirements for admission into novitiate, cc. 0542-0552.
1917 CIC 0542; 1917 CIC 0543; 1917 CIC 0544; 1917 CIC 0545; 1917 CIC 0546; 1917 CIC 0547; 1917 CIC 0548; 1917 CIC 0549; 1917 CIC 0550; 1917 CIC 0551; 1917 CIC 0552;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 11, Chapter 2, Article 2: Formation of novices, cc. 0553-0571. 1917 CIC 0553; 1917 CIC 0554; 1917 CIC 0555; 1917 CIC 0556; 1917 CIC 0557; 1917 CIC 0558; 1917 CIC 0559; 1917 CIC 0560; 1917 CIC 0561; 1917 CIC 0562; 1917 CIC 0563; 1917 CIC 0564; 1917 CIC 0565; 1917 CIC 0566; 1917 CIC 0567; 1917 CIC 0568; 1917 CIC 0569; 1917 CIC 0570; 1917 CIC 0571;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 11, Chapter 3: Religious profession, cc. 0572-0586. 1917 CIC 0572; 1917 CIC 0573; 1917 CIC 0574; 1917 CIC 0575; 1917 CIC 0576; 1917 CIC 0577; 1917 CIC 0578; 1917 CIC 0579; 1917 CIC 0580; 1917 CIC 0581; 1917 CIC 0582; 1917 CIC 0583; 1917 CIC 0584; 1917 CIC 0585; 1917 CIC 0586;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 12: Course of studies in clerical religious institutes, cc. 0587-0592. 1917 CIC 0587; 1917 CIC 0588; 1917 CIC 0589; 1917 CIC 0590; 1917 CIC 0591;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 13: Obligations and privileges of religious, cc. 0592-0631.
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 13, Chapter 1: Obligations of religious, cc. 0592-0612.
1917 CIC 0592; 1917 CIC 0593; 1917 CIC 0594; 1917 CIC 0595; 1917 CIC 0596; 1917 CIC 0597; 1917 CIC 0598; 1917 CIC 0599; 1917 CIC 0600; 1917 CIC 0601; 1917 CIC 0602; 1917 CIC 0603; 1917 CIC 0604; 1917 CIC 0605; 1917 CIC 0606; 1917 CIC 0607; 1917 CIC 0608; 1917 CIC 0609; 1917 CIC 0610; 1917 CIC 0611; 1917 CIC 0612;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 13, Chapter 2: Privileges of religious, cc. 0613-0625.
1917 CIC 0613; 1917 CIC 0614; 1917 CIC 0615;
1917 CIC 0616; 1917 CIC 0617; 1917 CIC 0618; 1917 CIC 0619; 1917 CIC 0620; 1917 CIC 0621; 1917 CIC 0622; 1917 CIC 0623; 1917 CIC 0624; 1917 CIC 0625;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 13, Chapter 3: Religious promoted to dignities or parish governance, cc. 0626-0631. 1917 CIC 0626; 1917 CIC 0627; 1917 CIC 0628; 1917 CIC 0629; 1917 CIC 0630; 1917 CIC 0631;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 14: Transfer to another religious institute, cc. 0632-0636.
1917 CIC 0632; 1917 CIC 0633; 1917 CIC 0634; 1917 CIC 0635; 1917 CIC 0636;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 15: Departure from a religious institute, cc. 0637-0645.
1917 CIC 0637; 1917 CIC 0638; 1917 CIC 0639; 1917 CIC 0640; 1917 CIC 0641; 1917 CIC 0642; 1917 CIC 0643; 1917 CIC 0644; 1917 CIC 0645;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 16: Dismissal of religious, cc. 0646-0672.
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 16: [Preliminary provision], cc. 0646.
1917 CIC 0646;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 16, Chapter 1: Dismissal of religious in temporary vows, cc. 0647-0648. 1917 CIC 0647; 1917 CIC 0648;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 16, Chapter 3: Dismissal of certain religious in perpetual vows, cc. 0649-0668.
1917 CIC 0649; 1917 CIC 0650; 1917 CIC 0651; 1917 CIC 0652; 1917 CIC 0653; 1917 CIC 0654; 1917 CIC 0655; 1917 CIC 0656; 1917 CIC 0657; 1917 CIC 0658; 1917 CIC 0659; 1917 CIC 0660; 1917 CIC 0661; 1917 CIC 0662; 1917 CIC 0663; 1917 CIC 0664; 1917 CIC 0665; 1917 CIC 0666; 1917 CIC 0667; 1917 CIC 0668;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 16, Chapter 4: Religious dismissed from perpetual vows, cc. 0669-0672.
1917 CIC 0669; 1917 CIC 0670; 1917 CIC 0671; 1917 CIC 0672;
Bk. II, Part Two, Title 17: Societies living in common without vows, cc. 0673-0681.
1917 CIC 0673; 1917 CIC 0674; 1917 CIC 0675; 1917 CIC 0676; 1917 CIC 0677; 1917 CIC 0678; 1917 CIC 0679; 1917 CIC 0680; 1917 CIC 0681;
Book II, Part Three: Laity, cc. 0682-0725. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book II, Part Three, [Preliminary provisions], cc. 682-683.
1917 CIC 0682; 1917 CIC 0683;
Book II, Part Three, Title 18: Associations of the faithful in general, cc. 684-069.
1917 CIC 0684;
1917 CIC 0685; 1917 CIC 0686; 1917 CIC 0687; 1917 CIC 0688; 1917 CIC 0689; 1917 CIC 0690; 1917 CIC 0691; 1917 CIC 0692; 1917 CIC 0693; 1917 CIC 0694; 1917 CIC 0695; 1917 CIC 0696; 1917 CIC 0697; 1917 CIC 0698; 1917 CIC 0699;
Book II, Part Three, Title 19: Associations of the faithful in specific, cc. 0700-0725.
Book II, Part Three, Title 19, [Preliminary provisions], cc. 0700-0725.
1917 CIC 0700; 1917 CIC 0701;
Book II, Part Three, Title 19, Chapter 1: Third order seculars, cc. 0702-0706.
1917 CIC 0702; 1917 CIC 0703; 1917 CIC 0704; 1917 CIC 0705; 1917 CIC 0706;
Book II, Part Three, Title 19, Chapter 2: Confraternities and pious unions, cc. 0707-0719. 1917 CIC 0707; 1917 CIC 0708; 1917 CIC 0709; 1917 CIC 0710; 1917 CIC 0711; 1917 CIC 0712; 1917 CIC 0713; 1917 CIC 0714; 1917 CIC 0715; 1917 CIC 0716; 1917 CIC 0717; 1917 CIC 0718; 1917 CIC 0719;
Book II, Part Three, Title 19, Chapter 3: Archconfraternities and primary unions, cc. 0720-0725.
1917 CIC 0720; 1917 CIC 0721; 1917 CIC 0722; 1917 CIC 0723; 1917 CIC 0724; 1917 CIC 0725;
Book III: Things, cc. 0726-1551. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book III, [Preliminary provisions], cc. 0726-0730.
1917 CIC 0726; 1917 CIC 0727; 1917 CIC 0728; 1917 CIC 0729; 1917 CIC 0730;
Book III, Part One: Sacraments, cc. 0731-1153. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book III, Part One: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 0731-0736.
1917 CIC 0731;
1917 CIC 0732; 1917 CIC 0733; 1917 CIC 0734; 1917 CIC 0735; 1917 CIC 0736;
Book III, Part One, Title 1: Baptism, cc. 0737-0779.
Book III, Part One, Title 1, [Preliminary provision], c. 0737.
1917 CIC 0737;
Book III, Part One, Title 1, Chapter 1: Minister of baptism, cc. 0738-0744.
1917 CIC 0738; 1917 CIC 0739; 1917 CIC 0740; 1917 CIC 0741; 1917 CIC 0742; 1917 CIC 0743; 1917 CIC 0744;
Book III, Part One, Title 1, Chapter 2: Subject of baptism, cc. 0745-0754.
1917 CIC 0745; 1917 CIC 0746; 1917 CIC 0747; 1917 CIC 0748; 1917 CIC 0749; 1917 CIC 0750; 1917 CIC 0751; 1917 CIC 0752;
• Jean-Marie Connolly (=, =), L’intention requise chez les adultes pour la réception du baptême, (Tremblay et Dion, Québec, 1946) = pp. 1917 CIC 0753; 1917 CIC 0754;
Book III, Part One, Title 1, Chapter 3: Rites and ceremonies of baptism, cc. 0755-0761. 1917 CIC 0755; 1917 CIC 0756; 1917 CIC 0757; 1917 CIC 0758; 1917 CIC 0759; 1917 CIC 0760; 1917 CIC 0761;
Book III, Part One, Title 1, Chapter 4: Sponsors for baptism, cc. 0762-0769.
1917 CIC 0762; 1917 CIC 0763; 1917 CIC 0764; 1917 CIC 0765; 1917 CIC 0766; 1917 CIC 0767; 1917 CIC 0768; 1917 CIC 0769;
Book III, Part One, Title 1, Chapter 5: Time and place for conferring baptism, cc. 0770-0776. 1917 CIC 0770; 1917 CIC 0771; 1917 CIC 0772; 1917 CIC 0773; 1917 CIC 0774; 1917 CIC 0775; 1917 CIC 0776;
Book III, Part One, Title 1, Chapter 6: Recording and proving baptism cc. 0777-0779. 1917 CIC 0777; 1917 CIC 0778; 1917 CIC 0779;
Book III, Part One, Title 2: Confirmation, cc. 0777-0800.
Book III, Part One, Title 2: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 0780-0781. 1917 CIC 0780; 1917 CIC 0781;
Book III, Part One, Title 2, Chapter 1: Minister of confirmation, cc. 0782-0785.
1917 CIC 0782; 1917 CIC 0783; 1917 CIC 0784; 1917 CIC 0785;
Book III, Part One, Title 2, Chapter 2: Subject of confirmation, cc. 0786-0789.
1917 CIC 0786; 1917 CIC 0787; 1917 CIC 0788; 1917 CIC 0789;
Book III, Part One, Title 2, Chapter 3: Time and place for conferring confirmation, cc. 0790-0792.
1917 CIC 0790; 1917 CIC 0791; 1917 CIC 0792;
Book III, Part One, Title 2, Chapter 4: Sponsors for confirmation, cc. 0793-0797. 1917 CIC 0793; 1917 CIC 0794; 1917 CIC 0795; 1917 CIC 0796; 1917 CIC 0797;
Book III, Part One, Title 2, Chapter 4: Recording and proving confirmation, cc. 0793-0800. 1917 CIC 0798; 1917 CIC 0799; 1917 CIC 0800;
Book III, Part One, Title 3: The Most Holy Eucharist, cc. 0801-0869.
Book III, Part One, Title 3: [Preliminary provision], c. 0801.
1917 CIC 0801;
Book III, Part One, Title 3, Chapter 1: Sacrifice of the Mass, cc. 0802-0844.
