Dr. Edward Peters

To work for the proper implementation of canon law is to play an extraordinarily

constructive role in continuing the redemptive mission of Christ. Pope John Paul II

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13 dec 2018


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Codex Vigens






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Codex Vigens - Repertorium (Western Code)

This page reports information examined for the Codex Vigens - Western Code of 1983 and the Codex Vigens - Eastern Code of 1990, but determined either not to contain matter relevant to either, or to contain some matters not relevant to either



First-time users of these pages should be familiar with matters discussed in the Codex Vigens - Introduction, here.

Knowing whether an ecclesiastical document can be excluded from one's search for canonical information can be a time-saving piece of information for researchers. To find out whether a given document not listed in the Codex Vigens was nevertheless examined for possibly relevant matters therein, simply word-search for the document in question below.


Fons essendi


This way of living attached to the laws distanced (people) from love and from justice. They followed the laws and they neglected justice. They followed the laws and they neglected love. And for these people Jesus had only one word: hypocrites. Pope Francis


Besides those documents reported in whole in Codex Vigens, other Franciscan documents containing canonically significant passages are:


 •  Francis (reg. 2013-), ap. exh. Amoris laetitia (19 mar 2016), AAS 108 (2016) 311-446. Eng. on-line here (PDF). Summary: Observations on marriage and family life. Cites: 1055, 1116, 1136, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1164, 1165.


Major Franciscan documents not containing canonically significant passages include:


 •  Francis (reg. 2013-), enc. Laudato Si' (24 mai 2015), AAS 107 (2015) 847-945. Eng. on-line here.


 •  Francis (reg. 2013-), ap. exh. Evangelii gaudium (24 nov 2013), AAS 105 (2013) 1019-1137 (Italian) Eng. on-line here.


 •  Francis (reg. 2013-), enc. Lumen fidei (29 iun 2013), AAS 105 (1013) 555-595. Eng. on-line here.


Fons essendi

Benedict XVI

You should also learn to understand and–dare I say it–to love canon law, appreciating how necessary it is and valuing its practical applications: a society without law would be a society without rights. Law is the condition of love. Pope Benedict XVI


Besides those documents reported in whole in Codex Vigens Books I-VII, other Benedictine documents containing canonically significant passages are:


 •  Benedict XVI (reg. 2005-2013), ap. exh. Verbum Domini (30 sep 2010), AAS 102 (2010) 681-787. Eng. on-line here. Ref: 0204, 0230, 0276, 1174. =


Major Benedictine documents not containing canonically significant passages include:


 •  Benedict XVI (reg. 2005-2013), enc. Caritas in veritate (29 iun 2009), AAS 101 (2009) 641-709. Eng. on-line here.


 •  Benedict XVI (reg. 2005-2013), enc. Spe salvi (30 nov 2007), AAS 99 (2007) 985-1027. Eng. on-line here.


 •  Benedict XVI (reg. 2005-2013), enc. Deus caritas est (25 dec 2005), AAS 98 (2006) 217-252. Eng. on-line here.


Fons essendi

John Paul II

To work for the proper implementation of canon law is to play an extraordinarily constructive role in continuing the redemptive mission of Christ. Pope St. John Paul II


Besides those documents reported in Codex Vigens Western Code, other Johanno-Pauline documents containing canonically significant passages are:


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. let. Dies Domini (31 mai 1998), AAS 90 (1998) 713-766. Eng. on-line here. Ref: CIC 0767, 0905, 1246, 1247, 1248.


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. exh. Vita consecrata (25 mar 1996), AAS 88 (1996) 377-486. Eng. on-line here. Ref: CIC 0208, 0573, 0576, 0586, 0588, 0605, 0607, 0618, 0631, 0667, 0708, 0709, 0713.


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), let. Volgendo a conclusione (22 mar 1996), AAS 88 (1996) 749-755. Italian here. Ref: CIC (0959), (0987).


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), enc. Ut unum sint (25 mai 1995), AAS 87 (1995) 921-982. Eng. on-line here. Ref: CIC 0755, 0844.


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), enc. Veritatis splendor (06 aug 1993), AAS 85 (1993) 1134-1228. Eng. on-line here. Ref: CIC 0252, (0300), 0659, 0747, 0803, 0808.


