Canons commonly cited
All translations from the Canon Law Society of
America, 1999.
1983 CIC 1398. A person who procures a completed
abortion incurs a latae sententiae excommunication.
Other items of note
Cdl. Ratzinger's 2002 memorandum on the application of Canon 915
"Clarity, please, on excommunication"
(May 2007)
A primer for those who
prefer knowing to opining
(May 2007)
Legislating in mid-air? Possible, but not likely
(May 2007)
Since when is Rudy
Giuliani excommunicated?
(March 2007)
Excommunication Blotter
(Continuous updates)
Edward Peters, “Denial
of the Eucharist to
politicians”, Homiletic & Pastoral Review (Oct 1990)
28-32, 48-49.
Excommunication, and withholding the Eucharist
Be sure to see
the important May 17 update, scroll below.
16 May 2007:
Prescinding for a moment from who said it, and allowing for vexing language or
translation issues, a recent interview with a conscientious priest on the
subject of abortion, excommunication, and denial of the Eucharist, illustrates
well how widespread is confusion in this area. In my opinion, these points must
be sorted out, once and for all, so that those who must apply the norms to real
cases can do so responsibly.
The following two questions were part of a longer interview
by posted by Time's Jeff Isrealy on 15 May 2007 with
Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga (Honduras).
Q. Do you agree with
the Pope’s statement that pro-choice Catholic politicians merit excommunication?
Answer |
Comment |
It is canon law that
everyone who works for abortion is excommunicated.
Neither Canon 1398
(abortion) nor Canon 1329 (accomplices) states that position, and Canon 18, among
others, forbids reading penal canons so broadly.
It’s not something the
Pope invented.
- |
If you favor abortion,
you are outside the communion of the Church. |
in mind that “favoring abortion” is a status requiring specification, it
is possible that such a person is acting inconsistently with one’s basic
obligations as a Catholic (Canon 209), and that one so acting might be
in grave sin (which places one deeply at odds with the Church), but
neither of those conditions is the same thing as being excommunicated
(Canon 1331), which I assume was what was meant in a response to a
question about excommunication.
And it was necessary to
say that.
- |
There are people in
Mexico saying I am Catholic and I support abortion rights.
Yes, there are people who
claim that. |
This is a contradiction
in its very essence. |
An ambiguous remark. One
(depending on the facts) be able to say that "being
pro-abortion" is contrary to a central tenet of the Church (the Fifth
Commandment, for starters), but I would not describe that as being
contrary to the “very essence” of Catholicism, if only because the
“essence” of Catholicism is not “anti-abortionism” or “pro-lifeism”. The
essence of Catholicism is something much deeper than that.
As a teacher of the
Church, the Pope has a responsibility of teaching when something
happening is wrong. |
Yes. |
Q. Do you agree with
bishops who deny giving Holy Communion to these politicians?
Answer |
Comment |
This is a different
point. |
Yes, "excommunication"
(Canon 1331) and "denial of the Eucharist" (Canon 915) are notably
different kinds of responses to notably different kinds of offensive
For who am I to deny
Holy Communion to a person?
You are, among other
things, the minister of the Eucharist as set out in Canon 915.
I cannot [deny Holy
Communion to a person].
certain circumstances, a minister of the Eucharist is required to do
precisely that.
It’s in the tradition of
moral theology that even if I know a person is living in grave sin, I
cannot take a public action against him.
That is only part of the
tradition, the part that applies to ministers who might have private
information about occult offenses. But what is at issue here is, among
other things, public behavior by prominent pro-abortion Catholic
It would be giving
scandal to the person. |
I don’t know what
this means here, but I think that quite the opposite of what seems to be
implied might be true: Admitting such persons to the Eucharist could be
giving them scandal.
Yes, he should not seek
[communion], but I cannot deny it from him.
conscious of being in grave sin should not approach the Eucharist under
Canon 916. But some persons in grave sin also fall under the ban set
forth in Canon 915 which requires denial of the Eucharist under certain
Want to read more on this topic?
News report:
A primer for those who prefer knowing to opining, and
Legislating in mid-air? Possible, but not likely
UPDATE: May 17.
The Catholic News Agency is reporting that Honduran
Cdl. Rodriguez Maradiaga has revised his earlier comments on the impact
that pro-abortion activity can have on one's right to receive the Eucharist.
His second statement seems to be a great improvement over his first.
As I read it, His Eminence leaves no doubt now but that
Canon 915
be invoked, given the requisite circumstances, to
prevent reception of the Eucharist by those whose pro-abortion activities
warrant that disciplinary response. True, the canonist in me would like to
see, consistently, a sharper distinction between "being excommunicated" and
"being prevented from communicating" (to adapt a phrase), but the lingering
confusion we see on this point might be the result of the etymological
similarities between these two notions in Romance languages. We can (and
will) deal with
that issue in other ways.
For now, let's welcome this solid statement on an important social and moral
issue by one of Latin America's leading prelates.
The Cardinal made express reference to (then) Cdl Ratzinger's CDF 2002
letter (linked at left) in formulating his revised response. His revised
remarks also underscore well the ecclesiological damage that abortion
advocacy causes within the Church; this is helpful to recall in an area that
can too narrowly focus on legal issues to the exclusion of the moral and
theological values that underlie law.

With a Foreword by
Bp. Thomas Paprocki, JD, JCD
Some good references:
Edward Peters, Excommunication and
the Catholic Church (Ascension Press, 2006).
Interview with Dr. Peters on Excommunication (Carl Olson,
IgnatiusInsightScoop, 7 November 2006).
E. Peters, "Excommunication:
wave of the future?", first appeared in the the National Catholic Register (June
Elizabeth Vodola,
Excommunication in the Middle Ages
(Berkeley, 1986).
Francis Hyland,
Excommunication, Its Nature,
Historical Development and Effects, Canon Law Studies No. 49,
(Catholic University of America, 1928).