Book III, Part One, Title 3, Chapter 1, Article 1: Priest celebrating Mass, cc. 0802-0813. 1917 CIC 0802; 1917 CIC 0803; 1917 CIC 0804; 1917 CIC 0805; 1917 CIC 0806; 1917 CIC 0807; 1917 CIC 0808; 1917 CIC 0809; 1917 CIC 0810; 1917 CIC 0811; 1917 CIC 0812; 1917 CIC 0813;
Book III, Part One, Title 3, Chapter 1, Article 2: Rites and ceremonies of the Mass, cc. 0814-0819. 1917 CIC 0814; 1917 CIC 0815; 1917 CIC 0816; 1917 CIC 0817; 1917 CIC 0818; 1917 CIC 0819;
Book III, Part One, Title 3, Chapter 1, Article 3: Time and place for Mass, cc. 0820-0823.
• Joseph Gallagher (≈ priest, 1919-), The celebration of Mass outside of churches and oratories, Université Laval (Québec, Canada) 1948) 158 pp. 1917 CIC 0820; 1917 CIC 0821; 1917 CIC 0822; 1917 CIC 0823;
Book III, Part One, Title 3, Chapter 1, Article 4: Offerings or stipends Mass, cc. 0824-0844. 1917 CIC 0824; 1917 CIC 0825; 1917 CIC 0826; 1917 CIC 0827; 1917 CIC 0828; 1917 CIC 0829; 1917 CIC 0830; 1917 CIC 0831; 1917 CIC 0832; 1917 CIC 0833; 1917 CIC 0834; 1917 CIC 0835; 1917 CIC 0836; 1917 CIC 0837; 1917 CIC 0838; 1917 CIC 0839; 1917 CIC 0840; 1917 CIC 0841; 1917 CIC 0842; 1917 CIC 0843; 1917 CIC 0844;
Book III, Part One, Title 3, Chapter 2: Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, cc. 0845-0869.
Book III, Part One, Title 3, Chapter 2, Article 1: Minister of holy Communion, cc. 0845-0852. 1917 CIC 0845; 1917 CIC 0846; 1917 CIC 0847; 1917 CIC 0848; 1917 CIC 0849; 1917 CIC 0850; 1917 CIC 0851; 1917 CIC 0852;
Book III, Part One, Title 3, Chapter 2, Article 2: Subject of holy Communion, cc. 0853-0866. 1917 CIC 0853; 1917 CIC 0854; 1917 CIC 0855; 1917 CIC 0856; 1917 CIC 0857; 1917 CIC 0858; 1917 CIC 0859; 1917 CIC 0860; 1917 CIC 0861; 1917 CIC 0862; 1917 CIC 0863; 1917 CIC 0864; 1917 CIC 0865; 1917 CIC 0866; Book III, Part One, Title 3, Chapter 2, Article 3: Time and place for distribution of holy Communion, cc. 0867-0869. 1917 CIC 0867; 1917 CIC 0868; 1917 CIC 0869;
Book III, Part One, Title 4: Penance, cc. 0870-0936.
Book III, Part One, Title 4: [Preliminary provision], c. 0870. 1917 CIC 0870;
Book III, Part One, Title 4, Chapter 1: Minister of penance, cc. 0871-0892. 1917 CIC 0871; 1917 CIC 0872; 1917 CIC 0873; 1917 CIC 0874; 1917 CIC 0875; 1917 CIC 0876; 1917 CIC 0877;
Caesare Carbone (Italian priest, =), Examen Confessariorum ad Codicis Iuris Canonici Normam Concinnatum, (Marietti, 1921), 368 pp. qqq Review: F. Cappello, Gregorianum 4 (1923) 149-150.
1917 CIC 0878; 1917 CIC 0879; 1917 CIC 0880; 1917 CIC 0881; 1917 CIC 0882; 1917 CIC 0883; 1917 CIC 0884; 1917 CIC 0885; 1917 CIC 0886; 1917 CIC 0887; 1917 CIC 0888; 1917 CIC 0889; 1917 CIC 0890;
• Georges Van Belleghem (Canadian Jesuit, ≈), L’usage illicite des connaissances acquises en confession, (Laval diss. 1942) ≈ pp. ▪ Note: Appeared in part in Sciences Ecclesiastiques I (1948) 175-216. 1917 CIC 0891; 1917 CIC 0892;
Book III, Part One, Title 4, Chapter 2: Reservation of sins, cc. 0893-0900. 1917 CIC 0893; 1917 CIC 0894; 1917 CIC 0895; 1917 CIC 0896; 1917 CIC 0897; 1917 CIC 0898; 1917 CIC 0899; 1917 CIC 0900; Book III, Part One, Title 4, Chapter 3: Subject of penance, cc. 0901-0907.
1917 CIC 0901; 1917 CIC 0902; 1917 CIC 0903; 1917 CIC 0904; 1917 CIC 0905; 1917 CIC 0906; 1917 CIC 0907;
Book III, Part One, Title 4, Chapter 4: Place of hearing confessions, cc. 0908-0910.
1917 CIC 0908; 1917 CIC 0909; 1917 CIC 0910;
Book III, Part One, Title 4, Chapter 5: Indulgences, cc. 0911-0936.
Book III, Part One, Title 4, Chapter 5, Article 1: Granting indulgences, cc. 0911-0924. 1917 CIC 0911; definition of and exhortation to seek indulgences:
1917 CIC 0912; 1917 CIC 0913; 1917 CIC 0914; 1917 CIC 0915; 1917 CIC 0916; 1917 CIC 0917; 1917 CIC 0918; 1917 CIC 0919; 1917 CIC 0920; 1917 CIC 0921; 1917 CIC 0922; 1917 CIC 0923; 1917 CIC 0924;
Book III, Part One, Title 4, Chapter 5, Article 2: Acquiring indulgences, cc. 0925-0935. 1917 CIC 0925; 1917 CIC 0926; 1917 CIC 0927; 1917 CIC 0928; 1917 CIC 0929; 1917 CIC 0930; 1917 CIC 0931; 1917 CIC 0932; 1917 CIC 0933; 1917 CIC 0934; 1917 CIC 0935; 1917 CIC 0936;
Book III, Part One, Title 5: Extreme unction, cc. 0937-0947.
Book III, Part One, Title 5: [Preliminary provision] c. 0937.
1917 CIC 0937;
Book III, Part One, Title 5, Chapter 1: Minister of extreme unction, cc. 0938-0949. 1917 CIC 0938; 1917 CIC 0939;
Book III, Part One, Title 5, Chapter 2: Subject of extreme unction, cc. 0940-0944.
1917 CIC 0940; 1917 CIC 0941; 1917 CIC 0942; 1917 CIC 0943; 1917 CIC 0944;
Book III, Part One, Title 5, Chapter 3: Rites and ceremonies of extreme unction, cc. 0945-0947. 1917 CIC 0945; 1917 CIC 0946; 1917 CIC 0947;
Book III, Part One, Title 6: Orders, cc. 0945-1011.
Book III, Part One, Title 6: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 0948-0950.
1917 CIC 0948; 1917 CIC 0949; 1917 CIC 0950;
Book III, Part One, Title 6, Chapter 1: Minister of ordination, cc. 0951-0967.
1917 CIC 0951; 1917 CIC 0952; 1917 CIC 0953; 1917 CIC 0954; 1917 CIC 0955; dispensation from irregularities for holy orders, as follows:
1917 CIC 0956; 1917 CIC 0957; 1917 CIC 0958; 1917 CIC 0959; 1917 CIC 0960; 1917 CIC 0961; 1917 CIC 0962; 1917 CIC 0963; 1917 CIC 0964; 1917 CIC 0965; 1917 CIC 0966; 1917 CIC 0967;
Book III, Part One, Title 6, Chapter 2: Subject of ordination, cc. 0968-0982.
Book III, Part One, Title 6, Chapter 2: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 0968-0972.
1917 CIC 0968; 1917 CIC 0969; 1917 CIC 0970; 1917 CIC 0971; 1917 CIC 0972;
Book III, Part One, Title 6, Chapter 2, Article 1: Requirements in the subject of ordination, cc. 0973-0982. 1917 CIC 0973; 1917 CIC 0974; 1917 CIC 0975; 1917 CIC 0976; 1917 CIC 0977; 1917 CIC 0978; 1917 CIC 0979; 1917 CIC 0980; 1917 CIC 0981;
1917 CIC 0982;
Book III, Part One, Title 6, Chapter 2, Article 3: Irregularities and other impediments, cc. 0983-0991.
1917 CIC 0983; 1917 CIC 0984; 1917 CIC 0985; 1917 CIC 0986; 1917 CIC 0987; 1917 CIC 0988; 1917 CIC 0989; 1917 CIC 0990; 1917 CIC 0991;
Book III, Part One, Title 6, Chapter 3: Things that must precede ordination, cc. 0992-1001.
1917 CIC 0992; 1917 CIC 0993; 1917 CIC 0994; 1917 CIC 0995; 1917 CIC 0996; 1917 CIC 0997; 1917 CIC 0998; 1917 CIC 0999; 1917 CIC 1000; 1917 CIC 1001;
Book III, Part One, Title 6, Chapter 4: Rites and ceremonies of ordination, cc. 1002-1005.
1917 CIC 1002; 1917 CIC 1003; 1917 CIC 1004; 1917 CIC 1005;
Book III, Part One, Title 6, Chapter 5: Time and place of ordination, cc. 1006-1009. 1917 CIC 1006; 1917 CIC 1007; 1917 CIC 1008; 1917 CIC 1009;
Book III, Part One, Title 6, Chapter 6: Recording and proving ordination, cc. 1010-1011.
1917 CIC 1010; 1917 CIC 1011;
Book III, Part One, Title 7: Marriage, cc. 1010-1143.///////////////////////////////////////////////
• Joseph Bánk (Hungarian =, =), Connubia Canonica (Herder, 1959). ▪ Review: =.
• Matthew Ramstein (American Conventual, 1897-1955), The Pastor and Marriage Cases [1936], (Benziger, 2° ed., 1938) 252 pp. ▪ Review: =.
• Ioannis Chelodi (Italian priest, 1882-1922), Ius Matrimoniale iuxta Codicem Iuris Canonici [=], (Libreria Moderna Editrice, 3° ed., 1921) 219 pp. ▪ Review: =. Notes: Chelodi’s text underwent at least two more revisions (4° ed. by V. Dalpiaz, Tridentum, 1937, = pp.; 5° ed. by P. Ciprotti, Anonima, 1947, 296 pp.) at least the latter of which was retitled Ius Canonicum de Matrimonio et de Iudiciis Matrimonialibus.
• Adhémar Esmein (French layman, 1848-1913), Le Mariage en Droit Canonique [1891], (Recueil Sirey, 2° ed., 1929) in 2 vols. ▪ Review: R. Génestal =. ≡ On the place of Esmein in canonistics see, e.g., L. Charret, "Esmein, Adhémar", DDC V (1953) 454-457.