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. let. Vigesimus quintus annus (04 dec 1988), AAS 81 (1989) 897-918. Eng. on-line here. Ref: CIC (0837), (0838).


Major Johanno-Pauline documents not containing canonically significant passages include:


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), enc. Fides et ratio (14 sep 1998), AAS 91 (1999) 5-88. ▪ Eng. on-line here.


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. exh. Ecclesia in Africa (14 sep 1995), AAS 88 (1996) 5-82. ▪ Eng. on-line here.


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. let. Tertio millennio adveniente (10 nov 1994), AAS 87 (1995) 5-41. ▪ Eng. on-line here.


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), enc. Centesimus annus (1 mai 1991), AAS 83 (1991) 793-867. ▪ Eng. on-line here.


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), ap. let. Mulieris dignitatem (15 aug 1988), AAS 80 (1988) 1653-1729. ▪ Eng. on-line here.


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), enc. Sollicitudo rei socialis (30 dec 1987), AAS 80 (1988) 513-586. ▪ Eng. on-line here.


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), enc. Redemptoris mater (25 mar 1987), AAS 79 (1987) 361-433. Eng. on-line here.


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), enc. Dominum et vivificantem (18 mai 1986), AAS 78 (1986) 809-900. ▪ Eng. on-line here.


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), enc. Slavorum Apostoli (2 iun 1985), AAS 77 (1985) 779-813. ▪ Eng. on-line here.


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), enc. Laborem excercens (14 sep 1981), AAS 73 (1981) 577-647. ▪ Eng. on-line here.


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), enc. Dives in misericordia (30 nov 1980), AAS 72 (1980) 1177-1232. ▪ Eng. on-line here.


 •  John Paul II (reg. 1978-2005), enc. Redemptor hominis (4 mar 1979), AAS 71 (1979) 257-324. ▪ Eng. on-line here.


Fontes essendi



Besides those documents reported in Codex Vigens Western Code, other dicasterial documents containing canonically significant passages are:


Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith


 •  Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith, doc. "Responses to some questions regarding certain aspects of the doctrine of the Church" (29 iun 2007), ≠, Eng. on-line here. Ref: (0204), (0330), (0331), (0368).


 •  Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith, let. Communionis notio (28 mai 1992), AAS 85 (1993) 838-850, Eng. on-line here. Ref: (0107), (0111), (0112), (0204), (0330), (0336).


Other Dicasteries


 •  Cong. for the Clergy, General Directory for Catechesis (15 aug 1997), (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1997) 281 pp. Eng. on-line here. Cites: 0228.


 •  Pont. Council for Dialogue between Religions & Cong. for the Evangelization of Peoples, instr. Venticinque anni fa (19 mai 1991), AAS 84 (1992) 414-446, Eng. on-line here. Cites: (0747), (0748), (0755).


 •  Pont. Comm. ‘Ecclesia Dei’, rescr. Quia peculiare (18 oct 1988) AAS 82 (1990) 533-534. Cites: (0301), (0731), (0928), 1044, 1108.




International Theological Commission


M. Sharkey, et al., eds. International Theological Commission: Texts and Documents I, 1969-1985 (Ignatius, 1989) 365 pp, and ibid, Texts and Documents II, 1986-2007 (Ignatius, 2009) 465 pp.


Major dicasterial documents not containing canonically significant passages include:

Cong. for the Doctrine of the Faith, decl. Dominus Iesus (6 aug 2000), AAS 92 (2000) 742-765, Eng. on-line here.


Fontes essendi


Episcopal Conferences



Fontes essendi


Episcopal (USA)



Fontes cognoscendi


Official and

Semi-Official Publications


Documents are usually cited according to the most authoritative publication in which they appear. Thus, for example, if the same document appears in both the Acta Apostolicae Sedis and Communicationes, only the Acta text is cited.


Acta Apostolicae Sedis – The official commentary (journal) of the Holy See and, per 1983 CIC 8, the primary vehicle for the promulgation of ecclesiastical law. Volumes culled: 72 (1980) through 108 (2016).


Communicationes – The official journal of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts. Valuable in its own right, of course, but of limited usefulness here in that many official materials contained therein would have already been published elsewhere in a more timely manner. Cited materials are more likely of a semi-official character or, though published officially in L'Osservatore Romano, are more accessible in Communicationes. Volumes culled: 12 (1980) through 47 (2015).


