To work for the proper implementation of canon law is to play an extraordinarily constructive role in continuing the redemptive mission of Christ. Pope John Paul II |
6 may 2018 |
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Servant of God, Felix Maria Cappello, sj, Confessor and Canonist
This page is dedicated to serving the cause for the beatification of the Servant of God, Felix Cappello, sj.
Biographical Sketch
Felice Maria Cappello was born 9 October 1879 in the small village of Caviola di Falcade in Italy’s Dolomites. Following ordination to the diocesan priesthood in 1902, Cappello ministered in two small towns while continuing his studies, quickly earning doctorates in theology from the University of Bologna, philosophy from the Angelicum in Rome, and canon and civil law from Rome’s Apollinare. Cappello taught canon law at the Belluno seminary for three years and soon published his first book on selected canonical questions. After being rejected for two Vatican positions that he had applied for, Cappello spent a few days at Lourdes and, after time alone in prayer one night in the deserted grotto, decided to become a Jesuit.
During his Jesuit novitiate Cappello taught moral theology and canon law at the Leonine College in Anagni, remaining there until 1920 when he was transferred to the Gregorian University. Cappello’s teaching career at the Gregorian lasted 39 years until his retirement in 1959 during which time he taught moral theology and canon law. He wrote numerous highly regarded books and articles and served as a consultor to several Roman dicasteries.
Cappello's students remembered him fondly for instructing them to be humane in their application of law: “Principles are principles, and they remain firm and are always to be defended. But all consciences are not the same. In applying principles to consciences, we must do it with great prudence, much common sense, and much goodness. In your opinions and decisions never be severe. The Lord does not want that. Be always just, but never severe. Give the solution that offers the soul some room in which to breathe.”
Besides fulfilling his teaching duties, Cappello was greatly sought after as a spiritual director, hearing the confessions of his Jesuit brethren, secular priests, bishops, and cardinals at St Ignatius church, just a stone’s throw away from his residence at the Gregorian. St Ignatius church came to be known as “Fr Cappello’s church” and he in turn became “the Confessor of Rome.” Even after his retirement from teaching at the age of 80, Cappello continued his confessional apostolate and served on several commissions preparing materials for the Second Vatican Council.
His funeral Mass, celebrated at St Ignatius Church, was attended by his students from the Gregorian as well as Rome’s faithful, clergy, religious, bishops, and cardinals. They came not only to bid Cappello goodbye but to ask for his intercession. His remains were brought back to St Ignatius Church and placed near the spot where his confessional had been.
Cappello's causa was introduced in 1987 and is under the supervision of the Rector of the St. Ignatius Church in Rome.
For more information on Cappello's Cause or to report possible favors obtained through his intercession contact (in any language): Rettore, Chiesa di S. Ignazio, via del Caravita 8A 00186 Roma.
Dr. Peters at the tomb of Cappello, 2012
del Rev. Felice Maria Cappello, S.J
O Gesù che per il bene della Chiea e il conforto dei fedeli, ricolmasti dei doni del tuo Spirito il tuo servo Felice Maria Cappello e ne facesti un sacerdote pio e zelante, un religioso esemplare, un luminare di sapienza, un consigliere sicuro, un lavoratore indefesso, concedici la grazia di sperimentare l'efficacia della sua intercessione e di imitarne la pietá, l'umilitá, la pazienza e la benignitá verso il tuo Divin Cuore e il Cuore Immaculato della tua Santissima Madre. Amen.
Pater, Ave, Gloria. O Signore, glorifica anche in terra il tuo servo fedele.
Prayer (private) to obtain graces through the intercession of Rev Felix Maria Cappello, S.J.
O Jesus, for the welfare of the Church and the comfort of the faithful, you filled your servant Felice Maria Cappello with the gifts of your Spirit and made of him a pious and zealous priest, an exemplary religious, a luminary of learning, a reliable advisor, and an untiring worker, now grant the grace hoped for in evidence of his intercession and let us imitate his piety, humility, patience, and kindness before your Divine Heart and the Immaculate Heart of your Most Holy Mother
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be. O Lord, glorify your faithful servant on earth!
Additional Materials on Cappello
Image from a holy card for private use to obtain graces through the intercession of Rev. Felix Cappello
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