• Pietro Gasparri (Italian prelate, 1852-1934), Tractatus Canonicus de Matrimonio [1891] (Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 9° ed., 1932) in 2 vols. ▪ Review: =. Notes: This work originated under Decretal Law but, as revised by Gasparri, it was widely regarded as the premier commentary on codified matrimonial law and today ranks as a 'textus classicus'. ≡ On the place of Gasparri in canonistics see, e.g., W. Peters, "Gasparri, Pietro", NCE2 (2003) 103-104; G. Oesterlé, "Gasparri (Pierre)", DDC V (1953) 939-940; A. Piolanti, ed., Il Cardinnal Pietro Gasparri (Lateran, 1960) 235 pp., esp. 106-115. ≡ Gasparri biograph.
• George Joyce (English Jesuit, 1864-1943), Christian Marriage: an historical and doctrinal study, (Sheed & Ward, 1933) 632 pp. ▪ Review: G. Oesterlé, Ius Pontificium 14 (1934) 237-238. Notes: This work is a 'textus classicus'.
• Louis Nau (American priest, 1869-1935), Manual on the Marriage Laws of the Code of Canon Law, (Pustet, 1933) 254 pp. ▪ Review: =.
• Joseph Petrovits (Hungarian/American priest, 1886-1963), The New Church Law on Matrimony, (McVey, 1921) 458 pp. ▪ Review: =.
• Henry Ayrinhac (American Sulpician, 1867-1931), Marriage Legislation in the New Code of Canon Law [1932], (Benziger, rev. by P. Lydon, 1957) 397 pp.
Book III, Part One, Title 7: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 1012-1018. 1917 CIC 1012;
1917 CIC 1013; 1917 CIC 1014; 1917 CIC 1015; 1917 CIC 1016; 1917 CIC 1017; 1917 CIC 1018;
Book III, Part One, Title 7, Chapter 1: Things that must precede marriage, especially banns, cc. 1019-1034. 1917 CIC 1019; 1917 CIC 1020; 1917 CIC 1021; 1917 CIC 1022; 1917 CIC 1023; 1917 CIC 1024; 1917 CIC 1025; 1917 CIC 1026; 1917 CIC 1027; 1917 CIC 1028; 1917 CIC 1029; 1917 CIC 1030; 1917 CIC 1031; 1917 CIC 1032; 1917 CIC 1033; 1917 CIC 1034;
Book III, Part One, Title 7, Chapter 2: Impediments in general, cc. 1035-1057. 1917 CIC 1035; 1917 CIC 1036; 1917 CIC 1037; 1917 CIC 1038; 1917 CIC 1039; 1917 CIC 1040; 1917 CIC 1041; 1917 CIC 1042; 1917 CIC 1043; 1917 CIC 1044; 1917 CIC 1045; 1917 CIC 1046; 1917 CIC 1047; 1917 CIC 1048; 1917 CIC 1049; 1917 CIC 1050; 1917 CIC 1051; 1917 CIC 1052; 1917 CIC 1053; 1917 CIC 1054; 1917 CIC 1055; 1917 CIC 1056; 1917 CIC 1057;
Book III, Part One, Title 7, Chapter 3: Impeding impediments, cc. 1058-1066.
1917 CIC 1058; 1917 CIC 1059; 1917 CIC 1060; 1917 CIC 1061; 1917 CIC 1062; 1917 CIC 1063; 1917 CIC 1064; 1917 CIC 1065; 1917 CIC 1066;
Book III, Part One, Title 7, Chapter 4: Diriment impediments, cc. 1067-1080. 1917 CIC 1067; 1917 CIC 1068;
1917 CIC 1069; 1917 CIC 1070; 1917 CIC 1071; 1917 CIC 1072; 1917 CIC 1073; 1917 CIC 1074; 1917 CIC 1075; 1917 CIC 1076; 1917 CIC 1077; 1917 CIC 1078; 1917 CIC 1079; 1917 CIC 1080;
Book III, Part One, Title 7, Chapter 5: Consent to marriage, cc. 1081-1093.
1917 CIC 1081; 1917 CIC 1082; 1917 CIC 1083; 1917 CIC 1084; 1917 CIC 1085; 1917 CIC 1086;
1917 CIC 1087; 1917 CIC 1088; 1917 CIC 1089; 1917 CIC 1090; 1917 CIC 1091; 1917 CIC 1092; 1917 CIC 1093;
Book III, Part One, Title 7, Chapter 6: Matrimonial form, cc. 1094-1103.
1917 CIC 1094; 1917 CIC 1095; 1917 CIC 1096; 1917 CIC 1097; 1917 CIC 1098; 1917 CIC 1099;
1917 CIC 1100; 1917 CIC 1101; 1917 CIC 1102; 1917 CIC 1103;
Book III, Part One, Title 7, Chapter 7: Marriage of conscience, cc. 1104-1107.
Co 1917 CIC 1104; 1917 CIC 1105; 1917 CIC 1106; 1917 CIC 1107;
Book III, Part One, Title 7, Chapter 8: Time and place for celebration of marriage, cc. 1108-1109. 1917 CIC 1108; 1917 CIC 1109;
Book III, Part One, Title 7, Chapter 9: Effects of marriage, cc. 1110-1117.
1917 CIC 1110; 1917 CIC 1111; 1917 CIC 1112; 1917 CIC 1113; 1917 CIC 1114; 1917 CIC 1115; 1917 CIC 1116; 1917 CIC 1117;
Book III, Part One, Title 7, Chapter 10: Separation of spouses, cc. 1118-1132. 1917 CIC 1118; 1917 CIC 1119; 1917 CIC 1120; 1917 CIC 1121; 1917 CIC 1122; 1917 CIC 1123; 1917 CIC 1124; 1917 CIC 1125;
Review: =. 1917 CIC 1126; 1917 CIC 1127;
Book III, Part One, Title 7, Chapter 10, Article 1: Separation from bed, table, and dwelling, cc. 1128-1132. 1917 CIC 1128; 1917 CIC 1129; 1917 CIC 1130; 1917 CIC 1131; 1917 CIC 1132;
Book III, Part One, Title 7, Chapter 11: Convalidation of marriage, cc. 1128-1132.
Book III, Part One, Title 7, Chapter 11, Article 1, Simple convalidation, cc. 1133-1137. 1917 CIC 1133; 1917 CIC 1134; 1917 CIC 1135; 1917 CIC 1136; 1917 CIC 1137;
Book III, Part One, Title 7, Chapter 11, Article 2, On radical sanation, cc. 1138-1141.
1917 CIC 1138; 1917 CIC 1139; 1917 CIC 1140; 1917 CIC 1141;
Book III, Part One, Title 7, Chapter 12: Second weddings, cc. 1142-1143. 1917 CIC 1142; 1917 CIC 1143;
Book III, Part One, Title 8: Sacramentals, cc. 1144-1153. 1917 CIC 1144; 1917 CIC 1145; 1917 CIC 1146; 1917 CIC 1147; 1917 CIC 1148; 1917 CIC 1149; 1917 CIC 1150; 1917 CIC 1151; 1917 CIC 1152; 1917 CIC 1153;
Book III, Part Two: Sacred Places and Times, cc. 1154-1254. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book III, Part Two, Section One: Sacred Places, cc. 1154-1242. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book III, Part Two, Section One: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 1154-1160. 1917 CIC 1154; 1917 CIC 1155; 1917 CIC 1156; 1917 CIC 1157; 1917 CIC 1158; 1917 CIC 1159; 1917 CIC 1160;
Book III, Part Two, Section One, Title 9: Churches, cc. 1161-1187. 1917 CIC 1161; 1917 CIC 1162; 1917 CIC 1163; 1917 CIC 1164; 1917 CIC 1165; 1917 CIC 1166; 1917 CIC 1167; 1917 CIC 1168; 1917 CIC 1169; 1917 CIC 1170; 1917 CIC 1171; 1917 CIC 1172; 1917 CIC 1173; 1917 CIC 1174; 1917 CIC 1175; 1917 CIC 1176; 1917 CIC 1177; 1917 CIC 1178; 1917 CIC 1179; 1917 CIC 1180; 1917 CIC 1181; 1917 CIC 1182; 1917 CIC 1183; 1917 CIC 1184; 1917 CIC 1185; 1917 CIC 1186; 1917 CIC 1187;
Book III, Part Two, Section One, Title 10: Oratories, cc. 1188-1196. 1917 CIC 1188; 1917 CIC 1189; 1917 CIC 1190; 1917 CIC 1191; 1917 CIC 1192; 1917 CIC 1193; 1917 CIC 1194; 1917 CIC 1195; 1917 CIC 1196;
Book III, Part Two, Section One, Title 11: Altars, cc. 1197-1202. 1917 CIC 1197; 1917 CIC 1198; 1917 CIC 1199; 1917 CIC 1200; 1917 CIC 1201; 1917 CIC 1202;
Book III, Part Two, Section One, Title 12: Ecclesiastical burial, cc. 1203-1242.
Book III, Part Two, Section One, Title 12: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 1203-1204. 1917 CIC 1203; 1917 CIC 1204;
Book III, Part Two, Section One, Title 12, Chapter 1: Cemeteries, cc. 1205-1214. 1917 CIC 1205; 1917 CIC 1206; 1917 CIC 1207; 1917 CIC 1208; 1917 CIC 1209; 1917 CIC 1210; 1917 CIC 1211; 1917 CIC 1212; 1917 CIC 1213; 1917 CIC 1214;
Book III, Part Two, Section One, Title 12, Chapter 2: Transfer of corpse, funeral and burial, cc. 1215-1238. 1917 CIC 1215; 1917 CIC 1216; 1917 CIC 1217; 1917 CIC 1218; 1917 CIC 1219; 1917 CIC 1220; 1917 CIC 1221; 1917 CIC 1222; 1917 CIC 1223; 1917 CIC 1224; 1917 CIC 1225; 1917 CIC 1226; 1917 CIC 1227; 1917 CIC 1228; 1917 CIC 1229; 1917 CIC 1230; 1917 CIC 1231; 1917 CIC 1232; 1917 CIC 1233; 1917 CIC 1234; 1917 CIC 1235; 1917 CIC 1236; 1917 CIC 1237; 1917 CIC 1238; 1917 CIC 1239;
Book III, Part Two, Section One, Title 12, Chapter 3: Granting and denying ecclesiastical burial, cc. 1239-1242. 1917 CIC 1240; 1917 CIC 1241; 1917 CIC 1242;
Book III, Part Two, Section Two: Sacred Times, cc. 1243-1254. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book III, Part Two, Section Two: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 1243-1246.
1917 CIC 1243; 1917 CIC 1244; 1917 CIC 1245; 1917 CIC 1246;
Book III, Part Two, Section Two, Title 13: Feast days, cc. 1247-1249. 1917 CIC 1247; 1917 CIC 1248; 1917 CIC 1249;
Book III, Part Two, Section Two, Title 14: Abstinence and fast, cc. 1250-1254.
