To work for the proper implementation of canon law is to play an extraordinarily constructive role in continuing the redemptive mission of Christ. Pope John Paul II |
26 mar 2019 |
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Pan-Textuals 1983
Basic Introductions to Canon Law, here. |
Pan-Textual Commentaries on the 1983 Code
For insight into the meaning of Johanno-Pauline law canonists generally turn to one or more of the pan-textual commentaries on the 1983 Code, that is, to commentaries treating all, or nearly all, of the 1983 Code. The works listed here rank among the most important pan-textual commentaries on the 1983 Code.
Most pan-textual commentaries on the Johanno-Pauline Code are written by groups of scholars and follow a common plan, namely, canon-by-canon presentation of (usually) every canon in the Code (sometimes providing the Latin text of the law, sometimes not), followed by private commentary at greater or lesser length. Each entry is specifically identifiable by author, though not always easily (so see tables below); nevertheless when citing modern pan-textual commentaries it is important to identify the specific author of the passage in question. Some works have undergone more than one edition and/or some are translations of works in other languages.
The line between general introductions to canon law (go here) and one-volume commentaries thereon, as listed below, is not always bright; readers must decide for themselves whether the text before them suits their purposes.
Notes for users
Users of this page should be generally familiar with the materials presented on the Masterpage on the Johanno-Pauline Code of 1983 (go here).
The commentaries presented here are divided first by language and then alphabetically by author or editor. The citations consist of four major components: author or editor, title, publisher, and, set off by a square bullet (▪), other information.
Author or editor. Full names of authors and abbreviated names of editors are presented as used in the work (and not alphabetically by surname, a convention rendered unnecessary for electronic searches). When possible, the nationality and ecclesiastical status of the author (but not of editors) at the time of writing the work is given, along with the years of his or her birth and death if available. The authors of or contributors to the works listed here would be considered "approved authors" and/or "learned persons" for purposes of canonical interpretation.
Title. Titles are presented as in the work. If the work underwent later revisions the original year of publication (if known) is given in brackets.
Publisher. The publisher of the work is given in parentheses (but not the city of the publisher, information that is unnecessary, and sometimes misleading, in an age of electronic searches) and, if the work being cited is a revision, the edition number and name of reviser (if known) is given, followed by the year of publication. Page counts (usually exclusive of introductions and indexes) are given for monographic works but not for multi-volume works but for those works the number of volumes is indicated. If the work in question is a translation reference is made to the original title and year of publication if known.
Other information. As warranted and available.
Book reviews
Books reviews—an under-appreciated genre of academic writing—are listed below when they could be located. Bearing in mind that most pan-textual commentaries appeared in multiple volumes over time and that many such volumes went through multiple editions, users should note exactly which volumes and which editions are being discussed in any given review. Book reviews are generally listed in chronological order of appearance. Reviews might be written in a language other than that of the work in question.
The following journals were culled for reviews: |
Angelicum Apollinaris Ephemerides Iuris Canonici Jurist Studia Canonica
Volumes and Years
59 (1982) thru 93 (2016) 55 (1982) thru 61 (1988) 38 (1982) thru 40 (1984) 42 (1982) thru 74 (2014) 16 (1982) thru 47 (2013) |
≠ 2000 |
• A. Marzoa, et al., eds., Comentario Exegético al Código de Derecho Canónico, (Universidad de Navarra, 1996) in 5 vols. bound as 8. ▪ Review: D. Ratté, Studia Canonica 27 (1993) 533-539. See also English, above.
• Carlos Larrainzar González (Spanish priest, ≈), Introducción al derecho canónico [1989], (Editorial IDESCA, 2° ed., 1991) 351 pp. ▪ Reviews: D. Le Tourneau, Studia Canonica 27 (1993) 268-269; N. Bolduc, Jurist 53 (1993) 442-443.
• Urbano Navarrete [Cortés] (Spanish Jesuit, 1920-2010) & Francisco Javier Urrutia (Spanish Jesuit, 1926-2010), Nuevo Derecho Canónico: Presentación y Commentario, (Iter, 1987) 317 pp.
• L. de Echeverría, ed., Código de Derecho Canónico: Edición bilingüe comentada [1983], (Biblioteca de Autores Christianos, rev. ed., 1985) 949 pp. ▪ Reviews: G. Zavala, Jurist 45 (1985) 671-672; G. Zavala, Jurist 53 (1993) 440-441 (on the fifth edition).
• P. Lombardia, et al., eds., Código de Derecho Canónico: Edición Anotada, (EUNSA, 1983) 1149 pp. ▪ Reviews: G. Zavala, Jurist 45 (1985) 671-672; G. Zavala, Jurist 53 (1993) 440-441.
• A. Benlloch Poveda, ed., Código de Derecho Canónico Edición bilingüe, fuentes y commentarios de todos los cánones [1993], (Edicep, rev. ed., 1994) 822 pp. ▪ Review: J. Proctor, Jurist 55 (1995) 404-405.
• Dominique Le Tourneau (French Opus Dei, 1942-), Manuel de Droit Canonique, (Wilson & Lafleur, 2010) 605 pp. ▪ Reviews: J. Renken, Studia Canonica 46 (2012) 264-265; A. Asselin, Jurist 72 (2012) 300-301. Notes: Le Tourneau biograph.