L'Osservatore Romano – The semi-official newspaper of the Vatican City State (daily in Italian, weekly in English and several other languages). Occasionally used as a vehicle for promulgating normative texts (in which case, convenience stilll dictates that a cite in Communicationes be given if available), but in general not a major fons cognoscendi for canon law and not systemically searched herein. Volumes culled: n.a.


Fontes cognoscendi

Academic works

See International Directory of Academic Works on Canon Law / Directorium internationale operum academicorum de iure canonico, here.


Fontes cognoscendi

Scholarly works

Besides those works reported in whole in Codex Vigens Books I-VII, other scholarly publications containing canonically significant studies are:


Remaining in the Truth (2014)  •  R. Dodaro, ed., Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church (Ignatius, 2014) 324 pp.

 •  Robert Dodaro, “The argument in brief”, in Remaining in the Truth (2014) 11-35.


 •  Paul Mankowski, “Dominical teaching on divorce and remarriage: the biblical data”, in Remaining in the Truth (2014) 36-63.


 •  John Rist, “Divorce and remarriage in the early Church: some historical and cultural reflections”, in Remaining in the Truth (2014) 64-92.


 •  Cyril Vasil’, “Separation, divorce, dissolution of the bond, and remarriage: theological and practical approaches of the Orthodox Churches”, in Remaining in the Truth (2014) 93-128.


Special Marriage Cases (2008)  •  Wojciech Kowal (Polish Missionary Oblate, 1960-) & William Woestman (American Missionary Oblate, 1929-), Special Marriage Cases and Procedures [1988], (4° ed., St. Paul University, 2008) 355 pp. ▪ Reviews: M. Dupont, Studia Canonica 25 (1991) 230-231; J. Parizek, The Jurist 54 (1994) 784-787; M. Bartchak, The Jurist 71 (1996) 265-266. Biograph. Notes: This work was originally Woestman's alone but Kowal's contributions to its later editions make him a co-author of the work by this point.


Art of the Good (2002)  •  F. Easton, et al., ed., The Art of the Good and the Equitable: a Festschrift in honor of Lawrence G. Wrenn (CLSA, 2002) 300 pp. qqq Review: J. Conn, Studia Canonica 37 (2003) 562-564.


 •  Kevin McKenna, “Canonical ministry in service to the Church”, in Art of the Good (2002) 175-187.


 •  Augustine Mendonça, “Justice and equity: at whose expense?” in Art of the Good (2002) 189-234.


 •  James Coriden, “Historical perspectives on marriage nullity cases”, in Art of the Good (2002) 29-46.


 •  Richard Cunningham, “Ivo of Chartres - an earlier master of the art of interpretation”, in Art of the Good (2002) 47-70.


Administration of Property (2001)  •  J. Fox, ed., The Administration of Church Property: a jubilee international and ecumenical canon law conference (Duquesne University, 2001) 346 pp.

 •  Brian Hanson, “The ownership of property in the Church of England”, in Administration of Property (2001) 1-23.


 •  Francis Helminski, “Neutral principles and triumphant hierarchies: trusts of property in the Episcopal Church”, in Administration of Property (2001) 25-49.


 •  Kenneth North, “Church property disputes: a constitutional perspective”, in Administration of Property (2001) 107-138.


 •  Mark Hill, “Heritage and holiness: persevering the balance with buildings of the Church of England”, in Administration of Property (2001) 139-164.


 •  M. DiPietro, R. Devlin, & D. Webber, “Joint ventures in the Church? Related corporations: what happened to ‘Church-related’?, in Administration of Property (2001) 195-230.


 •  Joy Flowers Conti, “Anticipating and avoiding bankruptcy: liability exposure from related entities”, in Administration of Property (2001) 231-298.


 •  M. Lally-Green & N. Lorenzatti, “Update to constitutional and statutory considerations respecting challenges to the use of religious criteria by religiously-affiliated institutions in employment decision-making”, in Administration of Property (2001) 299-343.


Civilly Incorporated Apostolates (1998)  •  aa.vv., Acts of the Colloquium: Public Ecclesiastical Juridic Persons and the Civilly Incorporated Apostolates (Duquesne Law School, 1998) 355 pp.


 •  Daniel Conlin, “A student’s summary of the colloquium”, in Civilly Incorporated Apostolates (1998) 7-17.