1917 CIC 1250; 1917 CIC 1251; 1917 CIC 1252; 1917 CIC 1253; 1917 CIC 1254;
Book III, Part Three: Divine Worship, cc. 1255-1321. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book III, Part Three: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 1255-1264. 1917 CIC 1255; 1917 CIC 1256; 1917 CIC 1257; 1917 CIC 1258; 1917 CIC 1259; 1917 CIC 1260; 1917 CIC 1261; 1917 CIC 1262; 1917 CIC 1263; 1917 CIC 1264;
Book III, Part Three, Title 15: Custody of worship of the most holy Eucharist, cc. 1265-1275.
1917 CIC 1265; 1917 CIC 1266; 1917 CIC 1267; 1917 CIC 1268; 1917 CIC 1269; 1917 CIC 1270; 1917 CIC 1271; 1917 CIC 1272; 1917 CIC 1273; 1917 CIC 1274; 1917 CIC 1275;
Book III, Part Three, Title 16: Saints, sacred images, and relics, cc. 1276-1289.
1917 CIC 1276; 1917 CIC 1277; 1917 CIC 1278; 1917 CIC 1279; 1917 CIC 1280; 1917 CIC 1281; 1917 CIC 1282; 1917 CIC 1283; 1917 CIC 1284; 1917 CIC 1285; 1917 CIC 1286; 1917 CIC 1287; 1917 CIC 1288; 1917 CIC 1289;
Book III, Part Three, Title 17: Sacred processions, cc. 1290-1295.
1917 CIC 1290; 1917 CIC 1291; 1917 CIC 1292; 1917 CIC 1293; 1917 CIC 1294; 1917 CIC 1295;
Book III, Part Three, Title 18: Sacred furnishings, cc. 1296-1306. 1917 CIC 1296; 1917 CIC 1297; 1917 CIC 1298; 1917 CIC 1299; 1917 CIC 1300; 1917 CIC 1301; 1917 CIC 1302; 1917 CIC 1303; 1917 CIC 1304; 1917 CIC 1305; 1917 CIC 1306;
Book III, Part Three, Title 19: Vows and oaths, cc. 1307-1321.
Book III, Part Three, Title 19, Chapter 1: Vows, cc. 1307-1315.
1917 CIC 1307; 1917 CIC 1308; 1917 CIC 1309; 1917 CIC 1310; 1917 CIC 1311; 1917 CIC 1312; 1917 CIC 1313; 1917 CIC 1314; 1917 CIC 1315;
Book III, Part Three, Title 19, Chapter 2: Oaths, cc. 1316-1321. 1917 CIC 1316; 1917 CIC 1317; 1917 CIC 1318; 1917 CIC 1319; 1917 CIC 1320; 1917 CIC 1321;
Book III, Part Four: Magisterium, cc. 1322-1408. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book III, Part Four: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 1322-1326.
1917 CIC 1322; 1917 CIC 1323; 1917 CIC 1324; 1917 CIC 1325; 1917 CIC 1326;
Book III, Part Four, Title 20: Preaching the divine word, cc. 1327-1351.
Book III, Part Four, Title 20: [Preliminary provisions] cc. 1327-1328.
1917 CIC 1327; 1917 CIC 1328;
Book III, Part Four, Title 20, Chapter 1: Catechetical instruction, cc. 1329-1336. 1917 CIC 1329; 1917 CIC 1330; 1917 CIC 1331; 1917 CIC 1332; 1917 CIC 1333; 1917 CIC 1334; 1917 CIC 1335; 1917 CIC 1336;
Book III, Part Four, Title 20, Chapter 2: Sacred sermons, cc. 1337-1348. 1917 CIC 1337; 1917 CIC 1338; 1917 CIC 1339; 1917 CIC 1340; 1917 CIC 1341; 1917 CIC 1342; 1917 CIC 1343; 1917 CIC 1344; 1917 CIC 1345; 1917 CIC 1346; 1917 CIC 1347; 1917 CIC 1348;
Book III, Part Four, Title 20, Chapter 3: Sacred missions, cc. 1349-1351.
1917 CIC 1349; 1917 CIC 1350; 1917 CIC 1351;
Book III, Part Four, Title 21: Seminaries, cc. 1352-1371. 1917 CIC 1352; 1917 CIC 1353; 1917 CIC 1354; 1917 CIC 1355; 1917 CIC 1356; 1917 CIC 1357; 1917 CIC 1358; 1917 CIC 1359; 1917 CIC 1360; 1917 CIC 1361; 1917 CIC 1362; 1917 CIC 1363; 1917 CIC 1364; 1917 CIC 1365; 1917 CIC 1366; 1917 CIC 1367; 1917 CIC 1368; 1917 CIC 1369; 1917 CIC 1370; 1917 CIC 1371;
Book III, Part Four, Title 22: Schools, cc. 1372-1383.
1917 CIC 1372; 1917 CIC 1373; 1917 CIC 1374; 1917 CIC 1375; 1917 CIC 1376; 1917 CIC 1377; 1917 CIC 1378; 1917 CIC 1379; 1917 CIC 1380; 1917 CIC 1381; 1917 CIC 1382; 1917 CIC 1383;
Book III, Part Four, Title 23: Previous censorship of books and their prohibition, cc. 1384-1405.
Book III, Part Four, Title 23 [Preliminary provision], cc. 1384. 1917 CIC 1384;
Book III, Part Four, Title 23, Chapter 1: Previous censorship of books, cc. 1385-1394. 1917 CIC 1385; 1917 CIC 1386; 1917 CIC 1387; 1917 CIC 1388; 1917 CIC 1389; 1917 CIC 1390; 1917 CIC 1391; 1917 CIC 1392; 1917 CIC 1393; 1917 CIC 1394;
Book III, Part Four, Title 23, Chapter 2: Prohibition of books, cc. 1395-1405.
1917 CIC 1395; 1917 CIC 1396; 1917 CIC 1397; 1917 CIC 1398; 1917 CIC 1399;
Comment: The major sta 1917 CIC 1400; 1917 CIC 1401; 1917 CIC 1402; 1917 CIC 1403; 1917 CIC 1404; 1917 CIC 1405;
Book III, Part Four, Title 24, Chapter 2: Profession of faith, cc. 1406-1408. 1917 CIC 1406; 1917 CIC 1407; 1917 CIC 1408;
Book III, Part Five: Benefices and non-collegiate institutes, cc. 1409-1494. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book III, Part Five, Title 25, Ecclesiastical benefices, cc. 1409-1488.
Book III, Part Five, Title 25, [Preliminary provisions], cc. 1409-1413. 1917 CIC 1409; 1917 CIC 1410; 1917 CIC 1411; 1917 CIC 1412; 1917 CIC 1413;
Book III, Part Five, Title 25, Chapter 1: Constitution or erection of benefices, cc. 1414-1418. 1917 CIC 1414; 1917 CIC 1415; 1917 CIC 1416; 1917 CIC 1417; 1917 CIC 1418;
Book III, Part Five, Title 25, Chapter 2: Union, transfer, division, dismemberment, conversion, and suppression of benefices, cc. 1419-1430. 1917 CIC 1419; 1917 CIC 1420; 1917 CIC 1421; 1917 CIC 1422; 1917 CIC 1423; 1917 CIC 1424; 1917 CIC 1425; 1917 CIC 1426; 1917 CIC 1427; 1917 CIC 1428; 1917 CIC 1429; 1917 CIC 1430;
Book III, Part Five, Title 25, Chapter 3: Conferral of benefices, cc. 1431-1447. 1917 CIC 1431; 1917 CIC 1432; 1917 CIC 1433; 1917 CIC 1434; 1917 CIC 1435; 1917 CIC 1436; 1917 CIC 1437; 1917 CIC 1438; 1917 CIC 1439; 1917 CIC 1440; 1917 CIC 1441; 1917 CIC 1442; 1917 CIC 1443; 1917 CIC 1444; 1917 CIC 1445; 1917 CIC 1446; 1917 CIC 1447;
Book III, Part Five, Title 25, Chapter 4: Right of patronage, cc. 1448-1471. 1917 CIC 1448; 1917 CIC 1449; 1917 CIC 1450; 1917 CIC 1451; 1917 CIC 1452; 1917 CIC 1453; 1917 CIC 1454; 1917 CIC 1455; 1917 CIC 1456; 1917 CIC 1457; 1917 CIC 1458; 1917 CIC 1459; 1917 CIC 1460; 1917 CIC 1461; 1917 CIC 1462; 1917 CIC 1463; 1917 CIC 1464; 1917 CIC 1465; 1917 CIC 1466; 1917 CIC 1467; 1917 CIC 1468; 1917 CIC 1469; 1917 CIC 1470; 1917 CIC 1471;
Book III, Part Five, Title 25, Chapter 5: Rights and obligations of beneficiaries, cc. 1472-1483. 1917 CIC 1472; 1917 CIC 1473; 1917 CIC 1474; 1917 CIC 1475; 1917 CIC 1476; 1917 CIC 1477; 1917 CIC 1478; 1917 CIC 1479; 1917 CIC 1480; 1917 CIC 1481; 1917 CIC 1482; 1917 CIC 1483;
Book III, Part Five, Title 25, Chapter 6: Termination of and changes to benefices, cc. 1484-1488. 1917 CIC 1484; 1917 CIC 1485; 1917 CIC 1486; 1917 CIC 1487; 1917 CIC 1488;
Book III, Part Five, Title 26: Other non-collegiate ecclesiastical benefices, cc. 1489-1494. 1917 CIC 1489; 1917 CIC 1490; 1917 CIC 1491; 1917 CIC 1492; 1917 CIC 1493; 1917 CIC 1494;
Book III, Part Six: Temporal goods, cc. 1495-1551. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book III, Part Six: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 1495-1498. 1917 CIC 1495; 1917 CIC 1496; 1917 CIC 1497; 1917 CIC 1498;
Book III, Part Six, Title 27: Acquiring ecclesiastical goods, cc. 1499-1517. 1917 CIC 1499; 1917 CIC 1500; 1917 CIC 1501; 1917 CIC 1502; 1917 CIC 1503; 1917 CIC 1504;
1917 CIC 1505; 1917 CIC 1506; 1917 CIC 1507; 1917 CIC 1508;
1917 CIC 1509;
1917 CIC 1510;
1917 CIC 1511;
1917 CIC 1512;
1917 CIC 1513;
1917 CIC 1514;
1917 CIC 1515;
1917 CIC 1516;
1917 CIC 1517;
Book III, Part Six, Title 28: Administration of ecclesiastical goods, cc. 1518-1528.
1917 CIC 1518;
1917 CIC 1519;
1917 CIC 1520;
1917 CIC 1521;
1917 CIC 1522;
1917 CIC 1523;
1917 CIC 1524;
1917 CIC 1525;
1917 CIC 1526;
1917 CIC 1527; 1917 CIC 1528;
Book III, Part Six, Title 29: Contracts, cc. 1529-1543.