• E. Caparros, et al., eds., Code de Droit Canonique [1990], (Wilson & Lafleur, 2° ed., 1999), 1889 pp., adapted from the 5th Spanish language edition of Código de derecho canónico, edicion bilingüe y anotada (1992) ▪ Review: Y.-M. Mélançon, Studia Canonica 34 (2000) 566-567.
E. Caparros, et al., eds., Code de Droit Canonique, (Wilson & Lafleur, 1990) 1500 pp., adapted from the 4th Spanish language edition of de Echeverría, ed., Código de derecho canónico, edicion bilingüe y anotada (1984) ▪ Reviews: M. Jean, Studia Canonica 24 (1990) 495-497; B. Burns, Jurist 51 (1991) 508-509.
• L. de Echeverría, ed., Code de Droit Canonique Annoté, (Edition du Cerf, Tardy, 1989) xvi-1115 pp., trans. of de Echeverría, ed., Código de Derecho Canónico (1983). ▪ Review: M Dupont, Studia Canonica 46 (2012) 492-493.
• Roger Paralieu (French priest, ≈), Guide Pratique du Code de Droit Canonique: Notes Pastorales, (Tardy, 1985) 460 pp. ▪ Notes: More of a vademecum for pastoral workers than a formal commentary. A re-working of Paralieu's Petit Guide du nouveau Code de Droit Canonique (1983).
• A. Perlasca, et al., eds., Codice di Diritto Canonico Commentato [2001], (Ancora, 3° ed., 2009) 1801 pp. ▪ Review: J. Renken, Studia Canonica 43 (2009) 565.
• Francesco D’Ostilio (Italian Conventual, 1914-2007), Prontuario del Codice di Diritto Canonico, (Urbaniana, 2011) 501 pp. ▪ Reviews: A. Urru, Angelicum 73 (1996) 462-464; J. Renken, Studia Canonica 47 (2013) 248-249.
• P. Pinto, ed., Commento al Codice di Diritto Canonico, (Urbaniana, 1985) 1162 pp. ▪ Review: V. de Paolis, Gregorianum 67 (1986) 389-390.
K. Lüdicke, ed., Münsterischer
Kommentar zum Codex Iuris Canonici, (Ludgerus-Verlag,
annually updated) in multiple volumes, approx. 8,400 pp. ▪
Review: S. Haering,
Theologische Revue
99 (2003) 265.
• Sabine Demel (German laywoman, 1962-), Handbuch Kirchenrecht: Grundbegriff für Studium und Praxis, (Herder, 2010) 688 pp. ▪ Notes: Demel biograph.
• J. Listl & H. Schmitz, eds., Handbuch des katholischen Kirchenrechts, (Pustet, 2° ed., 1999) 1459 pp. ▪ Reviews: W. Löffler, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 124 (2002) 367-369; Roczniki Nauk Prawnych 26 (2016). 249-255.
coming. |
Tables of authors, English |
Liber I: De Normis generalibus
* Revised by Javier Otaduy.
Liber II: De Populo Dei
* The Renken/Griffin bifurcation of Chapter VI in CLSA 2000 is the only instance where a group of canons was divided other than as was done by the Legislator. Renken addressed cc. 515-544, Griffin cc. 545-572.
** A brief introduction to Pars III, but no specific commentary on canons, is provided by Jordan Hite, CLSA 1985, pp. 450-452.
Liber III : De Ecclesiae munere docendi
Liber IV: De Ecclesiae munere sanctificandi
Liber V : De Bonis Ecclesiae temporalibus
Liber VI : De Sanctionibus in Ecclesia
Liber VII: De Processibus
* Revised by Joaquín Calvo.
** Revised by Jorge Miras.
Tables of authors, Spanish and Italian
Liber I: De Normis generalibus
Liber II: De Populo Dei
Liber III : De Ecclesiae munere docendi
* No commentary is offered, only a translation of the norm.
Liber IV: De Ecclesiae munere sanctificandi
Liber V : De Bonis Ecclesiae temporalibus
Liber VI : De Sanctionibus in Ecclesia
Liber VII: De Processibus
User notes |
There might be editions of works that pre-date or post-date those cited herein. Reviews and Notes are grey-highlighted, on-line biographical information is underlined blue-linked, and matters in green highlights are of special interest. Yellow highlights are cautions for users while the markers "=", "≠", and "≈" are placeholders for use by webmaster. |
Some of the abbreviations on this page might include: |
Acta Apostolicae Sedis (1909 et seq.) Canon Law Digest (beginning 1933) Commentary (≠ Communicationes!) Dictionnaire de Droit Canonique (1935-1965) |
Dictionarium Morale et Canonicum (1962-1968) New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967) New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2° ed. (2003) |
Staging |
Materials on this website represent the opinions of Dr. Edward Peters and are offered in accord with Canon 212 § 3. This website undergoes continual refinement and development. No warranty of completeness or correctness is made. Dr. Peters' views are not necessarily shared by others in the field nor are they intended as canonical or civil advice. Homepage & Site Directory / Help support / Original Materials © Edward N. Peters |