Authentic Interpretations (1993)  •  Lawrence Wrenn (American priest, 1928-), Authentic Interpretations on the 1983 Code, (Canon Law Society of America, 1993) 68 pp. Reviews: F. Ramos, Angelicum 71 (1994) 478-479; M. O'Reilly, Studia Canonica 28 (1994) 278-279.


Ius Sequitur (1991)  •  J. Provost and K. Walf, eds., Ius Sequitur Vitam: Law Follow Life: Studies in Canon Law presented to P. J. M. Huizing (Leuven, 1991) 241 pp. ▪ Reviews: L. Jarrell, The Jurist 51 (1991) 235-237; F. Morrisey, Studia Canonica 26 (1992) 267-269.


 •  Knut Walf, “Dead end or new beginning: on the future of Church law”, in Ius Sequitur (1991) 230-241.


 •  Elizabeth McDonough, “Beyond the liberal model: Quo vadis?”, in Ius Sequitur (1991) 89-119.


 •  Giovanni Cereti, “The reconciliation of remarried divorcees according to Canon 8 of the Council of Nicaea”, in Ius Sequitur (1991) 193-207.


 •  William Bassett, “Civil metaphors and canonical judgment: understanding the words of limitation”, in Ius Sequitur (1991) 208-241.

Unico (1991)  •  M. Thériault & J. Thorn, eds., Unico Ecclesiae Servitio: Études de droit canonique offertes à Germain Lesage, omi / Canonical studies presented to Germain Lesage, omi (St. Paul University, 1991) 355 pp. Review: D. Le Tourneau, Studia Canonica 26 (1992) 271-278; S. Tolles, The Jurist 54 (1994) 339-341.


 •  Jean Gaudemet, “Sagesse biblique et droit canonique”, in Unico (1991) 29-51.


 •  Albert-M. Gauthier, “On the use of roman law in canon law”, in Unico (1991) 53-67.


 •  John Lynch, “The medieval canon law on sanctuary with particular reference to England”, in Unico (1991) 69-89.

 •  Giuseppe Dalla Torre, “Circonscriptions ecclésiastiques et pastorale universitaire”, in Unico (1991) 343-355.

Assessment and Perspectives (1988)  •  R. Latourelle, ed., Vatican II: Assessment and Perspectives, in 3 vols., (Paulist, 1988). More than 60 valuable articles and essays were included in the original work, but only some were deemed relevant for inclusion in the Codex Vigens.


Incapacity (1987)  •  R. Sable, ed., Incapacity for Marriage: Jurisprudence and Interpretation, (Gregorian University, 1987) 272 pp. Reviews: M. Wegan, Apollinaris 61 (1988) 405-411; W. Woestman, Studia Canonica 22 (1988) 232-233.


Nouveau Code / New Code (1986)  •  Consociatio Internationalis Studio Iuris Canonici Promovendo, Le Nouveau Code de Droit Canonique: Actes du V.e Congrés international de droit canonique / The New Code of Canon Law: Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Canon Law (Université Saint-Paul / Saint Paul University, 1986) in 2 vols. ▪ Reviews: D. Le Tourneau, Studia Canonica 21 (1987) 459-464; O. Bucci, Apollinaris 60 (1987) 345-346. Notes: Virtually every article in these two volumes provides a French and an English summary.


 •  Albert Gauthier, “La part du droit romain dans le Code de droit canonique de 1983”, in Nouveau Code / New Code (1986) I: 131-140.


 •  Marian Żurowski, “Autorité et liberté dans l’Église”, in Nouveau Code / New Code (1986) I: 375-383.


 •  Juan Calvo Otero, “La functión pública en el Nuevo Código: planteamiento sistemático”, in Nouveau Code / New Code (1986) I: 155-157.


 •  Juan Antonio Eguren Amororrtu, “La Iglesia misionera en el Código de derecho canónico de 1983”, in Nouveau Code / New Code (1986) I: 275-308.


 •  Giuseppe Spinelli, “Organismi di partecipazione nella struttura della Chiesa locale”, in Nouveau Code / New Code (1986) II: 627-634.


 •  Annaluisa Casiraghi, “Il diritto della famiglia nel nuovo Codice di diritto canonico”, in Nouveau Code / New Code (1986) II: 853-880.


 •  Piero Bonnet, “Omosessualità e matrimonio”, in Nouveau Code / New Code (1986) II: 931-957.