1917 CIC 1529;
1917 CIC 1530;
1917 CIC 1531;
1917 CIC 1532; 1917 CIC 1533;
1917 CIC 1534;
1917 CIC 1535;
1917 CIC 1536;
1917 CIC 1537; 1917 CIC 1538; 1917 CIC 1539;
1917 CIC 1540; 1917 CIC 1541; 1917 CIC 1542;
1917 CIC 1543;
Book III, Part Six, Title 29: Pious foundations, cc. 1544-1551. 1917 CIC 1544; 1917 CIC 1545; 1917 CIC 1546; 1917 CIC 1547; 1917 CIC 1548; 1917 CIC 1549; 1917 CIC 1550; 1917 CIC 1551;
Book IV: Procedures, cc. 1552-2194. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book IV, Part One: Trials, cc. 1552-1998. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book IV, Part One: Trials, [Preliminary provisions], cc. 1552-1555. 1917 CIC 1552; 1917 CIC 1553; 1917 CIC 1554; 1917 CIC 1555;
Book IV, Part One, Section One: Trials in general, cc. 1556-1924. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 1: Competent forum, cc. 1556-1568.
1917 CIC 1556; 1917 CIC 1557; 1917 CIC 1558; 1917 CIC 1559; 1917 CIC 1560; 1917 CIC 1561; 1917 CIC 1562; 1917 CIC 1563; 1917 CIC 1564; 1917 CIC 1565; 1917 CIC 1566; 1917 CIC 1567; 1917 CIC 1568;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 2: Grades and types of tribunals, cc. 1556-1607.
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 2: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 1569-1571. 1917 CIC 1569; 1917 CIC 1570; 1917 CIC 1571;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 2, Chapter 1: Ordinary tribunal of first instance, cc. 1572-1593.
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 2, Chapter 1, Article 1: Judge, cc. 1572-1579. 1917 CIC 1572; 1917 CIC 1573; 1917 CIC 1574; 1917 CIC 1575; 1917 CIC 1576; 1917 CIC 1577; 1917 CIC 1578; 1917 CIC 1579;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 2, Chapter 1, Article 2: Auditors and reporters, cc. 1580-1584. 1917 CIC 1580; 1917 CIC 1581; 1917 CIC 1582; 1917 CIC 1583; 1917 CIC 1584;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 2, Chapter 1, Article 3: Notary, Promoter of Justice, Defender of the Bond, cc. 1585-1590. 1917 CIC 1585; 1917 CIC 1586; promoter of justice and defender of the bond, as follows:
Scholarly works:
1917 CIC 1587; 1917 CIC 1588; 1917 CIC 1589; 1917 CIC 1590;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 2, Chapter 1, Article 4: Couriers and messengers, cc. 1591-1593. 1917 CIC 1591; 1917 CIC 1592; 1917 CIC 1593;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 2, Chapter 2: Ordinary tribunal of second instance, cc. 1594-1596. 1917 CIC 1594; 1917 CIC 1595; 1917 CIC 1596;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 2, Chapter 3: Ordinary tribunals of the Apostolic See, cc. 1597-1605.
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 2, Chapter 3: [Preliminary provision], cc. 1597. 1917 CIC 1597;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 2, Chapter 3, Article 1: Sacred Roman Rota, cc. 1598-1601. 1917 CIC 1598; 1917 CIC 1599; 1917 CIC 1600; 1917 CIC 1601;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 2, Chapter 3, Article 2: Apostolic Signatura, cc. 1602-1605. 1917 CIC 1602; 1917 CIC 1603; 1917 CIC 1604; 1917 CIC 1605;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 2, Chapter 4: Delegated tribunal, cc. 1606-1607. 1917 CIC 1606; 1917 CIC 1607;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 3: Discipline to be observed in tribunals, cc. 1606-1645.
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 3, Chapter 1: Judge and tribunal ministers, cc. 1608-1626.
1917 CIC 1608;
1917 CIC 1609;
1917 CIC 1610;
1917 CIC 1611;
1917 CIC 1612;
1917 CIC 1613;
1917 CIC 1614;
1917 CIC 1615;
1917 CIC 1616;
1917 CIC 1617;
1917 CIC 1618;
1917 CIC 1619;
1917 CIC 1620;
1917 CIC 1621;
1917 CIC 1622;
1917 CIC 1623;
1917 CIC 1624;
1917 CIC 1625;
1917 CIC 1626;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 3, Chapter 2: Order of treatment, cc. 1627-1633.
1917 CIC 1627; 1917 CIC 1628;
1917 CIC 1629;
1917 CIC 1630;
1917 CIC 1631;
1917 CIC 1632; 1917 CIC 1633;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 3, Chapter 3: Time limits and deadlines, cc. 1634-1635.
1917 CIC 1634;
1917 CIC 1635;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 3, Chapter 4: Time and place of trial, cc. 1636-1639.
1917 CIC 1636;
1917 CIC 1637; 1917 CIC 1638; 1917 CIC 1639;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 3, Chapter 5: Person admitted to judicial discussion and manner of producing and preserving acts, cc. 1640-1645.
1917 CIC 1640; 1917 CIC 1641; 1917 CIC 1642;
1917 CIC 1643; 1917 CIC 1644; 1917 CIC 1645;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 4: Parties in the case, cc. 1646-1666.
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 4, Chapter 1: Petitioner and convened respondent, cc. 1647-1654. 1917 CIC 1646; 1917 CIC 1647; 1917 CIC 1648; 1917 CIC 1649; 1917 CIC 1650; 1917 CIC 1651; 1917 CIC 1652; 1917 CIC 1653; 1917 CIC 1654;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 4, Chapter 2: Procurators and advocates, cc. 1655-1666. 1917 CIC 1655; 1917 CIC 1656; 1917 CIC 1657; 1917 CIC 1658; 1917 CIC 1659; 1917 CIC 1660; 1917 CIC 1661; 1917 CIC 1662; 1917 CIC 1663; 1917 CIC 1664; 1917 CIC 1665; 1917 CIC 1666;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 5: Actions and exceptions, cc. 1667-1705.
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 5, [Preliminary provisions], cc. 1667-1671. 1917 CIC 1667; on action and exceptions, as follows: 1917 CIC 1668; 1917 CIC 1669; 1917 CIC 1670; 1917 CIC 1671;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 5, Chapter 1: Sequestration and restraint on exercise of rights, cc. 1672-1675. 1917 CIC 1672; 1917 CIC 1673; 1917 CIC 1674; 1917 CIC 1675;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 5, Chapter 2: Actions to prevent operations and threatened damages, cc. 1676-1678.
1917 CIC 1676; 1917 CIC 1677; 1917 CIC 1678;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 5, Chapter 3: Actions arising from nullity of acts, cc. 1679-1683.
1917 CIC 1679; 1917 CIC 1680; 1917 CIC 1681; 1917 CIC 1682; 1917 CIC 1683;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 5, Chapter 4: Recissory actions and restitution in the entirety, cc. 1684-1689. 1917 CIC 1684; 1917 CIC 1685; 1917 CIC 1686; 1917 CIC 1687; 1917 CIC 1688; 1917 CIC 1689;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 5, Chapter 5: Mutual petition or counter-suits, cc. 1690-1692. 1917 CIC 1690; 1917 CIC 1691; 1917 CIC 1692;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 5, Chapter 6: Actions or possessory remedies, cc. 1693-1700. 1917 CIC 1693; 1917 CIC 1694; 1917 CIC 1695; 1917 CIC 1696; 1917 CIC 1697; 1917 CIC 1698; 1917 CIC 1699; 1917 CIC 1700;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 5, Chapter 7: Extinction of actions, cc. 1701-1705. 1917 CIC 1701; 1917 CIC 1702; 1917 CIC 1703; 1917 CIC 1704; 1917 CIC 1705;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 6: Introduction of the case, cc. 1706-1725.
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 6, Chapter 1: Libellus introducing litigation, cc. 1706-1710. 1917 CIC 1706; 1917 CIC 1707; 1917 CIC 1708;
1917 CIC 1709;
1917 CIC 1710;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 6, Chapter 2: Citation and communication of judicial acts, cc. 1711-1725.
1917 CIC 1711;
1917 CIC 1712;
1917 CIC 1713;
1917 CIC 1714;
1917 CIC 1715;
1917 CIC 1716;
1917 CIC 1717;
1917 CIC 1718;
1917 CIC 1719;
1917 CIC 1720;
1917 CIC 1721;
1917 CIC 1722;
1917 CIC 1723;
1917 CIC 1724;
1917 CIC 1725;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 7: Joinder of issues, cc. 1726-1731.
1917 CIC 1726;
1917 CIC 1727; 1917 CIC 1728;
1917 CIC 1729;
1917 CIC 1730;
1917 CIC 1731;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 8: Instance of the litigation, cc. 1732-1741.
1917 CIC 1732; 1917 CIC 1733;
1917 CIC 1734;
1917 CIC 1735;
1917 CIC 1736;
1917 CIC 1737; 1917 CIC 1738; 1917 CIC 1739;
1917 CIC 1740; 1917 CIC 1741;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 9: Interrogation of parties made at trial, cc. 1742-1746.
1917 CIC 1742;
1917 CIC 1743; 1917 CIC 1744; 1917 CIC 1745; 1917 CIC 1746;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10: Evidence, cc. 1747-1836.
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 1747-1749. 1917 CIC 1747; 1917 CIC 1748; 1917 CIC 1749;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 1: Confession of the parties, cc. 1750-1753. 1917 CIC 1750; 1917 CIC 1751; 1917 CIC 1752;
1917 CIC 1753;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 2: Confession of the parties, cc. 1754-1791.
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 2: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 1754-1755. 1917 CIC 1754; 1917 CIC 1755;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 2, Article 1: Who can be a witness, cc. 1756-1758. 1917 CIC 1756; 1917 CIC 1757; 1917 CIC 1758;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 2, Article 2: Participation of witnesses, cc. 1759-1766. 1917 CIC 1759; 1917 CIC 1760; 1917 CIC 1761; 1917 CIC 1762; 1917 CIC 1763; 1917 CIC 1764; 1917 CIC 1765; 1917 CIC 1766;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 2, Article 3: Oath of witnesses, cc. 1767-1769. 1917 CIC 1767; 1917 CIC 1768; 1917 CIC 1769;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 2, Article 4: Examination of witnesses, cc. 1770-1781.
1917 CIC 1770; 1917 CIC 1771; 1917 CIC 1772; 1917 CIC 1773; 1917 CIC 1774; 1917 CIC 1775; 1917 CIC 1776; 1917 CIC 1777; 1917 CIC 1778; 1917 CIC 1779; 1917 CIC 1780; 1917 CIC 1781;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 2, Article 5: Disclosure and rejection of testimony, cc. 1782-1786. 1917 CIC 1782; 1917 CIC 1783; 1917 CIC 1784; 1917 CIC 1785; 1917 CIC 1786;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 2, Article 6: Indemnification of witnesses, cc. 1787-1788.
1917 CIC 1787; 1917 CIC 1788;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 2, Article 7: Trustworthiness of witnesses, cc. 1789-1791. 1917 CIC 1789; 1917 CIC 1790; 1917 CIC 1791;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 3: Experts, cc. 1792-1805. 1917 CIC 1792; 1917 CIC 1793; 1917 CIC 1794; 1917 CIC 1795; 1917 CIC 1796; 1917 CIC 1797; 1917 CIC 1798; 1917 CIC 1799; 1917 CIC 1800; 1917 CIC 1801; 1917 CIC 1802; 1917 CIC 1803; 1917 CIC 1804; 1917 CIC 1805;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 4: Judicial access and examination, cc. 1806-1811. 1917 CIC 1806; 1917 CIC 1807; 1917 CIC 1808; 1917 CIC 1809; 1917 CIC 1810; 1917 CIC 1811;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 5: Evidence through instruments, cc. 1812-1824.
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 5, Article 1: Nature and trustworthiness of instruments, cc. 1812-1818. 1917 CIC 1812; 1917 CIC 1813; 1917 CIC 1814; 1917 CIC 1815; 1917 CIC 1816; 1917 CIC 1817; 1917 CIC 1818;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 5, Article 2: Production of documents and action for exhibition, cc. 1819-1824. 1917 CIC 1819; 1917 CIC 1820; 1917 CIC 1821; 1917 CIC 1822; 1917 CIC 1823; 1917 CIC 1824;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 6: Presumptions, cc. 1825-1828. 1917 CIC 1825; 1917 CIC 1826; 1917 CIC 1827; 1917 CIC 1828;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 10, Chapter 7: Oath of the parties, cc. 1829-1836. 1917 CIC 1829; 1917 CIC 1830; 1917 CIC 1831; 1917 CIC 1832; 1917 CIC 1833; 1917 CIC 1834; 1917 CIC 1835; 1917 CIC 1836;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 11: Incidental cases, cc. 1837-1857.
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 11: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 1837-1841. 1917 CIC 1837; 1917 CIC 1838; 1917 CIC 1839; 1917 CIC 1840; 1917 CIC 1841;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 11, Chapter 1: Contumacy, cc. 1842-1851. 1917 CIC 1842; 1917 CIC 1843; 1917 CIC 1844; 1917 CIC 1845; 1917 CIC 1846; 1917 CIC 1847; 1917 CIC 1848; 1917 CIC 1849; 1917 CIC 1850; 1917 CIC 1851;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 11, Chapter 2: Intervention of third parties in a case, cc. 1852-1853. 1917 CIC 1852; 1917 CIC 1853;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 11, Chapter 3: Attempts while litigation is pending, cc. 1854-1857. 1917 CIC 1854; 1917 CIC 1855; 1917 CIC 1856; 1917 CIC 1857;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 12: Publication of process, conclusion of the case, and discussion, cc. 1858-1867. 1917 CIC 1858; 1917 CIC 1859; 1917 CIC 1860; 1917 CIC 1861; 1917 CIC 1862; 1917 CIC 1863; 1917 CIC 1864; 1917 CIC 1865; 1917 CIC 1866; 1917 CIC 1867;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 13: Sentence, cc. 1868-1877. 1917 CIC 1868; 1917 CIC 1869; 1917 CIC 1870; 1917 CIC 1871; 1917 CIC 1872; 1917 CIC 1873; 1917 CIC 1874; 1917 CIC 1875; 1917 CIC 1876; 1917 CIC 1877;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 14: Remedies at law against a sentence, cc. 1868-1877.
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 14: [Preliminary provision], c. 1878. 1917 CIC 1878;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 14, Chapter 1: Appeal, cc. 1879-1891. 1917 CIC 1879; 1917 CIC 1880; 1917 CIC 1881; 1917 CIC 1882; 1917 CIC 1883; 1917 CIC 1884; 1917 CIC 1885; 1917 CIC 1886; 1917 CIC 1887; 1917 CIC 1888; 1917 CIC 1889; 1917 CIC 1890; 1917 CIC 1891;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 14, Chapter 2: Complaint of nullity, cc. 1892-1897. 1917 CIC 1892; 1917 CIC 1893; 1917 CIC 1894; 1917 CIC 1895; 1917 CIC 1896; 1917 CIC 1897;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 14, Chapter 3: Opposition of a third party, cc. 1898-1901. 1917 CIC 1898; 1917 CIC 1899; 1917 CIC 1900; 1917 CIC 1901;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 15: Adjudicated matter and restitution in the entirety, cc. 1902-1907.
1917 CIC 1902; 1917 CIC 1903; 1917 CIC 1904; 1917 CIC 1905; 1917 CIC 1906; 1917 CIC 1907;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 16: Judicial expenses and gratuitous service, cc. 1908-1916.
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 16, Chapter 1: Judicial expenses, cc. 1908-1913. 1917 CIC 1908; 1917 CIC 1909; 1917 CIC 1910; 1917 CIC 1911; 1917 CIC 1912; 1917 CIC 1913;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 16, Chapter 2: Free service and reduction of judicial expenses, cc. 1914-1916.
1917 CIC 1914; 1917 CIC 1915; 1917 CIC 1916;
Book IV, Part One, Section One, Title 17: Execution of the sentence, cc. 1917-1924.
1917 CIC 1917; 1917 CIC 1918; 1917 CIC 1919; 1917 CIC 1920; 1917 CIC 1921; 1917 CIC 1922; 1917 CIC 1923; 1917 CIC 1924;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two: Particular norms in certain trials, cc. 1925-1998. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 18: Methods for avoiding a contentious trial, cc. 1925-1932.
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 18, Chapter 1: Settlement, cc. 1925-1928.
1917 CIC 1925; 1917 CIC 1926; 1917 CIC 1927; 1917 CIC 1928;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 18, Chapter 2: Compromise by arbitration, cc. 1929-1932.
1917 CIC 1929; 1917 CIC 1930; 1917 CIC 1931; 1917 CIC 1932;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 19: Criminal trials, cc. 1933-1959.
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 19: {Preliminary provision] c. 1933.
1917 CIC 1933;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 19, Chapter 1: Accusatory action and denunciation, cc. 1934-1938.
1917 CIC 1934; 1917 CIC 1935; 1917 CIC 1936; 1917 CIC 1937; 1917 CIC 1938;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 19, Chapter 2: Investigation, cc. 1939-1946. 1917 CIC 1939; 1917 CIC 1940; 1917 CIC 1941; 1917 CIC 1942; 1917 CIC 1943; 1917 CIC 1944; 1917 CIC 1945; 1917 CIC 1946;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 19, Chapter 3: Correction of the delinquent, cc. 1947-1953. 1917 CIC 1947; 1917 CIC 1948; 1917 CIC 1949; 1917 CIC 1950; 1917 CIC 1951; 1917 CIC 1952; 1917 CIC 1953;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 19, Chapter 4: Instruction of criminal process and arraignment of defendant, cc. 1954-1959. 1917 CIC 1954; 1917 CIC 1955; 1917 CIC 1956; 1917 CIC 1957; 1917 CIC 1958; 1917 CIC 1959;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 20: Marriage cases, cc. 1960-1992.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
• William Doheny (American Redemptorist, 1898-1982), Canonical Procedure in Matrimonial Cases, (Bruce, 1938, 1944) in 2 vols. ▪ Review: M. Hardin, Franciscan Studies 5 (1945) 331-332. Notes: Vol. I of this work treats formal marriage cases, vol. II, informal.
• Theodore Labouré (French/American Oblate, 1883-1944) & William Byrnes (American layman, ≈), Procedure in the Diocesan Matrimonial Courts of First Instance (Benziger, 1928) 263 pp. ▪ Review: =. Notes: Labouré biograph.
• Joannes Torre (=, =), Processus Matrimonialis (D'Auria, 1947) 374 pp. ▪ Review: E. Roelker, The Jurist 16 (1956) 331-332.
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 20, Chapter 1: Competent forum, cc. 1960-1965. 1917 CIC 1960; 1917 CIC 1961; 1917 CIC 1962; 1917 CIC 1963; 1917 CIC 1964; 1917 CIC 1965;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 20, Chapter 2: Constitution of the tribunal, cc. 1966-1969.
1917 CIC 1966; 1917 CIC 1967; 1917 CIC 1968; 1917 CIC 1969;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 20, Chapter 3: Right to accuse marriage and to request dispensation from a merely ratifed marriage, cc. 1970-1973.
1917 CIC 1970; 1917 CIC 1971;
1917 CIC 1972; 1917 CIC 1973;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 20, Chapter 4: Evidence, cc. 1974-1982.
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 20, Chapter 4, Article 1: Witnesses, cc. 1974-1975. 1917 CIC 1974; 1917 CIC 1975;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 20, Chapter 4, Article 2: Inspection of the body, cc. 1976-1982.
1917 CIC 1976; 1917 CIC 1977; 1917 CIC 1978; 1917 CIC 1979; 1917 CIC 1980; 1917 CIC 1981; 1917 CIC 1982;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 20, Chapter 5: Publication of the process, conclusion of the case, and sentence, cc. 1983-1985. 1917 CIC 1983; 1917 CIC 1984; 1917 CIC 1985;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 20, Chapter 6: Appeals, cc. 1986-1989. 1917 CIC 1986; 1917 CIC 1987; 1917 CIC 1988; 1917 CIC 1989;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 20, Chapter 7: Cases excepted from rules to this point, cc. 1990-1992.
1917 CIC 1990; 1917 CIC 1991; 1917 CIC 1992;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 21: Cases against sacred ordination, cc. 1993-1998. 1917 CIC 1993; 1917 CIC 1994; 1917 CIC 1995; 1917 CIC 1996; 1917 CIC 1997; 1917 CIC 1998;
Book IV, Part Two: Beatification and Canonization, cc. 1999-2141. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book IV, Part Two: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 1999-2002.
1917 CIC 1999; 1917 CIC 2000; 1917 CIC 2001; 1917 CIC 2002;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 22: Persons who have part in the process, cc. 2003-2018.
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 22, Chapter 1: Petitioner and postulator, cc. 2003-2008. 1917 CIC 2003; 1917 CIC 2004; 1917 CIC 2005; 1917 CIC 2006; 1917 CIC 2007; 1917 CIC 2008;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 22, Chapter 2: Cardinal reporter, promoters of faith, sub-promoters, cc. 2009-2012. 1917 CIC 2009; 1917 CIC 2010; 1917 CIC 2011; 1917 CIC 2012;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 22, Chapter 3: Notary, chancellor, and advocates, cc. 2013-2018. 1917 CIC 2013; 1917 CIC 2014; 1917 CIC 2015; 1917 CIC 2016; 1917 CIC 2017; 1917 CIC 2018;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 23: Evidence to be used in the processes, cc. 2019-2036.
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 23, Chapter 1: Evidence generally, cc. 2019-2022. 1917 CIC 2019; 1917 CIC 2020; 1917 CIC 2021; 1917 CIC 2022;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 23, Chapter 2: Witnesses and experts, cc. 2023-2031.
1917 CIC 2023; 1917 CIC 2024; 1917 CIC 2025; 1917 CIC 2026; 1917 CIC 2027; 1917 CIC 2028; 1917 CIC 2029; 1917 CIC 2030; 1917 CIC 2031; Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 23, Chapter 3: Documents to be included in process, cc. 2032-2036.