 •  Tadeusz Pieronek, “La riforma della sentenza”, in Nouveau Code / New Code (1986) II: 1121-1140.


 •  Francis Morrisey, “Applying the 1983 Code of Canon Law: the Task of Canonists in the Years ahead”, in Nouveau Code / New Code (1986) II: 1143-1160.


Ministry of Governance (1986)  •  J. Mallet, ed., The Ministry of Governance (Canon Law Society of America, 1986) 255 pp.


Il Matrimonio (1984)  •  Z. Grocholewski, et al., Il matrimonio nel nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico: annotazione di diritto sostanziale e processuale (Gregoriana, 1984) 265 pp.


Dilexit Iustitiam (1984)  •  Z. Grocholewski & C. Orti, eds., Dilexit Iustitiam: Studia in honorem Aurelii Card. Sabattani (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1984) 638 pp. ▪ Reviews: L. Wrenn, The Jurist 45 (1985) 685-686; O. Bucci, Apollinaris 58 (1985) 399-401.


 •  Bernard De Lanversin, “Les techniques médico-biologiques récentes et leurs rapports avec les procés canoniques”, in Dilexit Iustitiam (1984) 51-62.


Nuovo Codice (1983)  •  P. Rossano, ed., Il Nuovo Codice di Diritto Canonico: Novità, Motivazione, e Significato, (Lateran, 1983) 554 pp.


 •  Giovani Canestri, "Linee pastorali del nuovo Codice di diritto canonico", in Nuovo Codice (1983) 536-551.

Power to Dissolve (1972)  •  John Noonan (American layman, 1926-2017), Power to Dissolve: lawyers and marriages in the courts of the Roman curia (Harvard, 1972) 489 pp. Review: W. Bassett, The Jurist 32 (1972) 419-425. Biograph.




P. Cary & E. Muller, eds., Theological Education in the Catholic Tradition: contemporary challenges (Crossroad Herder, 1997) 423 pp.,


Francis Rescriptum 7 dec 2015, lor, 12 dec 2015, p. 8


Cong. for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (Braz), circ. let. Tradens Lineas directorias aptas ad recte dirigendam rationem administrandi bona …” ( 2 aug 2014), Communicationes 46 (2014) 390-399. Cites:



Pinto, Coccoplamerio, Salachas, Ladaria Ferrer, Bunge, Schöch (15 aug 2015), Communicationes 47 (2015) 406-422.


 •  Cong. for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (Rodé), let. La Sede Apostlica (11 mai 2008), aas 100 (2008) 580-584 ???= Cites: 0592.


cf. Origins 32 (2003) 566-567.


example pclt inter other than code: [PCLT], « Chiarimenti circa il valore vincolante dell'art. 66 del Direttorio per il ministero e la vita dei presbiteri » (22 octobris 1994), in Ephemeride « Sacrum Ministerium » 295, p, 263.


Congregation for Catholic Education, A memorandum to Bishops seeking advice in matters concerning homosexuality and candidates for admission to Seminary (9 jul 1985)


Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Letter (16 mai 2002), Notitiae 38 (2002), 586.


Cosmas Ojemen (Nigerian priest, =), Canon Law and the Catholic Church in Nigeria (Univ. of Port Harcourt, 2010, ISBN 978-978-49692-7-7) 392 pp.


=NORMS On-line here.

User notes

There might be editions of works that pre-date or post-date those cited herein. Reviews and Notes are grey-highlighted, on-line biographical information is underlined blue-linked, and matters in green highlights are of special interest. Yellow highlights are cautions for users while the markers "=", "≠", and "≈" are placeholders for use by webmaster.

Some of the

abbreviations on this page might






Acta Apostolicae Sedis (1909 et seq.)

Canon Law Digest (beginning 1933)

Commentary (≠ Communicationes!)

Dictionnaire de Droit Canonique (1935-1965)





Dictionarium Morale et Canonicum (1962-1968)

New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967)

New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2° ed. (2003)



Materials on this website represent the opinions of Dr. Edward Peters and are offered in accord with Canon 212 § 3.

This website undergoes continual refinement and development. No warranty of completeness or correctness is made.

Dr. Peters' views are not necessarily shared by others in the field nor are they intended as canonical or civil advice. Homepage & Site Directory / Help support / Original Materials © Edward N. Peters