1917 CIC 2032; 1917 CIC 2033; 1917 CIC 2034; 1917 CIC 2035; 1917 CIC 2036;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24: Beatification of Servants of God by non-cult way, cc. 2037-2124.
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24: [Preliminary provision], cc. 2037-2124.
1917 CIC 2037;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24, Chapter 1: Process to be instructed by the local ordinary on his own authority, cc. 2038-2064.
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24, Chapter 1: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 2038-20431.
1917 CIC 2038; 1917 CIC 2039; 1917 CIC 2040; 1917 CIC 2041;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24, Chapter 1, Article 1: Review of the writings of the Servant of God, cc. 2042-2048. 1917 CIC 2042; 1917 CIC 2043; 1917 CIC 2044; 1917 CIC 2045; 1917 CIC 2046; 1917 CIC 2047; 1917 CIC 2048;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24, Chapter 1, Article 2: Informative process, cc. 2049-2056. 1917 CIC 2049; 1917 CIC 2050; 1917 CIC 2051; 1917 CIC 2052; 1917 CIC 2053; 1917 CIC 2054; 1917 CIC 2055; 1917 CIC 2056;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24, Chapter 1, Article 3: Process of non-cult, cc. 2057-2060. 1917 CIC 2057; 1917 CIC 2058; 1917 CIC 2059; 1917 CIC 2060;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24, Chapter 1, Article 4: Process of transmitting writings, informative process, and non-cult process, to Sacred Congregation non-cult, cc. 2061-2064.
1917 CIC 2061; 1917 CIC 2062; 1917 CIC 2063; 1917 CIC 2064;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24, Chapter 2: Introduction of the cause before Sacred Congregation, cc. 2065-2086.
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24, Chapter 2, Article 1: Review of writings, cc. 2065-2072. 1917 CIC 2065; 1917 CIC 2066; 1917 CIC 2067; 1917 CIC 2068; 1917 CIC 2069; 1917 CIC 2070; 1917 CIC 2071; 1917 CIC 2072;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24, Chapter 2, Article 2: Discussion of the informative process, cc. 2073-2084. 1917 CIC 2073; 1917 CIC 2074; 1917 CIC 2075; 1917 CIC 2076; 1917 CIC 2077; 1917 CIC 2078; 1917 CIC 2079; 1917 CIC 2080; 1917 CIC 2081; 1917 CIC 2082; 1917 CIC 2083; 1917 CIC 2084; Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24, Chapter 2, Article 3: Discussion of the non-cult process, cc. 2085-2086.
1917 CIC 2085; 1917 CIC 2086;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24, Chapter 3: Apostolic process, cc. 2087-2124.
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24, Chapter 3, Article 1: Instructing the apostolic process, cc. 2087-2097.
1917 CIC 2087; 1917 CIC 2088; 1917 CIC 2089; 1917 CIC 2090; 1917 CIC 2091; 1917 CIC 2092; 1917 CIC 2093; 1917 CIC 2094; 1917 CIC 2095; 1917 CIC 2096; 1917 CIC 2097;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24, Chapter 3, Article 2: Discussion of the validity of apostolic process, cc. 2098-2100. 1917 CIC 2098; 1917 CIC 2099; 1917 CIC 2100;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24, Chapter 3, Article 3: Judgment of heroicity of virtues in specific or martyrdom and its cause, cc. 2101-2115. 1917 CIC 2101; 1917 CIC 2102; 1917 CIC 2103; 1917 CIC 2104; 1917 CIC 2105; 1917 CIC 2106; 1917 CIC 2107; 1917 CIC 2108; 1917 CIC 2109; 1917 CIC 2110; 1917 CIC 2111; 1917 CIC 2112; 1917 CIC 2113; 1917 CIC 2114; 1917 CIC 2115;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 24, Chapter 3, Article 4: Trial on the miracles of the Servant of God, cc. 2116-2124.
1917 CIC 2116; 1917 CIC 2117; 1917 CIC 2118; 1917 CIC 2119; 1917 CIC 2120; 1917 CIC 2121; 1917 CIC 2122; 1917 CIC 2123; 1917 CIC 2124; 1917 CIC 2125;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 25: Process of beatification by way of cult, that is, exceptional cases, cc. 2125-2135. 1917 CIC 2126; 1917 CIC 2127; 1917 CIC 2128; 1917 CIC 2129; 1917 CIC 2130; 1917 CIC 2131; 1917 CIC 2132; 1917 CIC 2133; 1917 CIC 2134; 1917 CIC 2135;
Book IV, Part One, Section Two, Title 26: Canonization of blesseds cc. 2136-2141. 1917 CIC 2136; 1917 CIC 2137; 1917 CIC 2138; 1917 CIC 2139; 1917 CIC 2140; 1917 CIC 2141;
Book IV, Part Three: Special Procedures, cc. 2142-2194. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book IV, Part Three: [Preliminary provisions] cc. 2142-2146. 1917 CIC 2142; 1917 CIC 2143; 1917 CIC 2144; 1917 CIC 2145; 1917 CIC 2146;
Book IV, Part Three, Title 27: Removal of irremovable pastors cc. 2147-2156. 1917 CIC 2147; 1917 CIC 2148; 1917 CIC 2149; 1917 CIC 2150; 1917 CIC 2151; 1917 CIC 2152; 1917 CIC 2153; 1917 CIC 2154; 1917 CIC 2155; 1917 CIC 2156;
Book IV, Part Three, Title 28: Removal of removable pastors cc. 2157-2161. 1917 CIC 2157; 1917 CIC 2158; 1917 CIC 2159; 1917 CIC 2160; 1917 CIC 2161;
Book IV, Part Three, Title 29: Transfer of removable pastors, cc. 2162-2167. 1917 CIC 2162; 1917 CIC 2163; 1917 CIC 2164; 1917 CIC 2165; 1917 CIC 2166; 1917 CIC 2167;
Book IV, Part Three, Title 30: Proceeding against non-resident clerics, cc. 2162-2175. 1917 CIC 2168; 1917 CIC 2169; 1917 CIC 2170; 1917 CIC 2171; 1917 CIC 2172; 1917 CIC 2173; 1917 CIC 2174; 1917 CIC 2175;
Book IV, Part Three, Title 31: Proceeding against concubinious clerics, cc. 2176-2181. 1917 CIC 2176; 1917 CIC 2177; 1917 CIC 2178; 1917 CIC 2179; 1917 CIC 2180; 1917 CIC 2181;
Book IV, Part Three, Title 32: Proceeding against negligent pastors, cc. 2182-2185. 1917 CIC 2182; 1917 CIC 2183; 1917 CIC 2184; 1917 CIC 2185;
Book IV, Part Three, Title 32: Suspension from an informed conscience, cc. 2186-2194. 1917 CIC 2186; 1917 CIC 2187; 1917 CIC 2188; 1917 CIC 2189; 1917 CIC 2190; 1917 CIC 2191; 1917 CIC 2192; 1917 CIC 2193; 1917 CIC 2194;
Book V: Crimes and Penalties, cc. 2195-2414. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book V, Part One: Delicts, cc. 2195-2213. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book V, Part One, Title 1: Nature of delicts and their division, cc. 2195-2198. 1917 CIC 2195; 1917 CIC 2196; 1917 CIC 2197; 1917 CIC 2198;
Book V, Part One, Title 2: Imputability, factors increasing or decreasing it, and its juridic effects, cc. 2199-2211. 1917 CIC 2199; 1917 CIC 2200; 1917 CIC 2201; 1917 CIC 2202; 1917 CIC 2203; 1917 CIC 2204; 1917 CIC 2205; 1917 CIC 2206; 1917 CIC 2207; 1917 CIC 2208; 1917 CIC 2209; 1917 CIC 2210; 1917 CIC 2211;
Book V, Part One, Title 3: Attempted delict, cc. 2212-2213. 1917 CIC 2212; 1917 CIC 2213;
Book V, Part Two: Penalties, cc. 2214-2313. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book V, Part Two, Section One: Penalties in general, cc. 2214-2240. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book V, Part Two, Section One: [Preliminary provision], c. 2214. 1917 CIC 2214;
Book V, Part Two, Section One, Title 4: Notion, types, interpretation and application of penalties, cc. 2215-2219. 1917 CIC 2215; 1917 CIC 2216; 1917 CIC 2217; 1917 CIC 2218; 1917 CIC 2219;
Book V, Part Two, Section One, Title 5: Superior having coercive power, cc. 2220-2225.
1917 CIC 2220; 1917 CIC 2221; 1917 CIC 2222; 1917 CIC 2223; 1917 CIC 2224; 1917 CIC 2225;
Book V, Part Two, Section One, Title 6: Subject liable to coercive power, cc. 2226-2235. 1917 CIC 2226; 1917 CIC 2227; 1917 CIC 2228; 1917 CIC 2229; 1917 CIC 2230; 1917 CIC 2231;
1917 CIC 2232; 1917 CIC 2233; 1917 CIC 2234; 1917 CIC 2235;
Book V, Part Two, Section One, Title 7: Remission of penalties, cc. 2236-2240.
1917 CIC 2236; 1917 CIC 2237; 1917 CIC 2238; 1917 CIC 2239; 1917 CIC 2240;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two: Penalties in specific, cc. 2241-2313. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 8: Medicinal penalties or censures, cc. 2241-2285.
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 1: Censures in general, cc. 2241-2254.
1917 CIC 2241; definition of a censure, as follows:
1917 CIC 2242; 1917 CIC 2243; 1917 CIC 2244; 1917 CIC 2245; 1917 CIC 2246; 1917 CIC 2247; 1917 CIC 2248; 1917 CIC 2249; 1917 CIC 2250; 1917 CIC 2251; 1917 CIC 2252; 1917 CIC 2253; 1917 CIC 2254;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 2: Censures in specific, cc. 2255-2285.
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 2: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 2255-2256. 1917 CIC 2255; 1917 CIC 2256;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 2, Article 1: Excommunication, cc. 2257-2267.
1917 CIC 2257; 1917 CIC 2258; 1917 CIC 2259; 1917 CIC 2260; 1917 CIC 2261; 1917 CIC 2262; 1917 CIC 2263; 1917 CIC 2264; 1917 CIC 2265; 1917 CIC 2266; 1917 CIC 2267;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 2, Article 2: Interdict, cc. 2268-2277.
1917 CIC 2268; 1917 CIC 2269; 1917 CIC 2270; 1917 CIC 2271; 1917 CIC 2272; 1917 CIC 2273; 1917 CIC 2274; 1917 CIC 2275; 1917 CIC 2276; 1917 CIC 2277;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 8, Chapter 2, Article 3: Suspension, cc. 2278-2285.
1917 CIC 2278; 1917 CIC 2279; 1917 CIC 2280; 1917 CIC 2281; 1917 CIC 2282; 1917 CIC 2283; 1917 CIC 2284; 1917 CIC 2285;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 9: Vindicative penalties, cc. 2286-2305.
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 9: [Preliminary provisions], cc. 2286-2290.
1917 CIC 2286; 1917 CIC 2287; 1917 CIC 2288; 1917 CIC 2289; 1917 CIC 2290;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 9, Chapter 1: Common vindicative penalties, cc. 2291-2297. 1917 CIC 2291; 1917 CIC 2292; 1917 CIC 2293; 1917 CIC 2294; 1917 CIC 2295; 1917 CIC 2296; 1917 CIC 2297;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 9, Chapter 2: Vindicative penalties specific to clerics, cc. 2298-2305.
1917 CIC 2298; 1917 CIC 2299; 1917 CIC 2300; 1917 CIC 2301; 1917 CIC 2302; 1917 CIC 2303; 1917 CIC 2304; 1917 CIC 2305;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 10: Penal remedies and penances, cc. 2306-2313.
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 10, Chapter 1: Penal remedies, cc. 2306-2311. 1917 CIC 2306; 1917 CIC 2307; 1917 CIC 2308; 1917 CIC 2309; 1917 CIC 2310; 1917 CIC 2311;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 10, Chapter 2: Penances, cc. 2312-2313.
1917 CIC 2312; 1917 CIC 2313;
Book V, Part Three: Penalties for Individual Delicts, cc. 2314-2414. See Pan-Textual Commentaries here, or Mero-Textual Commentaries here.
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 11: Delicts against the faith and unity of the Church, cc. 2314-2319. 1917 CIC 2314; 1917 CIC 2315; 1917 CIC 2316; 1917 CIC 2317; 1917 CIC 2318; 1917 CIC 2319;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 12: Delicts against religion, cc. 2320-2329.
1917 CIC 2320; 1917 CIC 2321; 1917 CIC 2322; 1917 CIC 2323; 1917 CIC 2324; 1917 CIC 2325; 1917 CIC 2326; 1917 CIC 2327; 1917 CIC 2328; 1917 CIC 2329;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 13: Delicts against ecclesiastical authorities, persons, and things, cc. 2330-2349.
1917 CIC 2330;
1917 CIC 2331; 1917 CIC 2332; 1917 CIC 2333; 1917 CIC 2334; 1917 CIC 2335; 1917 CIC 2336; 1917 CIC 2337; 1917 CIC 2338; 1917 CIC 2339; 1917 CIC 2340; 1917 CIC 2341; 1917 CIC 2342; 1917 CIC 2343; 1917 CIC 2344; 1917 CIC 2345; 1917 CIC 2346; 1917 CIC 2347; 1917 CIC 2348; 1917 CIC 2349;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 14: Delicts against life, liberty, property, good reputation, and good morals, cc. 2350-2359.
1917 CIC 2350; 1917 CIC 2351; 1917 CIC 2352; 1917 CIC 2353; 1917 CIC 2354; 1917 CIC 2355; 1917 CIC 2356; 1917 CIC 2357; 1917 CIC 2358; 1917 CIC 2359;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title15: Falsehood, cc. 2360-2363. 1917 CIC 2360; 1917 CIC 2361; 1917 CIC 2362; 1917 CIC 2363;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 16: Delicts in administration or reception of orders and the other Sacraments, cc. 2364-2375. 1917 CIC 2364; 1917 CIC 2365; 1917 CIC 2366; 1917 CIC 2367; 1917 CIC 2368;
1917 CIC 2369; 1917 CIC 2370; 1917 CIC 2371; 1917 CIC 2372; 1917 CIC 2373; 1917 CIC 2374; 1917 CIC 2375;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 17: Delicts against the obligations of the clerical state or religious life, cc. 2376-2389. 1917 CIC 2376; 1917 CIC 2377; 1917 CIC 2378; 1917 CIC 2379; 1917 CIC 2380; 1917 CIC 2381; 1917 CIC 2382; 1917 CIC 2383; 1917 CIC 2384; 1917 CIC 2385; 1917 CIC 2386; 1917 CIC 2387; 1917 CIC 2388; 1917 CIC 2389;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 18: Delicts regarding dignities, offices, and ecclesiastical benefices, cc. 2390-2403. 1917 CIC 2390; 1917 CIC 2391; 1917 CIC 2392; 1917 CIC 2393; 1917 CIC 2394; 1917 CIC 2395; 1917 CIC 2396; 1917 CIC 2397; 1917 CIC 2398; 1917 CIC 2399; 1917 CIC 2400; 1917 CIC 2401; 1917 CIC 2402; 1917 CIC 2403;
Book V, Part Two, Section Two, Title 19: Abuse of ecclesiastical power and office, cc. 2404-2414. 1917 CIC 2404; 1917 CIC 2405; 1917 CIC 2406; 1917 CIC 2407; 1917 CIC 2408; 1917 CIC 2409; 1917 CIC 2410; 1917 CIC 2411; 1917 CIC 2412; 1917 CIC 2413; 1917 CIC 2414;
A. M. D. G. |
User notes | There might be editions of works that pre-date or post-date those cited herein. Reviews and Notes are grey-highlighted, on-line biographical information is underlined blue-linked, and matters in green highlights are of special interest. Yellow highlights are cautions for users, while the markers "=", "≠", and "≈" are placeholders for use by webmaster. |
Materials on this website represent the opinions of Dr. Edward Peters and are offered in accord with Canon 212 § 3. This website undergoes continual refinement and development. No warranty of completeness or correctness is made. Dr. Peters' views are not necessarily shared by others in the field nor are they intended as canonical or civil advice. Homepage & Site Directory / Help support / Original Materials © Edward N. Peters |
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• Fintan Geser (Benedictine, 1873-=), The Canon Law Governing Communities of Sisters [1938], (Herder, 8° ed., 1961) 415 pp. ▪ Review: =.
• Louis Fanfani (Italian Dominican, 1876-1955) & Kevin O’Rourke (American Dominican, 1927-2012), Canon Law for Religious Women, (Priory, 1961) 393 pp. ▪ Review: =.
Matthaeus Conte a Coronata (Italian Capuchin, 1889-1961), Manuale Practicum Iuris Disciplinaris et Criminalis Regularium (Marietti, 1950) 279 pp. ▪ Review: F. Cappello, Gregorianum 21 (1940) 151-152.
• Ioannes Chelodi (Italian priest, 1882-1922), Ius Poenale et Ordo Procedendi in Iudiciis Criminalibus iuxta Codicem Iuris Canonici (Tridentum, 1920) 160 pp.
Josephus Noval OP, 18 JP (1938) 85-89 1861-1938 Arcturus Vermeersch SJ, Jus Pontificium 17 (1937) 106-108. Ephemeridum Directio [Benedictus Ojetti SJ] 1862-1932, 12 JP (1932) 181-183. In memoriam A: 1867-1931, Pru: 1866-1931 11 JP (1931) 119-121.
Maroto (1875-1937)
• Giovanni Pinna (Italian priest, 1906-1971), Praxis Iudicialis Canonica (Officium Libri Catholici, 1952) 324 pp.
• Damianus Lazzarato, Iurisprudentia Pontificia, (D'Auria, 1956) 1378 pp. ▪ Review: E. Roelker, The Jurist 17 (1957) 356-357.
Matthaeus Conte a Coronata (Italian Capuchin, 1889-1961), Manuale Practicum Iuris Disciplinaris et Criminalis Regularium (Marietti, 1950) 279 pp.
1917 CIC 0020; lacunae in law, as follows:
Scholarly works:
Josephus Noval OP, 18 JP (1938) 85-89 1861-1938 Arcturus Vermeersch SJ, Jus Pontificium 17 (1937) 106-108. Ephemeridum Directio [Benedictus Ojetti SJ] 1862-1932, 12 JP (1932) 181-183. In memoriam A: 1867-1931, Pru: 1866-1931 11 JP (1931) 119-121.
schaff 1879-1946
Maroto (1875-1937)
• Giovanni Pinna (1906-), Praxis Iudicialis Canonica (Officium Libri Catholici, 1952) 324 pp. ▪ Review: =.
• Damianus Lazzarato, Iurisprudentia Pontificia, (D'Auria, 1956) 1378 pp. ▪ Review: E. Roelker, The Jurist 17 (1957) 356-357.
Matthaeus Conte a Coronata (Italian Capuchin, 1889-1961), Manuale Practicum Iuris Disciplinaris et Criminalis Regularium (Marietti, 1950) 279 pp.
fanfani, de iure relig, E. Roelker, tj 10 (1950) 114.
stickler, tj 11:442.
roelker precept, 15 j 3j. schmidt50-352
bartoccetti, 15 j 466-467
cloran, marriage 21 j 279
Scholarly works:
• Vigilius Alt (= Capuchin, 1915-), Methodologia seu Modus Ius Canonicum Discendi, Scribendi, Docendi (Collegio S. Lorenzo da Brindisi, 1954) 184 pp.
Roberti, schemata: Review: anon., Ius Pontificium 20 (1940) 60-61.
Roland Potvin (Canadian priest, 1912-2003), L’action catholique, son organisation dans l’Eglise, (Laval diss., 1949) 300 pp.
• Jean-Baptiste Georges (Haitian priest, 1919-), La vocation sacerdotale en droit ecclésiastique, (Laval diss., 1948) 130 pp.
• Donald Duffie (≈ Basilian, =-1989), Comparative marriage law in the Catholic Church and the Provinces of Canada (Québec excepted), (Laval diss., 1948) xxxiii-335 pp.
• Georges Auger (≈ Viatorian, ≈), Le bénéfice curial ou la formule canonique du droit des clercs de “vivre à l’autel”, (Laval diss., 1948) xxiii-185 pp.
• Jacques Desparts (Canadian religious, 1915-2004), Le supérieur ecclésiastique et le supérieur religeux en territoire de mission, (Laval diss., 1947) = pp.
• Harry Trower (American priest, =-1987), The actuary in ecclesiastical judicial procedure, (Laval diss., 1947, OCLC 77369299) xxiii-142 pp.
• René Adam (=, =), Le pouvoir coercitif de l’évêque, (Laval diss., 1945) 154 pp.
• René Bounadere (≈ priest, 1915-1966), Aperçu historique des petits séminaires de la province de Québec, (Laval diss., 1945) 55 pp.
• Bertrand Peletier (=, =), La dispense des interpellations en pays de mission, (Laval diss., 1945) 178 pp.
• Macel Gerin (≈ religious, 1913-), Le gouvernement des missions, (Laval diss., 1944) xxiii-255 pp.
• Roméo Lemelin (Canadian ≈, 1914-), [Les registres parcissiaux:] Le droit qui regit l’état des personnes dans la province civil de Québec, Imprimerie Franciscaine Missionaire (Québec, Canada, 1944) 209 pp.
• Gédéon Petit (≈ priest, 1911-), La part paroissiale ou quarte funéraire, (Laval diss., 1944) 218 pp.
• Roland Tremblay (≈ priest, 1917-), Pouvoirs de dispenser des empêchements matrimoniaux en pays de mission, (Laval diss., 1943) 150 pp.
• Raynaldus Comtois (=, =), De executione sentenitae, (Laval diss. 1941) ≈ pp.